Other Resources Challenge Me! » Christmas Cookies - Du-December Challenge Rss Feed  
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2009-12-04 1:00 PM
in reply to: #2537064

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Extreme Veteran
Glendora, CA
Subject: RE: Christmas Cookies - Du-December Challenge
so today was one of those so called cold mornings-at 4:30am it was 36 at my house in the suburbs of los angeles. last year i was the biggest weather wimp, but these past weeks all of my running is done before 7am-family, kids, and work does get in the way of training all day long. so to finish my story-sucked it up, and was properly dressed to put down 10 miles this morning. took the kids to school showered had coffee with my wife, and was at work by 8:45. a good day so far.

2009-12-04 4:07 PM
in reply to: #2543329

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Falls Church, Virginia
Subject: RE: Christmas Cookies - Du-December Challenge
wplummer - 2009-12-04 2:00 PM

so today was one of those so called cold mornings-at 4:30am it was 36 at my house in the suburbs of los angeles. last year i was the biggest weather wimp, but these past weeks all of my running is done before 7am-family, kids, and work does get in the way of training all day long. so to finish my story-sucked it up, and was properly dressed to put down 10 miles this morning. took the kids to school showered had coffee with my wife, and was at work by 8:45. a good day so far.

10 miles, sweet! And all of that before 9am, even more impressive.
2009-12-04 8:56 PM
in reply to: #2543329

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Germantown, WI
Subject: RE: Christmas Cookies - Du-December Challenge
wplummer - 2009-12-04 1:00 PM so today was one of those so called cold mornings-at 4:30am it was 36 at my house in the suburbs of los angeles. last year i was the biggest weather wimp, but these past weeks all of my running is done before 7am-family, kids, and work does get in the way of training all day long. so to finish my story-sucked it up, and was properly dressed to put down 10 miles this morning. took the kids to school showered had coffee with my wife, and was at work by 8:45. a good day so far.

Great job getting out there and getting it done!
2009-12-04 9:00 PM
in reply to: #2537064

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Germantown, WI
Subject: RE: Christmas Cookies - Du-December Challenge
4 miles the fastest I have ever run 4 miles to date...because it was 18F with 10mph wind and it was flippin' cold! I just wanted to get done. Tomorrow will be 10-12 miles. Depends how I feel...I need to remember though that the more I do now means the less I have to cram in later in the month.

I am crazy! 120 miles running outside in December in WI? It has to all be outside too! We sold the treadmill to force running outside. Oh well, tights, wool socks, windproof pullover, gloves, and a knit hat...10 minutes into it, you don't even realize it's cold.
2009-12-04 9:02 PM
in reply to: #2543223

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Germantown, WI
Subject: RE: Christmas Cookies - Du-December Challenge
Triathlynne - 2009-12-04 12:10 PM

Morning from Renton, Wa where it's 29 degrees and foggy!  It's rather nice actually, cookie baking weather!  Nom.


My gets together every year with a friend to bake and exchange cookies. That glorious day is tomorrow! She is prepping all the dough tonight! Mmmmmm....cookie dough!

2009-12-04 10:07 PM
in reply to: #2537064

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Falls Church, Virginia
Subject: RE: Christmas Cookies - Du-December Challenge
I just brought home a whole tin of different colored sanding sugars to use in my upcoming baking. Should be fun. And a nice incentive to keep up with the workouts. Another stint on the trainer in the morning. 'Night Cookies!

2009-12-05 1:40 AM
in reply to: #2543966

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Sendai, Japan
Subject: RE: Christmas Cookies - Du-December Challenge
BigEasy6 - 2009-12-05 11:00 AM4 miles the fastest I have ever run 4 miles to date...because it was 18F with 10mph wind and it was flippin' cold! I just wanted to get done. Tomorrow will be 10-12 miles. Depends how I feel...I need to remember though that the more I do now means the less I have to cram in later in the month.

I am crazy! 120 miles running outside in December in WI? It has to all be outside too! We sold the treadmill to force running outside. Oh well, tights, wool socks, windproof pullover, gloves, and a knit hat...10 minutes into it, you don't even realize it's cold.
That's a lot of miles in the cold - I don't envy you. I would have kept the treadmill. I had one when I lived in Chicago. With the limited daylight hours and unpredictable weather, it was often tough to get out for a run.
2009-12-05 1:42 AM
in reply to: #2537064

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Sendai, Japan
Subject: RE: Christmas Cookies - Du-December Challenge
Hi all. My Saturday is done. I got out for a 3 mile run before the rain. My numbers are in the spreadsheet and won't change on Sunday. Next run and swim will happen on Monday.Have a great Saturday everyone...and no cookies unless you make progress on your challenge goals!!
2009-12-05 11:42 AM
in reply to: #2544089

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washington state
Subject: RE: Christmas Cookies - Du-December Challenge
dcon - 2009-12-04 11:42 PM Hi all. My Saturday is done. I got out for a 3 mile run before the rain. My numbers are in the spreadsheet and won't change on Sunday. Next run and swim will happen on Monday.Have a great Saturday everyone...and no cookies unless you make progress on your challenge goals!!

