BT Development Mentor Program Archives » TZCoaching tri getting started group! - CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2015-01-28 7:55 AM
in reply to: tzcoaching

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Subject: RE: Week starting Mon 26!
Tony - Thanks for the workout plan! Will start it this week.

Last week was so-so. Missed a couple of workouts due to work commitments. Still trying to get the consistency thing where it needs to be.

2015-01-28 12:43 PM
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Extreme Veteran
Hollister, CA
Subject: RE: Week starting Mon 26!
Hi everyone. Welcome to the new team members!

So I ran my first race of the year ..and on my bday! It was a 10 mile run. Official time was 1:39:24. I was very happy w this time because all my runs since November have been 11-11:30 min miles ...even when I tried to pick up the pace. Race adrenalin. Love it.

Tony, I am on Vineman 70.3 wait list but got an email that said it was VERY likely all wait-listers would be accepted in. I am trying to decide whether to grab a training g schedule (from You) for 70.3 -in July- or switch that race to oly distance at end of May. I've used BT's free training and don't think it had enough bike. I upgraded to bronze for my second 70.3-it may haven been silver.. It wS better. Anyway wanted to ask you what plans you'd suggest for me. My biggest downfall is that my "builds" aren't really being built. Haha. So there really are no peak weeks w heavy training. Big problem. The thing is is that I CAN get it all in but I tend to self-sabotage... My training falls apart when it should not. I think a coach or tri-team would be awesome for me but there are no teams nearby unfortunately.

Thx for the bike-tire pressure info. I was way off!

Edited by EV3110 2015-01-28 12:45 PM
2015-01-29 7:39 PM
in reply to: tzcoaching

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Edwardsville, Illinois
Subject: RE: Week starting Mon 19!
Late in responding but had an ok weekend. Swam 2000 yards in a little over an hour. Biked 20 miles in some wind, think it was 75 mins. Still getting used to my new bike. Laying off running right now. Did too much running in November and December began to get runners knee pain so backed off. Plan to slowly work running back in after a few more weeks.

Not sure what I can get done this coming weekend. Wife is out of town, can't take a 5 year old with me.... Hope to get at least a good swim in at some point.

Question: think I need to increase time on bike. How does one go about calculating time spent in each discipline? My swim background means I have good mechanics and know how to plan interval training sets. When it comes to cycling and running I have no idea! Not using a plan and probably should but have not found plan for 2-3 x week training schedule / 4-5 hrs. Welcome any feedback and suggestions.

Hope everyone is having good training sessions.

2015-01-30 9:44 PM
in reply to: cmwoodsmall

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Extreme Veteran
Hollister, CA
Subject: RE: Week starting Mon 19!
Hey Craig.

Re:training plans- there's lots of free training plans you can download & print out. BT has some as well. Pretty sure most plans incorporate 5 days training/2 days rest. Some are very detailed and some are super generic. Take some time to check them out. From experience you'll probably look at them and think... Holy crap. ..that's a lot of training and at times it will be! But you'll surprise yourself! You are capable!

You might be able to race a sprint tri on your 3 days training but it could hurt and you definitely do not want injuries. I'd try sticking to a training plan.

I used BT's free half ironman plan. I believe the bike was weak. The following year I became a silver member and used the silver HIM plan. It was much better. So not sure if $ buys better plans but it was the case for me.

Good luck.
2015-01-31 8:51 PM
in reply to: gtkelly

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Aurora, Illinois
Subject: RE: Week starting Mon 26!
How did the weight training plan work for you?! Most people can't walk for about 2 days afterward... hope your holding up!

Originally posted by gtkelly

Tony - Thanks for the workout plan! Will start it this week.

Last week was so-so. Missed a couple of workouts due to work commitments. Still trying to get the consistency thing where it needs to be.

2015-01-31 8:59 PM
in reply to: EV3110

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Aurora, Illinois
Subject: RE: Week starting Mon 26!
Congrats on the race! And happy belated b-day!

Most plans (including some that I write) tend to be conservative. If you have a plan that pushes you too much and has a big build, there's a good chance the athlete is going to get burned out and a) stop training and b) hate the person who wrote the plan!

So, a lot of the plans don't tend to push you 100% like a coach would because there is no one monitoring the training that goes with the plan. If you want a plan, you could always plan around with it and try adding 10-20% to the volume (or what fits your schedule), and use the plan more for the structure of each daily workout and not necessarily of the weekly volume.

Hope that makes sense!

And good luck getting into Vineman! You ever do wildflower?

Originally posted by EV3110

Hi everyone. Welcome to the new team members!

So I ran my first race of the year ..and on my bday! It was a 10 mile run. Official time was 1:39:24. I was very happy w this time because all my runs since November have been 11-11:30 min miles ...even when I tried to pick up the pace. Race adrenalin. Love it.

