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2012-07-14 8:49 AM
in reply to: #4306637

New user

Fort Worth
Subject: RE: Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group
After reading how a bunch of you wake up super early to work out I decided I need to stop with excuses and get out of bed! I have always worked out at the gym because I feel more comfortable there but today I decided to do my C25K outside on the Trinity Trail. And I met some awesome people there! (something I have yet to do at the gym) so thank you to everyone for inspiring me to step out of my comfort zone!

2012-07-14 9:00 AM
in reply to: #4306637

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New Hampshire
Subject: RE: Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group
It's very liberating to be outside on a trail or on the road rather than "stuck" inside in a gym, especially early in the morning like that.  Then when you pass someone else doing the same thing you feel a kind of connection, unlike the gym where you just kind of grunt and ask if they're using the machine.
2012-07-14 9:39 AM
in reply to: #4311291

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Extreme Veteran
Nisbet, PA
Subject: RE: Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group

jonD81 - 2012-07-14 10:00 AM .....  unlike the gym where you just kind of grunt and ask if they're using the machine.

Cindy woke up with an allergy attack at 4am; hacking, coughing, and sneezing so bad that I sent her downstairs so I could go back to sleep.  I'm not "making" her walk today.  If she chooses to do so I will, of course, go with her.

In the meantime, I raised my seat in hopes of getting a better extension on my leg.  First effort felt too long, I could actually straighten my leg all the way.  I read somewhere that this wasn't good.  Stopped, adjusted downward an inch or so.  +2 on the seat adjustment ..... +1 for being able to ride the loop in a full gear higher than I usually do, and +1 for making my pace go up one full mph (13.5).  I know that 13.5 isn't fast for some of you, but on a ten year old hybrid, I'm pretty happy with it.

I REALLY have to try to adjust that rear this weekend.  It's only a problem in the 3rd and 4th gears.  I haven't noticed it above or below those.  Tuesday I double the ride to 9 miles, and I'm going to keep my 3X's a week schedule.

2012-07-14 10:15 AM
in reply to: #4311308

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Prattville Insane Asylum San Antonio
Subject: RE: Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group
leatherneckpa - 2012-07-14 9:39 AM

jonD81 - 2012-07-14 10:00 AM .....  unlike the gym where you just kind of grunt and ask if they're using the machine.

Cindy woke up with an allergy attack at 4am; hacking, coughing, and sneezing so bad that I sent her downstairs so I could go back to sleep.  I'm not "making" her walk today.  If she chooses to do so I will, of course, go with her.

In the meantime, I raised my seat in hopes of getting a better extension on my leg.  First effort felt too long, I could actually straighten my leg all the way.  I read somewhere that this wasn't good.  Stopped, adjusted downward an inch or so.  +2 on the seat adjustment ..... +1 for being able to ride the loop in a full gear higher than I usually do, and +1 for making my pace go up one full mph (13.5).  I know that 13.5 isn't fast for some of you, but on a ten year old hybrid, I'm pretty happy with it.

I REALLY have to try to adjust that rear this weekend.  It's only a problem in the 3rd and 4th gears.  I haven't noticed it above or below those.  Tuesday I double the ride to 9 miles, and I'm going to keep my 3X's a week schedule.

Yeah, you definitely don't want a full leg extension.  It's always a little trial and error on the comfort part until you fork out for a full on fit.  I rode a hybrid for my first triathlon, and was pretty happy with it.  My husband suggested I go get a fitting for a road bike, so I saved up and bought last years model for a great price.  I LOVE having the proper fit.  Shorter for the female torso, seat tilted just right, etc.  I was riding my hybrid at around 12-13 mph, and I think that was fast for me, so kudos to you for your speed, it is AWESOME!  Once I switched to road, I am now around 15-16 mph so it gave me a little more.  

Sorry to hear about your wife's allergies.  I am having to take claratin here daily just to be able to head outside!  I am already about 30 sec slower per mile in this squelching heat, but I would also rather be outside on the trails than in the gym.  I run on the Air Force Base here, and I love it.  They have the trails here that go around the runway and all the fighter jets.  It's fun to run by or have them fly by you while you are running the loop!  