LOL ...  I need to remember this!   Tongue out
2009-12-05 2:18 PM
in reply to: #2540705

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West Allis, WI
Subject: RE: Christmas Cookies - Du-December Challenge
Atlantia - 2009-12-02 9:28 PM
kimk - 2009-12-02 8:50 PM I got my first trainer ride of the month in...still not pretty but it is done! I will be calling the LBS to see about trying out new saddles. I want to love my bike!
Nice job getting it done. Any idea what kind of saddles you're going to look at?

Not a clue! the LBS has a seat trial with like 10 or 15 different seats to try, so I will start there! Any suggestions are more then welcome!
2009-12-05 2:23 PM
in reply to: #2541020

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West Allis, WI
Subject: RE: Christmas Cookies - Du-December Challenge
TriAya - 2009-12-03 8:39 AM
ceilidh - 2009-12-03 8:16 PM Heya Cookies.
I am Robin, married and 49. (I am working on becoming "nifty" rather than "fifty"). I think I dabble in the tri world more than anything. I have done one sprint and a few other running races. Last year was weird and I had to drop a lot of races. That will NOT happen this year. I am currently adding biking and swimming back into my workouts and trying to be more regular with all.  That is why I NEED Challenges.
I have been scarce since I have had a killer infection since last weekend. I will be scarse though this weekend as well 'cause I have a bunch of social, doctors and travel coming up through Sunday. I will be getting my workouts in but I am behind already due to this stoopid infection.

LOVE the table, thanks. Go Cookies!

Hi, I am Yanti, and I worship Robin.

I know and love many of you already and am very happy to meet the rest. I will say we are some sharp Cookies here!

I am of indeterminate age, weight, and I.Q. However, I have quit smoking for TEN very definite days! I'm currently living in Bali, Indonesia and have just started a dog training business here.

Am just getting back into tri training after a year and a half off (or very irregular) although I did do two tris in there.

Aiming to do a 70.3 in early May so am Du-ing running and biking for this challenge.

Yanti! It is sooooo good to "see" you again! Cool about the dog training. And super cool about not smoking...it was one of the best decisions I have ever made....almost at 3 yrs for me!(Dec 25th)

2009-12-05 2:24 PM
in reply to: #2540702

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West Allis, WI
Subject: RE: Christmas Cookies - Du-December Challenge
velveeta - 2009-12-02 9:26 PM Hello all! I'm Stacy, a recent returnee to the tri lifestyle. After about a year off, I'm slow and out of shape, but working my way back into the swing of things. After not meeting my goals last month I'm SUPER determined to make it work this month. I'm training for a 10K on the 19th and two ten-milers in January and February. I look forward to chatting with everyone and sharing encouragement! Go Cookies!

Welcome back Stacy!
2009-12-05 2:31 PM
in reply to: #2543329

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West Allis, WI
Subject: RE: Christmas Cookies - Du-December Challenge
wplummer - 2009-12-04 1:00 PM so today was one of those so called cold mornings-at 4:30am it was 36 at my house in the suburbs of los angeles. last year i was the biggest weather wimp, but these past weeks all of my running is done before 7am-family, kids, and work does get in the way of training all day long. so to finish my story-sucked it up, and was properly dressed to put down 10 miles this morning. took the kids to school showered had coffee with my wife, and was at work by 8:45. a good day so far.

Way to suck it up! I am not a cold weather person but living in WI I don't have a choice!
2009-12-05 2:32 PM
in reply to: #2543966

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West Allis, WI
Subject: RE: Christmas Cookies - Du-December Challenge
BigEasy6 - 2009-12-04 9:00 PM 4 miles the fastest I have ever run 4 miles to date...because it was 18F with 10mph wind and it was flippin' cold! I just wanted to get done. Tomorrow will be 10-12 miles. Depends how I feel...I need to remember though that the more I do now means the less I have to cram in later in the month.

I am crazy! 120 miles running outside in December in WI? It has to all be outside too! We sold the treadmill to force running outside. Oh well, tights, wool socks, windproof pullover, gloves, and a knit hat...10 minutes into it, you don't even realize it's cold.

Says YOU! I am ready for summer to come back!
2009-12-06 7:16 AM
in reply to: #2537064

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Falls Church, Virginia
Subject: RE: Christmas Cookies - Du-December Challenge
So, its Sunday. How'd everybody's first week of the challenge go? I'm right where I'm supposed to be.
2009-12-06 11:15 AM
in reply to: #2544873

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Germantown, WI
Subject: RE: Christmas Cookies - Du-December Challenge
Atlantia - 2009-12-06 7:16 AM So, its Sunday. How'd everybody's first week of the challenge go? I'm right where I'm supposed to be.

After my run today, I will be a bit ahead of schedule.

