BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Mad Manatees 2015.3 CLOSED (or Poptarts? Pet pics?) Rss Feed  
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2015-07-09 10:05 AM
in reply to: laffinrock

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.3 CLOSED (or Poptarts? Pet pics?)

Originally posted by laffinrock

Had a good race yesterday.  It was rainy and muddy and I finished 18/19 OA but I feel really good about my time and performance.  Even with several 1 min. walking intervals, my average pace was 9:26 mpm, which is good for me, and I had enough left to put in a good hard effort at the end.  Plus we had 4 water crossings, which were a blast!

Felt a lot better about this race than the last one, mostly because my knee is feeling better and wasn't the limiting factor it was last time.  I'm not sure if it's because I'm only running 1x/week right now or because I'm using a knee band thingie, but even so, I'll take it.  I'll try to do a RR this weekend.  I'm getting a little behind.

I'm also feeling more positive about the bike route for my tri.  Thanks again for all the encouragement!

So much awesome in there! Glad you are happy with your race, yay for no knee issues, yay for water crossings!!! AND YAAY for feeling good about the bike course!!!!!!!!!!! WOOT!

2015-07-09 10:07 AM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Simsbury, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.3 CLOSED (or Poptarts? Pet pics?)
Originally posted by jmkizer

I'm using SN as a safety valve.  If I drop something, etc. I don't plan to stop but I do plan to have an SN bag on the bike.

ETA: You may not get your SN bag back. Don't put anything in it that you are unwilling to lose.

YEP, that part I'm aware of!

However, I'm GUARANTEED to have to stop and pee so I figure while I'm stopped I might as well pickup some supplies. My run special needs is way more important!
2015-07-09 10:08 AM
in reply to: mtnbikerchk

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.3 CLOSED (or Poptarts? Pet pics?)

Originally posted by mtnbikerchk
Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by fortissimo
Originally posted by mtnbikerchk
Originally posted by StaceyK I thought that I would share a picture from my dog walk yesterday. Not as spectacular as Salty's but this is the fire trail in the paddock behind our house. (Oh and the dog bums belong to Gerrie, Dee and Jazz, our 3 youngest puppies)
YAY DOGGIES!!! ok so I'm just over 5 weeks out from IMMT and random crap keeps popping up in my head - partially my own fault for reading everything I can on full distances tris and MT in particular. So here's one: There are aid stations every 10 miles and people say "don't make your bike a buffet" so I'm trying to travel light and I'm thinking about two bottles to start. Ok so when I need another bottle am I supposed to grab it, fill my xlab torpedo AND put in my Infinit from what, a ziploc baggie I assume? I don't see any of that going well without stopping LOL
Let me just get this out in the open - I'm clumsy. Especially with water bottles on the bike! I can't hold on to one to save my life so I have a Speedfil (Gatorade)on the down tube and a Torpedo (water) between my bars. Yes, two straws and I look like a goof but I don't care because I can't drop either one! I will be stopping at aid stations to refill. Yes it will slow me down but I won't be dropping anything. I plan on mixing my Carbo-pro with a little water and putting it in a 5-ounce gel flask. I will put one in my tri top pocket and one in my special needs bag. When I stop at an aid station I will put some Gatorade in my speedfil along with the Carbo pro. When I get to special needs I will throw away the first flask and grab the second. My coach isn't happy with me stopping every hour or so, but it's what I'm comfortable with so its what I'm going to do. My goal is to finish and this plan will help me get there and reduce that stress of filling the bottles on the bike!

I think that the most important thing is to have a plan.  The plan should be simple/uncomplicated.

My plan

  • Swim (likely in wetsuit) in bra and tri shorts
  • T1- Add bike jersey on bike (will be in 50s to start)
  • Bike: Two EFS liquid shot bottles in jersey pockets, three Clif Shot Bloks (cut in half) in Bento, one serving EFS in each of two bottles
  • One Shot Blok every 20 minutes. Fill BTA before aid station add 1/2 EFS, drop bottle, get new bottle at aid station. 
  • Plan B - extra flask of EFS in special needs in case I drop one, extra gel taped under saddle (SN bag will contain extra tube, CO2, EFS)
  • T2 - remove jersey, lube liberally, add tri top, run.
  • Run - drink 1+ cup of fluid at each aid station and 1 Gu-type gel every 45 minutes starting at the first aid station.  Stick with this at least the first two laps. Add Coke sooner rather than later.  Consume what you can tolerate on the final lap.
  • Finish with both arms up and a smile on my face. 

