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2011-02-24 11:30 AM
in reply to: #3006331

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
Very sorry to hear the news.  This week has some bad karma.  My running partner just tore her patellar tendon.   Done for 6-8 weeks.  My short course buddy just tore a ton of ligaments/muscles in the arch of his foot on a run.  Done for 8-10 weeks.  I ran my 9 mile hill run this morning around 30-45 seconds slower than usual out of fear alone.    

2011-02-24 1:21 PM
in reply to: #3370544

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Millersville, MD
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
3Aims - 2011-02-24 12:30 PM Very sorry to hear the news.  This week has some bad karma.  My running partner just tore her patellar tendon.   Done for 6-8 weeks.  My short course buddy just tore a ton of ligaments/muscles in the arch of his foot on a run.  Done for 8-10 weeks.  I ran my 9 mile hill run this morning around 30-45 seconds slower than usual out of fear alone.    

Oh... I thought you were just practicing smart IM pacing.
2011-02-24 1:35 PM
in reply to: #3006331

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
My run is really got me worried lately.  I'll try to sum this up as quickly as possible.  Looking for suggestions.

For the last 4 or so months I have been getting a numb foot.  This is how it goes...

1.  Start running.  About 15-20 mins in my shin muscles start top get tight.  Followed by my calf muscles.
2.  A few mins later my big toe goes tingly.  Then numb.  Then the rest of the toes.
3.  If I keep running the eventually all go numb followed by my foot then all the way up to the ankle.  Feels like I'm runing on a peg leg.  It's actually dangerous as I have no feedback as to what I'm landing on.

I can stop at any point, pop off my shoe, run the foot and calf and shin for about a minuite and get the feeling back.  Then back to running.

The numbness will come back in about 5-10 mins.  I repeat the rubbing and numb cycles about 3 times in total.  Then it stops going numb and everything is OK for the rest of the run.

Things I have noticed:

1.  It is much better the second day if I run two days in a row.  On the third day it does not happen.
2.  If I take more than 2 days off running it's like starting back over.
3.  It is NOT my shoe.  Have tried 2 diff shoes.  Also they are so loose they are almost falling off.

Things I am doing:

1.  I am stretching both my calves and shins twice a day (AM/PM) fro a good 10-15 mins

Any other suggestions?  Could my muscles be swelling and cutting off blood flow to the foot?  Then the muscles are warming up and back off, allowing the blood to flow?

It's really frustrating.  The silver lining is that it'll be fine after about mile 6 or 7 but that'll be a sucky 7 miles.

Edited by TriRSquared 2011-02-24 1:35 PM
2011-02-24 1:55 PM
in reply to: #3006331

, California
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
TriRSquared - does it only happen on continuous running?  If you do a half-mile warm-up, then some accelerations and then take a break to stretch -- is your foot going numb already?  Or you could try warming up on the bike trainer first to get the blood flowing, then stretch, then go run.  See if that helps.  But definitely check with a doctor if the problem continues.
2011-02-24 2:39 PM
in reply to: #3370971

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
spudone - 2011-02-24 2:55 PM TriRSquared - does it only happen on continuous running?  If you do a half-mile warm-up, then some accelerations and then take a break to stretch -- is your foot going numb already?  Or you could try warming up on the bike trainer first to get the blood flowing, then stretch, then go run.  See if that helps.  But definitely check with a doctor if the problem continues.

Good question.  Most of my bricks have been pretty short on the run side so it's hard to tell.
2011-02-24 2:49 PM
in reply to: #3006331

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

You might have a Morton's Neuroma in your foot which is basically a nerve bundle that gets all out of whack when you run. I coached a guy a few years ago who had one and had to stop every 5 miles or so and rub his foot to get it to wake up.

Another thing you might want to get checked (by a MD type Doctor) is making sure you aren't ischemic (spelling?) which is a constriction of the blood flow to the extrematies due to muscle hypertrophy squeezing the artery in the lower leg. I had another one of my athletes that had this issue.

Bottom line is you need to get it checked because that is not normal.

2011-02-24 3:05 PM
in reply to: #3371089

, California
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
That's a really good point Rocketman.  I was thinking along the lines of a pinched nerve.  But you're right - you don't want to mess around if it's a circulation issue.
2011-02-24 3:40 PM
in reply to: #3371118

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NOVA - Ironic for an Endurance Athlete
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
I did an experiment yesterday.

2:00 run (9:30) 1:00 walk (17:10)

It felt super-duper easy and I averaged around a 10:40 pace.

I am considering this for the first 5 miles at CdA.

Then 4/1 until mile 18. (10:10 pace).

