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2008-02-21 8:24 PM
in reply to: #1227202

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
TriAya - 2008-02-21 7:52 PM
lastcall2003 - 2008-02-20 9:28 PM

ok - so I've made it to the gym 3 nights in a row - yaaay me!  LOL

I have to say I'm not overly impressed with the spin instructors so far

from my blog

Spinning class was ok - I have to say that so far, I'm not overly impressed with the instructors.  The gal tonight was acutally telling people to 'bounce it out' - I'm not 100% sure, but that doesn't seem like something good.  She also did some really crazy jump intervals - I just did my own thing - let them think I'm just old and can't do it - lol!

Yanti - thoughts?

She's high.

I have a laundry list of why, but let's go with the bouncing first--that's the #1 indication that your cadence is way too high. It means the momentum from the flywheel is being transferred into your lower back. And if you're bouncing on purpose--can you imagine force of flywheel + force of body pounding on all your joints?

I wrote a little about jumps on p. 23 in the Spinning(R) Class Tips, but basically--if you wouldn't do it on a road bike, don't do it on an indoor bike. Crazy jumps = poor form. And poor form is murder on your poor body.

That is all. I love ranting.

LOL - like I said, they can all just think I'm too old or whatever to do the 'jumps' - not going to do it

soooooooooooooo, let me throw some fuel on

she also was telling the class to "shift their body weight, ", "do whatever it takes"  to 'make through the climb'

I have to be honest - I was about ready to get off of my bike and say - let me run the class

ok, that's bad, I know, but really

2008-02-21 8:27 PM
in reply to: #1088776

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Pacific Northwest
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!

Perhaps we ought to have a team challenge--each person find a weakness in their training--I am sure we all have one--and set a goal and the loser(s) have to do something good for the world......not that the winners wouldn't also do good things, but you get my point....however, I don't want to get in between you two facing off, so do whatever you want!   

Here's an excerpt from today's log, regarding my stupid shoulder....

"So, my left shoulder is feeling a bit 'odd' again.  Nothing exciting like "I was climbing up the rock face when my shoulder started to ache" or "I reached down to grab the hand of my loved one dangling off the side of the building, and as I pulled him to safety, my rotator cuff gave me a familiar twinge". . . . nope...."My back itched so I reached around to scratch it. Ouch."  Sigh.  If it's not good by tomorrow I will swap my swim and run (Fri/Sat) and go from there."  Yes, I am irritated.

Regarding jumps on the spin bike--I quit doing them, and also quit "going aero"  (both thanks to Yanti's suggestions) and found my workouts remained pleasurable and fulfilling, and nobody paid any attention to what I did or didn't do anyway.  They keep the room almost pitch black, and the mirrors are behind the bike, so it ends up being a pretty private workout!  I realize I don't pay attention to anybody else in there, either.

2008-02-21 8:27 PM
in reply to: #1227267

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Extreme Veteran
Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
Fielding - 2008-02-21 8:20 PM
TriAya - 2008-02-21 6:01 PM

Erin, you and I totally need to do a one-on-one, Mentor v. Mentee Challenge, on getting in workouts early in the day. Something like loser has to donate a buck or two for each day LESS (or less than pledged) than the other to charity of other's choice.

Yanti, you are so on. Start right away? Or should we do it in March and we can each pledge a certain number of "early" workouts for the month? Hehe, our definition of early will probably make the others laugh and point at us. As far as I'm concerned, anything before noon is early (and no, 4 a.m. workouts before we've gone to bed totally don't count). What do you think?


Definately laughing here Erin!!     And I can TOTALLY see you two trying to count 4 am workouts before bed, LOL!  Nice call Erin!

