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2007-01-24 10:46 PM
in reply to: #635251

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McFarland, WI
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
Longest tri: sprint - 1 in 2005, 2 in 2006
Longest swim: 1100 continuous meters in pool 2006
Longest bike: 36 miles 2005
Longest run: 5 miles 2007

Athletic history:
Not much, a little wrestling, and some intramural basketball, casual tennis, mountain biking, martial arts (karate for a while, followed by Brazilian JiuJitsu), started weight training in 2004.
Lori has been a good influence on improving my athletic activities.

2007-01-25 9:04 PM
in reply to: #665152

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Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
Tri: Sprint in college years ago
Bike: 100 miles last summer
(6 Day BRAT - Bike across TN ride rivaled the century)
Swim: 4200 yrds training
Run: 22 miles last fall

2007-01-26 9:11 AM
in reply to: #635251

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Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!

in my efforts to cross train and maintain movement while traveling, I decided to do stairs the other day - up and down for 20+ minutes,   My calfs are still knotted up like crazy and Monday I have to be at a converence where "lady shoes" are called for and I have to be on my feet all day.  I am hydrating and stretching, I try to massage them myself.   

Any olther suggestions?  I am going to look for a massage therapist today.

2007-01-27 10:21 AM
in reply to: #635251

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McFarland, WI
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
Mary-have you ever tried "The Stick"? You can buy it at many Tri and Running stores. It is a massage stick with small rollers on it, it works wonders on tight calves.

What is everyone doing this weekend for training? We have two swims on the schedule and I also plan on doing yoga on Saturday and weights on Sunday. I was planning on running today but my lengthy run yesterday took care of that idea (sore).

Have a great weekend everyone!
2007-01-27 9:33 PM
in reply to: #669650

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Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
This weekend for me is more "death by power point." We had a PT test this am and it felt really great to actually move enough to get my heart rate up. My score wasn't significantly different from the one last month which is good since it's harder to as well on a PT test outside your home unit. I laughed when our grader wouldn't let me hold a male's feet for the sit-up event even though I did more push-ups that anyone, male and female, in our line.

I second the recomendation of The Stick. I got the shorter version for packability.

In other news, I'm going on Active Duty as soon as orders spool down through the system - sometime between next week and July. I won't know where until I actually get the orders. This, of course, makes planning for a Tri later in the summer unpredictable. For now, I'm going to stick to my plan (such as it is) hoping I can find local events, wherever local turns out to be.
2007-01-27 11:41 PM
in reply to: #669650

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Walworth, WI
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
I had a 5000yd swim Saturday morning, followed by lunch and a nap. Took my oldest son skiing Saturday night, came home and logged my food/exercise, and crashed.

Sunday is likely to be largely rest, but I may try to squeeze in some run time on the tready.

Have a great weekend everyone!

2007-01-28 12:28 PM
in reply to: #635251

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Silver member
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!

I did an 1:20 of spinning yesterday morning, followed by a 20 minute T-run and then my weight circuit.

Today, I ran for about 30 minutes and then Deep Water running for 20 minutes. An easyish weekend. Trying not to get too carried away with running. SLOW and STEADY. Was going to swim today too, but decided against it... slept instead.

Edited by Whizzzzz 2007-01-28 12:29 PM
2007-01-28 3:47 PM
in reply to: #670398

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Walworth, WI
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
Tell me a little about this "deep water running"
2007-01-28 7:39 PM
in reply to: #635251

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Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
I worked in a 7 mile run this evening. I was all dressed out and ready to run when someone I didn't know passed and yelled - "wait and I'll go with you." So, I waited a few minutes as she changed. We ran an easy jog talking and getting to know one another on a beautiful evening as the sun set.
2007-01-29 11:10 AM
in reply to: #635251

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McFarland, WI
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
How much do I decrease my volume this week to make it a recovery week? I consider this portion of my training plan as preparation before jumping to a 20-week HIM training plan.

My initial thoughts:

-Swimming-keep the same schedule of around 2,000 yards for one workout and 1,600 on the other. Keep working on my weakness.

