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2010-06-12 12:05 PM
in reply to: #2916980

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
Some questions for T in Liberty Lake, or anyone else with CDA experience??!!

I live in WA, so I know the weather will be what it will be and it's anyone's guess at this point. Just wondering what clothes you typically race in, and what you wear for colder or inclement weather? I've only done one HIM (Victoria 2009) and raced in my tri top/shorts, but wore arm warmers on the bike, plus socks and toe covers. It was cool and rainy that day. Ditched the arm warmers come rain time. What do you wear for cooler weather and/or rain on race day?

Sun screen!!! I'm a sunscreen spaz (blonde and pale -- we haven't seen much sun here yet this spring!). I noticed T in LL has sunscreen in his bags and bentos and such. Do you stop and re-apply a few times? Do people help you get your shoulders?

I'm already shuddering at the amount of stuff I will be packing for every possible contingency circumstance. I plan to spend my extra taper hours working on lists and packing. Even though this week was less training, I feel like I had NO extra time, what with dealing with kids and end-of-school stuff and swim team and baseball and and and... Ack!

2010-06-12 1:28 PM
in reply to: #2236122

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New user
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
After being amused with the story and comments regarding the near t-bone and subsequent hitting on of a mom, I had a near miss today.
All of my road rides are on flat country roads lined by wheat, corn, and beans. I have seen, had near misses, or been chased by mean country dogs, cats, racoons, muskrats, foxes (just seen), squirrels, etc.
But yesterday took the cake: I am going about 22mph and suddenly a wild turkey comes out of the wheat field, 10 yards in front of me! In a split second, I swerve to the left, back to right as this big slow bird half flies/hops across the road! I am looking at this Thanksgiving dinner right in the eye - as I come back to the right, I could have reached my hand out and touched it - man oh man - after a spattering of profanities that only come out only in these near death reactions, all I can thnk about is the funny of story of getting a ride back to town with the mom with 2 kids in the car! so funny. I am so thankful I didn't hit it. I don't think it is turkey hunting season.
love it. happy tapering everyone. gobble gobble.
2010-06-12 2:14 PM
in reply to: #2917496

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
Spath - Good story...I was laughing with the descriptive narrative . That is great, but I'm glad you made it out alive.

Regarding what I wear (remember, everyone is totally different) for different weather/races.

Lastyear at CDA (my first) it started out fine on the bike. It was cool, but probably about low-50's. I just had my tri shorts and tri tank. No arm warmers, toe covers, etc. I believe there were quite a few people that had a long sleeve, or atleast arm warmers on - but I tend to heat up pretty quickly, regardless of weather.

By the time the bike was done and the run started, it started sprinkling rain and cooling down. I'd say the last 10-15 miles of the marathon, it was mid to upper 40's and raining. Again, I only had my tri shorts and tri tank on...but definitely could have used a long sleeve.

Needless to say, sunscreen wasn't a huge priority . But, depending on what you've used and how good the "water proof" is for the sunscreen, I'd guess you'd be pretty safe to apply before the swim, after the swim and after the bike. Unless, perhaps, it is 90 degrees, clear, sunny and you're sweating a ton and pouring water all over yourself constantly. Then, you may want to put sunscreen on periodically.

Hope that helps. I'd bank on the weather being about upper 70's with a mix of clouds and a lot of sun. The 15 day forecast (I know...can change a lot) shows 86 and 88 and sunny for the two days before the race.

T in Liberty has the most CDA experience I'm guessing...we'll see what he says .

Okay, I'm done...
2010-06-12 3:35 PM
in reply to: #2236122

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Liberty Lake, WA
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
The few days leading up to the race can be crazy.  For anyone who is interested, the following is my race day checklist.

IMCDA 2010 Checklist

Race Eve (At Home):  Shower and shave before bed;  Load Bento Bag (3 cliff shot blocks, salt tabs, sun lotion, saddle cream) put in race day morning junk bag (RDMJB);  Load Repair Kit Bag (2 spare tubes, 3 CO2, CO2 pump, Stick-em-patches, Multi-tool, Tire Levers) in RDMJB;  lay-out bottles on counter for mixing in the morning, 1-H20, 1-750cal Spiz; Put reflective tape on race outfit;  Eat before bed (Bagel, 24-oz H2O);  Set alarm for 3:00am;  Eat Bagel if wake up during night. 

Race Morning (At Home): Eat breakfast by 3:30am (Oatmeal w/ PB, 1 Bagel, 16 oz Gatorade, 16 oz H2O);  Put on suntan lotion;  Dress (race shorts, race top, HRM strap, race chip, warm-up jacket and pants); Put glasses in RDMJB;  mix bottles and put in RDMJB;  Load RDMJB in car;  Load Wetsuit bag in car (Wetsuit, body glide, goggles, ear plugs, tp);  Put pump in car; Leave wedding ring w/ wife;  Leave house by 4:45am. 