2008-02-21 8:31 PM
in reply to: #1227282

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Extreme Veteran
Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
lastcall2003 - 2008-02-21 8:24 PM
TriAya - 2008-02-21 7:52 PM
lastcall2003 - 2008-02-20 9:28 PM

ok - so I've made it to the gym 3 nights in a row - yaaay me!  LOL

I have to say I'm not overly impressed with the spin instructors so far

from my blog

Spinning class was ok - I have to say that so far, I'm not overly impressed with the instructors.  The gal tonight was acutally telling people to 'bounce it out' - I'm not 100% sure, but that doesn't seem like something good.  She also did some really crazy jump intervals - I just did my own thing - let them think I'm just old and can't do it - lol!

Yanti - thoughts?

She's high.

I have a laundry list of why, but let's go with the bouncing first--that's the #1 indication that your cadence is way too high. It means the momentum from the flywheel is being transferred into your lower back. And if you're bouncing on purpose--can you imagine force of flywheel + force of body pounding on all your joints?

I wrote a little about jumps on p. 23 in the Spinning(R) Class Tips, but basically--if you wouldn't do it on a road bike, don't do it on an indoor bike. Crazy jumps = poor form. And poor form is murder on your poor body.

That is all. I love ranting.

LOL - like I said, they can all just think I'm too old or whatever to do the 'jumps' - not going to do it

soooooooooooooo, let me throw some fuel on

she also was telling the class to "shift their body weight, ", "do whatever it takes"  to 'make through the climb'

I have to be honest - I was about ready to get off of my bike and say - let me run the class

ok, that's bad, I know, but really

Let them think you are too old . . . meant to comment on that the first time - You TOTALLY crack me up!!!  Good thing you can handle this class without injuring yourself . . . poor newbies!  Sounds like you SHOULD be running it, dang!

2008-02-21 8:31 PM
in reply to: #1088776

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Victoria BC
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
Hey Peeps I am still around just busy with school and family still getting in some training.
2008-02-21 8:33 PM
in reply to: #1088776

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
Okay, Cool Kids--lots of fun stuff going down--there's gonna be a smackdown, whether it's between Erin and I or we make it a team smackdown (SOUNDS AWESOME, Leslie!!!) ... staging coups in Spinning(R) class ... but I gotta run and go watch Spirit of the Marathon! It should be a blast and hopefully get me a bit out of the training doldrums.

2008-02-21 8:35 PM
in reply to: #1227289

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Extreme Veteran
Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
Medusa_Ann - 2008-02-21 8:27 PM

Perhaps we ought to have a team challenge--each person find a weakness in their training--I am sure we all have one--and set a goal and the loser(s) have to do something good for the world......not that the winners wouldn't also do good things, but you get my point....however, I don't want to get in between you two facing off, so do whatever you want!   

Here's an excerpt from today's log, regarding my stupid shoulder....

"So, my left shoulder is feeling a bit 'odd' again.  Nothing exciting like "I was climbing up the rock face when my shoulder started to ache" or "I reached down to grab the hand of my loved one dangling off the side of the building, and as I pulled him to safety, my rotator cuff gave me a familiar twinge". . . . nope...."My back itched so I reached around to scratch it. Ouch."  Sigh.  If it's not good by tomorrow I will swap my swim and run (Fri/Sat) and go from there."  Yes, I am irritated.

Regarding jumps on the spin bike--I quit doing them, and also quit "going aero"  (both thanks to Yanti's suggestions) and found my workouts remained pleasurable and fulfilling, and nobody paid any attention to what I did or didn't do anyway.  They keep the room almost pitch black, and the mirrors are behind the bike, so it ends up being a pretty private workout!  I realize I don't pay attention to anybody else in there, either.

I'm up for a challenge like that . . . so many weaknesses to choose from, where to start? Haha 

Leslie, sorry about your shoulder   Unfortunately not all injuries can be glamorous haha  Hope it goes away as fast as it happened . . .  glad you are keeping a handle on it!

2008-02-21 8:37 PM
in reply to: #1227322

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Extreme Veteran
Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!

TriAya - 2008-02-21 8:33 PM Okay, Cool Kids--lots of fun stuff going down--there's gonna be a smackdown, whether it's between Erin and I or we make it a team smackdown (SOUNDS AWESOME, Leslie!!!) ... staging coups in Spinning(R) class ... but I gotta run and go watch Spirit of the Marathon! It should be a blast and hopefully get me a bit out of the training doldrums.

