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2007-01-23 6:54 AM
in reply to: #626920

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Boston, MA
Subject: RE: "Train Smart Race Fast" 3 months challenge

Ok, week 3 is in the books and ready to move forward! Training continues to go great, my body is feeling good and I think I am pushing it just hard enough to get my fitness back but not so hard that I rush things too much.

Planned Week 3: >> 4x run (3 runs 20 min, 1 run 30 min), 3x swim (2 swim 20 min 1 swim 30 min), 1x bike (30-40 min) all session done at Z1 1 or Easy
Actual week >> 4x run ( 1x 20 min, 2x 30 min 1x 45 min), 3x swim (2x 30 min, 1 x 40 min), 2x bike 45 min

As you can see my running frequency was the same as planned but the duration of each session was a bit higher, and the same for swimming and biking. I didn’t expect to start getting back in shape too fast, but as the sessions progresses I feel good and how my body is adapting well to the workload. Still the approach I am following is still conservative because after every session is over I KNOW I could have gone longer, push a bit harder, etc, but I continue to hold back. IOW even though I’ve altered my plan increasing the duration of my sessions still after completing all sessions it feels I did it with ‘relative’ ease.

For this week this is what I previously planned >> 5x run (3 runs 20 min, 1 run 15 min, 1 run 30 min), 3x swim (3 swim 25 min, 1 swim 30 min), 1x bike (40-60 min) all session done at Z1 1 or Easy, but I am planning to alter the plan to fit how my training is developing as: 5x run (2x 30 min, 2x 20 min, 1x  45-50 min) 4x swim (3x 30 min, 1x 40 min). 1-2x bike 45-50 min all session @ Z1-Z2

A key thing for those of you how has been consistent and following a conservative but smart approach to the base phase: at this point you’ll begin to notice how your body is adapting to training and how your fitness is increasing/returning, hence you might be tempted to begin ramping up training too crazy or pushing harder at some sessions. Please DON’T! IOW, it is ok to modify the plan to meet your training needs by adding some duration to your sessions but don’t do drastic changes. Also avoid adding big intensity just yet. We are half way to completing a 6 week cycle and the longer the base the higher in space! 3 more week and we’ll add intensity into the mix

For those who have been training consistently for the past months (unlike me coning back from layoff or new athletes) then you ‘could’ add some intensity by doing 1 session a week at Z3 but nothing too crazy or long. i.e. switch one of your runs for a 30 min or 2x12 min Z3 or M pace with 2-3 min Z2 as recovery. (The lower end of Z3 should be around your marathon pace and high Z3 end should be around your half marathon pace) and the same can be done for biking. For swimming it is ok to add some intensity at least one session a week to begin developing some speed.

The intensity will be a bit harder but sill nothing too demanding. Each week you can increase the duration of the long. Another thing that you guys could increase is the duration of the long runs. Since you have been running for a while then you could schedule your long runs at 75-90 min 9aybe a bit higher) BUT again the key to this phase is to keep the intensity down a notch…   Train Smart!

2007-01-23 9:16 AM
in reply to: #664354

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New City, New York
Subject: RE: "Train Smart Race Fast" 3 months challenge


How are you getting 5 running seesions in. Two a days or running on consecutive days. As w/ most, time is a factor but I'm thinking I could squeeze two short runs on the same day. Thots?

Thanks - Mark 

2007-01-24 8:27 AM
in reply to: #664516

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Boston, MA
Subject: RE: "Train Smart Race Fast" 3 months challenge

I'll try to get in the 5 runs on different days a week. Last year I used the 2x runs a day more than a few times and it was awkward at first but it got better. But I also did one AM and one PM to have at least 10 hrs in between to replenish fuel and recover; with a short stretching session in between (EZ to squeeze in at lunch break for like 10-15 min). You could try it and see if it works for you. Listen to your body and evaluate whether it is a good option for you or not.

