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2018-01-17 5:23 PM
in reply to: soccermom15

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East Wenatchee, Washington
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Maturing Triathlete Mentor Group (OPEN)
Originally posted by soccermom15

Originally posted by BakerBryan Good Evening Everyone!!!! Well I signed up for my first tri and I am looking at two more for this year. When I signed up I had to pay a one day membership to USA triathlon (I believe thats what I was doing). Since I am going to run in a couple more should I go ahead and join the organization?

Congrats on signing up!  I usually renew my membership yearly if I'm planning to run at least some USAT certified races.  If you do at least 3, the membership pretty much pays for itself ($15 each for 3 individual races versus $50 for the yearly membership).  There are some extra benefits to having the yearly membership - some discounts and such - and I know they're making some changes this year.  Not all races are USAT certified though so not all will require the one day membership - depends on the race management.  Here they're split about 50/50, so it's really a personal preference. 


Hi Bryan:

I totally agree with Janet. If you're planning on doing a couple races, sign up for the annual membership. There are some nice discounts that you get as a USA Triathlon member. One VERY important consideration: If you enter a USA Triathlon sanctioned event they include race day medical coverage.

Not trying to be scary here, but when I hit the deck in the Boise 70.3 my medical bills totaled over $70,000. After my primary insurance deductibles I was looking at out of pocket medical bills pushing $10,000. Because this race was sanctioned the USA Triathlon their secondary medical insurance covered all of my out of pocket costs after paying the first $250.

I'm not sure if that coverage is only for annual members or if your one-day membership has the coverage as well. In any case, this is a big enough lesson for me that I avoid races that are not sanctioned by USA Triathlon.

As a member you also get included in their national rankings. It's pretty cool ranking system and it's fun to see how your results stack up with others in your area and age group.



2018-01-17 5:25 PM
in reply to: k9car363

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East Wenatchee, Washington
Subject: RE: Swim Coach
Originally posted by k9car363

Originally posted by lutzman


I was back at my alma mater (Wash St. U.) a few weeks ago. I was at an alumni event and the women's swim coach was the speaker. His name is Tom Jager.

The guy was a fabulous speaker. He made me want to go get in the pool.


Hey Steve,

Yes, I know who Tom is.He was a very good sprinter and I heard he went on to a coaching career which is apparently the case.

So . . . did you actually get in a pool, or is that moment past? 

Nope. No pool time and the moment is gone. I would have loved to get some one-on-one coaching. The guy was really a tremendous speaker and he's doing great as the WSU coach.

2018-01-17 5:29 PM
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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Maturing Triathlete Mentor Group (OPEN)

Originally posted by BakerBryan Alright, so today I got my new wetsuit in the mail and I was super excited. So I raced upstairs to try it on. A couple of things I noticed. One, I was wore out after putting it on and taking it off I felt like I should log it in as my workout for today. lol Secondly I look like one of those giant fat seals that you see on the rocks lol The good thing is that it fits and will probably fit even better after I lose a few more pounds. As my first tri approaches I know I will have some questions dealing with the wetsuit alone.

Hey Bryan,

A couple little tips that may help you to get your wetsuit on and off more easily. 

Putting the wetsuit on -

Take a plastic grocery bag, which will reduce friction, put it over your foot before you slide the wetsuit on.  When your foot comes out the bottom of the leg, take the bag, put it on the other foot, and repeat.  Do the same with the arms if you wetsuit is sleeved.

Some people also swear by PAM cooking spray but I have found the bag trick works really well and I don't have to worry about chemicals on my wetsuit.

Taking the wetsuit off -

To take it off, unzip and pull it down to your waist, grab the wetsuit at your waist and pull it all the way down to your ankles. Step one foot on the crotch and then pull the opposite foot out of the suit. Repeat for the other leg.

Hope that helps!

Edited by k9car363 2018-01-17 5:30 PM
2018-01-17 5:50 PM
in reply to: lutzman

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: Swim Coach

Originally posted by lutzman Nope. No pool time and the moment is gone. I would have loved to get some one-on-one coaching. The guy was really a tremendous speaker and he's doing great as the WSU coach. Steve

Never too late to get the moment back!

