BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group CLOSED! Rss Feed  
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2013-06-07 8:25 AM
in reply to: Fred D

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SF Bay area
Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group

Originally posted by Fred D On iPad so will add a little more about HR and HIM. My HR coming out of the water is always sky high. After about 10' on the bike it usually comes down. If it doesn't then I am going to have a long day (IMWI). I start off conservatives in the first 20' of the ride and don't drink or eat ANYTHING for that time as I am letting my body get used to being upright after being horizontal so long in the swim. Then if I feel good I head into pushing myself into the RPE and HR that I think I can sustain for the race. Same as the run I suggest starting conservative 10bpm below your HIM target HR and then building up to the HR you think is sustainable. This is much better than starting out way too hard and then walking the last half of the run if you had intended not to. Just my thoughts....
Great input.  I like the high effort workouts like yesterday because they give me an idea how fitness has progressed. But now may be the time to put the ego in check and really make sure I focus on proper pacing during the training to try and understand where I should be targeting, especially the bike to run since I'll have quite a few brick sessions still.  Next week I have a 1.2m swim/2:15 ride/1 hour run, unfortunately there will be a 30 minute break between swim and bike but the bike/run transition will be immediate.  I'll be riding easier than yesterday and when I go to the run I think I'll try to start at a 8:45 - 9:00 pace and see how HR does over time to try and get a baseline.  From that I may be able to start planning race pacing.   Make sense?

Today is a swim then 1:50 run.  After yesterday's effort, it will definitely be an EASY run . . .

2013-06-07 9:05 AM
in reply to: TTom

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Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group

Happy Friday, everyone!

I also have HR questions - my HR on the trainer has been WAY low the past couple of days. The trainer I'm having lots of difficulty getting anywhere past Z2. Effort feels right, though. I can't understand why bc my running HR is mostly fine. Maybe slightly off, but not MAJORLY off, the way the trainer is. I have a long ride outdoors tomorrow so I will see if I'm just having a trainer issue. Maybe I'm just being lazy? Mind over matter?

Also - in case you did not see - ITU racing is moving from San Diego to Chicago in 2014 and 2015! Very excited to have something like this in my backyard. ANd in 2015 will probably serve as a race for Olympic qualifiers.

2013-06-07 9:35 AM
in reply to: doxie

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Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group
Originally posted by doxie

Happy Friday, everyone!

I also have HR questions - my HR on the trainer has been WAY low the past couple of days. The trainer I'm having lots of difficulty getting anywhere past Z2. Effort feels right, though. I can't understand why bc my running HR is mostly fine. Maybe slightly off, but not MAJORLY off, the way the trainer is. I have a long ride outdoors tomorrow so I will see if I'm just having a trainer issue. Maybe I'm just being lazy? Mind over matter?

Also - in case you did not see - ITU racing is moving from San Diego to Chicago in 2014 and 2015! Very excited to have something like this in my backyard. ANd in 2015 will probably serve as a race for Olympic qualifiers.

Are you running outside with humidity (which does not affect drainer rides)?  I have found that it raises my hr a good bunch of beats at same effort vs the days when I am stuck on the dreadmill.  Coach Mike Ricci explained to me that a lower hr (not hitting goals) can actually be suppressed from fatigue (that is one reason why i switched to virtual power on TR vs HR training on TR).

2013-06-07 10:40 AM
in reply to: Fred D

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Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group

Originally posted by Fred D On iPad so will add a little more about HR and HIM. My HR coming out of the water is always sky high. After about 10' on the bike it usually comes down. If it doesn't then I am going to have a long day (IMWI). I start off conservatives in the first 20' of the ride and don't drink or eat ANYTHING for that time as I am letting my body get used to being upright after being horizontal so long in the swim. Then if I feel good I head into pushing myself into the RPE and HR that I think I can sustain for the race. Same as the run I suggest starting conservative 10bpm below your HIM target HR and then building up to the HR you think is sustainable. This is much better than starting out way too hard and then walking the last half of the run if you had intended not to. Just my thoughts....

