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2007-01-06 6:11 PM
in reply to: #631738

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Subject: RE: DRM's Group - FULL
BTW, Silver Comet Trail today. 1:51 hours. ~30 miles. Farthest and longest I've ever ridden.

Great success.

2007-01-07 7:04 AM
in reply to: #631738

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Springfield, MO
Subject: RE: DRM's Group - FULL

Nice Ride!!!

30 miles and a 16+ mph avg...good job!

2007-01-07 3:21 PM
in reply to: #644589

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Melbourne FL
Gold member
Subject: RE: DRM's Group - FULL

Hey All,

Getting ready to depart and just checking in.  Nice job Joe! BT has HR zone caluclators, go to "Change display settings" (left side of training log page) or hit "Control Panel/Edit my training settings" you will come to the control panel page with the short & long term goals listed.  On the top middle of the page is "Manage your HR Zones" in here you can create your Bike, Run and Swim zones based on a couple of different methods.  First one is the LT method, input your measured LT average and hit "Calc", the HR Zone page looks like this.  Then after you add it there will be a HR block on the left side of your training log...



Lactate Threshold










Age Adjusted









0 1-2 3-4 5 (1 year)

I did my Bike LT Saturday, lots of fun!  Found that my bike LT has increased 6 bpm since last year to 173.  I recall last time my legs were really tired at the end and it was much warmer out.  Also I'm in much better shape bike fitness wise so it is good to see where I'm actually at now.   

run joe run - 2007-01-06 10:02 AM

I searched the forums and found the following chart.  Anyone know if it is correct?

Zone 1 - 65%-84%
Zone 2 - 85% - 91%
Zone 3 - 92% - 95%
Zone 4 - 96%-100%
Zone 5a - 100% - 102%
Zone 5b - 103% - 105%

With my LT of 186 my zones look like this:

Zone 1 -   121-156
Zone 2 -   157-169 
Zone 3 -   170-177 
Zone 4 -   178-186 
Zone 5a - 187-190
Zone 5b - 191-196

When I did the step test in the pamphlet that came with my HRM I came up with a MHR of 175.  HA!  Using that and the corresponding zone chart I was trying to do a Z2 run at 105-120 bpm.  It was nearly impossible and not a good use of my time.

Edited by DRM 2007-01-07 3:30 PM
2007-01-07 3:35 PM
in reply to: #644754

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Melbourne FL
Gold member
Subject: RE: DRM's Group - FULL
LHablas - 2007-01-06 2:19 PM

Can't tell you one way or the other, because I haven't done a LT test yet, but seeing the higher numbers is encouraging because I'm guessing I'll be closer to what you determined from your test.  When I ran today, my avg HR was 161 and I felt like I was working moderate to moderately hard.

Question for the group:  On a day like today where I did weights and ran, is it better to run first and then lift or weights first and then run?  Or does it matter?

Supposedly doing aerobic exercises after lifting weights aids in flushing lactate acid for lifting out of the muscles and aids in soreness issues.  Fact or not, I generally follow this principle...

Just remember each is there own in the LT threshold and that the bike vs run are not the same and can vary quite a bit among individuals.  I was actually supprosed my Bike LT had increased to 173 from theprevious 166.  I only have a spread of 3-5 bpm in the run and bike, others have up to 20 bpm...

2007-01-07 7:21 PM
in reply to: #631738

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Springfield, MO
Subject: RE: DRM's Group - FULL

Got it figured out.  Thanks Don.

I start HR training tomorrow.  Z2 is my friend.

2007-01-07 7:42 PM
in reply to: #645429

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Alpharetta, GA
Subject: RE: DRM's Group - FULL
DRM - 2007-01-07 4:35 PM

Supposedly doing aerobic exercises after lifting weights aids in flushing lactate acid for lifting out of the muscles and aids in soreness issues.  Fact or not, I generally follow this principle...

Just remember each is there own in the LT threshold and that the bike vs run are not the same and can vary quite a bit among individuals.  I was actually supprosed my Bike LT had increased to 173 from theprevious 166.  I only have a spread of 3-5 bpm in the run and bike, others have up to 20 bpm...

Thanks, primary goal with the weights is stability/toning - I doubt I'm creating too much lactic acid with this routine, but your point's still well taken and appreciated.

2007-01-08 9:43 AM
in reply to: #643615

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Rockledge, Fl
Subject: RE: DRM's Group - FULL

Jonathan, the plan looks pretty good. Can you get another swim in? Also, on the bike you say riding with HR in the 150's. What zone is this in? Might want to break up the bike workouts where one is easy one hour spin in zone 2 and the other is a harder bike workout. There are a number of workouts for the bike out there or I can give you a few if you'd like.