Yanti, ENJOY! 

I've got a ton to get done tonight too, so gotta run!  Talk to you all later!  Have a great night!


2008-02-21 8:55 PM
in reply to: #1088776

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Victoria BC
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
Well after a bad week last week this week hasn't been to bad 9k run on sunday another 5 something on Tuesday and 1000m swim last night and another 750 today things are looking up!! still need 1250 m for my monthly swim goal for the challenge but I should get it. I mean I WILL GET IT
2008-02-21 8:57 PM
in reply to: #1227311

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
rreischl - 2008-02-21 8:31 PM

Let them think you are too old . . . meant to comment on that the first time - You TOTALLY crack me up!!!  Good thing you can handle this class without injuring yourself . . . poor newbies!  Sounds like you SHOULD be running it, dang!


I keep forgetting that you have actually met me in person

I count my blessings that I had a great instructor - and lots of help to get started!

2008-02-21 9:08 PM
in reply to: #1226517

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!

rreischl - 2008-02-21 2:11 PM Hey, look at that, I'm a Veteran!  YAY!!


2008-02-22 1:00 AM
in reply to: #1227289

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Berkeley, Calif.
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
First, I love the team challenge idea. It definitely seems like we could all use the motivation.


So, my left shoulder is feeling a bit 'odd' again. Nothing exciting like "I was climbing up the rock face when my shoulder started to ache" or "I reached down to grab the hand of my loved one dangling off the side of the building, and as I pulled him to safety, my rotator cuff gave me a familiar twinge". . . . nope...."My back itched so I reached around to scratch it. Ouch.

I am so sorry, but hahaha! That reminds me of when I strained a muscle in my forearm a few years ago. I was at the doctor's office getting something else checked out and mentioned the arm injury. Doc asked what I'd done and I said I didn't know, so we brainstormed a bit. And then it came to me: the power steering had gone out on my car. I actually pulled a muscle driving my car. So embarrassing.


NOON?!! Definately laughing here Erin!!

I know!!! But I suspect Yanti will agree with me on this one. See, for me on weekdays my workouts would have to be by 8 a.m. or earlier because of work, but on weekends? Anything before noon is *totally* early in my book. *g*

Yanti: Make sure you give us a review of the movie! I'd been thinking about going but I totally forgot tonight was the showing. Damn.

2008-02-22 9:21 AM
in reply to: #1088776

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Oceanside, CA
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
Looks like I'm home, today - my car is flooded, again. We had heavy rains last night and my poor little convertible top just couldn't take the deluge. It's happened before, but I thought what the problem was had been fixed, since it hasn't happened the last few times it rained. Guess not. I'm waiting on the rain to slack up some and go out and mop up as much as I can then put a cover over it to keep more from getting in. So, that's my "wine and cheese" for the morning.

A mentor/ee challenge??? I failed miserably at the last challenge I attempted and am almost afraid to even think about getting into another one, but I'm competitive enough to know that something like this will push me more than not doing one.
2008-02-22 12:31 PM
in reply to: #1228092

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!

MrsUSMC - 2008-02-22 9:21 AM Looks like I'm home, today - my car is flooded, again. We had heavy rains last night and my poor little convertible top just couldn't take the deluge. It's happened before, but I thought what the problem was had been fixed, since it hasn't happened the last few times it rained. Guess not. I'm waiting on the rain to slack up some and go out and mop up as much as I can then put a cover over it to keep more from getting in. So, that's my "wine and cheese" for the morning. A mentor/ee challenge??? I failed miserably at the last challenge I attempted and am almost afraid to even think about getting into another one, but I'm competitive enough to know that something like this will push me more than not doing one.

about the car - it's kind of nice to get a day at home though


2008-02-22 12:32 PM
in reply to: #1088776

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
i'm stuck in PA tonight due to the winter storm out here
2008-02-22 1:01 PM
in reply to: #1228092

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Berkeley, Calif.
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
MrsUSMC - 2008-02-22 7:21 AM

Looks like I'm home, today - my car is flooded, again.

