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2011-04-08 9:12 AM
in reply to: #3435635

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tricrazy - 2011-04-08 7:58 AM

NAME: Rachel

STORY: I live in Charlotte, NC.  I grew up in Pittsburgh running a local 10K every Eptemeber with my dad and 4 of my siblings.  It was great.  We would all "train" together during the summer and run together in the fall.  When I got married and moved away form home, I kept running and started doing marathons.  I had always wanted to do an Ironman so in 2008 I bought a bike and got started.  I did 2 sprints that year.  In 2009 I did an HIM and singed up for Augusta 70.3, untilI found I was pregnant again and could tolerate being on the bike.  In 2010, I did NC Triple T.

FAMILY STATUS: I have been married almost 13 years and have 4 children Maya (4 years old), Gabirel (3 years old), Isaiah (3 years old), and Clara (13 months old).  We also have a 10 year old dog.

CURRENT TRAINING: I struggle with getting everything in.  In addition to having 4 kids, my husband travels during the week and we do not live on the same city as our family.

2010  RACES: After I had my baby, I did NC Triple T.  that is an awesome event!!

2011 RACES:  IM Lousiville is my big race this year.  I am just joping to finish before midnight.  I will also be doing the MedExpress Mountaineer HIM (or something like that) in WV.

WEIGHTLOSS: I am trying to lose 10 more pounds but they are very stubborn!!!  I will also only make reasonable sacrifices to lose them. 

I am really looking forward to being a part of an active group!!!

Yeah another Noth Carolinian!!!

2011-04-08 9:30 AM
in reply to: #3435868

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Great group!! I am skimming a lot of posts for now... will catch up when time allows. I need to get in a decent bike ride and a run, make a cake, make ice cream, and prep the house for a gaggle of 11-year-olds for my son to celebrate his 11th birthday tonight! Ack!!

NAME: Kyla (kkcbelle)

STORY: Fourth year of triathlons, I think.  I spent my formative years in the pool, through college, then pretty mucuh did nothing for a few years except run a few miles here and there. Did my first marathon (Napa) in 1998, then had two babies, and ran three more the summer my 2nd turned one (Big Sur, San Francisco, Chicago). From the Bay Area, moved to Bellevue, Washington 6.5 years ago, started spin classes, met a triathlete, bought a road bike, and the rest is history! I've done a bunch of sprints, one Oly, one HIM, and one IM. I also do random running races here and there. I'm a stay-at-home mom and I do as much as I can when the kids are in school to keep the weekends open for the family. When I'm not training, I also love training my dog Trip, a 3-year-old Flat-Coated Retreiver in the field. (Bryce, we're nowhere near as advanced as you, but he's got his WCX, is over-trained for but one leg shy of JH, and should be ready to run Seasoned later this summer, maybe SH as well!)

FAMILY STATUS: Married with 2 kids (11 tomorrow and 9 next week), Trip (Flat-Coated Retriever), and Lupine (Ragdoll cat).

CURRENT TRAINING: Training for Ironman Coeur d'Alene, following a plan from a local coach that I used last year.

2010  RACES: Ironman Coeur d'Alene, a sprint, a few half marathons, a couple of marathons.

2011 RACES: Ironman Coeur d'Alene, and whatever else I decide sounds fun. IM CDA is the weekend after the kids get out of school, so my summer will be very loosey-goosey and who knows what I'll end up doing training- and racing-wise.

WHAT I BRING TO THIS GROUP: A smile, some optimism, and a belief that any of us can achieve what we set out to do. And with that, it's time to ride my bike!!!!

2011-04-08 9:40 AM
in reply to: #3435644

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Extreme Veteran
metro DC
Subject: RE: room for 1 more?

MarlaS - 2011-04-08 8:07 AM You full yet?... I can come with great pics, can even talk about Marietta (as long as it's GA), Charlotte, & Maryland....

No one said no, so hoping for a yes...

