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2009-03-18 4:34 PM
in reply to: #1856701

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Apex, north carolina
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED

Okay, okay, I'm here.  I've had sick little ones at home so Daddy and I are splitting the days. I stay home in the morning and he takes the afternoon.  I've been at work late so not much time for my BT crew. I'll admit, I've been reading the Twilight series during the day instead of reading our thread.  My guilty pleasure.  I was explaining some of the story to my husband and he was having a hard time accepting how a vampires' muscles would work so they could run fast out in the cold.  Personally, the whole lack of blood flow and still being able to have sex is a bit more puzzling to me..... but great just the same Tongue out.  Honestly, I think my husband is feeling a bit inferior right now, I have a crush on a vampire named Edward!!! 

Matt, contratulations on the baby.  Great job to everyone else on the races and running achievments. Mark, I am so happy to hear about your job! We just went through a round of layoffs yesterday and man did it suck!  Lots of tears!

Trevor, speaking of OWSing I am surprised Steve didn't share my Seaweed Monster story with you. My very first OWS EVER was in a lake that had so much seaweed.  After a while it was like crawling through the grass on your hands and knees.  Coming out of the water I literally had seaweed down my suit, stuck to my goggles, just everywhere!   The scariest part of the first OWS though was getting use to swimming with such limited visability. The waves in the face and people bumping into me was fine.  But make sure you get into some open water and test yourself out first.


2009-03-18 4:51 PM
in reply to: #1856701

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In limbo
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED

Hey everyone!  I have a computer again so i'm back!  After I made my last return to the group my computer died, so I'm way behind again.  Hopefully I can stick around a bit longer this time.  Since I'm still struggling with motivation I've been giving a lot of thought to what my goals are.  I posted this in my log but figured I'd post it here too:

So I've done a lot of thinking today and I realized that part of the reason I feel I'm just going through the motions right now is that I have no specific goals.  I've been talking about wanting to lose more weight, but I haven't really been focused on it.  I've had a general goal of get/stay in shape but I haven't had a goal to work towards and therefore I've made almost no movement towards it. initial goal for the summer was going to be to do an oly.  The problem is, if I take this summer camp job i'm going to be living out in the sticks and racing most likely is not going to happen.  I probably won't be able to bring my bike, and I likely won't be able to do any "real" swimming.  (There's a pool there but I don't think there will be time available for lap swimming). 

Regardless, I'm going to start on an oly plan from this site for now, since I don't know what the future will hold and it will be good for me either way.  I'm also going to sign up for the Denver half marathon in October.  October will most likely be between jobs for me, I know people to stay with in Denver, and running is something I can focus on anywhere, so there should be no reason why I can't make that goal.  I know I can do the distance....I did it during Outward Bound last fall, but I want to train for it and really do it well, not just survive it.  So, my main focus for now will be running, since I have A LOT of building up to do, but I'm going to keep working on the bike and swim for now too. 


October seems a long time away right now, but at the same time all too close since running that distance still scares the crap outta me!  I'm still hoping to be able to do a race this summer....and i'm a little sad at the thought of missing another tri season, but I do really want this job.  If I can figure it out I will definitely race this summer, but at least now I have something to focus on.     

Hope all is going well for you all!  I'll try to get back in to the swing of things now that i'm back to being connected.

2009-03-18 6:37 PM
in reply to: #2026307

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED
tahrens - 2009-03-18 2:34 PM

Okay, okay, I'm here.  I've had sick little ones at home so Daddy and I are splitting the days. I stay home in the morning and he takes the afternoon.  I've been at work late so not much time for my BT crew. I'll admit, I've been reading the Twilight series during the day instead of reading our thread.  My guilty pleasure.  I was explaining some of the story to my husband and he was having a hard time accepting how a vampires' muscles would work so they could run fast out in the cold.  Personally, the whole lack of blood flow and still being able to have sex is a bit more puzzling to me..... but great just the same Tongue out.  Honestly, I think my husband is feeling a bit inferior right now, I have a crush on a vampire named Edward!!! 

