BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Ben's Mentor Group w/ Google Hangouts! ***CLOSED*** Rss Feed  
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2015-01-24 8:07 PM
in reply to: #5086742

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Subject: RE: Ben's Mentor Group w/ Google Hangouts! ***CLOSED***
I've read that zones differ by sport. My run zones are much higher than my cycling zones.

2015-01-25 11:34 AM
in reply to: PsyTri

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ann arbor, michigan
Subject: RE: Ben's Mentor Group w/ Google Hangouts! ***CLOSED***
Originally posted by PsyTri

I've read that zones differ by sport. My run zones are much higher than my cycling zones.

Ditto. I can keep it in the 170s and creep in to the low 180s for a run test. When I hit 170 on the bike I am very near to implosion.
2015-01-25 2:18 PM
in reply to: #5086789

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Subject: RE: Ben's Mentor Group w/ Google Hangouts! ***CLOSED***
I thought we were supposed to have a hangout tonight.

I know my max heart rate is significantly highe for running (190 vs 173 or so), I assume that had something to do with recruiting more muscles when running. I'm curious as to what zones people use (70-80%, 80-90%, etc.).

Two days into the Tour of Sufferlandria and doing well. It was tough, but I survived. I tried an ice bath for the first time today... Talk about shocking!
2015-01-25 6:09 PM
in reply to: Toefuzz

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Subject: RE: Ben's Mentor Group w/ Google Hangouts! ***CLOSED***
Where's the hangout and how do we sign in?
2015-01-25 6:19 PM
in reply to: PsyTri

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Durham, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Ben's Mentor Group w/ Google Hangouts! ***CLOSED***
Originally posted by PsyTri

Where's the hangout and how do we sign in?

I think Ben got too busy to set it up this week. I've been one one before, but never set one up. Does everyone have a gmail account? not sure if its required, but thats how I've done it before.
2015-01-25 6:34 PM
in reply to: Lupy

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Subject: RE: Ben's Mentor Group w/ Google Hangouts! ***CLOSED***
Yeah. The info on Google says everyone needs a Google account.

Disappointed. Maybe something could be set up this week.

2015-01-26 8:32 AM
in reply to: PsyTri

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Subject: RE: Ben's Mentor Group w/ Google Hangouts! ***CLOSED***
So what does everyone's week look like?

I am competing in the Tour of Sufferlandria so there will be much suffering and swearing in my basement pain cave. I've never ridden this much so 8 hours on the bike should be interesting. I finished the first two stages at 100% of FTP but have my doubts about the rest of the week. I took my first ice bath after yesterday's ride to try and diminish the soreness in my legs. It's not something I plan on doing often as I've read it can prevent/slow the rebuilding process, but it seemed to help for a long stage event like this.

I swam 2700y this morning and will swim again Wednesday morning. Two easy 30 minute runs on Tuesday and Thursday should do it for me. Next week will be a recovery week.
2015-01-26 3:41 PM
in reply to: Toefuzz

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Durham, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Ben's Mentor Group w/ Google Hangouts! ***CLOSED***
I'm working on my cycling too, but luckily I'm not forced onto the trainer too much. I've made up my own plan for bike speed so please feel free to critique it. I'm doing shorter HIIT sessions on Mondays and Wednesdays, and then longer easier rides on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Saturdays are my long group rides. My schedule has me swimming m,w,f and I'll be adding in some Saturday open water swims before my ride soon. Yuck and I just noticed it has me running 5 times this week too. My plan has me riding on Sundays too, but I don't typically have enough time on Sundays for a long run + a ride so I typically skip it. I think if anything I might just do a real quick hard ride to attempt to simulate a brick.
2015-01-27 7:35 AM
in reply to: Toefuzz

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Subject: RE: Ben's Mentor Group w/ Google Hangouts! ***CLOSED***

Hi everyone, how's it going!  My week is decent, still in beginning phases of IM training.  Will do my first swim session Sunday out at Blue Lake. I reallllly hope the air temp is above freezing--water will be a cozy 68ish degrees.  I'm also hoping since it's Superbowl Sunday there won't be any scuba divers out there.  I get a little possessive of my lake in the middle of the desert!

2015-01-27 9:41 AM
in reply to: ingleshteechur

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Subject: RE: Ben's Mentor Group w/ Google Hangouts! ***CLOSED***
John -- You are hitting that trainer hard! How's the new ride working out? Any plans to get a fit? I've thought about getting a trainer. Could have used one this morning. Temps hovering around 50 here in SoFL, but I have no warm gear, so I froze my tootsies off for an hour in the dark! (Then I froze them off for the 6 mile run afterward, too!).