(swim workout.gif)

swim workout.gif (2482KB - 14 downloads)
2018-01-17 6:34 PM
in reply to: wenceslasz

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Extreme Veteran
Raleigh, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Maturing Triathlete Mentor Group (OPEN)

Scott, George - others ... thanks and I'm glad to be back.  I'd like to see some light shined on weight loss and how ones are doing with it.

For me, I leave Saturday for 2 weeks (going skiing) and so my focus will be on eating well; trying to maintain and/or lose slightly 'til getting back home.  While I have access to the treadmill, I just don't know if I'll have the legs after a full days worth of skiing .

Ciao ... Dorm

2018-01-17 7:55 PM
in reply to: k9car363

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East Wenatchee, Washington
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Maturing Triathlete Mentor Group (OPEN)
Originally posted by k9car363

Originally posted by BakerBryan Alright, so today I got my new wetsuit in the mail and I was super excited. So I raced upstairs to try it on. A couple of things I noticed. One, I was wore out after putting it on and taking it off I felt like I should log it in as my workout for today. lol Secondly I look like one of those giant fat seals that you see on the rocks lol

Hey Bryan,

A couple little tips that may help you to get your wetsuit on and off more easily. 

Putting the wetsuit on -

Take a plastic grocery bag, which will reduce friction, put it over your foot before you slide the wetsuit on.  When your foot comes out the bottom of the leg, take the bag, put it on the other foot, and repeat.  Do the same with the arms if you wetsuit is sleeved.

Some people also swear by PAM cooking spray but I have found the bag trick works really well and I don't have to worry about chemicals on my wetsuit.

Taking the wetsuit off -

To take it off, unzip and pull it down to your waist, grab the wetsuit at your waist and pull it all the way down to your ankles. Step one foot on the crotch and then pull the opposite foot out of the suit. Repeat for the other leg.

Hope that helps!

Scott is right. Just carry plastic grocery bags in your wetsuit bag. You'll side in and out with ease. Skip getting oily with Pam spray.

On the removal it takes a little practice to get the hang of stepping on your suit with one leg and pulling the other leg straight up and out. Sometimes it takes several pulls to get out. With practice, you'll nail it.

You can find plenty of videos on wet suit removal on YouTube to see how others get it done.


2018-01-18 3:35 PM
in reply to: 0

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East Wenatchee, Washington
Subject: A Doping Gray Guy gets caught...again
Here's an interesting story. It concerns a gray guy by the name of Kevin Moats. At one time Moats was both the #1 ranked triathlete for his AG as well as the winner in his age group at Kona IM. He tested positive for steroids....for the 2nd time. He tested positive about 5 years ago and was given a one year ban. This time: 8 year ban. You can read the story below...check out the comments as well.

It's interesting because for all intents it appears this guy was an unapologetic cheater. He was not only a steroid user but (according to multiple reports) quite adept at drafting and even resorted to using a mirror on his helmet to spot course marshal's coming up from behind on a motorcycle. I raced against him once in Hawaii in an Olympic distance race. He was so fast I never saw him. I was 8th that day. Guess I should have been 7th.

If you want some real raw feeling on the subject of doping, check out this link from Slowtwitch specifically regarding the Moats ban. Nothing gets the blood hot in the triathlon community like a cheater...especially a repeat offender. It's pretty obvious a lot of people raced against this guy over the years, knew of his "accomplishments" in the sport and feel personally cheated.



Edited by lutzman 2018-01-18 3:36 PM
2018-01-19 10:43 PM
in reply to: lutzman

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Extreme Veteran
Penticton, BC
Subject: RE: A Doping Gray Guy gets caught...again

And so it begins!

Finally I got outside for a short run today.  Nothing too hard.  I was expecting a lot of suffering (or at least a lot of coughing and wheezing) for my first run since November 5th.  I was actually able to run fairly comfortably.  I probably could have run another 15 min or so without suffering but I figured I'll try and ease back into my normal run routine.

I also managed my first two sport workout day also in several months.  I almost felt like an athlete.


2018-01-20 5:36 AM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Maturing Triathlete Mentor Group (OPEN)
Here goes, long time listener, first time caller.

