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2012-04-05 7:48 PM
in reply to: #4132937

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED
CyborgQueen - 2012-04-05 5:27 PM
kenj - 2012-04-05 5:47 AM

Going to get in some running and maybe some strength training this morning.  Slow getting moving, but I guess that is what vacations are for.  (or so my wife tells me Laughing)

So what are the rest of you up to today?


HOPEFULLY - if the winds die down, I'll be starting my Tues/Thurs night rides. Tuesday nights are slightly faster and Hilly. Thursday nights are lower key, and I get Golden Spoon Frozen yogurt afterwards. :-)

The winds need to die down first. 

This has me questioning a little bit:  Will it affect my training much?

Looking at the Beginner 1/2 plan - The bike plan has me going 1 hour rides to 1 1/2 hours for the first month and increasing a little bit for second and third. Longest ride will be 3 hours, and that's done only once, a couple weeks before my HIM.   However, if I do the Tues-Thurs night rides, I will be going more for called for (:45-1:30 more).  I will be following the runs and the swims to the letter.  I will treat my Tuesdays as my hard/hilly days, and Thursdays as my easy days (and it will help because I don't have to go all out and will easily keep up with the group - C ride), and I probably will add other C rides or 2+ hr rides on the weekends OR do any trainer rides that is on the training plan - usually harder effort for 45 minutes or so (stuff that I feel I shouldn't skip). 

Will the extra bike training be alright? FWIW - I've done a Century and did not have any pain/soreness/nor needed recovery. 

My little concern is this is with a group, so we do stop at traffic lights (some parts has no traffic lights for 5 or 7 miles), stop midway for light snack, etc.   I feel like if I don't ride 2+ hours straight without stopping will hurt me at the HIM because I'm used to stopping at points.   Should I schedule some rides that has no-stopping, and "eat as I go" type of ride to help with my endurance?

The HIM is flat. Majority of my routes are hilly.    Sorry if my questions are ambivalent. 

For training for IMFL in 2010 I did almost all of my long rides as a group ride for the first half (40 - 50 miles) then went off on my own for the rest.  I only did 2 long rides on my own.  I felt that getting the first part of the ride done then pushing the effort and mental aspect on the 2nd part was valuable.  Plus there is a lot of work you can do while on a group ride that adds value to the ride.  While waiting for the group to catch up, ride back to the folks at the back and ride up again.  Especially helpful if you are climbing as you get to do the hill twice!

2012-04-05 7:50 PM
in reply to: #4131841

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED
n.k - 2012-04-05 11:27 AM

Yeah, tapering is tough for me too.  I get all up in my head knowing I can do so much more but need to hold back.

I got a solid hour trainer ride in this morning.  Took everyone's comments about RPE to heart and was really honest with my efforts.  Gotta admit, I pushed myself to a harder level than normal.  Walking up the stairs to my classroom today hurt like hell!

Lastly, is there an easy to read list of all of this group's members (and maybe links to their training blogs)?  Its a little tough to scroll through all the pages and locate all the members.

Happy training!

Nice ride on the trainer!

Yes, probably Sunday or Monday I will get a matrix out.  I am still trying to get some of the past members to sign in.

2012-04-06 12:34 AM
in reply to: #4124117

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Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED
2012-04-06 6:20 AM
in reply to: #4133462

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED

CarlaLThompson - 2012-04-06 1:34 AM WTH!!!!????

Hi Carla,

New group (mentor groups change 4/1) but all of the old group is welcome in this one!  And for you it is mandatory participation! Cool

2012-04-06 10:30 AM
in reply to: #4124117

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Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED

Morning everyone!

OK, I have a burning question! Bare with me as I'm an extreme novice. I've read many of the articles available on this site, in hopes of answering my question, and to help educate myself on triathlons. The articles were very informational, helpful, emotional, and entertaining! However, my question wasn't fully answered.

