General Discussion Iron Distance Race Groups » Memorial Hermann Ironman Texas 2012 : Official Thread Rss Feed  
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2012-04-29 3:46 PM
in reply to: #4179290

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Muskego, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Memorial Hermann Ironman Texas 2012 : Official Thread
Kevin, that blows. Heal fast and get back out there. Good luck to you.

2012-04-29 4:49 PM
in reply to: #4179290

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Williamston, Michigan
Subject: RE: Memorial Hermann Ironman Texas 2012 : Official Thread
shrive81 - 2012-04-29 11:21 AM

So today was a horrible day.... I had to send an email with my withdrawl from the race. After being hit by a vehicle two weeks ago on a taining ride, I thought I might be able to recover from road rash and bruised hip and sore knee but with my 5th visti to the doctor I am not going to be able to compete. I feel like I have lost a year of my life an dedication to soemthing that has just got taken away from me. I am happy that i have done as much as I have done but am upset that I am not going to reach my goal in three weeks. I will be signing up for the next avaliable ironaman hopefully as soon as I can get past these injuries. I wish all you guys the best and I will be there in spirit cheering you guys on......


Kevin Shrive

Oh my I am so so sorry that totally SUCKS!!  I hope you heal up fast

2012-04-29 6:33 PM
in reply to: #3517225

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Subject: RE: Memorial Hermann Ironman Texas 2012 : Official Thread

Relatively easy weekend for me.  19 mile run on Saturday (last long run), which isn’t too bad if you didn’t ride a long way the day before, and then a short swim and a 30 mile ride on Sunday.  Total for the week just over 15 hrs.  One more long swim and one more long ride to go!

2012-04-29 9:08 PM
in reply to: #3517225

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Extreme Veteran
Fort Worth, TX
Subject: RE: Memorial Hermann Ironman Texas 2012 : Official Thread
This weekend blew for me (though not nearly as bad as Kevin - so sorry to hear that). I had my last 100 mile ride and a 3 hour run scheduled and then taper time, but on Wednesday I started coming down with a chest infection...after a 25 mile ride and a swim on Thursday, I went downhill fast. Antibiotics and rest - I AM SO FRUSTRATED!!! I was ready to taper!

I will give myself a few more days to heal and then try to get in my last big ride and a long run. Not sure that I'll do the 100 miler at this point as it could take too much out of me and I can't afford to relapse, or stretch this illness out.

UGH. It's such a mental hurdle to not be able to finish training on schedule...
2012-04-29 11:42 PM
in reply to: #4179580

No excuses!
Subject: RE: Memorial Hermann Ironman Texas 2012 : Official Thread

papson14 - 2012-04-29 4:46 PM Kevin, that blows. Heal fast and get back out there. Good luck to you.


x2. try to stay mentally tough through this. It will help when you actually make it to a starting line. Good luck!

2012-04-30 10:13 AM
in reply to: #4180098

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: Memorial Hermann Ironman Texas 2012 : Official Thread
sulross - 2012-04-29 9:08 PM

This weekend blew for me (though not nearly as bad as Kevin - so sorry to hear that). I had my last 100 mile ride and a 3 hour run scheduled and then taper time, but on Wednesday I started coming down with a chest infection...after a 25 mile ride and a swim on Thursday, I went downhill fast. Antibiotics and rest - I AM SO FRUSTRATED!!! I was ready to taper!

I will give myself a few more days to heal and then try to get in my last big ride and a long run. Not sure that I'll do the 100 miler at this point as it could take too much out of me and I can't afford to relapse, or stretch this illness out.

UGH. It's such a mental hurdle to not be able to finish training on schedule...

We are 20 days out from the race... with only two weekends left for training. At this point scratch your last 100 miler. Taper time. Can't cram for this "test".

Rest up and get better.

