BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2015-02-12 9:04 PM
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Sendai, Japan
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
Adding bike (1:16, main set 3 X 20' @ Z3)) and swim (45 min)

Gabe 12 22:27:05
Melissa 10 13:22:00
Dan 11 12:10:33
Jackie 10 15:19:20
Mark Z 10 12:10:00
Jim 09 9:05:45
Mitch 09 7:43:01
Dennis 09 13:06:55
Seth 07 06:00:00
Beth 07 05:40:00
Dave C. 06 09:45:00
Rachel 05 04:34:11
Joe 04 3:27:00
Ellen 05 03:46:32
Patrick 06 04:47:00
DaveL 06 3:00:00
Brian 03 03:45:00
Mark H 03 02:10:00

Edited by dcon 2015-02-12 9:05 PM

2015-02-12 9:08 PM
in reply to: trisuppo

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Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
Little 1500 yard stretch out swim

Mitch, thanks for fixing my results

Gabe, thanks, I like the tri-grandma label.

Keep it up everyone. Consistency is where it's at!

Gabe 12 22:27:05
Melissa 10 13:22:00
Dan 10 13:09:33
Jackie 11 15:57:33
Mark Z 10 12:10:00
Jim 09 9:05:45
Mitch 09 7:43:01
Dennis 09 13:06:55
Seth 07 06:00:00
Beth 07 05:40:00
Dave C. 06 09:45:00
Rachel 05 04:34:11
Joe 04 3:27:00
Ellen 05 03:46:32
Patrick 06 04:47:00
DaveL 06 3:00:00
Brian 03 03:45:00
Mark H 03 02:10:00
2015-02-12 9:49 PM
in reply to: jackiep

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Madison, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
Updating from yesterday and today!

Yesterday, 50 minutes in the pool. Did a ladder workout with a few drills mixed in.

Today, one hour in the pool, working on endurance followed by some short sets. Did a 45 minute run this evening with my tri team. Over the two days, 2:35.

Gabe 12 22:27:05
Melissa 12 15:57:00
Dan 10 13:09:33
Jackie 11 15:57:33
Mark Z 10 12:10:00
Jim 09 9:05:45
Mitch 09 7:43:01
Dennis 09 13:06:55
Seth 07 06:00:00
Beth 07 05:40:00
Dave C. 06 09:45:00
Rachel 05 04:34:11
Joe 04 3:27:00
Ellen 05 03:46:32
Patrick 06 04:47:00
DaveL 06 3:00:00
Brian 03 03:45:00
Mark H 03 02:10:00
2015-02-13 12:37 AM
in reply to: mbanddv

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Gold Coast Australia.
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
Adding 1 hr bike ride this afternoon

Gabe 12 22:27:05
Melissa 12 15:57:00
Dan 10 13:09:33
Jackie 11 15:57:33
Mark Z 1113:10:00
Jim 09 9:05:45
Mitch 09 7:43:01
Dennis 09 13:06:55
Seth 07 06:00:00
Beth 07 05:40:00
Dave C. 06 09:45:00
Rachel 05 04:34:11
Joe 04 3:27:00
Ellen 05 03:46:32
Patrick 06 04:47:00
DaveL 06 3:00:00
Brian 03 03:45:00
Mark H 03 02:10:00
2015-02-13 8:44 AM
in reply to: markz

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
30 minutes on the trainer last night. Just noticed that Trainerroad has time crunched versions of their longer rides. Did a 30 minute version of Tunnabora. Still have to open the regular version to see what they shortened, but it was a nice 30 minute workout. Great for a lunch or when you don't have time for an hour or more on the bike.

Gabe 12 22:27:05
Melissa 12 15:57:00
Dan 10 13:09:33
Jackie 11 15:57:33
Mark Z 1113:10:00
Jim 09 9:05:45
Mitch 10 8:13:01
Dennis 09 13:06:55
Seth 07 06:00:00
Beth 07 05:40:00
Dave C. 06 09:45:00
Rachel 05 04:34:11
Joe 04 3:27:00
Ellen 05 03:46:32
Patrick 06 04:47:00
DaveL 06 3:00:00
Brian 03 03:45:00
Mark H 03 02:10:00
2015-02-13 10:18 AM
in reply to: cassowary

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
Originally posted by cassowary

Originally posted by trisuppo

Originally posted by dgconner154

I know there are a few devoted MAF runners here so I thought I'd share this counterpoint from Strength Running. I've never used MAF so I can't comment on it, but I've always had pretty good success incorporating speed and tempo work year-round.

