BT Development Mentor Program Archives » TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry! Rss Feed  
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2008-03-10 1:24 PM
in reply to: #1263279

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Berkeley, Calif.
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
ldatug - 2008-03-10 11:14 AM

Okay, I suck...I've been gone for so long, but the dissertation was KILLING me and something had to be cut from my ridiculously busy life. Unfortunately it was posting here.

Well, the final dissertation draft was turned in this morning, so I'M BAAAAAACK!!!! I hope you will take me back since I've been MIA for so long!

Guess what? I've got my FIRST triathlon THIS WEEKEND!!!!! I am scared shitless. I am especially terrified by the bike. I feel really confident with the swim and the run. I won't be fast, but I won't be embarrasingly slow. I just haven't had time to get out on the 'real' bike and have never ridden it as long as I will need to this weekend (I have on the trainer and on a stationary, just not on the road). There is nowhere around here to ride, so when I go on the road it's a lot of stopping and starting.

Any advice from you more experienced triathloners? What do you wear? I am especially worried about this while riding the bike wet from the swim.

Woohoo! That's so awesome about the dissertation! Congratulations, Laura. (Also, that's totally the best excuse ever for not having time to post here. You are off the hook.)

I'm obviously no expert at all (having done only 1 and 2/3 triathlons, heh), but I still feel confident telling you to not worry one bit about your race, and the bike in particular. You're going to have a great time. Just try to take it easy this week and trust that your body is ready to go (because it totally is). Focus on having fun (because you totally will).

As for what to wear, do you have tri shorts? Those seem to be key. I swam in tri shorts and a sports bra under my wetsuit and slipped on a shirt in transition, and that worked fine for me. I do think the tri shorts are pretty key because they get wet but not squishy, and they dry really fast. I didn't even notice being wet on the bike. Anyway, you could probably buy a pair at REI or a running store.

2008-03-10 1:26 PM
in reply to: #1088776

Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!

Thanks Erin!

 I have a trisuit that I'm going to wear throughout, but I'm worried about what to put over it for the bike.  I'm worried that I'm going to freeze to death.

2008-03-10 1:33 PM
in reply to: #1263315

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
ldatug - 2008-03-10 1:26 PM

Thanks Erin!

 I have a trisuit that I'm going to wear throughout, but I'm worried about what to put over it for the bike.  I'm worried that I'm going to freeze to death.

It's really hard to pull a bike jersey on, but surprisingly easy to pull a long-sleeved tech shirt on. Make a game-day decision about whether to also put a windbreaker/shell on over that. They are all breathable, so even if it warms up, you should be able to keep cool through them.

Oh, and bike gloves. If you haven't any, something with leather pads on the fingers or just leather gloves will do fine.

2008-03-10 6:56 PM
in reply to: #1263332

Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
TriAya - 2008-03-10 2:33 PM
ldatug - 2008-03-10 1:26 PM

Thanks Erin!

 I have a trisuit that I'm going to wear throughout, but I'm worried about what to put over it for the bike.  I'm worried that I'm going to freeze to death.

It's really hard to pull a bike jersey on, but surprisingly easy to pull a long-sleeved tech shirt on. Make a game-day decision about whether to also put a windbreaker/shell on over that. They are all breathable, so even if it warms up, you should be able to keep cool through them.

Oh, and bike gloves. If you haven't any, something with leather pads on the fingers or just leather gloves will do fine.

 I took your advice and bought a tech shirt today.  I wore it over my trisuit on the bike and it worked great!

2008-03-10 8:40 PM
in reply to: #1262303

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Victoria BC
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
TriAya - 2008-03-09 11:57 PM

ShawnC13 - 2008-03-08 4:08 PM Have fun at Disney Land!!! I just got back in from my longest ride ever and it isn't even that far. was a 2 hour ride so I am happy with that and a great jump on the Peep Wars!!

Congrats, Shawn! It is awesome to see your progress ... longest ride ever is a GREAT JOB no matter how far. Two hours is a beast ... like you.

Yes thanks it was good to get out there. I was riding with 7 people training for IronMan Canada so they were quite surprised to hear that the farthest I had ever ridden was 20 k on my mountain bike.
2008-03-10 11:29 PM
in reply to: #1264296

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Extreme Veteran
Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!

