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2012-03-27 7:26 PM
in reply to: #4115508

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Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED
Experior - 2012-03-27 1:45 PM

Nutrition -- it is better (IMHO) to err on the side of eating too little.  Again, eating too little is easier to correct than eating too much.  (If you start to feel really hungry, eat more.)

Hydration -- drink to thirst, not to a pre-arranged plan.

Question on this part - is this always the wisest choice.  Yes, I agree that too much is going to cause a lot of issues, but too little can also be a recipe for disaster.

Most likely a large part of the race day calories are going to come from your sports drinks + gels.  If you don't consume enough through drinking, you may find youself running low on energy come the run.  I typically drink a fair amount when I run, but drink very seldom when I ride - so my Garmin beeps at my on preset intervals to remind me to take a sip (not gulp) and stay hydrated + topped up on calories.

Everyone is going to be different, and hopefully through your long rides you'll have figured out what works for you - the catch is to try and find the right balance.  2 HIM's and I haven't done it yet - I didn't take in enough calories.  This year I'm going to try and find something that the body takes in quickly but is not as sugary.  After a few hours I've had enough of the sweet stuff and I purposely shy away from continuing to drink/take gels.

2012-03-27 8:05 PM
in reply to: #4116204

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED
GoFaster - 2012-03-27 8:26 PM
Experior - 2012-03-27 1:45 PM

Nutrition -- it is better (IMHO) to err on the side of eating too little.  Again, eating too little is easier to correct than eating too much.  (If you start to feel really hungry, eat more.)

Hydration -- drink to thirst, not to a pre-arranged plan.

Question on this part - is this always the wisest choice.  Yes, I agree that too much is going to cause a lot of issues, but too little can also be a recipe for disaster.

I agree, but I think that it is easier to notice that you are under-eating in time to fix it.  Not so much for over-eating.  I also think that in general people have a tendency to over-eat (and over-drink), so my advice tends to prefer erring in the other direction.

If you are under-eating, you will (or at least, I do) begin to feel quite hungry.  Getting to this point isn't ideal -- it would have been better to avoid getting very hungry by eating enough -- but you can fix it pretty quickly by ingesting some rapidly absorbed calories (sports drink, gel).  If you are over-eating, you won't really notice it until you've got a load of undigested carbs sitting in your gut looking for a way out, and that's no fun, and there is no quick fix.

But I do not discount the seriousness of under-eating, and you are right to bring it up.  I bonked, for real, exactly once in my life, on a long ride where I ate almost nothing.  I literally do not remember how I got home.  My wife found me sitting in the front yard next to my bike, and when she asked 'what are you doing?' apparently I asked her for a hamburger.  I remember none of this.  I do remember that I ignored feeling very hungry during the ride.  I don't ignore that feeling any more.

In the end, as you say, practice is important -- nutrition is, as they say, the fourth discipline in triathlon.

2012-03-27 8:05 PM
in reply to: #4116204

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Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED

Neil...I see both sides of the argument.  The one thing that should be followed is to practice your nutrition plan in training.  I agree though that if you have not dialed in your nutrition in your training...then you should err on the side of less.  Not because it will yield better results...but like Michael's easier to correct.

Eat too little, and you just slow down for a little while while you take in more calories.  Eat too much and you might be puking.  Once you go down that road...I *hear* that you tend to keep puking even if you make adjustments to eat less.



2012-03-27 10:45 PM
in reply to: #4116252

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Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED
I have competed in 1 Half-Iron Distance Race (Pacific Crest Long Course Tri).  It was not the best for a first to do, but it was challenging.  No matter what I did on the bike it wasn't going to matter anyway.  The first 38 miles were mostly climbing with the last 5 miles to the entrance to Mt. Bachelor long and hard.  I should have gone with a larger ratio on my cassette.  It was much too hard for me.  It took me 3 hrs. and 31 min.; averaged 16 plus MPH.  From mile 38 to 52 was mostly down hill and the remaining 8 miles was flat for the most part (little longer bike distance).  I don't think it was just the bike that did me in I think it was a combination of a few things.  Of course the climbing on the bike, the altitude (I train at almost sea level;  I live 50 miles from the pacific coast);  the race was at 4,200 ft and then I went out too fast on the run.  Nutrition wise I think I was good.  Drank when I was thirsty (Hammer -FIZZ and Water) and then took in Gels from a flask; about every 1/2 hr or so.  Half-Marathon was 2 hrs. 29 min.  I was shooting for a 2:10.  My bike time was what I thought it was going to be (3hrs. 30 min).  Not sure what the end result would have been if those things were changed.  The only two I had control over would have been the cassette and going out slower on the run.  The other, altitude, I can't change.  I am sure spinning more up the Mt. would have been much better than having to mash it out.
2012-03-28 12:48 AM
in reply to: #3942424