NAME: Marla

STORY: I grew up in Charlotte, moved to Atlanta after college, then came up to the DC area (MD side) 4 years ago as an overweight, stressed out single mom. 2 years ago, when my (then) 10-year-old decided she was going vegan & giving up meat, I decided to give up control and went to Jenny Craig. Lost 65 pounds, got back into swimming, did a little jogging on the treadmill, always liked strength training, and needed something to aim for to get me over the hurdle of the last 10 pounds. Thought a triathlon would be a hoot for a geeky klutz like me, so why not? Heard about this Iron Girl thing, but by the time I got off the fence about it, it was full. Saw a few links to some other ways to get in to the race, though, and one was by joining Team Fight with the Ulman Cancer Fund for Young Adults. I'd worked with a camp for kids with cancer in GA for nearly 20 years, Camp Sunshine - missed my camp kids (now young adults), so this seemed like a great fit for me to still feel connected to my camp family, and it's been an awesome ride. I loved the idea of doing all of this for something bigger than me, and I love my teammates & coaches, and the group we represent. It's been a blast!

I was really looking forward to season 2 - had 10-miler planned for last weekend, upcoming 10K, and my first oly race in 6 weeks. Didn't plan on a bad ankle sprain right after New Year's, or tearing a hip muscle as I was getting back to the running a few weeks ago, so am really struggling to accept what my aging body isn't letting me do.

I've always been a swimmer, but never ran before last March, which was also the first time I'd ever ridden a bike with gears. LOVE the bike. Still hate to run, but it doesn't suck quite as much when I run with others.

FAMILY STATUS: 12-year-old daughter, if we all survive the pre-teen years, and remarried almost 3 years to a great guy who's been incredibly supportive of my new lifestyle and has become the guy who takes pictures of everybody.

CURRENT TRAINING: I've been on orthopedically-mandated house arrest for a few weeks, and I'm crawling out of my skin. During the ankle fiasco was swimming with an air cast 2/week, going to spin class 2/week, and weights/PT rest of the time. Had worked my way back up to 3.5 miles running when I trashed my hip. Took about 10-14 days off completely, excluding PT, and am now swimming weekly w/ pull buoy (no legs at all), PT 2-3 days/week, and bike on the indoor trainer as long as I can do it pain-free at low cadence, minimal resistance. Want either a new body or a lobotomy.

2010  RACES: my 1st OWS & 5K were Memorial Day weekend last year, 1st sprint in June. Another few 5K's in summer/fall, 1st 10K last November. Iron Girl last August, and swim leg of half IM relay last Oct, but ended up in ER with swimming induced pulmonary edema. (yeah, I seem to be cursed)

2011 RACES: scratched my 10-miler & 10K for this month. Supposed to do 1st oly tri 5/22 (Columbia Triathlon) sprint again late June, Peachtree Road Race 7/4, Iron Girl in August, Half-Full oly distance in October.

WHAT I BRING TO THE GROUP: besides my sparkling wit & personality?


Edited by MarlaS 2011-04-08 9:49 AM
2011-04-08 9:56 AM
in reply to: #3435644

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Subject: RE: room for 1 more?

MarlaS - 2011-04-08 8:07 AM You full yet?... I can come with great pics, can even talk about Marietta (as long as it's GA), Charlotte, & Maryland....

hi marla.  yeah its georgia!  you know the area?  i'm a recent transplant.  love the area so far.   i missed the lottery for peachtree so maybe i'll come down and throw beer cans at you

2011-04-08 10:01 AM
in reply to: #3436004

Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: room for 1 more?
fattyfatfat - 2011-04-08 10:56 AM

MarlaS - 2011-04-08 8:07 AM You full yet?... I can come with great pics, can even talk about Marietta (as long as it's GA), Charlotte, & Maryland....

hi marla.  yeah its georgia!  you know the area?  i'm a recent transplant.  love the area so far.   i missed the lottery for peachtree so maybe i'll come down and throw beer cans at you

Empty or full cans?

2011-04-08 10:09 AM
in reply to: #3436004

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Extreme Veteran
metro DC
Subject: RE: room for 1 more?
fattyfatfat - 2011-04-08 10:56 AM

MarlaS - 2011-04-08 8:07 AM You full yet?... I can come with great pics, can even talk about Marietta (as long as it's GA), Charlotte, & Maryland....

hi marla.  yeah its georgia!  you know the area?  i'm a recent transplant.  love the area so far.   i missed the lottery for peachtree so maybe i'll come down and throw beer cans at you

Where in mayretta? I lived off Little Willeo/Johnson Ferry, my daughter went to High Meadows... miss it like crazy! How long have y'all been there?