2007-01-08 9:46 AM
in reply to: #644589

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Rockledge, Fl
Subject: RE: DRM's Group - FULL
run joe run - 2007-01-06 9:02 AM

I searched the forums and found the following chart.  Anyone know if it is correct?

Zone 1 - 65%-84%
Zone 2 - 85% - 91%
Zone 3 - 92% - 95%
Zone 4 - 96%-100%
Zone 5a - 100% - 102%
Zone 5b - 103% - 105%

With my LT of 186 my zones look like this:

Zone 1 -   121-156
Zone 2 -   157-169 
Zone 3 -   170-177 
Zone 4 -   178-186 
Zone 5a - 187-190
Zone 5b - 191-196


When I did the step test in the pamphlet that came with my HRM I came up with a MHR of 175.  HA!  Using that and the corresponding zone chart I was trying to do a Z2 run at 105-120 bpm.  It was nearly impossible and not a good use of my time.


Jonathan, you can setup your zones in your logs. Enter your LT HR for the run and bike and it will calculate the zones for you. I believe this is exactly the same as Mike Ricci's spreadsheet.

2007-01-08 9:47 AM
in reply to: #644754

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Rockledge, Fl
Subject: RE: DRM's Group - FULL
LHablas - 2007-01-06 1:19 PM

Can't tell you one way or the other, because I haven't done a LT test yet, but seeing the higher numbers is encouraging because I'm guessing I'll be closer to what you determined from your test.  When I ran today, my avg HR was 161 and I felt like I was working moderate to moderately hard.

Question for the group:  On a day like today where I did weights and ran, is it better to run first and then lift or weights first and then run?  Or does it matter?

It matters a little if your main goal is getting a good run workout or weight workout. Whichever one is more important try to do first.

2007-01-08 9:50 AM
in reply to: #645998

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Rockledge, Fl
Subject: RE: DRM's Group - FULL
As some of you have already noticed :-) I now have a mentor group. I told Don I was on the waiting list and that is why he let me join after he was full. I will still check in over here though. Especially this week with Don out of town.
2007-01-08 10:12 AM
in reply to: #645990

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Subject: RE: DRM's Group - FULL
TitanIV - 2007-01-08 9:43 AM

Jonathan, the plan looks pretty good. Can you get another swim in? Also, on the bike you say riding with HR in the 150's. What zone is this in? Might want to break up the bike workouts where one is easy one hour spin in zone 2 and the other is a harder bike workout. There are a number of workouts for the bike out there or I can give you a few if you'd like.

Right now I'm on a project that is in Birmingham (I live in Atlanta). With my work schedule, 2 swims per week is all I can do. Once this project is over and I get a chance to be at home a little more, I plan on getting in some Master's swims. There is a Masters program right near my house ( but they are only Mon,Tue, Thur, Fri and right now that doesn't fit my schedule.

No idea what Zone that is in. I try to stay away from a regimented schedule and go more based on feel than anything else. If I'm feeling good, I'll push harder. If I'm feeling tired, I slow down. This worked well in college when I ran cross country.

2007-01-08 11:11 AM
in reply to: #646004

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Alpharetta, GA
Subject: RE: DRM's Group - FULL

TitanIV - 2007-01-08 10:50 AM As some of you have already noticed :-) I now have a mentor group. I told Don I was on the waiting list and that is why he let me join after he was full. I will still check in over here though. Especially this week with Don out of town.

Uh, we're not letting you go that easy...

Good luck with your group.  I knew you'll be a huge asset to them.  Glad to know you'll be keeping us on your radar screen.


2007-01-08 11:29 AM
in reply to: #646044

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Rockledge, Fl
Subject: RE: DRM's Group - FULL

jonathan22 - 2007-01-08 10:12 AM Right now I'm on a project that is in Birmingham (I live in Atlanta). With my work schedule, 2 swims per week is all I can do. Once this project is over and I get a chance to be at home a little more, I plan on getting in some Master's swims. There is a Masters program right near my house ( but they are only Mon,Tue, Thur, Fri and right now that doesn't fit my schedule. No idea what Zone that is in. I try to stay away from a regimented schedule and go more based on feel than anything else. If I'm feeling good, I'll push harder. If I'm feeling tired, I slow down. This worked well in college when I ran cross country.

I understand about the swim, how about a pool where you are staying. It is not ideal, but I sometimes do workouts in my 10y backyard pool which is better than nothing.

About the bike, maybe try making one a harder workout with some intervals, etc and the other one easier. I find the workouts on the trainer also help with boredom :-)

2007-01-08 11:41 AM
in reply to: #631738

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Evans, GA
Subject: RE: DRM's Group - FULL

I'll get the TTs into the mix soon. Thanks for the advice folks.  Now all I need is for my shoulder to get better!