I think the last one is the toughest to remember!!! Thanks - I'll practice next week!! So how many bottles do you go through on a full? am I reading right 4?

Sixish.  I'll start with two and have four more along the way. About one per hour plus I'll probably be halfway through one when I get to T2. 

Pro tip:  It sounds weird but blowing bubbles through your straw will help mix your nutrition with your water.  Don't overflow your torpedo though!

2015-07-09 10:10 AM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Simsbury, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.3 CLOSED (or Poptarts? Pet pics?)
Originally posted by jmkizer

Sixish.  I'll start with two and have four more along the way. About one per hour plus I'll probably be halfway through one when I get to T2. 

Pro tip:  It sounds weird but blowing bubbles through your straw will help mix your nutrition with your water.  Don't overflow your torpedo though!

Gotcha. I think that's where I'll land - aim for 6 but get 6ish.

And actually my torpedo holds 26oz so with using a 24oz bottle to refill I'm golden!
2015-07-09 10:13 AM
in reply to: melbo55

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.3 CLOSED (or Poptarts? Pet pics?)

Originally posted by melbo55

Originally posted by StaceyK I thought that I would share a picture from my dog walk yesterday. Not as spectacular as Salty's but this is the fire trail in the paddock behind our house. (Oh and the dog bums belong to Gerrie, Dee and Jazz, our 3 youngest puppies)

Dog butts!!  Looks like a cool trail.

My 2 cents on the fluids on the bike thing, based on my extremely limited experience:  I took throwaway bottles to 70.3 Syracuse, anticipating taking new bottles there and tossing what I brought.  Well the bottles they were giving were Gatorade and water in bottles like one would buy in a grocery store. My holder between my handlebars (a Chimp cage) only securely holds regular, standard-sized/width bike bottles, and by the number of fallen bottles I saw on the road, I wasn't counting on the Gatorade bottle staying in my downtube cage securely, either, so I stopped and a volunteer helped me fill both.  Yeah, I stopped, but it wasn't for long and I didn't litter/lose my hydration.

This is a good point.  Try some Deer Park (or similar) water with a "sports top" in your cages to make sure that it fits OK for you.  As I mentioned, I actually start with one of these as my throw away bottle. 

2015-07-09 10:16 AM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Simsbury, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.3 CLOSED (or Poptarts? Pet pics?)
Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by melbo55

Originally posted by StaceyK I thought that I would share a picture from my dog walk yesterday. Not as spectacular as Salty's but this is the fire trail in the paddock behind our house. (Oh and the dog bums belong to Gerrie, Dee and Jazz, our 3 youngest puppies)

Dog butts!!  Looks like a cool trail.

My 2 cents on the fluids on the bike thing, based on my extremely limited experience:  I took throwaway bottles to 70.3 Syracuse, anticipating taking new bottles there and tossing what I brought.  Well the bottles they were giving were Gatorade and water in bottles like one would buy in a grocery store. My holder between my handlebars (a Chimp cage) only securely holds regular, standard-sized/width bike bottles, and by the number of fallen bottles I saw on the road, I wasn't counting on the Gatorade bottle staying in my downtube cage securely, either, so I stopped and a volunteer helped me fill both.  Yeah, I stopped, but it wasn't for long and I didn't litter/lose my hydration.

This is a good point.  Try some Deer Park (or similar) water with a "sports top" in your cages to make sure that it fits OK for you.  As I mentioned, I actually start with one of these as my throw away bottle. 

Planning on it now! I love your idea of having a throw away bottle. My backup plan is to just use a bottle I don't mind losing - we have TONS and I'm sure I can find one in the cabinet.

2015-07-09 11:48 AM
in reply to: brigby1

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.3 CLOSED (or Poptarts? Pet pics?)

Originally posted by brigby1

Originally posted by IronOx
Originally posted by Asalzwed
Originally posted by IronOx

Question for those of you who run twice in a day--how long after the first run do you do the second one?  I have two on my training plan for tomorrow, but it doesn't say how long between.