Man, that sucks a lot. It also reminds me to check and make sure the sunroof on my car is closed...

I didn't make it running this morning -- it was raining pretty hard when I woke up, and while I'm not entirely opposed to running in the rain, running first thing in the morning in the rain? No thank you. (Yep, I will take any excuse to not get up early and exercise.)

Tonight I've got an hour swim and then either a 30-minute run or an hour on the stationary bike, or both. I'm guessing I'll just do the run, but it depends on whether my friends want to hang out.

What about you guys?

2008-02-22 1:14 PM
in reply to: #1088776

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Pacific Northwest
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!

What's this talk about sunroofs and convertibles?  We don't have those up here too often!  (Although my father-in-law does have a new convertible Corvette that I can borrow....I digress.....) Sorry about the flooding!  Ugh!

I was supposed to do a long swim today but swapped it for my short run for two reasons--one, my shoulder still feels a bit off, and two, it is sunny at 58 degrees here!  I ran in shorts and a t-shirt and it was awesome. Spring feels so close....hurry up!!!  Tomorrow I will swim, after a kids' birthday party and a haircut (mine).

Happy Friday!  Sorry you are stuck in PA for weather, Beth, wah!!!!!

2008-02-22 6:34 PM
in reply to: #1088776

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Berkeley, Calif.
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
Guys, I'm feeling depressed about my swimming lately. Two things sort of set this off.

First, a couple days ago I was just cruising around the internet and stumbled across the website for one of the Masters groups in my area. They say that in order to join you should really be able to comfortably swim a 2:00/100y pace. Which is fine, I know I'm not there yet. Except that they say that if you're new to swimming and can't swim that fast, you might want to consider taking a couple of lessons and then sign up. And that's where I got depressed, because I've done the lessons and I'm really not even close to that pace.

That alone wouldn't have bothered me, but then yesterday I decided to look up last year's race results for the tri I'm doing next weekend. And if my race is anything like last year's, I will be the slowest swimmer by far. Last year, the slowest swimmer did 550 yards in 12 minutes. (Actually, one woman took 26 minutes, but obviously something was going horribly wrong there.) At this point, I can probably swim 500 yards in 13 minutes. So yeah, that puts me way behind everyone else.

I know I shouldn't let this bother me, and the swim is so short that even if I suck at it, if I do reasonably well on the bike and run I'll still come in MOP overall. I just hate that my swimming is so awful, and I hate that I don't know what to do to fix it. I've been swimming for almost a year, and it's not like I've been slacking at it either, and I've done the coaching. It's especially frustrating when I see all the folks here who came in with no swimming experience, just like me, and a couple months later they're swimming 2-minute 100s. Which is still BOP, but perfectly acceptable for a newbie.


OK, venting over. I'm usually not such a whiner, I promise! Maybe I'll do my long run tonight after I swim, just to make myself feel better.

2008-02-22 6:50 PM
in reply to: #1229920

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Extreme Veteran
Glendora, CA
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
hey fielding i feel your pain. for my day job i work for the Army. they have a yearly fitness performance review pushups/situps/2 mile run. i can handle to pushups and situps, but to score 70% on the 2 mile run-i have to deliver it in under 15 minutes. i am trying to become the runner that can go maybe 10 minutes per mile. these guys that i run with routines go 14 minutes for the 2 miles while i come lumbering in at around 22-24 minutes. we all know what our limits are and i do feel your pain.
2008-02-22 6:52 PM
in reply to: #1227322

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Extreme Veteran
Glendora, CA
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
TriAya - 2008-02-21 6:33 PM

Okay, Cool Kids--lots of fun stuff going down--there's gonna be a smackdown, whether it's between Erin and I or we make it a team smackdown (SOUNDS AWESOME, Leslie!!!) ... staging coups in Spinning(R) class ... but I gotta run and go watch Spirit of the Marathon! It should be a blast and hopefully get me a bit out of the training doldrums.

so how as the movie-i have heard that it is a unique look at marathoning...did it motivate you to go out and drop a quick ten miles today??? always thanks for all of your insights into everything yanti-your index rocks by the way.
2008-02-22 8:01 PM
in reply to: #1229920

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!