From the swim to bike transition, you stay in your wet bathing suit? (Mid-July in Maine, no wet suit necessary). Then from the bike to run transition you change into your running clothes, with bathing suit still on? When do I get out of my wet bathing suit? After getting out of a lake/pool, I change immediately because I'm extremely uncomfortable in a wet bathing suit.

Oh, and this brings up another question...I'm a bit, well endowed. What about a bra, do I wear that under my bathing suit. Please help me so I don't make a foul of myself, and I have proper support!!! Embarassed Even though I probably have with all of you! Laughing

Thanks! Lynda

2012-04-06 10:50 AM
in reply to: #4133980

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Chugiak, Alaska
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED
Lynie13 - 2012-04-06 10:30 AM

Morning everyone!

OK, I have a burning question! Bare with me as I'm an extreme novice. I've read many of the articles available on this site, in hopes of answering my question, and to help educate myself on triathlons. The articles were very informational, helpful, emotional, and entertaining! However, my question wasn't fully answered.

From the swim to bike transition, you stay in your wet bathing suit? (Mid-July in Maine, no wet suit necessary). Then from the bike to run transition you change into your running clothes, with bathing suit still on? When do I get out of my wet bathing suit? After getting out of a lake/pool, I change immediately because I'm extremely uncomfortable in a wet bathing suit.

Oh, and this brings up another question...I'm a bit, well endowed. What about a bra, do I wear that under my bathing suit. Please help me so I don't make a foul of myself, and I have proper support!!! Embarassed Even though I probably have with all of you! Laughing

Thanks! Lynda

you could wear a swimsuit - especially if you weren't sure wether you want to do more tris after the first one.  However, if you think you may stick with it you really need to buy some trishorts.  I too am well endowed and here is what I wear. Supportive bra, tri top (but for my first I just threw on a tshirt for the bike/run) and tri shorts.  Tri shorts are similar to bike shorts, but the padding isn't as thick so they are more comfortable and dry faster.  a tri top is like a sports bra that comes down over the stomach - any top that is tight and comfortable would work.

so you wear the bra, top and trishorts for the swim, bike and run - you do not want to be trying to change in transition especially when you are wet. even getting a t-shirt over your head when you are wet, tired and maybe a little dizzy from the swim is hard (know from experience!).

Lots of bike and running stores (Even places like REI) are now selling tri gear as it has become so popular.

Hope this helps!

Edited by robingray_260 2012-04-06 10:51 AM

2012-04-06 11:05 AM
in reply to: #4134025

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Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED

Hi Robin,

It sure does, thank you! Have a great weekend...happy training everyone!


2012-04-06 12:34 PM
in reply to: #4133462

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Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED

CarlaLThompson - 2012-04-06 12:34 AM WTH!!!!????

I know right????

2012-04-06 12:44 PM
in reply to: #4124117

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Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED

Greetings everyone! I recognize many of you already and am glad to meet new friends.

NAME: abaker/Anne Baker

STORY: Turned 50 in October and live in Central Illinois. Never did much athletic stuff growing up although I did have a horse and did 4H and Pony Club. Started running a bit in my early 40s, mostly to lose weight, then got involved with our local running club and did a few races. In 2008 I took some swimming lessons and completed (barely survived) my first sprint distance triathlon. I swam off course wildly several times and probably did more breaststroke and dog paddle than freestyle but I got through it.

Did my first HIM in 2011 at Racine and thoroughly enjoyed it.

FAMILY STATUS: Long term relationship with Steve, who is always happy to bike with me. have a 22 y.o. daughter and 3 cats.

CURRENT TRAINING: I have a number of races on the calendar this year. Kick off the season with a sprint distance in two weeks and my final race will be a HIM in Maryland in October. I am following a workout program from the book Ironfit, scaling it down a bit for the HIM distance. I try not to miss workouts but sometimes it's just tough to get everything done.

I took some swimming lessons this year that helped quite a bit and hope to sign up for another session. My run is my weakest sport, despite coming from a running background, so I am run-focused.