What's the purpose of having two?I run twice nearly every day. It's more about scheduling than sn exact amount of time for me. But it also depends on the purpose. If my second run is s quality session I want to be sure I'm recovered from the first. That recovery time will likely be pretty infividual.
first is long run, second is recovery.

Curious what plan this is that has running as the recovery activity, particularly the same day as the long run?

ETA: When I've run twice, it's normally separated by the work day.

I can definitely see how this structure can work really well. However, I am  surprised to see it in an IM plan. 

2015-07-09 12:18 PM
in reply to: Asalzwed

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.3 CLOSED (or Poptarts? Pet pics?)

Originally posted by Asalzwed

Originally posted by brigby1

Originally posted by IronOx
Originally posted by Asalzwed
Originally posted by IronOx

Question for those of you who run twice in a day--how long after the first run do you do the second one?  I have two on my training plan for tomorrow, but it doesn't say how long between.

What's the purpose of having two?I run twice nearly every day. It's more about scheduling than sn exact amount of time for me. But it also depends on the purpose. If my second run is s quality session I want to be sure I'm recovered from the first. That recovery time will likely be pretty infividual.
first is long run, second is recovery.

Curious what plan this is that has running as the recovery activity, particularly the same day as the long run?

ETA: When I've run twice, it's normally separated by the work day.

I can definitely see how this structure can work really well. However, I am  surprised to see it in an IM plan. 

Why?  I mean to be honest I am too; it is the only one so far, and the only one I have seen in looking through the plan.  Curious for your thoughts.


2015-07-09 12:19 PM
in reply to: rrrunner

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.3 CLOSED (or Poptarts? Pet pics?)

Originally posted by rrrunner

Originally posted by laffinrock

Had a good race yesterday.  It was rainy and muddy and I finished 18/19 OA but I feel really good about my time and performance.  Even with several 1 min. walking intervals, my average pace was 9:26 mpm, which is good for me, and I had enough left to put in a good hard effort at the end.  Plus we had 4 water crossings, which were a blast!

Felt a lot better about this race than the last one, mostly because my knee is feeling better and wasn't the limiting factor it was last time.  I'm not sure if it's because I'm only running 1x/week right now or because I'm using a knee band thingie, but even so, I'll take it.  I'll try to do a RR this weekend.  I'm getting a little behind.

I'm also feeling more positive about the bike route for my tri.  Thanks again for all the encouragement!

So much awesome in there! Glad you are happy with your race, yay for no knee issues, yay for water crossings!!! AND YAAY for feeling good about the bike course!!!!!!!!!!! WOOT!

x2!  Can't say it any better than this!  

2015-07-09 12:20 PM
in reply to: fortissimo

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.3 CLOSED (or Poptarts? Pet pics?)

Originally posted by fortissimo
Originally posted by IronOx
Originally posted by Asalzwed
Originally posted by IronOx

Question for those of you who run twice in a day--how long after the first run do you do the second one?  I have two on my training plan for tomorrow, but it doesn't say how long between.

What's the purpose of having two?I run twice nearly every day. It's more about scheduling than sn exact amount of time for me. But it also depends on the purpose. If my second run is s quality session I want to be sure I'm recovered from the first. That recovery time will likely be pretty infividual.
first is long run, second is recovery.
No, first run is to try to kill us. Second run is to finish us off!

Having done the first run, I agree!

2015-07-09 12:36 PM
in reply to: IronOx

Northern IL
Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.3 CLOSED (or Poptarts? Pet pics?)

Originally posted by IronOx

Originally posted by Asalzwed

Originally posted by brigby1

Originally posted by IronOx
Originally posted by Asalzwed
Originally posted by IronOx

Question for those of you who run twice in a day--how long after the first run do you do the second one?  I have two on my training plan for tomorrow, but it doesn't say how long between.

What's the purpose of having two?I run twice nearly every day. It's more about scheduling than sn exact amount of time for me. But it also depends on the purpose. If my second run is s quality session I want to be sure I'm recovered from the first. That recovery time will likely be pretty infividual.
first is long run, second is recovery.