And then...I hope...

(I mean in actuality, I don't know...but I can dream)
2011-02-24 3:54 PM
in reply to: #3370898

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Liberty Lake, WA
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
TriRSquared - Do you use elastice laces in your shoes?  I've had similar issues whenever I put new elastic laces in.  Just a little extra pressure on top of my foot with cut off the circulation and cause shin, calf, and foot numbness. 
2011-02-24 3:56 PM
in reply to: #3370857

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
JoshKaptur - 2011-02-23 11:21 PM
3Aims - 2011-02-24 12:30 PM Very sorry to hear the news.  This week has some bad karma.  My running partner just tore her patellar tendon.   Done for 6-8 weeks.  My short course buddy just tore a ton of ligaments/muscles in the arch of his foot on a run.  Done for 8-10 weeks.  I ran my 9 mile hill run this morning around 30-45 seconds slower than usual out of fear alone.    

Oh... I thought you were just practicing smart IM pacing.

2011-02-24 4:17 PM
in reply to: #3371215

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
T in Liberty Lake - 2011-02-24 4:54 PM TriRSquared - Do you use elastice laces in your shoes?  I've had similar issues whenever I put new elastic laces in.  Just a little extra pressure on top of my foot with cut off the circulation and cause shin, calf, and foot numbness. 

I do use those and thought they might be the culprit.  So I loosed them to the point where the shoes was almost falling off.  Still had the same issues so I assumed that was not the issue.

2011-02-24 4:17 PM
in reply to: #3371089

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
Rocket Man - 2011-02-24 3:49 PM

You might have a Morton's Neuroma in your foot which is basically a nerve bundle that gets all out of whack when you run. I coached a guy a few years ago who had one and had to stop every 5 miles or so and rub his foot to get it to wake up.

Another thing you might want to get checked (by a MD type Doctor) is making sure you aren't ischemic (spelling?) which is a constriction of the blood flow to the extrematies due to muscle hypertrophy squeezing the artery in the lower leg. I had another one of my athletes that had this issue.

Bottom line is you need to get it checked because that is not normal.

Something to look into.  Thanks.
2011-02-24 5:14 PM
in reply to: #3006331

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

How much time does it cost to change into bike shorts? If you just go with tri shorts the entire race do you bypass the changing tent, grab your t1 bag and go directly to your bike?  I have not decided what I will ride with yet.  My hammer tri shorts are fine on 3.5 rides now.  However, we will see when I get to 6 hour rides.   Sorry to hear about the injuries.  I think the hardest thing in IM racing seems to be getting to the start line injury free with a happy spouse. 

2011-02-24 6:57 PM
in reply to: #3006331

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Millersville, MD
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
For me, I wore tri shorts all day (desoto).

If you want to wear bike shorts, there's no reason not to have them on under your wetsuit IMHO.  You'll still need to go into the change tent to ditch your suit, get your shoes, helmet, glasses, any other bike gear one, etc.  But it can be quick if you aren't changing, but just ditching your wetsuit and putting on bike accessories (a volunteer will take your wetsuit, cap, and goggles and put them in your T1 bag and re-hang it for you).

Depending on the thickness/design of your chamois, most people would prefer not to run their mary in bike shorts... so if you ride in them you'll be changing in T2.  I know several people who have done the entire race in desoto 400 mile bike shorts, though.  I wore the forza (tri) line.
2011-02-24 7:27 PM
in reply to: #3371380


Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
Remember, you'll be biking for 112 miles!  1-2 minutes of "changing" is certainly worth it if it is the difference between being in pain and comfort.  I personally wear race shorts underneath and have thicker bike shorts over it.  I then just take off the thicker bike shorts for the run and run in the tri-shorts.  I have done this for 2 Ironman events and it works perfectly.
2011-02-24 7:45 PM
in reply to: #3370857

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
JoshKaptur - 2011-02-24 1:21 PM
3Aims - 2011-02-24 12:30 PM Very sorry to hear the news.  This week has some bad karma.  My running partner just tore her patellar tendon.   Done for 6-8 weeks.  My short course buddy just tore a ton of ligaments/muscles in the arch of his foot on a run.  Done for 8-10 weeks.  I ran my 9 mile hill run this morning around 30-45 seconds slower than usual out of fear alone.    

Oh... I thought you were just practicing smart IM pacing.

It will wear off in a week and I'll be back to my usual "run and gun" pacing.    

