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2015-01-02 3:31 PM
in reply to: trisuppo

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Extreme Veteran
Glasgow, UK
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
Originally posted by trisuppo

Thanks for he props. One of our teammates mentioned using myfitnesspal to keep yourself honest from a food intake perspective. I have used it off and on and always go back to it when I'm serious about losing a few pounds. I lost about 6 pounds through the end of the year tracking all my food decisions.

Once I get into a groove from an exercise perspective I wrongly begin believing that I can eat and drink anything and everything. I find at those times when I'm working out a lot that I require themost discipline with regard to eating. I will track almost everything I eat and myfitnesspal will sync with my workouts to track net calories for each day. It's a great program if you are willing to do the little bit of extra work to input your food.

I'm back logging on Myfitnesspal, I tend to have a very binary approach, when I'm focused I'm full on hard core strict, log everything and track all the changes. The chaos seems to loom and I go off plan, bury my head in a food mountain and eat for England. Then I realise that suffocating myself with food isn't what I want so I start the cycle again. I need to get to grips with what sends me off course and how I get back into my habits even if I stray. the hard thing is that until I'm in that place I wont know the triggers as such so I am trying to keep a food mood diary as well as tracking to identify what causes me to eat and why then address the emotional issues.

2015-01-02 3:59 PM
in reply to: Kate_r

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
I use myfitnesspal a lot. And I learned a few things.
If I go all in, like no sugar, no alcohol, etc then I always fail. But if I eat what I want and log it I just seem to eat less.
The charts are great, I found that If left to my own devices I never get enough protein.

Feel free to add me -- my diary is open to friends and I try to log 80% of what I eat. Also think about making small changes over time. Like there was no way I was going to quit smoking, drinking all my coffee, beer, and sugar all at once. I'm down to the sugar. I think it's worse than the others combined.

My name is also sillygal over there. What can I say, I like consistency
2015-01-02 6:04 PM
in reply to: #5075288


Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
I'm curious about nutrition post workout. What does everyone eat or drink after a hard or easy workout, or if you have another workout later in the day? I have tried a couple different protein powders but they seem to give me an upset stomach.
2015-01-02 6:07 PM
in reply to: Sillygal

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Central VA
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
I just started using MFP and it a great way to monitor your food intake. If you want to know where the calories are going, try it out for a few days. It gets addictive though.

2015-01-02 6:36 PM
in reply to: #5078944

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2015-01-02 10:05 PM
in reply to: trisuppo

Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
Originally posted by trisuppo

Originally posted by sawyer1206

Originally posted by emlavigne

Does anyone use the virtual power option on trainer road? I'm trying to figure out what I would need to buy in terms of ant or Bluetooth to use this feature. Thx.-Elena

I hope all we need in a cadence sensor. I just got mine in the mail yesterday but I haven't had a chance to install it on the bike yet. I think JBacarella just joined the team and he's using the cadence sensor setup I do believe.

Discussion on virtual power from their website:

You need a cadence sensor and an ANT+ USB plug in for your computer to get virtual power. They get direction on the website on what to purchase through Amazon. I tried looking when I went to the city last week with no luck and ended up ordering on line. I'm still waiting for the module to come in the mail

2015-01-02 10:45 PM
in reply to: 0

Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
Originally posted by exercisegirl

I'm curious about nutrition post workout. What does everyone eat or drink after a hard or easy workout, or if you have another workout later in the day? I have tried a couple different protein powders but they seem to give me an upset stomach.

Look to the ingredients of the powder. If it contains Whey or Caisin these are complete proteins, but they are also milk derivatives. If you have a lactose intolerance then they are going to give you problems I don't need to describe, but will call it a belly ache. Since they are derived from milk they are better, because they are complete proteins. You will digest whey faster, like 80% faster than Caisin. So if you are looking to get protein to the muscle quickly like that 30 minute window after the workout, then you want whey. The problem is you are going to become hungry, which is why the weight loss companies will do caisin instead of whey.
Creatine is also a complete protein, which is newer on the market. It is what is normally found in the fast twitch muscles and is supposed to help muscles heal faster. Some claim that creatin will make you store water and cause weight gain. Also, there is a concern that it could cause liver damage, no studies are conclusive about this.
If you have a lactose intolerance, then soy protein is your answer. It is not a complete protein like the milk based proteins, but it contains most proteins and will give your muscles that protein boost.
The timing on when to drink is inconclusive. The common wisdom is 30 minutes. Some studies show 45-50 minutes after is beneficial. There are others that suggest anytime up to 3-5 hours and at least one indicated anytime up to 24 hours after. I like to drink it within 30 minutes, I consider it part of my hydration. I use creatine.