Matt, contratulations on the baby.  Great job to everyone else on the races and running achievments. Mark, I am so happy to hear about your job! We just went through a round of layoffs yesterday and man did it suck!  Lots of tears!

Trevor, speaking of OWSing I am surprised Steve didn't share my Seaweed Monster story with you. My very first OWS EVER was in a lake that had so much seaweed.  After a while it was like crawling through the grass on your hands and knees.  Coming out of the water I literally had seaweed down my suit, stuck to my goggles, just everywhere!   The scariest part of the first OWS though was getting use to swimming with such limited visability. The waves in the face and people bumping into me was fine.  But make sure you get into some open water and test yourself out first.



Tracy--- I am not sure which I enjoyed more... Trying to decifer Tony's spread sheet last week about aero helmets vs. shoe size vs. torque going 12 miles an hour, or you talking about vampires having sex with dolphins to gain muscle mass during blood flow (WTF??)... 2 of my niece's love that series!!

2009-03-18 6:55 PM
in reply to: #1856701

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Guelph, Ontario
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED

Welcome back Lacey. The first step is to realize, which you have done, that you don't have specific goals. Any vague ones will just go by the wayside as you won't realize when or if you ever really achieve them. For me a goal of getting and staying in shape is actually only a generqal idea. Kind of like crossing a desert. You never really know for sure when you are there because there are no borders or signs that says you are now leaving the desert.  The focus is to reach levels and targets of achievement within that trip to end up with your specific goal. For example I want to reach a weight of 170 lbs this summer. I want to run a sub 55 minute 10K. These smaller more specific goals will help me achieve the overall goal of getting fit and staying in shape.

Congratulations on taking the bull by the horns and moving forward. You don't have to do a triathlon to set other goals which would eventually lead you to a triathlon down the road.

As I said at the beginning though, Welcome Back and  I'll be watching for your training logs.

2009-03-18 7:01 PM
in reply to: #2025886

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED
kt65 - 2009-03-18 2:24 PM

Trevor all joking aside, can you find a sprint distance ows (500-750?) as your first ows before the OLY?  Unless you can practice OWS before the oly, 1500 meters is really quite long.  I guess if it is 2 750 laps, it would make it seem easier, but for me, I really wish I had done one sprint ows before my oly last May.  It is such a different animal than pool swimming that's for sure. 

If however you are a very confident swimmer out in the ocean or out in lakes, then by all means, go for it!  I had to roll on my back several times for the oly, but didn't really have to do that in the two sprint tris I did later in the summer.  Wish I had reversed the order to gain more confidence.  I might not have been 2nd to DFL out of Folsom Lake.


Warning this is coming from a water weenie, but I tend to agree with Kim.  If you can find a sprint before the Oly that would be ideal.  If not, I would get some OWS experience before that race.  The lake is different on so many levels-can be colder, cannot see the bottom, 40 flailing people around you, etc.   I started with a super sprint and graduated to a sprint.  That first race gave me a lot of insight into how to react to things and it was so short I didn't have time to panic!  I still use my back when necessary, but I'm not worried about it the way I was before.  Just two cents from the water weenie.


2009-03-18 9:40 PM
in reply to: #1856701

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Auburn AL
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED

Hey Gang

Back in from the great North and glad to be back in good ol' Alabama.  Suzy, what is this with running in shorts in WI...that is all I took and had no problems running yesterday morning around 6am.  Don't know what you people keep complaining about,  seemed fairly warm to me!

Matt, thanks for sharing the pics of your crew.  I am guessing the kids get their looks from their mother

Trevor...JUST SWIM.  Easy for me to say since I have never done it, but this weekend is the first weekend that my family will spend at our lake house this summer.  I am looking forward to getting out in the early mornings and swimming around our cove.  Probably won't happen this weekend as the water is still in the 50's, but in a few weeks or if I can get a suit, I think it will make for some good swimming.

2009-03-19 6:46 AM
in reply to: #2026350

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED

WB Lacey.  Yeah having a goal is key.  It keeps you going on those days you wake up and think, "ugh, I am going back to bed", instead it's "ugh, I am off to run" and 99% of the time once you get outside you feel so much better and think to yourself "I am so glad I didn't go back to bed"

As far as not having the right facilities to train, could you bring a bike and trainer?  Or find an exercise bike?