2007-01-24 6:22 PM
in reply to: #664516

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Extreme Veteran
Fort Worth, TX
Subject: RE: "Train Smart Race Fast" 3 months challenge
Jorge...looks like I have very much fallen off the schedule.  Do I just try to get back, or consider starting the base from back in late December over again once we get this calf' thing straightend out....  HELP!!!!
2007-01-24 7:40 PM
in reply to: #626920

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New user

Subject: RE: "Train Smart Race Fast" 3 months challenge

It's the middle of week four and it's going well. I fell off schedule last week a little because I wat my first full week at work. People here work until 6:30!! I usually have activities after work and the gym closes at 10pm. So I was missing out on runs and bikes. But I've figured out to schedule my time that if I get home after the gym is closed I'll go for a swim since the pool has no time limit. I still don't have a bike! But when I do get mine, hopefully this weekend, I'm going to look for an indoor trainer to go with it.

I decided on my first event of the year. March 4 the NUS Biathlon. It's a 1.5K swim and 10K run. Hopefully having a goal will help me keep on track

2007-01-25 6:46 AM
in reply to: #666915

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Boston, MA
Subject: RE: "Train Smart Race Fast" 3 months challenge
CoachH - 2007-01-24 6:22 PM Jorge...looks like I have very much fallen off the schedule.  Do I just try to get back, or consider starting the base from back in late December over again once we get this calf' thing straightend out....  HELP!!!!
1st of all I would sort this out with a sports MD to figure out how/when you'll be able to get to running. Also I would assume you'll need some sort of rehab therapy to strengthen your calf add flexibility, etc. Once you know that, then you'll know how much running or not you can do and go from there. I would start very conservative and plan according as you recover. Maybe do walks instead or runs, or mix walk/jogs, whatever the MD thinks is appropriate. Once you can run then you could go back to week 1 and start from there with some changes. The most important thing is to heal the injury properly, otherwise you'll risk to be on and off for months to come which will affect your training a lot more or worst...

2007-01-25 7:22 AM
in reply to: #626920

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Boston, MA
Subject: RE: "Train Smart Race Fast" 3 months challenge

Yesterday while doing my recovery run I realize I might have forgotten an important element for our run training through this phase: FORM! This is the perfect time of the year to work on improving/polishing our form and become as efficient as possible. That believe it or not will help you to improve your speed and will help you to endure better those final miles of your races.

Before any run what I usually do is active stretching and a fast walk for a total of 5-10 min as warm up (the harder the session the more I warm up) Also at least once a week, I like to add another 10-15 min of running drills because I think this gives me my lower body a dose of strength training and it also helps me to stimulate my legs muscles in different ways. (Popular drills are: sideways running, side ways crossover running, hands on head running, butt kicks, high knees, quick feet, running backwards, etc. Find examples here) Some of this drills such as quick feet will help you to refine your technique by practice fast cadence, light feet, running tall etc.

Once I complete that I am ready for my running session. As you know most of our sessions are at lower intensities for this phase: Z1-Z2 for beginners and those returning to training after months of inactivity and some Z3 for those training consistently for the past months.

This means that we’ll be running at different paces, but no matter what speed you are running at for a given session you should always shoot for the same cadence. It is been suggested optimal cadence for running is between 90-100 steps per leg or 180-200 for both legs. I personally always shoot for 90-94 because I find this is a cadence I can sustain at any speed and it doesn’t matter whether I am running at 9:00 or 5:30 min/Mi pace, I ALWAYS shoot for the same cadence. But you have to work on it on your training runs and a good way to monitor it is by counting the steps of one leg for 20 seconds and shoot for 30+ steps. That x3 or 60 seconds should have you at 90 steps per leg or 180 cadence for both (YES, when running slow for me I run with very short & quick steps to accomplish this)

Another thing I work on EVERY run is my form. Every now and then through a session, I do mental checks about my form and make an effort to correct bad form. I focus on landing beneath my hips, running tall and pride, shoulders relax, arms swimming back and forward and NOT sides to side, hand relax & close (like cups), and I picture like someone is pulling me my hips with a rope around it (IOW my hips are leading the run) and finally I picture like my legs are pedaling a bike hence I am moving my feet in a circular and forward motion all the time. Do not bounce up and down, you want to move forward! I also like to picture like I am landing on hot coals hence my landing foot push off the ground asap. Finally SMILE! Running relax overall will make you enjoy your runs a lot more

These are just a few tips for proper running form, and working on this will benefit your running considerably. Work on this at every run and you won’t regret it!