Edited by JBacarella 2015-01-02 10:49 PM
2015-01-02 10:47 PM
in reply to: exercisegirl

, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
I use a specific recovery whey protein powder from Stronger Faster Healthier ( It's derived from grass-fed cows and doesn't have chemicals or tons of sweeteners in it. It's not cheap (what is in this sport) but IMO worth the extra money.
2015-01-02 10:50 PM
in reply to: JBacarella

, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
If you have a lactose sensitivity there are also several companies making paleo-friendly protein powders from beef and egg whites. I haven't tried them but I know some people who use them.
2015-01-03 1:43 PM
in reply to: 0

Somewhere in the Swamps of Philly
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
In prep for the ToS, I did SF Rubber Glove - 1 hr long with a 20' FTP test included. The FTP test is an all out effort used to measure your functional threshold power, which is critical in measuring effort and setting up future workouts. FTP is roughly equivalent to 8/10 on the RPE chart so you can get a sense as to how hard effort was to hold for 20'. The good news is that my FTP jumped from 249 to 268 - last tested almost exactly one year ago and my LTHR moved up from 151 to 154. Also, set 5',10', 20' and 30' PRs on Trainerroad so I'm pretty jazzed with the effort. The bad part is that the ToS will require that much more effort if I expect to ride at 100% (which I do).

As Mitch referenced, we like to track our workouts using a very simple formula on the boards for increased accountability. Very simple, you have the ability to earn 1 point each so long as you complete 1 thirty minute or longer SBR session. Fore example, if you complete a 30' bike and a 30' swim, you get 1 point; however, you would record your duration as 1:00:00. Person with the most points wins (our mutual admiration) - tie breaker is duration of workouts.

My Rubber Glove session was 1:00:10 (and I'm counting those last 10" as I earned them). Happy training all.

Joe 1 1:00:11

Edited by JoePetto 2015-01-03 1:46 PM
2015-01-03 2:22 PM
in reply to: 0

Subject: ...
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Edited by killingtime1229 2015-01-03 7:55 PM

2015-01-03 3:00 PM
in reply to: JoePetto

Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
I did The Sufferfest "ISLAGIATT" on the trainer 1:56:42

Joe 1 1:00:11
Jim 1 1:56:42
2015-01-03 3:46 PM
in reply to: JBacarella

, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
No points today Short tempo run before the snow - 3 miles @ 7:03 avg pace done as negative splits, 1mi @ 7:00, 1mi @ 6:45, 0.5mi @ 6:30, 0.5 easy cool down.
2015-01-03 4:01 PM
in reply to: killingtime1229


Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
Thanks will have to take a look at some of the protein powders suggested.

2015-01-03 4:02 PM
in reply to: JBacarella


Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
32 minute run today.

Joe 1 1:00:11
Jim 1 1:56:42
Lisa 1 32:00
2015-01-03 6:08 PM
in reply to: 0

Conroe, Texas
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
Managed to get in a slow 3 mile run anticipating a short swim afterwards but it turns out the pool closes an hour before the gym closes. Long run tomorrow so maybe it was for the best anyway.

Joe 1 1:00:11
Jim 1 1:56:42
Lisa 1 32:00
Dennis 1 00:30:15

Edited by sawyer1206 2015-01-03 6:18 PM

2015-01-03 7:16 PM
in reply to: sawyer1206

Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
swam today: 2500 yards. total of 50 + minutes

Avg Pace
Summary 51:39.0 2,500 2:04
1 7:47.3 400 1:56
2 4:09.0 200 2:04
3 4:10.7 200 2:05
4 29:25.0 1,500 1:57
5 6:07.1 200 3:02 breath stroke
2015-01-03 7:30 PM
in reply to: 0

Gold Coast Australia.
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
Hi everyone, thanks for inviting the old timers again Mitch.
I haven't read all the bios yet, but looks like a lot of dedicated people here! I am in Colombia for another 2 weeks, then things will get back to some normalcy. It is about 35c and really windy now, running is not fun. I have told everyone that I'm up to runningood half marathon in 2 days... so I'm stuck with it. Hopefully don't die in the process. Hope you all make the best of cold weather on the other side of the planet.

NAME: Mark

STORY: I got interested in triathlons about 9 years ago while living in Chicago. Prior to that I was mainly running recreationally and cycling a bit for fun on weekends. After seeing the Chicago International tri I decided to sign up, together with my brother and we had a blast. We did few of those year after year. Looking for information and similarly minded people I discovered BT and started logging the workouts. This turned into a habit. I had a go at a sprint and 2x HIM distances in Racine. Being slow, speed doesn't motivate me much, just the distance. While in Chicago I also ran few 1/2 Marathons and one full marathon. Since my full marathon, running 1 marathon a year became a tradition I want to keep as long as possible. After relocating to Australia following the 2008 financial fiasco signed up for IM Australia in Port Mac and managed to complete it with very limited training, specially on the bike (the most important part). It was a great experience, I treated it kind of like a dare and pulled it off with the help of fellow BTrs and support of the family. This was in 2011 and since than my motivation somehow faded, however I am still relatively consistent in running, biking for fun on weekends and occasionally swimming. Once a week I like to paddle my kayak/surfski as well.