There are some dryland swimming exercises you can do also, + running can be done anywhere.

The dryland swimming and trainer/exercise bike are not ideal but better than nothing.

Also from someone that has lost some weight doing this, once you see the results that can be another big motivator, I don't want to give back those 3-4 belt loops. 

2009-03-19 7:59 AM
in reply to: #1856701

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Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED

Good morning all....Good news to report. I scoured the race boards around here, and I found a sprint OWS. About 3 hrs from Calgary.....But my sister lives in that city and she will be at Disnetland with her family, so we will be able to stay at their house..stress free!!!

The only issue is its on June 7th.....So I will have sprints May 10, May 30 and June 7. I've already signed up for the May 10 and May 30th ones, so no backing out. I should be able to handle back-to-back weekends of sprints, right?

2009-03-19 9:35 AM
in reply to: #1856701

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Greensburg, PA
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED

Hello again everybody,

First, thanks to everyone who checked in on me.  There for a while, I wasn't checking my computer and am sorry that I have not responded.  This week I am feeling a bit better - some headaches but not constant!!  Yeah!!

Second, check my logs!  Yes, I actually made it out for 2 short walk/jogs. (I am not ready to call them runs yet!!)

This is really the first week I have felt slightly normal - like I can actually do something.  Now if I can convince my body and my lungs that it is okay to work out again!

This weekend is my Tri Boot Camp in Philly.  I think it will be fun - if I can make it through the workouts!!  I am hoping to learn alot!  I will let you all know how it goes.

Thanks again and keep up the good workouts!


2009-03-19 10:17 AM
in reply to: #1856701

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED

Karen... I am glad your back and feeling better!  That is very important!! Keep up the good spirits!  It's infectious!


Trevor you should be fine, but I would be carefully about RACING 3 weeks in a row... I would still complete the triathlons, but maybe use them as training!  Remember how you felt after your last race... Tired and unmotivated.... Keep motivated, and work on the little things like a smoother transition, nutrition, pacing, etc...

2009-03-19 10:56 AM
in reply to: #2027679

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Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED
swbkrun - 2009-03-19 9:17 AM

Karen... I am glad your back and feeling better!  That is very important!! Keep up the good spirits!  It's infectious!


Trevor you should be fine, but I would be carefully about RACING 3 weeks in a row... I would still complete the triathlons, but maybe use them as training!  Remember how you felt after your last race... Tired and unmotivated.... Keep motivated, and work on the little things like a smoother transition, nutrition, pacing, etc...

It will be 3 sprints in 4 weeks...then 2 weeks til the 1st oly, if i sign up for it

2009-03-19 2:00 PM
in reply to: #1856701

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Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED

Member question from SSMinnow...

we are among the famous BT'ers!!!

2009-03-19 2:29 PM
in reply to: #1856701

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED

I want an autographed photo of her finishing in -3:30 at boston!!!!

Very cool!

2009-03-19 2:31 PM
in reply to: #1856701

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Auburn AL
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED
Everyone have a good weekend...whatever it may bring.  We are off to the lake till Saturday.  I promise to get some running in!  Later
2009-03-19 7:34 PM
in reply to: #1856701

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Guelph, Ontario
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED

Have any of you ever fallen off a stationary bike?  Well I did today. OK so stop laughing and read on.


I was going to go out for a ride today but the weather got a little cool by the time I was ready to go. I decided to go to the gym instead for the ride. My training called for 1hr 15 mile ride but just after 20 K ( 44 min) into the ride the left pedal broke off. I was in the middle of a steep climb section and of course on the down stroke with that pedal. Fortunately I landed with the pedal horizontal so didn't roll over onto my ankle and was able to partially support  myself with the handle bar. I did however have a scare when the extreme gravitational pull led me to think that my private important parts might be in jeopardy. I manage to halt my downward progress before anything was damaged. ( thank you lord). I was pretty pissed and relieved at the same time.