2012 RACES: April - sprint distance in Sullivan, IL (pool swim)

May - Olympic - Lake Carlyle, IL
June - Tri Shark Sprint, Bloomington, IL, and Women's Mountain Bike Clinic, Brown County Indiana
July - Not sure yet, need to find an Olympic
August - Rev3 Wisconsin Dells HIM and Illinois wilds Xterra Sprint the following week
October - Rev3 Half Full, Columbia, MD

2012-04-06 4:20 PM
in reply to: #4124117

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Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED

Sorry - slow getting this up.  Right now, I'm trying to work, train, raise a 4 month old, and study for a certification test in finance.  Training and studying have kinda taken a back seat lately as the other two have eaten so much of my time.  My first race is scheduled for May 19 so I've got to buckle down.

I should be done traveling for a while.  I just got back from a trip to Athens, Frankfurt, and Zurich.  I was able to get a run in while in Athens and Frankfurt.  I wanted to run some of the historic course, but my hotel was too far away.  Instead, I ran along the beach - it was super nice.  Recently, I've thought that I've lost some of my endurance from not being as active.  I think the real culprit is the heat.  It's been in the upper 80s here and I've struggled on long runs.  It was in the mid 60s in Athens and I felt like I could go forever.

Welcome to the new folks - I think you will find this group fairly active and helpful - especially to a rookie, which I still consider myself.

STORY: I am 31 and live in Olive Branch, MS, just outside of Memphis.  My wife is my main motivation - after being slightly overweight for most of her childhood, she set out to change that and lost roughly 35 lbs.  After watching her run and get in shape, I decided that I had to get off the couch and do something.  She is a better and more determined runner than I am.  I've been piddling with running for a few years with marginal success.  I set goals of longer runs and started training for them, but injury derailed that twice.  I've never been really overweight, but haven't been in great shape either.  I could probably stand to lose 10 lbs or so. 

On a whim, I decided that I wanted to "try a tri" last year.  Swimming has always held me back, so I signed up for the race really early to force myself to learn how to swim.  It kinda worked.  I got through the swim, but was pretty gassed for the rest of the race.  My goal was to not embarrass myself and I did ok.  I was near the back of the pack though.  My training was just based on a schedule I found on the internet with extra swims sprinkled in to improve that phase.  My main impediment is still my swimming - I won't be able to move to longer distances until my swimming improves.

FAMILY STATUS: I am married to Stephanie, who I mentioned earlier is a better runner than I am and may want to get into triathlon as well.  She just gave birth to our first child, Will, 4 months ago, so we are both very tired right now.

2012 RACES:  Memphis in May Sprint is the only race I am signed up for.  I will do more sprints throughout the summer with the goal of increasing my distance next year as I improve on the swim.

As I said, I'm basically brand new to the sport.  I really think I would benefit from a program like this.  I'm not great at the bike or run, but really poor at swimming.  I hope to get some encouragement and accountability from a mentor/group.

2012-04-06 5:43 PM
in reply to: #4134025

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Long Island, NY
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED
robingray_260 - 2012-04-06 11:50 AM
Lynie13 - 2012-04-06 10:30 AM

Morning everyone!

OK, I have a burning question! Bare with me as I'm an extreme novice. I've read many of the articles available on this site, in hopes of answering my question, and to help educate myself on triathlons. The articles were very informational, helpful, emotional, and entertaining! However, my question wasn't fully answered.

From the swim to bike transition, you stay in your wet bathing suit? (Mid-July in Maine, no wet suit necessary). Then from the bike to run transition you change into your running clothes, with bathing suit still on? When do I get out of my wet bathing suit? After getting out of a lake/pool, I change immediately because I'm extremely uncomfortable in a wet bathing suit.