2012-04-30 10:32 AM
in reply to: #4180926

Subject: RE: Memorial Hermann Ironman Texas 2012 : Official Thread
KSH - 2012-04-30 10:13 AM
sulross - 2012-04-29 9:08 PMThis weekend blew for me (though not nearly as bad as Kevin - so sorry to hear that). I had my last 100 mile ride and a 3 hour run scheduled and then taper time, but on Wednesday I started coming down with a chest infection...after a 25 mile ride and a swim on Thursday, I went downhill fast. Antibiotics and rest - I AM SO FRUSTRATED!!! I was ready to taper!I will give myself a few more days to heal and then try to get in my last big ride and a long run. Not sure that I'll do the 100 miler at this point as it could take too much out of me and I can't afford to relapse, or stretch this illness out.UGH. It's such a mental hurdle to not be able to finish training on schedule...
We are 20 days out from the race... with only two weekends left for training. At this point scratch your last 100 miler. Taper time. Can't cram for this "test". Rest up and get better.
That's funny because I was just going to ask opinions on doing my last 18 mile run tomorrow. I missed it due to a sick little boy. Do it or rest up?
2012-04-30 10:41 AM
in reply to: #3517225

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The Woodlands, TX
Subject: RE: Memorial Hermann Ironman Texas 2012 : Official Thread
Water is 80 degrees this morning. Just an FYI
2012-04-30 11:17 AM
in reply to: #4180926

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Williamston, Michigan
Subject: RE: Memorial Hermann Ironman Texas 2012 : Official Thread

KSH - 2012-04-30 10:13 AM
sulross - 2012-04-29 9:08 PM This weekend blew for me (though not nearly as bad as Kevin - so sorry to hear that). I had my last 100 mile ride and a 3 hour run scheduled and then taper time, but on Wednesday I started coming down with a chest infection...after a 25 mile ride and a swim on Thursday, I went downhill fast. Antibiotics and rest - I AM SO FRUSTRATED!!! I was ready to taper! I will give myself a few more days to heal and then try to get in my last big ride and a long run. Not sure that I'll do the 100 miler at this point as it could take too much out of me and I can't afford to relapse, or stretch this illness out. UGH. It's such a mental hurdle to not be able to finish training on schedule...
We are 20 days out from the race... with only two weekends left for training. At this point scratch your last 100 miler. Taper time. Can't cram for this "test". Rest up and get better.

I sure hope you can cram because thats what I have been doing the last month   Seriously undertrained and just hoping to make it to the finish line by midnight.

2012-04-30 11:17 AM
in reply to: #4181001

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Williamston, Michigan
Subject: RE: Memorial Hermann Ironman Texas 2012 : Official Thread

tjfry - 2012-04-30 10:41 AM Water is 80 degrees this morning. Just an FYI

Holy crap!!! 

2012-04-30 12:21 PM
in reply to: #4180975

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: Memorial Hermann Ironman Texas 2012 : Official Thread
alove - 2012-04-30 10:32 AM

KSH - 2012-04-30 10:13 AM
sulross - 2012-04-29 9:08 PMThis weekend blew for me (though not nearly as bad as Kevin - so sorry to hear that). I had my last 100 mile ride and a 3 hour run scheduled and then taper time, but on Wednesday I started coming down with a chest infection...after a 25 mile ride and a swim on Thursday, I went downhill fast. Antibiotics and rest - I AM SO FRUSTRATED!!! I was ready to taper!I will give myself a few more days to heal and then try to get in my last big ride and a long run. Not sure that I'll do the 100 miler at this point as it could take too much out of me and I can't afford to relapse, or stretch this illness out.UGH. It's such a mental hurdle to not be able to finish training on schedule...
We are 20 days out from the race... with only two weekends left for training. At this point scratch your last 100 miler. Taper time. Can't cram for this "test". Rest up and get better.
That's funny because I was just going to ask opinions on doing my last 18 mile run tomorrow. I missed it due to a sick little boy. Do it or rest up?

Yeah... not sure about that... since it is tomorrow. Hum. Nothing in your Logs so I can't give an educated answer.

2012-04-30 12:32 PM
in reply to: #3517225

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: Memorial Hermann Ironman Texas 2012 : Official Thread
Here's an article about tapering.

The specific goal of a taper is to reduce or eliminate the amount of stress that is placed on the mind and body by training. The last two to three weeks leading up to your race is not the time to attempt to make further gains to your fitness. We all know that the goal of training is to overload an energy system and then allow it to recover and adapt in a positive way. By reducing the amount of fatigue that you place on your body during this taper period, you help facilitate certain physiological and psychological changes that will help you perform at a high level. Your perception of how much effort a given speed or distance requires should be reduced, your general mood should improve, your perception of fatigue from training should reduce, and your sleep quality may improve as well. Along with those mental changes that may occur, it is possible for your red blood cell count and hemoglobin level to increase, which also may result in an improved hematocrit to allow for more oxygen delivery to your muscles. Maintaining intensity, frequency, and volume of training during this taper period will not allow these important changes to be made.

