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2009-02-17 8:00 AM
in reply to: #1856701

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Sterling, VA
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED

Yup I am back. After a crisis of activity-faith and a deprioritization of anything not related to family or work, I have sorted that all out.

An introduction:

I'm Ben, 31-yo from Sterling, Virigina. Married with two kids (Lily - 3.5, Isaac - 2). I have been running since high school, but became the wayward son during my college years, when finding things to do that didn't involve parties and classes went by the wayside.

Starting last year, I made a concious effort to work on weight loss to regain my love of sports. I did well for about six months, then experienced issues with work and injury that knocked my head out of the game. 

So here I am.

One advantage I have this year is that I was able to convince my wife (Amy) to do a 5k, which means she has been pushing us to get to the gym as often as I have. She has always been active (she teaches dance as a side job), but never had any interest in running. This of course, is my first diabolical step in getting her into doing a triathlon next season (she is a pretty good swimmer already,  and doesn't mind the bike, so I think it's just a matter of time).

I am not scheduled for any races this season as of yet, I am going to see how my body sorts itself out -- but I have been really focusing on my run right now. I think if I can get it sorted out, and my endurance up, I can add in my CT bike workouts and Masters swimming as the year goes on.

If it works well, Annapolis may be within reason (so Tracy, we may have to get you back up this way with your crew!)

So, that's Ben, in a nutshell. Glad you guys will take me back



Edited by MoquiVA 2009-02-17 8:00 AM

2009-02-17 8:11 AM
in reply to: #1856701

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Auburn AL
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED

Rob... I think I have the same bars that you are talking about.  Mine are Profile Design Airstryke. The link to the pic on their website is

Mark,  Great race time.  I would say that you had it in high gear the last couple of miles.  Congrats to your wife also. 


2009-02-17 9:11 AM
in reply to: #1964114

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED

Wow Mark, nice time.

My bike is finally finished.  Just now have to be patient and wait for my fit on the 1st.  Haven't cut the steerer tube or seatpost yet so it isn't rideable until I get that done which they said they would do for me at the fit.

If you have the time I highly recommend putting your own bike together once.  It has been a great learning experience.

I'll post some pic's tonight of the semi-finished product.

2009-02-17 11:11 AM
in reply to: #1856701

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Greensburg, PA
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED

Hi all,

I haven't have a chance to catch up with all the posts yet, but wanted to check in.  I know, I ask for people to check up on me and my logs and then I disappear and don't respond.  You were probable thinking either she is a big slacker who doesn't care or else she better be in the hospital because she isn't responding!  Well, okay, I was in the hospital. 

I ended up with pneumonia and a severe asthma attack.  I just got sprung from 6 days in the hospital.  I am full of steroids and antibiotics and vicodin.  I have a cough that my doctor said would probably last about 4 weeks.   I am exhausted by walking upstairs and taking a shower.  I am feeling pretty depressed right now.  Could somebody who was really sick or hurt please tell me it is going to get better. Frown  Okay, off to take a nap now.


2009-02-17 11:24 AM
in reply to: #1966284

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Sterling, VA
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED

It is going to get better Karen. You should keep your self doing something to motivate your return to working out. Just remember, "doing something" could be as simple as walking around the house until you are comfortable enough to move to the next level of effort.

Breaks from training suck -- I know, I broke a rib last spring and it knocked me off my game physically and mentally. The mental conditioning seemed to be the worst part, so anything you can do to keep your mind focused will benefit you.

You have the group too, just lean us on when you think you need a pickup

2009-02-17 11:26 AM
in reply to: #1966284

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED
gadgetlaw - 2009-02-17 12:11 PM

Hi all,

I haven't have a chance to catch up with all the posts yet, but wanted to check in.  I know, I ask for people to check up on me and my logs and then I disappear and don't respond.  You were probable thinking either she is a big slacker who doesn't care or else she better be in the hospital because she isn't responding!  Well, okay, I was in the hospital. 

I ended up with pneumonia and a severe asthma attack.  I just got sprung from 6 days in the hospital.  I am full of steroids and antibiotics and vicodin.  I have a cough that my doctor said would probably last about 4 weeks.   I am exhausted by walking upstairs and taking a shower.  I am feeling pretty depressed right now.  Could somebody who was really sick or hurt please tell me it is going to get better. Frown  Okay, off to take a nap now.


