BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Fred D and Queen Zipp's SWIM, BIKE RUN consistency thread.... CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2013-04-14 2:19 PM
in reply to: #4699207

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Edited by Fred D 2013-04-14 2:20 PM

2013-04-14 2:20 PM
in reply to: #4549087

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2013-04-15 6:32 AM
in reply to: #4549087

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2013-04-15 7:24 AM
in reply to: #4549087

West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: Fred D and Queen Zipp's SWIM, BIKE RUN consistency thread.... CLOSED

I missed riding yesterday because I had to attend a play.....was perfect weather for it too.  

I don't do a lot of group rides as I hate the idea of driving 30-45 minutes to ride about 2 hours max. then drive back home.  I could just ride longer from my front door.  I will ride with friends when I can and in general it's the road bikes that we ride.

2013-04-15 9:00 AM
in reply to: #4549087

Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: Fred D and Queen Zipp's SWIM, BIKE RUN consistency thread.... CLOSED
Watching the streamcast of the Boston inspiring.
2013-04-15 11:26 AM
in reply to: #4700439

Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: Fred D and Queen Zipp's SWIM, BIKE RUN consistency thread.... CLOSED

enders_shadow - 2013-04-15 9:00 AM Watching the streamcast of the Boston inspiring.

Saw the tail end of the females race and it was awesome to see Shalana and Kara do so well. Men's race equally as amazing.  

2013-04-15 11:53 AM
in reply to: #4700218

Subject: RE: Fred D and Queen Zipp's SWIM, BIKE RUN consistency thread.... CLOSED

Fred D - 2013-04-15 1:32 AM Does anyone ride in groups with primarily road cyclists? I did this weekend and I am really starting to enjoy it!

It's primarily the reason I love to ride.  There's nothing more fun than riding with a group of roadies and absolutely punishing each other.

2013-04-15 2:34 PM
in reply to: #4549087

Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: Fred D and Queen Zipp's SWIM, BIKE RUN consistency thread.... CLOSED
The Boston marathon has experienced explosions at the finish line.  I don't know any more details, but it is all over the tv and radio.   My one friend was pulled off the course early.
2013-04-15 2:38 PM
in reply to: #4701212

Subject: RE: Fred D and Queen Zipp's SWIM, BIKE RUN consistency thread.... CLOSED
SSMinnow - 2013-04-15 2:34 PMThe Boston marathon has experienced explosions at the finish line.  I don't know any more details, but it is all over the tv and radio.   My one friend was pulled off the course early.
There not giving out too much information, but there have been injuries. Very sickening.
2013-04-15 4:04 PM
in reply to: #4701232

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Fred D and Queen Zipp's SWIM, BIKE RUN consistency thread.... CLOSED

amd723 - 2013-04-15 8:38 PM
SSMinnow - 2013-04-15 2:34 PMThe Boston marathon has experienced explosions at the finish line.  I don't know any more details, but it is all over the tv and radio.   My one friend was pulled off the course early.
There not giving out too much information, but there have been injuries. Very sickening.

Oh my goodness, it's top of the news here.  That's terrible.  Why would anyone hit an event like that?  Says on the BBC news website that a couple of people have died.  So sad.

2013-04-15 4:25 PM
in reply to: #4549087

West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: Fred D and Queen Zipp's SWIM, BIKE RUN consistency thread.... CLOSED

The news from Boston is sickening me.


Just got off the phone with my LBS about my race bike.  Cracked frame.  They're processing the warranty info nd getting me a credit towards a new frame.  Has anyone ever dealt with this kind of situation?  How long does it take to get replaced usually?

2013-04-15 4:40 PM
in reply to: #4701459

Subject: ...
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2013-04-16 6:23 AM
in reply to: #4549087

Subject: ...
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2013-04-16 6:56 AM
in reply to: #4702142

Subject: RE: Fred D and Queen Zipp's SWIM, BIKE RUN consistency thread.... CLOSED
Fred D - 2013-04-16 6:23 AMIf people want to talk Boston, feel free. I tend to stay away from main forum discussions and discussions in general in the immediate aftermath of a tragedy, but I don't want anyone feeling like they can't talk here. Just no politics etc.I had an ok swim this am and have some time to train this afternoon. Might be able to ride, but thunderstorms are moving in.Anyone training today?
I went for a 5 mile run this morning. Had planned to run intervals, but my legs would not loosen up, so I just kept thing easy.
2013-04-16 7:39 AM
in reply to: #4702142

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Fred D and Queen Zipp's SWIM, BIKE RUN consistency thread.... CLOSED

Fred D - 2013-04-16 12:23 PM If people want to talk Boston, feel free. I tend to stay away from main forum discussions and discussions in general in the immediate aftermath of a tragedy, but I don't want anyone feeling like they can't talk here. Just no politics etc. I had an ok swim this am and have some time to train this afternoon. Might be able to ride, but thunderstorms are moving in. Anyone training today?

My training has taken a hit because my husband has wrecked his back.  No idea what he did, just woke up Sunday morning in a bit of pain and then when he got up yesterday morning he could barely move and was wonky.  I had to go and pick him up from work yesterday to go to the physio and he's spent the last 24 hours lying down (he's not allowed to bend!) with ice on his lower back while I run around after him.  Physio thinks he's got a minor tear and his back has gone into spasm to "protect" it.  Which of course is making it MUCH worse.

So last night's training went out of the window, and this morning's planned ride also got binned (although with high winds it was looking like a trainer ride anyway).  Fortunately I'm on a recovery week, so losing a couple of sessions shouldn't have a massive impact.