Pre-Race (At Site):  Load Bike with 1 bottle Spiz, 1 bottle H2O, Bento Bag, Repair Kit Bag; Pump up tires.  Put glasses in T1 Bag (emergency only).

Bike SN Bag (I do not plan to use my SN bag this year):  1 spare old tube;  1 spare CO2;  extra salt tabs; zip-lock bag with 500 cal Spiz.

Run SN Bag (I do not plan to use my SN bag this year):  old socks; old shirt; salt tabs; H2O bottle; Imodium tablets.

T1 Bag:  bike helmet;  bike shoes;  bike socks;  race belt with number;  HRM watch;  sunglasses;  saddle cream; sun lotion;  body glide;  old bike jersey (extra);  glasses added race day morning (emergency);  extra contacts (emergency).

T2 Bag:  running shoes;  hat (stuffed into shoes); zip lock bag with salt tabs and sun lotion rolled in hat; socks (extra); shirt (extra);  shorts (extra);  body glide (extra). 

Dry Clothes Bag:  shorts; shirt; uauw; hand towel; warm-up jacket, pants, socks and shoes from the morning.

2010-06-12 3:56 PM
in reply to: #2917429

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Liberty Lake, WA
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

Yep, I pack a small tube of sunscreen for the bike.  I got burned real bad during the 2006 race and will never let that happen again. 

When you leave the changing tents in T1 there will be people that apply sunscreen for you.   Then on the bike I will generally apply it myself somewhere around the halfway point and then again towards the end of the bike.  In T2 there are again people that will apply sunscreen for you (I generally skip this group).  If it is a hot day I will take my sunscreen from my bike and pack it with me on the run.

What to wear?  I wear tri short and a tank top.  Last year it was cold so I added a skull cap, and arm warmers on the bike.  I ended up leaving the arm warmers on during the run.  In 2007 I did not have arm warmers so I wore an old long sleeve under armor shirt over my tri top.  I got rid of this shirt at bike SN but never got it back.   If it is going to be a hot day then I will just go with the tri shorts and tank but the first part of the bike can be cold because you are still wet from the swim.

Whatever you wear, plan to pack it with you for the full ride or plan to never get it back. 

2010-06-12 5:20 PM
in reply to: #2236122

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Coeur D'alene, ID
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

Here's a suggestion for those of you who may need arm warmers for the first hour or two of the bike.  Get a pair of inexpensive knee high cotton socks and cut the feet off of them.  Use them for your arm warmers then toss them when it warms up.  You'll be out a couple bucks but much better than taking a chance on not getting an expensive pair of warmers back from SN.

As for the weather, if the law of averages wins, it'll be in the upper 70's to low 80's.  Partly cloudy with a nice cooling breeze off the lake just in time for the run.   

It's beautiful here today, in the mid-70's, 80 tomorrow, and you can just see the lake warming up!  Enjoy the taper everyone.

2010-06-12 8:09 PM
in reply to: #2236122

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The Original
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
Any updates on the water temp?
2010-06-12 8:27 PM
in reply to: #2917913

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
Thanks, T and Flyboy! We have the same lovely weather pattern here, outside of Seattle. Our lakes will be dramatically warmer next week (still below 60 last week). Great idea on the arm-warmers/socks!!

So T in LL: The people there applying sunscreen, are they applying YOUR preferred/supplied sunscreen, or do they have sunscreen they just throw on everyone? (Can you tell I'm obsessing about the sunscreen, LOL!! The thought of 11+ hours out in the sun just makes my skin crinkle!)

I, too, plan to race in a tri top (tank) and tri shorts, changing into a comfy running skirt for the run (same tri-top tank). I figured I'd throw an old long-sleeved tech running shirt in my SN in case it gets cooler in the evening and/or my body isn't regulating its temps well.  
2010-06-12 9:12 PM
in reply to: #2917913

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
runnergirl - 2010-06-12 6:09 PM

Any updates on the water temp?

Hovering around 55 degrees the last couple of days. I have been out twice now for around a mile each time. Sleeveless wetsuit and a neoprene cap and am fine.

What we need is for no more rain and some temps in the 70's and it will shoot up fast.

You can see real time water temperature here:

2010-06-12 10:50 PM
in reply to: #2917929

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Liberty Lake, WA
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
kkcbelle - 2010-06-12 7:27 PM
So T in LL: The people there applying sunscreen, are they applying YOUR preferred/supplied sunscreen, or do they have sunscreen they just throw on everyone? (Can you tell I'm obsessing about the sunscreen, LOL!! The thought of 11+ hours out in the sun just makes my skin crinkle!)


