BT Development Mentor Program Archives » JohnnyKay and Fred Doucette's HIM/IM focused Mentor group-CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2011-06-16 4:29 PM
in reply to: #3553122

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2011-06-16 8:47 PM
in reply to: #3435035

Subject: RE: JohnnyKay and Fred Doucette's HIM/IM focused Mentor group-CLOSED

Great, now I have to get faster so I can race slower.  I was already trouble getting faster.  Wink

On a crappy note, I'm racing Saturday but haven't been feeling well this week.  Really wanted to put in a solid effort on the bike, and wanted to get at least one intense session in this week to remind the legs what was coming.  Didn't happen, so I'll just have to see how things go - hoping to feel better on Saturday.  Some personal business to look after at this race.

2011-06-17 9:49 AM
in reply to: #3553128

Fountain Hills, AZ
Subject: RE: JohnnyKay and Fred Doucette's HIM/IM focused Mentor group-CLOSED
Fred Doucette - 2011-06-16 3:29 PM

GoFaster - 2011-06-16 5:27 PM I'm not a fan of hot days - unless it includes a beer.  I just don't handle training/racing very well in the heat.  I've learned that I really need to dial down the intensity.  I would like to "adapt" to perform better in hotter conditions, but I don't know that I can make my body acclimate to hotter temps.  Thoughts on training in mid-day temps to help the body for racing - good/bad/dumb idea?

Neil I think it's partly adapting to a hot environment which is can be tough living in the north.

I think just as much it's a fitness issue where you need very high fitness and then you essentially race at a lower fraction of effort than you normally would to get a decent result.

I actually think the second issue is the bigger one.

Yeah, even training in the heat doesn't make racing in the heat any faster, just a bit more bearable. But remember, Neil, the heat is effects everyone in the race, so it's a kind of a push.
2011-06-17 12:34 PM
in reply to: #3554028

Subject: RE: JohnnyKay and Fred Doucette's HIM/IM focused Mentor group-CLOSED
bryancd - 2011-06-17 10:49 AM
Fred Doucette - 2011-06-16 3:29 PM

GoFaster - 2011-06-16 5:27 PM I'm not a fan of hot days - unless it includes a beer.  I just don't handle training/racing very well in the heat.  I've learned that I really need to dial down the intensity.  I would like to "adapt" to perform better in hotter conditions, but I don't know that I can make my body acclimate to hotter temps.  Thoughts on training in mid-day temps to help the body for racing - good/bad/dumb idea?

Neil I think it's partly adapting to a hot environment which is can be tough living in the north.

I think just as much it's a fitness issue where you need very high fitness and then you essentially race at a lower fraction of effort than you normally would to get a decent result.

I actually think the second issue is the bigger one.

Yeah, even training in the heat doesn't make racing in the heat any faster, just a bit more bearable. But remember, Neil, the heat is effects everyone in the race, so it's a kind of a push.

Point taken - I just seem to find I have harder time coping than most.  Not sure why that is, just need to remind myself everyone is suffering to some degree.

2011-06-17 1:25 PM
in reply to: #3435035

Subject: RE: JohnnyKay and Fred Doucette's HIM/IM focused Mentor group-CLOSED

Embrace the tough course/weather conditions.  Like Bryan mentioned, everyone has to deal with it.  Just remember that not everyone will deal with it well.  If you prepare yourself properly, and pace yourself properly, hot weather/wind/hills/etc can actually be your friend in improving your overall placing.  Sure, you may not hit specific "time goals", but a lot of people end up blowing up chasing those time goals...and that's your opportunity to beat a bunch of people that would normally finish ahead of you on a good weather/easy course day.


2011-06-17 1:28 PM
in reply to: #3435035

Subject: RE: JohnnyKay and Fred Doucette's HIM/IM focused Mentor group-CLOSED
woke up early and did some hill climbing on the bike before work.  Nearly 3k feet of climbing over 19 miles.

2011-06-17 3:53 PM
in reply to: #3435035

Subject: RE: JohnnyKay and Fred Doucette's HIM/IM focused Mentor group-CLOSED
Ran across Golden Gate and back, then along San Francisco Bay.  Amazing views!
2011-06-17 6:21 PM
in reply to: #3554559

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2011-06-18 6:29 PM
in reply to: #3435035

Fountain Hills, AZ
Subject: RE: JohnnyKay and Fred Doucette's HIM/IM focused Mentor group-CLOSED
Had a good workout today I thought worth sharing. 70 mile bike which after a 15min WU was 10min at Half IM race pace with a 5min recovery the entire ride. Had a fair bit of climbing as well, it's an out and back route.

