BT Development Mentor Program Archives » The Dominon - Beginner Focused Group - Closed Rss Feed  
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2017-01-09 9:32 PM
in reply to: Time2TriHard

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Subject: RE: The Dominon - Beginner Focused Group - OPEN!
thats some dedication right there Kurtis! Strong work!


2017-01-09 9:48 PM
in reply to: nrpoulin

Hopkinsville, Kentucky
Subject: RE: The Dominon - Beginner Focused Group - OPEN!
Thanks Nate, I had a similar pace long run at a little over 10.5 miles right before i ran my 45:10 pb in the 10k so I was pretty pleased with it. My goal of 1:40 may be a little too tough gonna try my best to get there.
2017-01-10 8:23 AM
in reply to: Time2TriHard

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Subject: RE: The Dominon - Beginner Focused Group - OPEN!
Hey everyone! It's been a few days! I went out to New York for a Shaklee Conference, had myself a blast. Unfortunately I couldn't really get workouts in, but I actually managed to lose 3 pounds anyways! Love that! Hit a short workout this morning, 20 min/2 mile run and a quick 5 min on my gym's new toy(SPIN BIKE!!!!!). Felt great, working in some new Hoka OneOne Infinite shoes and trying compression socks for the first time. The weekend was a great recharge and just what I needed. Plus I got to meet 2 time Olympic Gold Medal Rower and Shaklee athlete, Caroline Lind! What an awesome time! Now I'm back, and I'm better than ever.
2017-01-10 6:44 PM
in reply to: joshwennes

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New user
Subject: RE: The Dominon - Beginner Focused Group - OPEN!
Checking in. Been getting some decent runs and trainer rides in. Most of my runs have been on the dreadmill as it fits my schedule the best. Weekends I try to make it outside to run, but it's not always possible. Haven't made it to the pool yet but I hope to soon. Good to see the group active again and some new faces.

2017-01-11 12:57 AM
in reply to: scottjjmtri99

Hopkinsville, Kentucky
Subject: RE: The Dominon - Beginner Focused Group - OPEN!
The other day I decided to sign up for an indoor triathlon coming up on January 29th to test and see where I stand and get excited for the upcoming season. I'm pretty excited to see how much improvement Ive made in swimming.
2017-01-11 4:56 PM
in reply to: Time2TriHard

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: The Dominon - Beginner Focused Group - OPEN!
Originally posted by Time2TriHard

The other day I decided to sign up for an indoor triathlon coming up on January 29th to test and see where I stand and get excited for the upcoming season. I'm pretty excited to see how much improvement Ive made in swimming.

I have considered doing one for several years, but have always been worried that it would just feel kind of like a swim and trip to the gym. Let me know what you think of it and if you think there is a early season benefit to doing one.

2017-01-11 5:36 PM
in reply to: bertjeivens

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Deep South, Georgia
Subject: RE: The Dominon - Beginner Focused Group - OPEN!

Originally posted by bertjeivens hello all, I would like to join this group. About me: I'm Bert, 33 years old, currently residing in France. 3 Daughters (7 and 2yo twins) 1 wife 1 dog. Sport: When I moved to France in 2010 I started trail running. I have done a 32km +2500m race yearly until 2014. In 2015 I did a relay triathlon with colleagues and ever since I wanted to do a full triathlon. My first was planned for 2016 but due to circumstances I didn't get around to doing one and haven't trained since august (except a bit of swimming). Goals: Finishing evergreen endurance 58 on sept 10th: swim, 52km +1500m ride, 13km +860m run prep race: sprint July 2nd individual start maybe something in august I'm trying to put together a training schedule. The most difficult is to get biking in my schedule. Running and swimming I do during my lunch break but and I only have time to do biking in the weekend. Cheers Ps I thought I had already posted in this thread yesterday but cannot find a trace of the essay I wrote so must have done something wrong.

Hi Bert, I haven't forgotten about you. Welcome to the Dominion.