Most years it has been a group of people wearing rubber gloves and a tub of sunscreen.  They coat it on thick but do not really rub it in.  The year I burned bad they used little pump bottles, this did not work very well.
2010-06-13 9:52 PM
in reply to: #2916714

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
triseattle - 2010-06-11 4:46 PM Nice - I would have definitely liked to have gone up there to see this race (Boise). You're right, it should be great with some good weather as well. I know a guy, somewhat of a friend, that is racing - he should fair well. His name is Josh Hadway, so keep your eye out for him. Rides a sweet black/white Kestrel...he should finish in the top 50 or 60 I think...maybe sneak past Lieto/Alexander ..haha. I wish one of those guys were racing at CDA this year. Weve got Potts though right?

I actually enjoyed being a spectator this year...  I think your buddy Josh finished in the Top 25 and 2nd in his age group.  I think his time was somewhere around 4:30.  He looked strong.  Apparently his friend (Dave Erickson) is a News Anchor out of Spokane that was also competing.  I came across his website.  He has a lot of video blogs about the Boise 70.3 including some great pre-race videos including Crowie and Lieto.  Check them out:

The pros were about 10 minutes slower this year (Crowie finished in 4:02 vs. 3:52 last year).  Mostly due to the wind (although last year was rough as well with chop, rain, hail, wind and some lightening).  They were fighting some severe head wind on the course.  I was out on mile 25 with a turnaround at mile 27 and the riders were looking defeated going into the headwind.  However that all changed when they rolled back at mile 29 with the tail-wind (I have never seen smiles so big--Slingshot).  They had to be hitting speeds in the upper 30's on the flat stuff.  Lieto was in 3rd by 1-2 minutes at mile 29 and was able to catch up with Alexendar and the other pro to complete the bike.

Lieto jumped off the bike, ran a half-mile and then was done...  He sat down on the side of the road for a couple of minutes, got up walked for a minute and was done...  Alexander went on to win by 10 seconds to Ben Hoffman.  Julie Dibbens took the womens title.  Downtown Boise (BoDo) put on a nice show for the athletes. 

This got me so excited for IMCDA!  Essentially 13 days!  Smile

2010-06-13 9:55 PM
in reply to: #2917496

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Colorado Springs
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
Nice. Glad your ok. See you in a few days, Bro.
2010-06-13 10:05 PM
in reply to: #2236122

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
Forgive me for even looking...  The 15 day forecast isn't looking to bad...  80 degrees and sunny is much better than 90+.  I am starting to like to the looks of this!

How aggressive is everyone taking it this week?  10-12 hours?  50% or so = swim?
2010-06-13 11:44 PM
in reply to: #2919237

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
Yes, 15 day forecast looks good for now. Hopefully the fluctuation is only 5 or 6 degrees off of that (more in the lower direction if anything). We will see in 10 days or so .

My workouts are pretty good this week. Going for a long bike tomorrow (5-6 hours) and then after that a lot of swimming. Still mix in 2 runs this week and a 75 minute run on Sunday. Probably do a 3 hour bike on Saturday. Other than that, try and do a couple of OWS and a couple of pool swims.

Eat as many jellybeans as possible...
2010-06-14 7:57 AM
in reply to: #2919237

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2010-06-14 1:48 PM
in reply to: #2236122

Extreme Veteran
San Diego
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
Looks like the water temp hit 60 yesterday afternoon?!?!

Did last long "run" yesterday, pacing a friend through the last 20 miles of the SD 100 Endurance Run.  It was an interesting experience and a good lesson in perseverance and determination.  I picked him up just about 24 hours into his run and spent the next 7 hours mostly hiking in the mountains, helping him maintain a 20 min/mile pace to make the aid station cutoffs.  That is a whole different kind of racing.

On Saturday, I rode with some strong climbers and I think I finally realized I'm going to need a bigger gear than a 23 on my race bike.  It may have worked out ok for Oceanside, but I'm concerned about the second loop at CDA and what all of the standing would do to my marathon.  My LBS is going to let me try out a barely used 11-27 or 11-28 so I can see how it feels.  I'll get to try it out for speedwork on Weds and then on some hills on our long ride Saturday.

I usually hate taper, but I think I'm gonna enjoy this one!

2010-06-14 2:14 PM
in reply to: #2236122


Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
So on my ride yesterday I stopped at the "pit stop" at the north end of the course.  The little girl that lives at that house came out and said "HI".  She was super cute with her Ironman hat on, I would guess she is about 9 years old or so.