I know I said I'd read tonight, but I gotta get to bed - DANG!  I've gotta make spin in a few hours!  Work is really busy again, so I can't miss my opportunities to train!  I was hoping to shop for a bike tonight, but worked too late - hopefully tomorrow night!

I did register for my first tri today and booked airline tickets!   It will be an International distance at the Playtri in Iriving TX on April 13 - ONLY ONE MONTH AWAY!!  Now it feels REAL.  I have a TON to learn before then . . .

Can someone tell me - do I need to have another person there with me - in my transition area??

I hope to find more time to catchup with you all soon!  I hope you are all doing well!!


2008-03-11 4:15 PM
in reply to: #1264587

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Berkeley, Calif.
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
rreischl - 2008-03-10 9:29 PM

I did register for my first tri today and booked airline tickets! It will be an International distance at the Playtri in Iriving TX on April 13 - ONLY ONE MONTH AWAY!! Now it feels REAL. I have a TON to learn before then . . .

Can someone tell me - do I need to have another person there with me - in my transition area??

I hope to find more time to catchup with you all soon! I hope you are all doing well!!


Yay! Congratulations, Renee! I'm so excited for you.

To answer your question, nope, you don't need another person with you (in fact, I believe most races don't allow non-athletes in the transition area). It's great to have some cheerleaders to motivate you along the way, but you won't need anyone in the transition area. If you need help -- I need someone to zip up my wetsuit, for example -- you can just ask another athlete.

2008-03-12 11:54 AM
in reply to: #1088776

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Pacific Northwest
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!

I got back from Disneyland last night....lots to tell....great weather.  I will have to catch up on reading as soon as I can get more screen time.  Just wanted to say hi, that I am back, and that I will be back on my workout schedule asap!!

2008-03-12 1:46 PM
in reply to: #1267293

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
Medusa_Ann - 2008-03-12 11:54 AM

I got back from Disneyland last night....lots to tell....great weather.  I will have to catch up on reading as soon as I can get more screen time.  Just wanted to say hi, that I am back, and that I will be back on my workout schedule asap!!

Welcome back, Leslie!

A holiday does wonders for one's health and fitness. Get back to your workout schedule at your leisure.

2008-03-12 2:21 PM
in reply to: #1264587

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
rreischl - 2008-03-10 11:29 PM

I know I said I'd read tonight, but I gotta get to bed - DANG!  I've gotta make spin in a few hours!  Work is really busy again, so I can't miss my opportunities to train!  I was hoping to shop for a bike tonight, but worked too late - hopefully tomorrow night!

I did register for my first tri today and booked airline tickets!   It will be an International distance at the Playtri in Iriving TX on April 13 - ONLY ONE MONTH AWAY!!  Now it feels REAL.  I have a TON to learn before then . . .

Can someone tell me - do I need to have another person there with me - in my transition area??

I hope to find more time to catchup with you all soon!  I hope you are all doing well!!


How exciting! You are very well prepared, even for the international distance. Oh, you will have such a blast!

Like Erin said, no one else in transition area (and read the rules--you may not be allowed to return to the transition area except by way of having finished the swim ... just means be extra careful in setting it up 'cause you can't go back to add or change anything once you leave).

Practice changing a tyre a few times, and put the necessary tyre-changing gear in your saddle bag (extra tube, CO2 cartridge + adapter, tyre levers, patch kit, instruction sheet). This almost always prevents tyre flatting

2008-03-12 8:58 PM
in reply to: #1267804

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Extreme Veteran
Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
TriAya - 2008-03-12 2:21 PM
rreischl - 2008-03-10 11:29 PM

I know I said I'd read tonight, but I gotta get to bed - DANG!  I've gotta make spin in a few hours!  Work is really busy again, so I can't miss my opportunities to train!  I was hoping to shop for a bike tonight, but worked too late - hopefully tomorrow night!

I did register for my first tri today and booked airline tickets!   It will be an International distance at the Playtri in Iriving TX on April 13 - ONLY ONE MONTH AWAY!!  Now it feels REAL.  I have a TON to learn before then . . .

Can someone tell me - do I need to have another person there with me - in my transition area??

I hope to find more time to catchup with you all soon!  I hope you are all doing well!!