NAME: Ed (eea123), 49 soon to be 50.

STORY: Came to running later in life. My wife and son decided to do the Fight for Air Climb in 2012 and surprising to them I decided to join in. I’ve heard it called a “vertical 5k”, but it was 30 stories in the Springfield Hilton. We trained as best we could at the local community center, but I still winded myself enough to end up in the aid station. Regardless, I did finish at my goal of just under 5 minutes.

From there we all started in the local Building Steam running program for the annual Steamboat run in Peoria. We did the 4mi run in 2012, then I upped mine to the 15k in ’13 and ’14. I ran the Heights ½ in ‘14 and the Traverse City ½ in ‘15, missing my target 2Hr number by a few minutes both times. I took a new job in 2013 and one of my co-workers was into Triathlons. I am not a good swimmer (or at least as good as I thought), but competed in the local Tremont Tri Sprint race. I was able to complete the 400m pool swim in a weak 12min with a worn out combination of freestyle and backstroke. Had a terrible 2min T1, but an alright bike ride at 17.8mph on an old Schwinn steel frame 12speed (that’s a real “2 on 6” 12spd), a great T2 since I had pedal cages I biked and ran in the same shoes, with a run in the low 9s for the 5k.

Over confident and poorly self-coached, I attempted a HIM the next season. I picked up a nice but used Cervelo P1, rode 20 to 30mi/wk but ran my typical 5k workdays and a 10k on weekends, with periodic pool swims. I badly cramped up twice at 0.5mi into the swim (so much so I went under and was hanging onto a spotter kayak) and couldn’t finish. Turns out, backstroke in open water is useless for sighting. Never felt worse than people clapping for me when I swam in with the other racers at the head of the pack and turned in my chip (the finish was in the middle of the course). I still went ahead and rode the bike leg at 17mph and “ran” the ½ at a 14:30pace. I've only done a few 5k races since, but do bike and run weekly (for the most part).

We sold our house of 20 years in 2016 and just recently finished building a new one in the same town as my job. We were 18months in a rental and exercise was sporadic at best. We spoiled ourselves with a home gym, which I’ve committed to using daily. I’ve upfitted our old Spin Bike (and am working on the ’92 Nordic Track Skier) with Ant+ speed and cadence sensors to log time on those (sorry, I’m an engineer). Since August, I’ve worked my way down from a 10min/mi pace 5k to a sub8 (7:55). My best 5k has been 7:36 and I don’t think I’ll ever be sub7.

I've been rowing to help with upper body strength. I'm looking to do a full Marathon this year and will target a more reasonable 10min/mi pace rather than a 4Hr finish. I'd still like to work towards a full IM someday, but will target a Sprint this season with trying to establish a good baseline training program that will allow for respectable return to the Route 66 HIM in 2019 and maybe a full IM in Louisville in 2020?

FAMILY STATUS: Supporting wife of 30 years and one teenage son

CURRENT TRAINING: not enough for something big. I am treadmill running 5k every other day and rowing 5k or biking 10mi on the off days. So 3.5Hrs per week. I can probably commit some more, but not more than double this. I know, I know, I need to swim.

PAST RACES: 1 Sprint in 2014 (Tremont Tri) and 1 attempted 70.3 (Route 66 HIM) in 2015. Lots of local 5k’s, two 15ks’s and two ½ Marathons (Peoria Heights ½ and Traverse City ½).

2018 PLANNED RACES: For certain will do the Peoria Sprint Tri on the riverfront and try to do a local / regional Marathon, either Starved Rock or Peoria Whiskeydaddle.

WEIGHT LOSS: Need to get back down to 155’ish. Have been in the low 160s for a while and just have gotten down into the high 150s with a more little focus on diet and exercise.


Edited by eea123 2018-01-20 9:04 AM
2018-01-20 9:47 AM
in reply to: lutzman

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: A Doping Gray Guy gets caught...again

Originally posted by lutzman . . . It's interesting because for all intents it appears this guy was an unapologetic cheater. He was not only a steroid user but (according to multiple reports) quite adept at drafting and even resorted to using a mirror on his helmet to spot course marshal's coming up from behind on a motorcycle. 