Oh, and this brings up another question...I'm a bit, well endowed. What about a bra, do I wear that under my bathing suit. Please help me so I don't make a foul of myself, and I have proper support!!! Embarassed Even though I probably have with all of you! Laughing

Thanks! Lynda

you could wear a swimsuit - especially if you weren't sure wether you want to do more tris after the first one.  However, if you think you may stick with it you really need to buy some trishorts.  I too am well endowed and here is what I wear. Supportive bra, tri top (but for my first I just threw on a tshirt for the bike/run) and tri shorts.  Tri shorts are similar to bike shorts, but the padding isn't as thick so they are more comfortable and dry faster.  a tri top is like a sports bra that comes down over the stomach - any top that is tight and comfortable would work.

so you wear the bra, top and trishorts for the swim, bike and run - you do not want to be trying to change in transition especially when you are wet. even getting a t-shirt over your head when you are wet, tired and maybe a little dizzy from the swim is hard (know from experience!).

Lots of bike and running stores (Even places like REI) are now selling tri gear as it has become so popular.

Hope this helps!

I wore soem running short and a synthetic tee shirt formMy firsttri which was a sprint. I was chaffed in some extreming sensitive areas for a few days after that race.The next year I bought a tri-suit andI never thought I'd be caught dead in lycra but I wouldn't think of wearing anything else.I agree with Robin invest in a pair of tri-shorts and try 'em out before the race.

2012-04-06 5:43 PM
in reply to: #4134025

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Long Island, NY
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED
robingray_260 - 2012-04-06 11:50 AM
Lynie13 - 2012-04-06 10:30 AM

Morning everyone!

OK, I have a burning question! Bare with me as I'm an extreme novice. I've read many of the articles available on this site, in hopes of answering my question, and to help educate myself on triathlons. The articles were very informational, helpful, emotional, and entertaining! However, my question wasn't fully answered.

From the swim to bike transition, you stay in your wet bathing suit? (Mid-July in Maine, no wet suit necessary). Then from the bike to run transition you change into your running clothes, with bathing suit still on? When do I get out of my wet bathing suit? After getting out of a lake/pool, I change immediately because I'm extremely uncomfortable in a wet bathing suit.

Oh, and this brings up another question...I'm a bit, well endowed. What about a bra, do I wear that under my bathing suit. Please help me so I don't make a foul of myself, and I have proper support!!! Embarassed Even though I probably have with all of you! Laughing

Thanks! Lynda

you could wear a swimsuit - especially if you weren't sure wether you want to do more tris after the first one.  However, if you think you may stick with it you really need to buy some trishorts.  I too am well endowed and here is what I wear. Supportive bra, tri top (but for my first I just threw on a tshirt for the bike/run) and tri shorts.  Tri shorts are similar to bike shorts, but the padding isn't as thick so they are more comfortable and dry faster.  a tri top is like a sports bra that comes down over the stomach - any top that is tight and comfortable would work.

so you wear the bra, top and trishorts for the swim, bike and run - you do not want to be trying to change in transition especially when you are wet. even getting a t-shirt over your head when you are wet, tired and maybe a little dizzy from the swim is hard (know from experience!).

Lots of bike and running stores (Even places like REI) are now selling tri gear as it has become so popular.

Hope this helps!

I wore soem running short and a synthetic tee shirt for my first tri which was a sprint. I was chaffed in some extreming sensitive areas for a few days after that race.The next year I bought a tri-suit and I never thought I'd be caught dead in lycra but I wouldn't think of wearing anything else.I agree with Robin invest in a pair of tri-shorts and try 'em out before the race.

Edited by acv 2012-04-06 6:51 PM
2012-04-06 6:48 PM
in reply to: #4124117

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Chugiak, Alaska
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED

my new running shoes (New Balance Minimus)!!!!

I will let everyone know how I like them since they are a complete change from the stability shoes I have been wearing.  marginal heal drop, no insole and 4.6 oz. 


Edited by robingray_260 2012-04-06 6:50 PM


shoes.jpg (76KB - 19 downloads)
2012-04-06 8:33 PM
in reply to: #4133980

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED
Lynie13 - 2012-04-06 11:30 AM

Morning everyone!