I've always thought the benefit in the Maffetone approach is to get runners to truly understand what an easy pace is. Most people run too hard all the time, thus leading to overuse injuries (been there....done that).

It is an effective way to build up to larger volume and increased running frequencies.

I pretty much follow a run strategy that is laced off of paces determined by recent race efforts. Everything revolves around the following:

Run lots. Mostly easy and a little bit hard.

Thanks for the MAF related articles. I just started the MAF training approach about a month ago and the slower pace has been really good for my body. I've always been a sprinter and learning to run long distances without injury has been VERY challenging. The MAF method has forced me to slow way down, and so far no nagging injuries. I'm hoping I can use this slower pace to get up to a half marathon distance over the next 6 months. As far as the science about always staying in the aerobic zone and never exceeding your max aerobic HR - I'm skeptical and will likely mix in some speed and strength workouts over time. Like my father always says, "everything in moderation".

First, I generally like endurance planet content and listen to them when I long run or at work and this is where I first was introduced to Maffatone and his method. I believe he stumbled onto something interesting in that using hr and not pace allows me to really understand my personal efforts. If I'm running up hill, down hill, in wind or high heat my HR will force me to adjust to the correct paces. Using HR also shows me when I'm not feeling well or am dealing with injury or personal issues. It's like the great equalizer.

That being said, I use my tested LT zones and stay in zone 1-2 for 80% or more of my weekly miles and do run some interval/speed work. The 180-age was not working for me and I think it's because of my previous swim life and working in the anaerobic zone extensively. Maff says stay under 146 but my zone 2 calculates out to 159. 3 months of this kind of training got me through my fastest ever 15k without injury so I must be onto something that's working for me.

also I just found a new podcast by some of the coaches of the local tri club. It's interesting to hear things from their point of view.

2015-02-13 10:19 AM
in reply to: trisuppo

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
Adding spin class. Worst feeling ever. Like my body just did not want to do anything. Come on body, get with it!

Gabe 12 22:27:05
Melissa 12 15:57:00
Dan 10 13:09:33
Jackie 11 15:57:33
Mark Z 1113:10:00
Jim 09 9:05:45
Mitch 10 8:13:01
Dennis 09 13:06:55
Seth 07 06:00:00
Beth 08 06:40:00
Dave C. 06 09:45:00
Rachel 05 04:34:11
Joe 04 3:27:00
Ellen 05 03:46:32
Patrick 06 04:47:00
DaveL 06 3:00:00
Brian 03 03:45:00
Mark H 03 02:10:00
2015-02-13 1:17 PM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
10 k runch 51:40. After 2.5 days of trial I needed to run some pent up aggression out.

Jackie- I am very excited for you, congratulations. Remember, it didn't happen unless there are pictures.

Gabe 12 22:27:05
Melissa 12 15:57:00
Dan 10 13:09:33
Jackie 11 15:57:33
Mark Z 1113:10:00
Jim 10 9:57:25
Mitch 10 8:13:01
Dennis 09 13:06:55
Seth 07 06:00:00
Beth 08 06:40:00
Dave C. 06 09:45:00
Rachel 05 04:34:11
Joe 04 3:27:00
Ellen 05 03:46:32
Patrick 06 04:47:00
DaveL 06 3:00:00
Brian 03 03:45:00
Mark H 03 02:10:00

Edited by JBacarella 2015-02-13 1:19 PM
2015-02-13 3:06 PM
in reply to: 0

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Gold Coast Australia.
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
30' bike ride this morning. It's Valentine's Day today and SBR frivolities had to be kept to minimum.