He Steve,

It seems we've had this discussion before.  I just don't get it.  What's the allure for an age-group cheater?  I could understand if there were millions of dollars on the line.  It still wouldn't be right, but I could understand.

It would be an interesting study for a psychologist - the mind of a cheater.  Inadvertently cutting a buoy on a swim or getting to close and incurring a drafting penalty on the bike is one thing - genuine honest mistakes happen.  But to deliberately subvert the rules rises to a different level.  The thing that I really don't understand is how brazen and blatantly obvious some of the cheaters have become.  This guys a good example.  There was the woman last year that let air our of her closest competitors tires in T1 - under full view of recording security cameras.  There was a girl a couple years ago who had NEVER run a sub 5:00 open marathon, yet ran a 2:45 marathon at the end of her first 140.6 - on closer inspection she had run only about 5-miles of the course.  The list goes on and on.

I keep hoping and telling myself this is just a few isolated disturbed individuals and not a broader statement on societies changing moral compass.

2018-01-20 10:01 AM
in reply to: eea123

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Maturing Triathlete Mentor Group (OPEN)

Originally posted by eea123

Here goes, long time listener, first time caller.

NAME: Ed (eea123), 49 soon to be 50.

STORY: Came to running later in life. My wife and son decided to do the Fight for Air Climb in 2012 and surprising to them I decided to join in. I’ve heard it called a “vertical 5k”, but it was 30 stories in the Springfield Hilton. We trained as best we could at the local community center, but I still winded myself enough to end up in the aid station. Regardless, I did finish at my goal of just under 5 minutes.

From there we all started in the local Building Steam running program for the annual Steamboat run in Peoria. We did the 4mi run in 2012, then I upped mine to the 15k in ’13 and ’14. I ran the Heights ½ in ‘14 and the Traverse City ½ in ‘15, missing my target 2Hr number by a few minutes both times. I took a new job in 2013 and one of my co-workers was into Triathlons. I am not a good swimmer (or at least as good as I thought), but competed in the local Tremont Tri Sprint race. I was able to complete the 400m pool swim in a weak 12min with a worn out combination of freestyle and backstroke. Had a terrible 2min T1, but an alright bike ride at 17.8mph on an old Schwinn steel frame 12speed (that’s a real “2 on 6” 12spd), a great T2 since I had pedal cages I biked and ran in the same shoes, with a run in the low 9s for the 5k.

Over confident and poorly self-coached, I attempted a HIM the next season. I picked up a nice but used Cervelo P1, rode 20 to 30mi/wk but ran my typical 5k workdays and a 10k on weekends, with periodic pool swims. I badly cramped up twice at 0.5mi into the swim (so much so I went under and was hanging onto a spotter kayak) and couldn’t finish. Turns out, backstroke in open water is useless for sighting. Never felt worse than people clapping for me when I swam in with the other racers at the head of the pack and turned in my chip (the finish was in the middle of the course). I still went ahead and rode the bike leg at 17mph and “ran” the ½ at a 14:30pace. I've only done a few 5k races since, but do bike and run weekly (for the most part).

We sold our house of 20 years in 2016 and just recently finished building a new one in the same town as my job. We were 18months in a rental and exercise was sporadic at best. We spoiled ourselves with a home gym, which I’ve committed to using daily. I’ve upfitted our old Spin Bike (and am working on the ’92 Nordic Track Skier) with Ant+ speed and cadence sensors to log time on those (sorry, I’m an engineer). Since August, I’ve worked my way down from a 10min/mi pace 5k to a sub8 (7:55). My best 5k has been 7:36 and I don’t think I’ll ever be sub7.

I've been rowing to help with upper body strength. I'm looking to do a full Marathon this year and will target a more reasonable 10min/mi pace rather than a 4Hr finish. I'd still like to work towards a full IM someday, but will target a Sprint this season with trying to establish a good baseline training program that will allow for respectable return to the Route 66 HIM in 2019 and maybe a full IM in Louisville in 2020?