OK, I have a burning question! Bare with me as I'm an extreme novice. I've read many of the articles available on this site, in hopes of answering my question, and to help educate myself on triathlons. The articles were very informational, helpful, emotional, and entertaining! However, my question wasn't fully answered.

From the swim to bike transition, you stay in your wet bathing suit? (Mid-July in Maine, no wet suit necessary). Then from the bike to run transition you change into your running clothes, with bathing suit still on? When do I get out of my wet bathing suit? After getting out of a lake/pool, I change immediately because I'm extremely uncomfortable in a wet bathing suit.

Oh, and this brings up another question...I'm a bit, well endowed. What about a bra, do I wear that under my bathing suit. Please help me so I don't make a foul of myself, and I have proper support!!! Embarassed Even though I probably have with all of you! Laughing

Thanks! Lynda

Robin and Adam gave as good advice as I could give Lynda, specifically for the last question.  Embarassed  I have seen people do sprints in board shorts and full tri kits and every thing in between.  The key is to give what ever you think you want to try a couple practice workouts prior to the race.

2012-04-06 8:34 PM
in reply to: #4134793

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED
robingray_260 - 2012-04-06 7:48 PM

my new running shoes (New Balance Minimus)!!!!

I will let everyone know how I like them since they are a complete change from the stability shoes I have been wearing.  marginal heal drop, no insole and 4.6 oz. 


Nice Robin!  I hope they work out ok for you! 

2012-04-06 9:02 PM
in reply to: #4124117

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Sin City
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED

Robin - Nice shoes!  Enjoy 'em!  If you never had lower heel drop shoes before, take it from me and go slow in them, let your legs get used to them. It took me over a MONTH to finally not have any calf issues...drove me BONKERS, until Ken mentioned to me that it can take a while, and I should be going slow. If you are planning on LONG runs, use your old shoes for now, then work your way into the new shoes. I've done that and now I have no calf issues. 


Can I say this?!  Don't you *LOVE* it when you have a terrific training day totally unexpected?!  I was feeling slightly sluggish this AM, and overslept and missed my bike ride with a friend. I'm a chronic Insomnia sufferer and occasionally I have bad weeks, and this week was one of them.  Sluggish, and didn't feel like going out at all. Then by the time afternoon rolled around, I started to keep putting off my run. Finally I said, play video games until 4pm, and GET out.   I listened, and started my run fully expecting to be a little slowish. I told myself JUST do the 3.7 mi and get your chocolate milk and get home.   Well...3.7 miles went by. Looked at my watch and got really puzzled. Got in my car and said really loud, WTF?! Then I started questioning myself...did it feel like I was going too hard? No. Did I press Lap too many times? *checking laps* Nope. Did it include the short walking break? Yes. Did you run the entire time besides the 20 sec walking break? Yes (which is one of the GREATEST thing...I'm working on reducing my walking breaks).  WTF?! *evil laughter*

I love it! This is the motivation that I needed! For those who don't know, out of all three sports, I find the run to be the hardest thing and I've been struggling since I started running three years ago. Side stitches, lack of endurance, cannot seem to run without walking, took me a long time to finally be sub-12 pace - especially in longish runs, etc.

I think it's the shoes and the socks. I wore socks with flames on them. The cuff finally fits (damn you and fat ankles!).


Hope everyone had a good training day, and even if you didn't you still HTFU and got out there.   Hope everyone's weekend will be good. :-)

2012-04-06 9:06 PM
in reply to: #4124117

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Highlands Ranch, CO
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED
I would like to stay with the group! Promise to be more active and keep up with all of you very active posters
2012-04-06 9:33 PM
in reply to: #4134916

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Chugiak, Alaska
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED
CyborgQueen - 2012-04-06 9:02 PM

Robin - Nice shoes!  Enjoy 'em!  If you never had lower heel drop shoes before, take it from me and go slow in them, let your legs get used to them. It took me over a MONTH to finally not have any calf issues...drove me BONKERS, until Ken mentioned to me that it can take a while, and I should be going slow. If you are planning on LONG runs, use your old shoes for now, then work your way into the new shoes. I've done that and now I have no calf issues. 