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Followed by an hour run where the temps started to push towards 100. It was a challenge but a good one, I loved the intervals within the long ride.
2011-06-18 7:04 PM
in reply to: #3435035

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2011-06-18 8:27 PM
in reply to: #3435035

Subject: RE: JohnnyKay and Fred Doucette's HIM/IM focused Mentor group-CLOSED
Had a solid ride today...about 60ish miles at a nice effort.

2011-06-19 1:51 PM
in reply to: #3555979

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2011-06-19 8:01 PM
in reply to: #3435035

Bronze member
Subject: RE: JohnnyKay and Fred Doucette's HIM/IM focused Mentor group-CLOSED

HIM complete! Accomplished my goals - don't get sick and keep moving forward . Placed 3rd in my age group by some miracle of fate - maybe that only 4 women in my age group actually completed the distance LOL. I'll post a race report after I get my official results. I forgot to look at my splits before I left the race.

I am not sure but I don't think I ate very much. I sipped on my gel flask a little at a time all day. When I got home I realized I only had 2 servings over the whole day. I got the rest of my calories from 24 ounces of EFS and 1/2 of a power bar on the bike. Then gatorade at the aide stations on the run. That's it. Doesn't sound like enough but I felt fine (for all I know anyway).

2011-06-19 11:55 PM
in reply to: #3435035

Subject: RE: JohnnyKay and Fred Doucette's HIM/IM focused Mentor group-CLOSED
Great job Dina.  Can't wait to read the RR.
2011-06-20 12:05 AM
in reply to: #3435035

Subject: RE: JohnnyKay and Fred Doucette's HIM/IM focused Mentor group-CLOSED

Just finished a casual ride this afternoon after a morning run.  Capped off a roughly 16 hour training week...which I didn't even notice.  Over 10 of it was I'm not surprised I guess as I put in 5 sessions of at least 90 minutes.

Being that bike racing will be my focus this summer...I'm going to move to a 6x bike per week.  And even though the weather is good...I'm going to try and make at least 2-3 of those rides on the trainer for uninterrupted power specific work.

2011-06-20 7:36 AM
in reply to: #3435035

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2011-06-20 7:53 AM
in reply to: #3435035

Subject: RE: JohnnyKay and Fred Doucette's HIM/IM focused Mentor group-CLOSED
Way to go Dina!!!
2011-06-20 7:58 AM
in reply to: #3435035

Bronze member
Subject: RE: JohnnyKay and Fred Doucette's HIM/IM focused Mentor group-CLOSED

Race report is up but I can't get the link to work. I'm warning you it's really long and boring!

How long am I supposed to rest? I'm really not good at not doing anything. My legs are REALLY sore today and my mean foot is in bad shape. I know running is out of the question unless I do pool jogging but I kind of feel like a swim tomorrow might feel really good. I don't want to rush recovery though. I've never done anything like this before so I really don't know what to do!

2011-06-20 8:06 AM
in reply to: #3435035

Subject: RE: JohnnyKay and Fred Doucette's HIM/IM focused Mentor group-CLOSED

Excited to get back into more consistent training.  A bit nervous as I have not done lots since the IM in Texas.  Mostly just "maintnance" exercise.  Just finished a medical conference in San Francisco.  My son and I toured Stanford and Berkely.  Looks like its between those 2 as first choice (if he gets in).  Finally caught up in most work related issues and am looking forward to solid training over the next few months.  I miss the busy IM training schedule. 

Even though IM takes lots out of me, I still find that overall I tend to be more efficient and productive at work and in life when I have a training to plan around to tailor around my schedule.  I also find that I have a better overall attitude (tho my ex might disagree ) when in the midst of training.


2011-06-20 9:21 AM
in reply to: #3557393

Not a Coach
Media, PA
Subject: RE: JohnnyKay and Fred Doucette's HIM/IM focused Mentor group-CLOSED
trigal38 - 2011-06-20 8:58 AM

Race report is up but I can't get the link to work. I'm warning you it's really long and boring!