(By the way for a power point presentation about proper running form, shoot me an email and I’ll send it to you!)

2007-01-25 10:48 AM
in reply to: #667215

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New City, New York
Subject: RE: "Train Smart Race Fast" 3 months challenge
Great Stuff, Thanks Jorge. I'm having a hard time increasing cadence while keep the HR down but that's what  early season training is for. Real Nice reminders!
2007-01-25 1:10 PM
in reply to: #626920

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Extreme Veteran
Mountains of Colorado!
Subject: RE: "Train Smart Race Fast" 3 months challenge
is it too late to get in... maybe the "train smart race fast" 2 month challenge?
2007-01-25 1:52 PM
in reply to: #667871

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Boston, MA
Subject: RE: "Train Smart Race Fast" Season challenge
ellasdad - 2007-01-25 1:10 PM is it too late to get in... maybe the "train smart race fast" 2 month challenge?
Not at ALL! I think I should change the 3 month thingy, cuz this is basically a year round challenge. 1st lay down the foundation, then get in some intensity and then race fast all season. Then easy up to recover and start all over again
2007-01-25 9:24 PM
in reply to: #626920

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Cambridge, MA
Subject: RE: "Train Smart Race Fast" 3 months challenge

Sounds like Chi Running you're describing, Jorge.  Good tips and reminders on form! 

I'm getting better at consistent running, but there's still more frequency I need to get in at the pool.  It's tricky -- hours are limited, client sessions often curtail my ability to stay as long as I'd like, etc.  I will be staying at a hotel for biz travel 3.5 days next week, so that may actually help my swim schedule!  I'll run outdoors, too, since I'll be in Ft. Laud Florida for that biz trip.  Then the following weekend -- a long 13.1 mile run/race in Cali.  First 'race' of '07, yippeeee.

And hey, I like the idea of this challenge extending into the whole race year.  You're basically volunteering to coach/train with us, eh?  Very excellent!  Much appreciated.   

Cheers, -Sunny

2007-01-26 3:13 PM
in reply to: #626920

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Boston, MA
Subject: RE: "Train Smart Race Fast" 3 months challenge

I was going to post this on the main forum but I figured not many might be interest in my training thoughts, but since you guys chose to take part on this challenge, I hope you find this useful and understand as to why I follow this training approach  

Yesterday I sat down and reviewed my last year’s log to evaluate what are the things that work, which ones didn’t and what I could have done better. One thing that was obvious was the fact that my swim volume was a lot higher during the base phase with an avg 25,000 Yds a month (which it wasn’t great but a good increase based on my previous year) and leading to FL 70.3 I had my best swim of the season OW and no wetsuit for a sub 30 min 1.2 mile. After that my monthly avg felt to 17,000 Yds and coincidentally my swims suffered at Timberman and Cancun. So for this year I’ll work towards building up my swim to 5x a week for a 40,000+ monthly avg and keep a 25,000 to 30,000 Yds monthly avg through racing season.
My bike did improve a lot and I rode 1 ½ more miles than 2005. I had good bike splits although I noticed a slight decrease in performances after July and I think it was due to 2 things: 1) because my monthly mileage decreased due to the racing season and 2) July was around the time I got my 1st tri-bike. This affected me because it took me a while to tune in my new fit, and I believe my body wasn’t trained properly to ride and handle the aggressive position I had compared to my road bike.