2017-01-11 5:44 PM
in reply to: Dominion

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Deep South, Georgia
Subject: Bad news for my HM

It looks like my 13.1 on Feb. 4th is out due to a work engagement. It is an annual meeting and is considered mandatory. Usually it is around the 3rd weekend in January but this year they moved it back for some reason. I'm not that bummed about it, it may even help my tri season preparations. I may try to find another one in the latter part of the year as a replacement. Was thinking about this:

2017-01-12 10:14 AM
in reply to: Dominion

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Subject: RE: Bad news for my HM
Ok gang, I have a question. I'm training for my first tris(May and June) but as of right now, I don't have the ability to get in a pool. That will change in the next month or so, but in the meantime, I'd like some help with a training plan. I can run on a treadmill, my gym has a spin bike and several exercise bike, and a cardio row machine. Obviously there are weights, and I'm well versed in lifting so that's not too much of a concern, I'll still want to hit the weights 2-3 times per week because I still love it but, I need some guidance on the training minus the swimming. Any chance you guys could chime in?
2017-01-12 11:43 AM
in reply to: Time2TriHard

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Subject: RE: The Dominon - Beginner Focused Group - OPEN!
Hi Chris and everyone,

I'd like to join your group. I'm generally self motivated, but having difficulty with that so far this year, so hoping this will help. I'm only going to be running this year (as last year), but have done the triathlon thing (all the way to full IM in 2013) in the past. I'm soon to be 47 years old, and in relatively good shape. I eat really well, so weight issues have never been a problem although for an "A' race I do try to drop to 165pds (I'm 6" tall and usually weigh around 170-175). Most recently (the past couple years) I have been running marathons which is what I intend to do this year also. The first will be Toledo, OH. At the end of April it is really early season which means training in the dark cold mornings here in Wisconsin (see why I need the motivation help!).

- Todd (in WI)
2017-01-12 12:00 PM
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Deep South, Georgia
Subject: RE: Bad news for my HM

Originally posted by joshwennes Ok gang, I have a question. I'm training for my first tris(May and June) but as of right now, I don't have the ability to get in a pool. That will change in the next month or so, but in the meantime, I'd like some help with a training plan. I can run on a treadmill, my gym has a spin bike and several exercise bike, and a cardio row machine. Obviously there are weights, and I'm well versed in lifting so that's not too much of a concern, I'll still want to hit the weights 2-3 times per week because I still love it but, I need some guidance on the training minus the swimming. Any chance you guys could chime in?

You have plenty of time between now and May but you should be laying down a consistent foundation for training. The thinking is that you should be in the "base phase" of training. That is, creating a base of fitness and adaptation that you can then use to build on later in your progression. In other words you need that base layer of fitness in order to reach the volume and intensity (build phase) of training that you will need later to properly prepare for your races. 

The following isn't meant to be critical but it is what I see as an imbalance. From looking at your logs, the simple answer is run more and bike more. A spin bike at the gym is fine if that is all you have. A road bike on an indoor trainer is a better option but the spin bike will do fine. If you enjoy lifting (which I do too) then by all means continue but it should not be at the expense of the triathlon disciplines. Let's face it, right now you have 2 hours of lifting and 5 minutes of riding this week, probably not the best ration for triathlon success. I like the total volume (time) graph BT provides. Usually my volume looks something like (45% bike) (25% run) (15% swim) (10% lifting) (5% other) (stretching/elliptical/sports). And I know I should be spending a good bit more time swimming.  If your strength training is taking up 65% of your training time and biking is at 15% you may need to make some adjustment.

So, run more...4 to 5 times per week. Bike more..3 or 4 times per week at least 30 minutes each session.  Swim 1 to 2 times per week when you get pool access. Add in strength as you can within that framework.

That's my advice, hopefully it helps to answer your question, if not let me know and we will try to get a little deeper into it. 


