General Discussion Triathlon Talk » Merry Christmas to Yourself Challenge Rss Feed  
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2008-09-29 8:46 PM
in reply to: #1674988


Subject: RE: Merry Christmas to Yourself Challenge

Hi everyone,
I'm a lurker around here, but you've all inspired me to join this challenge if it's not too late.  This is exactly the time of year I need people to hold me accountable for what I'm eating and how much I'm training.  And, I need some motivation to stay on track to run my first marathon in December and maybe be a little faster than usual!

I'm starting at 152 lbs - 9/29

Thanks for the inspiration and motivation!  Good luck everyone!

2008-09-29 9:49 PM
in reply to: #1674988

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Subject: RE: Merry Christmas to Yourself Challenge

Start 163.4lbs 19.7 bf

today 167.7lbs 20.2 bf


Gained weight due to bad weekend of lots of eating/drinking.  On the god side I had lots of good workouts last week.  Need to eat right and let the cardio take care of the weight.

2008-09-29 11:21 PM
in reply to: #1674988

No excuses!
Subject: RE: Merry Christmas to Yourself Challenge

Bad weekend for me also


2008-09-30 1:59 PM
in reply to: #1704846

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Subject: RE: Merry Christmas to Yourself Challenge
>>Was that like going to the alcoholics anonymous board and mentioning the full head of foam an ice cold beer? But speaking seriously, I've found that if I totally eliminate any of my favorite foods, I'm doomed to failure in weight loss. I just keep telling myself "moderation." I had pizza twice last week, but still managed to lose some weight. The key for me was to stop at one piece rather than eat a whole pizza by myself & feel crapulous afterwards.

Crapulous is a real word!<<

JohnBo- you’re darn right that’s like bringing up a drink at an AA meeting! Ahhh, I wish I could learn the secret of portion control/moderation. So far, the only motivation that has worked for me is to focus on the negative health aspects of poor food choices. Does that make sense? It seems when I focus solely on weight, I rationalize another cookie by saying I’ll run for an extra half-hour. But when I think of an extra cookie in terms of the possibility of leading to type 2 diabetes, it makes it easier to decline the cookie. Of course, I’m much, much better off if I don’t bring the offending food home from the grocery store…then I only need to resist temptation once!
2008-09-30 3:57 PM
in reply to: #1674988

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Silverton, Oregon
Subject: RE: Merry Christmas to Yourself Challenge
Hi everyone! I'm in Libby, MT for the next month and the only internet I can get is at the Rosaures cafe, so I wanted to let you know I may be a little scarce for awhile, but I'm still rooting for everyone. Keep up the good work everyone! Happy losing!
2008-10-01 7:54 AM
in reply to: #1674988

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Subject: RE: Merry Christmas to Yourself Challenge
The scale moved for me, and I'm down to 203.5. (goal by 1/1/09 is 189)

I'm excited that in October I should see onederland. Just gotta avoid binging on pumpkin goodies. I luuuuuuuuuuvvvvvvvvvv pumpkin like no one I've ever met. Maybe I can try to find a healthy (gluten-free) recipe so I can have a little here and there.

2008-10-01 8:00 AM
in reply to: #1674988

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: Merry Christmas to Yourself Challenge
I finally weighed in this week and it was as bad as expected - up to 150.0...

I promised myself when I lost weight last year that I would NOT return to Athena-ville, and so now I'm struggling with keeping that promise. I'm quite sad about it, but I just need to buckle down and take control.

2008-10-01 11:12 AM
in reply to: #1674988

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Subject: RE: Merry Christmas to Yourself Challenge
Down a pound
2008-10-05 11:38 PM
in reply to: #1674988

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Hamilton, Victoria
Subject: RE: Merry Christmas to Yourself Challenge

It appears that I haven't posted here for two weeks. It has been a very productive two weeks for me. I am down 7lbs!! Lots of cycling and calorie counting is doing the trick.

I am at 287lbs this week. After my vacation I am still three pounds away from my goal for the week, but I'll take this result!!

2008-10-06 6:53 AM
in reply to: #1702653

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Palm Bay
Subject: RE: Merry Christmas to Yourself Challenge
otter_sh - 2008-09-29 8:05 AM

Official Start weight 226.0

Official Goal - 205 by Christmas.

Unofficial Goal is to run the entire 2 Mile Jingle Bell Run @ 13 minute miles maximum in December.

Unofficial Goal # 2 - Down to Size 36 by Christmas for purchase of new outfits.

Unofficial Goal # 3 - Work to keep Cholesterol in check

9/29 - 225.5 - Getting harder to lose, sinking back into bad eating habits.

10/6 - 223 - Went to camp for week-end.  Push-aways worked OK...

2008-10-06 7:06 AM
in reply to: #1674988


Subject: RE: Merry Christmas to Yourself Challenge

Down three this week! 