Finally my running – I felt very happy about my run all year as it was my strongest event by far. In fact it was the leg I managed to gain places at several races and achieved more than a few PRs. Oddly enough while comparing my running miles from 2055 vs. 2006 I discovered I ran less on 2006 (like 120 miles) yet I had better results by far… how does this happened? Well, I definitely think that having another aerobic base year under my belt was a big part of it even when I ran less. Also the increased volume on swimming and biking allowed me to get to the run fresher and run better. But the main reason my run improved so much was the ‘smart’ approach my coach made me to follow. On 2005 the bulk of my runs were done at high Z2 low Z3 (or steady/tempo) because if my impatience to run faster. My coach would suggest a Z1-Z2 session (easy/steady) but I would end up running a bit faster 99% of the time plus my fast sessions of course. By October of 2005 I developed injuries (calves and knees) to the point I had to stop and see a sports MD. By the time I got back to running (Nov 05) I was forced to run slow and easy most of the time. I finally understood the why of building a solid foundation before adding intensity to our sessions and of course that our bodies can’t handle high doses of intensity for long periods of time. I kept running slow and easy for months and I gladly saw my pace decrease while running at low intensities. Within months I was having PRs, but most important I was able to run more often and strongly. It is important to mention that I became almost religious about warming up, cooling down at every session and adding running drills every week. Granted, I must say I have good genes for running but I finally follow the smart path towards better getting close to realize my running potential.

Now, during a new training year, I am back to training after an unfortunate forced training lie off for 3+ months I am already on my way to get my fitness level back and motivated enough to go after more PRs. I won’t deviate from a smart training approach and I will work on improving the things I could have done better last year.

What’s the point of this post? (Besides boring you to death ) Well just to remind you that regardless of your goals, always think of that this is a long-term commitment and if you work hard, smart and be patient, soon enough you will be amazed of what you can accomplish. I know this sounds corny and all but sometimes we get so caught up in the short term goals that we lose sight of the big picture. Today 3 years after my 1st Tri, I am as healthy as I can be, I am achieving athletic goals that 3 years ago seemed impossible and I am enjoying the ride all the way! I really hope that by the end of the year you guys will be working on a post similar to this one

2007-01-26 3:37 PM
in reply to: #626920

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New City, New York
Subject: RE: "Train Smart Race Fast" 3 months challenge
Another excellent post Jorge. Your approach makes a lot of sense to an "old geezer" like me (and experienced triathlete, I should add). Yes, I want to get faster and improve over last year but that is really secondary to staying fit and injury free.  There have been many times already that I've wanted to push it (and foolishy have some) but I constantly remind myself of this challenge.  I've already had the "normal" minor  aches and pains but I'm sure they'd be worse if I weren't conscious of the long term approach you preach. It's often hard to slow down, cut things short  and rest  but there certainly is merit in what you say. I for one am very thankful for your long ramblings Wink
2007-01-27 1:38 PM
in reply to: #626920

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Subject: RE: "Train Smart Race Fast" 3 months challenge
Hey everyone! I know it's been a quick minute since my last entry, but I've been reading everyone's posts to keep up...
training on my end is going very well, I must say... focusing on swim [thanks for the swim links, Jorge] I have increased greatly in the past 4 weeks, which I consider my weakest of the 3 disciplines. However, as I read entries and other sources on swimming times I realize I have a long way to go. right now, I can swim 100m laps in about 2min, before I nearly drown [kidding]. I realize breathing is huge, so I've been focusing on that and form-actually, breathing and form for all 3...
my weeks look like 3swim 2bike 2run with a short, med, and long for swim, and short and long for b & r. training times for the week are about 5-6 hours and increasing slowly...
thanks for the info on nutrition Jorge, I think that it is really the 4th discipline, and actually- now that I think about it- my weakest of the 4... don't get me wrong, I eat healthy, but I've been mostly winging it on proper intake for training, so your guideline will help greatly. I weigh about 170, and I do want to lean out, without compromising strength and endurance- I'm thinking I'll probably weigh about 165lbs lean with a little more muscle when I reach that goal...
I like what Jorge said about training year round- sometimes I focus too much on the race ahead, that I forget that this is a new lifestyle I've taken on, and my goals don't end after the race... It seems from reading all your entries, that injury is definitely not something to take lightly. I noticed on a 48min run last week that my knees started cramping up pretty bad- I've never had a specific injury to them, but I fell on them alot as a kid, and they feel a little sensitive these days.
Jorge, is there a specific stretch that will focus on the knees that you prefer? I definitely want to preserve them as much as possible- especially as I increase my running times. what about supplements- like glucosamine... do you think it would help? [I know you're not a doctor... ]
thanks to everybody for all the information I'm gathering from your experience!!!!! keep rockin'!
2007-01-29 3:51 AM
in reply to: #626920

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New user

Subject: RE: "Train Smart Race Fast" 3 months challenge

Hi everyone!