How exciting! You are very well prepared, even for the international distance. Oh, you will have such a blast!

Like Erin said, no one else in transition area (and read the rules--you may not be allowed to return to the transition area except by way of having finished the swim ... just means be extra careful in setting it up 'cause you can't go back to add or change anything once you leave).

Practice changing a tyre a few times, and put the necessary tyre-changing gear in your saddle bag (extra tube, CO2 cartridge + adapter, tyre levers, patch kit, instruction sheet). This almost always prevents tyre flatting

Thanks Erin and Yanti!!  I am super excited, but getting more nervous by the minute.  Only a month and soooo much to learn.  At least I can FINALLY get outside to do some training -  which means I can finally get a bike.

I love your theory on preventing flats Yanti - I'm sure you're right LOL!!  Ohhh I need to learn how to do that . . . oh ya, AND how to ride the dang bikes!!!

I went bike shopping yesterday . . . woah!  They ride WAY different than my mountain bike . . . I wasn't too comfortable on it and was a little afraid of going fast and crashing - totally not like me!  I need lots of practice this month - just as soon as I find a bike that is

I may go to an awesome store in MN Sunday.  I have a friend that lives near there and I may drive up and try to find one that day . . . I wasn't happy with my shop - they really tried to rush me & didn't really help me?  It is hard to pick which feels best when none are adjusted for me and when they all feel foreign/uncomfy to me.  Any suggestions on how to pick one?  The store in MN and something else I read both recommend a tri bike, with aero bars, even for beginners.  In any case, I need to adjust to a whole different type of bike.  Is it just as well to learn the aero bars at the same time?  Do you all have any opinion on weather I should start with a road bike or a tri bike?

Thanks as always for any input!


2008-03-12 8:59 PM
in reply to: #1267293

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Extreme Veteran
Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
Medusa_Ann - 2008-03-12 11:54 AM

I got back from Disneyland last night....lots to tell....great weather.  I will have to catch up on reading as soon as I can get more screen time.  Just wanted to say hi, that I am back, and that I will be back on my workout schedule asap!!

Welcome back Leslie!  Can't wait to hear about your trip! 

2008-03-12 9:26 PM
in reply to: #1088776

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Pacific Northwest
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!

It's fun seeing race season revving up!!  All winter long, all this working out, and finally a race here, a race there, and before you know it we will be reading RRs constantly!  Woo hoo! 

You asked for it.....

OK:  A (not so) quick synopsis of my Disney trip....but first, a small world story.

Saturday AM:  I worked for the University of WA at a conference for pediatricians working on some communication skills.  The groups of docs were broken up into three groups, and each doc got to role play one 'case' with a mom and kid. I played a mom (easy gig).  So, the first doc to role play with me was my current pediatrician!  This is a group of docs from all over the state etc etc, so what are the odds of that?  Well, the last doc to role play with me was my first pediatrician with my oldest child before we moved.  Then, on the airplane, the doc that was leading the session in which I role played with both of the afore-mentioned docs got on the plane and sat right behind me.  And at the airport we ran into a good friend getting off the tram as we were getting on.  Anyway....I found it interesting.  You may not.  And it has nothing to do with anything!

Sat PM: Flew to LAX, took bus to hotel, set clocks ahead and planned to get up freakin' early for early park entrance day.

Sun AM:  Arrived in D-land at 7:15 AM! (brain says it was 615).  Rode Nemo Subs, rockets, star tours, space mountain.  Ran into my dad and sister, saw the Asimo robot demo (my oldest son's very favorite thing in the world).   At Big Thunder Mtn RR, I won a pass randomly to get to the front of all the big ride lines, and by using parent swapping, we could go on the roller coasters at both parks with no waiting!  That was fun, but it was only on Sunday.  We met my cousin, wife and their new baby for dinner, then passed out.  Well, the boys did. I went solo to California adventure to ride coasters by myself with my handy pass until closing time!!  California Screamin' rocked!!  Tower of Terror sucked! Oh well.