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Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED

Guys and Gals - Solid advice and I thank you all, keep it coming!  

Oceanside is known for having people go out to fast on the bike.  The first half has a few rollers, but is mostly flat and can have a slight tailwind.  The second half has a 1/2 mile climb between 8% and 12% and then a few longer rollers at about 4 miles.  If Jason doesn't mind, I will definitely steal his mantra, "See you on the run...." for the first half of the bike.  I need to intentionally reign it in, stay in my own head, and ride my race.

For nutrition, I have trained with Hammer perpetuem, and Hammer Gels.  I also like to take a water bottle with slightly strong red gatorade and an Emergen-C mixed in.  I have an aero bottle up front I plan to use for water, and an X-wing on the rear where I plan to put one bottle with my gatorade/Emergen-C mix, and the other with perpetuem mixed at double strength.  I also plan to have a gel flask in my helmet at T1 to stash in a pocket with four servings of espresso hammer gel mixed with a little water to thin it out.  This gives me 540 calories from perpetuem, 360 from gel, and 160ish in the gatorade bottle.  I don't plan to finish the gatorade, but want it for a change of pace.  I will most likely finish all of the gel, but only take in about 3/4 of the perpetuem.  This has been the case on long rides, and longer bricks.  The only thing I plan to grab off the bike course is more water at aid station one, trying to avoid aid station two on the bike which is just prior to the hills starting the second half of the ride.  No use carrying extra weight up hill.  I will grab more water at #3.

For the run I plan to live off the course.  It is a twice over a three mile out and back, with aid stations every mile.   My plan is to slow and grab a some of water at each aid station, and to take in a gel at mile 5 and 8.  

That is the plan.  Please comment, if you see something you feel should be changed.  Thanks!

2012-03-28 9:50 AM
in reply to: #3942424

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Extreme Veteran
Oshawa, Ontario
Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED

I did short run yesterday.  I was also lucky enough to get a short bike in Monday.  I was hoping to get a swim done this morning but wife just left early which means no can do...maybe tonight.  I don't have a bike scheduled for today but I just might sneak one in since I'm working from home.  Don't tell my employer they may think it will hurt their bottom line. LOL

As for nutrition/hydration: Longest tri so far is Oly (2:56) and I think I did OK with only two gels and some fluids.  Can't remember how much I drank, but I know I didn't finish my single bottle on bike.  I think if I did it would have affected me in a negative way.  But, I also ran three marathons and I know I didn't take in enough nutrition.  Lack of experience impeded my goal of breaking the 4 hour mark.  Maybe some day, after I fulfill my IM goal, I will try again. 

2012-03-28 7:08 PM
in reply to: #3942424

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Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED

Nutrition: During my long runs/races I relied on Shotbloks and Gatorade. I finally found another energy drink that my stomach can handle. It's thick, so I actually feel like I had a light snack when I use it. Gels go right through me and I suffer for days afterwards. I need to find something a little more solid that will stay in my gut and doesn't make me feel like my heart's going to pound out of my chest.

Still running and doing strength stuff, but not much else. I've been lucky that not many run on the treadmill at lunch at the gym. Have been able to get 6 mile runs in. Usually if it's busy you're limited to 30 minutes, but when no one is there, no problem with going longer. Will start swimming with swim team next Monday twice a week. PLAN to pack the bike for lunch rides on the two days I rest from running.

Hope you're having a great day.

Edited by Blanda 2012-03-28 7:09 PM
2012-03-29 6:11 AM
in reply to: #3942424

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Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED

I feel terrible. I'm suffering from a serious case of envy. My friend/soccer teammate qualified for Maui Xterra Championships and while I'm super happy for her, I'm angry all over again!! Motivated to something really well.