-Running-I have only been getting in about 1 run per week because of weather and darkness. Once there is snow on the paths/roads I pass on running because no matter when I run (morning or evening) it would be dark. The dreadmill seems to bother my achilles for some reason. Could I substitute the elliptical trainer? If so, what kind of workout should I do? I have been running about 55-60 minutes. My thought is to get 2 in this week averaging about 40-45 minutes?

-Biking-I would like to keep the longer ride at 70 minutes. What should a do for the shorter one this week? Would 45 minutes be about right?

Thanks for your help!

2007-01-30 6:43 PM
in reply to: #635251

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McFarland, WI
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
Helllllllooooooooooooooooo! Anyone out there?

I am attempting a slight recovery week this week. I don't feel like I really need one but, on Whizzzzz's advice, I am going to take the volume down a little.

For those of you not feeling well, be good to yourself and rest up. There is always another day for training.

Laura or John, if you have time take a look at my questions.

Run on the dreadmill tonight, perhaps 30-40 minutes, and maybe a few weights.

Happy training!

2007-01-31 12:19 AM
in reply to: #673440

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Walworth, WI
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
I'm here! And starting to feel a little better too. Work has driven some crazy hours over the past week and I hope it slows down a little in the coming days. I too am taking a partial easy week (on the run, not the swim), but always fear that it will be hard to get back in the swing of things.

Let's strike up the band! It's hard to stay motivated during January and February when the event season seems so far away!
2007-02-01 11:27 PM
in reply to: #673659

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Walworth, WI
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
Anyone got anything good on tap for this weekend, other than camping on the couch and watching football? In December I thought it would be fun to run the 10K at the Lake Geneva Winterfest, but the downturn in temps has made it seem much less fun. There was a guy on TV tonight who said that it is never too cold to run as long as you dress properly. What a load of crap. It's hard to run when you're dressed like an eskimo
2007-02-02 8:23 PM
in reply to: #635251

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McFarland, WI
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
Hi everyone,

Weekends mean swimming for me. I know I will get at least one swim in, maybe two (swimming over watching the Bears.......hmmmmmm). Possibly a little run on the dreadmill, no choice with the temperatures. Yeah right, if you dress right you can run in any weather. How long does it take for your face to freeze when the windchill is -25 to -30?

I will just be doing a little yoga tonight, nothing else. I have to work all weekend.

Have a great training weekend everyone! Stay warm! Go bears, oh wait, I can't possibly be saying that can I?
2007-02-03 2:55 PM
in reply to: #635251

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Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!

Home again, at least for a week.  

Made it through my 10 days in Vancouver and now I am going to stay home a week and go to fairbanks for 2 weeks.   

Special thanks to Misscullen and Jeng of Vancouver for taking me swimming!

2007-02-03 10:14 PM
in reply to: #635251

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Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
I'm home and now have time to catch up on everyone's logs.

For inspiration, I will say that those of us at OBC who were actually training for something other than to the Army standards were better off than most folks. We still have a stomach lining because we didn't have to take Motirn every AM due to soreness.

2007-02-06 8:35 PM
in reply to: #635251

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McFarland, WI
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
Helllllllloooooo Everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Is your motivation lacking? Is our return to winter getting you down?

Let's get active on posting in each others' inspirations on our training logs. I think we can help each other by simply offering encouragement. Nothing needs to be elaborate, just a simple one liner will do! A little humor always helps me through the day!

Welcome back Laura! Congratulations on making it through officer basic. I guess if you are going to be activated for a tour, you can't beat Walter Reed in DC. Could be a lot worse. You should have a lot of opportunities to race on the East Coast.

Todd-I am certain you have turned into a fish by now. You certainly have set the bar high for us rookie swimmers. Now--how about that bike trainer?

Booty--you are entitled to good food and great wine! I know that is why I exercise, so I can eat whatever I want. Welcome back. Ugh--Fairbanks? Yikes!

Whizzzz, where are you? Earth to Whizzzz!!!

John is on vacation. Perfect timing a cold and then some nice days in the warm weather.

Let's get some good discussion going here. How about posting some thoughts, questions, comments, goals, etc.

Let's go Whizzzzz's group!!!!!!
2007-02-06 8:59 PM
in reply to: #635251

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McFarland, WI
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
Ok, stolen from another mentor group (coredump's).

How did you do on your January training goals?

What are your goals for February?