Agree this is great input.  Questions, though (of course): 

How do you set your HR targets in the first instance?

How have you changed them based on race experience?

I'm pretty comfortable where my HR should be in a sprint tri, 5k, 10k, and HM - but a HIM just feels like a whole different kettle of fish.  Any way to use open race (HM) HR as a base guide?



2013-06-07 10:52 AM
in reply to: tri808

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Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group
Originally posted by tri808
Originally posted by mcmanusclan5

Originally posted by tri808
Originally posted by Fred D Count the teeth on the big and small ring in front. That will tell you the crank type. Many will actually say it on the rings....
Yes...for those that don't know what type of gearing they are currently using, please take the 2 minutes to figure it out. With the thousands of dollars you could potentially spend on equipment that makes very small differences, bike gearing is something that can actually make a HUGE difference in your racing and everyday riding.

I'll guess from this, then, that you'd suggest something smaller than a 53/39.  I switched my road bike to the mid-compact (I think it was mid compact rather than compact, but now I can't remember if the 52/36 was mid or "full compact") for the reasons discussed - and that by around 40mph I'm thinking about aero (and self-preservation) rather than getting faster.

On the tri-bike, I'm going to plunk down for a power meter soon.  I rode my road bike this morning and was just so much more into the ride and intervals with the power data (yes, I sometimes cover it up and just ride, but when I'm doing a set workout I find it incredibly helpful).  So, would you suggest 52/36?  Other?  It's an opportunity for me to switch...

I'm a reasonably strong rider, but certainly no genetic freak (at least wrt endurance sports!).  iow, what works best for the fat part of the bell curve will likely work pretty dang well for me.  The current tri bike gearing has worked well on a few fairly hilly rides (2,600 feet in 40 miles), but with only short sections over 10% grade, if that helps, but I'm still getting the feel of the bike.

Thanks for your thoughts on it (and I'm definitely not borrowing your shoes!).


What is your preferred cadence? ETA: what type of cassette are you using with your standard crank and how is that working for you? Do you ever wish you had an extra easy gear or an extra hard gear?

My standard is on the tri bike, so I only have < a month on it.  That said, on my 808 rear I have an 11/28, have done some hilly rides and haven't needed a lower gear or higher (occassionally got into highest, but not for long - that's fast enough for me downhill).  I have an 11/25 that I used on the disc in my race last weekend and was in top gear a few times, but stayed in the big ring on all but the end of a couple hills - those weren't super steep at all, but I had a lot of gears left.  Not sure what a really steep hill would be like... 

On my mid-compact, I also run an 11/28 and have only gotten into the lowest gear on a couple real biters of hills where just about everyone I know has to stand to keep going.  That's about the only time I want a granny gear, but I haven't ridden those couple spikey hills on the tri bike. 

As for preferred cadence, I ride at ~90 and race/TT typically at 93.  I've been playing with going along at low 80's to see if I get a better power/HR/cadence ratio, but when I hit the pain cave in a race (or long Strava segment!) I usually revert to the higher cadence - hills or flats, it's just where my legs go when I'm drooling on my Garmin...

Appreciate any help!  Still getting my arms around the finer points here, for sure.


2013-06-07 12:27 PM
in reply to: mcmanusclan5

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2013-06-07 12:31 PM
in reply to: mcmanusclan5

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2013-06-07 12:44 PM
in reply to: Fred D

Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group
Originally posted by Fred D

On iPad so will add a little more about HR and HIM. My HR coming out of the water is always sky high. After about 10' on the bike it usually comes down. If it doesn't then I am going to have a long day (IMWI). I start off conservatives in the first 20' of the ride and don't drink or eat ANYTHING for that time as I am letting my body get used to being upright after being horizontal so long in the swim. Then if I feel good I head into pushing myself into the RPE and HR that I think I can sustain for the race. Same as the run I suggest starting conservative 10bpm below your HIM target HR and then building up to the HR you think is sustainable. This is much better than starting out way too hard and then walking the last half of the run if you had intended not to. Just my thoughts....