2013-04-16 11:24 AM
in reply to: #4549087

West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: Fred D and Queen Zipp's SWIM, BIKE RUN consistency thread.... CLOSED

Rachel, I hope your husband's back issues resolve quickly.


My ankle is still tender, doesn't hurt to just walk but sure hurt to attempt a run yesterday.  Got a decent swim in this morning....

2013-04-16 1:59 PM
in reply to: #4549087

Subject: RE: Fred D and Queen Zipp's SWIM, BIKE RUN consistency thread.... CLOSED

Skipped my workouts yesterday as I felt I needed to catch up on some sleep.  World of difference this morning as I was able to run easy with a much more normal HR compared to last week.

Group ride this afternoon.

2013-04-16 6:13 PM
in reply to: #4701491

Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: Fred D and Queen Zipp's SWIM, BIKE RUN consistency thread.... CLOSED
QueenZipp - 2013-04-15 5:25 PM

Just got off the phone with my LBS about my race bike.  Cracked frame.  They're processing the warranty info nd getting me a credit towards a new frame.  Has anyone ever dealt with this kind of situation?  How long does it take to get replaced usually?

What happened to your bike???
2013-04-16 6:23 PM
in reply to: #4701491

Subject: ...
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2013-04-16 6:59 PM
in reply to: #4549087

Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Fred D and Queen Zipp's SWIM, BIKE RUN consistency thread.... CLOSED
1700 in the pool this morning and planning on a ride tomorrow if I can get my chain fixed tonight. Mechanical things tend to either love me or hate me, so we'll see.
2013-04-16 7:06 PM
in reply to: #4549087

Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: Fred D and Queen Zipp's SWIM, BIKE RUN consistency thread.... CLOSED
Good workouts yesterday and today...

At masters yesterday I basically got a personal swim lesson - cool, but apparently I need a lot of work on my body position. I'm not sure I'll get as much work on my body position at masters normally, but there weren't many people there last night for some reason.

Lots of kicking w/ fins, 6-kick-switch, etc. Maybe - just maybe - this swim thing will start making sense.

2013-04-16 8:13 PM
in reply to: #4703207

West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: Fred D and Queen Zipp's SWIM, BIKE RUN consistency thread.... CLOSED
enders_shadow - 2013-04-16 7:13 PM
QueenZipp - 2013-04-15 5:25 PM

Just got off the phone with my LBS about my race bike.  Cracked frame.  They're processing the warranty info nd getting me a credit towards a new frame.  Has anyone ever dealt with this kind of situation?  How long does it take to get replaced usually?

What happened to your bike???

No clue, I brought her in for a tune up expecting to replace the chain and cables.....he called me yesterday and said there was a crack in the frame near a couple of bolts.  I spoke to my swim partners today and from what they say there's no way a minor fall would crack a frame.  I've never had more than a minor fall on the bike, no crash with another cyclist or hangs on hooks a LOT cause I mainly ride it for races and an occasional training ride.

He didn't call me back today so I don't know what Blue will do for me yet.

2013-04-16 8:15 PM
in reply to: #4549087

West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: Fred D and Queen Zipp's SWIM, BIKE RUN consistency thread.... CLOSED

Good day of workouts for me.  A not so hot swim--just didn't like the set he posted.  Went to the gym to use the spin bike because of the late hour and got a solid strength training set in.

I'm going to give my ankle another couple days to play it safe.  No pain in anything today--I'm itching to get running again but I want to stay away from the PT office.

2013-04-17 3:10 PM
in reply to: #4703219

Subject: RE: Fred D and Queen Zipp's SWIM, BIKE RUN consistency thread.... CLOSED
Fred D - 2013-04-16 1:23 PM
QueenZipp - 2013-04-15 5:25 PM

The news from Boston is sickening me.


Just got off the phone with my LBS about my race bike.  Cracked frame.  They're processing the warranty info nd getting me a credit towards a new frame.  Has anyone ever dealt with this kind of situation?  How long does it take to get replaced usually?

Yes I had this a month before IMMT last year. My experience was that they replaced the frame entirely for free. The model of frame that I originally got was not available anymore so I was downgraded a bit but that was no ones fault. I ended up selling that almos brand new frame on eBay and it helped pay for my new Shiv. Ime you should get a full 100% new frame. Then again I have a very good relationship with my LBS and this could have played a role in my good fortune.

This is the key.  You are just one customer, and some companies with sub par customer service (no idea about Blue) may brush you aside or make you jump through hoops.  But if the LBS is in your corner and pushes for a 100% replacement, you have much more leverage.  Upsetting a LBS is much more damaging to their reputation.

I did a warranty replacement on some SRAM road shifters as the paddle snapped off.  I did a google search and it was a known problem, even though the guys at my LBS have never seen it happen before.  The normal procedure would be to send the broken shifter back to SRAM, then have a replacement shipped back.  But my LBS said it wasn't necessary.  He just called the guys at SRAM and told them to ship a new shifter ASAP.


2013-04-17 4:26 PM
in reply to: #4549087

West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: Fred D and Queen Zipp's SWIM, BIKE RUN consistency thread.... CLOSED
I just spoke to the LBS, only store in town that carries Blue.  The crack is about 1/4 inch on the seat post just below where it clamps.  It's a welded piece so they can't order me a new seat post.  Blue is going to give me full cost of what was paid for the frame back when we bought it in 2009.  Problem is their least costly tri frame is currently about 2x the amount they'll give me.  PLUS, he said it would be about 8 weeks to get it if I ordered it today even which really leaves me little time to get refit and comfortable before my Oly in June.  
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