Edited by Dominion 2017-01-12 12:01 PM

2017-01-12 12:20 PM
in reply to: Dominion

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Subject: RE: Bad news for my HM
Thanks Chris! That helps a lot. I know the bike number is low. Today someone was on it the entire time I was there and the other time was simply trying it out(it's new to the gym and new to me). I will focus on setting those numbers a little closer to what they need to be.
2017-01-12 1:22 PM
in reply to: Dominion

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North Grafton, Massachusetts
Subject: Outdoor bike ride! In January!
Today turned out to be a little bit of an unexpected gem in terms of the weather. Mid-January in New England and it was around 56 degrees when I headed out on the bike! The sun was shining through, but there were some clouds. The forecast (ha ha!) said only 5% chance of precipitation, so I felt like I was in the clear. While it didn't amount to anything serious, I started getting hit with rain drops only a couple miles into the ride. WTH?! That's my luck. It sprinkled off and on for the rest of the ride. Anyway, it both felt good (emotionally) and hurt (physically) to be out there. My pace has dropped off a good amount. Since October, I only had 4 outdoor rides in November and 4 trainer sessions in January, so it was to be expected. Given my training, I felt alright with averaging 16.9+ mph for the 12 mile ride. I've still got probably 3 months before I can ride outside on a regular basis, so I'm trying to make sure I'm consistently getting on the trainer until then. I'm also going to try to do some leg strengthening exercises so my climbing strength doesn't suffer as much.
2017-01-13 9:56 AM
in reply to: 2NewKnees

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Subject: RE: A-Race
Pretty good week of training this week for me.....need to do a trainer session in the morning......

Looks like we are on the northern edge of the "ice storm" heading, no outside activities! Temps may moderate next week so hopefully some time outdoors.

Best to all.....
2017-01-13 2:07 PM
in reply to: Hunting Triathlete

Hopkinsville, Kentucky
Subject: RE: The Dominon - Beginner Focused Group - OPEN!
Originally posted by Hunting Triathlete

Originally posted by Time2TriHard

The other day I decided to sign up for an indoor triathlon coming up on January 29th to test and see where I stand and get excited for the upcoming season. I'm pretty excited to see how much improvement Ive made in swimming.

I have considered doing one for several years, but have always been worried that it would just feel kind of like a swim and trip to the gym. Let me know what you think of it and if you think there is a early season benefit to doing one.

Yea i will Todd. I think your right as it might just be more of a workout but it will be an opportunity to compete with others and see where I stand and maybe give me some ideas where I still need to improve.

I got my first run in post wisdom teeth removal yesterday. It was pretty slow but felt good to get outside and run, especially since it was 70 degrees. Gonna get a long run in tomorrow then really get back in the groove of training next week.

Also I contacted the local high school team swim coach the other day and she said she would be willing to coach me after the high school season is over in late February or early March. I'm looking forward to having some more instruction into learning to swim so hopefully I can improve more quickly
2017-01-13 3:23 PM
in reply to: trei

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Deep South, Georgia
Subject: RE: The Dominon - Beginner Focused Group - OPEN!

Originally posted by trei Hi Chris and everyone, I'd like to join your group. I'm generally self motivated, but having difficulty with that so far this year, so hoping this will help. I'm only going to be running this year (as last year), but have done the triathlon thing (all the way to full IM in 2013) in the past. I'm soon to be 47 years old, and in relatively good shape. I eat really well, so weight issues have never been a problem although for an "A' race I do try to drop to 165pds (I'm 6" tall and usually weigh around 170-175). Most recently (the past couple years) I have been running marathons which is what I intend to do this year also. The first will be Toledo, OH. At the end of April it is really early season which means training in the dark cold mornings here in Wisconsin (see why I need the motivation help!). - Todd (in WI)

Hello to Todd (in Wisconsin) Welcome.

Not sure I can help you with the dark cold mornings.  Maybe some others in the group are the early risers and can offer motivational advice. The only thing I can tell you is that if you have signed up for your race then it may seem far off but the morning is coming when you will be standing on that starting line. I've been on starting lines where I knew I had put in the work and felt strong and confident and  have been on starting lines where I knew the opposite was true. And that's a bad feeling. Take it for what it's worth but that is my greatest motivator...standing on the start line waiting for the gun and knowing that you have done all you could and are ready to crush it.