Curious what plan this is that has running as the recovery activity, particularly the same day as the long run?

ETA: When I've run twice, it's normally separated by the work day.

I can definitely see how this structure can work really well. However, I am  surprised to see it in an IM plan. 

Why?  I mean to be honest I am too; it is the only one so far, and the only one I have seen in looking through the plan.  Curious for your thoughts.


I can see how it would work well too, but it would for someone with more mileage. I had assumed that the descriptor of "long" meant for the long run, is that the case? Or is it just one is longer than the other?

The surprise for me would be in the time crunch and having enough run volume in to where two runs is more beneficial. Also surprising was the use of running for recovery. For a runner fine, but swimming and cycling are also there for recovery. And likely do better at it since they are not load bearing. Running still can be done for recovery, but usually it takes being well adapted to a fair amount of volume before it's only for recovery, as opposed to just a lighter workout (which can have some recovery effects).

2015-07-09 12:48 PM
in reply to: brigby1

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.3 CLOSED (or Poptarts? Pet pics?)

Originally posted by brigby1

Originally posted by IronOx

Originally posted by Asalzwed

Originally posted by brigby1

Originally posted by IronOx
Originally posted by Asalzwed
Originally posted by IronOx

Question for those of you who run twice in a day--how long after the first run do you do the second one?  I have two on my training plan for tomorrow, but it doesn't say how long between.

What's the purpose of having two?I run twice nearly every day. It's more about scheduling than sn exact amount of time for me. But it also depends on the purpose. If my second run is s quality session I want to be sure I'm recovered from the first. That recovery time will likely be pretty infividual.
first is long run, second is recovery.

Curious what plan this is that has running as the recovery activity, particularly the same day as the long run?

ETA: When I've run twice, it's normally separated by the work day.

I can definitely see how this structure can work really well. However, I am  surprised to see it in an IM plan. 

Why?  I mean to be honest I am too; it is the only one so far, and the only one I have seen in looking through the plan.  Curious for your thoughts.


I can see how it would work well too, but it would for someone with more mileage. I had assumed that the descriptor of "long" meant for the long run, is that the case? Or is it just one is longer than the other?

The surprise for me would be in the time crunch and having enough run volume in to where two runs is more beneficial. Also surprising was the use of running for recovery. For a runner fine, but swimming and cycling are also there for recovery. And likely do better at it since they are not load bearing. Running still can be done for recovery, but usually it takes being well adapted to a fair amount of volume before it's only for recovery, as opposed to just a lighter workout (which can have some recovery effects).

Not sure if this is what you are asking, but first run of the day was the long run (supposed to be 2h14) and the second 40 min.  



  • WU: 20'
  • MS: 2x30' at HR Zone 2 then 5' HR Zone 1 in between sets.
  • 2x12 at HR Zone 3 then 5' HR Zone 1 in between sets again.
  • 10' at HR Zone 4
  • CD: 10' cool down
  • 2nd run of the day, 40' very easy!
2015-07-09 1:48 PM
in reply to: IronOx

Northern IL
Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.3 CLOSED (or Poptarts? Pet pics?)

Originally posted by IronOx

Originally posted by brigby1

Originally posted by IronOx

Originally posted by Asalzwed

Originally posted by brigby1

Originally posted by IronOx
Originally posted by Asalzwed
Originally posted by IronOx

Question for those of you who run twice in a day--how long after the first run do you do the second one?  I have two on my training plan for tomorrow, but it doesn't say how long between.

What's the purpose of having two?I run twice nearly every day. It's more about scheduling than sn exact amount of time for me. But it also depends on the purpose. If my second run is s quality session I want to be sure I'm recovered from the first. That recovery time will likely be pretty infividual.
first is long run, second is recovery.

Curious what plan this is that has running as the recovery activity, particularly the same day as the long run?

ETA: When I've run twice, it's normally separated by the work day.

I can definitely see how this structure can work really well. However, I am  surprised to see it in an IM plan. 

Why?  I mean to be honest I am too; it is the only one so far, and the only one I have seen in looking through the plan.  Curious for your thoughts.


I can see how it would work well too, but it would for someone with more mileage. I had assumed that the descriptor of "long" meant for the long run, is that the case? Or is it just one is longer than the other?