After I talked to the staff, quite politely, I got onto the treadmill and worked out the residual frustration and anger on a 45 minute run.  I did a straight 5K run then finished with 2.5k of 50/60 second wind sprints at 9.5mph (6min mile) interspersed with 30/40 second recovery periods at a brisk walk. It actually turned out to be one of my better workouts.

2009-03-19 7:54 PM
in reply to: #2028905

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED
Redknight - 2009-03-19 8:34 PM

Have any of you ever fallen off a stationary bike?  Well I did today. OK so stop laughing and read on.


I was going to go out for a ride today but the weather got a little cool by the time I was ready to go. I decided to go to the gym instead for the ride. My training called for 1hr 15 mile ride but just after 20 K ( 44 min) into the ride the left pedal broke off. I was in the middle of a steep climb section and of course on the down stroke with that pedal. Fortunately I landed with the pedal horizontal so didn't roll over onto my ankle and was able to partially support  myself with the handle bar. I did however have a scare when the extreme gravitational pull led me to think that my private important parts might be in jeopardy. I manage to halt my downward progress before anything was damaged. ( thank you lord). I was pretty pissed and relieved at the same time.

After I talked to the staff, quite politely, I got onto the treadmill and worked out the residual frustration and anger on a 45 minute run.  I did a straight 5K run then finished with 2.5k of 50/60 second wind sprints at 9.5mph (6min mile) interspersed with 30/40 second recovery periods at a brisk walk. It actually turned out to be one of my better workouts.

I am not laughing at you, I am laughing with you...Laughing

2009-03-19 8:06 PM
in reply to: #2028958

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED
Just getting packed up to head to Virginia Beach for my 1/2.  If I don't post before then you guys have g good and safe weekend.  Looking forward to going out tomorrow night to have a few drinks and watch some games, woo hoo! kids staying with grandparents!
2009-03-19 8:37 PM
in reply to: #1856701

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san francisco
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED

Good Luck Tony!!!


2009-03-19 8:54 PM
in reply to: #2028958

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Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED
dalessit - 2009-03-19 6:54 PM
Redknight - 2009-03-19 8:34 PM

Have any of you ever fallen off a stationary bike?  Well I did today. OK so stop laughing and read on.


I was going to go out for a ride today but the weather got a little cool by the time I was ready to go. I decided to go to the gym instead for the ride. My training called for 1hr 15 mile ride but just after 20 K ( 44 min) into the ride the left pedal broke off. I was in the middle of a steep climb section and of course on the down stroke with that pedal. Fortunately I landed with the pedal horizontal so didn't roll over onto my ankle and was able to partially support  myself with the handle bar. I did however have a scare when the extreme gravitational pull led me to think that my private important parts might be in jeopardy. I manage to halt my downward progress before anything was damaged. ( thank you lord). I was pretty pissed and relieved at the same time.

After I talked to the staff, quite politely, I got onto the treadmill and worked out the residual frustration and anger on a 45 minute run.  I did a straight 5K run then finished with 2.5k of 50/60 second wind sprints at 9.5mph (6min mile) interspersed with 30/40 second recovery periods at a brisk walk. It actually turned out to be one of my better workouts.

I am not laughing at you, I am laughing with you...Laughing

Ditto.....Laughing WITH you!
2009-03-19 8:55 PM
in reply to: #2028990

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Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED

dalessit - 2009-03-19 7:06 PM Just getting packed up to head to Virginia Beach for my 1/2.  If I don't post before then you guys have g good and safe weekend.  Looking forward to going out tomorrow night to have a few drinks and watch some games, woo hoo! kids staying with grandparents!

Kick some #ss dude!! I want an awesome RR with pics!!

2009-03-19 8:59 PM
in reply to: #2028322

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED
TrevorC - 2009-03-19 2:00 PM

Member question from SSMinnow...

we are among the famous BT'ers!!!

Too funny.  They posted my bike question this month too.  It is the only two questions I have ever submitted. 

Trevor--Did you sign up for those races yet?

Tony--Good luck.   You will do great.  You have a plan, execute it and remember save the :09s!

Karen- Glad to have you feeling better.  Each day you will get a little stronger.  Have fun at Boot Camp.