Ouch Karen, sorry to hear that, unfortunately can't tell you much good about pneumonia, I had it about 10 years ago and was miserable.  I guess the updside is that eventually it will get better, also it's just too cold to train outside anyways, you will get plenty of rest and be ready for that warm weather : )

2009-02-17 11:28 AM
in reply to: #1856701

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Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED

Hello there folks.  I'm still slacking for the most part, but trying to keep up with my logs when I do do something.  Work has gotten pretty busy (thank goodness), so I don't have near the time I used to.  Everyone seems to be doing well with trianing.  -Karen, get better soon!-  Is everyone keeping up with the Tour de California???

Hope everyone has a wonderful day!

2009-02-17 11:29 AM
in reply to: #1966324

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED
crews - 2009-02-17 12:28 PM

Hello there folks.  I'm still slacking for the most part, but trying to keep up with my logs when I do do something.  Work has gotten pretty busy (thank goodness), so I don't have near the time I used to.  Everyone seems to be doing well with trianing.  -Karen, get better soon!-  Is everyone keeping up with the Tour de California???

Hope everyone has a wonderful day!

Hope to get a report from Steve since he is traveling with the TOC in the VIP tents.

2009-02-17 1:01 PM
in reply to: #1966327

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED
dalessit - 2009-02-17 11:29 AM
crews - 2009-02-17 12:28 PM

Hello there folks.  I'm still slacking for the most part, but trying to keep up with my logs when I do do something.  Work has gotten pretty busy (thank goodness), so I don't have near the time I used to.  Everyone seems to be doing well with trianing.  -Karen, get better soon!-  Is everyone keeping up with the Tour de California???

Hope everyone has a wonderful day!

Hope to get a report from Steve since he is traveling with the TOC in the VIP tents.

I think Steve might be better served with an ark!  Still, I was hoping to get an email or pics.  And yes, definitely post pics of the new ride.

Karen, feel better soon.  You will have plenty of time to get ready for your races!

Ben welcome back.  You and your wife sound like you have a great plan for the season.

I had a minor breakthrough on the swim today so I am about as happy as can be over that.  I don't often write breakthrough and swim in the same senetence!

Edited by SSMinnow 2009-02-17 1:30 PM
2009-02-17 1:05 PM
in reply to: #1966284

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Auburn AL
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED
gadgetlaw - 2009-02-17 11:11 AM

Hi all,

I haven't have a chance to catch up with all the posts yet, but wanted to check in.  I know, I ask for people to check up on me and my logs and then I disappear and don't respond.  You were probable thinking either she is a big slacker who doesn't care or else she better be in the hospital because she isn't responding!  Well, okay, I was in the hospital. 

I ended up with pneumonia and a severe asthma attack.  I just got sprung from 6 days in the hospital.  I am full of steroids and antibiotics and vicodin.  I have a cough that my doctor said would probably last about 4 weeks.   I am exhausted by walking upstairs and taking a shower.  I am feeling pretty depressed right now.  Could somebody who was really sick or hurt please tell me it is going to get better. Frown  Okay, off to take a nap now.



Sorry to hear about your being sick and hope you can get back on your feet soon.  Just a thought... you might want to edit the STEROIDS and VICADIN out of your post.  Would hate for a future podium spot to be taken away due to a doping violation.

2009-02-17 1:12 PM
in reply to: #1856701

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Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED

I was thinking the same thing- We're due for some pics from Steve shortly.

Once thing I have learned is if you are sick, or sore....Stop. If its something like pnemonia, I don't think I would be messing around with that. If it was a little headcold or something you could work throught it.

Personally, I think you should ENJOY training not feel like you have to. That's the easiest way for the wheels to fall off. When you think you have to train, you start to resent it then BOOM you're unmotivated and your derailed. Now there are times when you feel crappy and go for a run and you feel amazing after....But everyone knows themselves.

2009-02-17 1:13 PM
in reply to: #1856701

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Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED
I figure I better post one more time so I can get ahead of Barry....101 BABY!!!
2009-02-17 1:15 PM
in reply to: #1856701

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Auburn AL
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED


Breakthrough on your swimming ... Do Tell. 

I went to my masters class last night and opted out of the main set and had our coach work with me on my technique.  Basically he had me put my hands on thighs and work on rotation and balance while light kicking for about an hour.  I could see where this could help over a period of time, so I am giving it a shot.  I am trying to do all I can to get more efficient.  I feel like I have put alot of effort pounding out the laps, and feel like it would be a struggle to do 1.2 m without a break, so i am going to spend a month or so on efficiency.


2009-02-17 1:48 PM
in reply to: #1966565

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED

LOL at my lesson yesterday my coach asked me to count strokes, I told her my number for one length and she said "13, that sucks, well it doesn't suck but it isn't good, pretend I have a gun at your head can you do 10?"

I love her, she doesn't mince words.