2009-12-06 11:17 AM
in reply to: #2544417

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Germantown, WI
Subject: RE: Christmas Cookies - Du-December Challenge
kimk - 2009-12-05 2:32 PM
BigEasy6 - 2009-12-04 9:00 PM 4 miles the fastest I have ever run 4 miles to date...because it was 18F with 10mph wind and it was flippin' cold! I just wanted to get done. Tomorrow will be 10-12 miles. Depends how I feel...I need to remember though that the more I do now means the less I have to cram in later in the month.

I am crazy! 120 miles running outside in December in WI? It has to all be outside too! We sold the treadmill to force running outside. Oh well, tights, wool socks, windproof pullover, gloves, and a knit hat...10 minutes into it, you don't even realize it's cold.

Says YOU! I am ready for summer to come back!

Don't get me wrong...I prefer warmer weather to the cold. I just keep reminding myself to donkey-up when negative thoughts start creeping in. Not much relief when taking a drink and the water in your bottle is super cold though. I suppose running in 28F will do that.
2009-12-06 11:25 AM
in reply to: #2545046

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Denver, CO
Subject: RE: Christmas Cookies - Du-December Challenge
Happy Sunday, fellow Cookies. I have a ton to do today, including a 5-6 mile run (on the treadmill, because it is FRIGID outside). I'm also baking Christmas Cookies! But I will not partake until I have finished my run.
2009-12-06 1:11 PM
in reply to: #2537064

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Renton, Washington
Subject: RE: Christmas Cookies - Du-December Challenge

Morning team. I'm sitting in Starbucks having a post race peppermint mocha and a cranberry bliss bar. I PR'd my 5K this morning so I am a bit hyper 34:22 Usually it would take me between 37-40 minutes so I am well chuffed. Hoping to get a short trainer ride in later too! Go cookies!!!!! Have a great Sunday everyone!

2009-12-06 3:28 PM
in reply to: #2545133

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washington state
Subject: RE: Christmas Cookies - Du-December Challenge
Triathlynne - 2009-12-06 11:11 AM

Morning team. I'm sitting in Starbucks having a post race peppermint mocha and a cranberry bliss bar. I PR'd my 5K this morning so I am a bit hyper 34:22 Usually it would take me between 37-40 minutes so I am well chuffed. Hoping to get a short trainer ride in later too! Go cookies!!!!! Have a great Sunday everyone!

That is SUPER about your time!!  no wonder your hyped up!  Smile

Mmmm... the peppermint mocha sounds great. 
2009-12-06 3:34 PM
in reply to: #2537064

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washington state
Subject: RE: Christmas Cookies - Du-December Challenge
Ooops!  It's Sunday... I forgot to update the spreadsheet.  I have now, though.  Wink

I am already a little behind.  BUT this has been my craziest and most chaotic week of the Christmas Crush.  Now that I have survived this week and weekend, I will be able to catch up and do better.

2009-12-06 5:25 PM
in reply to: #2545133

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Falls Church, Virginia
Subject: RE: Christmas Cookies - Du-December Challenge
Triathlynne - 2009-12-06 2:11 PM

Morning team. I'm sitting in Starbucks having a post race peppermint mocha and a cranberry bliss bar. I PR'd my 5K this morning so I am a bit hyper 34:22 Usually it would take me between 37-40 minutes so I am well chuffed. Hoping to get a short trainer ride in later too! Go cookies!!!!! Have a great Sunday everyone!

That's fantastic, congratulations! Mmmmm cranberry bliss bar.
2009-12-06 7:10 PM
in reply to: #2545133

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Subject: RE: Christmas Cookies - Du-December Challenge
Triathlynne - 2009-12-06 2:11 PM

Morning team. I'm sitting in Starbucks having a post race peppermint mocha and a cranberry bliss bar. I PR'd my 5K this morning so I am a bit hyper 34:22 Usually it would take me between 37-40 minutes so I am well chuffed. Hoping to get a short trainer ride in later too! Go cookies!!!!! Have a great Sunday everyone!


The post race drink sounds good, too.

2009-12-06 8:05 PM
in reply to: #2537064

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Subject: RE: Christmas Cookies - Du-December Challenge
I'm happy with my week... trained 5/6 days as planned !!  I need to get on the bike lots in the next 9 days.
2009-12-07 12:10 AM
in reply to: #2537064

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Frisco, TX
Subject: RE: Christmas Cookies - Du-December Challenge

Well challenge participants, the first six days of the Du-December challenge are in the books and here is how the results so far look:

In the lead is the:

Vixens Revisited with 18.6% of goal met (19% of the month is already gone...)

The Vixens also lead in the secondary, yet still important post count contest...

Here are the full results

18.6% Vixens Revisted
14.7% Frostbite Force
13.0% Evil Elves
12.0% Christmas Cookies

Ya'll keep up the good work - Team leaders, let me know about injuries, etc. so that adjustments can be made if necessary. 


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