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2008-12-19 5:15 PM
in reply to: #1856528

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Subject: RE: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - FULL
I want a wingsuit!

2008-12-19 5:28 PM
in reply to: #1856528

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Northridge, California
Subject: RE: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - FULL
Hi, guys...miss me? LOL. I can see I'll have my hands full keeping up with y'all...which is great! Fighting with FedEx this morning and three hour ride kept me offline until now (even though I have Fridays off), but I wanted to at least poke my head in and see what was up.

I'll be back later with my weekly "what's going on this weekend" post...and also probably some thoughts on negotiating with spouses (I've had two of them, so that makes me an expert, right?) and the importance (from my experience) in not rushing things while getting your weightloss underway.


(Oh, and thanks for the 'inspires'...always fun to find when you go to log a workout!)

Edited by tcovert 2008-12-19 5:30 PM
2008-12-19 5:37 PM
in reply to: #1856528

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Subject: RE: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - FULL


  Thanks for making the team link, it looks really good. I just figured out how to put it in!



2008-12-19 6:25 PM
in reply to: #1856528

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Subject: RE: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - FULL
oh the weather outside is frightful
but reading BT is delightful
and I wish I could go, go, go
but it's gonna snow, gonna snow, gonna now
2008-12-19 6:26 PM
in reply to: #1864143

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Subject: RE: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - FULL
tcovert - 2008-12-19 6:28 PM

and the importance (from my experience) in not rushing things while getting your weightloss underway.

yeah, 'cause, ya' know, us gung-ho triathlete types would never do that.
2008-12-19 6:27 PM
in reply to: #1864125

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Subject: RE: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - FULL
Jake1008 - 2008-12-19 6:15 PM

I want a wingsuit!

have you ever sky dived?

I don't think bungee jumping is for me, though.

2008-12-19 7:03 PM
in reply to: #1856528

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Extreme Veteran
Carlsbad, CA
Subject: RE: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - FULL

I did sky diving for awhile in college ... primarily because it gave me and my buddy an excuse to sit in a bar all day Sunday and drink martinis to get rid of the shakes after jumping out of a tin can Cessna at 10,000 feet!  Finally after a handful of jumps, we said, "Let's not push our luck."

Fun as can be, though, and I would LOVE to experience the wing suit! 


2008-12-19 8:56 PM
in reply to: #1856528

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Northridge, California
Subject: RE: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - FULL
Okay...playing catchup here...Susie first...

It's important to set appropriate boundaries in a marriage, IMO, just as in any relationship. And, of course, that goes both directions--if both partners are clear about expectations, it isn't too hard to see when one or the other is overstepping or falling short of what the other has made clear that they need (or even just want).

What usually happens, it seems to me, is not just a failure for both to weigh in equally on expectations (most relationships have a more passive partner who is more apt to "suffer in silence" to one degree or another), but also mismatches in importance of desires, needs, or goals being weighed against each other. It's really important in situations like this that you are clear with yourself about why you are doing the training (and planning to enter races). Just how indispensible is that in your life...what's drawing you to it...what keeps you from consistently pursuing it...all those sorts of questions. Again, just my opinion, but generally once a partner "gets" the sincerity and depth of commitment...not least because it has been articulated clearly by a partner who has really come to terms with the reality of what they've taken on...they will start to make room for it.

However...some people are threatened by a partner/relative/co-worker getting fit when they aren't. In unhealthy relationships, there can be a lot of unconscious sabotaging of fitness goals...if the partner has issues with change or with control, they may not even get that they are scared (on some level) of the loss of the status quo that the fitness goals represent. There was a small amount of that in my marriage, but ultimately my wife started exercising herself and now is even planning her first marathon. So, patience and honesty...and clear evidence that you really are doing something you want to be doing (by being as dedicated, consistent, and enthusiastic in your training as possible)...are key.

Just my two cents, of course. Good luck!
2008-12-19 9:13 PM
in reply to: #1862789

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Northridge, California
Subject: RE: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - FULL some points Matt raised...

uclamatt2007 - 2008-12-18 11:09 PM

At this point I have no idea what races I will be doing. I could actually use some advice from you guys in that respect. I tend to set goals that are nearly impossible to reach so I need to find some races that are definately doable for me even if i have a few set backs in training.