Gabe 12 22:27:05
Melissa 12 15:57:00
Dan 10 13:09:33
Jackie 11 15:57:33
Mark Z 12 13:40:00
Jim 10 9:57:25
Mitch 10 8:13:01
Dennis 09 13:06:55
Seth 07 06:00:00
Beth 08 06:40:00
Dave C. 06 09:45:00
Rachel 05 04:34:11
Joe 04 3:27:00
Ellen 05 03:46:32
Patrick 06 04:47:00
DaveL 06 3:00:00
Brian 03 03:45:00
Mark H 03 02:10:00

Edited by markz 2015-02-13 3:08 PM
2015-02-13 3:28 PM
in reply to: trisuppo

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
For any of us in SE Michigan - I have your running sports doc/therapist. Met with him today and he's great. Very knowledgeable, reasonable cost and he's a lifelong runner that gets runners (charter member of the Hanson's running team). I'm a bit in awe of how fast he is....1:04 HM time. Did his first sprint tri a couple years ago and delivered #1 overall (2:55 swim pace, 25 mph on the bike and low 5s on the run). yes, I stalked him on Athlinks.

Anyway, very standard case of Plantar Fascitis here. I'm running in the correct shoes for me and the Superfeet insole I use is good but he might be able to make me a better one (I have one flat foot and one arched foot). He did EPAT therapy on my injured foot - basically stimulating the fascia with sonic waves to restart/jumpstart the healing process. He then did ART on the foot and some stretching. Best thing is....he told me I should try running and that it is fine to do so concurrent with treatment. Hoping to try it out this weekend and then I have at least two more treatments over the next couple weeks.

Hope to get an easy ride in tonight and then maybe a run in the morning.
2015-02-13 5:19 PM
in reply to: trisuppo

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
ToS Riders:

I apologize for the delay in completing our spreadsheet tracker. Regardless, better late than never!

So here is the damage.

(ToS Progress.JPG)

ToS Progress.JPG (112KB - 4 downloads)

2015-02-13 5:21 PM
in reply to: trisuppo

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Sendai, Japan
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
Originally posted by trisuppo

For any of us in SE Michigan - I have your running sports doc/therapist. Met with him today and he's great. Very knowledgeable, reasonable cost and he's a lifelong runner that gets runners (charter member of the Hanson's running team). I'm a bit in awe of how fast he is....1:04 HM time. Did his first sprint tri a couple years ago and delivered #1 overall (2:55 swim pace, 25 mph on the bike and low 5s on the run). yes, I stalked him on Athlinks.

Anyway, very standard case of Plantar Fascitis here. I'm running in the correct shoes for me and the Superfeet insole I use is good but he might be able to make me a better one (I have one flat foot and one arched foot). He did EPAT therapy on my injured foot - basically stimulating the fascia with sonic waves to restart/jumpstart the healing process. He then did ART on the foot and some stretching. Best thing is....he told me I should try running and that it is fine to do so concurrent with treatment. Hoping to try it out this weekend and then I have at least two more treatments over the next couple weeks.

Hope to get an easy ride in tonight and then maybe a run in the morning.

Mitch: Sounds like you found a great doc. Glad to hear he gave you the green light to start running again. Good luck with it and take your time.
2015-02-13 5:36 PM
in reply to: 0

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Conroe, Texas
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
Adding in 50' swim an 45' bike. Loving the new bike!!

Gabe 12 22:27:05
Melissa 12 15:57:00
Dan 10 13:09:33
Jackie 11 15:57:33
Mark Z 12 13:40:00
Jim 10 9:57:25
Mitch 10 8:13:01
Dennis 11 14:56:55
Seth 07 06:00:00
Beth 08 06:40:00
Dave C. 06 09:45:00
Rachel 05 04:34:11
Joe 04 3:27:00
Ellen 05 03:46:32
Patrick 06 04:47:00
DaveL 06 3:00:00
Brian 03 03:45:00
Mark H 03 02:10:00

Edited by sawyer1206 2015-02-13 5:39 PM
2015-02-13 5:40 PM
in reply to: dcon

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED

Mitch: Sounds like you found a great doc. Glad to hear he gave you the green light to start running again. Good luck with it and take your time.

X2 Mitch, that is great news!