On a more positive note, my son just agreed too with a large amount of excitement to train for and participate in a duathlon mid-April!

Edited by Blanda 2012-03-29 6:21 AM
2012-03-29 9:54 AM
in reply to: #3942424

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED

Hey gang-sorry to be absent so much lately.  I'm "tapering" (my version not Michael's) for a sprint this weekend and it seems like I can't get on top of everything....crazy week for family activities. Daughter has 2 soccer games this week and then prom on Friday night.....just enough time to train and conduct background check and surveillance on her date. Just kidding, well kind of...ah not really  

Bennet has a big race this weekend so hope everyone has a chance to wish him well.  Anyone else racing?  I've got my first race in my new AG...50-54.  Hope I've gotten faster. How did I end up in an AG of old men???? Sad.

Blanda-duathlon with the kiddo......excellent.  I actually started back running after years of other activities when my children started running cross country.  It is so much fun to watch them and I really enjoy it when we can race together. My son that is a serious runner did a duathlon with me a couple of years ago.  He had a new appreciation for running after biking 15 miles.  He crossed the finish line and told me "I hate you for letting me do this".  I think he was just bummed that I beat him.

Back to work.


2012-03-29 12:49 PM
in reply to: #4118684

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Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED
slornow - 2012-03-29 7:54 AM

Hey gang-sorry to be absent so much lately.  I'm "tapering" (my version not Michael's) for a sprint this weekend and it seems like I can't get on top of everything....crazy week for family activities. Daughter has 2 soccer games this week and then prom on Friday night.....just enough time to train and conduct background check and surveillance on her date. Just kidding, well kind of...ah not really  

Bennet has a big race this weekend so hope everyone has a chance to wish him well.  Anyone else racing?  I've got my first race in my new AG...50-54.  Hope I've gotten faster. How did I end up in an AG of old men???? Sad.

Blanda-duathlon with the kiddo......excellent.  I actually started back running after years of other activities when my children started running cross country.  It is so much fun to watch them and I really enjoy it when we can race together. My son that is a serious runner did a duathlon with me a couple of years ago.  He had a new appreciation for running after biking 15 miles.  He crossed the finish line and told me "I hate you for letting me do this".  I think he was just bummed that I beat him.

Back to work.



Randy and Bennett...Here's to good wishes and a well executed race day for you both. 

Blanda-- that is great news for your friend.  Kind of pushes you doesn't it.  I have been viewing the Dara Tores video spots on Triathlete Magazine site and on facebook.  They are quite inspiring; just makes you want to get after it.

Right now my son is very much into Music so unless he gets the fever to run or go out for sports again (pretty good baseball player) we won't be competing against each other any time soon.  I am not a musician by any stretch of the imagination.  It is great that you do those kind of things together.  Of course I have time my son is 10 and who knows what direction his imagination and interest will take him.

I haven't been running for about 10 days now; been doing trigger point at home, icing and heat.  I have slight sore spot on my upper right calf remaining.  I have a massage scheduled for this afternoon at 2:30 for about an hour.  Part will be an assessment of my needs; main areas I think are my legs, hips and lower back.  Hope to get to the pool this evening and a short run tomorrow morning.  I have a club run scheduled for Saturday morning; which will be anywhere from 8-10 miles.  Some are going 13, but that may be pushing it.  My Half-Mary is on April 29th; so I have some time to get one or two long runs in. 

Looking forward to the 70.3's this weekend.  Our tri club has a couple members (husband and wife) racing Oceanside 70.3 and of course there is the 70.3 in Texas with all the Lance hype.  It will be interesting to see how he does.  I suspect he will do pretty well.


2012-03-29 3:06 PM
in reply to: #4118684

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED
slornow - 2012-03-29 10:54 AM

Bennet has a big race this weekend so hope everyone has a chance to wish him well.  Anyone else racing?  I've got my first race in my new AG...50-54.  Hope I've gotten faster. How did I end up in an AG of old men???? Sad.


