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2013-10-21 12:05 PM
in reply to: Asalzwed

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013: CLOSED (exc/ Pop Tart bribes)

2013-10-21 12:18 PM
in reply to: Asalzwed

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013: CLOSED (exc/ Pop Tart bribes)

I hope that everyone had a great weekend!

TJ - Congrats on the half marathon!

Jen - Glad the gym visit was positive! 

Yanti - It sounds like a great party and that article is awesome too!

Jo - Stoopid wrist!

Salty - Congrats on the XC PR!

2013-10-21 12:26 PM
in reply to: TriAya

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013: CLOSED (exc/ Pop Tart bribes)

PSA - BT memberships half off.  This offer includes renewals.

2013-10-21 12:27 PM
in reply to: Asalzwed

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013: CLOSED (exc/ Pop Tart bribes)

Ah, multiple days away from the manatees has me playing catch-up again.  As usual, the apology if I left anyone's goings on off my list.  Don't hate me.

Janyne: my favorite color - blue, any hue!   race time and Monica meeting coming soon, how exciting!

Salty: yeah, girl, PR!!!  WOOOOOO!

Tom: happy belated birthday!

Yanti: awesome pic and article.  You are helping good things happen in the tri world for ALL competitors.  Happy belated birthday to Mutti!

Switch: sounds like you are making some swim gains, keep up the good work!

Jen: 7 interviews, yikes!  I'm sure you did great cuz you are so smart, S-M-R-T (to quote Homer Simpson).  Also glad to hear you are back to (carefully!) working out

Jo: ugh, sorry to hear about the additional fracture.  Get that thing healed up!

Felicia: snow, already?!  Wow!  I'm guessing that is not the norm for Kansas.

Monica: good luck with those packing lists.  Your comment about making and remaking them made me chuckle.

Randee: jealous you got out on the MTB, I simply don't MTB as much as I used to

Erin: hoping you are feeling strong enough to get out on Dirty Harry soon!

MadMath: your evening under the big, beautiful autumn moon sounded wonderful.  Makes me wonder why I didn't fire up my chiminea and hang out on the patio for a while.

Darren: next year's schedule looks like an exciting one!

Judi: pace booty can be so inspiring!  Hope your paths cross again sometime.

Did I miss anyone?  I'm sure I did and I apologize again...

2013-10-21 1:00 PM
in reply to: 0

Northern IL
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013: CLOSED (exc/ Pop Tart bribes)

Originally posted by switch

Originally posted by brigby1

Originally posted by switch
Originally posted by brigby1

Originally posted by switch Thanks MM and Yanti MM, I honestly can't even fathom a sub 1:00/100, y or m. It makes my head hurt. Holding it for 400m? I bow to your greatness. If I quit my job and trained full time with a pro coach I don't think I could go sub 1:00. You all are freaks, and I say that with nothing but respect (and jealousy).

Are you taking off the time spent streamlining? That would mean your rate is faster than you figured, but as already stated, down't worry about it for now.

And don't count out being able to do that. Swimming can by kind of funny. I train faster than people near or who have done 1:00/100 scy in a meet, but can't figure out how they do it. Even 1:10 seemed way out of reach until very recently. Then I pull out a :32 off the wall 50 in the middle of practice and I wasn't actually tiring yet. I have no idea how to set goals in this sport. Just keep training smart and see what happens!

haha! Damn it Ben, why are you so smart? I totally didn't think about the streamline time, which is hilarious because she even mentions that in the book. Doh! Be afraid, people, I'm operating a motorized vehicle today. Ben, as usual, you help put things in perspective. All I know about swimming goals is that the gains I get in this discipline are really crack, much more so than the other two. I am really enjoying this block and will try to just enjoy it and never say never

Looks like you're getting the hang of it! Swimming was became a lot more fun when that happened for me.

Oh, not sure what's up early season next year, but Galena Tri and Arcadia's Brute are on the list of possibilities. Couldn't remember how far away they are. Info is not up for 2014 yet, but they usually end up being the same day, so can only do one. Galena has a wicked bike & run course for a sprint, draws a rather strong crowd even from the Chicago area, but also has a lot of logistics to get around because it's a bit remote and roads are limited. The Brute is one of the hilly rides I post every now and then.