Monday 2:45 AM....awakened by profanity from husband in other bed.  D had thrown up all over.  Changed kid, changed sheets, changed everyone into different sleeping arrangement.  Every hour throwing up continued.  I had reservations at 9 for a character breakfast, so I met my sister there with S (2 yr old) and her son, also 2.  They had the best time in the whole world. I have THE cutest video ever of S and Pluto cavorting.  It was great.  I was fully happy.  Dad showed up and we all went to California Adventure, rode a couple of rides including Grizzly Rapids in which I became soaked completely and totally.  Not an inch of dry on me. Sister and I took the youngest kids to the hotel for a nap and my dad, hubby and D stayed at the park.  That became a meltdown, which took a great deal of my time to resolve, but we all ended up ok and went back to the park for a little bit more fun (including two more trips on California Screamin'!), an awesome parade, and then to Disney for even more rides  (Indiana Jones) and dinner.  Finally made it to the hotel and had a beer.  Of course, S took a header off a chair into a granite table and about gave me a heart attack.  He was ok, just has a bruise between his brows.  Bed time.

Tuesday AM: Took both kids to the character breakfast. They had a great time but wouldn't eat.  I made up for it with the pork group. Oops.    Went to Disney and rode Autopia, found my dad, rode some more rides, including Pirates of the Caribbean, Jungle Cruise (again) and Haunted Mansion.  D rode the train around with my dad for the mansion portion, as he wasn't in the mood for many more rides (he didn't feel good, coupled with his high anxiety).  D-land does not have much for a quadriplegic to do, as far as rides go.  There were a few, like the winnie the pooh ride and the steam boat...but really not nearly as much as there should be in this day and age.  Took the bus to LAX.  D had the biggest meltdown in security (this is an understatement, I cannot even put into words the volume and insanity of this).  And I had to wake S to remove him from his stroller there, and he started screaming.....all the while I had all the carryons since they were patting down my husband like he was a major threat to the world.  So I had two screaming kids, 4 carryons and a stroller, nobody had on shoes...and it was comical.  Thankfully the gate was nearby and D fell immediately asleep and awoke feeling great.  S screamed for the final half hour of the flight, but home is home and here we are.  I had a great time, even with some of the craziness.  I won't do it again soon, however.  I am tired.

Edited by Medusa_Ann 2008-03-12 9:26 PM
2008-03-13 2:59 AM
in reply to: #1088776

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Berkeley, Calif.
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
Leslie, I am exhausted reading that DR (for Disney Report, of course). That is insanity! But it sounds like you guys had an amazing time. I love so much that you ditched the family and hit California Adventure for the roller coasters (the big one, Screamin' something?, is pretty cool -- we tricked my mom into going on it a few years ago by telling her it definitely did not have a loop). Anyway, I figure no trip to Disneyland is complete without at least one major meltdown, and it sounds like you guys had that covered. *g*

Also, you have the very best sense of humor. The image of you with two screaming kids and four carry-ons is killer.

It's great to have you back! And you're so right about the race season kicking off. I love going through this with all of you -- I'm excited about my own races, but honestly? I'm just as excited about everyone else's. We're going to kick so much .
2008-03-13 2:15 PM
in reply to: #1268619

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!

First: TRI or ROAD bike?

Hi, Renee!

As Erin said, we are all getting excited with you--and getting excited about each other's tris! (I must make a chart or something--and we're getting on to p. 50 so time for another index as well).

You'll get a lot of different opinions on this, and this was a similar decision I was making a few months ago (but wound up keeping my Auntie Em bike anyway, ha ha).

The people I trusted most said, given a big learning curve anyway (as you said, the bikes all feel strange), you may as well go with a tri bike.

The thing about aero, too, is that road bikes really aren't built or designed for that, and while you may not be FASTER on a tri bike (at least at first), it goes a long way in sparing your legs for the run.

Have a wonderful time bike shopping!

2008-03-13 9:29 PM
in reply to: #1088776

Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!

I'm off to the beach for the triathlon!!!!  I'm SO excited but I'm also terrified!!  Wish me luck!

I'll check in Saturday afternoon after the race.  My swim time is 10:44, so I won't be done until after lunch time.

2008-03-13 10:29 PM
in reply to: #1271193

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Pacific Northwest
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
ldatug - 2008-03-13 7:29 PM

I'm off to the beach for the triathlon!!!!  I'm SO excited but I'm also terrified!!  Wish me luck!