This is a really important recognition, IMO. I've seen people try to attain more than is really possible and quit out of discouragement. Having said that, I also think almost anything is possible if you have the dedication and discipline...and the goal is something you really want, not something you think you should want (or that you are doing for someone else).

I recently got laid off from my job (thank you housing market, prolly shouldnt have gone into civil engineering) so I really cant justify paying for a gym to swim until I get back on my feet again.

Sorry to hear that...I'm in the same boat. FWIW, both my wife and I use one of the LA public pools for lap swim...$2 a session with library card, $2.50 without.

Triathlon isn't the cheapest sport...I struggle with that a lot, actually. I'd always remind people not to get in over their heads pursuing it.

My biggest issue is dropping some weight before i start training hard. In the 10 weeks of good exercise I did over the summer, i managed to drop weight really fast at first but had a hard time once I hit a certain volume of training. I want to keep my training manageable until i can drop another 20 pounds or so.

 Any advice would be welcomed. I log all my workouts so you can see where I am at. Ive found some local races, just need some opinions on how long you guys trained until you started getting out there.


Thanks everyone,


I don't know that I have any good advice, just what my own path was. I started out just dieting and dropped about 9 lbs in 3 1/2 mos. Then I just started walking and just did dieting and walking for about 4 mos. Then I very, very, gradually added some short runs (really 30 secs to a minute). I didn't start regular running until almost 10 mos. (and 24 lbs) after I started losing weight. My first race (a 10K) was 21 mos. after I decided to lose weight...I don't think it was unrelated that I got all the way through my first marathon and triathlon with no injuries.

Plateaus are inevitable in weightloss and happen for multiple reasons. In general, the first 10% of body weight comes off easily...and then you hit a plateau. Another one (more happily) can happen as you really start to change body composition: As you add lean muscle, your overall metabolism and body density are different and progress on the scale is much slower (which is usually okay at that point).
2008-12-19 9:18 PM
in reply to: #1856528

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Northridge, California
Subject: RE: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - FULL
What's up this weekend for me? Parties. Which means CALORIES! Yuck.

Last year, I put on 10 lbs over the holidays and struggled to get it back off through January and February. After a friend's birthday party last weekend and company holiday lunch on Tuesday, I saw the scale take a jump. It's a little depressing to confront weight maintenance this time of year. Thank goodness for my logs, though: I was happy to see that, even though my weight is up about 4-5 lbs, I'm 5 lbs below last year.

Oh, and besides the parties, I'll get in a short run (still have the hamstring injury going on) and moderate-distance ride. No swim...the pool's closed.
2008-12-19 11:29 PM
in reply to: #1856528

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Long Beach, CA
Subject: RE: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - FULL

Hi everyone! I never did get a chance to introduce myself, so here goes...

NAME: sealiongirl/Jocelyn

STORY: I am a 34 year old high school science teacher. I was a competitive swimmer in junior high and high school. After college I got out of shape and put on a LOT of weight. I had wanted to do a tri since the nineties, but didn't want to because of my weight. In September of 2006 I heard that Long Beach (my town) had a sprint tri, so I set a goal of spending a year training for it. I was ready for the swim and bike in less than 6 months, but it took me that year to go from not being able to run a minute to running the full 5k, which I did and have done many times since. After that race I was hooked and did three more sprints that year, and four the following year.

FAMILY STATUS: I have been married for 11 years and we have a 7 year old daughter and a 6 year old son.

CURRENT TRAINING: I've been taking it easy lately. I had trained for two years and was feeling burnt out and unmotivated. A friend asked if I'd ever taken an off-season, which I hadn't. So, I'm doing that now. However, I'm really slacking and should be doing more than I am right now. I'm off the next two weeks and hoping to use that time to get back on track. 

THIS YEAR'S RACES: For 2009 I'm looking to do oly distances in individual races, but not an oly yet. I want to do a 10k run and a bike marathon. I've never done those distances. I also want to do another 1 mile OW swim, as I haven't done one in a while. I also need to seek revenge on the LA Tri sprint, which I pulled myself out of this year, literally at the start line.

2008 RACES: I did 4 sprints: Ironbruin, UCSB, Newport Kring and Chung, and Santa Barbara. I also did 2 5ks in June here in Long Beach. I had plans to do more races in the fall, but was feeling burnt out and decided that I wasn't in top shape for them.