My training is going well. Slowly becoming more and more consistent. Yay! 

My first event is in five weeks and it's going to be a 1.5K swim followed by a 10K run (haven't registered yet). I have a training schedule figured out for the run. But does anyone have advice for training for the 1.5K? I timed my 1.5K a few weeks ago and it was about 32 minutes. I'm planning on doing a +/- 2K open water swim this weekend and will get back with that time. I want to be sure I finish the swim comforatbly but fast enough to give me a good start on the run since it's my weaker event at the moment.

I recently read on the biathlon website that we must have our "Champion Chip" attached to our left ankle through out the whole race. Uhm...does it come with a strap? Should I bring duct-tape?

2007-01-29 9:56 AM
in reply to: #626920

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Boston, MA
Subject: RE: "Train Smart Race Fast" 3 months challenge
Jorge, is there a specific stretch that will focus on the knees that you prefer?
>>> I do active stretching before every run (you can Google it and find several examples) and avoid exercise which put to much stress on my knees (lunges, squats, etc) certain flexibility exercises and some yoga positions.

I definitely want to preserve them as much as possible- especially as I increase my running times. what about supplements- like glucosamine... do you think it would help? [I know you're not a doctor... ]  >>> I am not familiar with that although I believe there is an article about it on the new Tri magazine. I’ve experienced issues with my knees before when doing yoga (because of some of the exercises), when weight lifting as I already mentioned and of course when I ran too much too fast. Since I’ve been more conservative with my running I haven’t had any more issues (knock on wood!). I’ve been just building up patiently and smart; I make sure to use adequate running shoes, and I never EVER skip warming up and cooling down. That plus a mild massage with roller foam after almost every long or at least after long/hard ones should keep you good to go!

2007-01-29 10:30 AM
in reply to: #626920

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New City, New York
Subject: RE: "Train Smart Race Fast" 3 months challenge
Well week four ended w/ a thud for me. I managed 1 bike, 2 spin and four runs. Unfortunately, I strained my right calf on the the third run and made it worse on the fourth. That was not training smart!  Obviously I should not have run the last time.  Initially I was really bummed, but I don't think it is that serious. I'm going to have to take a break from running but will amend my schedule to work on my core, swim and ride.  No matter how hard we try these things sometime happen. It's early in the season and I'll hope this is just a bump in the road. Time to heal smart.
2007-01-29 10:47 AM
in reply to: #626920

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Boston, MA
Subject: RE: "Train Smart Race Fast" 3 months challenge

Week 4 is on the books and still going strong

Original Adjusted >>5x run (2x 30 min, 2x 20 min, 1x  45-50 min) 4x swim (3x 30 min, 1x 40 min). 1-2x bike 45-50 min all session @ Z1-Z2
Actual >> 5x run (2x 20min Z1, 1x 30minZ1, 1x 40min Z2, 1x 55min run Z1), 4x swim (30-35 min), 1x bike (50 min most Z2 with a bit of Z3)

Two things: 1) now that we are entering week 5 we might begin to notice how our body is adjusting to the consistent training and absorbing the increase on workload each week. IF and only IF you have been patient and training smart keeping 99% of the intensity Z1/Z2, yes you might feel some fatigue and a bit of soreness/tightness on your muscles particularly your legs BUT it is normal. That’s why it is important to ALWAYS warm up, cool down and eat/drink 30 min after sessions to enhance the recovery process. If necessary take a day off, better safe than sorry, otherwsie keep moving along.

2) We are two weeks away from reviewing our plan, retesting our zones (maybe with a race this time instead of a TT test) and most likely be ready to add some intensity to our sessions (fun!) but remember that we need to make sure to better prepare our bodies before that! You could begin to plan on completing a 5-10K run race, a 1.5K swim TT or a 20-40K bike TT to re-test your training zones or just schedule another set of tests at the end of week 6 beginning of week 7

Continue to listen to your body and most important BE CONSISTENT.