I'll check in Saturday afternoon after the race.  My swim time is 10:44, so I won't be done until after lunch time.


We will be looking forward to your race report!  I know you will have a good time, just relax and enjoy it!  And oh yeah, work hard, too! 

2008-03-13 11:15 PM
in reply to: #1088776

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Victoria BC
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
Hey all a quick stop and check in I am done school for year 2 of my electrical apprenticeship and finished with 93% jsut got in from some drinks witht he class what a great time now it is back to work on monday after 10 weeks YIKES!!!
2008-03-13 11:28 PM
in reply to: #1271193

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
ldatug - 2008-03-13 7:29 PM

I'm off to the beach for the triathlon!!!!  I'm SO excited but I'm also terrified!!  Wish me luck!

I'll check in Saturday afternoon after the race.  My swim time is 10:44, so I won't be done until after lunch time.

Laura, you are going to be fantastic. You are very well prepared for this race, and the whole point is just to get in there and HAVE FUN!!! You're on a bit of a breather academically, you've had some taper--let loose and REVEL in every moment of your first triathlon.

Edited by TriAya 2008-03-13 11:28 PM

(good luck.gif)

good luck.gif (18KB - 9 downloads)
2008-03-14 12:20 AM
in reply to: #1271193

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Berkeley, Calif.
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
ldatug - 2008-03-13 7:29 PM

I'm off to the beach for the triathlon!!!! I'm SO excited but I'm also terrified!! Wish me luck!

I'll check in Saturday afternoon after the race. My swim time is 10:44, so I won't be done until after lunch time.

YAY YAY YAY! I'm so excited for you. Good luck and have a great time! We'll all be cheering for you (quietly, in our heads) on Saturday.

2008-03-14 12:49 AM
in reply to: #1271193

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Extreme Veteran
Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
ldatug - 2008-03-13 9:29 PM

I'm off to the beach for the triathlon!!!!  I'm SO excited but I'm also terrified!!  Wish me luck!

I'll check in Saturday afternoon after the race.  My swim time is 10:44, so I won't be done until after lunch time.

SUPER EXCITED for you!!!  GOOD LUCK and HAVE FUN!!  We will be thinking of you!

2008-03-14 1:16 AM
in reply to: #1270311

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Extreme Veteran
Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
TriAya - 2008-03-13 2:15 PM

First: TRI or ROAD bike?

Hi, Renee!

As Erin said, we are all getting excited with you--and getting excited about each other's tris! (I must make a chart or something--and we're getting on to p. 50 so time for another index as well).

You'll get a lot of different opinions on this, and this was a similar decision I was making a few months ago (but wound up keeping my Auntie Em bike anyway, ha ha).

The people I trusted most said, given a big learning curve anyway (as you said, the bikes all feel strange), you may as well go with a tri bike.

The thing about aero, too, is that road bikes really aren't built or designed for that, and while you may not be FASTER on a tri bike (at least at first), it goes a long way in sparing your legs for the run.

Have a wonderful time bike shopping!


Thanks Yanti!!!  This was a HUGE help in me deciding what to do this weekend!  So I am taking off Sat night on a nice 7 hour drive, arriving in St Cloud, MN in the wee hours of the night LOL!  Then I'll hit the gym with my friend in the AM - gotta get my long workout in!  Then we are headed to Gear West Bike in Long Lake, MN.  They specialize in tri-gear and I think will really be able to help me!  Sounds like they have lots of tri-bikes in my size for me to test, not always easy when you are height-challenged and all   Then I'll be turning around and heading home in the wee hours Sunday eve, so I can be back at work Monday . . . this weekend will fly by!  I sure hope I find something!!

I saw you all talking about clothes up above - I have NOTHING resembling anything I'll need for a tri . . . I just wear cotton shorts / tshirts for now . . . Is there some minimum types of clothes I should buy?  What do people wear under their wetsuits?  It looks like a tri-suit??  Those don't look like anything I want to wear in public   Can I put something over it that isn't skin tight, or does everyone wear those?  Is that what the "tech shirt" is for?  What about shorts over the tri-suit?  I'm also hoping to rent a wetsuit from a local university here, do I have a reasonable chance of having that work out?  If not, I should probably look for one of those too.  But with still trying to lose weight, I'm afraid next year it may not fit?