FAMILY STATUS: Supporting wife of 30 years and one teenage son

CURRENT TRAINING: not enough for something big. I am treadmill running 5k every other day and rowing 5k or biking 10mi on the off days. So 3.5Hrs per week. I can probably commit some more, but not more than double this. I know, I know, I need to swim.

PAST RACES: 1 Sprint in 2014 (Tremont Tri) and 1 attempted 70.3 (Route 66 HIM) in 2015. Lots of local 5k’s, two 15ks’s and two ½ Marathons (Peoria Heights ½ and Traverse City ½. 2018

PLANNED RACES: For certain will do the Peoria Sprint Tri on the riverfront and try to do a local / regional Marathon, either Starved Rock or Peoria Whiskeydaddle.

WEIGHT LOSS: Need to get back down to 155’ish. Have been in the low 160s for a while and just have gotten down into the high 150s with a more little focus on diet and exercise. Strava:

Hello Ed!

Welcome to Gray Guys/Gals.

The "Fight for Air Climb."  That's impressive you did that off the couch.  I keep thinking maybe I kinda sorta might wanna do one of those someday - then I snap back to reality and realize triathlon is crazy enough thank you!  Seriously though, there's nothing like running stairs to develop a number of muscle groups and your aerobic engine.

We've got a couple of true runners in the group so ask any questions you might have about marathons and I'm sure they will chime in.

Again welcome!

2018-01-20 10:22 AM
in reply to: k9car363

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: Gray Guys/Gals

Hey everyone!

Here is an updated lost of the Gray Guys/Gals.

(gray guys-gals group.jpg)

gray guys-gals group.jpg (33KB - 13 downloads)
2018-01-20 10:31 AM
in reply to: k9car363

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: Weightloss

It seems we have one common desire among us this year - to lose a couple pounds.

In the past we have done "weight-loss challenges."  The obvious question is, who wants to do a weight loss challenge this year?

The second part of the question is - should we tie working out to the weight loss challenge?  A couple seasons ago we did 5-points for no weight gained, plus one point for every pound lost.  To that we added one point for every five-hours of workout time (we kept this low to balance out the high volume people with the lower volume people).

Please let me know if there is interest and whether you'd prefer "weight-loss only," or "weight-loss/workout time."

2018-01-20 10:40 AM
in reply to: k9car363

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: Weekend is Here!

It's 44 degrees out, I can see the sun, and there is no ice on the road, so I've taken my bike off the trainer and am heading out the door for a ride - because I can!  Tomorrow is a bit dicey because we are expecting rain - but it'll be RAIN and well above freezing - which means I don't have to run on the treadmill.  Good weekend for me!

What's everyone else have on tap this weekend?

2018-01-20 12:36 PM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Weekend is Here!
Scott glad to have joined in time this year. Plans for this weekend, 10mi on the spin bike this morning. I little bit of XC play on the NordicTrack. Tomorrow maybe some distance on the treadmill or outside?

My vote is for "weight-loss/workout time".

Edited by eea123 2018-01-20 12:45 PM
2018-01-20 12:44 PM
in reply to: eea123

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, Kronobergs lan
Subject: RE: Weekend is Here!
We have snow here, so a slow mountain bike ride with the dog this morning and and a 2 km swim this afternoon. Tomorrow I have long run on the menu and I will probably get my skis out while I can (forecast for next week is rain and mild)
Have a nice weekend all!

2018-01-20 12:51 PM
in reply to: k9car363

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East Wenatchee, Washington
Subject: RE: Weekend is Here!
Originally posted by k9car363

It's 44 degrees out, I can see the sun, and there is no ice on the road, so I've taken my bike off the trainer and am heading out the door for a ride - because I can!  Tomorrow is a bit dicey because we are expecting rain - but it'll be RAIN and well above freezing - which means I don't have to run on the treadmill.  Good weekend for me!

What's everyone else have on tap this weekend?


We're still sub-30's out here in Wa. State with spotty ice on roads. Worse, they heavily sand the roads during snow events. When the snow melts we're left with sandy roads that can be quite dangerous for skinny tire cyclists. So, I won't be outdoors for at least another 4 weeks.

I got in an easy 5 mile run this morning. I'll hit the pool shortly for a swim...probably around 2,000 yards (don't laugh, it's all I can muster right now!). Tomorrow is probably 1:45 on the indoor bike followed by a short easy run to simulate that oh so nasty bike to run fatigue.