For those of use returning from a long lay off or beginners, let’s keep on schedule and train easy/steady. For those who have been already training consistent since the past 3 months, then you guys can consider adding some more intensity (Z3-Z4) to your runs. Depending on the number of runs schedule a week you could shoot adding either a marathon pace (Z3) or tempo run (Z4) depending on goals to your weekly routine and the higher the intensity (i.e. Z4) you should limit to 20-30 min plus warm up and cool down. STILL the bulk of your run should remain zone 1-2

Planned Week 5 (adjusted from original) >> 5x run (2 runs 20 min, 2 run 30 min, 1 run 60 min) all Z1-Z2, 4x swim (30-40 min) add some Z3, 1x bike (40-60 min) add some Z3

Train Smart!

2007-01-29 3:42 PM
in reply to: #671291

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Lethbridge, Alberta
Bronze member
Subject: RE: "Train Smart Race Fast" 3 months challenge
Week 4 went well for me. The local marathon club announced at our midweek run that it was supposed to be short but faster. I was nervous about adding intensity and just built up to a short harder push at the end but it seemed to be OK. I managed to get an easy 5th run in too and don't feel too tired from doing it. It was a pretty full week otherwise, as I took advantage of some oppertunities that came up and also did 5 swims along with some mtn.bike commuting. Like Jorge says, keeping 99% of the intensity Z1/Z2 seems to be a key to getting the frequency up.
2007-01-29 11:01 PM
in reply to: #662138

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Subject: RE: Progress this week


originalkid - 2007-01-21 7:37 AM

Run: The four days I ran broke down like so, 50m, 60m, 30m, 30m.
I feel like running 6x a week is no problem at the 30m mark. I think I'll shoot for a minimum of 30m a day and try at least 2 days around 60m.

Swim: I'm going to get back into the pool next week. I'm shooting for 4x a week at 25m.

Bike: I'll shoot for 1x a week for 30m. This isn't my current focus area and time starts to become a constraint.


Run: 4x at 65m, 30m, 90m, 45m
Missed one day due to very poor weather and the second day because it fell on the same day as my 80m swim. Broke 10mi in a single run (90m day). It was here that I reassessed what I was doing because I felt that I was starting to push both pace & distance too hard together. Not that I don't like the 10mi, but I probably should go slower to make sure I don't get a repetitive use injury.

Swim: 3x at 20m, 30m, 80m
Happy with the swimming. Missed the fourth swim because kids & wife got sick.

Bike: 0x
Not a priority right now

For the 5th week

Run: 6x with 2x around 60m

Swim: 3x around 30m

Bike: 1x around 30m

2007-02-05 8:53 AM
in reply to: #626920

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Boston, MA
Subject: RE: "Train Smart Race Fast" 3 months challenge

Guess what… week 5 is IN the books! I had another solid training week in which I continue to increase my total volume and add a few extra sessions. When I designed the original plan I really though it would take me at least 6 weeks to get my fitness back, although I am still in the process of doing so my body had adapted faster to training again and I’ve been able to consistently do a bit more.

The Key thing to consider is that although I am sort of breaking my own rule of building too much to fast in reality I am not. First of all, I’ve been keeping 99% of my training intensity at zone 1-2 which is vital to be able to handle more volume. Second each week I evaluate how did the previous week felt and based on that I adjust the next week with objective and achievable goals. Third and last I’ve been religiously about warm up/cool down, and pre/after session fuel (meals and hydration).  

For instance this week I ended up swimming more of planned and even though on paper seems like a lot, physically I felt it just right and I wasn’t over reaching. My point, if you are an athlete designing a plan for you, then you don’t have a person who can take into consideration all this variables to cater a plan and push you just enough so you can do it again and again and again. Therefore you have to be VERY objective on your plan and really define what’s right for you. For most AGers (no matter whether BOP, MOP or FOP) the limiting factor for better performances is inconsistency. When you flog yourself at a session and you feel wiped the next day, you most likely pushed to hard!

