BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Yanti & Salty Straight-Up Ridiculous Manatees Part 5 - FULL Rss Feed  
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2012-08-31 6:14 PM
in reply to: #4388210

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Coastal Carolina
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Straight-Up Ridiculous Manatees Part 5 - FULL
Woowhoo. I actually ran today! Gee I feel like a lazy lump. What do the non racing manatees have up this weekend?

2012-08-31 11:21 PM
in reply to: #4388210

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Central Kansas
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Straight-Up Ridiculous Manatees Part 5 - FULL

Good luck to Chris and Reece this weekend!

Love the luna moth tattoo.

I've been having a tough week. I forgot to go to my 11:00 class this morning. No, that is not a typo. I was working on something in my office and one of my students came by at 11:30 to ask me if we were supposed to have class today. I looked at him like he was crazy and said, "Of course we are having class." And he said, "Well, everyone left." I almost died. I cannot believe I forgot to go to class. Who does that??? I was so upset. I went immediately into the Dean's office and told him I was losing it and that he needed to start keeping track of me. He thought it was all some big joke, but I was dead serious.

I now have an outlook reminder set up for the rest of the semester to remind me when to go to class!!!! What a nightmare.

And I'm so emotional today. I thought of Jo. I was at the grocery store and the check out clerk asked, "How are you today?" And I almost burst into tears.

Crazy at work. I'm so busy -- teaching an overload, developing two online classes (what I was doing at 11:00 instead of going to class), trying to promote a new program. /whining

So just letting you all know that I'm still around, but doing only the lightest training. That frustrates me.

Edited by KansasMom 2012-08-31 11:22 PM
2012-08-31 11:24 PM
in reply to: #4388210

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Central Kansas
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Straight-Up Ridiculous Manatees Part 5 - FULL

Okay. I actually have a training question if someone would be so kind . . .

I have only 35 minutes to swim during two of my weekly workouts. This week, I swam 12-15 minutes as a warm up and then spent the rest of the time on one arm drills.

I am wondering if I should use the drills as warm up and then do my swim as 100s.

What do you all think?

2012-08-31 11:38 PM
in reply to: #4390911

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Straight-Up Ridiculous Manatees Part 5 - FULL
KansasMom - 2012-08-31 9:21 PM

Good luck to Chris and Reece this weekend!

Love the luna moth tattoo.

I've been having a tough week. I forgot to go to my 11:00 class this morning. No, that is not a typo. I was working on something in my office and one of my students came by at 11:30 to ask me if we were supposed to have class today. I looked at him like he was crazy and said, "Of course we are having class." And he said, "Well, everyone left." I almost died. I cannot believe I forgot to go to class. Who does that??? I was so upset. I went immediately into the Dean's office and told him I was losing it and that he needed to start keeping track of me. He thought it was all some big joke, but I was dead serious.

I now have an outlook reminder set up for the rest of the semester to remind me when to go to class!!!! What a nightmare.

And I'm so emotional today. I thought of Jo. I was at the grocery store and the check out clerk asked, "How are you today?" And I almost burst into tears.

Crazy at work. I'm so busy -- teaching an overload, developing two online classes (what I was doing at 11:00 instead of going to class), trying to promote a new program. /whining

So just letting you all know that I'm still around, but doing only the lightest training. That frustrates me.

I have nightmares about sleeping in through my early labs.  I think my students might not mind, but I would be horrified too Surprised.  Anytime you need to vent about work, I am happy to listen.  My colleague and I were having meltdowns today trying to get everything ready for Tuesday.  Our vets take all summer off, then come in the week before classes to tell us everything they need done.  And then they take Friday off to boot.  Grrrrrrr.  I feel your pain!

Re your swim question.  I guess it depends on what you want to work on.  Personally, at this point in the season if I had to choose, I would go for the 100s.  Save the drills for the off season or when you have more time to swim. 

Hope you are able to take some time to relax this long weekend! 

2012-08-31 11:49 PM
in reply to: #4388210

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Straight-Up Ridiculous Manatees Part 5 - FULL
Felicia I don't have much to contribute on the swimming topic, but you will be in my thoughts and prayers as you re-adjust to the school year schedule. When you get too stressed just remember your wonderful camping trips in Kansas and Colorado.
{{kiwi press}}
2012-09-01 12:07 AM
in reply to: #4388210

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Straight-Up Ridiculous Manatees Part 5 - FULL
Goooooooo Chris and Reece!!!