RE the peachtree: after spending 6 hours on the computer last year trying to get in (and I did!), I joined Atlanta Track Club this year - little price to pay for guaranteed entry... so feel free to throw whatever you want :-p. Funny, when I lived there, I thought people were totally nuts to ruin a perfectly good holiday morning to get up and the heat...and just as crazy just to watch the that I'm gone, I'm so stoked to be going back for it; go figure!


2011-04-08 10:14 AM
in reply to: #3434069

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NAME: John.


FAMILY STATUS: Married (Jarrett) 8 years, 3 kiddos (Jack 5, June 4 and Jacy 1.5), 3 dogs Madison and Joe are Jack Russels and Tony is a Blue Healer, and 2 frogs.

CURRENT TRAINING: Currently... getting up every 20 minutes to hit the pot. 

2010  RACES: A couple of half irons, an oly, some other races... 

2011 RACES: The Texas Ironman in a few weeks.  Leaning towards heading back Augusta 70.3 in the fall.  A few months ago I registered for a 50k in September... leaning towards scratching that. 

WEIGHTLOSS: I'm svelte.

2011-04-08 10:14 AM
in reply to: #3435825

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Extreme Veteran
metro DC
sdalessio - 2011-04-08 9:40 AM

Name: Samantha, Age 38


Long Term Goals: Boston when I shave another 20min off my PR and an Ironman when I learn to swim faster than a belly up goldfish in the fishbowl.

Where do you swim? Ever looked at CUBU (Curl-Burke) Masters?

Iwent to one of their clinics here in Rockville and the coaching was fabulous. I swim with their masters team now too, but they work out of a few pools in NoVA & DC, as well as MD... fwiw...


2011-04-08 10:16 AM
in reply to: #3436014

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Subject: RE: room for 1 more?
tricrazy - 2011-04-08 11:01 AM
fattyfatfat - 2011-04-08 10:56 AM

MarlaS - 2011-04-08 8:07 AM You full yet?... I can come with great pics, can even talk about Marietta (as long as it's GA), Charlotte, & Maryland....

hi marla.  yeah its georgia!  you know the area?  i'm a recent transplant.  love the area so far.   i missed the lottery for peachtree so maybe i'll come down and throw beer cans at you

Empty or full cans?

depends if i think she's slackin' in the last mile or so. 

2011-04-08 10:18 AM
in reply to: #3436014

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san francisco
Subject: RE: room for 1 more?
tricrazy - 2011-04-08 8:01 AM
fattyfatfat - 2011-04-08 10:56 AM

MarlaS - 2011-04-08 8:07 AM You full yet?... I can come with great pics, can even talk about Marietta (as long as it's GA), Charlotte, & Maryland....

hi marla.  yeah its georgia!  you know the area?  i'm a recent transplant.  love the area so far.   i missed the lottery for peachtree so maybe i'll come down and throw beer cans at you

Empty or full cans?

Are you kidding? John would never waste perfectly good beer, even if it's warm, canned beer!  

2011-04-08 10:21 AM
in reply to: #3436036

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Subject: RE: room for 1 more?
MarlaS - 2011-04-08 11:09 AM
fattyfatfat - 2011-04-08 10:56 AM

MarlaS - 2011-04-08 8:07 AM You full yet?... I can come with great pics, can even talk about Marietta (as long as it's GA), Charlotte, & Maryland....

hi marla.  yeah its georgia!  you know the area?  i'm a recent transplant.  love the area so far.   i missed the lottery for peachtree so maybe i'll come down and throw beer cans at you

Where in mayretta? I lived off Little Willeo/Johnson Ferry, my daughter went to High Meadows... miss it like crazy! How long have y'all been there?

