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2013-06-26 7:59 AM
in reply to: alicia123

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Mechanicsburg, PA
Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread
Originally posted by alicia123

First of all...I just made a complete jerk out of myself by posting about my foot issue as a new thread in the Iron distance race groups and cant figure out how to delete....oopsie...If anyone can help with that I'd appreciate it.

The second thing is what I was really hoping for advice about. I have a hot spot on the ball of my foot that starts about 50 miles into the bike. I have tried new shoes, made just for me name it. Its actually affecting my long bikes and my ability to run after a bike. Any suggestions?

Have you tried taping with a product called Moleskine? It is designed to prevent blisters. just curious what kind of pedals are you using.

2013-06-26 8:34 AM
in reply to: alicia123

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Mechanicsburg, PA
Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread
Originally posted by alicia123

Originally posted by spie34

Originally posted by alicia123

First of all...I just made a complete jerk out of myself by posting about my foot issue as a new thread in the Iron distance race groups and cant figure out how to delete....oopsie...If anyone can help with that I'd appreciate it.

The second thing is what I was really hoping for advice about. I have a hot spot on the ball of my foot that starts about 50 miles into the bike. I have tried new shoes, made just for me name it. Its actually affecting my long bikes and my ability to run after a bike. Any suggestions?

Hi, have you looked into cleat placement? Shimming your cleats? I had similar issues and when I got fitted to my bike I was telling my fitter that I was having a few issues and he moved my cleats which helped resolve my problems. You didn't say you did anything with your cleats so thinking maybe that is something you can try.

I havent moved my cleats so I will try that! Thank you! Did you move them toward the arch or the toe?

Moving your cleats should be done by the bike fitter. If you're not sure you can missalign your joints and cause more problems.

2013-06-26 8:38 AM
in reply to: BernardDogs

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Mechanicsburg, PA
Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread
Originally posted by BernardDogs

Ugh ... I'm calling last week the Lost Week. I haven't even gotten around to logging it yet. Two flats, and the appearance of a nagging hamstring that is going to need some immediate attention. And it was graduation week for my daughter which brought my entire family out to stay with us. Yikes. Training took a hit.

It was SO good to hear the 4:30 alarm bringing me back to normalcy this morning. I got up to try a run, and had to keep it to a very hobbled 3 miles due to the hamstring. I'm calling my PT today. I took today off just to decompress from the family visit, so I'll try a ride later today. The good news is that everyone who needs to be has already returned or is well on their way home to the midwest. Now it's time to get this hamstring issue resolved and put in the final push prior to taper.

Unscheduled rest day can be a blessing but dealing with a hamstring injury is not. I have never experience stress from family issues. Although my mother in law will be moving in sometime in the fall so that might all change next year. Actually training is a great stress relief from any stress situation I deal with.
2013-06-26 8:55 AM
in reply to: runninirish

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Mechanicsburg, PA
Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread
Originally posted by runninirish

Only 5 more Monday morning 5:30am swims to go. Yes.

What, you dont like Monday mornings?
2013-06-26 9:01 AM
in reply to: manfarr1974


Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread
Hi all - I am enrolled in IMPL '13 but a recent hamstring injury just makes it impossible for me to compete.

I had already organized to co-rent a 4-room log house with 3 other competitors and their +1s. As I won't be going to Lake Placid anymore I am looking to sublet my room.

Here is some additional info:
-- Total rental period: Thursday July 25 - Thursday Aug 1
-- House located next to the IMPL bike course, ~1 mile for Lake Placid center; 15-min walk from Lake Mirror; small creek running right next to it
-- House almost brand new (less than 2 years old)
-- 4 bedrooms, a lounge and a balcony
-- The room to sublet can accommodate 2-4 people

I am asking for the following price, payable through Paypal:
-- For the entire week: $2,000
-- For 3-4 days: $1,150
-- For Sat/Sun: $850

If interested. please reach out to me: [email protected] I have photos I could share.

Good luck to everyone for the last weeks of training and for the race!!!