Tony, I am on Vineman 70.3 wait list but got an email that said it was VERY likely all wait-listers would be accepted in. I am trying to decide whether to grab a training g schedule (from You) for 70.3 -in July- or switch that race to oly distance at end of May. I've used BT's free training and don't think it had enough bike. I upgraded to bronze for my second 70.3-it may haven been silver.. It wS better. Anyway wanted to ask you what plans you'd suggest for me. My biggest downfall is that my "builds" aren't really being built. Haha. So there really are no peak weeks w heavy training. Big problem. The thing is is that I CAN get it all in but I tend to self-sabotage... My training falls apart when it should not. I think a coach or tri-team would be awesome for me but there are no teams nearby unfortunately.

Thx for the bike-tire pressure info. I was way off!

2015-02-01 8:24 PM
in reply to: EV3110

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Edwardsville, Illinois
Subject: RE: Week starting Mon 19!
Hey Elena,

Appreciate the feedback and encouragement. You are totally right. I need to find a plan and step up to follow it. Just need to find the right one for me. I did easily finish an Oly last season on just 2-3 days per week, but that's not going to cut it long term. Hope to try a HIM in another year or two. Time is a real issue. I work 3 jobs, long commute and family. Come May, I only have to work late one night a week instead of two, so that's going to help. I can do this!

2015-02-02 8:15 AM
in reply to: tzcoaching

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Subject: RE: Week starting Mon 26!
Tony, that is a tough workout. I think it was the goblet squats that really got me. Friday not too bad, Saturday was rough. Got the bike in early but all in all a long day. I'll hit it again tonight.

Better week last week. Got all the workouts in. Doing the work itself isn't a huge problem right now - time management is. There is nothing quite like waking up at 5:00 to go swim before work.

May have a chance to borrow a Powertap for a few weeks. The training by power is all new to me - do you know of any good web resources I could use to educate myself?

2015-02-02 11:03 PM
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Extreme Veteran
Hollister, CA
Subject: RE: Week starting Mon 26!
I just told my husband this evening that I feel like a sausage busting outta my casing. Lol. I need to clean up my nutrition. And looking at my January totals I definitely need to step it up in my training.

January totals
Bike: 74 mi
Run: 57 mi (I totally thought I ran about 80! Wth!)

Show us your January totals.


Edited by EV3110 2015-02-02 11:04 PM
2015-02-03 10:24 PM
in reply to: gtkelly

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Aurora, Illinois
Subject: RE: Week starting Mon 26!
If your only going to have the powertap for a few weeks, it wouldn't be too worth it in all honesty. Power training is about consistently having it in training & racing, its really the only way to use it the right way!

But, if you wanted to read up on something read Training & Racing with a Power Meter by Hunter Allen. Good, easy to read book that gives the basics on everything with a powermeter. You'll also need a good program to analyze the power meter recordings. I've always used TrainingPeaks, but they are others out there.

Hope that helps! Let me know if you have any other questions. Power is a great tool if used the right way!

Originally posted by gtkelly

Tony, that is a tough workout. I think it was the goblet squats that really got me. Friday not too bad, Saturday was rough. Got the bike in early but all in all a long day. I'll hit it again tonight.

Better week last week. Got all the workouts in. Doing the work itself isn't a huge problem right now - time management is. There is nothing quite like waking up at 5:00 to go swim before work.

May have a chance to borrow a Powertap for a few weeks. The training by power is all new to me - do you know of any good web resources I could use to educate myself?

2015-02-03 10:28 PM
in reply to: EV3110

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Aurora, Illinois
Subject: RE: Week starting Mon 26!
Nice job! 57 miles is still quite a bit of miles in a month!

What about how many hours did you do in the month? I'm more of a hours person vs miles!

Originally posted by EV3110

I just told my husband this evening that I feel like a sausage busting outta my casing. Lol. I need to clean up my nutrition. And looking at my January totals I definitely need to step it up in my training.

January totals
Bike: 74 mi
Run: 57 mi (I totally thought I ran about 80! Wth!)

Show us your January totals.


2015-02-04 12:12 AM
in reply to: #5076732

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Subject: RE: TZCoaching tri getting started group! - CLOSED
I just finished my first run since my foot injury; short, sweet, ice cold and quite painful ;-)
6 km in a slow pace (6 m/km - sorry about the metric counting, it's too early to calculate it into imperial measurements ) but I'm happy to be back on two feet.
Good thing about this injury is that I've forced myself to spend more time in the pool working on my technique - I swam a total of 10000 meter in january.
Cycling has bern steady throughout the winter: about 3 hours a week on the home trainer and one 45 min spin class each Friday. Can't wait for spring so I can start to commute by bike again.
2015-02-04 12:24 AM
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Extreme Veteran
Hollister, CA
Subject: RE: TZCoaching tri getting started group! - CLOSED
Originally posted by Eihposi

I just finished my first run since my foot injury; short, sweet, ice cold and quite painful ;-)
6 km in a slow pace (6 m/km - sorry about the metric counting, it's too early to calculate it into imperial measurements ) but I'm happy to be back on two feet.
Good thing about this injury is that I've forced myself to spend more time in the pool working on my technique - I swam a total of 10000 meter in january.
Cycling has bern steady throughout the winter: about 3 hours a week on the home trainer and one 45 min spin class each Friday. Can't wait for spring so I can start to commute by bike again.