RE the peachtree: after spending 6 hours on the computer last year trying to get in (and I did!), I joined Atlanta Track Club this year - little price to pay for guaranteed entry... so feel free to throw whatever you want :-p. Funny, when I lived there, I thought people were totally nuts to ruin a perfectly good holiday morning to get up and the heat...and just as crazy just to watch the that I'm gone, I'm so stoked to be going back for it; go figure!


i was in big peach and publix yesterday!  love both the stores.   we live about 5 minutes from there off providence road.  jack goes to eastside.  been here since august.  moved from houston.  i thinks it funny that people around here think its hot an humid in august.

2011-04-08 10:33 AM
in reply to: #3436071

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Extreme Veteran
metro DC
Subject: RE: room for 1 more?
fattyfatfat - 2011-04-08 11:21 AM
MarlaS - 2011-04-08 11:09 AM
fattyfatfat - 2011-04-08 10:56 AM

MarlaS - 2011-04-08 8:07 AM You full yet?... I can come with great pics, can even talk about Marietta (as long as it's GA), Charlotte, & Maryland....

hi marla.  yeah its georgia!  you know the area?  i'm a recent transplant.  love the area so far.   i missed the lottery for peachtree so maybe i'll come down and throw beer cans at you

Where in mayretta? I lived off Little Willeo/Johnson Ferry, my daughter went to High Meadows... miss it like crazy! How long have y'all been there?

RE the peachtree: after spending 6 hours on the computer last year trying to get in (and I did!), I joined Atlanta Track Club this year - little price to pay for guaranteed entry... so feel free to throw whatever you want :-p. Funny, when I lived there, I thought people were totally nuts to ruin a perfectly good holiday morning to get up and the heat...and just as crazy just to watch the that I'm gone, I'm so stoked to be going back for it; go figure!


i was in big peach and publix yesterday!  love both the stores.   we live about 5 minutes from there off providence road.  jack goes to eastside.  been here since august.  moved from houston.  i thinks it funny that people around here think its hot an humid in august.

I still run into folks I know in that Publix whenever we're in town. Never liked grocery shopping, but nostalgically miss that Publix! We moved up here in July (2006) - Dana (my 12 year old, then 7), couldn't understand why her day counselors wouldn't go outside just bc it was HOT. Here, they do indoor PE if it's too hot/humid, but go outside all winter with that heinous white stuff on the ground, so we don't get it here, either.

Glad to hear y'all are liking it - I know exactly where y'all are (more or less!). If you need or haven't found good day camp yet, btw, we LOVED Camp Kingfisher at the Chattahoochee Nature Center - incredibly well run, great activities, good mix of inside/outside, kids come home filthy & happy...

2011-04-08 10:36 AM
in reply to: #3436050

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MarlaS - 2011-04-08 10:14 AM
sdalessio - 2011-04-08 9:40 AM

Name: Samantha, Age 38


Long Term Goals: Boston when I shave another 20min off my PR and an Ironman when I learn to swim faster than a belly up goldfish in the fishbowl.

Where do you swim? Ever looked at CUBU (Curl-Burke) Masters?

Iwent to one of their clinics here in Rockville and the coaching was fabulous. I swim with their masters team now too, but they work out of a few pools in NoVA & DC, as well as MD... fwiw...



I swim w/ the Curl-Burke Masters.  My tri coach is the swim coach w/ the group.  His name is Eric Sorensen.  He's great.  They swim M,W,F AM at Providence Rec Center in Fairfax just past Falls Church by Rt. 50.  M/W midday downtown at Woodrow Wilson HS.  In the summer they move outdoors to a 50m right by Vienna.  I also swim on my own at W&L HS - nice pool but gets crowded.

2011-04-08 10:47 AM
in reply to: #3436106

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Extreme Veteran
metro DC
sdalessio - 2011-04-08 11:36 AM

I swim w/ the Curl-Burke Masters.  My tri coach is the swim coach w/ the group.  His name is Eric Sorensen.  He's great.  They swim M,W,F AM at Providence Rec Center in Fairfax just past Falls Church by Rt. 50.  M/W midday downtown at Woodrow Wilson HS.  In the summer they move outdoors to a 50m right by Vienna.  I also swim on my own at W&L HS - nice pool but gets crowded.