9/29: 179

10/6: 176 

2008-10-06 7:38 AM
in reply to: #1674988

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Subject: RE: Merry Christmas to Yourself Challenge

- 2 lbs this week.  Yeah!

 9/29 - 185

10/6 - 183

2008-10-06 7:53 AM
in reply to: #1674988

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Sacramento, California
Subject: RE: Merry Christmas to Yourself Challenge

Down 0.6

Last week 211.4

This week 210.8

Great job to everyone who took off multiple pounds this week 

2008-10-06 8:52 AM
in reply to: #1674988

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Subject: RE: Merry Christmas to Yourself Challenge
9/26 = 142
9/29 = 143.2
10/6 = 138

-5.2 lbs and well on my way! Congrats to everyone with losses this week. Keep working hard and fighting the good fight to those who are struggling. Don't forget to ask for help and encouragement!
2008-10-06 9:39 AM
in reply to: #1674988

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Subject: RE: Merry Christmas to Yourself Challenge
I was down to 141 during the week but this morning I'm 144.  So I'm up 4 lbs since we started.  That is not the right direction to be going.
2008-10-06 10:09 AM
in reply to: #1674988

Subject: RE: Merry Christmas to Yourself Challenge
today's weight 201.6
end of challenge goal 185

16.6 lbs left

No workout today (Sunday's and Monday's are Rest and Recovery)

2008-10-06 10:20 AM
in reply to: #1674988

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Subject: RE: Merry Christmas to Yourself Challenge
I was down to 163 a few days ago, but have to weigh in at 165 today.
2008-10-06 10:35 AM
in reply to: #1702613

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Subject: RE: Merry Christmas to Yourself Challenge
merlyn411 - 2008-09-29 7:24 AM
merlyn411 - 2008-09-22 8:01 AM

Starting weight:

9/22/2008: 227

9/29/2008: 225

10/6/2008: 223

Very surprised I lost those 2 pounds.  Between being sick & injured I didn't work out last week...

Trying to get back on the exercise wagon this week...

2008-10-06 10:41 AM
in reply to: #1674988

Washington County, PA
Subject: RE: Merry Christmas to Yourself Challenge

9/22           237.0 lbs

9/29           234.5 lbs

10/6             234.0 lbs

Weight Lost Last Week    0.5 lbs

Edited by JohnBo 2008-10-06 10:42 AM
2008-10-06 11:16 AM
in reply to: #1703156

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Simi Valley
Subject: RE: Merry Christmas to Yourself Challenge
Start weight:  305

Last Week (9/29):  306

Current: 303.5 

Goal Weight:  277

2 lbs a week for 14 weeks.  

2008-10-06 12:08 PM
in reply to: #1674988

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Pulaski TN
Subject: RE: Merry Christmas to Yourself Challenge
Down only 1 pound to 244.

2008-10-06 1:16 PM
in reply to: #1674988

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Silverton, Oregon
Subject: RE: Merry Christmas to Yourself Challenge

Weigh in this week: 125

Same as last week, but not too suprised. We had company over the weekend, which always makes it hard not to eat too much. I also haven't been logging my food since I don't have easy internet access. I have a half mary next Sunday, so I'm going to try to be careful with what I eat but I always seem to be up a couple pounds after races. We'll see what happens next Monday

Congratulations to everyone who lost this week!!! Keep up the fight everyone!

2008-10-06 5:40 PM
in reply to: #1674988


Subject: RE: Merry Christmas to Yourself Challenge

Last Week - 152

This Week - 151.4  

I'm really happy to be down .6 pounds after having company for the last 5 days.  I love to cook and having people to cook for is a powerful temptation to overeat!  

Does anyone have suggestions for how to deal with post-workout hunger without eating too much?  I'm running around 25 miles per week now, increasing mileage toward my Dec. 7 full marathon and I'm finding myself almost constantly hungry.  I've increased the number of fruits and veggies I eat each day, but I seem to be really hungry for several hours after I run or bike.  I'd really appreciate any thoughts and suggestions.


2008-10-06 6:37 PM
in reply to: #1722030

New user

Subject: RE: Merry Christmas to Yourself Challenge

I find that yogurt and berries are filling and seems to hold my hunger for quite a while.

Starting weight: 218

Last week: 217

Today: 214!!!

Keep up the good work everyone! Everyone has good weeks and bad, so just get back into it after those bad hours, days or weeks =)

2008-10-06 6:41 PM
in reply to: #1674988

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greensboro, NC area
Subject: RE: Merry Christmas to Yourself Challenge

Starting weight 197

Last week 196.5

Today 10/6 I weigh 195....1.5 pounds down

So we'll see how I do this week.  Excited about the weight loss, but it may catch up with me.  I indulged in a little wine over the weekend.  Well, maybe more than a little...try almost a whole bottle!!!  I NEVER DO THAT!!!Seriously. I know, I know, shame on me. 


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