You know, I need to think about my early season. I am such a cold weather pu$$y, that I can put these off.  Galena is beautiful, and it's < 3 hours for me, and I will check out the other.  I am about 98% sure that Kansas70.3 will be my first "big" race, and that's June 8th.  So i will be looking to get the early season kinks out before that.

Thanks for the heads up on those

I've done the first one of the season as a HIM before. Went ok, but probably would have been better to get a smaller one in first. Maybe any kind of short race, not necessarily tri. At least with this one, the first hill is like 5 ft past the mount line to warm you up (pic on the main site), and there are plenty more after that. The first mile of the run is the last mile of the bike in reverse, there is the half miler there. Unless they go with the revised course of this past year (heard wedding receptions caused them to change to that) where it'll be mile uphill. Getting warm should not be a problem.

Edited by brigby1 2013-10-21 1:02 PM
2013-10-21 1:18 PM
in reply to: Asalzwed

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013: CLOSED (exc/ Pop Tart bribes)

Opinion of the pod, please.  And please be as honest, brutal and sincere in your replies as possible.  If you think I'm nuts or am overstepping my abilities, tell me so, I can take it.

I'm considering doing a HIM this coming season, and it's kind of early-ish season, June 22 - Syracuse.  Considering being the key word.  I'm not feeling like this is something I HAVE to do, just something to maybe try.  Some friends are doing the race so I'm thinking about it.

What is giving me pause: riding 56 miles then running a half marathon.  I struggle as it is with the 13.1 running distance (at least in my 2 attempts so far), so tacking that sort of mileage on after a hilly, challenging bike could be too much?  Looking at the bike elevation profile, it looks like there is about 10 miles of 'up', followed by some smaller length ups and downs.

What is giving me hope (well, maybe): Nov. 4 I am meeting with a friend who is starting her own training/weight loss company and will probably give her plan at least a try.  Cost is a bit prohibitive, but I want to at least hear what she may have planned.  (meeting 11/4 is free).  The point of that rambling is that hopefully I will be lighter by that time and maybe 13.1 won't be quite as hard on my body.  Yet I don't want to count on this because it's not a given that I will be at the weight range I want by this time.

2013-10-21 1:50 PM
in reply to: melbo55

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013: CLOSED (exc/ Pop Tart bribes)
Originally posted by melbo55

Opinion of the pod, please.  And please be as honest, brutal and sincere in your replies as possible.  If you think I'm nuts or am overstepping my abilities, tell me so, I can take it.

I'm considering doing a HIM this coming season, and it's kind of early-ish season, June 22 - Syracuse.  Considering being the key word.  I'm not feeling like this is something I HAVE to do, just something to maybe try.  Some friends are doing the race so I'm thinking about it.

What is giving me pause: riding 56 miles then running a half marathon.  I struggle as it is with the 13.1 running distance (at least in my 2 attempts so far), so tacking that sort of mileage on after a hilly, challenging bike could be too much?  Looking at the bike elevation profile, it looks like there is about 10 miles of 'up', followed by some smaller length ups and downs.

What is giving me hope (well, maybe): Nov. 4 I am meeting with a friend who is starting her own training/weight loss company and will probably give her plan at least a try.  Cost is a bit prohibitive, but I want to at least hear what she may have planned.  (meeting 11/4 is free).  The point of that rambling is that hopefully I will be lighter by that time and maybe 13.1 won't be quite as hard on my body.  Yet I don't want to count on this because it's not a given that I will be at the weight range I want by this time.

DOOOOOO EEEEEET. I would spend until March working on a base - lots of zone 2 running. Then build after that.

Plenty of time. I think you can.
2013-10-21 1:57 PM
in reply to: melbo55

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013: CLOSED (exc/ Pop Tart bribes)

Originally posted by melbo55

Opinion of the pod, please.  And please be as honest, brutal and sincere in your replies as possible.  If you think I'm nuts or am overstepping my abilities, tell me so, I can take it.

I'm considering doing a HIM this coming season, and it's kind of early-ish season, June 22 - Syracuse.  Considering being the key word.  I'm not feeling like this is something I HAVE to do, just something to maybe try.  Some friends are doing the race so I'm thinking about it.

What is giving me pause: riding 56 miles then running a half marathon.  I struggle as it is with the 13.1 running distance (at least in my 2 attempts so far), so tacking that sort of mileage on after a hilly, challenging bike could be too much?  Looking at the bike elevation profile, it looks like there is about 10 miles of 'up', followed by some smaller length ups and downs.