Count me in on the weight loss challenge!

2018-01-20 12:59 PM
in reply to: eea123

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East Wenatchee, Washington
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Maturing Triathlete Mentor Group (OPEN)
Originally posted by eea123

Here goes, long time listener, first time caller.

NAME: Ed (eea123), 49 soon to be 50.

STORY: Came to running later in life. My wife and son decided to do the Fight for Air Climb in 2012 and surprising to them I decided to join in. I’ve heard it called a “vertical 5k”, but it was 30 stories in the Springfield Hilton. We trained as best we could at the local community center, but I still winded myself enough to end up in the aid station. Regardless, I did finish at my goal of just under 5 minutes.

2018 PLANNED RACES: For certain will do the Peoria Sprint Tri on the riverfront and try to do a local / regional Marathon, either Starved Rock or Peoria Whiskeydaddle.

Welcome Ed. There's a solid group here and plenty of help. Don't hesitate to ask.

I would be happy to brainstorm with you on marathon training if you decide to keep moving toward that goal. I've done my share of marathons over the years including three times at Boston. It's always fun to compare notes with others who are on their marathon training journey.


2018-01-20 12:59 PM
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East Wenatchee, Washington
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Maturing Triathlete Mentor Group (OPEN)
Sorry, deleted duplicate post.

Edited by lutzman 2018-01-20 1:02 PM
2018-01-20 2:25 PM
in reply to: lutzman

, Indiana
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Maturing Triathlete Mentor Group (OPEN)
I will be enjoying my treadmill this weekend. I have an unwritten rule that I won't run outside if its below 50 degrees (unless its race day) simply because I don't like the cold weather. I know I should run in all kinds of weather but I really dislike running in the cold. I did a biggest loser half marathon last year and the temperature was 41 and rainy at the start needless to say I was miserable the entire time. I did learn something tho, I learned that I can actually run is terrible weather. lol
I still haven't found a place to swim. I did find a couple of masters programs but I haven't contacted them yet.
I would be up for a weight loss challenge, I really like the extra point for the workouts.
2018-01-20 3:27 PM
in reply to: wenceslasz

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: A Doping Gray Guy gets caught...again

Originally posted by wenceslasz

And so it begins!

Finally I got outside for a short run today.  Nothing too hard.  I was expecting a lot of suffering (or at least a lot of coughing and wheezing) for my first run since November 5th. 

That's funny!  I cough and wheeze after every run so you have me beat!

Originally posted by wenceslasz

I also managed my first two sport workout day also in several months.  I almost felt like an athlete.

It always amazes me how quickly it comes back.  I'll refrain from listing all the biological reasons why, but the human body is preprogrammed to come back quickly after brief lapses in training.  In no time at all it will be like you didn't take a break at all.

2018-01-20 3:34 PM
in reply to: lutzman

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: Weekend is Here!

Originally posted by lutzman
Originally posted by k9car363

It's 44 degrees out, I can see the sun, and there is no ice on the road, so I've taken my bike off the trainer and am heading out the door for a ride - because I can!  Tomorrow is a bit dicey because we are expecting rain - but it'll be RAIN and well above freezing - which means I don't have to run on the treadmill.  Good weekend for me!

What's everyone else have on tap this weekend?

Scott: We're still sub-30's out here in Wa. State with spotty ice on roads. Worse, they heavily sand the roads during snow events. When the snow melts we're left with sandy roads that can be quite dangerous for skinny tire cyclists. So, I won't be outdoors for at least another 4 weeks. I got in an easy 5 mile run this morning. I'll hit the pool shortly for a swim...probably around 2,000 yards (don't laugh, it's all I can muster right now!). Tomorrow is probably 1:45 on the indoor bike followed by a short easy run to simulate that oh so nasty bike to run fatigue. Count me in on the weight loss challenge! Steve

It isn't warmer because the weather has broken for the season.  We just have a weird little spring-like break.  They use a brine solution on the roads so when the roads dry, there's nothing left but pavement.  I figured I'd get an outdoor ride in because in a couple days we have snow back in the forecast.  Even with tights, a jacket, and gloves it was still cold, but I was outside!  I didn't expect to see the ground until spring - that I could cried out for skinny bike tires!