Originally from:

2012-04-30 1:36 PM
in reply to: #4181001

Subject: RE: Memorial Hermann Ironman Texas 2012 : Official Thread

tjfry - 2012-04-30 10:41 AM Water is 80 degrees this morning. Just an FYI


I was at the open water swim this weekend and did the long course. At the reported 75 degrees the water felt awesome. Not too warm or cold either way. Lots of kayaks and lifeguards out and about and glad I went since the water is murky.

In just 3 days the temp of the water jumped 4-5 degrees. That is crazy. Where are you getting your information from TJ? I totally trust you but wanted to keep an eye on it personally without asking every week. I don't plan on wearing a wetsuit but would be interested to see what happens when it reaches the "no wetsuit at all" point. Will make the race even more crowded at the beginning.

2012-04-30 2:33 PM
in reply to: #4181471

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The Woodlands, TX
Subject: RE: Memorial Hermann Ironman Texas 2012 : Official Thread
mikiefaith - 2012-04-30 1:36 PM

tjfry - 2012-04-30 10:41 AM Water is 80 degrees this morning. Just an FYI


I was at the open water swim this weekend and did the long course. At the reported 75 degrees the water felt awesome. Not too warm or cold either way. Lots of kayaks and lifeguards out and about and glad I went since the water is murky.

In just 3 days the temp of the water jumped 4-5 degrees. That is crazy. Where are you getting your information from TJ? I totally trust you but wanted to keep an eye on it personally without asking every week. I don't plan on wearing a wetsuit but would be interested to see what happens when it reaches the "no wetsuit at all" point. Will make the race even more crowded at the beginning.

It was officially 76 on Saturday, but the Park Rangers are measuring every morning. Today's temp was questioned all around, so it was taken 3 separate times (well below the surface btw). We've been having really warm nights and above average days, so there's no opportunity for the water to cool at night. Some direct sun and almost 90 degree days and it's gonna heat up in a hurry. I keep a daily post on Swim Shops Facebook page (*cough cough*). If the rangers stop taking temps after CB&I, then I will go out there and measure. It's gonna be interesting if it cracks the manadatory "no wetsuit" temp. I already been getting some anxious calls.

I wouldn't worry about a more crowded start. Most wearing a wetsuit at this race are terrified of a mass start, and they will be taking their time when the gun goes off.

2012-04-30 8:01 PM
in reply to: #4181001

No excuses!
Subject: RE: Memorial Hermann Ironman Texas 2012 : Official Thread

tjfry - 2012-04-30 11:41 AM Water is 80 degrees this morning. Just an FYI


Out of curiousity, how warm does that water get in the middle of summer? Must be bath water

2012-04-30 9:22 PM
in reply to: #3517225

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Muskego, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Memorial Hermann Ironman Texas 2012 : Official Thread
Enjoy your taper for those who have started this week. Anyone else doing a two week taper? I've found that I feel much better with a two weeker.

2012-04-30 9:33 PM
in reply to: #4182605

No excuses!
Subject: RE: Memorial Hermann Ironman Texas 2012 : Official Thread

papson14 - 2012-04-30 10:22 PM Enjoy your taper for those who have started this week. Anyone else doing a two week taper? I've found that I feel much better with a two weeker.


I'll join you. Recovery seems to come easy for me. Want to get one last long ride and long run in this week then scale it back next week. Life is also going to be crazy busy for the next couple of weeks. Tons on my plate, but that is usually how I prefer it.

2012-04-30 9:40 PM
in reply to: #4182628

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: Memorial Hermann Ironman Texas 2012 : Official Thread
Shermbelle - 2012-04-30 9:33 PM

papson14 - 2012-04-30 10:22 PM Enjoy your taper for those who have started this week. Anyone else doing a two week taper? I've found that I feel much better with a two weeker.


I'll join you. Recovery seems to come easy for me. Want to get one last long ride and long run in this week then scale it back next week. Life is also going to be crazy busy for the next couple of weeks. Tons on my plate, but that is usually how I prefer it.