Can I say this?!  Don't you *LOVE* it when you have a terrific training day totally unexpected?!  I was feeling slightly sluggish this AM, and overslept and missed my bike ride with a friend. I'm a chronic Insomnia sufferer and occasionally I have bad weeks, and this week was one of them.  Sluggish, and didn't feel like going out at all. Then by the time afternoon rolled around, I started to keep putting off my run. Finally I said, play video games until 4pm, and GET out.   I listened, and started my run fully expecting to be a little slowish. I told myself JUST do the 3.7 mi and get your chocolate milk and get home.   Well...3.7 miles went by. Looked at my watch and got really puzzled. Got in my car and said really loud, WTF?! Then I started questioning myself...did it feel like I was going too hard? No. Did I press Lap too many times? *checking laps* Nope. Did it include the short walking break? Yes. Did you run the entire time besides the 20 sec walking break? Yes (which is one of the GREATEST thing...I'm working on reducing my walking breaks).  WTF?! *evil laughter*

I love it! This is the motivation that I needed! For those who don't know, out of all three sports, I find the run to be the hardest thing and I've been struggling since I started running three years ago. Side stitches, lack of endurance, cannot seem to run without walking, took me a long time to finally be sub-12 pace - especially in longish runs, etc.

I think it's the shoes and the socks. I wore socks with flames on them. The cuff finally fits (damn you and fat ankles!).


Hope everyone had a good training day, and even if you didn't you still HTFU and got out there.   Hope everyone's weekend will be good. :-)

yeah DJ! glad you had a good workout - love those days, but it has been awhile for me - maybe I need to find some new socks!

2012-04-06 9:52 PM
in reply to: #4134262

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Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED
abake - 2012-04-06 12:34 PM

CarlaLThompson - 2012-04-06 12:34 AM WTH!!!!????

I know right????

I get busy for a minute and the move the group!!!!!!!!

2012-04-06 10:01 PM
in reply to: #4134976

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Sin City
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED
CarlaLThompson - 2012-04-06 7:52 PM
abake - 2012-04-06 12:34 PM

CarlaLThompson - 2012-04-06 12:34 AM WTH!!!!????

I know right????

I get busy for a minute and the move the group!!!!!!!!

Welcome Carla! :-)  How has your training been going? It's been a while since I wrote on the last group, and often wondered about you and your hard trainer rides!

2012-04-06 10:11 PM
in reply to: #4124117

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED
Nice job DJ! I swear once I start playing video games I just can't stop! Lol. Congrats on the breakthrough. The first time I ran more than 10 miles I was in North Vegas. I started running down the wash trail. The trail stopped so I headed out to the road to see of it would start put again. It's so incredible out there with the mountains blue skies and awesome weather! Next thing I knew I was at a home Depot 7 miles from where I started! Had to run back at that point. Lol!

2012-04-06 10:12 PM
in reply to: #4124117

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED
Nice shoes robin!!
2012-04-06 10:14 PM
in reply to: #4134993

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Chugiak, Alaska
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED
CyborgQueen - 2012-04-06 10:01 PM
CarlaLThompson - 2012-04-06 7:52 PM
abake - 2012-04-06 12:34 PM

CarlaLThompson - 2012-04-06 12:34 AM WTH!!!!????

I know right????

I get busy for a minute and the move the group!!!!!!!!

Welcome Carla! :-)  How has your training been going? It's been a while since I wrote on the last group, and often wondered about you and your hard trainer rides!