2012-09-01 12:13 AM
in reply to: #4388210

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Straight-Up Ridiculous Manatees Part 5 - FULL
Just had a close look at the course for my HM at the end of September.  It goes right past my house!   I have run just about the whole route at different times, so at least there will be no surprises.  Really looking forward to it.
2012-09-01 2:58 AM
in reply to: #4390911

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Straight-Up Ridiculous Manatees Part 5 - FULL
KansasMom - 2012-08-31 11:21 PM

Good luck to Chris and Reece this weekend!

Love the luna moth tattoo.

I've been having a tough week. I forgot to go to my 11:00 class this morning. No, that is not a typo. I was working on something in my office and one of my students came by at 11:30 to ask me if we were supposed to have class today. I looked at him like he was crazy and said, "Of course we are having class." And he said, "Well, everyone left." I almost died. I cannot believe I forgot to go to class. Who does that??? I was so upset. I went immediately into the Dean's office and told him I was losing it and that he needed to start keeping track of me. He thought it was all some big joke, but I was dead serious.

I now have an outlook reminder set up for the rest of the semester to remind me when to go to class!!!! What a nightmare.

And I'm so emotional today. I thought of Jo. I was at the grocery store and the check out clerk asked, "How are you today?" And I almost burst into tears.

Crazy at work. I'm so busy -- teaching an overload, developing two online classes (what I was doing at 11:00 instead of going to class), trying to promote a new program. /whining

So just letting you all know that I'm still around, but doing only the lightest training. That frustrates me.


I hear ya sister!  Another part of it all is like having pregnant brain again!  Oh well.  I'm less emotional at the moment, 1/4tsp of Maca powder is working well so far.  Something that happens most weeks and reduces me to tears, this week I gave it a 'whatever'.

2012-09-01 3:04 AM
in reply to: #4388210

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Straight-Up Ridiculous Manatees Part 5 - FULL

Wow I go offline for one night and there's a new thread of 5 pages.  There's a new tattoo!  I want an Artemis tattoo, one of the Goddess herself not my daughter!  Perhaps if I finish IM I will co-ordinate it with an Mdot!

Well it was an eventful Friday night, Little Miss Artemis running a fever then a huge night terror, vomited out of her nose in fear and was hallucinating, shaking and just sooooo scared.  Scares us too, but was fine she woke up, she didn't have a fever so it wasn't related it really just was a bad dream.  Fotis took her to the doctor again today because she hasn't really eaten since Tuesday.  She is a tiny little thing anyway!  Doctor demanded a poop sample so that's done, results on Wednesday.

Fotis also under the weather suffering symptoms he's had before which were the Helio pylori bacteria in the gut.  So his test went in the same time and results same time too.

I am fine and dandy!  I stood for 7 hours today at the warehouse sale I thought about a run tonight but I will fit it in tomorrow with a ride.

Our anniversary today of when we met (we celebrate this rather than the wedding) - 22 years ago I walked into a bar on the Greek island of Kefalonia laid eyes on the barman and the rest is history!  We have had our ups and downs but we're still here!

I am about to crack open a bottle of red - cabernet sauvignon - Australian and NZ wines are truly great!

Good luck to Chris and to Reece.

Love to everyone who is suffering big or small, health or emotional or just darned tired!  Speak soon!

2012-09-01 8:43 AM
in reply to: #4388210

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Straight-Up Ridiculous Manatees Part 5 - FULL
Jo congrats on the anniversary! Hope everyone is feeling better soon.
2012-09-01 10:33 AM
in reply to: #4390661

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Straight-Up Ridiculous Manatees Part 5 - FULL

Tripopo - 2012-09-01 7:14 AM Woowhoo. I actually ran today! Gee I feel like a lazy lump. What do the non racing manatees have up this weekend?

Wait, you have MONO and you ran??? Am I missing something? Are you okay?

I am sick as an inbred dog ... so sick I could barely get to the doc. Blech. But I DID go, and I DIDN'T work out at all or even do anything at all today, good inbred dog, have a Milky Way mini.

2012-09-01 10:36 AM
in reply to: #4390911

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Straight-Up Ridiculous Manatees Part 5 - FULL
KansasMom - 2012-09-01 12:21 PM

Good luck to Chris and Reece this weekend!

Love the luna moth tattoo.

I've been having a tough week. I forgot to go to my 11:00 class this morning. No, that is not a typo. I was working on something in my office and one of my students came by at 11:30 to ask me if we were supposed to have class today. I looked at him like he was crazy and said, "Of course we are having class." And he said, "Well, everyone left." I almost died. I cannot believe I forgot to go to class. Who does that??? I was so upset. I went immediately into the Dean's office and told him I was losing it and that he needed to start keeping track of me. He thought it was all some big joke, but I was dead serious.

