General Discussion Iron Distance Race Groups » Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread Rss Feed  
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2011-01-25 9:32 AM
in reply to: #3319894

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Liberty Lake, WA
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
JoshKaptur - 2011-01-25 6:36 AM
T in Liberty Lake - 2011-01-25 8:29 AM
tribean - 2011-01-25 6:25 AM   Lifting a pitcher of Bear could be considered upper Core Strength Training...

Especially if the bear does not want to be picked up

Nice.  I was gonna go with:

clearly you need to chew your bear more thoroughly.

Well they were talking about what Culgray could do in New Orleans during Mardi Gras for a workout.  I've never been but heard it can get wild, I just did not know that wildlife was involved.   

2011-01-25 12:39 PM
in reply to: #3318874

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Extreme Veteran
Bainbridge Island, Washington
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
I'm running the Rock 'n' Roll Marathon (my first!) in NOLA! Should be a good time!

nerdjock - 2011-01-24 3:22 PM

Culgray - 2011-01-24 12:31 PM I was just hoping maybe someone from the area was doing IMCDA.  The only place that rents bikes (bicycle Michael's) is closed for Mardi Gras so it looks like I will be lugging my bike down there or have my coach make a plan that does not involve biking that week but it will be hard.

There's a RnR Half-Marathon and Marathon down there the weekend before.  I will be there but do not plan on riding...just running...and indulging Laughing 
2011-01-25 7:31 PM
in reply to: #3320168

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
T in Liberty Lake - 2011-01-25 8:32 AM
JoshKaptur - 2011-01-25 6:36 AM
T in Liberty Lake - 2011-01-25 8:29 AM
tribean - 2011-01-25 6:25 AM   Lifting a pitcher of Bear could be considered upper Core Strength Training...

Especially if the bear does not want to be picked up

Nice.  I was gonna go with:

clearly you need to chew your bear more thoroughly.

Well they were talking about what Culgray could do in New Orleans during Mardi Gras for a workout.  I've never been but heard it can get wild, I just did not know that wildlife was involved.   

It was after my 430a.m workout and not all my neurons where connecting.  At that time Bear looked a lot like Beer!!!  Plus at Mardi Gras there just might be a Bear to pickup.Cool

2011-01-25 7:35 PM
in reply to: #3321522

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Extreme Veteran
San Diego
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
tribean - 2011-01-25 5:31 PM
T in Liberty Lake - 2011-01-25 8:32 AM
JoshKaptur - 2011-01-25 6:36 AM
T in Liberty Lake - 2011-01-25 8:29 AM
tribean - 2011-01-25 6:25 AM   Lifting a pitcher of Bear could be considered upper Core Strength Training...

Especially if the bear does not want to be picked up

Nice.  I was gonna go with:

clearly you need to chew your bear more thoroughly.

Well they were talking about what Culgray could do in New Orleans during Mardi Gras for a workout.  I've never been but heard it can get wild, I just did not know that wildlife was involved.   

It was after my 430a.m workout and not all my neurons where connecting.  At that time Bear looked a lot like Beer!!!  Plus at Mardi Gras there just might be a Bear to pickup.Cool

And maybe even a beer drinking bear Laughing 
2011-01-26 9:43 PM
in reply to: #3006331

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Extreme Veteran
Olympia, WA
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
My CDA plans were set back a bit today.  I stepped into a hole during my morning run and tore two ligaments in my ankle.  The doctor thinks I have plenty of time to recover and still do CDA as long as I'm a good patient.  Two weeks in a boot then we'll evaluate next steps after that.  I'm actually very good at following recovery rules so that part is ok.  I am worried about controlling my calorie intake, especially the next two weeks when I can't even swim.  Not being able to do cardio might drive me a little batty.  Time to be more specific counting all my calories and keep that in check.

But I'm a glass half full kind of person so I'm putting on my best smile and thinking positive thoughts about how much more satisfying it will be to cross the finish line. Onward.

2011-01-26 9:53 PM
in reply to: #3323781

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Vista, CA
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

citaltfort - 2011-01-26 7:43 PM My CDA plans were set back a bit today.  I stepped into a hole during my morning run and tore two ligaments in my ankle.  The doctor thinks I have plenty of time to recover and still do CDA as long as I'm a good patient.  Two weeks in a boot then we'll evaluate next steps after that.  I'm actually very good at following recovery rules so that part is ok.  I am worried about controlling my calorie intake, especially the next two weeks when I can't even swim.  Not being able to do cardio might drive me a little batty.  Time to be more specific counting all my calories and keep that in check.