2012-04-06 10:35 PM
in reply to: #4135008

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Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED
robingray_260 - 2012-04-06 10:14 PM
CyborgQueen - 2012-04-06 10:01 PM
CarlaLThompson - 2012-04-06 7:52 PM
abake - 2012-04-06 12:34 PM

CarlaLThompson - 2012-04-06 12:34 AM WTH!!!!????

I know right????

I get busy for a minute and the move the group!!!!!!!!

Welcome Carla! :-)  How has your training been going? It's been a while since I wrote on the last group, and often wondered about you and your hard trainer rides!


CyborgQueen & RobinGray - Man, I've missed you guys!!!! 

New Job:  I changed jobs in January and haven't been able to strike a balance since!  That coupled with moving training from Inside to Outside just toppled my stability and it has taken everything I have just to report to work and get my training sessions in. 

I now work for a "Bank" and the Network Traffic is monitored so heavily that I'm afraid to log on during work.  I was trying to post from my cell phone but the text doesn't hold it's format so it all runs together.   

In the mean time I get strange looks from everyone while I thumb through the emails from the posts that come in here on my cell phone.  I love being connected to everyone and look forward to finding a way to stay in better touch!

Daily "Smack Downs"

Still "Smacking Down" on a daily basis... the intensity has bumped up QUITE a bit and the duration is kicking in also. 

RACE:  I race 70.3 New Orleans on April 22nd and REALLY hope to go Sub 7 hours!  I need a SUPER fast Bike split and a SOLID Run!  I want this so bad and it will give me so much confidence to face Ironman Coeur d'Alene!

WEIGHT LOSS:  I am fast approaching 30lbs off!  I look different!  Feel different!  Swim, Bike and Run Faster!!!  I'm both elaited and scared to death.  My greatest fear is that I'll gain it all back before I race.  Just taking it one day at a time until my mind can adjust to and accept that "This is possible for me"

POSITIVE THOUGHTS:  I have done some work to help shift my thoughts.  I created a Vision Board, which I will share this weekend.  I also have Affirmations on my Car Steering Wheel like "YES I CAN!" and "ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE".  My coach sent me two poems which I cut out and posted at work and at home.  I'll share one of the poems with the group soon also. 

I'm pulling out ALL STOPS!  I want to give myself the BEST POSSIBLE OPPORTUNITY for success this season (and always!)

 <3 <3 <3 Love to everyone!  <3 <3 <3

2012-04-07 12:13 AM
in reply to: #4129928

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Highlands Ranch, CO
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED
gator22 - 2012-04-04 11:50 AM
bdenehy - 2012-04-04 12:23 PM
CyborgQueen - 2012-04-04 11:34 AM

Bill - Since I live here in Vegas, OWS is pretty much available all year. Due to the very mild winter we had (it lasted like a month), the water is a little warmer than last year.   

I think water temps is also relying on how much you can handle the cold water. You'll never know until you jump in. 

When May starts, the Tri Club has OWS every Wednesday night (right before dusk, so it'll still be light out. :-)

I would avoid Hudson River often because of the current, it can throw off your times, unless if you swim against the current! 

Thanks DJ and Ken.  So I guess its not a safety issue below 60.  I'll just have to see if its for me.  I swim accross the river and back so the current hurts a little since i like to end where i started (swim upstream a bit on the return), but time isnt my concern right now so much as going farther without stopping.  Its closer to me than the closest lake, but I'll probably move to the lake once the speed boat crowd starts filling up the river.  BTW, I'm way jealous of anyone living in or around Vegas...

I would say that you are risking hypothermia under sixty and wouldn't do it.

I agree, swimming in temps under 60 degrees can be dangerous. I know that there are those out there who can handle low temps but  60 degrees is cold.  I started to get hypothermia during IMAZ last year and the water temp was 62.  I had on a neoprene cap and booties. I don't do well in cold water though.  I would suggest for anyone who is doing early season (cold water) swims, that they stay close to shore at first and maybe swim circles  vs a long out and back until you know how you do in low temps for a period of time. Being in cold water for 5 minutes is a totally different animal then being in it for much longer periods of time.


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