2017-01-14 2:54 PM
in reply to: Dominion

Hopkinsville, Kentucky
Subject: RE: The Dominon - Beginner Focused Group - OPEN!
Got a near 8 mile run in today. Weather felt great and I felt good for the first 3 miles. After that I hit a wall but sucked it up for 4.75 more miles and still managed a sub 8 min ave pace. Pretty sure I felt so bad because I haven't been getting a lot of calories this week, especially carbohydrates which are the prime source of energy in aerobic activity. For those of you more experienced with running half marathons do yall suggest trying to just maintain goal pace the whole way through, taking out a little faster than goal pace knowing you'll probably fall off some toward the end, or taking out a little slower and trying to make up time at the end?

Also I been kind of considering buying a watch but am a little hesitant to pay 200 dollars for one. Any cheaper watches than you guys would recommend?
2017-01-14 5:21 PM
in reply to: Time2TriHard

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: The Dominon - Beginner Focused Group - OPEN!
Originally posted by Time2TriHard

Got a near 8 mile run in today. Weather felt great and I felt good for the first 3 miles. After that I hit a wall but sucked it up for 4.75 more miles and still managed a sub 8 min ave pace. Pretty sure I felt so bad because I haven't been getting a lot of calories this week, especially carbohydrates which are the prime source of energy in aerobic activity. For those of you more experienced with running half marathons do yall suggest trying to just maintain goal pace the whole way through, taking out a little faster than goal pace knowing you'll probably fall off some toward the end, or taking out a little slower and trying to make up time at the end?

Also I been kind of considering buying a watch but am a little hesitant to pay 200 dollars for one. Any cheaper watches than you guys would recommend?

When I run anything through a Half I always try to stay on pace throughout and would prefer for the later miles to be faster. I really try to kick the last mile when I know what's in the tank and what's left to do. To go hard at the start to me only taxes your body and leaves you lacking the rest of the day. I was the most proud of myself in July when I PR'ed a Half and had miles 1 -13 not be more than 8 seconds difference. I set a pace, hit it throughout, and got my PR.

To the watches they vary greatly by features and year models. You can get older refurbished ones on line with full warranty. FYI I'm about to got through all of mine and sell all but one. If you'd be interested I have a Garmin Forerunner 310, 910, 220, Fenix 2, and a Tom Tom Cardio Spark plus music (has built in wrist HR reading, which is accurate), all are waterproof and have GPS tracking. All are fully functional and in good to great condition, plus I'd sell one to you cheaper than you could get elsewhere.
2017-01-14 5:33 PM
in reply to: Hunting Triathlete

Hopkinsville, Kentucky
Subject: RE: The Dominon - Beginner Focused Group - OPEN!
I'll do some research on each of these models and get back to you on which ones I am interested in, then we can discuss how much you want for it and whatnot. Is there a way to PM on here?
2017-01-14 5:34 PM
in reply to: Hunting Triathlete

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Deep South, Georgia
Subject: RE: The Dominon - Beginner Focused Group - OPEN!

Originally posted by Hunting Triathlete
Originally posted by Time2TriHard Got a near 8 mile run in today. Weather felt great and I felt good for the first 3 miles. After that I hit a wall but sucked it up for 4.75 more miles and still managed a sub 8 min ave pace. Pretty sure I felt so bad because I haven't been getting a lot of calories this week, especially carbohydrates which are the prime source of energy in aerobic activity. For those of you more experienced with running half marathons do yall suggest trying to just maintain goal pace the whole way through, taking out a little faster than goal pace knowing you'll probably fall off some toward the end, or taking out a little slower and trying to make up time at the end? Also I been kind of considering buying a watch but am a little hesitant to pay 200 dollars for one. Any cheaper watches than you guys would recommend?
When I run anything through a Half I always try to stay on pace throughout and would prefer for the later miles to be faster. I really try to kick the last mile when I know what's in the tank and what's left to do. To go hard at the start to me only taxes your body and leaves you lacking the rest of the day. I was the most proud of myself in July when I PR'ed a Half and had miles 1 -13 not be more than 8 seconds difference. I set a pace, hit it throughout, and got my PR. To the watches they vary greatly by features and year models. You can get older refurbished ones on line with full warranty. FYI I'm about to got through all of mine and sell all but one. If you'd be interested I have a Garmin Forerunner 310, 910, 220, Fenix 2, and a Tom Tom Cardio Spark plus music (has built in wrist HR reading, which is accurate), all are waterproof and have GPS tracking. All are fully functional and in good to great condition, plus I'd sell one to you cheaper than you could get elsewhere.