Fielding - 2008-02-22 6:34 PM Guys, I'm feeling depressed about my swimming lately. Two things sort of set this off. First, a couple days ago I was just cruising around the internet and stumbled across the website for one of the Masters groups in my area. They say that in order to join you should really be able to comfortably swim a 2:00/100y pace. Which is fine, I know I'm not there yet. Except that they say that if you're new to swimming and can't swim that fast, you might want to consider taking a couple of lessons and then sign up. And that's where I got depressed, because I've done the lessons and I'm really not even close to that pace. That alone wouldn't have bothered me, but then yesterday I decided to look up last year's race results for the tri I'm doing next weekend. And if my race is anything like last year's, I will be the slowest swimmer by far. Last year, the slowest swimmer did 550 yards in 12 minutes. (Actually, one woman took 26 minutes, but obviously something was going horribly wrong there.) At this point, I can probably swim 500 yards in 13 minutes. So yeah, that puts me way behind everyone else. I know I shouldn't let this bother me, and the swim is so short that even if I suck at it, if I do reasonably well on the bike and run I'll still come in MOP overall. I just hate that my swimming is so awful, and I hate that I don't know what to do to fix it. I've been swimming for almost a year, and it's not like I've been slacking at it either, and I've done the coaching. It's especially frustrating when I see all the folks here who came in with no swimming experience, just like me, and a couple months later they're swimming 2-minute 100s. Which is still BOP, but perfectly acceptable for a newbie. *sigh* OK, venting over. I'm usually not such a whiner, I promise! Maybe I'll do my long run tonight after I swim, just to make myself feel better.

so, one thing to think about - is this

tri's are rarely won in the swim - it's the shortest part of the event, trust me - I am consistently in the top 5 of my age group when it comes to the swim - and the MOP or BOP when it comes to overall results

focus on feeling strong enough to make it comfortably through the swim and on to your strengths


2008-02-22 8:06 PM
in reply to: #1230027

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Berkeley, Calif.
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
lastcall2003 - 2008-02-22 6:01 PM

so, one thing to think about - is this

tri's are rarely won in the swim - it's the shortest part of the event, trust me - I am consistently in the top 5 of my age group when it comes to the swim - and the MOP or BOP when it comes to overall results

focus on feeling strong enough to make it comfortably through the swim and on to your strengths

I know, I know. If I can do as well as I did on the bike and run in my two-thirds tri last November, then I'll be very MOP overall next week. I just don't want to be DFL in the swim. I wouldn't even mind being BOP! Actually, what I really, really don't want is to be very last out of the water. I know we start in waves, but I can't tell if it's an age group start or an estimated swim time start (the website is unclear and says it's based on both). If it's age group, I'm probably fine. Estimated swim time...yeek.

Anyway, you're totally right, I should stop worrying about the swim time and focus on keeping strong for the rest of the race. Thanks for the pep talk, Beth.

I'll just keep chanting "better DFL than DNF".

Edited by Fielding 2008-02-22 8:07 PM
2008-02-22 8:17 PM
in reply to: #1230038

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!

Fielding - 2008-02-22 8:06 PM

I know, I know. If I can do as well as I did on the bike and run in my two-thirds tri last November, then I'll be very MOP overall next week. I just don't want to be DFL in the swim. I wouldn't even mind being BOP! Actually, what I really, really don't want is to be very last out of the water. I know we start in waves, but I can't tell if it's an age group start or an estimated swim time start (the website is unclear and says it's based on both). If it's age group, I'm probably fine. Estimated swim time...yeek. Anyway, you're totally right, I should stop worrying about the swim time and focus on keeping strong for the rest of the race. Thanks for the pep talk, Beth. I'll just keep chanting "better DFL than DNF".

hey, that's what we're here for!

try not to worry about the swim portion - trust me - no one really even notices who is last out of the water - you will be fine!