How long am I supposed to rest? I'm really not good at not doing anything. My legs are REALLY sore today and my mean foot is in bad shape. I know running is out of the question unless I do pool jogging but I kind of feel like a swim tomorrow might feel really good. I don't want to rush recovery though. I've never done anything like this before so I really don't know what to do!

First, congratulations!!!! 

Yes, swim tomorrow is a great idea.  Take whatever rest you need for your foot before you run again but swimming and biking this week is fine.  Keep effort mostly easy and probably err on keeping the workouts a little shorter than you feel you could handle at least until the weekend.  Reassess how you are feeling then and decide what your body is ready to try.

2011-06-20 10:54 AM
in reply to: #3435035

Subject: RE: JohnnyKay and Fred Doucette's HIM/IM focused Mentor group-CLOSED

Dina - awesome job.  Congrats!

My race report is up from my Sprint.

Unfortunately I did not have the day I wanted or planned.  I need to do a little soul searching about what I "think" I can do vs. what I am "able" to do.

2011-06-20 8:50 PM
in reply to: #3557393

Madison, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: JohnnyKay and Fred Doucette's HIM/IM focused Mentor group-CLOSED
trigal38 - 2011-06-20 7:58 AM

Race report is up but I can't get the link to work. I'm warning you it's really long and boring!

How long am I supposed to rest? I'm really not good at not doing anything. My legs are REALLY sore today and my mean foot is in bad shape. I know running is out of the question unless I do pool jogging but I kind of feel like a swim tomorrow might feel really good. I don't want to rush recovery though. I've never done anything like this before so I really don't know what to do!


First of all congrats! I will read the RR tomorrow when I have some free time. As for recovery, what I like to do is swim and easy bike rides. For me swimming has zero impact and feels really good on my joints after the pounding I put them through in a race like you just did. I dont swim far, or hard, but just easy and smooth. I will try to kick a bit just to loosen my legs but nothing extreme. Same goes for the bike, as I wil usually ride a flat route, ride in a group, or just spin in the small ring. I try to stay away from running for 3-4 days or until my soreness is gone and I feel strong again. Enjoy the recovery it can be the best part sometimes!

2011-06-20 8:54 PM
in reply to: #3435035

Madison, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: JohnnyKay and Fred Doucette's HIM/IM focused Mentor group-CLOSED

Had to take the weekend off with a drive across and back from one side of the state to the other on Saturday for a wedding, and then I worked all day and night yesterday after getting home. The forced 2 days off actually worked out really well for me. My legs felt really trashed going into the weekend and come last night the soreness and tightness were all gone. More proof that taking time off when your body tells you so can go a long way. Although if I didn't go to this wedding I am not sure I would have taken both days off.

Did another distance PR is the pool today with 5k total. I honestly cannot believe that I swam IMWI last year in 1:15: with only 75K in swim training all year. I cannot wait to see how my time in the pool pays off on these longer swims in races. Check the log for more details but I broke my set up into 50x100.

2011-06-20 9:43 PM
in reply to: #3557393

Subject: RE: JohnnyKay and Fred Doucette's HIM/IM focused Mentor group-CLOSED
trigal38 - 2011-06-20 2:58 AM

Race report is up but I can't get the link to work. I'm warning you it's really long and boring!

How long am I supposed to rest? I'm really not good at not doing anything. My legs are REALLY sore today and my mean foot is in bad shape. I know running is out of the question unless I do pool jogging but I kind of feel like a swim tomorrow might feel really good. I don't want to rush recovery though. I've never done anything like this before so I really don't know what to do!

Congrats again!!!

Just listen to your body.  The answer will be different for everyone based on a number of factors. 

When in doubt, start with swimming and some biking.  I try to avoid hills on the bike "just in case"...but I try not to ride too easy either.  I try to throw some hard efforts in there to "open up" my legs...but nothing too crazy.  Maybe a few efforts at 80% for 5-10 minutes each. 

As for running...I would start jogging only when I could do so with proper form.  Meaning I'm not favoring anything and no joint pains.

2011-06-20 10:18 PM
in reply to: #3435035

Subject: RE: JohnnyKay and Fred Doucette's HIM/IM focused Mentor group-CLOSED
8.9 mile run after work.  Good effort, very hot.  Felt good even though my pace was not that fast.
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