I now have an outlook reminder set up for the rest of the semester to remind me when to go to class!!!! What a nightmare.

And I'm so emotional today. I thought of Jo. I was at the grocery store and the check out clerk asked, "How are you today?" And I almost burst into tears.

Crazy at work. I'm so busy -- teaching an overload, developing two online classes (what I was doing at 11:00 instead of going to class), trying to promote a new program. /whining

So just letting you all know that I'm still around, but doing only the lightest training. That frustrates me.

Well, only the very best of instructors. Actually, that's not true ... pretty much anybody who's been teaching any length of time manages to forget to show up to class at least once. Except for Mr. Miron, my high-school calculus teacher, who was the first ultra-endurance athlete I knew and who only ever missed class twice: once when he broke his arm, and then when his first child was being born.

This is a sign of your awesomeness, Felicia ... but also your overload! You're DOing awesome despite FEELing and BEing stressed out!

2012-09-01 10:41 AM
in reply to: #4390912

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Straight-Up Ridiculous Manatees Part 5 - FULL
KansasMom - 2012-09-01 12:24 PM

Okay. I actually have a training question if someone would be so kind . . .

I have only 35 minutes to swim during two of my weekly workouts. This week, I swam 12-15 minutes as a warm up and then spent the rest of the time on one arm drills.

I am wondering if I should use the drills as warm up and then do my swim as 100s.

What do you all think?

With only 35 minutes, I'd do the whole thing as 100s (or 50s, or 200s, or 150s, or some combo thereof), do the first couple few easy and really try to hit the rest at the highest repeatable pace you can with 5-15s rest in between, depending on distance. Use the last 100 or 200 (however it's broken up) as cool-down.

Save drilling and technique refinements for when you've got a bigger block of time to mess around with.

2012-09-01 10:42 AM
in reply to: #4390661

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Straight-Up Ridiculous Manatees Part 5 - FULL

Tripopo - 2012-08-31 6:14 PM Woowhoo. I actually ran today! Gee I feel like a lazy lump. What do the non racing manatees have up this weekend?

Hope being able to run means that you do not have mono as originally thought.

I recently finished an 8 mile run and 2500 yd swim.  I am now sitting on the couch watching Notre Dame crush Navy .  GO IRISH!!!!!  The game  is being played in Dublin and the weather is perfect.  I'm a little bitter about that since the weather during my recent trip there was rain with intermittent rain.

Tomorrow i have a brick w/o consisting of a 4 hr bike and 30 minute run.  I'm tired just typing it.

2012-09-01 10:48 AM
in reply to: #4390911

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Straight-Up Ridiculous Manatees Part 5 - FULL
KansasMom - 2012-08-31 11:21 PM

Good luck to Chris and Reece this weekend!

Love the luna moth tattoo.

I've been having a tough week. I forgot to go to my 11:00 class this morning. No, that is not a typo. I was working on something in my office and one of my students came by at 11:30 to ask me if we were supposed to have class today. I looked at him like he was crazy and said, "Of course we are having class." And he said, "Well, everyone left." I almost died. I cannot believe I forgot to go to class. Who does that??? I was so upset. I went immediately into the Dean's office and told him I was losing it and that he needed to start keeping track of me. He thought it was all some big joke, but I was dead serious.

I now have an outlook reminder set up for the rest of the semester to remind me when to go to class!!!! What a nightmare.

And I'm so emotional today. I thought of Jo. I was at the grocery store and the check out clerk asked, "How are you today?" And I almost burst into tears.

Crazy at work. I'm so busy -- teaching an overload, developing two online classes (what I was doing at 11:00 instead of going to class), trying to promote a new program. /whining

So just letting you all know that I'm still around, but doing only the lightest training. That frustrates me.

I never complained when a professor failed to show for class   Unfortunately, it didn't happen too often.  Just think of your missing the class as a Labor Day gift for your students.  But seriously, give yourself some slack; you seem to be incredibly busy and are having some hormonal issues so you are allowed a brain fart every so often.

2012-09-01 10:53 AM
in reply to: #4391127

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Coastal Carolina
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Straight-Up Ridiculous Manatees Part 5 - FULL
TriAya - 2012-09-01 11:33 AM

Tripopo - 2012-09-01 7:14 AM Woowhoo. I actually ran today! Gee I feel like a lazy lump. What do the non racing manatees have up this weekend?