The surprise for me would be in the time crunch and having enough run volume in to where two runs is more beneficial. Also surprising was the use of running for recovery. For a runner fine, but swimming and cycling are also there for recovery. And likely do better at it since they are not load bearing. Running still can be done for recovery, but usually it takes being well adapted to a fair amount of volume before it's only for recovery, as opposed to just a lighter workout (which can have some recovery effects).

Not sure if this is what you are asking, but first run of the day was the long run (supposed to be 2h14) and the second 40 min.  



  • WU: 20'
  • MS: 2x30' at HR Zone 2 then 5' HR Zone 1 in between sets.
  • 2x12 at HR Zone 3 then 5' HR Zone 1 in between sets again.
  • 10' at HR Zone 4
  • CD: 10' cool down
  • 2nd run of the day, 40' very easy!

Ok. Taking an educated guess here, but think it's more like breaking up a long run to some extent. Getting more used to a lot of running in one day. There is some quality in the first run. A bit of a surprise, but more of the welcome kind. It's also really big so you get used to doing it all together. The later run isn't really a recovery run like we had been thinking. At least I'm not seeing it as one. It does emphasize very easy, but it's still 40' long and you're probably going to be fairly exhausted. So the point is to help get used to keep on going when really tired. Pushing the pace is not the goal. Just being on your feet and running at all is.

2015-07-09 2:10 PM
in reply to: laffinrock

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.3 CLOSED (or Poptarts? Pet pics?)

Originally posted by laffinrock

Had a good race yesterday.  It was rainy and muddy and I finished 18/19 OA but I feel really good about my time and performance.  Even with several 1 min. walking intervals, my average pace was 9:26 mpm, which is good for me, and I had enough left to put in a good hard effort at the end.  Plus we had 4 water crossings, which were a blast!

Felt a lot better about this race than the last one, mostly because my knee is feeling better and wasn't the limiting factor it was last time.  I'm not sure if it's because I'm only running 1x/week right now or because I'm using a knee band thingie, but even so, I'll take it.  I'll try to do a RR this weekend.  I'm getting a little behind.

I'm also feeling more positive about the bike route for my tri.  Thanks again for all the encouragement!

That is a blazing time, very good for you, especially when factoring in mud, rain, water crossings and a previously ouchie knee.  Great job!!!  Keep up the good work and keep that knee happy.

2015-07-09 2:12 PM
in reply to: brigby1

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.3 CLOSED (or Poptarts? Pet pics?)

Originally posted by brigby1

Originally posted by IronOx

Originally posted by brigby1

Originally posted by IronOx

Originally posted by Asalzwed

Originally posted by brigby1

Originally posted by IronOx
Originally posted by Asalzwed
Originally posted by IronOx

Question for those of you who run twice in a day--how long after the first run do you do the second one?  I have two on my training plan for tomorrow, but it doesn't say how long between.

What's the purpose of having two?I run twice nearly every day. It's more about scheduling than sn exact amount of time for me. But it also depends on the purpose. If my second run is s quality session I want to be sure I'm recovered from the first. That recovery time will likely be pretty infividual.
first is long run, second is recovery.

Curious what plan this is that has running as the recovery activity, particularly the same day as the long run?

ETA: When I've run twice, it's normally separated by the work day.

I can definitely see how this structure can work really well. However, I am  surprised to see it in an IM plan. 

Why?  I mean to be honest I am too; it is the only one so far, and the only one I have seen in looking through the plan.  Curious for your thoughts.


I can see how it would work well too, but it would for someone with more mileage. I had assumed that the descriptor of "long" meant for the long run, is that the case? Or is it just one is longer than the other?

The surprise for me would be in the time crunch and having enough run volume in to where two runs is more beneficial. Also surprising was the use of running for recovery. For a runner fine, but swimming and cycling are also there for recovery. And likely do better at it since they are not load bearing. Running still can be done for recovery, but usually it takes being well adapted to a fair amount of volume before it's only for recovery, as opposed to just a lighter workout (which can have some recovery effects).

Not sure if this is what you are asking, but first run of the day was the long run (supposed to be 2h14) and the second 40 min.  