2013-06-26 9:16 AM
in reply to: erincs

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Mechanicsburg, PA
Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread
Originally posted by erincs

I had a bone scan done in April due to pain in my leg. I never heard anything from the dr, so I assumed all was good. I kept running, and finally it got so bad I couldn't run anymore. I have been off for 3 weeks, and finally got in to see the dr again yesterday. It's a freaking stress fracture. He thought his secretary had called me, and she didn't, so I continued to run on it for another 5 weeks.

When you see a walker from the very start of the marathon, that'll be me. Definitely not how I wanted my first IM to go. I will be 9 weeks of no running by race day, so hopefully I will at least be able to do a run/walk combo.

That is not good. I hope you heal quickly.

When I have consistent pain I stop training that affects that area. I don't mask it with pain killer because pain is the bodies way of telling us we are injured. Learned this lesson along time ago. Although I feel for anyone going through situations like this it keeps a reminder for me.

2013-06-26 9:22 AM
in reply to: BrianRunsPhilly

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Mechanicsburg, PA
Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread
Originally posted by BrianRunsPhilly

Hi all, just popping in to advertise my house at LP. Actually, half a condo. Located 4 blocks from transition, details available upon request, just send me a PM.

I'm basically living at the office these days, so sadly it was a good thing I made the decision when I did. Hope everyone is healthy, because for sure you're all excited and in awesome shape by now!

Brian, so what does this mean? You turned realtor?

I hope you not out of LP. I have just got back to this thread and I not quite caught up.
2013-06-26 3:36 PM
in reply to: BrianRunsPhilly

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Mechanicsburg, PA
Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread
Originally posted by BrianRunsPhilly

I am very disappointed to say this, but I will likely not be doing IMLP. I've spent a week wrestling with this, but there are very pressing business needs and opportunities happening right now, and I need to do what's right for the long term.

I run a small biotech company that did a pre-launch for a new product last month. Response has been extremely good, and we have investor meetings lined up. Also my business partner and board of directors are pushing me very hard (i.e up my a**) to focus on striking while the iron is hot. I simply can't juggle LP training and travel with business. I wish I could, but I can't. In trying to talk this through with a good friend and experienced triathlete he reminded me that there is always another race. I have employees and family to take care of, too.

I'll do IM. I'm still doing local HIM's this year. In the meantime I'm going to do a lot of sprints and other races that are local and don't take so much time. I'm not wasting all this training on nothing. And, honestly, I'm OK. I wasn't at the beginning of the week, but I am doing what's right for my future and all those who depend on me.

Hope you all have a fantastic time. I can't wait to read race reports.

I get it now. Not sure I understand 100% I have never been in that situation. It does sound you are making the right decision. Good luck.
2013-06-27 7:54 AM
in reply to: BrotherTri

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Burlington, Vermont
Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread
That's what I'm talking about.

Monday's PT session for my hammy/piriformis/glutes was amazing ... paces are returning and I had a great workout this morning. 45 minutes of hill repeats on the bike followed by a solid 6 mile run. Another PT session this afternoon should have me in pretty good shape.Phew!

Now if this next set of T-storms would be so kind as to move on through tomorrow so I can nail the long ride I've got planned for Saturday, that would be swell. I'm actually fine with moving it to Sunday if needed.

This is getting exciting.
2013-06-27 8:07 AM
in reply to: 0


Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread
I completely understand what you are going through and applaud you for finding that place of peace and just knowing when it is the right thing to do.

Mine is foolishness. I waited anxiously to sign-up for IMLP, have stuck to my training schedule ( a little behind on the bike due to a cracked fork much of April).....bur for more than one reason did not nail down a place to stay.

Now even if I can find a place to stay, I can't ask my family to sacrifice how very much it will cost. I was so naive.

I havent been out here as much as I would have liked but can honestly say how much you all have inspired me and I truly wish everyone the best.

(Don't' know how to attach this as a reply to your post Brianrunsphilly!)

Edited by kacawards 2013-06-27 8:09 AM
2013-06-27 8:36 AM
in reply to: BernardDogs

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Mechanicsburg, PA
Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread
Originally posted by BernardDogs

That's what I'm talking about.