Wait, you have MONO and you ran??? Am I missing something? Are you okay?

I am sick as an inbred dog ... so sick I could barely get to the doc. Blech. But I DID go, and I DIDN'T work out at all or even do anything at all today, good inbred dog, have a Milky Way mini.

The wife has mono, I don't have symptoms as of this point but she has me convinced I'm going to get it, I don't understand the whole medical thing. Went for a 30 mile ride today debated doing 40 but I have to work tonight so cut it short, although I got to #2 in a Strava segment! No 1 us a cat 5 racer so not trying to get the top spot anytime soon.

2012-09-01 10:57 AM
in reply to: #4390946

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Straight-Up Ridiculous Manatees Part 5 - FULL


I hear ya sister!  Another part of it all is like having pregnant brain again!  Oh well.  I'm less emotional at the moment, 1/4tsp of Maca powder is working well so far.  Something that happens most weeks and reduces me to tears, this week I gave it a 'whatever'.


Nice to hear success with the Maca powder.  I don't have the hormonal issues you and Felicia are suffering with, but i too have noticed an overall difference in me since i started using it about 3 weeks ago.  For all my adult life I have been a terrible sleeper, eg, bouts of insomnia or after falling asleep, frequent waking, but the last couple of weeks i've actually slept hours at a time! It's kind of nice

One thing to watch out for though is it is really high in fiber, so...

Edited by amd723 2012-09-01 10:58 AM
2012-09-01 11:31 AM
in reply to: #4388210

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Overland Park, KS
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Straight-Up Ridiculous Manatees Part 5 - FULL

Holy Schnickies, we're moving through the new thread at light speed.  I hope all those with ailmelts heal up quick, and don't overdue it!  Hey Felicia, don't stress over the no-show, you'll make up for it in the next class because you'll dazzle them with some really cool story (make them laugh, they'll forgot all about it).

My department had a suite at the Royals game last night, all the beer and BBQ we could eat, but game was cancelled (rained out).  Then it's bee pouring rain around here, which is needed, so I didn't go to the race this morning, I'm sure it didn't start.  Right now there's a break in the rain but it's 11:25 so I doubt they would have waited it out that long.

So I went back to sleep, had a dream or two (I rarely sleep enough hours to dream), them woke up around 10:00.  Now drinking coffee, looking outside trying to decide what time to go out for a run.

I so wanted to ride yesterday because I had 380 miles on the bike for the month and wanted to break 400, but the rain stopped that.

My thoughts and prayers go to you all, shooting for a healthy Manatee POD!

2012-09-01 2:18 PM
in reply to: #4388210

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Straight-Up Ridiculous Manatees Part 5 - FULL
Bummer about your race PB :-(

Kirk, congrats on the KOM #2! I am pretty stoked. I did a 30 mile ride today and hit 2 segments. The first one I pushed really hard and went from being second by 30 seconds to being QOM by three minutes and change!!!! The second segment is a .8 mile killer hill and I was in second by just under a minute.
2012-09-01 3:32 PM
in reply to: #4391135

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Central Kansas
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Straight-Up Ridiculous Manatees Part 5 - FULL



Aya - 2012-09-01 10:41 AM

KansasMom - 2012-09-01 12:24 PM

Okay. I actually have a training question if someone would be so kind . . .

I have only 35 minutes to swim during two of my weekly workouts. This week, I swam 12-15 minutes as a warm up and then spent the rest of the time on one arm drills.

I am wondering if I should use the drills as warm up and then do my swim as 100s.

What do you all think?

With only 35 minutes, I'd do the whole thing as 100s (or 50s, or 200s, or 150s, or some combo thereof), do the first couple few easy and really try to hit the rest at the highest repeatable pace you can with 5-15s rest in between, depending on distance. Use the last 100 or 200 (however it's broken up) as cool-down.

Save drilling and technique refinements for when you've got a bigger block of time to mess around with.

Ok. That makes sense. I am just worried about reinforcing bad form. I may be able to get an hour in on Sunday afternoons. Could I drill then? After a warm up or as a warm up? I guess what I'm asking is are drills the main set when you do them or do they function as something else? Sorry for the hairbrain questions.

2012-09-01 5:44 PM
in reply to: #4388210

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Straight-Up Ridiculous Manatees Part 5 - FULL

my first Ironman dream!