Barry-Have fun.  I cannot wait until the ice thaws on our lake in July .  Getting a new wetsuit next week in anticipation of it.

Kim--Keep biking!  You are already a strong runner!

Rob--I think you should sue! JK.  I am glad you are doing well and saved yourself from talking an octave higher.

Steve- a 3:30?  Your optimism is appreciated.  I have 2 more long runs and a race to try to live up to your expectations.  My guess, you're not even close and I will leave it at that

Have a good training day tomorrow. Another run and swim on my dance card.

Edited by SSMinnow 2009-03-19 9:07 PM

2009-03-19 10:32 PM
in reply to: #2028905

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In limbo
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED
Redknight - 2009-03-19 5:34 PM

Have any of you ever fallen off a stationary bike?  Well I did today. OK so stop laughing and read on.


I was going to go out for a ride today but the weather got a little cool by the time I was ready to go. I decided to go to the gym instead for the ride. My training called for 1hr 15 mile ride but just after 20 K ( 44 min) into the ride the left pedal broke off. I was in the middle of a steep climb section and of course on the down stroke with that pedal. Fortunately I landed with the pedal horizontal so didn't roll over onto my ankle and was able to partially support  myself with the handle bar. I did however have a scare when the extreme gravitational pull led me to think that my private important parts might be in jeopardy. I manage to halt my downward progress before anything was damaged. ( thank you lord). I was pretty pissed and relieved at the same time.

After I talked to the staff, quite politely, I got onto the treadmill and worked out the residual frustration and anger on a 45 minute run.  I did a straight 5K run then finished with 2.5k of 50/60 second wind sprints at 9.5mph (6min mile) interspersed with 30/40 second recovery periods at a brisk walk. It actually turned out to be one of my better workouts.

That's halarious!  And sadly something I can totally see happening to me!  I'm usually the recipient of random stuff like that....but that's one I haven't managed yet! lol

2009-03-20 11:40 AM
in reply to: #1856701

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED

A day later Rob and I am still laughing... Hoping you are still "hanging in there!"

Tony--- GO GET EM'!!!

Suzy--- I think you are going to do awesome, and April is COMING UP QUICK! MAN O' MAN!!

Myself--- I am a little cloudy today... Starting drinking at 1pm yesterday watching the hoops games, then going to the Opening game of the Seattle Sounders!!!  We won 3-0!  Such fun... The goal is to try and get an easy run in today, rock climb tonight... A long bike with the wifey tomorrow, then Sunday she is running a 1/2 mary so I will cheer her on then run home from the race... Oh yeah there will definitely be some wine, and laughter throw in the mix throughout the weekend! !

2009-03-20 11:43 AM
in reply to: #1856701

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Small Town
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED

Ohh man, I'm sick.  I've felt it coming for a few days, then we had a house fire and my lungs decided to tell me that they hate me.  I'm heading out to the dr this afternoon, I'm pretty sure it's bronchitis. 

I have my first TT next Sunday so I need to shake this real quick!  Well, I have a TT but still no bike...

2009-03-20 11:47 AM
in reply to: #2030273

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED
swbkrun - 2009-03-20 12:40 PM

A day later Rob and I am still laughing... Hoping you are still "hanging in there!"

Tony--- GO GET EM'!!!

Suzy--- I think you are going to do awesome, and April is COMING UP QUICK! MAN O' MAN!!

Myself--- I am a little cloudy today... Starting drinking at 1pm yesterday watching the hoops games, then going to the Opening game of the Seattle Sounders!!!  We won 3-0!  Such fun... The goal is to try and get an easy run in today, rock climb tonight... A long bike with the wifey tomorrow, then Sunday she is running a 1/2 mary so I will cheer her on then run home from the race... Oh yeah there will definitely be some wine, and laughter throw in the mix throughout the weekend! !

LOL, I have my NASL Seattle Sounders pennant circa 1978 Hanging right next to my Seattle Supersonics World Champinship 1979 pennant.

Thanks  for all the encouragement everyone.

Edited by dalessit 2009-03-20 11:48 AM
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