Small world! I was swimming with another group, and just got no coaching, and the other swimmer weren't very friendly, either - replied when spoken to, but for a year I felt that I was back in middle school asking permission to sit at their table (aka their lane). I swim at GPrep, very small group, but very nice. Fabulous stroke clinics, too. Sounds like you're set up magic should happen soon, eh?

2011-04-08 10:53 AM
in reply to: #3436098

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Subject: RE: room for 1 more?
MarlaS - 2011-04-08 11:33 AM
fattyfatfat - 2011-04-08 11:21 AM
MarlaS - 2011-04-08 11:09 AM
fattyfatfat - 2011-04-08 10:56 AM

MarlaS - 2011-04-08 8:07 AM You full yet?... I can come with great pics, can even talk about Marietta (as long as it's GA), Charlotte, & Maryland....

hi marla.  yeah its georgia!  you know the area?  i'm a recent transplant.  love the area so far.   i missed the lottery for peachtree so maybe i'll come down and throw beer cans at you

Where in mayretta? I lived off Little Willeo/Johnson Ferry, my daughter went to High Meadows... miss it like crazy! How long have y'all been there?

RE the peachtree: after spending 6 hours on the computer last year trying to get in (and I did!), I joined Atlanta Track Club this year - little price to pay for guaranteed entry... so feel free to throw whatever you want :-p. Funny, when I lived there, I thought people were totally nuts to ruin a perfectly good holiday morning to get up and the heat...and just as crazy just to watch the that I'm gone, I'm so stoked to be going back for it; go figure!


i was in big peach and publix yesterday!  love both the stores.   we live about 5 minutes from there off providence road.  jack goes to eastside.  been here since august.  moved from houston.  i thinks it funny that people around here think its hot an humid in august.

I still run into folks I know in that Publix whenever we're in town. Never liked grocery shopping, but nostalgically miss that Publix! We moved up here in July (2006) - Dana (my 12 year old, then 7), couldn't understand why her day counselors wouldn't go outside just bc it was HOT. Here, they do indoor PE if it's too hot/humid, but go outside all winter with that heinous white stuff on the ground, so we don't get it here, either.

Glad to hear y'all are liking it - I know exactly where y'all are (more or less!). If you need or haven't found good day camp yet, btw, we LOVED Camp Kingfisher at the Chattahoochee Nature Center - incredibly well run, great activities, good mix of inside/outside, kids come home filthy & happy...

AWESOME INFO!!!  THANKS!!!  Looks exactly like something we're currently looking for. 

2011-04-08 11:03 AM
in reply to: #3436136

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Subject: RE: room for 1 more?
fattyfatfat - 2011-04-08 11:53 AM
MarlaS - 2011-04-08 11:33 AM
fattyfatfat - 2011-04-08 11:21 AM
MarlaS - 2011-04-08 11:09 AM
fattyfatfat - 2011-04-08 10:56 AM

MarlaS - 2011-04-08 8:07 AM You full yet?... I can come with great pics, can even talk about Marietta (as long as it's GA), Charlotte, & Maryland....

hi marla.  yeah its georgia!  you know the area?  i'm a recent transplant.  love the area so far.   i missed the lottery for peachtree so maybe i'll come down and throw beer cans at you

Where in mayretta? I lived off Little Willeo/Johnson Ferry, my daughter went to High Meadows... miss it like crazy! How long have y'all been there?

RE the peachtree: after spending 6 hours on the computer last year trying to get in (and I did!), I joined Atlanta Track Club this year - little price to pay for guaranteed entry... so feel free to throw whatever you want :-p. Funny, when I lived there, I thought people were totally nuts to ruin a perfectly good holiday morning to get up and the heat...and just as crazy just to watch the that I'm gone, I'm so stoked to be going back for it; go figure!


i was in big peach and publix yesterday!  love both the stores.   we live about 5 minutes from there off providence road.  jack goes to eastside.  been here since august.  moved from houston.  i thinks it funny that people around here think its hot an humid in august.

