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2008-04-09 12:39 AM
in reply to: #1325301

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Pacific Northwest
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!

Fielding - 2008-04-08 10:04 PM So the thread in the main tri forum about athenas/clydes reminded me of a question I have. (I'm asking it here, because obviously this can be a delicate topic, and I feel safer talking about it with you guys.) The next tri I'm doing has an athena category, which I signed up for in part because -- and I'm a little ashamed to admit this -- there were only, like, three women in it last year, so I thought it'd be fun to maybe have a chance to podium. (Just to be clear, I'm not saying I'd have an easier time against other athenas, but the law of averages says I'd have a much higher chance of placing third out of four women than third out of, say, 100 women. Hee.) The problem is that I don't know if I fit the "spirit" of athena. I'm 5'8", 165 pounds, so I definitely meet the technical criteria. But I'm really not a big girl, and, more importantly, I really don't think my weight has any negative effect on my performance. I suck at swimming because I suck, and I'm not good at biking because I don't bike enough, and I'm decent at running. Is it wrong of me to race as an athena? Should I switch to age group for the race?

I went back and forth on this last season, every race.  I usually ended up registering and SOMETIMES WINNING as an Athena.  I have always been big and strong and I always will be, so I will probably race as an Athena for life and will try to show others that size is a good thing--I usually did ok in the overall results, but in my AG would not have placed.  I do like to podium, as I spent my early life as a very decorated competitive athlete, and if they are gonna make a category for me, I am sure as heck gonna enter into it!

So, that's my 2 cents.  I am 5'9, somewhere around 180, if that makes any difference.  I can't believe I said that out loud.

2008-04-09 4:01 PM
in reply to: #1325334

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Berkeley, Calif.
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
Medusa_Ann - 2008-04-08 10:39 PM

I went back and forth on this last season, every race. I usually ended up registering and SOMETIMES WINNING as an Athena. I have always been big and strong and I always will be, so I will probably race as an Athena for life and will try to show others that size is a good thing--I usually did ok in the overall results, but in my AG would not have placed. I do like to podium, as I spent my early life as a very decorated competitive athlete, and if they are gonna make a category for me, I am sure as heck gonna enter into it!

I've never podiumed at anything before! I've been athletic most of my life, but always a very mediocre athlete. (The only time I ever got a medal was on the track team in my sophomore year of high school. I got third place in JV long jump because three other girls didn't show up. Heh.) It'd be fun to place someday.

Your point about them making a category for us is what keeps me going back and forth. I just can't decide if that category is for me or not.
2008-04-09 4:48 PM
in reply to: #1088776

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Pacific Northwest
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
There's a HOT thread about Clydes/Athenas over in the Tri Talk forum.  I put my 2 cents in there, as well.  Maybe it will help you make the decision on what to do.  Personally, I like to tell my friends and family that I won my division in a triathlon.  Hopefully it will encourage them to get out there and give it a try--if Leslie can win, anybody can!    Plus, having always struggled with body image (still struggling), I like that in the Athena category, I can be proud of being who I am and not feel like a huge hulk compared to the small, thin girls.  Not that it's wrong for them to be thin, but it has helped me feel better about the body I have in this life, and I hope it continues to do so!  Now, help me feel better about my last year in the 30-39 AG!!!  That one is scary to me....I am so not ready to be 40 yet.  In my mind I am 23.  (For the record, I don't think 40+ is old, it just doesn't sound like me yet).   AAAAAAAAAAAKKKKKKKKKKKK.
2008-04-09 5:04 PM
in reply to: #1326987

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Berkeley, Calif.
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
Medusa_Ann - 2008-04-09 2:48 PM

There's a HOT thread about Clydes/Athenas over in the Tri Talk forum. I put my 2 cents in there, as well. Maybe it will help you make the decision on what to do. Personally, I like to tell my friends and family that I won my division in a triathlon. Hopefully it will encourage them to get out there and give it a try--if Leslie can win, anybody can! Plus, having always struggled with body image (still struggling), I like that in the Athena category, I can be proud of being who I am and not feel like a huge hulk compared to the small, thin girls. Not that it's wrong for them to be thin, but it has helped me feel better about the body I have in this life, and I hope it continues to do so! Now, help me feel better about my last year in the 30-39 AG!!! That one is scary to me....I am so not ready to be 40 yet. In my mind I am 23. (For the record, I don't think 40+ is old, it just doesn't sound like me yet). AAAAAAAAAAAKKKKKKKKKKKK.