But I'm a glass half full kind of person so I'm putting on my best smile and thinking positive thoughts about how much more satisfying it will be to cross the finish line. Onward.



Sorry about your ankle, Brad. That great attitude will get you through this minor setback. Onward indeed!


On another note I'm supposed to ride part of the CDA course on the computrainer tomorrow at my PT's place. I'll let you all know how much work I'll need to do.


2011-01-27 7:11 AM
in reply to: #3323781

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
citaltfort - 2011-01-26 9:43 PM My CDA plans were set back a bit today.  I stepped into a hole during my morning run and tore two ligaments in my ankle.  The doctor thinks I have plenty of time to recover and still do CDA as long as I'm a good patient.  Two weeks in a boot then we'll evaluate next steps after that.  I'm actually very good at following recovery rules so that part is ok.  I am worried about controlling my calorie intake, especially the next two weeks when I can't even swim.  Not being able to do cardio might drive me a little batty.  Time to be more specific counting all my calories and keep that in check.

But I'm a glass half full kind of person so I'm putting on my best smile and thinking positive thoughts about how much more satisfying it will be to cross the finish line. Onward.


Sorry to hear about your injury, but you have a great attitude.  I am 10 weeks off hernia surgery and took the injury recovery pill, so I know how it feels.  Keeping that positive attitude and following doctor's orders is exactly what will help you get back on track.  Good luck and hope you have a speedy recovery!
2011-01-27 9:26 AM
in reply to: #3324098

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Biddeford, Maine
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

But I'm a glass half full kind of person

Brad, as long as you only keep that pint glass half full, you shouldn't have a problem with the calorie intakeLaughing .  Sorry to hear about the injury, good luck on a speedy recovery.
2011-01-27 5:45 PM
in reply to: #3006331

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Salt Lake City, UT
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
Looks like I'm a bit late joining the party, but I wanted to say hi.  2011 will be my 4th trip to IMCDA.  IMCDA has become the race I structure the rest of my training/racing year around.  It is also my family vacation and a chance to reconnect with friends.

This year I've decided to reach out and get more support from my virtual training buddies (that's you all).  Hopefully I will be able to support you as well.

P.S. For all of you that have posted race reports for previous IMCDAs, thanks!  I'll try to get over my stage fright/writers block and post at least my report from 2010.
2011-01-27 6:31 PM
in reply to: #3325696

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Vista, CA
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

kiki_zen - 2011-01-27 3:45 PM Looks like I'm a bit late joining the party, but I wanted to say hi.  2011 will be my 4th trip to IMCDA.  IMCDA has become the race I structure the rest of my training/racing year around.  It is also my family vacation and a chance to reconnect with friends.

This year I've decided to reach out and get more support from my virtual training buddies (that's you all).  Hopefully I will be able to support you as well.

P.S. For all of you that have posted race reports for previous IMCDAs, thanks!  I'll try to get over my stage fright/writers block and post at least my report from 2010.


Yea!! Welcome. Please post and as far as I'm concerned to fill us in on anything you think might be helpful for us to know.


2011-01-28 10:30 AM
in reply to: #3006331

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
I'd love to see a detailed race report that informed and provided advice....almost written from a coaching slant. 

2011-01-28 10:38 AM
in reply to: #3323781

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
citaltfort - 2011-01-26 9:43 PM My CDA plans were set back a bit today.  I stepped into a hole during my morning run and tore two ligaments in my ankle.  The doctor thinks I have plenty of time to recover and still do CDA as long as I'm a good patient.  Two weeks in a boot then we'll evaluate next steps after that.  I'm actually very good at following recovery rules so that part is ok.  I am worried about controlling my calorie intake, especially the next two weeks when I can't even swim.  Not being able to do cardio might drive me a little batty.  Time to be more specific counting all my calories and keep that in check.

But I'm a glass half full kind of person so I'm putting on my best smile and thinking positive thoughts about how much more satisfying it will be to cross the finish line. Onward.


Dang, sorry to hear the news.  Be smart during your recovery.  Plenty of time left. 
2011-01-28 12:42 PM
in reply to: #3326809

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Portland, OR
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
3Aims - 2011-01-28 8:30 AM

I'd love to see a detailed race report that informed and provided advice....almost written from a coaching slant. 