2009-02-17 2:36 PM
in reply to: #1856701

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san francisco
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED

Karen!  Take it easy and's a tough one to recover from if you don't really truly rest.

Welcome Ben, it sounds like you have a really good plan in place.

Congrats on the continuous 21 minute swim, is a great confidence boost!

Mark is smoking fast!!! 

I'm excited because my 13 y.o. nephew expressed interest in running with our dog (and me, I guess) and he runs track for his school team.  I told him that Auntie Kim is super slow, so he might have to do a slow day with us (while I run my tempo run).  He says no problem, I can do whatever you have planned.  He ran the mile for his weight group last year and topped out at 6:30/mile!  I'm super proud of him...his dad, my brother got into bad stuff (drugs/alcohol) in high school, so I'm happy that he is interested in sports.  So is my now rehabilitated brother!  I figure that he is not used to running distance but rather shorter sprints...I wonder if it works okay for younger runners to slow down a little and do distance for endurance.  He also plays soccer, so I know they run sprints for that, too.

Anyhow, just wanted to share.  Our first scheduled run is on Thursday morning at 6:30am.  Hope he can wake up!  Have a great week everyone.

2009-02-17 3:48 PM
in reply to: #1856701

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Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED

Hey Tony, 13 strokes---total or per side. is that over a 25m length? If that's total over 25m that is amazing. I thought I was making progress with 19 total strokes over 25m.

Hey Kim...that's great with the Nephew. Hopefully it is something he can stick with. He's got a super fast aunt to run with him so that will work out!! 

2009-02-17 3:57 PM
in reply to: #1856701

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Apex, north carolina
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED


 My nephew also runs cross country (age 12).  He can crush me on a sprint so he has "challenged" me to a 10K over the 4th of July holiday.  We live in separate states and don't see each other much and this race will be a fun activity to do together.  Luckily he is impressed by my **cough** distance running and he thinks he'll have worked up to a 10K by the fourth.  I am excited.

Mark,  so sorry to hear about the job situation.  I hate this economy and how it is crushing everyone. I will certainly keep my ears open for you.  Hang in there.

 I think Steve is busy evading the cops after stealing Lance Armstrong's time trial bike, so I don't expect to hear from him for a while (JJ)Wink

2009-02-17 8:29 PM
in reply to: #1966960

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED

I uploaded a bunch of pics to my album but here is a side shot.

2009-02-17 8:35 PM
in reply to: #1856701

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED

This is pre-fit, haven't cut the seat post, steerer tube or any of the cables yet.  Going to get them to do that at the fit.


Planet-X Stealth Carbon Pro

Cockpit: Vision Aerobars, unknown brake levers, dura ace TT shifters

Rear wheel: Mavic Open Pro w/Powertap SL Pro

Front Wheel: Shimano WH R550? (from my cannondale, will be replaced soon)

Brakes: Ultegra

Cranks Ultegra Double

Front and Rear Der's Dura Ace

Seat: Adamo Race

Tires: Michelin PR 3's

Going to see how I like the  Cranks, might switch them out.

Will be ordering a wheel cover in a month or so for the rear wheel.

Edited by dalessit 2009-02-17 8:35 PM
2009-02-17 9:42 PM
in reply to: #1856701

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Auburn AL
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED
Tony...Man I love the ride.  How much do you think you saved by putting it together?  I am right there with you on the stroke / 25 yd.  The total immersion DVD really got my strokes down, but I still feel like I am struggling and wasting too much energy breathing.
2009-02-17 11:19 PM
in reply to: #1856701

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED
Well you all have a lot going on... Too much to respond to everyone.  You guys don't need me here!!  Reading everything from all of you makes me feel like a Lurker right now!!!  Well down in Cali (as you have seen) the weather BLOWS!!!  Luckily I have all the proper gear for walking around,  but HELL NO to RIDING!!! It has been awesome, but the hype behind Lance is unreal.  You almost forget about all the other GREAT riders!   Amgen has been great to us as well.  The VIP tent is so stinkin' cool, and it is right at the finish line!  So watching the sprint finish today was so cool (pictures to follow next week!).  We are skipping tomorrow's stage to head down to Paso Roables (sp?) to ride, drink wine, and have a good time (weather is supposed to be about 65 and sunny).  Then the following day we will head down to Solvang to watch the time trials.  After that we will turn back north and head up towards San Fran. along the coast line!  Hoping to get 3 really good rides in, in the next 3 days, but we shall see!  Gotta run, we are driving the RV South now, and it is almost my turn to drive again!  I have a new respect for the RV!  This is a great way to do things!!!  Picture below taken from my cell phone before the finish of today's sprint finish!