I couldn't agree with this more. And for the record, do as I say, and not as I do. My bike fitness has drastically improved over the past 3 years, yet my best run split for a HIM is from my first race. Primarily because I had no idea what to expect and biked conservatively. This year I went into the race with way too much confidence in my biking ability and was extremely stubborn...which resulted in my worst run. The idea of building into your goal effort is a good way to think of it.

2013-06-07 2:21 PM
in reply to: Fred D

Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group

wrt cadence, I "learned" that the low 90's is the place to be on returning to biking last year (wasn't the thinking 20 years ago, so much), and just got comfortable with that as the target over the last year and so kind of "go there" when I'm not thinking too much.

Your comments about the pro's practice got me thinking about what the low-mid80's experiments I've been doing have been.  Basically, I feel like I can actually hold a slightly better W/HR at that range than the low 90's (despite "spinning up" when I'm really hammering - which is NOT what you do for a looooong ride).  What I've tried a couple times now is to ride at mid-80's then spin up to the low 90's only at the end of the ride if I'm going to run off the bike.  This seems to have worked well in these tests, but it's limited.

Basically was trying to both loosen up a bit and get to my running cadence the last mile or so of the bike (I'm around 96-97 in a 5k, 91-93 in a HM except the kick at the end, 90 for LSD), but the slightly lower cadence felt more efficient, if sometimes a bit painful...

Do others go from lower to higher cadence before finishing the bike leg of a tri?


2013-06-07 2:27 PM
in reply to: Fred D

Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group
Originally posted by Fred D
Originally posted by mcmanusclan5

Originally posted by Fred D On iPad so will add a little more about HR and HIM. My HR coming out of the water is always sky high. After about 10' on the bike it usually comes down. If it doesn't then I am going to have a long day (IMWI). I start off conservatives in the first 20' of the ride and don't drink or eat ANYTHING for that time as I am letting my body get used to being upright after being horizontal so long in the swim. Then if I feel good I head into pushing myself into the RPE and HR that I think I can sustain for the race. Same as the run I suggest starting conservative 10bpm below your HIM target HR and then building up to the HR you think is sustainable. This is much better than starting out way too hard and then walking the last half of the run if you had intended not to. Just my thoughts....

Agree this is great input.  Questions, though (of course): 

How do you set your HR targets in the first instance?

How have you changed them based on race experience?

I'm pretty comfortable where my HR should be in a sprint tri, 5k, 10k, and HM - but a HIM just feels like a whole different kettle of fish.  Any way to use open race (HM) HR as a base guide?



my HR targets are fuzzy meaning that I give myself a range depending on how I'm feeling that day. They are based EXCLUSIVELY from past race experiences at he HIM distance as training HRs don't work for me as well in races.

This could make for an interesting first HIM for me at Timberman, then, as I'll be winging it!  If I go at my HM open HR, I expect I'll blow up, but I also don't want to undershoot too much.  I suppose I'll start by shooting for ~10bpm below my open race target and then let it drift up during the race.  If I feel reeeeeaaaallllly good, I'll probably try to hammer the last 5k - otherwise I'll just hope to still be running it, rather than walking!

As for the bike, my only plan is to go easy the first 11.5 miles until I'm past the hill, and then get into a faster groove.  Not sure what HR I'll shoot for, but likely a few beats below threshold...

Sound reasonable?


2013-06-07 6:16 PM
in reply to: mcmanusclan5

Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group

RR issue fixed (I think) and now up. 

Enjoy, if so inclined!


2013-06-07 8:38 PM
in reply to: mcmanusclan5

New user

Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group
My knee has never been quite right after my first tri and my knee is still not 100%. Went back to the doctor and now he is saying mild bursitis (inside of both knees). He is scheduling physical therapy but I am wondering what I am doing that is agravating this. Anyone with any experience in this? Most likely from bike or run? I sort of figure it isn't from the swim. Not sure if I need another bike fit or new shoes or what. Physical therapy won't do any good if I don't find the cause of the problem. I am just trying to get ideas that I can discuss with the PT on tues.
2013-06-07 9:09 PM
in reply to: 0

, California
Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group

Hey all just dropping in, some of you know me.