What is giving me hope (well, maybe): Nov. 4 I am meeting with a friend who is starting her own training/weight loss company and will probably give her plan at least a try.  Cost is a bit prohibitive, but I want to at least hear what she may have planned.  (meeting 11/4 is free).  The point of that rambling is that hopefully I will be lighter by that time and maybe 13.1 won't be quite as hard on my body.  Yet I don't want to count on this because it's not a given that I will be at the weight range I want by this time.

I believe you absolutely can complete the distance.

I also think there is no better way to stay motivated (whether is be weight loss or just getting out the door for a training session) than signing up for a race. 

I think the more tools the better, when it comes to making informed decisions about healthy eating. But ultimately, it will come down to committing to your goals. And doing so in a sustainable way. I can absolutely agree that dropping some lbs helps ease the stress on your body. 

2013-10-21 2:00 PM
in reply to: melbo55

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013: CLOSED (exc/ Pop Tart bribes)
Originally posted by melbo55

Opinion of the pod, please.  And please be as honest, brutal and sincere in your replies as possible.  If you think I'm nuts or am overstepping my abilities, tell me so, I can take it.

I'm considering doing a HIM this coming season, and it's kind of early-ish season, June 22 - Syracuse.  Considering being the key word.  I'm not feeling like this is something I HAVE to do, just something to maybe try.  Some friends are doing the race so I'm thinking about it.

What is giving me pause: riding 56 miles then running a half marathon.  I struggle as it is with the 13.1 running distance (at least in my 2 attempts so far), so tacking that sort of mileage on after a hilly, challenging bike could be too much?  Looking at the bike elevation profile, it looks like there is about 10 miles of 'up', followed by some smaller length ups and downs.

What is giving me hope (well, maybe): Nov. 4 I am meeting with a friend who is starting her own training/weight loss company and will probably give her plan at least a try.  Cost is a bit prohibitive, but I want to at least hear what she may have planned.  (meeting 11/4 is free).  The point of that rambling is that hopefully I will be lighter by that time and maybe 13.1 won't be quite as hard on my body.  Yet I don't want to count on this because it's not a given that I will be at the weight range I want by this time.

You have plenty of time to work up to the 56 mile bike/13.1 mile run combo. But, I think you need to decide what you want from the race and then decide if you can or want to put the time and effort into making that a reality.
2013-10-21 2:26 PM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013: CLOSED (exc/ Pop Tart bribes)

Thanks for the replies so far, and either I'm projecting or you are all subtley (is that spelled correctly?) saying what is true of my training habits: I tend to have trouble sticking to a plan because I let life or this or that get in the way.  I feel part of this problem/issue is accountability.  If I don't do a workout, who but me really knows or cares?  Although I did do pretty good with the HM plan last year...

But yes, part of that was out of fear of a new distance and I didn't want to totally flop.  Perhaps that same mindset would carry over for the HIM?  Thinking out loud...

Edited by melbo55 2013-10-21 2:27 PM
2013-10-21 2:29 PM
in reply to: melbo55

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013: CLOSED (exc/ Pop Tart bribes)

Originally posted by melbo55

Thanks for the replies so far, and either I'm projecting or you are all subtley (is that spelled correctly?) saying what is true of my training habits: I tend to have trouble sticking to a plan because I let life or this or that get in the way.  I feel part of this problem/issue is accountability.  If I don't do a workout, who but me really knows or cares?  Although I did do pretty good with the HM plan last year...

But yes, part of that was out of fear of a new distance and I didn't want to totally flop.  Perhaps that same mindset would carry over for the HIM?

And, other than fear of the distance, what did you find was effective in keeping you on track for your goal?

I think that making a plan for sticking with whatever goal you choose should be your #1 priority. It's the hardest thing for nearly everyone. So, know you are not alone. 

2013-10-21 2:45 PM
in reply to: melbo55

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013: CLOSED (exc/ Pop Tart bribes)
Originally posted by melbo55

Thanks for the replies so far, and either I'm projecting or you are all subtley (is that spelled correctly?) saying what is true of my training habits: I tend to have trouble sticking to a plan because I let life or this or that get in the way.  I feel part of this problem/issue is accountability.  If I don't do a workout, who but me really knows or cares?  Although I did do pretty good with the HM plan last year...

But yes, part of that was out of fear of a new distance and I didn't want to totally flop.  Perhaps that same mindset would carry over for the HIM?  Thinking out loud...