Monday's PT session for my hammy/piriformis/glutes was amazing ... paces are returning and I had a great workout this morning. 45 minutes of hill repeats on the bike followed by a solid 6 mile run. Another PT session this afternoon should have me in pretty good shape.Phew!

Now if this next set of T-storms would be so kind as to move on through tomorrow so I can nail the long ride I've got planned for Saturday, that would be swell. I'm actually fine with moving it to Sunday if needed.

This is getting exciting.

Good to hear you are feeling better.

On a side note, rest for me does not show up right away. After a recovery day/week process the effects of the rest is activated by some intensity. Other than that I will usually feel the same.

2013-06-27 9:03 AM
in reply to: 0

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Mechanicsburg, PA
Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread
Originally posted by kacawards

I completely understand what you are going through and applaud you for finding that place of peace and just knowing when it is the right thing to do.

Mine is foolishness. I waited anxiously to sign-up for IMLP, have stuck to my training schedule ( a little behind on the bike due to a cracked fork much of April).....bur for more than one reason did not nail down a place to stay.

Now even if I can find a place to stay, I can't ask my family to sacrifice how very much it will cost. I was so naive.

I havent been out here as much as I would have liked but can honestly say how much you all have inspired me and I truly wish everyone the best.

(Don't' know how to attach this as a reply to your post Brianrunsphilly!)

Hi, Try calling the Lake Placid Chamber of Commerce. (518) 523-2445

There were several people posted here with places to stay. I don't I know if they will suit your needs. The posts where only a few pages back. Good luck.

Edited by BrotherTri 2013-06-27 9:06 AM
2013-06-27 9:13 AM
in reply to: jsenc2002

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Mechanicsburg, PA
Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread
Originally posted by jsenc2002

Good morning all. I am out. Had a bad fall yesterday running (caught the edge of a curb wrong) and long story short, I broke my scapula (shoulder blade). Sort of freakish thing (always interesting to see the ER staff gather around the CAT scan, and hear "we haven't ever seen one of those before"). Luckily it happened reasonably close to my home, and the woman who's car I was running around when it happened gave me a ride. Funny thing is that I was running behind her car as a precaution so she would not "not see" me, as I often do near intersections. In any case, I cannot lift my arm now and am looking at several weeks of immobilization of the joint. Thanks to all for your support these past months, and good luck to you all! Hopefully, I used all of the remaining collective bad luck up! ~JC

I am very sorry to hear this. Recovery well and you will race again soon.

2013-06-27 9:30 AM
in reply to: kacawards

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Burlington, Vermont
Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread
Originally posted by kacawards

Mine is foolishness. I waited anxiously to sign-up for IMLP, have stuck to my training schedule ( a little behind on the bike due to a cracked fork much of April).....bur for more than one reason did not nail down a place to stay.

Try as well. There must still be some people renting out there places.
2013-06-27 9:40 AM
in reply to: BernardDogs

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Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread
Originally posted by BernardDogs

That's what I'm talking about.

Monday's PT session for my hammy/piriformis/glutes was amazing ... paces are returning and I had a great workout this morning. 45 minutes of hill repeats on the bike followed by a solid 6 mile run. Another PT session this afternoon should have me in pretty good shape.Phew!

Now if this next set of T-storms would be so kind as to move on through tomorrow so I can nail the long ride I've got planned for Saturday, that would be swell. I'm actually fine with moving it to Sunday if needed.

This is getting exciting.

I'm taking your advice and trying the dry needling. Not being able to run 5k without hobbling is driving me nuts.

Glad you're feeling better. Home stretch man, stay healthy!
2013-06-27 9:59 AM
in reply to: BrianRunsPhilly

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Burlington, Vermont
Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread
Originally posted by BrianRunsPhilly

Originally posted by BernardDogs

That's what I'm talking about.

Monday's PT session for my hammy/piriformis/glutes was amazing ... paces are returning and I had a great workout this morning. 45 minutes of hill repeats on the bike followed by a solid 6 mile run. Another PT session this afternoon should have me in pretty good shape.Phew!