Welcome to the old guys, Randy.  We've got a fresh crop of really fast 49 year olds moving up this year in Virginia... several all-american honorable mention types.  Life just got a bunch harder for me.  And I can almost say I'm looking forward to the 55s... except for the getting older part.  One good thing, Randy, is that you'll notice there are fewer competitors going forward... the 40s are the big #s.  But I'm also noticing that the ones who stick around are the faster ones.  I'm just hoping to outlast 'em all... probably my only way to the podium :-)

I've got the 10 miler this weekend which is the big running event in Charlottesville.  Always a good time.  My running season is late fall through now.  Might do a 5K or a 10K for grins over the summer, but after this weekend, tri-training is back front and center.

Good luck, Bennet - look forward to reading your race report - remember to have fun and not to overcook the bike.


2012-03-29 4:09 PM
in reply to: #3942424

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED

Hey everyone -- sorry I've also been a bit silent.  I haven't even logged my training -- I just got caught up on that.

This time of year things get crazy, but I'm beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel, and still managing to get the training in, including, gulp, swimming.


Lots of exciting races for you all this weekend!  (Rene, sorry you aren't one of them, but as I said, I think you made the right choice.)  Have fun and get after it!  (Bennet -- your plan looks good to me.)

2012-03-29 4:18 PM
in reply to: #3942424

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Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED
Good luck to everyone racing this weekend.  Have fun
2012-03-29 4:18 PM
in reply to: #3942424

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Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED

Oh, my gosh, I needed to proof read that comment. Glad you guys understood!

Forgot to mention that the duathlon son wants to try is a race in a series of multi sport races for kids! It'll be cool if he likes it enough to want to go beyond that. Pretty excited. Going to get his bike checked out at the shop.

Cute story about your runner son not liking you after the duathlon, Randy, haha! Brian, my boy is 10 too! He's not the competitive team sports type at all. He played soccer since age 5, but went into early retirement around 8. Made a comeback at 10 for a really fun season, but he's taking a break again. Any running race he's done he's enjoyed. I'm thinking he's attracted to the bike riding part of the duathlon, so we'll see how he takes to it!

Good luck to you guys on your races, Bennet and Randy! I hope everything goes smoothly. Can't wait to hear the results! No race for me, but going for "gold" with my women's soccer team. Big game against our biggest rival. Always gets kinda ugly.

Edited by Blanda 2012-03-29 4:23 PM
2012-03-29 7:44 PM
in reply to: #4119624

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Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED
Blanda - 2012-03-29 11:18 AM

No race for me, but going for "gold" with my women's soccer team. Big game against our biggest rival. Always gets kinda ugly.

Just don't let it get ugly like that south carolina HS soccer game...JK   Crazy.  See the thread/link to video in Cup of Joe if you haven't already.

2012-03-29 8:01 PM
in reply to: #3942424

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Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED

Wow, what can I say... the massage was absolutely the right thing to do for me.  My calves were all bound up right and left.  She  explained that my left calf muscle was bound into one.  As she went through each leg she could feel exactly where the bad parts were (whatever they call the bad parts).  She would put pressure on it and I could definitely feel it and had to deep breath through it.  Lasted about an hour (also neck, shoulders adn back).  My right calf feels so much better.  I will go back in a week for another session and continue to do trigger point at home and use the foam roller on my calves.  She recommended the foam roller on my IT Band area as well.  She discussed how the muscles connected with the knee area and might be some of the cause of my continued knee pain.  I'll have to keep an eye on it. 

2012-03-29 9:39 PM
in reply to: #4119880

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Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED

Brian - glad the massage helped.  If you hobbled out of the appointment you know things went well!!  Good idea to go back for a second one in a week.

Bennet & Randy - envious that you guys are already racing.  Although I've just signed up for my HIM in September.

As for me, the wife is away for 4 days so no chance to run or swim while she's gone - so it will be time on the trainer.  Tried to do my 20min power test a couple of nights ago and failed (quit after 5min).  So I had at it again tonight, and managed 254 watts, which is just 6 watts shy of my best last year.  So I feel pretty good about the way things went tonight.  Always dread these tests - partly because they are just plain tough, but mentally I never want to fail (do worse than a previous test), which I think just makes them a bit harder.

For anyone that cares, here's how it shook out.