When do you start your training plan for your race season? What plan are you using?

- Did very well in January, the main goal was consistency and getting back to some strength training. Start to incorporate some yoga and work on my flexibility.

- February goals:

1-Complete all planned swim workouts.
2-Get to the point where I am running three times per week.
3-Get my race season planned!

Training plan starts in March-Fitzgerald Plan, 20-week HIM. Working on getting that good base built.

How about you?
2007-02-06 10:24 PM
in reply to: #682080

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Silver member
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!

It's OK to steal things from Dumpster's group because we are dating. (seriously!) Laughing

I've been absent from the thread and scarcely on the boards because I've had to do a heck of alot of work lately at work... ((WHAT???)) And by the time I get home I'm pretty tired. The weather has been weird and I'm starting to feel a little bit overwhelmed with everything. However... things are about to change in the Whizzzzzzworld because as of February 12 I start working with a COACH... (!!!) I'm excited to have some direction. I've been sort of floundering around trying to be sure to swim/bike/run and lift. But once I get on a plan I will feel much better about things.

How did I do on my January training goals? Fairly well, I suppose... I didn't have a plan... so the main goal was to keep moving... and try running. Running is coming along quite slowly.

What are my February goals? Execute the plan I will be given. Try not to miss *any* prescribed workouts! Also get my bike trainer fixed. It's inop in the garage.

When do I start my training plan for next race season? What plan am I using? Well, my "A" race isn't unti July. So the training I'm going to be doing in the next couple of months will be focused on building strength, perfecting technique and trying to hone some efficiency. And continue to build my base. Particularly in running. Since I have the unique opportunity to start my running completely OVER, I figured NOW was as good a time as any to enlist the assistance of a coach to help me become more efficient with my gait and stride. Also, I'm looking to do more targeted training, and perhaps a smidge less VOLUME. Am hoping to do heart rate targeted workouts. I didn't do any of that last year. So, while I did get loads of volume in, I fear I may have been working too hard, and inefficiently.

Since I'm paying this Coach, that should be pretty good incentive to *do* the workouts as they are put forth. PLUS, while I don't think I will ever be REALLY fast, I'd like to improve as much as I can. Be the best Whiz I can be. Kiss

Goal for February is also to watch what I'm eating. I have been paying pretty close attention... but I need to do better. More whole grains. More fruit, more veggies. Less Oreos. (!) Less Cheez-its.

LORI: THANK YOU for getting this rolling again... Hopefully things will simmer down a bit at work and I can resume business as usual...

THE REST OF THE POSSE: You are all doing great! I've been trying to pop into your logs pretty regularly and I've been impressed with your consistency! NICE NICE NICE!!!

2007-02-06 10:38 PM
in reply to: #671338

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Silver member
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!

retiretotri - 2007-01-29 11:10 AM How much do I decrease my volume this week to make it a recovery week? I consider this portion of my training plan as preparation before jumping to a 20-week HIM training plan. My initial thoughts: -Swimming-keep the same schedule of around 2,000 yards for one workout and 1,600 on the other. Keep working on my weakness. -Running-I have only been getting in about 1 run per week because of weather and darkness. Once there is snow on the paths/roads I pass on running because no matter when I run (morning or evening) it would be dark. The dreadmill seems to bother my achilles for some reason. Could I substitute the elliptical trainer? If so, what kind of workout should I do? I have been running about 55-60 minutes. My thought is to get 2 in this week averaging about 40-45 minutes? -Biking-I would like to keep the longer ride at 70 minutes. What should a do for the shorter one this week? Would 45 minutes be about right? Thanks for your help!

The way I've seen it work is this:

Build 10% each week... for 3 weeks.

Then on the 4th week, the recovery week, reduce volume by 40%. This week should feel ridiculously easy.

When your cycle starts over again, you will pick up where you left off, you won't build again until the 2nd week of the 4 week cycle. So you will build in the 2nd and 3rd weeks, then scale back again in the 4th week.  

You need that recovery week for the next push forward.

Also, I advocate either two full rest days a week ((OR)) a full rest day and an active recovery day. I'm not a coach... I'm just saying what I've seen work. It's so easy to get completely enveloped in this lifestyle and constant training. It's so easy to get injured, or exhausted, or burned out. Particularly while training for the longer distance races.