2015-02-13 5:42 PM
in reply to: trigabe

User image

Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED

Adding 8 mile morning run

Gabe 13 23:39:21 
Melissa 12 15:57:00 
Dan 10 13:09:33 
Jackie 11 15:57:33 
Mark Z 12 13:40:00 
Jim 10 9:57:25 
Mitch 10 8:13:01 
Dennis 11 14:56:55 
Seth 07 06:00:00 
Beth 08 06:40:00 
Dave C. 06 09:45:00 
Rachel 05 04:34:11 
Joe 04 3:27:00 
Ellen 05 03:46:32 
Patrick 06 04:47:00 
DaveL 06 3:00:00 
Brian 03 03:45:00 
Mark H 03 02:10:00 

2015-02-13 8:17 PM
in reply to: trigabe

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Southampton, Ontario
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
60min Endurance trainer ride - no cramping or pain what so ever- very happy about this.

Gabe 13 23:39:21 
Melissa 12 15:57:00 
Dan 10 13:09:33 
Jackie 11 15:57:33 
Mark Z 12 13:40:00 
Jim 10 9:57:25 
Mitch 10 8:13:01 
Dennis 11 14:56:55 
Seth 07 06:00:00 
Beth 08 06:40:00 
Dave C. 06 09:45:00 
Rachel 05 04:34:11 
Joe 04 3:27:00 
Ellen 05 03:46:32 
Patrick 06 04:47:00 
DaveL 07 4:00:00 
Brian 03 03:45:00 
Mark H 03 02:10:00 

2015-02-13 8:17 PM
in reply to: 0

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Southampton, Ontario
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
double post

Edited by DaveL 2015-02-13 8:19 PM
2015-02-14 6:05 AM
in reply to: DaveL

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Somewhere in the Swamps of Philly
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
I've been MIA this week and have added my totals - missed a couple of days. Been a rough one as I had to let go a number of long timers on my team at work. "Had to" is probably the wrong choice of words - I made the call to take the actions. Having to stand in front of 100+ people on my team and own that decisions was tough, but if you can't take it, then you aren't ready to manage people. The only solace is that they were treated with dignity, received generous severance, have hard skills to be successful elsewhere and are entering a better job market. Still sucks and lots of anguish on my part.

Mark - glad you are back and condolences on your loss.

Jackie - how are the twins/daughter? Pics?

Gabe 13 23:39:21
Melissa 12 15:57:00
Dan 10 13:09:33
Jackie 11 15:57:33
Mark Z 12 13:40:00
Jim 10 9:57:25
Mitch 10 8:13:01
Dennis 11 14:56:55
Seth 07 06:00:00
Beth 08 06:40:00
Dave C. 06 09:45:00
Rachel 05 04:34:11
Joe 08 7:27:00
Ellen 05 03:46:32
Patrick 06 04:47:00
DaveL 07 4:00:00
Brian 03 03:45:00
Mark H 03 02:10:00
2015-02-14 6:42 AM
in reply to: JoePetto

User image

Madison, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
A few workouts from yesterday -- a 32:00 run of just about 4 miles, and 1 hour on the trainer!

Highs in the single digits today in wisconsin! Hoping to stay warm!!

Gabe 13 23:39:21
Melissa 13 17:29:00
Dan 10 13:09:33
Jackie 11 15:57:33
Mark Z 12 13:40:00
Jim 10 9:57:25
Mitch 10 8:13:01
Dennis 11 14:56:55
Seth 07 06:00:00
Beth 08 06:40:00
Dave C. 06 09:45:00
Rachel 05 04:34:11
Joe 08 7:27:00
Ellen 05 03:46:32
Patrick 06 04:47:00
DaveL 07 4:00:00
Brian 03 03:45:00
Mark H 03 02:10:00
2015-02-14 11:38 AM
in reply to: JoePetto

User image

Conroe, Texas
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
Originally posted by JoePetto

I've been MIA this week and have added my totals - missed a couple of days. Been a rough one as I had to let go a number of long timers on my team at work. "Had to" is probably the wrong choice of words - I made the call to take the actions. Having to stand in front of 100+ people on my team and own that decisions was tough, but if you can't take it, then you aren't ready to manage people. The only solace is that they were treated with dignity, received generous severance, have hard skills to be successful elsewhere and are entering a better job market. Still sucks and lots of anguish on my part.