Wow! Swim! Awesome! And great job w trainer work! The Trainer is so hard for me-I just get so bored... Was the short run painful due to the cold or your injury?

Tony I checked my total hours for Jan. Looks like 15 ish. I need to make a decision about 70.3 or oly? Gahhhhh


Edited by EV3110 2015-02-04 12:25 AM
2015-02-04 9:16 AM
in reply to: #5076732

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Subject: RE: TZCoaching tri getting started group! - CLOSED
I find trainer work to be a lot more fun if I watch some tri races on YouTube or listen to the tritalk podcast, it keeps me motivated :-)

And the run was painful for both reasons. I guess my foot is not 100 % yet, but running is what keeps me sane, so I really needed it this morning.
2015-02-04 4:25 PM
in reply to: Eihposi

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Extreme Veteran
Hollister, CA
Subject: RE: TZCoaching tri getting started group! - CLOSED
Note to self: DO NOT wait 7 months to start back to your swim training. :|

2015-02-04 9:37 PM
in reply to: #5090394

, Ontario
Subject: RE: TZCoaching tri getting started group! - CLOSED
I have been quiet as I hurt my knee on jan 20 running and have been upset about the risk of losing my goals for the summer. I managed to run for a short while for the first time last night so hope is back

My total hours for January were about 28.
Swim - 3 hours or 6500 m
Bike - 9.5 hours
Run - 6 hours including one 6.2 mile race
Row - 6.5 hours (as I couldn't run)
Core/strength - the rest

If my knee continues to improve I'm still thinking about trying a half marathon for the first time ever and two or three olympic tri this summer


2015-02-05 10:26 PM
in reply to: EV3110

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Aurora, Illinois
Subject: RE: TZCoaching tri getting started group! - CLOSED
Originally posted by EV3110

Originally posted by Eihposi

I just finished my first run since my foot injury; short, sweet, ice cold and quite painful ;-)
6 km in a slow pace (6 m/km - sorry about the metric counting, it's too early to calculate it into imperial measurements ) but I'm happy to be back on two feet.
Good thing about this injury is that I've forced myself to spend more time in the pool working on my technique - I swam a total of 10000 meter in january.
Cycling has bern steady throughout the winter: about 3 hours a week on the home trainer and one 45 min spin class each Friday. Can't wait for spring so I can start to commute by bike again.

Wow! Swim! Awesome! And great job w trainer work! The Trainer is so hard for me-I just get so bored... Was the short run painful due to the cold or your injury?

Tony I checked my total hours for Jan. Looks like 15 ish. I need to make a decision about 70.3 or oly? Gahhhhh


Nice job with the first run! 6km isn't bad for a first run after an injury! And nice job with the swimming, you took advantage of the extra time and swam a lot, that's great!

Trainer time can be tough. I usually only get thru it watching a movie, unless it's a high intensity workout then I stick to sufferfest videos.

And Elena, 15 hours is pretty good, but might be better off doing an Oly. Usually a good rule of thumb I've found with athletes (and mind you not all athletes are created equal, I get that..) is:

Weekly hours

sprint distance: 4-6
oly distance: 6-10
1/2 distance: 8-12
full distance: 12-20

2015-02-08 6:22 AM
in reply to: #5090678

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Subject: RE: TZCoaching tri getting started group! - CLOSED
Are those hours based on hours spent tri-training (swin, bike, run only) or do you include cross-training in there as well?
2015-02-08 12:27 PM
in reply to: Eihposi

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Aurora, Illinois
Subject: RE: TZCoaching tri getting started group! - CLOSED
Those are total training hours (swim, bike, run, cross training like weights, yoga, etc.), not including stretching / foam rolling time!
2015-02-09 9:49 PM
in reply to: Eihposi

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Aurora, Illinois
Subject: Monday Feb 9
Happy Monday everyone!

How did everyone's weekend go? Hope you got in some good training.

Weekly totals? Plans for the week?
2015-02-10 12:58 PM
in reply to: tzcoaching

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Subject: RE: Monday Feb 9
Nothing much here last week. maybe a couple hours - I've been fighting with the flu (and losing). Just now coming out the other side.

Last sluggish week for me. Plan ramps up next week.

2015-02-17 9:21 PM
in reply to: #5091569

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Aurora, Illinois
Subject: Monday Feb 16
Happy Monday, errrr Tuesday! Skipped a day with the holiday yesterday!

How was everyone's weekend!?
2015-03-01 12:25 PM
in reply to: tzcoaching

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Aurora, Illinois
Subject: March 1st already!!!
Hey everyone, it's been quiet in the neighborhood, how is everyone doing?

Can't believe it's March already! I know some people are already starting to race in the next few weeks!
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