I'm not sure if you'll find these helpful or not but here are the links to the last 2 CDA Race Reports for the IMs I did there in 2007 and 2008.
2011-01-28 1:25 PM
in reply to: #3006331

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Millersville, MD
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
Injury sucks... especially when it's an accident (like the ankle) instead of a consequence of poor training habits.  At least with the latter, you can identify the fault and learn from it.  But any injury, especially when it happens when you had hoped to be doing a serious build, can be a mental setback.

The good news, imho, is that a show-stopping injury is just what a lot of people need to break through to the next level!!!  You might think that sounds crazy, but for me it was 100% true.

My season ending bike crash in 2009 (sorry if you go after me in the metal detectors at airport security leaving CdA) was what finally let me heal all the little nagging injuries I had been training through for the last couple years.  Now I was really laid up, and couldn't workout at all.

It was really frustrating when I started back up with virtually zero base fitness... but it was also an opportunity (hooray for optimism, silver linings, and glasses half full) to train really smart for the first time ever.  I had a clean slate... zero fitness, but also zero shin splints (my previous achille's heel).  I've known several others who required time in a cast based on an accident, and it was the only way their unrelated IT band, plantar fascia, etc problems finally got better.

You've now been forced not to train - see it as an opportunity to exercise your mind for what your training will look like when you get back, and I think you'll be pleasantly surprised with the blessing the injury will eventually be.  Might not be on the timetable you had chosen (I missed my 2009 IM debut and had to defer to 2010)... but if you are strategic and patient it might be well worth it.

Best of luck!  Your attitude is right, and that's 90% of the battle.
2011-01-28 2:30 PM
in reply to: #3327252

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
Did someone say pint? I can use one after this testing week!

To sum up what y'all are saying:
2011-01-29 2:07 PM
in reply to: #3006331

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Seattle, WA
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
Well after two weeks pretending not to have CdA on my calendar and instead walking and eating my way through Paris, Prague, and Bordeaux I'm back to reality again.  Had a good hour long run today and computrainer class on tap tomorrow morning.  It's amazing what a good vacation can do for your morale, I am feeling so pumped about training again!

Leopard, I'm a bit late to the discussion, but what you have planned on Memorial Day weekend is exactly what I was hoping to do (ride the course one day, run the half marathon the next).  So there's one more person who'd be interested in joining in.

Less than 5 months to go. Happy training everyone!

2011-01-29 2:39 PM
in reply to: #3328562

Longmont, Colorado
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
mango6383 - 2011-01-29 1:07 PM Well after two weeks pretending not to have CdA on my calendar and instead walking and eating my way through Paris, Prague, and Bordeaux I'm back to reality again.  Had a good hour long run today and computrainer class on tap tomorrow morning.  It's amazing what a good vacation can do for your morale, I am feeling so pumped about training again!

Leopard, I'm a bit late to the discussion, but what you have planned on Memorial Day weekend is exactly what I was hoping to do (ride the course one day, run the half marathon the next).  So there's one more person who'd be interested in joining in.

Less than 5 months to go. Happy training everyone!

I think there is a group from Colorado planning on doing the same thing Memorial weekend -- I'll keep you posted on status.

Leopard - I was just in Beaverton last week (get there a couple times a month).  Any good spin-bike options/locations that you'd recommend -- I usually stick to running while I'm there, but always push it too hard (the elevation difference is amazing), and end up having to take a day or two to recover afterwards...

Mango -- most of us hope that you put on ten pounds and that it cost you a fortune!!!Wink Bordeaux can do that in a hurry!

--147 days 16hrs 21 min, and counting...
2011-01-29 4:19 PM
in reply to: #3327158

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Vista, CA
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
leopard8996 - 2011-01-28 10:42 AM
3Aims - 2011-01-28 8:30 AMI'd love to see a detailed race report that informed and provided advice....almost written from a coaching slant. 

I'm not sure if you'll find these helpful or not but here are the links to the last 2 CDA Race Reports for the IMs I did there in 2007 and 2008.
Just.finished reading your blog with rrs. Thanks for sharing them it helps me think I can do this. Did you go to the I'm camp both years? Do you know if they're having it this year? That's great you've kept your weight off, too. You're awesome!
2011-01-29 8:14 PM
in reply to: #3327252

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Extreme Veteran
Olympia, WA
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
JoshKaptur - 2011-01-28 11:25 AM 

You've now been forced not to train - see it as an opportunity to exercise your mind for what your training will look like when you get back, and I think you'll be pleasantly surprised with the blessing the injury will eventually be.  Might not be on the timetable you had chosen (I missed my 2009 IM debut and had to defer to 2010)... but if you are strategic and patient it might be well worth it.