I hit a big milestone Wednesday.  The route I rode was identical to a ride I did exactly 1 year ago, before my injury, and I beat my time on the key segments.  Oh and I didn't realize I was riding the same thing until I checked on Strava afterward.

Recovery is mostly done, time to improve!

Edited by spudone 2013-06-07 9:10 PM
2013-06-07 9:30 PM
in reply to: spudone

Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group
Originally posted by spudone

Hey all just dropping in, some of you know me.

I hit a big milestone Wednesday.  The route I rode was identical to a ride I did exactly 1 year ago, before my injury, and I beat my time on the key segments.  Oh and I didn't realize I was riding the same thing until I checked on Strava afterward.

Recovery is mostly done, time to improve!

Good to hear Mark
2013-06-08 5:43 AM
in reply to: spudone

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2013-06-08 5:45 AM
in reply to: Fred D

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2013-06-08 8:54 AM
in reply to: Fred D

Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group
Originally posted by Fred DSo having been on BT for 7 years I can say that I really don't like the new changes from a mobile device point of view. I plan on a long road bike ride tomorrow and a longer run today. What's on tap for your weekend?
Ran 10 miles this morning. Boy summer is really here - the humidity was killer! Tomorrow I'll ride about 35 miles and then run another 2 or 3. The rest of the weekend will be doing all the things I need to do so I can leave for vacation on the 13 th.
2013-06-08 8:56 AM
in reply to: mcmanusclan5

Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group
Originally posted by mcmanusclan5

wrt cadence, I "learned" that the low 90's is the place to be on returning to biking last year (wasn't the thinking 20 years ago, so much), and just got comfortable with that as the target over the last year and so kind of "go there" when I'm not thinking too much.

Your comments about the pro's practice got me thinking about what the low-mid80's experiments I've been doing have been.  Basically, I feel like I can actually hold a slightly better W/HR at that range than the low 90's (despite "spinning up" when I'm really hammering - which is NOT what you do for a looooong ride).  What I've tried a couple times now is to ride at mid-80's then spin up to the low 90's only at the end of the ride if I'm going to run off the bike.  This seems to have worked well in these tests, but it's limited.

Basically was trying to both loosen up a bit and get to my running cadence the last mile or so of the bike (I'm around 96-97 in a 5k, 91-93 in a HM except the kick at the end, 90 for LSD), but the slightly lower cadence felt more efficient, if sometimes a bit painful...

Do others go from lower to higher cadence before finishing the bike leg of a tri?


I've heard others say you should switch to a higher cadence right before finishing the bike leg and I always have plans to try it out, but never seem to remember!
2013-06-08 9:10 AM
in reply to: Fred D

Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group

Originally posted by Fred D So having been on BT for 7 years I can say that I really don't like the new changes from a mobile device point of view. I plan on a long road bike ride tomorrow and a longer run today. What's on tap for your weekend?

Today is 30' bike, accelerating to race (HIM) effort for last 10', then T2 to an interval run (6x9' at Z3, 2x5' @ Z4) and endurance finish of 30'-60' @ Z2.  Then about 2,500 swim this afternoon (intervals @faster than race, then race pace, etc.).  Probably going to do via fartlek in Walden rather than gulping chlorine.  Smile

Tomorrow is ~2+ hours on the bike (intervals at either 12'@Z4 or 20'@Z3 a few times over - depends on if I use the HIM or Oly plan - then 30-60' Z2 riding around), followed by ~2 mile run off the bike.  I'll sleep well if I get all that done!

I'm struggling with quite how to manage my training blocks.  Had been targeting an Oly on July 21, but now that I'm signed up for Timberman, I think I'm going to modify my plan to look more like the HIM program than the Oly specific (and just work a bit more intensity than the HIM calls for and a bit more distance than the Oly does).  I'll have a month after the Oly to do a 2 week HIM build, one week HIM peak and one week taper.  Any thoughts?