So for this dream - guy I work with (Dene) was friends with the race director from the states and he told him I was doing IM and how slow I am and the RD said - she's not good enough we're giving her a lifetime ban she can't enter.  I was devastated!  I even left my bike at my friends and said you may as well have it.

WTF - dream come true if that were to happen I wouldn't be devastated I'd be elated!

Then I dreamt I was doing a Tri swim and the water was the colour of tea and your arms touched the debris and garbage at the bottom of the lake every timeyou took a stroke I ended up doing breaststroke!

Family seem better this morning - Artemis has lost 7lbs so is now a chunky 43lbs - can see every rib!  mmmm maybe I could catch this!  She had breakfast today 2 Graham Crackers (for my UK people that's cream crackers) with jam.  She's not allowed butter yet.  I will keep her off school Monday because she's too weak to do a whole day really.  As soon as she can eat and poop normally she can go back!

Father's Day here in Oz - poor Fotis still not great but feels slightly better.  As a good wife and mother I'm off out for breakfast with my girlfriend.  We go to a great cafe on the beach (the IM marathon runs through this part of town) - cafe is owned by Hugh Jackman's sister in law....He was over last week having breakfast there!  He really is very tall.


2012-09-01 6:27 PM
in reply to: #4388210

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Straight-Up Ridiculous Manatees Part 5 - FULL
1) you are NOT getting out of your IM that easily
2) prayers for the DH and DD that they get better quickly. You can do fathers day next week when he feels better
3) cafe sounds awesome and HJ?! Dayum!!!!!!
2012-09-01 7:26 PM
in reply to: #4391451

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Straight-Up Ridiculous Manatees Part 5 - FULL
jobaxas - 2012-09-01 6:44 PM

my first Ironman dream!

So for this dream - guy I work with (Dene) was friends with the race director from the states and he told him I was doing IM and how slow I am and the RD said - she's not good enough we're giving her a lifetime ban she can't enter.  I was devastated!  I even left my bike at my friends and said you may as well have it.

WTF - dream come true if that were to happen I wouldn't be devastated I'd be elated!

Then I dreamt I was doing a Tri swim and the water was the colour of tea and your arms touched the debris and garbage at the bottom of the lake every timeyou took a stroke I ended up doing breaststroke!

Family seem better this morning - Artemis has lost 7lbs so is now a chunky 43lbs - can see every rib!  mmmm maybe I could catch this!  She had breakfast today 2 Graham Crackers (for my UK people that's cream crackers) with jam.  She's not allowed butter yet.  I will keep her off school Monday because she's too weak to do a whole day really.  As soon as she can eat and poop normally she can go back!

Father's Day here in Oz - poor Fotis still not great but feels slightly better.  As a good wife and mother I'm off out for breakfast with my girlfriend.  We go to a great cafe on the beach (the IM marathon runs through this part of town) - cafe is owned by Hugh Jackman's sister in law....He was over last week having breakfast there!  He really is very tall.


Poor, dear little Artemis and Fotis   truly wishing the best for them both and speedy recovery, especially for your little girl.  Sounds like she is really having a rough time of it.  Hugs all around!

2012-09-01 7:27 PM
in reply to: #4391127

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Straight-Up Ridiculous Manatees Part 5 - FULL
TriAya - 2012-09-01 11:33 AM

Wait, you have MONO and you ran??? Am I missing something? Are you okay?

I am sick as an inbred dog ... so sick I could barely get to the doc. Blech. But I DID go, and I DIDN'T work out at all or even do anything at all today, good inbred dog, have a Milky Way mini.

Awww, Yanti...hoping the healing powers of Milky Ways and Pop Tarts help you soon.  Hugs for you, too, dear!! So many ill manatees right now, or manatees with ill loved ones.  HUGS FOR ALL!!!!!

2012-09-01 7:30 PM
in reply to: #4391290

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty Straight-Up Ridiculous Manatees Part 5 - FULL

rrrunner - 2012-09-01 3:18 PM Bummer about your race PB :-(

Kirk, congrats on the KOM #2! I am pretty stoked. I did a 30 mile ride today and hit 2 segments. The first one I pushed really hard and went from being second by 30 seconds to being QOM by three minutes and change!!!! The second segment is a .8 mile killer hill and I was in second by just under a minute.

Awesome!!  I wanted to take a QOM near my house but shockingly my husband wanted to ride with me, which happens NEVER (on the road), so I thought today isn't the day to bust up a hill to beat the girl ahead of me's QOM.   Next week, though, watch out Beth Whatever-your-name-is!

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