2008-02-22 9:38 PM
in reply to: #1229920

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Victoria BC
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
Fielding - 2008-02-22 4:34 PM

That alone wouldn't have bothered me, but then yesterday I decided to look up last year's race results for the tri I'm doing next weekend. And if my race is anything like last year's, I will be the slowest swimmer by far. Last year, the slowest swimmer did 550 yards in 12 minutes. (Actually, one woman took 26 minutes, but obviously something was going horribly wrong there.) At this point, I can probably swim 500 yards in 13 minutes. So yeah, that puts me way behind everyone else.

I wish I could do 500m in 13 min. I was like 23 for 750. When I registered for my race I got an email back verifying my swim estimate because of the time. They may have to make a special arrangement for me to get the swim in they said
2008-02-23 3:04 AM
in reply to: #1229920

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!

Erin on feeling like you suck at swimming

First, I have to tell you about my incredible and deep admiration for you. It's very easy and enjoyable to do something one is good at. But to throw yourself heart and body into something you struggle with, to rise to the challenge, to persist--that's the stuff of champions. You're a brilliant, energetic, and passionate lady--you could do any sport you want, and you picked triathlon, and you continue to do the admirable thing by training your weakness. Super kudos.


Fielding - 2008-02-22 5:34 PM Guys, I'm feeling depressed about my swimming lately.

Totally understandable. Swimming is extraordinarily technical, and as we've said in this thread before--there are a gazillion dimensions going on--arms, legs, up, down, forward, side-to-side, breathe in, breathe out, etc., all at once. 

I've done the lessons and I'm really not even close to that pace.

Here's where swimming IS a bit like the bike--at one point (and several more thereafter), something will click, and you will be able to stay in that groove and be consistently faster. You'll keep having more of those points, too--another thing will click, etc. Swim improvements--as these techniques "click"--tend to come in fits and starts, not a nice straight diagonal line up.  

I will be the slowest swimmer by far. Last year, the slowest swimmer did 550 yards in 12 minutes. (Actually, one woman took 26 minutes, but obviously something was going horribly wrong there.) At this point, I can probably swim 500 yards in 13 minutes.

Not to put too fine a point on it, but that's not just you--it's also a function of participating in what is a somewhat anomalous/small tri. Considering that 2:00/100 is pretty much average, 2:00+/100 is just on the lower end of average, definitely not BOP in most tris.

It's especially frustrating when I see all the folks here who came in with no swimming experience, just like me, and a couple months later they're swimming 2-minute 100s.

Those folks are the vast minority. Of COURSE they're going to post a wonderful success, and rightly so, but for every one that does, there are ten others who are not posting about how they feel like dog balls about their swimming.

You've also gotten waylaid by an injury/strain, and that happens. Be gentle with yourself. You are doing an amazing job.

This brings Rick (he posts as Daremo) to mind. The man is a monster. He WILL go to Kona. He is unbelievably good.

He sucks at swimming. (Sorry, Rick! Just watch--this is the ONE POST in here you'll read. ) He's worked really hard, for a long time, to get better, and though he's come a long way from doing all breaststroke in his first HIM, he still pretty much sucks.

He could stick to duathlons and win shmyte. A lot. Or just do running and cycling road races and keep on being awesome. But he persists in the swim. For this, he has my greatest respect and admiration.

Oh, and believe me--it really hasn't kept him from doing well in tri. Bethie is right--swim is such a tiny part of it. Pick races where the swim is proportionally very short.

I don't know if my position is worse or not, but I'm usually one of the first out of the water, and then there's this giant wind sound and a vortex is created as hordes of cyclists whizz by me. I would be demoralized, but I'm too busy honking my turtle horn to notice.

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