Fear is a great motivator! But, you have to want to do this race or test yourself at this distance or whatever your reason for signing up as it can get very hard to get out the door for another long workout as the weeks keep going by. In 3 weeks I will do my 3d HIM and of each one I reached a point in my training when I thought "why the f@uck am I doing this?!" But I know to push through those feelings and get the workout done b/c I'm always happier when I do. So my advice is to find your purpose for doing the race and when the tough days come, remember why you are subjecting yourself to such insanely early and or long training days!
2013-10-21 2:46 PM
in reply to: amd723

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013: CLOSED (exc/ Pop Tart bribes)

Originally posted by amd723
Originally posted by melbo55

Thanks for the replies so far, and either I'm projecting or you are all subtley (is that spelled correctly?) saying what is true of my training habits: I tend to have trouble sticking to a plan because I let life or this or that get in the way.  I feel part of this problem/issue is accountability.  If I don't do a workout, who but me really knows or cares?  Although I did do pretty good with the HM plan last year...

But yes, part of that was out of fear of a new distance and I didn't want to totally flop.  Perhaps that same mindset would carry over for the HIM?  Thinking out loud...

Fear is a great motivator! But, you have to want to do this race or test yourself at this distance or whatever your reason for signing up as it can get very hard to get out the door for another long workout as the weeks keep going by. In 3 weeks I will do my 3d HIM and of each one I reached a point in my training when I thought "why the f@uck am I doing this?!" But I know to push through those feelings and get the workout done b/c I'm always happier when I do. So my advice is to find your purpose for doing the race and when the tough days come, remember why you are subjecting yourself to such insanely early and or long training days!

Well said. 

2013-10-21 3:24 PM
in reply to: Asalzwed

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Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013: CLOSED (exc/ Pop Tart bribes)

Originally posted by Asalzwed

Originally posted by melbo55

Opinion of the pod, please.  And please be as honest, brutal and sincere in your replies as possible.  If you think I'm nuts or am overstepping my abilities, tell me so, I can take it.

I'm considering doing a HIM this coming season, and it's kind of early-ish season, June 22 - Syracuse.  Considering being the key word.  I'm not feeling like this is something I HAVE to do, just something to maybe try.  Some friends are doing the race so I'm thinking about it.

What is giving me pause: riding 56 miles then running a half marathon.  I struggle as it is with the 13.1 running distance (at least in my 2 attempts so far), so tacking that sort of mileage on after a hilly, challenging bike could be too much?  Looking at the bike elevation profile, it looks like there is about 10 miles of 'up', followed by some smaller length ups and downs.

What is giving me hope (well, maybe): Nov. 4 I am meeting with a friend who is starting her own training/weight loss company and will probably give her plan at least a try.  Cost is a bit prohibitive, but I want to at least hear what she may have planned.  (meeting 11/4 is free).  The point of that rambling is that hopefully I will be lighter by that time and maybe 13.1 won't be quite as hard on my body.  Yet I don't want to count on this because it's not a given that I will be at the weight range I want by this time.

I believe you absolutely can complete the distance.

I also think there is no better way to stay motivated (whether is be weight loss or just getting out the door for a training session) than signing up for a race. 

I think the more tools the better, when it comes to making informed decisions about healthy eating. But ultimately, it will come down to committing to your goals. And doing so in a sustainable way. I can absolutely agree that dropping some lbs helps ease the stress on your body. 

You absolutely can do this, I have no doubt whatsoever!  

Signing up for a race was (for me) the best motivator for staying on track with my training plan.  Find a plan that you think will work for YOU - and stick to it.    


2013-10-21 3:31 PM
in reply to: blueyedbikergirl

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013: CLOSED (exc/ Pop Tart bribes)

Just a quick thank you post, as we are getting ready to finish out vacation with some salads and then bluegrass jam at the park.

Janyne, thank you so much for the massage gift certificate, she was really good and I may be going back to her again, since she was really in tune to the athlete's body. Not that I'm an athlete

TJ, thank you for the heads up on the piano bar. We had a great time watching the drunk wedding party, as well as the musicians.

2013-10-21 4:11 PM
in reply to: cdban66

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013: CLOSED (exc/ Pop Tart bribes)

Originally posted by cdban66

Just a quick thank you post, as we are getting ready to finish out vacation with some salads and then bluegrass jam at the park.