Boy do I have a lot of questions, and I'm just getting started!  Sorry!

Well I'm running on empty tonight . . . really need to get some sleep tonight, it hasn't been a good week for it so far . . . Have a great night all! 


2008-03-14 3:13 AM
in reply to: #1271395

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Berkeley, Calif.
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
rreischl - 2008-03-13 11:16 PM

I saw you all talking about clothes up above - I have NOTHING resembling anything I'll need for a tri . . . I just wear cotton shorts / tshirts for now . . . Is there some minimum types of clothes I should buy? What do people wear under their wetsuits? It looks like a tri-suit?? Those don't look like anything I want to wear in public Can I put something over it that isn't skin tight, or does everyone wear those? Is that what the "tech shirt" is for? What about shorts over the tri-suit? I'm also hoping to rent a wetsuit from a local university here, do I have a reasonable chance of having that work out? If not, I should probably look for one of those too. But with still trying to lose weight, I'm afraid next year it may not fit?

Boy do I have a lot of questions, and I'm just getting started! Sorry!

Well I'm running on empty tonight . . . really need to get some sleep tonight, it hasn't been a good week for it so far . . . Have a great night all!


Have a great time bike shopping, Renee! It's intimidating buying a bike, but once you're committed to the process I think it's actually a lot of fun. Sounds like you're in for a long but (hopefully!) very productive weekend.

Re: clothes. Keeping in mind that I'm obviously no expert (ha!), I don't think a trisuit is necessary at all, but I'd definitely recommend some tri shorts. You might not like the way you look in them, but trust me, you won't care at all on race day, and they are so so so much better than cotton shorts -- they'll dry out quickly after the swim, they have a little bit of padding for the bike, and I've never had any chafing problems in them from running. I'd wear them all the time, but I only have two pairs (and honestly, I'm the type of person who never in a million years thought I'd be caught dead in public in those kinds of shorts). Anyway, you just wear those under the wetsuit and keep them on all through the race. If you're really, really not comfortable wearing them in public, then sure, you can put some shorts on in T1. As for the top, I just wore a sports bra under my wetsuit and then put on a tech shirt in T1. I'd definitely recommend you start stocking up on tech clothes (or at least shirts). They are so much more comfortable than cotton, especially when it's hot out, and again, they dry super fast so it's not a problem on race day. You can get lots of tech gear very cheap at Target (look for the C9 brand) or just looking for sales online.

Of course, Yanti's the expert on cheap clothes, so I'm sure she'll have some great advice.

Re: the wetsuit. I rented a wetsuit last year for a pre-race open water swim, and then decided I'd actually save money buying it. A lot of places will let you rent a wetsuit and then put some of the rental fee toward the purchase of it. Since I wasn't sure what kind of investment I wanted to make in triathlons at the time, that seemed like the smartest option for me (I've already worn the wetsuit enough that it was worth it to buy rather than rent). I also figure that I'm so slow, quality doesn't matter much -- mine keeps me warm and it fits fine, so no complaints from me. Since you're going to be doing several races this year, it might make more sense for you to buy a used or cheap wetsuit rather than renting one over and over again. That'd be my advice, to compare rental and purchase prices and see if you'd actually save money buying.
2008-03-14 12:21 PM
in reply to: #1088776

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Berkeley, Calif.
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
I have a quick technical question: Is everyone having a problem with our thread being too wide for your computer screen now that we're up to 49 pages? I'm having to use the scroll bar at the bottom of the page just to read posts and it's kind of annoying. Is there something I/we can do to fix it? Is it time to *gasp* start a new thread?

2008-03-14 12:53 PM
in reply to: #1272257

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Extreme Veteran
Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!

Fielding - 2008-03-14 12:21 PM I have a quick technical question: Is everyone having a problem with our thread being too wide for your computer screen now that we're up to 49 pages? I'm having to use the scroll bar at the bottom of the page just to read posts and it's kind of annoying. Is there something I/we can do to fix it? Is it time to *gasp* start a new thread?

Erin, I think I have to scroll over at home one time to widen the screen - I'll have to check and get back to you . . .  At work my resolution is really high so I don't have a problem here and can see it all.

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