Good Luck to all our racers this weekend!  You will all do great, I expect a RR! Laughing

2012-07-14 2:30 PM
in reply to: #4306637

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Extreme Veteran
Nisbet, PA
Subject: RE: Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group

I've got a couple of thousand dollars coming in mid-August and it's already slated for a new bike.  I have four LBS near me (up to 90 minutes away).  One wants sell me a bike then swap components to achieve a fit.  The second one does the same thing, but these guys I know from officiating bicycle races.  The third has a "trained professional" fitter that costs $100 and then they'll build the bike to fit.  Swapped components are extra.  The fourth one, farthest away, also does a professional fit but if you buy a $750 or more bike there it's free.  I'm looking at spending up to $1500 on the bike so that's not a problem.  In the meantime, I have to slug it out with this hybrid.  Still haven't been able to get the rear end working right.

I have spent most of today drafting my Blueman Training Plan.  So far, since I don't know how my shoulder will react to swimming, it consists of just my walk/run and bike distances.  I'm not worrying about times other than to see somewhat regular improvement.  I'm more concerned with "going the distance".  I figure that if I can achieve what I have set out in this plan I will have the bike and run kicked.  I have attempted to attach the plan using the link at the bottom of this form.  We'll see how that works.

The last three weeks before Blueman are different.  I am planning to combine either run/bike or swim/bike at least three days each week.  then the week of Blueman I need guidance from the collective.  How hard should I be hitting it that week or should I be resting?  I've included my planned swims in this draft.  I've never done race prep before so input would be appreciated.

Blueman Plan.doc (33KB - 8 downloads)
2012-07-14 7:37 PM
in reply to: #4306637

New user
Northern Alberta
Subject: RE: Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group
Second sprint tomorrow and it has hills. Maybe not Colorado type hills but I live on the prairies. It's going hurt going up.
Should be fun on the way down.

2012-07-14 7:54 PM
in reply to: #4311770

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Subject: RE: Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group

hitmankf - 2012-07-14 7:37 PM Second sprint tomorrow and it has hills. Maybe not Colorado type hills but I live on the prairies. It's going hurt going up.
Should be fun on the way down.

I bet your super stoked for your Sprint tomorrow. Think of it as your first chance to PR in a race!! Spin like mad up those hills to keep your legs and haul the mail down the other side!!! If you scream wheeeeeeeeee on the way down that's okay!!

2012-07-14 9:48 PM
in reply to: #4306637

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Subject: RE: Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group
Had a great race today!! Finished 2nd place in the Clydesdale div. It was my first podium ever I finished in 2:36 which was also a pr by 12 minutes. It was great cheering on all the other athletes and friends there. I hope everyone else had a good day to!!!
2012-07-14 9:49 PM
in reply to: #4311770

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Subject: RE: Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group

hitmankf - 2012-07-14 6:37 PM Second sprint tomorrow and it has hills. Maybe not Colorado type hills but I live on the prairies. It's going hurt going up.
Should be fun on the way down.

Good Luck!! Enjoy the free speed

2012-07-15 5:41 PM
in reply to: #4306637

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Albury, Australia
Subject: RE: Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group

Ok, so I guess this is the place to share our wins, but to be honest about our losses. I wimped out on my long run yesterday (well long in the context of this program). See thats the saddest thing, it is only 22 mins. Sure I am relegated to run/walk for now (I am too unfit not to), but I did have all day, and it should have been easy. I just wimped out.


So today I am doing my long run, and a swim. Tomorrow I will do my shorter ride (and what should be a rest day), just so I get in the habit of it all.


Hope you are all having a great week.

2012-07-15 8:01 PM
in reply to: #4312554

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New Hampshire
Subject: RE: Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group
alburyscott - 2012-07-15 6:41 PM

Ok, so I guess this is the place to share our wins, but to be honest about our losses. I wimped out on my long run yesterday (well long in the context of this program). See thats the saddest thing, it is only 22 mins. Sure I am relegated to run/walk for now (I am too unfit not to), but I did have all day, and it should have been easy. I just wimped out.


So today I am doing my long run, and a swim. Tomorrow I will do my shorter ride (and what should be a rest day), just so I get in the habit of it all.


Hope you are all having a great week.


Everyone has a bad run/workout.  They're more frequent than you might expect.  I know I was surprised when I first read about how many people just get mentally and physically fatigued in the middle of a workout.  I thought I was alone in my failing.  Not every trip out is a PR.  Take whatever you can mentally from what happened as to why you didn't do as well as you would have liked and use it to your advantage next time. 