WEIGHTLOSS: I was a thin person in high school and college but have put on a lot of weight since. After trying many diets and failing I came to realize that I had eating problems and was recently diagnosed with an eating disorder than I've had since I was a child. Now my focus is more on dealing with that than weight, although if my eating problems get better my weight should as well.

2008-12-19 11:42 PM
in reply to: #1856528

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Long Beach, CA
Subject: RE: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - FULL

Here are my race plans for this coming season:

  • Feb - Surf City 5K (Morgan and Todd...I'll see ya there!)
  • Feb - Race on the Base Reverse Tri
  • Apr - Newport Kring and Chung Tri
  • May - Malibu Creek Trail Run 5k
  • Jun - Danskin Disneyland Tri
  • Jul - Naples Open Water Swim or Pacific Open Water Challenge (1 mile either way)
  • Sep - LA Tri Sprint
  • Oct - Pumpkinman Sprint
  • Oct - Long Beach Marathon Bike Race
  • Nov - Catalina Eco Marathon 10k
  • Dec - Crystal Cove Trail Run 5k

I'm sure I'll add others as they come up and may not do all of these. The ones in BOLD are the ones I plan to do no matter what!

2008-12-20 10:24 AM
in reply to: #1864489

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Subject: RE: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - FULL
sealiongirl - 2008-12-20 12:42 AM

Here are my race plans for this coming season:

  • Feb - Surf City 5K (Morgan and Todd...I'll see ya there!)
  • Feb - Race on the Base Reverse Tri
  • Apr - Newport Kring and Chung Tri
  • May - Malibu Creek Trail Run 5k
  • Jun - Danskin Disneyland Tri
  • Jul - Naples Open Water Swim or Pacific Open Water Challenge (1 mile either way)
  • Sep - LA Tri Sprint
  • Oct - Pumpkinman Sprint
  • Oct - Long Beach Marathon Bike Race
  • Nov - Catalina Eco Marathon 10k
  • Dec - Crystal Cove Trail Run 5k

I'm sure I'll add others as they come up and may not do all of these. The ones in BOLD are the ones I plan to do no matter what!

Jocelyn, what is a marathon bike race? I don't think I've ever heard of that before ... is it just a 26.2 mile bike race?
2008-12-20 11:31 AM
in reply to: #1856528

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Extreme Veteran
Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - FULL


Hi gang.

I figured out how to add the team to the blog ...really worked out.  Thanks.

I had a great workout this morning.  I biked the Expresso for 45 minutes, very hard workout at an average of 230 watts.  HR peaked at 148.  Then I ran 5K faster than ever for me...just under 30 which is not bad for a guy who just started in August.   I'm going to keep up the intervals.  I'm seeing results.

Kathy went with and said she really was enjoying the gym.  I'm very glad.  Took her to breakfast and I had my favorite, pancakes.  During the week I eat cereal with strawberries and yogurt, fruit, for breakfast; lunch is a big salad; and then dinner is either a reasonable meal Kathy makes in line with Weight Watchers or just a light meal of soup or something of the sort.  I probably would have been diagnosed as having eating disorders from the time I was a kid to the now...but I never asked anyone.  What I did was the diet-gain-diet cycle without any meaningful exercise until I started the biking and now the tri training.  It is really working...more of a lifestyle shift than focusing on just the diet.   

The 12 step stuff I do with AA since 1988 helps too.  Admitting I can't do it alone, asking for help from a Higher Power, relying on POSITIVE support from groups and from people in my life, getting rid of the toxic ones, avoiding the whiners, hanging with the winners.  It's all good.

I want to thank you all for so much honest are inspirations, every one of you.  The online tri club here is already a big help.









Edited by IceManScott 2008-12-20 11:33 AM
2008-12-20 12:26 PM
in reply to: #1864726

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Northridge, California
Subject: RE: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - FULL
IceManScott - 2008-12-20 9:31 AM

The 12 step stuff I do with AA since 1988 helps too.  Admitting I can't do it alone, asking for help from a Higher Power, relying on POSITIVE support from groups and from people in my life, getting rid of the toxic ones, avoiding the whiners, hanging with the winners.  It's all good.

Thanks for sharing this...I haven't done 12 step work, but a couple of the steps (1 and especially 4) have been really influential in my life.