That thread is crazy (it's what prompted me to ask this question here). I kind of figured it'd take off. I haven't had a chance to read it in the past few hours -- I'll keep an eye out for your comment.

I *love* that you're proud of who you are and that you're a strong, powerful athlete -- because you totally are. I still can't decide how I feel. I think the problem is that I'm sort of a cross between an age-grouper and an athena. I'm definitely bigger than your average female athlete, but I'm not what anyone would call a big (strong!) girl.

I hear you on the age group change (although I'm facing the jump from 30-34 to 35-39). I don't want to leave the early 30s!
2008-04-09 8:52 PM
in reply to: #1088776

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Victoria BC
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
I wish I had the problem of being a big strong athlete. I am just a short fat one that always borders on Clyde
2008-04-09 8:58 PM
in reply to: #1327552

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Pacific Northwest
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!

ShawnC13 - 2008-04-09 6:52 PM I wish I had the problem of being a big strong athlete. I am just a short fat one that always borders on Clyde

From what you've been posting about your workouts, I'd have to say you are very strong!!!  As far as the short and fat part, well, that's in the eye of the beholder.  I think I'd think I was fat even if I weighed 125.  It's part of who I am, unfortunately.  I have to say, I could kick just about anyone's butt who dared to call me fat, though! (I think perhaps I have done that in the past...hmmm....)

I got a pretty good swim in today but am feeling my cold trying to drop down into my lungs. I am not sure I will be on the bike later like I had planned.  Tomorrow is a 'rest day' but I can always bike then, too, if the lungs don't cooperate tonight. It's supposed to be in the 60s this weekend, a heat wave!!!  I am doing at least one ride, maybe two!

2008-04-09 9:05 PM
in reply to: #1088776

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Victoria BC
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
Oh I know that I do train and that helps yes always been the pudgy kid but always played high levels of Soccer and Baseball and funny thing was an excellent volleyball player just not a power hitter.

I am sure if I took my nutrition seriously I would do a lot better and maybe even get faster. I probably should take it more seriously and lose some weight as both knees have had surgery due to baseball injuries and sometimes they get a little wobbly and being lighter would help with that
2008-04-10 5:04 PM
in reply to: #1327606

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Extreme Veteran
Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!

So manatees, I have my first race on Sunday!  WOOOOOHOOOO!  It is an OLY & I am traveling to Texas for it.  I am *hopefully* flying.  I was booked on AA and my flight was cancelled - they rebooked me to another AA flight.  Now I'll arrive at 8:05am versus 5:55pm (I hope, I hope, I hope!)  This means I need to take a whole day off work & work in Dallas instead, as we are just too busy for me to be off an extra day.  It will be nice to take part in some of the pre-race stuff - hopefully I can fit it in!

Ohhhhhhh my!  I am BEYOND nervous   Terri, I have a HUGE amount of respect for you, for getting out there last week and doing your race!  Hoping I will be so brave   It is sooo funny how I can switch from 100% excited and gung-ho to get out there and give it everything, to 100% scared crapless, all in a matter of seconds! 

They are letting us practice the swim on Sat - so I am VERY happy about that - it should help a LOT with nerves!  The bike is my biggest fear at this point.  With it being the longest portion and me being so new to my bike and to riding hills I'm afraid I could be very slow.  I guess there is only one way to find out! 

I have tons to do tonight.  I am going to the bike shop to learn to change a tube and put my chain on if needed (nothing like waiting until the last minute, huh?) LOL!  That is me . . . up all night before ALL vacations!  I will also have them help me get the bike into a carrier - hopefully it will be really easy for me to "put back together" then when I arrive.  I'm guessing that there isn't a whole lot that comes apart if I use a carrier . . .

Ok, just thought I'd update you all, cuz I can use all the positive vibes you can throw at me


2008-04-10 5:10 PM
in reply to: #1329549

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Berkeley, Calif.
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
rreischl - 2008-04-10 3:04 PM

So manatees, I have my first race on Sunday! WOOOOOHOOOO! It is an OLY & I am traveling to Texas for it. I am *hopefully* flying. I was booked on AA and my flight was cancelled - they rebooked me to another AA flight. Now I'll arrive at 8:05am versus 5:55pm (I hope, I hope, I hope!) This means I need to take a whole day off work & work in Dallas instead, as we are just too busy for me to be off an extra day. It will be nice to take part in some of the pre-race stuff - hopefully I can fit it in!