5min - 254 watts
5min - 252 watts
5min - 250 watts
5min - 260 watts (last 3min at 266 watts)

Avg HR 168, Max HR 178

2012-03-30 12:10 AM
in reply to: #3942424

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Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED
Jason: I saw the video. That was just crazy. That girl was angry. I have never seen it get that ugly at that age even between boys. I've never seen that kind of fury in a child! She was still talking smack walking away!

Brian: I'm so glad you're feeling a little better and learning helpful things about your legs. Hope this helps you on your road to healthy calves again.

Neil: I don't think I've ever even touched that kind of wattage on the spinner working super hard! I really need a bike and trainer to understand such things more.

Thinking of you racers! Rene, looking forward to hearing when you'll next set your sights on!
2012-03-30 1:57 AM
in reply to: #3942424

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Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED

Nice test Neil.  Give it a few more months and you'll be testing much higher than 260 by August.  I was pretty surprised how your power can drop when not focused on cycling...but the good news is that it comes back when you put the work back in.

I think I'm still about 5-7 watts short of where I was last August...but I'm closing in fast.

2012-03-30 7:06 AM
in reply to: #3942424

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED

Neil -- looks like a good test.  Great job coming back from the abandoned 20' test!  That can be tough.

I know a lot of teachers (elementary age) and they seem to think that kids are getting more violent and much more willing to be ugly to their peers and teachers in pretty extreme ways.  (Could be the 'good old days' effect though...)  They claim it has to do with so-called reality TV, which, according to them, makes that sort of behavior appear, to kids, to be socially acceptable. (I have no idea whether they are right -- for one thing, I've ever seen a reality TV program.)

2012-03-30 7:08 AM
in reply to: #3942424

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED
Massage -- I agree with Neil.  It really can be a huge help.  I'm glad it worked for you, Brian (not surprised, but glad).  I went in for my first *very* skeptical.  I'm a believer now, despite the pain of it.  (Last session my therapist 'stripped' my Achilles.  If that sounds like it hurts, it's because it does.)

2012-03-30 10:06 AM
in reply to: #3942625

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Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group
Anyone ever try K-Tape on injured areas. I have a roll and will try it on my calf for extra assistance but wondered if anyone else has ever used it?Brian
2012-03-30 10:26 AM
in reply to: #4120610

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group

TriGuyBri - 2012-03-30 11:06 AM Anyone ever try K-Tape on injured areas. I have a roll and will try it on my calf for extra assistance but wondered if anyone else has ever used it?Brian

Never tried it, but I'm curious to hear how it goes for you.  (My injuries tend to be non-muscular, which I think is not the scenario for which kinesio tape is designed, but I could be wrong.  But your injury is muscular, so maybe worth a try.)

2012-03-30 4:24 PM
in reply to: #3942424

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Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED
Brian: When I started training for my marathon my left knee would swell up and be in pain after my long runs. I started seeing a chiropractor for a pinched nerve in my neck. He happens to be a certified kinesiology tape applicator. Mentioned my knee pain. He knew I'd be doing long runs on Satudays and then playing soccer on Sunday, so for about a month, he'd tape my knee on Fridays and I'd wear it all the way thru to my recovery run on Monday. I had no pain or swelling while taped. Was a huge relief. In that month the leg got stronger and I lost some weight so the knee no longer got aggravated. Didn't need tape after that.

Edited by Blanda 2012-03-30 4:27 PM
2012-03-31 1:48 PM
in reply to: #3942424

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED

Well, the 10 miler is in the books.  Did okay.  Went out for 6 miles in just under 8min/mi pace (which is good for me and was about 1 min ahead of last year's start), but couldn't keep it up for 4 more and wound up about 1 1/2 minutes slower than last year.  Certainly acceptable.  And fortunately, the showers held off until this afternoon. 

I think I am about to start coming to terms with how difficult it will be for me to hit PBs from here on out.  I think I've still got a few up my sleeve, especially if I can get about 10 more lbs off my oversized frame and stay injury free.  But they're not going to come easily anymore :-)

Looking forward to hearing how everyone else did.  Next up - first tri of the year in 3 weeks.  Actually, next up is finishing taxes... yesterday's surprise was finding out that our company's orders via paypal were all associated with my social security #.  Not good.  Ah the joys of the new regulations kicking in.  Obviously, I should have opened up all the envelopes last month... lol.


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