2011-02-24 7:45 PM
in reply to: #3371543

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
hallsl - 2011-02-24 7:27 PM Remember, you'll be biking for 112 miles!  1-2 minutes of "changing" is certainly worth it if it is the difference between being in pain and comfort.  I personally wear race shorts underneath and have thicker bike shorts over it.  I then just take off the thicker bike shorts for the run and run in the tri-shorts.  I have done this for 2 Ironman events and it works perfectly.

I've heard this from multiple people. 
2011-02-24 8:59 PM
in reply to: #3370544

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Extreme Veteran
Olympia, WA
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
3Aims - 2011-02-24 9:30 AM Very sorry to hear the news.  This week has some bad karma.  My running partner just tore her patellar tendon.   Done for 6-8 weeks.  My short course buddy just tore a ton of ligaments/muscles in the arch of his foot on a run.  Done for 8-10 weeks.  I ran my 9 mile hill run this morning around 30-45 seconds slower than usual out of fear alone.    

I don't blame you! You know how they say these things happen in threes? My injury was the second one on the block.  The first was my neighbor who had surgery to remove a neuroma in her foot (like what's mentioned later on this page) so she has a walking boot. Then me and now the same neighbor's daughter tore ligaments in her ankle.  Same injury as mine only not as bad, but she now has a boot. All three of us at the same time, all on the right leg. We figure that should do it around here for a while so people on our block can run without fear. We'll have to take a picture in our boots because nobody's going to believe this years from now.

Hey, about that patellar tendon for your running partner.  I had a tear in that in '08 and it cost me almost a year because I didn't take proper care of it. That was just me being a bone head. Please tell her to get proper treatment and listen to her health care providers and do as they say. It's not one you can't just run through once it starts to feel better.
2011-02-25 6:35 AM
in reply to: #3006331

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
hey everyone, not sure what to say on the foot numbness. I would have a doc check me out. I also have a "go to" PT that is a triathlete who usually has a good idea whats going on too or will refer me to someone that will figure it out even if not in his ortho group.

here is the link to the nutrition guru I have seen often on slowtwitch and twitter. Seems like they really know their stuff and do microanalyses the food data for you for training/race day.

As to the trishorts question, my first IM I changed from speedo jammer to desoto 400 mile to running shorts and my goal was to finish without an IV. That worked fine but I had some really slow transitions. Last year, when my goals was to break into the 10s (or to have the best day possible given the conditions etc), I practiced in my trishorts and got used to them on longer days and ended wearing them the full day to save time.

Lets face it, you are going to me uncomfortable no matter what you are wearing. 112 miles is no casual ride in the park. If you can tolerate the incremental discomfort, have any desire to shave transition time, and are used to your trishorts, i say go with them the whole day. Mine are Louis Garneau and I heard great things about the DeSoto forzas. I've also had some success with HIM using a pair of the high end 2xu.

2011-02-25 9:36 AM
in reply to: #3006331

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

I have never worn anything but tri shorts the entire race and never had any issues (other than wanting to burn them afterward because they smelled so bad).

2011-02-25 9:56 AM
in reply to: #3006331

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Roswell, GA
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
Same goes for me with the tri shorts. I have used Zoot in the past and loved them, a good fit for me (long torso, short legs). I can't imagine doing an entire race in bike shorts, especially running with what to me feels like a diaper. I am crazy about low T-times, so I would much rather be slightly more uncomfortable by wearing the same clothes all day than changing and wasting precious time in transition.

2011-02-25 10:58 AM
in reply to: #3372239

, California
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
I pulled on bike shorts over my tri shorts in T1, and removed them in T2.  Didn't take much time - I think my T2 was 3:00 total, including putting on sunscreen.

Speaking of transition time versus misery, I recommend doing sunscreen yourself.  Volunteers slapped some on my shoulders in T1.  But your forearms and lats also get a lot of sun on the bike.
2011-02-25 11:32 AM
in reply to: #3006331

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Roswell, GA
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
Oh yea, I am definitely a sunscreen freak. Nothing would be worse than overheating on the course due to a sunburn (was extra careful of this at IMKY and still got pretty red). I am not as concerned for CdA as I was for Kentucky, but still something I am very aware of.
2011-02-25 12:39 PM
in reply to: #3006331

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

I'm a fan of tri shorts for the whole race as well.  I find my bike shorts to be more uncomfortable and chaffe more.  I think it'a because they aren't as tight and they move more and cause more friction.  I ran my HIM in them, but I'm thinking of changing into running shorts just to get on something dry.  I'm sure after 112 miles they will be soaked. 

2011-02-25 12:45 PM
in reply to: #3006331

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

I've never been to a full IM, but from the posts on here, it seems like the transitions are quite a bit different.   What are the tents all about?  Do you have to use them or can you set up transition by your bike like normal? 

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