Best of luck!  Your attitude is right, and that's 90% of the battle.

Oh trust me, I've already looked at all of the possible silver linings to this and I agree with what you're saying.  What's a bit frustrating is I had already taken several weeks off after my November marathon to let all those nagging things heal and to give myself a mental break.  After starting up again in January, I was feeling the healthiest I had in a long time.  But now I can only control what happens from this point on.  For now, that's catching up on some sleep, which I have to admit, has been quite nice! Laughing
2011-01-30 9:15 AM
in reply to: #3327158

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
Leopard, I really liked your reports.  I'm curious, where did you line up on the swim each year?   

I hope I look half as good as you did when you finished the 2007 race.  You can totally see your energy level (and emotions) in the finish line picture.  That's a great shot of you.

Edited by 3Aims 2011-01-30 9:16 AM
2011-01-30 10:07 AM
in reply to: #3327396

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Newbury Park, CA
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
phatknot - 2011-01-28 12:30 PM Did someone say pint? I can use one after this testing week!

To sum up what y'all are saying:

LMAO.  I'll try to remember that during the ups & downs of this training season.

Good luck citaltfort!

2011-01-30 8:28 PM
in reply to: #3325696

No excuses!
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
kiki_zen - 2011-01-27 6:45 PM Looks like I'm a bit late joining the party, but I wanted to say hi.  2011 will be my 4th trip to IMCDA.  IMCDA has become the race I structure the rest of my training/racing year around.  It is also my family vacation and a chance to reconnect with friends.

This year I've decided to reach out and get more support from my virtual training buddies (that's you all).  Hopefully I will be able to support you as well.

P.S. For all of you that have posted race reports for previous IMCDAs, thanks!  I'll try to get over my stage fright/writers block and post at least my report from 2010.

Welcome to the group!
2011-01-31 7:59 AM
in reply to: #3006331

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
Great race report Leopard, I'll go back and read these for tips and motivation.

Question:  I am looking at 2 prep races, an Olympic in April and a HIM in May to check fitness, but not sure about that or if I should just execute the BT 20 wk training program I am using?  Also, Joe Friel says to have 2 "Big Days" close to your race.  What are the veteran thoughts on value of HIM vs. "Big Day" in training for IM?  I am thinking of doing one HIM and one "Big Day".

2011-01-31 8:42 AM
in reply to: #3330325

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
Im doing Rev3 Knoxville 70.3 on May 15th and probably will have another couple race rehearsals before the big day.

here are my January numbers compared to last year's numbers. Kind of disappointing to finish less when i have a June IM compared to a Nov IM last year. However, we killed some volume this month tapering and doing pre-season testing when last year that was done in February so that probably would have equaled things out. My results were solid compared to last year's pre-season tests so I can't really complain. Hope you all are getting ramped up for the big builds!!

2011 January's totals:
Bike:30h 45m 58s  - 601.93 Mi
Run:15h 46m 10s  - 120.25 Mi
Swim:8h 34m 45s  - 26100 Yd
Strength:5h 45m
2010 January's totals:
Bike:31h 28m 28s  - 610.09 Mi
Run:15h 41m 13s  - 128.15 Mi
Swim:14h 08m 16s  - 40800 Yd
Strength:6h 25m
2011-01-31 10:11 AM
in reply to: #3330428

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
phatknot - 2011-01-31 8:42 AM Im doing Rev3 Knoxville 70.3 on May 15th and probably will have another couple race rehearsals before the big day.

here are my January numbers compared to last year's numbers. Kind of disappointing to finish less when i have a June IM compared to a Nov IM last year. However, we killed some volume this month tapering and doing pre-season testing when last year that was done in February so that probably would have equaled things out. My results were solid compared to last year's pre-season tests so I can't really complain. Hope you all are getting ramped up for the big builds!!

2011 January's totals:
Bike:30h 45m 58s  - 601.93 Mi
Run:15h 46m 10s  - 120.25 Mi
Swim:8h 34m 45s  - 26100 Yd
Strength:5h 45m
2010 January's totals:
Bike:31h 28m 28s  - 610.09 Mi
Run:15h 41m 13s  - 128.15 Mi
Swim:14h 08m 16s  - 40800 Yd
Strength:6h 25m

Excellent work!!!!  Here is my January. 

January 2011


25 hours


18 hours


15 hours

                                             Total:  58 hours

Edited by 3Aims 2011-01-31 10:14 AM
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General Discussion Iron Distance Race Groups » Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread Rss Feed  
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