  • WU: 20'
  • MS: 2x30' at HR Zone 2 then 5' HR Zone 1 in between sets.
  • 2x12 at HR Zone 3 then 5' HR Zone 1 in between sets again.
  • 10' at HR Zone 4
  • CD: 10' cool down
  • 2nd run of the day, 40' very easy!

Ok. Taking an educated guess here, but think it's more like breaking up a long run to some extent. Getting more used to a lot of running in one day. There is some quality in the first run. A bit of a surprise, but more of the welcome kind. It's also really big so you get used to doing it all together. The later run isn't really a recovery run like we had been thinking. At least I'm not seeing it as one. It does emphasize very easy, but it's still 40' long and you're probably going to be fairly exhausted. So the point is to help get used to keep on going when really tired. Pushing the pace is not the goal. Just being on your feet and running at all is.

Yeah I agree with you Ben, which to answer Kirsten's original question I would say to do the second run as soon as your schedule permits/ you are somewhat recovered. If the point really is to get used to running a lot in a day when you aren't ready/able to do it all at once, ie breaking up a long run.

2015-07-09 2:13 PM
in reply to: Asalzwed

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.3 CLOSED (or Poptarts? Pet pics?)

Also the first time I have seen a running workout referred to as MS


2015-07-09 2:21 PM
in reply to: Asalzwed

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.3 CLOSED (or Poptarts? Pet pics?)

Originally posted by Asalzwed

Also the first time I have seen a running workout referred to as MS


Well, this is a triathlon forum!

2015-07-09 2:28 PM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.3 CLOSED (or Poptarts? Pet pics?)

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by Asalzwed

Also the first time I have seen a running workout referred to as MS


Well, this is a triathlon forum!

huh I guess I must be lost

2015-07-09 2:30 PM
in reply to: Asalzwed

User image

Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.3 CLOSED (or Poptarts? Pet pics?)

Remind me again, do HR zones need to be re calibrated? 5 zones is a lot. How big is the difference between zone 4 and 5? 

2015-07-09 2:49 PM
in reply to: Asalzwed

Northern IL
Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.3 CLOSED (or Poptarts? Pet pics?)

Originally posted by Asalzwed

Also the first time I have seen a running workout referred to as MS


Well it does mean Main Set. A lot of runners would do well to understand that too.

2015-07-09 3:00 PM
in reply to: Asalzwed

Northern IL
Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.3 CLOSED (or Poptarts? Pet pics?)

Originally posted by Asalzwed

Remind me again, do HR zones need to be re calibrated? 5 zones is a lot. How big is the difference between zone 4 and 5? 

This should work for running too, though the actual HR numbers used may vary as threshold (100%) may vary some between them. Although there is some variation of zone definitions from one expert to the next, they largely try to say about the same thing. The difference between Z4 and Z5 is noteworthy though HR is not very good for Z5 work. The lag makes it hard to work with as the intervals are shorter. I-pace work, basically. Some try to use the peak to help see if they got there, but you can probably already see that pace is more helpful for much of the interval. Not sure I've really peaked past 106% much at all either.

HR zones tend to be fairly stable, changing more along with larger life changes. It can move some as one becomes more (or less) active, like when starting out, but it shouldn't really move as much from there. Fitness can change substantially though. Change in age can do things too, namely lower them, but this takes quite a while to do. I've used the same for years though more recently (the past year) I've found things to work a little better by dropping just a bit.

2015-07-09 3:10 PM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.3 CLOSED (or Poptarts? Pet pics?)

Originally posted by brigby1

Originally posted by Asalzwed

Remind me again, do HR zones need to be re calibrated? 5 zones is a lot. How big is the difference between zone 4 and 5? 

This should work for running too, though the actual HR numbers used may vary as threshold (100%) may vary some between them. Although there is some variation of zone definitions from one expert to the next, they largely try to say about the same thing. The difference between Z4 and Z5 is noteworthy though HR is not very good for Z5 work. The lag makes it hard to work with as the intervals are shorter. I-pace work, basically. Some try to use the peak to help see if they got there, but you can probably already see that pace is more helpful for much of the interval. Not sure I've really peaked past 106% much at all either.