Agree with this pacing strategy. The first mile is usually a little faster than goal pace but not really intentionally for me. I think it is just a matter of getting caught up in the excitement of the start and feeling really fresh and ready to run after a nice taper. With an 8 minute/mile goal pace, I might run around 7:35-7:40 for 1st mile and then realize I need to cool it a little and settle in to that 8:00 pace. Then, like Todd when I can start to smell the finish give it whatever you have left in the tank that last mile. 

2017-01-14 7:55 PM
in reply to: Dominion

Hopkinsville, Kentucky
Subject: RE: The Dominon - Beginner Focused Group - OPEN!
Yea my goal pace is 7:37~ so was thinking about maybe like a 7:30 start for a mile or 2 then try to bring it down to 7:37 and hopefully hold that till the end is in sight and close strong.

2017-01-14 8:32 PM
in reply to: Time2TriHard


Chesterfield, Virginia
Subject: RE: The Dominon - Beginner Focused Group - OPEN!
Hey everyone,

I have been pleased with what I was able to do so far in my workouts. I couldn't imagine just hopping in a pool and swimming 600 meters on my third workout or running 4 miles on my second run. With that as motivation, I officially signed up for my first sprint triathlon!!! I think it will be a good starter for me. The swim is only 400 meters in a pool, 20k bike, and 5k run. The event is April 22nd which I think leaves me plenty of time between now and then to be ready. I have no aspirations other than crossing the finish line without having stopped once during each portion.

One thing I wanted to bring up and get some feedback on.....I went for a run yesterday and I used my fitbit blaze watch and strava on my phone. Fitbit said I ran 4.15 miles and my splits were pretty consistent. However, strava said I ran 4 miles and my mile times were 9:52, 11:03, 10:53, and 11:45. These were significantly different than fitbit. Because I have the fitbit watch it is easiest for me to make sure I am on a good pace because it will tell me after each mile what my pace was for that mile.

Do you think Strava or Fitbit is more accurate?

Thanks for the feedback!
2017-01-14 11:45 PM
in reply to: Geoff29610

Hopkinsville, Kentucky
Subject: RE: The Dominon - Beginner Focused Group - OPEN!
Glad to hear your kicking off strong Geoff. Personally I have always used mapmyrun on my phone and while I'm sure its not perfect I think its pretty close. If Strava is the culprit for being off its more likely the phone's GPS itself that is wrong. You likely would of noticed a 2 minute per mile difference. That is a pretty significant drop. The vast majority of my runs all stay within 30 seconds of each other. However if you are a new runner fatigue could of set in after the first mile or so causing you to drop speed. My hunch is that I would go with the more consistent miles being more accurate but can't be positive without more info. Terrain could also play a part in the drop in pace but like I said a 2 minute per mile difference is pretty drastic.
2017-01-15 11:28 AM
in reply to: Geoff29610

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Subject: RE: The Dominon - Beginner Focused Group - OPEN!
Congrats on signing up for your 4/22 Sprint!

I plan to register for one that takes place 4/30; my oldest son will be signing up as well. This is the same event I did in 4/2015-early event here in Midwest; pool swim vs open water......13 mile bike; 5K (walk for me)...

In reviewing the posts there's some impressive training activities...envious of the long runs some of you have completed.

Ugh...did a little over 30 mins on trainer this am.....goal is to get at least 2 more sessions in this coming week.......

2017-01-15 5:01 PM
in reply to: Dominion


Subject: RE: The Dominon - Beginner Focused Group - OPEN!
Hi my name is Eric
37 and work 12 hr rotating shifts. Began working out to loose weight 2 years ago, starting weight was 284 and have drop to 242 right now.
Started doing triathlons last year, did 4 sprints, 2 half marathons. I am in a spin class that is lead by one of the local ironman triathletes. Swim 2-3 a week but consider myself a beginner at the swim. Currently readying for at least one more half marathon before the triathlon season starts. Planning 3-4 sprints this year and finishing up the season with a Olympic distance. Longer term goal is Iron man full for my 40th.
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