Have at it y'all, and good training to you (and good racing to anyone toeing the line)!


2013-06-08 9:12 AM
in reply to: spudone

Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group
Originally posted by spudone

Hey all just dropping in, some of you know me.

I hit a big milestone Wednesday.  The route I rode was identical to a ride I did exactly 1 year ago, before my injury, and I beat my time on the key segments.  Oh and I didn't realize I was riding the same thing until I checked on Strava afterward.

Recovery is mostly done, time to improve!

Even having just "e-met" you, I'm glad for you that the injury is behind you.  Recovering is a pain (literally and figuratively!).

It's way more fun to improve.  Wink  Enjoy!


2013-06-08 10:44 AM
in reply to: mcmanusclan5

, California
Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group
Originally posted by mcmanusclan5
Originally posted by spudone

Hey all just dropping in, some of you know me.

I hit a big milestone Wednesday.  The route I rode was identical to a ride I did exactly 1 year ago, before my injury, and I beat my time on the key segments.  Oh and I didn't realize I was riding the same thing until I checked on Strava afterward.

Recovery is mostly done, time to improve!

Even having just "e-met" you, I'm glad for you that the injury is behind you.  Recovering is a pain (literally and figuratively!).

It's way more fun to improve.  Wink  Enjoy!


Thanks.  I've been lurking here because I have the Lake Stevens 70.3 coming up mid July.

Re: Fred -- my coach wants me riding 50 today and 80 tomorrow.  Zoiks.

2013-06-08 11:54 AM
in reply to: spudone

SF Bay area
Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group
My schedule has Thursday/Friday as my heavy days, they were 60m bike with a20min transition run/2500 swim with a 13 mile run.  Today is a very welcome rest day, tomorrow is 1:15 ride with increments at PRE level 4/5.  Last night was supposed to be a great night of sleep, but unfortunately my daughter's dogs got into the snail bait and got poisoned.  I had to drive up to babysit and with all the kerfuffle only got about 2 hours of sleep.  Unfortunately one of the dogs did not make it, but the prognosis for the other one is cautiously optimistic.  Depending on how today/tonight goes, I may choose to take tomorrow as a second rest day (either total or by making the ride an easy ride) letting my body tell me what it needs.
2013-06-08 2:07 PM
in reply to: Fred D

Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group

Originally posted by Fred D So having been on BT for 7 years I can say that I really don't like the new changes from a mobile device point of view. I plan on a long road bike ride tomorrow and a longer run today. What's on tap for your weekend?

Just finished a bike/run brick. 73 miles on the bike, although 10 of those are just biking to and from our meeting place. But that is the farthest I have ever gone in one day! Short run after - just three loops around this course, which is less than 20 min. I don't feel bad - probably bc my legs are glad to be back on flat land again! I'm still having the HR issues. Bike was way low - Z1 again. And the run after most likely low, but I wouldn't call it "way" low, just low. Not sure what's going on w/that. Long run tomorrow and then recovery week. I'm hoping the recovery week will straighten out these HR issues.

Mark, glad the injury is behind you!

2013-06-08 3:45 PM
in reply to: doxie

Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group
Ended riding about 35 miles today with a few hard efforts in there. I've got a 40k TT tomorrow morning that I was really hoping to nail down, but I may have to back off it a hair as I don't think my legs are fully recovered yet. *Already prepping my excuses* LOL.

Turns out though that I forgot to actually register for the race. I thought I did, but now I realize that I didn't have my CC handy at the time and didn't finish the whole process. So I have to sign up race morning, which means I'll be one of the last riders off. The intervals are only 30 seconds, so I'll have plenty of bait to chase. The only problem is that there isn't much of a shoulder on the road, and it's only one lane each it's very possible I could get blocked by vehicles trailing slower riders waiting to pass safely. Oh well's my fault for forgetting to register if it does happen.

Normally this would be something I would get a little ticked off at, but after Honu, I've sort of done a little mental reset and trying to have more fun instead of taking things more seriously.
2013-06-08 4:56 PM
in reply to: spudone

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