After week 6 (a week from today) we will be adding some intensity and some sessions will begin to be more fun, but again we’ll continue to do so slowly because we don’t want to be fast today, we want to be fast the day of our A race. If you haven’t been able to be consistently with training, be smart and take extra time (a few more weeks) to have a solid foundation ok? Usually it will take anywhere between 4-8 weeks of easy build to to accomplish that. (Like we’d done)

For those who had the misfortune of get a minor setback with nagging injuries, be patient (it is tough I know), heal up and then get back at it.

Actual week 5 – 5x swim (4x40min, 1x 60+min), 5x run (1x20min, 3x30min, 1x60+min), 2x bike (55min) all done at Z1-Z2 except 20 min on one bike session which had 20 min at Z3

Adjusted week 6: 5x swim (all 40-50 min), 5x run (1x20min. 2x30min, 1x60+min and one TT test) and 2x bike (same as last week)  Saturday I’ll run a 5 mile race as a TT test to re-define my run training zones

Tain Smart!

2007-02-05 10:13 AM
in reply to: #626920

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Lethbridge, Alberta
Bronze member
Subject: RE: "Train Smart Race Fast" 3 months challenge
Week 5 went fairly well. I managed another 5 runs, and added a bit more distance to some of them. I'm still adapting to the increased volume and not trying to add intensity yet. I only got in 4 swims though and one of those was pretty short. The mtn.bike didn't get as much use either. The weather may limit my bike commuting this coming week too so I should probably try to get on the rollers more often. Building some running base is my main priority right now so, overall, I'm happy with this progress so far.
2007-02-05 1:21 PM
in reply to: #672296

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Subject: RE: Progress this week


For the 5th week

Run: 6x with 2x around 60m   actual: 5x (36m, 38m, 39m, 47m, 37m)

Swim: 3x around 30m  actual: 0x

Bike: 1x around 30m   actual: 0x

This week was a bust with my 2 kids being sick and me taking care of them. Had to drop swimming and biking and curtail the running. I felt good during the runs, so no problem there.

Planned week 6

Run: 6x (4x at 30m+ and 2x at 60m+)

Swim: 3x at 30m

Bike: 1x at 30m+

Again, I am focussing on swimming and running, so the bike is not a top priority for me. My running is definitely improving and I can feel a difference. The same for my swimming. I'll see how Jorge adds intensity so that I can mimic. I'm better appreciating the running at z1/z2 to keep the injuries away. I'm happy to say that I feel better, can do more, and it has been much less painful than had I been undirected.

2007-02-08 8:06 AM
in reply to: #626920

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Subject: RE: "Train Smart Race Fast" 3 months challenge

Hi all! Checking in for my end of week 5. (I think I missed #4...)

All is going well, keeping up with my training plan. I normally have knee issues with running in really cold weather, but with careful layering and starting REALLY slow and building up to my NORMAL slow running pace in addition to lots of stretching in the form of yoga, I'm not doing too bad.

Jorge, thanks so much for continuing to reiterate that we don't have to be fast now, but we will be fast for our A race. It is helping me mentally as I go into a fun run 1/2 Mary (Hyannis).

While I am ramping up my long runs more than my training plan calls for, so I don't shock my body into 13.1 miles all of the sudden, keeping my intensity low on these runs is allowing me to feel okay the next day.

I might run with some friends coming out of injury or have lost training motivation so I keep the intensity down. We'll see. It'll be hard for me to not want to PR on this course as it was the first place I attempted to break 2:00 for a 1/2 mary a few years back.

Keep up the great work everyone!

2007-02-08 11:01 AM
in reply to: #626920

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Cambridge, MA
Subject: RE: "Train Smart Race Fast" 3 months challenge

Hi all,

I'm coming off of my 2/4/07 half-marathon effort, which went well but no PR.  I wasn't gunning for a PR, and I didn't build/taper as much as usual, but it still went just fine.  

My logs don't reflect the training I did while traveling to FL for work and CA for the race, but I'll fix that fairly soon.  If I didn't, it'd throw off my 2007 totals!  LOL 

I hope to set aside some time this weekend to plan/prep for next week, staying in the guidelines of the Train Smart challenge. 

Take care all, and keep training smart, -Sunny 

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