I asked if she was in charge of stocking the supplies.  She said "yes, this was my idea."   I told her how great it was that she did it and how much I liked having it.

I filled my water bottles and gave her the last dollar that I had on me.   That was a very nice encounter. 

** On another note.  They finally paved the road at the top of English Pt. Road.  Thank God!

Edited by mattanderson 2010-06-14 2:16 PM
2010-06-14 2:33 PM
in reply to: #2920812

Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
I see in the athlete guide that headphones are not allowed on any portion of the bike segment, but no mention of headphones are listed in the running segment rules.  Does this imply headphones are legal during the run?  (Not communication devices, just MP3 player).
2010-06-14 2:41 PM
in reply to: #2236122

The Original
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
Wohoo- 60 degrees!  I hope it keeps climbing upward!

I wonder when BIB #'s will be posted- anyday now!
2010-06-14 3:07 PM
in reply to: #2920729

Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
halfironmike - 2010-06-14 12:48 PM Looks like the water temp hit 60 yesterday afternoon?!?!

Did last long "run" yesterday, pacing a friend through the last 20 miles of the SD 100 Endurance Run.  It was an interesting experience and a good lesson in perseverance and determination.  I picked him up just about 24 hours into his run and spent the next 7 hours mostly hiking in the mountains, helping him maintain a 20 min/mile pace to make the aid station cutoffs.  That is a whole different kind of racing.

On Saturday, I rode with some strong climbers and I think I finally realized I'm going to need a bigger gear than a 23 on my race bike.  It may have worked out ok for Oceanside, but I'm concerned about the second loop at CDA and what all of the standing would do to my marathon.  My LBS is going to let me try out a barely used 11-27 or 11-28 so I can see how it feels.  I'll get to try it out for speedwork on Weds and then on some hills on our long ride Saturday.

I usually hate taper, but I think I'm gonna enjoy this one!

The Boise 70.3 managed to get up to 58 degrees for race day.  Believe it or not, everyone was loving it and the swim times were fast!  I am sure CDA will be 63-64 degrees come June 27th.

The Endurance racing sounds like a challenge.  Your buddy is tough.  One of my goals for next year is the Waldo 100K (60 miler) in Oregon next year.  Although it looks like it may conflict with Ironman Canada which may be on my wishlist for next year.

I think you will be happy with the 11-28 cassette.  That is what I plan to race with and it seems to be a pretty good option. 

The taper stinks...  I don't want to do to much, but I don't want to go lite either....  This is where I start questioning whether I will be ready primarily because I have some extra down time and to much time to think about it.  As they say...  "trust the plan".
2010-06-14 3:13 PM
in reply to: #2236122

Hugo, MN
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
Just out of curiosity, does anyone know what the steepest grade climb is on the CDA course?


Edited by silentcs42 2010-06-14 3:13 PM

2010-06-14 3:46 PM
in reply to: #2920874

Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
Jonas Grumby - 2010-06-14 2:33 PM I see in the athlete guide that headphones are not allowed on any portion of the bike segment, but no mention of headphones are listed in the running segment rules.  Does this imply headphones are legal during the run?  (Not communication devices, just MP3 player).

No headphones anytime, automatic DQ
2010-06-14 4:01 PM
in reply to: #2921002

Extreme Veteran
San Diego
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
silentcs42 - 2010-06-14 1:13 PM Just out of curiosity, does anyone know what the steepest grade climb is on the CDA course?


I'm not sure if it's the same course as this year, but I did a multi-rider CompuTrainer preview and it maxed out with a quick incline on the last section before town that caught me by surprise.  The CT had the grade at 10.6 and it only lasted .2 miles.

I also have the CDA Real Course Video and I remember a short 11% section but, again, not sure if it's the same exact course as we'll be riding.  Most of the typical "tougher" uphill grades were in the 5-6% range.
2010-06-14 4:05 PM
in reply to: #2236122

Liberty Lake, WA
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
BT Get Together?

I plan to swim on the 25th at 8:30am if anyone is interested.  We can meet at the moose overlooking the swim start (if you are facing the lake it's on you left at the end of the big concrete steps).  After the swim I plan to get in line to check in at 10:00am when it opens.
2010-06-14 4:11 PM
in reply to: #2236122


Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
I thought I would share info on a great local sports massage therapist that I use. If any out of town racers are going to recover in the CDA or Spokane area.

Jenny Pope, Located at the Spokane Valley OZ fitness. 509-879-4987. I don't often splurge on massage but she helped me recover from my 70.3 and I am already booked for Monday morning after Ironman. Give her a call. It's only about 15 miles from CDA and on the way to the Spokane Airport.  
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