My dad is now five years sober after nearly drinking himself to death and, even though he found AA wasn't quite the right approach for him for religious reasons, he still recommends it and I can see the way even a brief participation in it affected him positively, both in becoming accountable for the problems in his life and in shedding the toxic stuff as you describe from your own experience.

Congrats on your sobriety and thanks again for sharing.
2008-12-20 2:38 PM
in reply to: #1856528

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Extreme Veteran
Carlsbad, CA
Subject: RE: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - FULL

Hey all,

Well, what started out as an easy 40 mile Saturday ride with my Tri club turned into 40 miles of hell ... is it possible for a round trip ride to be completely uphill?  Sure seemed that way today.  I'm used to the rolling hills along the coast, not the inland climbing here in San Diego county.  Well, I made it,but I'm sure I'll be paying for it later today!

And Susie, if you think you've got it bad, I told my wife I'd be home by 10:00 or 10:30 this morning ... it took every ounce of energy I had to make it in at 12:15pm.  Deep, deep spousal trouble today  

Oh yeah, this was my first winter morning ride, and I found out that I am ill-prepared to be riding at 39 degrees.  One jersey (long sleeve), leg warmers and short.  No gloves, no vest, no jacket ... no brains apparently   Hopefully Santa makes a stop at Performance Bikes this year!

Have a great day everyone, and tune in to ESPN at 5:00pm PST to watch my Arizona Wildcats get pummeled by BYU.  I hope that's not the case  

2008-12-20 3:11 PM
in reply to: #1864682

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Long Beach, CA
Subject: RE: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - FULL

Offthegrid - 2008-12-20 8:24 AM Jocelyn, what is a marathon bike race? I don't think I've ever heard of that before ... is it just a 26.2 mile bike race?

It's actually a regular marathon (the Long Beach Marathon) but they have a bike race that uses the course before the runners. A lot of marathons do this. I had a friend do it a few years ago and said it was a blast to ride all through the streets of Long Beach without the traffic. I figure the 26.2 miles will be good practice for the bike leg of an oly the following season!

2008-12-20 3:18 PM
in reply to: #1856528

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Subject: RE: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - FULL

Happy weekend!

 I hope everyone is having a good one. Lot's of really positive energy on here already.

I have been working through a knee injury, and after lots of time off, I ran (barely) yesterday. I only went a mile, but there was no pain. I love running, and I miss it. So I will slowly ease back into it, but am encouraged!

Our local pool is a university pool and is currently closed till January,'s ride, ride, ride for me!


2008-12-20 6:37 PM
in reply to: #1856528

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Vista, CA
Subject: RE: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - FULL

You all have so many positive things to say. This is a great group, already.

As far as relationships, from a female perspective, Susie, when I first got married (20 years ago) I felt like I "should be there for my husband" after work, so I gave up working out and came home and sat on the couch and ate chips ahoy cookies with him. About 20 pounds later and probably some years later, I realized how unhappy I had become from not taking care of myself. And, he realized, over time mind you, that if his wife was happy (read: getting activity and eating right) he would be happy, too. Then once we had our son and went through some health challenges, financial stuff and other life experiences, we both realize how important it is to take care of ourselves first and then we can share our best selves with each other. I also think IceMan's AA steps are a great approach. Any system that helps you sort stuff out is helpful. Since you're really still newlyweds in some sense,  you're probably still figuring out the whole me vs. we thing. Hang in there. The guys on here are quite insightful and sensitive and that is so refreshing. Thanks, guys. I think maturity helps with that.

I went at the tri stuff pretty hard starting last Jan and my husband was very supportive. Between my events and our son's activities almost every weekend was filled. He finally asked about midway through the summer, "Can you take a weekend off?" So, I did and since he's started cycling. We got him a bike on Craig's list and he even rides on his own to and from work and takes rides with a neighbor/friend in addition to riding with me. He doesn't swim or run (injury to knee), but he's even talked about doing a short tri in a pool at some point. He admits he'd be sucking wind and holding onto the lap lane ropes.

Anyway, just wanted to share a bit of my journey. 

My schedule this year so far:

Jan 25th 1/2 marathon, Carlsbad

May 3rd My first full marathon, OC

August 1, my first HIM, Barb's Race

 I know I"ll also do some Oly's and sprints in there, too. I am going to do the desert tri again, Todd. How about you? I'm going for the oly this year. I need to check into the date for it.

Happy training everyone and have a great weekend.