2018-01-20 3:37 PM
in reply to: lutzman

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: Weekend is Here!

Originally posted by lutzman

. . . I'll hit the pool shortly for a swim...probably around 2,000 yards (don't laugh, it's all I can muster right now!).

Not laughing.  That crazy person you hear cheering you on is me!  2,000 yards is a heck of a lot further than all the people that chose not to swim today.

2018-01-20 7:48 PM
in reply to: k9car363

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Extreme Veteran
, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Weekend is Here!
Hello all,
Still working on remembering all the names and getting a feel for peoples journeys, but I am reading everyone.

Welcome George - skimmed through the video - very interesting. A great accomplishment for an adult-onset athlete.

I've been good about following my BT oly plan, at least with regards to the running and biking. Haven't swum yet this season. Just doing foundation work, slowly increasing times - all in preparation for my HIM plan starting Jan. 28. I'm doing a plan from Triathlete Magazine's Essential Week-by-Week Training Guide. It does more with sprint work and hill work etc.

Taped five months of a blank calendar together into one large sheet and posted it on the kitchen wall. I have the next two weeks of workouts written on it and I put a diagonal line when I complete the workout. Seeing the five months all at once shows me I don't have a lot of time! Going to see how I'm feeling, if strong I'll post the next two weeks from the level 3 plan, if not I'll stick with L2. Circles around the swim workouts to highlight the missing workout.

Feeling scared that I won't be able to do a HIM, 20#s overweight (only 5'1") and only done sprints, DFL at an oly, but I guess if I just do each workout in the plan I will be able.

2018-01-20 10:08 PM
in reply to: MuscleMomma

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: Weekend is Here!

Originally posted by MuscleMomma

. . . I've been good about following my BT oly plan, at least with regards to the running and biking. Haven't swum yet this season. Just doing foundation work, slowly increasing times - all in preparation for my HIM plan starting Jan. 28 . . .

Feeling scared that I won't be able to do a HIM, 20#s overweight (only 5'1") and only done sprints, DFL at an oly, but I guess if I just do each workout in the plan I will be able.


Hey Mitzi,

Having some apprehension over an upcoming race, especially when you are stepping up in distance, is normal.  Remember "the difference between the impossible and the possible lies in a person's determination" (Tommy Lasorda). Trust your training, it will have you ready for the race if you follow the plan.  One piece of advice - don't fall into the trap of thinking, "Maybe I'll just do an extra run (or ride or swim) on a rest day."  You're going to need the rest and more importantly, you will need the recovery time.  Contrary to what many believe, you don't get stronger and faster when you train.  You get stronger and faster when your body recovers.  Follow your plan, and before you know it your apprehension will turn to anticipation.

You mentioned, "slowly increasing times."  I'm not entirely sure what you meant by that as it can be taken a couple ways.  Hopefully you meant you were increasing the duration of your rides and runs.  The other possible meaning that popped into my mind was you were increasing pace.  I know that isn't what you meant .

However, for anyone else thinking they need to increase the pace of their runs/rides at this point in the season, I thought I'd make a comment.  Ideally, you (metaphorically, not YOU Mitzi) will be training with HR on the run.  At this point in the season most triathletes are working on their base - training to make their aerobic energy systems utilize fat more efficiently.  We do that through long slow runs.  If you are using a HR monitor, long slow runs are typically done in zone 2.  In general, the most common training mistake age-group athletes make is that on "easy" days (those Z2 run days) they go too hard, and on hard days (those Z4-5 run days) they don't go hard enough.  If you go "just a little bit harder" on your Z2 days you end up in zone 3.  If you don't go hard enough on your Z4-5 days, you end up in zone 3.  When you are in zone 3 you are training too hard to force adaptation of the aerobic energy pathway and you aren't going hard enough to force adaptation of the anaerobic energy pathways - you are doing a LOT of work, for very little return.  The easy solution, assuming you are training by HR, is to strictly keep your HR within the target range.

Happy training!

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