Three week taper here. And my coach has dropped my volume DRAMATICALLY this week. He has me down for only 8 hours and a 1.5 hour ride this Saturday. REALLY? Well, I'll be riding 3 hours. Thank you. His taper is just too much.

My client's taper is 3 weeks... he has 15 hours last week (last high volume week), 12 hours this week, 8 hours the next, and something like 4 on race week.

My coach is nuts thinking I'm only going to do 8 hours this week (with two weeks left after this). Weird.

2012-04-30 9:44 PM
in reply to: #4182641

No excuses!
Subject: RE: Memorial Hermann Ironman Texas 2012 : Official Thread
KSH - 2012-04-30 10:40 PM
Shermbelle - 2012-04-30 9:33 PM

papson14 - 2012-04-30 10:22 PM Enjoy your taper for those who have started this week. Anyone else doing a two week taper? I've found that I feel much better with a two weeker.


I'll join you. Recovery seems to come easy for me. Want to get one last long ride and long run in this week then scale it back next week. Life is also going to be crazy busy for the next couple of weeks. Tons on my plate, but that is usually how I prefer it.

Three week taper here. And my coach has dropped my volume DRAMATICALLY this week. He has me down for only 8 hours and a 1.5 hour ride this Saturday. REALLY? Well, I'll be riding 3 hours. Thank you. His taper is just too much. My client's taper is 3 weeks... he has 15 hours last week (last high volume week), 12 hours this week, 8 hours the next, and something like 4 on race week. My coach is nuts thinking I'm only going to do 8 hours this week (with two weeks left after this). Weird.


Good to see your still following your coach's advice to a T Wink

2012-04-30 10:06 PM
in reply to: #4182628

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Subject: RE: Memorial Hermann Ironman Texas 2012 : Official Thread
Shermbelle - 2012-04-30 9:33 PM

papson14 - 2012-04-30 10:22 PM Enjoy your taper for those who have started this week. Anyone else doing a two week taper? I've found that I feel much better with a two weeker.


I'll join you. Recovery seems to come easy for me. Want to get one last long ride and long run in this week then scale it back next week. Life is also going to be crazy busy for the next couple of weeks. Tons on my plate, but that is usually how I prefer it.

I'm with you with a 2 week taper. Planning to ride the course Sat and long run this Thursday. Gotta go to Brazil Sunday to Friday next week on biz.
2012-04-30 10:19 PM
in reply to: #4182651

Subject: RE: Memorial Hermann Ironman Texas 2012 : Official Thread
With most in taper or one longer ride left (let's say 3 hrs or more). Which section of the course would you ride and why? Which section gives you the most accurate representation of the whole 112?

2012-04-30 10:35 PM
in reply to: #4182698

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Extreme Veteran
Fort Worth, TX
Subject: RE: Memorial Hermann Ironman Texas 2012 : Official Thread
mikiefaith - 2012-04-30 10:19 PM

With most in taper or one longer ride left (let's say 3 hrs or more). Which section of the course would you ride and why? Which section gives you the most accurate representation of the whole 112?

This might help you decide:
2012-04-30 11:57 PM
in reply to: #4182719

No excuses!
Subject: RE: Memorial Hermann Ironman Texas 2012 : Official Thread

sulross - 2012-04-30 11:35 PM
mikiefaith - 2012-04-30 10:19 PM With most in taper or one longer ride left (let's say 3 hrs or more). Which section of the course would you ride and why? Which section gives you the most accurate representation of the whole 112?
This might help you decide: HATE WIND!!!!

After reading this my mind is a scrambling Undecided I did Redman in 07 and it was about a 25 mph wind all day and it just takes it toll after a while.

So my understanding the first half should be significantly easier than the second as far as wind goes? And the chip and seal hits us when?

Edited by Shermbelle 2012-04-30 11:59 PM
2012-05-01 5:39 AM
in reply to: #4182791

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The Woodlands, TX
Subject: RE: Memorial Hermann Ironman Texas 2012 : Official Thread

For a 3-hour ride, I'd park in Montgomery and ride the section North of 105. That section is really the heart of the course.