Now if this next set of T-storms would be so kind as to move on through tomorrow so I can nail the long ride I've got planned for Saturday, that would be swell. I'm actually fine with moving it to Sunday if needed.

This is getting exciting.

I'm taking your advice and trying the dry needling. Not being able to run 5k without hobbling is driving me nuts.

Glad you're feeling better. Home stretch man, stay healthy!

Just don't be alarmed if you're pretty sore for the hours following treatment. I always feel like he took a baseball bat to my legs. Then the next day it feels remarkably looser. I'm told the hammy responds pretty quick, and I'm already feeling great after one session.

Hurts so good! Enjoy.

2013-06-27 10:10 AM
in reply to: BernardDogs

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Mechanicsburg, PA
Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread

Ok gang, it's 30 days and a wake up. I am sure most are hitting some very long training days now. Do worry, harden up, get it done and it will all be over soon. The pay off is in sight. It will absolutely be worth it when you cross that line.

For Me: My training year has been real interesting. I have gone from half iron to half iron races with about a month in between. Now on to Ironman Lake Placid for the 3rd time in another month. I have tons of base training and a few years of experience. Not the kind of race year for most. I seem to be recovering well from each half iron. Then spool up the long stuff keeping the intensity in check. I just wish my long run would come around.

My frist half iron May 19th went well in the swim and bike. I though the run was going to go as equally well. But, me and running on rocks stopped that. I still placed in my AG. I just finished half iron Mont-Tremblant 70.3 this past Sunday. Swim was strong 90/2051 it could have been better but I had to make a few navigational corrections. The bike was very good for me as well over the 2700ft of climbing. I really doubted myself with the power on the bike. A talk with good friend (Fred) made me believe in myself again. Run went better than expected. The course had a few hills and half of it was on a nice soft path. I finished well, despite having to dig very hard at mile 11. I pull off a 1:51 and I know thats not fast but a good run for me. Finishing time for Mont-Tremblant 70.3 was 5:07:21

Now onto Ironman Lake Placid. I won't post my predicted times yet, although it's more of a wish list. My goal is to finish happy and heathly under 10:43. Now we just need to get Rusty back to this thread to get the bin going.
2013-06-27 12:27 PM
in reply to: BrotherTri

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Nutmeg State
Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread
If anyone is interested and hasn't seen / ran the run course, while we were in LP last weekend we took some nice video of the entire run course. Here's the video with my written commentary (I've run the course several times):
2013-06-27 5:10 PM
in reply to: BrotherTri

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread

Originally posted by BrotherTri
Originally posted by alicia123
Originally posted by spie34
Originally posted by alicia123 First of all...I just made a complete jerk out of myself by posting about my foot issue as a new thread in the Iron distance race groups and cant figure out how to delete....oopsie...If anyone can help with that I'd appreciate it. The second thing is what I was really hoping for advice about. I have a hot spot on the ball of my foot that starts about 50 miles into the bike. I have tried new shoes, made just for me name it. Its actually affecting my long bikes and my ability to run after a bike. Any suggestions?
Hi, have you looked into cleat placement? Shimming your cleats? I had similar issues and when I got fitted to my bike I was telling my fitter that I was having a few issues and he moved my cleats which helped resolve my problems. You didn't say you did anything with your cleats so thinking maybe that is something you can try. I havent moved my cleats so I will try that! Thank you! Did you move them toward the arch or the toe?
Moving your cleats should be done by the bike fitter. If you're not sure you can missalign your joints and cause more problems.

Concur with James.  I took my bike seat out of it's fitted position and moved it back.  It was an experiment for other reasons but it didn't show a problem until I had knee pains ~60 miles in every time.  Put it back and the problem went away.  Talk to your fitter. 


Good stuff James.  My .02.

2013-06-27 7:41 PM
in reply to: BrotherTri

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Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread
Originally posted by BrotherTri

Originally posted by alicia123

Originally posted by spie34

Originally posted by alicia123

First of all...I just made a complete jerk out of myself by posting about my foot issue as a new thread in the Iron distance race groups and cant figure out how to delete....oopsie...If anyone can help with that I'd appreciate it.