I still run into folks I know in that Publix whenever we're in town. Never liked grocery shopping, but nostalgically miss that Publix! We moved up here in July (2006) - Dana (my 12 year old, then 7), couldn't understand why her day counselors wouldn't go outside just bc it was HOT. Here, they do indoor PE if it's too hot/humid, but go outside all winter with that heinous white stuff on the ground, so we don't get it here, either.

Glad to hear y'all are liking it - I know exactly where y'all are (more or less!). If you need or haven't found good day camp yet, btw, we LOVED Camp Kingfisher at the Chattahoochee Nature Center - incredibly well run, great activities, good mix of inside/outside, kids come home filthy & happy...

AWESOME INFO!!!  THANKS!!!  Looks exactly like something we're currently looking for. 

Careful there John, I here that camp does not allow the kids to have Miller Lite with their chicken legs!

2011-04-08 11:05 AM
in reply to: #3436161

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Subject: RE: room for 1 more?
DougRob - 2011-04-08 12:03 PM
fattyfatfat - 2011-04-08 11:53 AM
MarlaS - 2011-04-08 11:33 AM
fattyfatfat - 2011-04-08 11:21 AM
MarlaS - 2011-04-08 11:09 AM
fattyfatfat - 2011-04-08 10:56 AM

MarlaS - 2011-04-08 8:07 AM You full yet?... I can come with great pics, can even talk about Marietta (as long as it's GA), Charlotte, & Maryland....

hi marla.  yeah its georgia!  you know the area?  i'm a recent transplant.  love the area so far.   i missed the lottery for peachtree so maybe i'll come down and throw beer cans at you

Where in mayretta? I lived off Little Willeo/Johnson Ferry, my daughter went to High Meadows... miss it like crazy! How long have y'all been there?

RE the peachtree: after spending 6 hours on the computer last year trying to get in (and I did!), I joined Atlanta Track Club this year - little price to pay for guaranteed entry... so feel free to throw whatever you want :-p. Funny, when I lived there, I thought people were totally nuts to ruin a perfectly good holiday morning to get up and the heat...and just as crazy just to watch the that I'm gone, I'm so stoked to be going back for it; go figure!


i was in big peach and publix yesterday!  love both the stores.   we live about 5 minutes from there off providence road.  jack goes to eastside.  been here since august.  moved from houston.  i thinks it funny that people around here think its hot an humid in august.

I still run into folks I know in that Publix whenever we're in town. Never liked grocery shopping, but nostalgically miss that Publix! We moved up here in July (2006) - Dana (my 12 year old, then 7), couldn't understand why her day counselors wouldn't go outside just bc it was HOT. Here, they do indoor PE if it's too hot/humid, but go outside all winter with that heinous white stuff on the ground, so we don't get it here, either.

Glad to hear y'all are liking it - I know exactly where y'all are (more or less!). If you need or haven't found good day camp yet, btw, we LOVED Camp Kingfisher at the Chattahoochee Nature Center - incredibly well run, great activities, good mix of inside/outside, kids come home filthy & happy...

AWESOME INFO!!!  THANKS!!!  Looks exactly like something we're currently looking for. 

Careful there John, I here that camp does not allow the kids to have Miller Lite with their chicken legs!

why do they hate chicken legs?

2011-04-08 11:10 AM
in reply to: #3436167

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Extreme Veteran
metro DC
Subject: RE: room for 1 more?

why do they hate chicken legs?

too many vegans??

Tongue out

If you contact the camp, please tell Amy Bram that Marla & Dana say hi. She's the director (think she still is), and she's just exceptional.

2011-04-08 11:23 AM
in reply to: #3436049

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
fattyfatfat - 2011-04-08 8:14 AM

NAME: John.


FAMILY STATUS: Married (Jarrett) 8 years, 3 kiddos (Jack 5, June 4 and Jacy 1.5), 3 dogs Madison and Joe are Jack Russels and Tony is a Blue Healer, and 2 frogs.

CURRENT TRAINING: Currently... getting up every 20 minutes to hitting the "pot". 

2010  RACES: A couple of half irons, an oly, some other races... 

2011 RACES: The Texas Ironman in a few weeks.  Leaning towards heading back Augusta 70.3 in the fall.  A few months ago I registered for a 50k in September... leaning towards scratching that. 