I know where your coming from Joe. My job as a General Foremen often has me supervising a crew of 25 to 40 electricians at any given time. When the jobs wind down its my responsibility to tell grown men who have wives and children at home that they no longer have a job. Its never easy and after 6 years at this position it still weighs on me to lay people off. Its the nature of our business and an important part of our job to keep the jobs running efficiently.
2015-02-14 11:42 AM
in reply to: mbanddv

User image

Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
1 hr on the trainer 20 minute test. Small improvement +3FTP +2LTHR

Gabe 13 23:39:21
Melissa 13 17:29:00
Dan 10 13:09:33
Jackie 11 15:57:33
Mark Z 12 13:40:00
Jim 11 10:57:25
Mitch 10 8:13:01
Dennis 11 14:56:55
Seth 07 06:00:00
Beth 08 06:40:00
Dave C. 06 09:45:00
Rachel 05 04:34:11
Joe 08 7:27:00
Ellen 05 03:46:32
Patrick 06 04:47:00
DaveL 07 4:00:00
Brian 03 03:45:00
Mark H 03 02:10:00

2015-02-14 12:03 PM
in reply to: 0

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Central VA
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
Pool broke again, This is getting old.

1 hr trainer ride.

Gabe 13 23:39:21
Melissa 13 17:29:00
Dan 10 13:09:33
Jackie 11 15:57:33
Mark Z 12 13:40:00
Jim 11 10:57:25
Mitch 10 8:13:01
Dennis 11 14:56:55
Seth 07 06:00:00
Beth 08 06:40:00
Dave C. 06 09:45:00
Rachel 05 04:34:11
Joe 08 7:27:00
Ellen 05 03:46:32
Patrick 06 04:47:00
DaveL 07 4:00:00
Brian 04 04:45:00
Mark H 03 02:10:00

Edited by pvfd304 2015-02-14 12:07 PM
2015-02-14 12:09 PM
in reply to: pvfd304

User image

Southampton, Ontario
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED

short 30min run

Gabe 13 23:39:21
Melissa 13 17:29:00
Dan 10 13:09:33
Jackie 11 15:57:33
Mark Z 12 13:40:00
Jim 11 10:57:25
Mitch 10 8:13:01
Dennis 11 14:56:55
Seth 07 06:00:00
Beth 08 06:40:00
Dave C. 06 09:45:00
Rachel 05 04:34:11
Joe 08 7:27:00
Ellen 05 03:46:32
Patrick 06 04:47:00
DaveL 08 4:30:00
Brian 04 04:45:00
Mark H 03 02:10:00
2015-02-14 4:09 PM
in reply to: DaveL

User image

Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
Brick (30 bike, 10 run)

Gabe 13 23:39:21
Melissa 13 17:29:00
Dan 10 13:09:33
Jackie 11 15:57:33
Mark Z 12 13:40:00
Jim 11 10:57:25
Mitch 12 9:23:43
Dennis 11 14:56:55
Seth 07 06:00:00
Beth 08 06:40:00
Dave C. 06 09:45:00
Rachel 05 04:34:11
Joe 08 7:27:00
Ellen 05 03:46:32
Patrick 06 04:47:00
DaveL 08 4:30:00
Brian 04 04:45:00
Mark H 03 02:10:00
2015-02-14 7:19 PM
in reply to: trisuppo

User image

Conroe, Texas
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
2:30 15 mile run

Gabe 13 23:39:21
Melissa 13 17:29:00
Dan 10 13:09:33
Jackie 11 15:57:33
Mark Z 12 13:40:00
Jim 11 10:57:25
Mitch 12 9:23:43
Dennis 12 17:24:55
Seth 07 06:00:00
Beth 08 06:40:00
Dave C. 06 09:45:00
Rachel 05 04:34:11
Joe 08 7:27:00
Ellen 05 03:46:32
Patrick 06 04:47:00
DaveL 08 4:30:00
Brian 04 04:45:00
Mark H 03 02:10:00
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