Based on my totally unscientific observations, I'd say the wind blows from The Woodlands to Richards about 75% of the time. However, spring winds are typically stronger than summer winds, and the wind tends to build as the afternoon warms up. What we've had the last few weekends has been unusually strong winds. Who knows what we'll get on race day, but chances are that it won't be anything near as bad as we've had the last few weeks.

Chip seal starts a couple miles before Richards and lasts for about 25 miles or so. Especially by Texas standards, the chip seal section is really not too bad. I think the only reason it's noticeable it is because most of the rest of the course is in such great shape and so smooth.

2012-05-01 8:17 AM
in reply to: #4182791

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: Memorial Hermann Ironman Texas 2012 : Official Thread
mikiefaith - 2012-04-30 10:19 PM With most in taper or one longer ride left (let's say 3 hrs or more). Which section of the course would you ride and why? Which section gives you the most accurate representation of the whole 112? This might help you decide: HATE WIND!!!!

After reading this my mind is a scrambling Undecided I did Redman in 07 and it was about a 25 mph wind all day and it just takes it toll after a while.

So my understanding the first half should be significantly easier than the second as far as wind goes? And the chip and seal hits us when?

Here is my review when I rode the course three weeks ago:

All right, so about the course... Going out of town was... interesting. More like scary. It's going to be a bugger on race day with TONS of cyclists on the road. Once we were in the country, it was better. The course is weird... in that a lot of the hills are false flats. Doesn't look like a hill, but your cadence slows down and you have to work harder... so it is a hill. Hum.

The first half of the ride was awesome. Easily rolling 17-22+ mph. Oh yeah, the tailwind was our friend! So nice.

Then we had to turn around. Sweet mother. I'm already not a strong cyclist, so get me into a headwind, and my speed drops down to 10-13 mph with my HR in zone 3. It was a grind. I had a friend riding with me, but we refused to draft, because we can't draft on race day. So basically we rode for 56 miles into a headwind (up hills) or into a crosswind. BRUTAL. One section was so bad, it took us 25 minutes to go 5 miles. BRUTAL.

It is pretty empty out there in the country, but I did see some horses, mules, and cows on the course. The chip seal section of the course (into the headwind, of course) wasn't THAT bad. I've been on MUCH worse chip seal. There is this one cut through road on the course (not sure which one), where it is pretty much nothing but cracks. Should be interesting on race day dodging cracks and cyclists all over the place.

The one nice country store out there, Richards, was packed when we rolled up. I bought a Coke and had hoped to use the restroom (no other stores out there)... but they were "out of order". Hum. A gal in line told me they do that so the cyclists can't use them. Nice. I went past the sign and used the restroom. Luckily I didn't get caught. My friend did though! Ooopsss!

So, just now, a guy who was running the SAG wagon called me (I had called him Sat. morning and he called back just now Sun morning to see who called), and he said that yesterday's winds were really bad. While there will be wind on race day, it hopefully will be the typical wind that doesn't blow as hard, and without gusts. He also just told me that some of the strongest riders he knows called it a day 20 miles out from the finish and SAGed in. And we did see bikes being taken back in, in the backs of cars. My friend and I felt pretty darn good for still being out there!

Going back in FM 2978 was scary. A 3 foot shoulder, with cars flying by at 55+ on our left. It was basically a 2-lane highway with a shoulder. SCARY. I can't imagine hundreds of bikers fitting on that shoulder on race day. Should be interesting. So we see this cyclist dart over to make a left turn in a sub-division. Hum. We stop. My friend is adamant we MUST get off this terrifying road. And we are turning too. Then she realizes it is the left turn we need to make. On the map it said the road was Windfern Place, the name of the road was actually Greenmore. My friend looked up the route the night before and recalled that this road had been labeled incorrectly on the race map. This explains why all these cyclists missed the turn and were coming from the other direction. Some even passed it up! Unfortunately, all the signs Outrival racing had been picked up by the Woodlands.

So we made the turn and then followed the map back to the start. We made it back without adding extra miles. Other cyclists, not so much. My other friend got lost and added 5 miles. Ooopsss! But I did call and give him the name of the street (Greenmore). If other people got lost, they weren't looking at the map we were given before the ride.

Overall a great ride. While the course isn't hard (super hilly), it isn't flat, and the wind going back into town will be a challenge.

Edited by KSH 2012-05-01 8:18 AM
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