WEIGHTLOSS: I'm svelte.



Reminds me of College.....

2011-04-08 11:27 AM
in reply to: #3434069

Charlotte, NC
Isn't that kind of like the saying about the 60s?  If you remember college you weren't really there?
2011-04-08 11:34 AM
in reply to: #3436223

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.

tricrazy - 2011-04-08 9:27 AM Isn't that kind of like the saying about the 60s?  If you remember college you weren't really there?


I was really good at it... (Not school work !!!)




belushi_in_animal_house.jpg (63KB - 13 downloads)

2011-04-08 11:43 AM
in reply to: #3434069

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BTW gang finally had my bike fit yesterday.  I had to leave it while they did some other cable work but I should have my new, pretty bike back next week.  so look out bike porn on the way.
2011-04-08 12:01 PM
in reply to: #3436235

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swbkrun - 2011-04-08 9:34 AM

tricrazy - 2011-04-08 9:27 AM Isn't that kind of like the saying about the 60s?  If you remember college you weren't really there?


I was really good at it... (Not school work !!!)



Yeah, I was in school long enough to be a doctor.... barely got a bachelors, but had a ton o' fun.

Bio coming soon....

2011-04-08 12:02 PM
in reply to: #3434069

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Here are my next three workouts:

Today: swimming 2800 yards/ 1 hr. (I will try to get an hour of Yoga in tonight)

Saturday: 2x brick (First brick of 2011) 1 hr ride, 20 minute run, 1 hr ride, 20 minute run

Sunday 2.5 - 3.0 hr ride.

Hoping for good weather.

2011-04-08 12:17 PM
in reply to: #3434069

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Sin City

NAME: DJ aka Resident slacker aka Animal Lover,  aka BEST AVATAR PICTURE EVER! 32 years old residing in a 1964 home just minutes away from the Strip of Las Vegas

STORY: Born and raised in a 2 sq mile town in NJ, moved to Las Vegas to go back to school (for the third time - in Game Art and Design) in 2008.  Has always been a couch potato since I was born. In Aug 2009, I bought my first road bike in hope to try to lose some weight and gain fitness. After about 5 months, I was encouraged to try Triathlons. I didn't mind doing the swim or the bike, but I was absolutely fearful of the run because I HATED running.  First triathlon was in May of 2010, and I'm hooked. I'm doing triathlons for FUN, FITNESS, Lose some weight, and FUN! I'm not fast (compared to the rest of the MG'ers), but I do the best to my ability). Knock on wood, I have not gotten injured.  Started hiking with my dog for a few months and I love it! Oh yeah...I'm deaf. 

FAMILY STATUS: Engaged to Roy for 3 years, and we've been together for 6+. We're not in a rush to get married. :-)  6 pets - Mocha, Hobbes, Reno, Penny, Telly - cats, and Stardust, my first dog and hiking partner. Can you tell which ones I adopted in Vegas? No kids yet...

CURRENT TRAINING: Like I've mentioned, I'm the resident slacker. Last year I was coached, this year I'm not.  I think because I was kind of burned out, and I rather just play by ear instead of having structured workout.  It will change after the first Triathlon of the season, starting May 1st. It's also difficult to get some of the workouts in due to schoolwork. I'm determined to do a LOT better. 

2010  RACES: IronGirl Sprint (1st Tri), Lake Las Vegas, Las Vegas, Pumpkinman (first Oly), and Rock and Roll Half Marathon (first half mary).

2011 RACES:  IronGirl, Las Vegas, 5150 (maybe, as a relay), Kokopelli, Rock and Roll Half Mary Las Vegas (Run the Strip...AT NIGHT! Can't beat that! LOL). I do have a few others, but none are set in stone. No HIM or IMs this year. Maybe HIM next year. 

WEIGHTLOSS: The last 10 pounds I want to lose is a ...lost about 25 pounds since I started training, then gained a bit during Christmas Break and the 2 months that I took off from training (due to burn out, and just want to recover).  Still want to lose a little more, but I'll get there. 

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