IMG00054.jpg (83KB - 15 downloads)

2009-02-18 7:10 AM
in reply to: #1967592

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED

Plainsman AU - 2009-02-17 10:42 PM Tony...Man I love the ride.  How much do you think you saved by putting it together?  I am right there with you on the stroke / 25 yd.  The total immersion DVD really got my strokes down, but I still feel like I am struggling and wasting too much energy breathing.

Dunno exactly, I need to sit down and figure it out.

Yeah and breathing is what gets me. My coach told me if I could just stop breathing I had a pretty decent stroke, but every time I breathed my legs splayed and just disrupted my whole rhythm.

We have been woking on that, with TI you tend to try to cruise.....right....along...., I was doing that with my breathing also.  She told me get the air you need and get your head back in the water, taking that nice.......smoooth...approach.... to breathing was causing me to sink a bit and do some other things.

We also worked on detaching my head from my body if that makes sense, when I brought my right arm up for recovery, I turned to breathe and turned my head back into water when my arm pierces the water.  Now she had me work on getting my face back in the water before that right arm pierces.

Not sure if that is making any sense, I can elaborate if you want me to.  TI does a good job at some things but is pi$$ poor when it comes to teaching propulsion and breathing techniques.  I took a 2 day workshop right before my first Tri last year and tried to stick it out but without anyone teaching me using that style I just let it go.  I started with my new coach a few months ago and while not "certified" she teaches TI methods and explained the breathing and propulsion that I was missing, Terry Laughlin was her High School coach way back when.  If you get the USMS magazine she was in it last month teaching a drill she had me do in my first lesson.

2009-02-18 7:11 AM
in reply to: #1967767

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED

Steve I keep looking for you in costume out there.

Bitter that 2 days ago DVR stopped even though coverage continued and yesterday they ended early before the finish.

2009-02-18 8:06 AM
in reply to: #1967915

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Auburn AL
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED
dalessit - 2009-02-18 7:10 AM

Plainsman AU - 2009-02-17 10:42 PM Tony...Man I love the ride.  How much do you think you saved by putting it together?  I am right there with you on the stroke / 25 yd.  The total immersion DVD really got my strokes down, but I still feel like I am struggling and wasting too much energy breathing.

Dunno exactly, I need to sit down and figure it out.

Yeah and breathing is what gets me. My coach told me if I could just stop breathing I had a pretty decent stroke, but every time I breathed my legs splayed and just disrupted my whole rhythm.

We have been woking on that, with TI you tend to try to cruise.....right....along...., I was doing that with my breathing also.  She told me get the air you need and get your head back in the water, taking that nice.......smoooth...approach.... to breathing was causing me to sink a bit and do some other things.

We also worked on detaching my head from my body if that makes sense, when I brought my right arm up for recovery, I turned to breathe and turned my head back into water when my arm pierces the water.  Now she had me work on getting my face back in the water before that right arm pierces.

Not sure if that is making any sense, I can elaborate if you want me to.  TI does a good job at some things but is pi$$ poor when it comes to teaching propulsion and breathing techniques.  I took a 2 day workshop right before my first Tri last year and tried to stick it out but without anyone teaching me using that style I just let it go.  I started with my new coach a few months ago and while not "certified" she teaches TI methods and explained the breathing and propulsion that I was missing, Terry Laughlin was her High School coach way back when.  If you get the USMS magazine she was in it last month teaching a drill she had me do in my first lesson.

That makes sense.  Seems like when I started out, I was breathing on the right as my right arm recovered and water was trickling into my mouth from my arm being overhead in the recovery mode.  Now, I would say that I am getting my breath as my left arm is straight out and my right arm is almost straight back against my side (in my longest position).  Make sense?  Sounds like you  have a good coach there, how much do you work with her, or is that a masters group you are in?


2009-02-18 8:10 AM
in reply to: #1966960

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Sterling, VA
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED
tahrens - 2009-02-17 4:57 PM


 My nephew also runs cross country (age 12).  He can crush me on a sprint so he has "challenged" me to a 10K over the 4th of July holiday.  We live in separate states and don't see each other much and this race will be a fun activity to do together.  Luckily he is impressed by my **cough** distance running and he thinks he'll have worked up to a 10K by the fourth.  I am excited.

Mark,  so sorry to hear about the job situation.  I hate this economy and how it is crushing everyone. I will certainly keep my ears open for you.  Hang in there.

 I think Steve is busy evading the cops after stealing Lance Armstrong's time trial bike, so I don't expect to hear from him for a while (JJ)Wink

 Great profile picture Tracy Was that they "modeling" of the new wetsuit? I ask, because I think my wife got me in the exact same shot... minus the pink flip flops (mine were deep purple!)

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