HR zones tend to be fairly stable, changing more along with larger life changes. It can move some as one becomes more (or less) active, like when starting out, but it shouldn't really move as much from there. Fitness can change substantially though. Change in age can do things too, namely lower them, but this takes quite a while to do. I've used the same for years though more recently (the past year) I've found things to work a little better by dropping just a bit.

So when you are establishing these zones and you get more fit, how do you adjust?

Or do you need to? Sorry just thinking "aloud" here.

Your hr is just reflecting how hard you are working so if you run x:xx pace in zone 3 and then get more fit, you could run x:xx now in say zone 4, therefore the pace for zone 3 would get faster...right?

Edited by Asalzwed 2015-07-09 3:16 PM
2015-07-09 3:11 PM
in reply to: brigby1

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.3 CLOSED (or Poptarts? Pet pics?)

Originally posted by brigby1

Originally posted by Asalzwed

Also the first time I have seen a running workout referred to as MS


Well it does mean Main Set. A lot of runners would do well to understand that too.

haha I dunno, I like it being referred to as "THEE workout" so, TW

2015-07-09 3:18 PM
in reply to: Asalzwed

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.3 CLOSED (or Poptarts? Pet pics?)

Sorry, I am a little slow with this HR stuff. But the more and more I think about it the more it seems to make sense.

I just love that it seems to self-adjust for things like altitude, elevation gain, outside stress, heat etc.

2015-07-09 3:20 PM
in reply to: brigby1

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.3 CLOSED (or Poptarts? Pet pics?)

Originally posted by brigby1

Originally posted by IronOx

Originally posted by brigby1

Originally posted by IronOx

Originally posted by Asalzwed

Originally posted by brigby1

Originally posted by IronOx
Originally posted by Asalzwed
Originally posted by IronOx

Question for those of you who run twice in a day--how long after the first run do you do the second one?  I have two on my training plan for tomorrow, but it doesn't say how long between.

What's the purpose of having two?I run twice nearly every day. It's more about scheduling than sn exact amount of time for me. But it also depends on the purpose. If my second run is s quality session I want to be sure I'm recovered from the first. That recovery time will likely be pretty infividual.
first is long run, second is recovery.

Curious what plan this is that has running as the recovery activity, particularly the same day as the long run?

ETA: When I've run twice, it's normally separated by the work day.

I can definitely see how this structure can work really well. However, I am  surprised to see it in an IM plan. 

Why?  I mean to be honest I am too; it is the only one so far, and the only one I have seen in looking through the plan.  Curious for your thoughts.


I can see how it would work well too, but it would for someone with more mileage. I had assumed that the descriptor of "long" meant for the long run, is that the case? Or is it just one is longer than the other?

The surprise for me would be in the time crunch and having enough run volume in to where two runs is more beneficial. Also surprising was the use of running for recovery. For a runner fine, but swimming and cycling are also there for recovery. And likely do better at it since they are not load bearing. Running still can be done for recovery, but usually it takes being well adapted to a fair amount of volume before it's only for recovery, as opposed to just a lighter workout (which can have some recovery effects).

Not sure if this is what you are asking, but first run of the day was the long run (supposed to be 2h14) and the second 40 min.  



  • WU: 20'
  • MS: 2x30' at HR Zone 2 then 5' HR Zone 1 in between sets.
  • 2x12 at HR Zone 3 then 5' HR Zone 1 in between sets again.
  • 10' at HR Zone 4
  • CD: 10' cool down
  • 2nd run of the day, 40' very easy!

Ok. Taking an educated guess here, but think it's more like breaking up a long run to some extent. Getting more used to a lot of running in one day. There is some quality in the first run. A bit of a surprise, but more of the welcome kind. It's also really big so you get used to doing it all together. The later run isn't really a recovery run like we had been thinking. At least I'm not seeing it as one. It does emphasize very easy, but it's still 40' long and you're probably going to be fairly exhausted. So the point is to help get used to keep on going when really tired. Pushing the pace is not the goal. Just being on your feet and running at all is.

Okay, gotcha.  Thanks.  It does seem odd that it is the only one though--despite having done two other long runs of the same--they were just maybe 10 and 20 min shorter. (the Zone 3 parts were shorter by 5 and 10 minutes).  

Is it the length (40') that moves it from a recovery run to a 'time on your feet' in your opinion? 

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