Janyne, thank you so much for the massage gift certificate, she was really good and I may be going back to her again, since she was really in tune to the athlete's body. Not that I'm an athlete

TJ, thank you for the heads up on the piano bar. We had a great time watching the drunk wedding party, as well as the musicians.

Glad your trip is going well! Saaay whaaaa? Janyne got you a massage!?!?! What a lovely lady!

2013-10-21 4:23 PM
in reply to: blueyedbikergirl

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013: CLOSED (exc/ Pop Tart bribes)

Originally posted by blueyedbikergirl

Originally posted by Asalzwed

Originally posted by melbo55

Opinion of the pod, please.  And please be as honest, brutal and sincere in your replies as possible.  If you think I'm nuts or am overstepping my abilities, tell me so, I can take it.

I'm considering doing a HIM this coming season, and it's kind of early-ish season, June 22 - Syracuse.  Considering being the key word.  I'm not feeling like this is something I HAVE to do, just something to maybe try.  Some friends are doing the race so I'm thinking about it.

What is giving me pause: riding 56 miles then running a half marathon.  I struggle as it is with the 13.1 running distance (at least in my 2 attempts so far), so tacking that sort of mileage on after a hilly, challenging bike could be too much?  Looking at the bike elevation profile, it looks like there is about 10 miles of 'up', followed by some smaller length ups and downs.

What is giving me hope (well, maybe): Nov. 4 I am meeting with a friend who is starting her own training/weight loss company and will probably give her plan at least a try.  Cost is a bit prohibitive, but I want to at least hear what she may have planned.  (meeting 11/4 is free).  The point of that rambling is that hopefully I will be lighter by that time and maybe 13.1 won't be quite as hard on my body.  Yet I don't want to count on this because it's not a given that I will be at the weight range I want by this time.

I believe you absolutely can complete the distance.

I also think there is no better way to stay motivated (whether is be weight loss or just getting out the door for a training session) than signing up for a race. 

I think the more tools the better, when it comes to making informed decisions about healthy eating. But ultimately, it will come down to committing to your goals. And doing so in a sustainable way. I can absolutely agree that dropping some lbs helps ease the stress on your body. 

You absolutely can do this, I have no doubt whatsoever!  

Signing up for a race was (for me) the best motivator for staying on track with my training plan.  Find a plan that you think will work for YOU - and stick to it.   :


I'm just going to jump in here and echo what the others have said.  You can get through this distance--don't let that scare you.  Having races on my schedule makes me accountable to me.  It really, really helps :

Besides, accountability?  That's where we come in.  muahahahahaha ;)

2013-10-21 4:29 PM
in reply to: brigby1

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013: CLOSED (exc/ Pop Tart bribes)

Originally posted by brigby1

Originally posted by switch

Originally posted by brigby1

Originally posted by switch
Originally posted by brigby1

Originally posted by switch Thanks MM and Yanti :) MM, I honestly can't even fathom a sub 1:00/100, y or m. It makes my head hurt. Holding it for 400m? I bow to your greatness. If I quit my job and trained full time with a pro coach I don't think I could go sub 1:00. You all are freaks, and I say that with nothing but respect (and jealousy).

Are you taking off the time spent streamlining? That would mean your rate is faster than you figured, but as already stated, down't worry about it for now.

And don't count out being able to do that. Swimming can by kind of funny. I train faster than people near or who have done 1:00/100 scy in a meet, but can't figure out how they do it. Even 1:10 seemed way out of reach until very recently. Then I pull out a :32 off the wall 50 in the middle of practice and I wasn't actually tiring yet. I have no idea how to set goals in this sport. Just keep training smart and see what happens!

haha! Damn it Ben, why are you so smart? :) I totally didn't think about the streamline time, which is hilarious because she even mentions that in the book. Doh! Be afraid, people, I'm operating a motorized vehicle today. Ben, as usual, you help put things in perspective. All I know about swimming goals is that the gains I get in this discipline are really crack, much more so than the other two. I am really enjoying this block and will try to just enjoy it and never say never :)

Looks like you're getting the hang of it! Swimming was became a lot more fun when that happened for me.