Ohhhhhhh my! I am BEYOND nervous Terri, I have a HUGE amount of respect for you, for getting out there last week and doing your race! Hoping I will be so brave It is sooo funny how I can switch from 100% excited and gung-ho to get out there and give it everything, to 100% scared crapless, all in a matter of seconds!

They are letting us practice the swim on Sat - so I am VERY happy about that - it should help a LOT with nerves! The bike is my biggest fear at this point. With it being the longest portion and me being so new to my bike and to riding hills I'm afraid I could be very slow. I guess there is only one way to find out!

I have tons to do tonight. I am going to the bike shop to learn to change a tube and put my chain on if needed (nothing like waiting until the last minute, huh?) LOL! That is me . . . up all night before ALL vacations! I will also have them help me get the bike into a carrier - hopefully it will be really easy for me to "put back together" then when I arrive. I'm guessing that there isn't a whole lot that comes apart if I use a carrier . . .

Ok, just thought I'd update you all, cuz I can use all the positive vibes you can throw at me


Renee! I am so so so excited for you! You're really going to have a blast, I promise. Try not to get worked up over speed or performance -- it's your first race and you're just there to finish and have fun. Any time you start freaking out that's what you should tell yourself. (You should hear inside my head a week before a race -- angrily chanting, over and over again, THIS IS FUN, DAMNIT, FUN!)

I think it's actually good that you're learning how to change the tube and all that at the last minute, because it'll give you something to work on and think about as you near the race. Seriously, take all the distractions you can get.

So are you leaving tomorrow or Saturday?
2008-04-10 5:23 PM
in reply to: #1088776

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Extreme Veteran
Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!

Thanks Erin!

Good point - distractions are goood   Lucky me, been very distracted today!  Ok, that's definately said with sarcasm!  LOL!  I'm leaving tomorrow, IF I get outta work sometime SOON to get to the bike store and get the carrier!!  YIKES!!!

2008-04-10 6:00 PM
in reply to: #1088776

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Pacific Northwest
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
I am wishing you the best of luck, Renee!  We will all be rootin' for you and looking forward to hearing all about it. Have a great time!!!

2008-04-10 6:14 PM
in reply to: #1329644

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Berkeley, Calif.
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
Medusa_Ann - 2008-04-10 4:00 PM

I am wishing you the best of luck, Renee! We will all be rootin' for you and looking forward to hearing all about it.

Yep, there's going to be a ton of noisy cheering here for you!

And now back to me (hee): After looking at a photo of myself in a wetsuit last night, I've decided that I am perfectly comfortable racing Athena. *g* But! I'm going to switch to age group if I find out that Athenas are the last wave. I really, really don't want to be in the last swim wave.

Hey, do any of you guys use a Garmin (or any other GPS gear) for running? I haven't bought one yet, partly because they're expensive and partly because I like the idea of running just for fun, and I worry that technical gear will make me obsessive. But now that I'm running more I like the idea of being able to just go out and run and not have to worry about paying attention to where I'm going and mapping it later. I don't plan to use the HRM features, so I'd get a Garmin 205 probably. Any pros/cons on these products?
2008-04-10 6:15 PM
in reply to: #1329549

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
rreischl - 2008-04-10 3:04 PM

So manatees, I have my first race on Sunday!  WOOOOOHOOOO!  It is an OLY & I am traveling to Texas for it.  I am *hopefully* flying.  I was booked on AA and my flight was cancelled - they rebooked me to another AA flight.  Now I'll arrive at 8:05am versus 5:55pm (I hope, I hope, I hope!)  This means I need to take a whole day off work & work in Dallas instead, as we are just too busy for me to be off an extra day.  It will be nice to take part in some of the pre-race stuff - hopefully I can fit it in!

Ohhhhhhh my!  I am BEYOND nervous   Terri, I have a HUGE amount of respect for you, for getting out there last week and doing your race!  Hoping I will be so brave   It is sooo funny how I can switch from 100% excited and gung-ho to get out there and give it everything, to 100% scared crapless, all in a matter of seconds! 

They are letting us practice the swim on Sat - so I am VERY happy about that - it should help a LOT with nerves!  The bike is my biggest fear at this point.  With it being the longest portion and me being so new to my bike and to riding hills I'm afraid I could be very slow.  I guess there is only one way to find out! 