2008-12-20 6:51 PM
in reply to: #1856528

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Subject: RE: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - FULL

Lynn, some really good advice and perspective in regard to relationship and tri. It seems sometimes that the hardest part of this isn't the training itself, it's managing life around it. (and that is most people's excuse for NOT doing such things "I don't have time"

I read a book once that talked about how we all put others first. As a husband, wife, mother friend, employee etc. We think that being "selfless" is somehow praiseworthy, and it is. But, if we take care of ourselves FIRST, then we are waaaaay more effective, positive, etc for those around us. So we all win. I call it "pay yourself first" they say for saving money, but instead of money in the bank it's something better.

Just adding to what you said


2008-12-20 8:46 PM
in reply to: #1864934

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Subject: RE: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - FULL
sealiongirl - 2008-12-20 4:11 PM

Offthegrid - 2008-12-20 8:24 AM Jocelyn, what is a marathon bike race? I don't think I've ever heard of that before ... is it just a 26.2 mile bike race?

It's actually a regular marathon (the Long Beach Marathon) but they have a bike race that uses the course before the runners. A lot of marathons do this. I had a friend do it a few years ago and said it was a blast to ride all through the streets of Long Beach without the traffic. I figure the 26.2 miles will be good practice for the bike leg of an oly the following season!

that would be so much fun!

I'm going to have to ask my training partner about this. She is big into cycling.

2008-12-20 8:52 PM
in reply to: #1856528

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Subject: RE: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - FULL
There is hope on the spouse part! He told me at dinner that he tried to get a new bike trainer for me because he knows I hate my piece of junk one, but that he lost eBay auction after eBay auction. Knowing him, he might have actually got me one and he's just throwing me off. But at least he was thinking about that.

Our issue is mainly that he just doesn't like to spend any time alone. At first it was sweet ("but honey, I didn't see you all day; I miss you so much"), but now it's just tough when he gets all clingy. But it has gotten a lot better in the last couple of months.

The other thing I have going for me is that he sleeps in on the weekends -- waaaay in. He didn't get up today until 11:30.
2008-12-21 9:34 AM
in reply to: #1865175

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Dalgety Bay
Subject: RE: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - FULL
Jake1008 - 2008-12-21 12:51 AM

Lynn, some really good advice and perspective in regard to relationship and tri. It seems sometimes that the hardest part of this isn't the training itself, it's managing life around it. (and that is most people's excuse for NOT doing such things "I don't have time"

I read a book once that talked about how we all put others first. As a husband, wife, mother friend, employee etc. We think that being "selfless" is somehow praiseworthy, and it is. But, if we take care of ourselves FIRST, then we are waaaaay more effective, positive, etc for those around us. So we all win. I call it "pay yourself first" they say for saving money, but instead of money in the bank it's something better.

Just adding to what you said


Just wanted to second Jakes comments about Lynn's advice.

Secondly about Jake's comments on 'pay yourself first'. That is so true and so well put. As you the say the same is true about looking after ourselves. Seems selfish to some but if you are not happy and in the best of health you can manage surely others will get less than you beat. So surely it is far more selfish to put yourself second in the health stakes. Once more one of those things easy to say, more difficult to do.


2008-12-21 9:39 AM
in reply to: #1856528

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Dalgety Bay
Subject: RE: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - FULL

Laughing BIG THANK YOU TO SUSIE Laughing

After looking at my moans and groans Susie suggested that my heal pain might be plantar fasciitis. After reading up in forums and treating it as recommended it has improved incredibly in just 24 hours. I am so grateful. Thank you Susie.

Just shows you how much there is to gain from a group like this.

2008-12-21 1:18 PM
in reply to: #1865151

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Northridge, California
Subject: RE: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - FULL
lmscozz - 2008-12-20 4:37 PM

I am going to do the desert tri again, Todd. How about you? I'm going for the oly this year. I need to check into the date for it.

Happy training everyone and have a great weekend.


Not sure about Desert Tri yet: There's a 8K/5K run in our neighborhood that day that we keep wanting to do, but never have. IF I get the sub 20 minute 5K that's on my goal list this year out of the way earlier in the year, we might go out to Desert Tri. Otherwise, that local 5K is on a path system I run on regularly and is dead flat, so it'd be a good place for a PR.

My wife's doing Barb's Race (and I'm doing Vineman that day), so we'll no doubt see you there.
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