Oh, not sure what's up early season next year, but Galena Tri and Arcadia's Brute are on the list of possibilities. Couldn't remember how far away they are. Info is not up for 2014 yet, but they usually end up being the same day, so can only do one. Galena has a wicked bike & run course for a sprint, draws a rather strong crowd even from the Chicago area, but also has a lot of logistics to get around because it's a bit remote and roads are limited. The Brute is one of the hilly rides I post every now and then.

You know, I need to think about my early season. I am such a cold weather pu$$y, that I can put these off.  Galena is beautiful, and it's < 3 hours for me, and I will check out the other.  I am about 98% sure that Kansas70.3 will be my first "big" race, and that's June 8th.  So i will be looking to get the early season kinks out before that.

Thanks for the heads up on those :)

I've done the first one of the season as a HIM before. Went ok, but probably would have been better to get a smaller one in first. Maybe any kind of short race, not necessarily tri. At least with this one, the first hill is like 5 ft past the mount line to warm you up (pic on the main site), and there are plenty more after that. The first mile of the run is the last mile of the bike in reverse, there is the half miler there. Unless they go with the revised course of this past year (heard wedding receptions caused them to change to that) where it'll be mile uphill. Getting warm should not be a problem.

That Galena course sounds challenging, which could be a good thing (I hear my trainer calling...)  Do you live close enough to drive there the day of, or do you stay some place in Galena overnight?  If so, do you have a place you recommend?

There's the Pigman Sprint (which is a team race for me) on June 1st, which is about an hour away from where I live.  What do you think about a sprint the week before an "A" race HIM?

2013-10-21 4:32 PM
in reply to: Asalzwed

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013: CLOSED (exc/ Pop Tart bribes)

Originally posted by Asalzwed

Originally posted by cdban66

Just a quick thank you post, as we are getting ready to finish out vacation with some salads and then bluegrass jam at the park.

Janyne, thank you so much for the massage gift certificate, she was really good and I may be going back to her again, since she was really in tune to the athlete's body. Not that I'm an athlete

TJ, thank you for the heads up on the piano bar. We had a great time watching the drunk wedding party, as well as the musicians.

Glad your trip is going well! Saaay whaaaa? Janyne got you a massage!?!?! What a lovely lady!

Wow!  Yes, so nice   Hope your vacation is awesome--you deserve it Chris. 

Miss you around here!

2013-10-21 4:50 PM
in reply to: Asalzwed

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013: CLOSED (exc/ Pop Tart bribes)

Originally posted by Asalzwed

Originally posted by cdban66

Just a quick thank you post, as we are getting ready to finish out vacation with some salads and then bluegrass jam at the park.

Janyne, thank you so much for the massage gift certificate, she was really good and I may be going back to her again, since she was really in tune to the athlete's body. Not that I'm an athlete

TJ, thank you for the heads up on the piano bar. We had a great time watching the drunk wedding party, as well as the musicians.

Glad your trip is going well! Saaay whaaaa? Janyne got you a massage!?!?! What a lovely lady!

I won it at the HIM and Chris lives close enough to take advantage of it so he got my winnings ;-)

2013-10-21 5:21 PM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013: CLOSED (exc/ Pop Tart bribes)

2013-10-21 5:58 PM
in reply to: Asalzwed

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013: CLOSED (exc/ Pop Tart bribes)

Originally posted by Asalzwed

JT and LF Bernie Leanin'


I have the most ridiculous crush on them--yes, both of them--and they're little baby too (bless his freaky fast little genes).

Damn.  So freakin AWESOME!

Thank you, Salty!

2013-10-21 6:17 PM
in reply to: switch

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013: CLOSED (exc/ Pop Tart bribes)

Originally posted by switch

Originally posted by Asalzwed

JT and LF Bernie Leanin'


I have the most ridiculous crush on them--yes, both of them--and they're little baby too (bless his freaky fast little genes).

Damn.  So freakin AWESOME!

Thank you, Salty!


2013-10-21 6:27 PM
in reply to: Asalzwed

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013: CLOSED (exc/ Pop Tart bribes)
Originally posted by Asalzwed

Originally posted by switch

Originally posted by Asalzwed

JT and LF Bernie Leanin'


I have the most ridiculous crush on them--yes, both of them--and they're little baby too (bless his freaky fast little genes).

Damn.  So freakin AWESOME!

Thank you, Salty!


hahaha...get some!
2013-10-21 9:05 PM
in reply to: switch

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Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013: CLOSED (exc/ Pop Tart bribes)

Thanks to Erin, I've found a way to get through the run at B2B.  

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