I have tons to do tonight.  I am going to the bike shop to learn to change a tube and put my chain on if needed (nothing like waiting until the last minute, huh?) LOL!  That is me . . . up all night before ALL vacations!  I will also have them help me get the bike into a carrier - hopefully it will be really easy for me to "put back together" then when I arrive.  I'm guessing that there isn't a whole lot that comes apart if I use a carrier . . .

Ok, just thought I'd update you all, cuz I can use all the positive vibes you can throw at me



Of course we are ALL very excited for you and you go with our best collective mojo!!!

2008-04-10 9:19 PM
in reply to: #1088776

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
We will be thinking of you Renee!  Best wishes
2008-04-11 1:59 PM
in reply to: #1329983

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Extreme Veteran
Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!

Thanks everyone!!

I am HERE   It is a beautiful day and definitely beats the flurries my friends/family are getting in Omaha right now :P

My flight went off without any problems - actually they HAD to put me in 1st class to get me on the plane hehe  Never flown that way before - totally expected to get bumped, but I didn't!

I got into the hotel at 10 this morning and slept from 11-1:30.  Last night I only slept from 3:10 - 3:45am, so I was beat!  I'm feeling good to go again, at least for a while!  The hotel is nice and sits right on the lake the swim is in!  I even got a lake view - that NEVER happens, I've ALWAYS had the parking lot view!  Soooo, so far so good!

The bike carrier (along with my 3 other bags) hehe was NOT fun to get to/from airports!  I am glad to be to my room!  Maybe I'll take some pics and figure out how to upload them someday   Now I've just gotta put the bike back together . . . hoping that goes well or that I can get a little help worst case.

There is an expo going on tonight and some speakers - 1st one covers rules - I think I should go   So I really need to get moving and get ready, get my bike assembled, maybe get some FOOD (only a couple bars today so far).  I'd really like to hit a grocery store as I didn't pack several things I knew I could get here . . .

Sorry for the book - just wanted to give you a quick update!



2008-04-11 2:00 PM
in reply to: #1331454

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
rreischl - 2008-04-11 11:59 AM

Thanks everyone!!

I am HERE   It is a beautiful day and definitely beats the flurries my friends/family are getting in Omaha right now :P

My flight went off without any problems - actually they HAD to put me in 1st class to get me on the plane hehe  Never flown that way before - totally expected to get bumped, but I didn't!

I got into the hotel at 10 this morning and slept from 11-1:30.  Last night I only slept from 3:10 - 3:45am, so I was beat!  I'm feeling good to go again, at least for a while!  The hotel is nice and sits right on the lake the swim is in!  I even got a lake view - that NEVER happens, I've ALWAYS had the parking lot view!  Soooo, so far so good!

The bike carrier (along with my 3 other bags) hehe was NOT fun to get to/from airports!  I am glad to be to my room!  Maybe I'll take some pics and figure out how to upload them someday   Now I've just gotta put the bike back together . . . hoping that goes well or that I can get a little help worst case.

There is an expo going on tonight and some speakers - 1st one covers rules - I think I should go   So I really need to get moving and get ready, get my bike assembled, maybe get some FOOD (only a couple bars today so far).  I'd really like to hit a grocery store as I didn't pack several things I knew I could get here . . .

Sorry for the book - just wanted to give you a quick update!



Wonderful news!!!

Welcome to WARM WEATHER, glad everything arrived well, and ALL THE BEST!!!

2008-04-12 4:34 PM
in reply to: #1088776

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!

Thanks for the update Renee!  I was wondering how it all went

My travel this weekend was rocky at best - bleh

Best wishes tomorrow!

2008-04-12 4:44 PM
in reply to: #1333110

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Extreme Veteran
Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
lastcall2003 - 2008-04-12 4:34 PM

Thanks for the update Renee!  I was wondering how it all went

My travel this weekend was rocky at best - bleh

Best wishes tomorrow!

Hey Beth - sorry to hear you had ANOTHER rocky travel weekend - dang!!

I'm having a great time.  I watched the races today and am a little less nervous, after watching some people transition.  Watched the kids race too today - that was sooo much fun!  I did my first open water swim today - they opened the lake for a couple hours for a practice swim.  The course curves & since there was no one watching for us (to not drown) they didn't want us swimming past that point, where we were out of sight.  So I didn't do the whole course today - but probably did 75%.  After the initial shock from jumping in and the waves, it went fairly well - of course we were totally spread out - so that will be different tomorrow.  I'm thinking everyone will quickly speed ahead out of my way though LOL!  It was tiring and there were times I wondered how I'd finish, but I did!  I did 25 minutes continuous - wish I knew the distance!  Now I need to get ready and get to the pasta dinner!