Since your actual plan doesn't kick in til March, I suggest keeping it rather low intensity and sticking with the 3 build 1 recovery format... Work technique and drills and efficiency. We don't want to be working ourselves too hard now. It's still REALLY early. We've got to last ALL SUMMER LONG! Smile

2007-02-07 11:38 AM
in reply to: #635251

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McFarland, WI
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
Here's a question I'll ask the group before I go to the general forum with it.

Are there any regular blood donors out there? I used to give regularly, but with training 6-7 days a week, I wasn't sure if it was a good idea. Any suggestions on which workout days are better for donating? I got a call from the red cross the other day, and the caller was a very sweet old(er) lady, and I found it hard to turn her down. I'm O pos, so they really like me, OK, my blood.


2007-02-07 7:40 PM
in reply to: #682168

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McFarland, WI
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
Whizzzzz - 2007-02-06 10:38 PM

((OR)) a full rest day and an active recovery day. I'm not a coach... I'm just saying what I've seen work. It's so easy to get completely enveloped in this lifestyle and constant training. It's so easy to get injured, or exhausted, or burned out. Particularly while training for the longer distance races.

Since your actual plan doesn't kick in til March, I suggest keeping it rather low intensity and sticking with the 3 build 1 recovery format... Work technique and drills and efficiency. We don't want to be working ourselves too hard now. It's still REALLY early. We've got to last ALL SUMMER LONG! Smile

Exactly what I am worried about. I know where I need to be for a base but how to get there without burning out is the question. If I continue to drive myself, I won't make it through the summer.

Two rest days a week (I think yoga would probably be the best activity) would be great. Are you then forced to do two-a-days the rest of the week? The longer runs and bikes tend to wipe me out but I can usually manage a low volume swim.

Whizzzzz-----the voice of reason! Thanks!
2007-02-07 7:49 PM
in reply to: #682768

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Silver member
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!

I've seen that discussed on the forums on a number of occasions. I donated blood a couple of years ago during the season and felt sluggish because of it... or at least that's what I told myself. I don't know if it was REALLY because I donated blood or because I was just sluggish.

Let me see if I can find some of the older threads on this topic... Hang on...... 

AARRGGHHHH There are quite a few, but I'm on Dumpster's MAC and I have no idea how to cut and paste on this thing... Try this:



Narrow it down to Tri Talk on the left side...

You will come up with a bunch of results.  

Hope that helps... and if you can cut and paste the links... please do! Laughing

2007-02-07 9:15 PM
in reply to: #682080

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Walworth, WI
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
How did you do on your January training goals?

Actually, I'm going to dip back into December for a little history. December was a month of long run building. I was still contemplating running the ING Miami Marathon at the end of January with a buddy. Then I experience a foot "injury". As it turned out, it was just the shoes, which I found out after I got a new pair for Christmas. That sunk the marathon, but I still had a 5 mile race in January that I trained for. January was in like a lion, out like a lamb. Blame it on the crummy weather, but I switched my focus from run to swim. The end of the month was filled with work pressures that zapped my energy, health, and motivation. I have managed to keep a 6 mile/week swim habit alive, but will likely drop to 4 this week due to a family vacation to the Dells. Lots of pools with no laps

What are your goals for February?

Keep swimming 3x per week, 2 mile average per workout. My swim challenge is keeping me accountable. Get some consistency and milage back into my running. Start with multiple treadmills until the frigid temps subside, then hit the roads on the weekends for longer runs. Build back up to 12 mile long runs by the end of February.

When do you start your training plan for your race season? What plan are you using?

Marathon training starts with an 18 week plan on Feb 11. Since I have a decent base and it is my "A" running race, I plan to use the following plan as a guide.

I will likely sacrifice some of the workouts in favor of biking once the weather warms up a little (a lot). I've got to build my bike base up a little during the marathon training and then focus on it as the primary activity after the marathon.

It's an extremely long answer to a very short question, but I can get a little long-winded sometimes
2007-02-08 8:54 AM
in reply to: #683474

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McFarland, WI
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
Thanks, I'll do a search on the forum and let the rest of you know. I was afraid of the "sluggish part.
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