WEIGHTLOSS:I've been a vegetarian as far as I can remember, my weight has been almost constant since I was a teenager.

FAMILY: married to a beautiful Colombian girl, we have a 6 yo girl and are now residing on the Gold Coast, Australia, pretty much a perfect place for swimming, biking and running. Hard to find an excuse not to do it (although my wife is good at that). Btw, we even have a prime minister now who is an Ironman (IM Port Mac, 2010)!

THIS YEAR'S RACES? I have signed up for a 100k mountain ultra marathon - Kokoda Challenge in July, this will take priority, other than that - many Parkrun 5k races on Saturdays - this will catch on in US one day too, it is big here and free!
The rest will depend on motivation.

Edited by markz 2015-01-04 8:35 AM
2015-01-03 7:39 PM
in reply to: sawyer1206

Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
Sufferfest - Fight Club today. First time on the trainer this season.

Joe 1 1:00:11
Jim 1 1:56:42
Lisa 1 0:32:00
Dennis 1 0:30:15
Patrick 1 0:58:00
2015-01-03 7:43 PM
in reply to: pvfd304

Conroe, Texas
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
Originally posted by pvfd304

I just started using MFP and it a great way to monitor your food intake. If you want to know where the calories are going, try it out for a few days. It gets addictive though.

I like the STRAVA link in the signature so I am borrowing the great idea! Thanks.
2015-01-03 8:57 PM
in reply to: cassowary

Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
30' on trainerroad for the point.

Joe 1 1:00:11
Jim 1 1:56:42
Lisa 1 0:32:00
Dennis 1 0:30:15
Patrick 1 0:58:00
Mitch 1 00:30:00
Troy 1 00:30:25
Seth 1 00:50:00

2015-01-03 8:58 PM
in reply to: JoePetto

Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
Originally posted by JoePetto

In prep for the ToS, I did SF Rubber Glove - 1 hr long with a 20' FTP test included. The FTP test is an all out effort used to measure your functional threshold power, which is critical in measuring effort and setting up future workouts. FTP is roughly equivalent to 8/10 on the RPE chart so you can get a sense as to how hard effort was to hold for 20'. The good news is that my FTP jumped from 249 to 268 - last tested almost exactly one year ago and my LTHR moved up from 151 to 154. Also, set 5',10', 20' and 30' PRs on Trainerroad so I'm pretty jazzed with the effort. The bad part is that the ToS will require that much more effort if I expect to ride at 100% (which I do).

As Mitch referenced, we like to track our workouts using a very simple formula on the boards for increased accountability. Very simple, you have the ability to earn 1 point each so long as you complete 1 thirty minute or longer SBR session. Fore example, if you complete a 30' bike and a 30' swim, you get 1 point; however, you would record your duration as 1:00:00. Person with the most points wins (our mutual admiration) - tie breaker is duration of workouts.

My Rubber Glove session was 1:00:10 (and I'm counting those last 10" as I earned them). Happy training all.

Joe 1 1:00:11

Very impressive, what's your current watts/kg? My goal for this year is to get close to 4.0.
2015-01-03 9:27 PM
in reply to: trisuppo


Philly, Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
First time on the trainer for 30 minutes

Joe 1 1:00:11
Jim 1 1:56:42
Lisa 1 0:32:00
Dennis 1 0:30:15
Patrick 1 0:58:00
Mitch 1 00:30:00
Troy 1 00:30:25
Seth 1 00:50:00
Kevin 1 00:30:00
2015-01-03 11:01 PM
in reply to: microdoc

Southampton, Ontario
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
Adding myself to this list. 1:30 on the trainer (Vennacher) after a few hours snowboarding

Joe 1 1:00:11
Jim 1 1:56:42
Lisa 1 0:32:00
Dennis 1 0:30:15
Patrick 1 0:58:00
Mitch 1 00:30:00
Troy 1 00:30:25
Seth 1 00:50:00
Kevin 1 00:30:00
Dave 1 1:30:00
2015-01-04 3:12 AM
in reply to: 0

Sendai, Japan
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED

Adding myself.  I got out yesterday (Sat) for an easy 5 km.  This morning (Sun) I spent 1.5 hours in the pool doing mostly balance drills and got out this afternoon for another easy 5km.   I will be doing an FTP test tomorrow.   I am not sure what in the formatting is causing this editor to add the space between Dave and myself.


Joe 1 1:00:11 
Jim 1 1:56:42 
Lisa 1 0:32:00 
Dennis 1 0:30:15 
Patrick 1 0:58:00 
Mitch 1 00:30:00 
Troy 1 00:30:25 
Seth 1 00:50:00 
Kevin 1 00:30:00 
Dave 1 1:30:00 

Dan 2 2:30:00

Edited by dcon 2015-01-04 3:22 AM
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