BTW - the race bike mechanic helped get my bike put back together today, TG!!  So I just got back from a really short (15 min) ride.  I think that is good for today.  A short run after the pasta dinner and then maybe I'll try some sleep tonight . . . now I just have to NOT oversleep!!!

Thanks for all of the well wishes you all, I sure appreciate it!  I will be thinking of you all during my race tomorrow, of that I'm sure!  I have learned so much from you all am thankful for all that you have shared!!  Can't wait to put it to action and FINALLY have a race under my belt too! 


2008-04-12 5:00 PM
in reply to: #1333120

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Berkeley, Calif.
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
Yay! Thanks for the update, Renee!! You are goinig to have such a great time tomorrow. Don't worry about feeling nervous -- that'll all disappear as soon as the race starts. Enjoy it all and report back to us as soon as you can!
2008-04-12 5:01 PM
in reply to: #1088776

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!

Renee, glad to hear watching some races today helped with the nerves a bit!  You will do Great!

thanks for the update

2008-04-13 12:44 PM
in reply to: #1088776

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Oceanside, CA
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
Woohoo Renee....traveling athlete that you are!

On the Athena issue. I think the weight standard for it sucks. I'm 5'6" and I will never weigh ONLY 150 pounds. I really think that small of a weight is a prime example of our society being "down" on larger people. So, I will probably always qualify to race in the Athena category. And, if you qualify, you qualify. It's not like you're purposefully putting on weight to be able to compete in that category.

On the other hand I know there are other venues out there that put an Athena at 180 pounds (which to me is more realistic).

You do what you think is best for you, and don't worry about what others think. Bling is a great motivator and if it helps you keep training, then go for the bling

2008-04-13 12:51 PM
in reply to: #1088776

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Oceanside, CA
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
The weather here today is unbelievably outstanding. It makes me want to be out there wralking! My BT log says it's 78 right now and there's not a wisp of a cloud in the sky. DH was out surfing this morning and says the dolphins were out there with them catching the waves beside him.

I've been sitting on my back porch all morning reading my Jeff Galloway "becoming a runner" book that Bunny gave me. It's a great motivator. Add that to: all the bike parts are here and my bike is about to be a "bike," my heel hardly bothered me at all after the race, and the wonderful comments left on my RR...I'm starting back running ON THE STREET tomorrow morning.

There's a duathlon in June that DH thinks I can be ready for, and I think I'm going to go for it and use it as a training "race." My main training goal over the next couple of months is to not freak out everytime I clip myself in! LOL

I think I'm finally settled in to the new job and am hoping to have more computing time during lunch and in the evenings, so I can keep up with you all.

Have a great week all
2008-04-13 1:41 PM
in reply to: #1088776

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!


I thought I would share a prom pic.  My daughter had her senior prom last night.  She's the one in the blue dress.  I'm in the middle (just in case you mistook me for one of the prom girls - lol!)  The other gal is a classmate




2008-04-13 1:43 PM
in reply to: #1334060

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!

MrsUSMC - 2008-04-13 12:51 PM The weather here today is unbelievably outstanding. It makes me want to be out there wralking! My BT log says it's 78 right now and there's not a wisp of a cloud in the sky. DH was out surfing this morning and says the dolphins were out there with them catching the waves beside him. I've been sitting on my back porch all morning reading my Jeff Galloway "becoming a runner" book that Bunny gave me. It's a great motivator. Add that to: all the bike parts are here and my bike is about to be a "bike," my heel hardly bothered me at all after the race, and the wonderful comments left on my RR...I'm starting back running ON THE STREET tomorrow morning. There's a duathlon in June that DH thinks I can be ready for, and I think I'm going to go for it and use it as a training "race." My main training goal over the next couple of months is to not freak out everytime I clip myself in! LOL I think I'm finally settled in to the new job and am hoping to have more computing time during lunch and in the evenings, so I can keep up with you all. Have a great week all

Hi Terri!  Great to hear from you   Glad the new job is settling down.  Exciting news about the duathlon! 

2008-04-13 1:44 PM
in reply to: #1334132

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Oceanside, CA
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
Beth, you have identical, beautiful smiles! All 3 of you look lovely to me

Isn't settling into a new job fun!!! NOT! LOL
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