2012-07-16 6:09 AM
in reply to: #4306637

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Extreme Veteran
Nisbet, PA
Subject: RE: Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group
Scott, it's just my opinion and, as you know, I'm no further into this than you are but I wouldn't even worry about doubling up workouts.  I would simply write that one off and get back on the train in exactly the order the plan has.  Let's face it, in the big picture of a12 week (20 week, or longer) missing one day is pretty insignificant.  Just don't use that miss as an excuse to back off the program.  We can't change what's behind us, but we can control our efforts in the future.  And it's the effort that counts.
2012-07-16 6:55 AM
in reply to: #4306637

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New Hampshire
Subject: RE: Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group

Missed both my workouts this weekend Embarassed.  Had my son's first birthday on Saturday and it was so hot that by the time we got home I was just beat.  Kid weighs 30# so tossing him around all day in 90* beats the crap out of ya.  Sunday golfed at noon and it was even hotter and more humid and I couldn't get out the door last night once the kid went down.  Gonna have to step it up this week.  Also found out I need a new front shifter, my cousin put a temp fix on it, but it won't fully shift down unless you really torque it.  Won't have that fixed until next week so I'll be riding with a few less gears.

How did everyone do with their races this weekend?

2012-07-16 8:00 AM
in reply to: #4306637

New user
Subject: RE: Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group
got in an OWS over the weekend, went pretty well. Have dinner plans tonight, so hopefully I can get off work at a decent time and get in a quick run. The dinner is at a local craft brewery, so running after seems like a low probability event.
2012-07-16 8:58 AM
in reply to: #4313188

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Subject: RE: Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group

I had a couple decent workouts.  Saturday was a swim/bike combo day. My goal was to complete 3- 5 minute swims with a 1 minute rest. I almost did it. I don't know if I'm swimming too fast or what, but my swim endurance is atrocious. Of the 15 minutes scheduled I probably swam 13.5 but had more than just 2 breaks, sigh.

The bike went pretty well, being only my 3rd long ride (long being > 5 miles) I'm still getting comfort with things.  My phone reset around 7.5 miles of my 10 mile loop so I don't have an actual time or average speed for the full ride, but I think I was on track for my goal of around 40 minutes. I recorded 7.25 miles in 30 minutes and the last 2 miles are faster than the beginning so I should have been able to get a 3:30 pace.

Today I was supposed to swim again but slept in. I guess I will use today as a rest and do another swim/bike tomorrow.

2012-07-16 9:53 AM
in reply to: #4313312

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, Minnesota
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group

Happy Monday everyone. I was gone all weekend in Louisiana where, surprisingly, the weather was a bit nicer than what we've got in Minnesota!  Crazy.    I saw we would have a heat advisory today, so I squeezed in a small run at our hotel yesterday morning before we left.  My plans are canceled for training tonight due to a last minute trip to visit my Grandma in the nursing home with my mom and sisters.   I can't really justify skipping that    So, a(nother) rest day.    If I get home early enough I might consider a bike ride still, since at least the temps will be a tiny bit cooler.  Although if I workout too late it's hard to sleep.  We'll see, but the evening ride is appealing... Maybe a short one

I like Monday because it's a chance to reset.  No more worrying about what workouts were done/not done/done poorly.   Start fresh and be happy that we can do it at all!

2012-07-16 10:42 AM
in reply to: #4312554

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Prattville Insane Asylum San Antonio
Subject: RE: Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group
alburyscott - 2012-07-15 5:41 PM

Ok, so I guess this is the place to share our wins, but to be honest about our losses. I wimped out on my long run yesterday (well long in the context of this program). See thats the saddest thing, it is only 22 mins. Sure I am relegated to run/walk for now (I am too unfit not to), but I did have all day, and it should have been easy. I just wimped out.


So today I am doing my long run, and a swim. Tomorrow I will do my shorter ride (and what should be a rest day), just so I get in the habit of it all.


Hope you are all having a great week.

I wouldn't worry about it!  We all have days where our heart isn't in it.  I also wouldn't worry about doubling up on a day, just reset for the week as Bikergrrl says!  

How were all our racers this weekend???  

I had a good weekend.  I made it through till yesterday, then decided I couldn't wait any longer and went for a run.  Funny, because I found myself slower which I knew would happen with the heat and my toe, but it changed my stride, for the better.  I felt myself lighter on my feet and was in a nicer longer stride than more of a shuffle.  I barely felt my toe and was just lighter on my  strike.  Perhaps this injury was for the better in some way!  

I was able to get back on my trainer for the Tour challenge (GO team Garmin!)  and log in 35 miles this morning.  

Hope everyone has a great day today!!!  