The second thing is what I was really hoping for advice about. I have a hot spot on the ball of my foot that starts about 50 miles into the bike. I have tried new shoes, made just for me name it. Its actually affecting my long bikes and my ability to run after a bike. Any suggestions?

Hi, have you looked into cleat placement? Shimming your cleats? I had similar issues and when I got fitted to my bike I was telling my fitter that I was having a few issues and he moved my cleats which helped resolve my problems. You didn't say you did anything with your cleats so thinking maybe that is something you can try.

I havent moved my cleats so I will try that! Thank you! Did you move them toward the arch or the toe?

Moving your cleats should be done by the bike fitter. If you're not sure you can missalign your joints and cause more problems.

Hi James! I actually have a bike fit appointment scheduled for tomorrow morning. Its a man who has a fantastic reputation but bit pricey. I've been putting it off not wanting to spend the cash but I realize its necessary. I also ordered new shoes- Giro. They advertise no hot spots and the ability to make a perfect fit through the placement of the adjustment straps. I figure I have 3-4 weeks to get used to it. It can't be any worse than my situation now! I will have the bike fitter take a look at the cleat placement and make any adjustments.

2013-06-27 9:22 PM
in reply to: kaburns1214

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Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread

Originally posted by kaburns1214 If anyone is interested and hasn't seen / ran the run course, while we were in LP last weekend we took some nice video of the entire run course. Here's the video with my written commentary (I've run the course several times):

Kelly, thank you.  I put a link up to this on my site as well.  I've seen the course (in '12), wrote a pretty extensive race report and notes and still saw things in your post/video for what seemed like the first time.  

And, FWIW, I remember the out and back in the country as essentially flat too. 

2013-06-28 10:38 AM
in reply to: klassman

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Nutmeg State
Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread
Originally posted by klassman

Originally posted by kaburns1214 If anyone is interested and hasn't seen / ran the run course, while we were in LP last weekend we took some nice video of the entire run course. Here's the video with my written commentary (I've run the course several times):

Kelly, thank you.  I put a link up to this on my site as well.  I've seen the course (in '12), wrote a pretty extensive race report and notes and still saw things in your post/video for what seemed like the first time.  

And, FWIW, I remember the out and back in the country as essentially flat too. 

I was infomred several times that flat means very different things to Texans and New Englanders.
2013-06-28 11:33 AM
in reply to: kaburns1214

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Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread
Originally posted by kaburns1214
Originally posted by klassman

Originally posted by kaburns1214 If anyone is interested and hasn't seen / ran the run course, while we were in LP last weekend we took some nice video of the entire run course. Here's the video with my written commentary (I've run the course several times):

Kelly, thank you.  I put a link up to this on my site as well.  I've seen the course (in '12), wrote a pretty extensive race report and notes and still saw things in your post/video for what seemed like the first time.  

And, FWIW, I remember the out and back in the country as essentially flat too. 

I was infomred several times that flat means very different things to Texans and New Englanders.


Haha.  Very funny.  Any you were melting in the 80 degree heat. 

2013-06-28 12:03 PM
in reply to: espejo09

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Extreme Veteran
Ballston Spa, NY
Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread
Originally posted by espejo09

Will anyone be up in LP June 28-July 1?? I am going up with some friends, were camping at the KOA in Wilmington. Going to get some good training in that weekend. Wondering if anyone on here will be up there during that time. Give me a shout if you want to meet up and ride. Im riding Saturday with a brick, 8 mi run after and Running 14-17mi on Sunday. The more the merrier!

Happy training everyone! less then 6weeks !

AH! I'm sorry to hear. I went down 3 weeks before LP last year. Don't count yourself out yet. I was able to swim with one arm. Obviously I didn't get my time goal but I still finished and had the most memorable experience of my life.

Heal fast and revisit the idea in 28 days. It's exactly what I did.
2013-06-28 8:39 PM
in reply to: cornick

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Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread
Anyone else in here just trying to make the cutoffs? This is my first Ironman and am starting to get nervous! Ahh!
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