2007-01-08 6:14 PM
in reply to: #631738

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Evans, GA
Subject: RE: DRM's Group - FULL
I altered my swim form some today and it seemed to bother my shoulder much less. I had less pull, but I really don't care.  I'll lay off the speed work for now and just keep my end up while the healing continues. 
2007-01-08 9:12 PM
in reply to: #631738

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Springfield, MO
Subject: RE: DRM's Group - FULL

Good to hear that a little change in form helped Bluejack.

How's everyone else doing?

I did my planned bike w/o and strength training today.  The wind was a B!tch and two dogs chased me, but other than that I had a good ride.   I might try the pool early in the morning.  Hopefully the old ladies aren't there yet.  They seem to give me dirty looks when I'm swimming laps even though I do it during the designated lap swimming times.

2007-01-08 9:36 PM
in reply to: #647183

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Alpharetta, GA
Subject: RE: DRM's Group - FULL

Day 1 of the official plan under my belt...I really want to watch FL maul OSU (famous last words most likely), but have to teach 5:45AM spin class tomorrow - maybe I can get the 3rd qtr under my belt...even though my swim was very short this AM, it felt good.  I'm actually starting to get excited about spending time in the water!  Hope all is well with the rest of the group.

2007-01-09 8:03 PM
in reply to: #631738

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Springfield, MO
Subject: RE: DRM's Group - FULL

Lou and Jonathan-

I was perusing logs and saw Jonathan's latest bike entry that I assume was on a spin bike.  Is that even proper terminology?  I'm not really that familiar with spin bikes.  Are they like the amps in Spinal Tap and go to 11?  Cool man.

Seriously.  You guys are logging some pretty good t.i.t.s.  I'm really looking forward to getting back to that point.  Before I got ITBS I was up to 1:20+ on the bike.

2007-01-09 8:06 PM
in reply to: #631738

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Springfield, MO
Subject: RE: DRM's Group - FULL

Bluejack & avpant - what's up?

2007-01-09 9:04 PM
in reply to: #631738

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Evans, GA
Subject: RE: DRM's Group - FULL
I've been feeling alitle weak today but I accomplished my bike training.  I feel pretty drained and I'm ready for my recovery week!
2007-01-09 9:18 PM
in reply to: #648480

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Alpharetta, GA
Subject: RE: DRM's Group - FULL

Thanks for checking in Joe.  Spin Bike is definitely proper terminology.  Tension is variable, though unlike ST's 11 mine goes to ∞

Bike is definitely my strong suit.  Like any of the 3 disciplines, the more time you spend doing it, the easier it becomes to do it for longer stretches.  My longest ride to date is 107 miles (rode in Nov - cold & windy day!) in 6:38; in October, I rode from Columbus, GA to Savannah, GA (~270 miles) over 4 about a sore a$$!!

Keep up your good work...and keep it cranked to 11! 

Edited by LHablas 2007-01-10 8:47 AM

2007-01-10 8:26 AM
in reply to: #631738

Bangalore, Karnataka
Subject: RE: DRM's Group - FULL
Ok team, i am back...

am getting back to training from today...

a question to the atlanta folks here - how about getting a ride in this weekend at the SCT ?

2007-01-10 9:22 AM
in reply to: #631738

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Rockledge, Fl
Subject: RE: DRM's Group - FULL
My training pretty good this week. We got a cold front so no swimming until it passes through as I swim in an outdoor pool :-) It is heated, but this FL boy isn't getting in and out of the pool in 50 degree weather! It's great for running though.
2007-01-10 9:31 PM
in reply to: #648582

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Springfield, MO
Subject: RE: DRM's Group - FULL
LHablas - 2007-01-09 9:18 PM

Bike is definitely my strong suit.  Like any of the 3 disciplines, the more time you spend doing it, the easier it becomes to do it for longer stretches.  My longest ride to date is 107 miles (rode in Nov - cold & windy day!) in 6:38; in October, I rode from Columbus, GA to Savannah, GA (~270 miles) over 4 about a sore a$$!!

That is awesome Lou!!  I'm inspired.

I never knew/forgot how much fun riding a bike could be.  Maybe I did when I was a kid.  I have defintely rediscovered the joy.

2007-01-10 9:32 PM
in reply to: #648812

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Springfield, MO
Subject: RE: DRM's Group - FULL

avpant - 2007-01-10 8:26 AM Ok team, i am back... am getting back to training from today... a question to the atlanta folks here - how about getting a ride in this weekend at the SCT ? Avinash

Welcome back - Go get 'em!

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