2012-07-16 10:53 AM
in reply to: #4306637

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Subject: RE: Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group

hello, all! Had a great weekend workout experience - 17 miles Friday on the bike, and it didn't rain much. We picked up my mom from the airport late that night and didn't get home until almost 5 AM, which has thrown my body clock off a bit. Ran 6 miles on Saturday also, miraculously, not in the rain, and swam 3500 yards yesterday. All three of those are fairly long for me, and today is a scheduled rest day (thought the temptation to go for a run is there, I think it would be prudent to resist). My mom's been pretty good about me running off to go sweat for a while every day.

2012-07-16 10:55 AM
in reply to: #4306637

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Subject: RE: Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group
Scott, it is generally not considered a good idea to try to make up workouts that were missed. If you missed it you missed it, and stay focused on what you want or need to do workoutwise today. We all miss workouts from time to time!
2012-07-16 12:31 PM
in reply to: #4313636

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, Minnesota
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group

calluna - 2012-07-16 10:55 AM Scott, it is generally not considered a good idea to try to make up workouts that were missed. If you missed it you missed it, and stay focused on what you want or need to do workoutwise today. We all miss workouts from time to time!

I think this depends.  Since Scott had a rest day coming up anyway (and so basically took it early), and the workouts are relatively short, I think it's ok to do what he has planned.  

Now, if we're taking about taking on two grueling workouts in one day, I agree I usually just say goodbye to the workout if missed.

I also try to prioritize key workouts.   I don't mind skipping a recovery workout (shorter, less intense), but I do mind skipping a long run or bike.  In those cases I might do the workout I missed and skip another workout instead. 

2012-07-16 1:17 PM
in reply to: #4306637

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Subject: RE: Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group
Hey everyone!  I had a great race on Sunday.  I walked more than I wanted during the run, but I also ran more than I did last year...  I'm sure i beat my time from last year which was my goal.  I'll post as soon as they post this years results...

2012-07-16 1:24 PM
in reply to: #4314082

New user
Subject: RE: Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group

SoberTriGuy - 2012-07-16 2:17 PM Hey everyone!  I had a great race on Sunday.  I walked more than I wanted during the run, but I also ran more than I did last year...  I'm sure i beat my time from last year which was my goal.  I'll post as soon as they post this years results...


congratulations, look forward to seeing the report!

2012-07-16 2:04 PM
in reply to: #4314082

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, Minnesota
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group

SoberTriGuy - 2012-07-16 1:17 PM Hey everyone!  I had a great race on Sunday.  I walked more than I wanted during the run, but I also ran more than I did last year...  I'm sure i beat my time from last year which was my goal.  I'll post as soon as they post this years results...

Great to hear!

Results are up, just not linked to the site:

2012-07-16 2:17 PM
in reply to: #4306637

Subject: RE: Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group

Here's my two cents worth:

Currently at 260 lbs, down from 410.  Ran my first real outdoor sprint in June.  Finished and finished happy - not bad for the first time out.  In keeping with my insane goals, I'm doing an Olympic distance on August 25th.  First OWS.  The sprint convinced me that my swimming needed a lot of work - I could bully my way through the 500 meters, but 1.5 K open water will either kill me off or just ensure that the run kills me off.  Again, my only goal for this next triathlon will be to finish and not be hauled away in an ambulance.

My favorite workout these days has been to bike 6 miles to an outdoor pool, swim 30 laps, and bike home.  On Friday, I bumped that up to 40 laps.  Saturday was scortching Missouri heat, but I managed a 30 mile bike ride and 30 laps in the pool.

I'm currently using a snorkel for the swim and working on a breaststroke.  I don't mind doing the backstroke, but I consider this to be the equivalent of walking - if I have to backstroke, I will.

Evening workouts work best for me, despite the heat.  There's a nice Rails-to-Trails bike path near the office.  Right next to the Missouri river, eagles and deer, and I can ride 16 miles without crossing a road and only be in the sun for 45 seconds.  The only drawback is that there's no water available, so a big Camelback is a must when it's 105 degrees out there.

2012-07-16 3:27 PM
in reply to: #4314082

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Subject: RE: Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group

SoberTriGuy - 2012-07-16 2:17 PM Hey everyone!  I had a great race on Sunday.  I walked more than I wanted during the run, but I also ran more than I did last year...  I'm sure i beat my time from last year which was my goal.  I'll post as soon as they post this years results...

Great job, can't wait for the full report!

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