Chris -- You've got quite the workout schedule! Can't imagine fitting in that much in one week! What's your weekly training total? Hoping you've got a solid base already, given the intensity work you are doing. How does the higher intensity stuff fit into your overall plan at this point in the season? When's your next race? Just curious how that works.

Kim -- That lake sounds just awesome -- a bit chilly for us warm-weather whimps! I'd be in a wetsuit for sure, regardless of the air temps. You? What type of workout are you aiming for when you ge there?

I've got a rest day tomorrow -- probably do some yoga/pre-hab, and coach 2 soccer practices!


2015-01-27 12:34 PM
in reply to: PsyTri

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Subject: RE: Ben's Mentor Group w/ Google Hangouts! ***CLOSED***

Originally posted by PsyTri . Kim -- That lake sounds just awesome -- a bit chilly for us warm-weather whimps! I'd be in a wetsuit for sure, regardless of the air temps. You? What type of workout are you aiming for when you ge there? I've got a rest day tomorrow -- probably do some yoga/pre-hab, and coach 2 soccer practices! Cheers, Gary

I will definitely be in a wetsuit!  Getting out is awful--I take the wetsuit off in the water, hand it out to hubby.   He then gets a big towel ready, wraps me in it when I get out and throws a big winter jacket around me.   The other awful part is that it is about a quarter mile walk back to the truck!

The workout will probably be 45 minutes of sustained swimming  (Perimeter is about .50 miles around) and then some sighting practice.

2015-01-27 6:49 PM
in reply to: PsyTri

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Durham, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Ben's Mentor Group w/ Google Hangouts! ***CLOSED***
Originally posted by PsyTri

Chris -- You've got quite the workout schedule! Can't imagine fitting in that much in one week! What's your weekly training total? Hoping you've got a solid base already, given the intensity work you are doing. How does the higher intensity stuff fit into your overall plan at this point in the season? When's your next race? Just curious how that works.

Since I'm a stay at home dad I have the unusual benefit of being able to train while "working," and using it as a break too. I drop my son off for about an hour at the gym to get my swim training in. I'll try to never miss since its essentially a break for me, and I can use the hot tub too. He loves being pushed around in the Jogging stroller so I also use that as a break. The only one I don't like is riding my bike on the trainer during nap times. Luckily he gives me about 1.5 hours on average so I have plenty of time to fit my ride in. I wouldn't do it, but increasing my speed on the bike is my big goal for the year. The other added benefit that I have is my when my wife has enough time off from work she lets me go and get a break from the kids so I can train without them. She loves the benefits of my training too. I complain less about the kids and I've lost about 30 lbs so she is very supportive.

The only race I have planned so far is coming up very soon. I'm racing the homestead bayfront challenge on March 1st. After that I will cut down on my training and focus on moving. I'm not sure when I'll have my next race because I'm not quite sure where we are moving yet. This is the most training I've done so I'm not sure how it will go :D.

I wouldn't get a trainer if you can avoid it. I would just get some leg warmers or skip the 7 or so days a year that are too cold to ride. I hate the thing, but have to use it because my wife's schedule changes so often that I don't ever know when I can ride outside.
2015-01-28 5:27 AM
in reply to: PsyTri

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Subject: RE: Ben's Mentor Group w/ Google Hangouts! ***CLOSED***
Originally posted by PsyTri

John -- You are hitting that trainer hard! How's the new ride working out? Any plans to get a fit? I've thought about getting a trainer. Could have used one this morning. Temps hovering around 50 here in SoFL, but I have no warm gear, so I froze my tootsies off for an hour in the dark! (Then I froze them off for the 6 mile run afterward, too!).

Chris -- You've got quite the workout schedule! Can't imagine fitting in that much in one week! What's your weekly training total? Hoping you've got a solid base already, given the intensity work you are doing. How does the higher intensity stuff fit into your overall plan at this point in the season? When's your next race? Just curious how that works.

Kim -- That lake sounds just awesome -- a bit chilly for us warm-weather whimps! I'd be in a wetsuit for sure, regardless of the air temps. You? What type of workout are you aiming for when you ge there?

I've got a rest day tomorrow -- probably do some yoga/pre-hab, and coach 2 soccer practices!



Gary - New ride is working out great, unfortunately one of the aerobars is broke. I have no idea if it was like that when the guy dropped it off or if I did it, though he has offered to take the replacement cost off of the price of the bike. I think I'll split it with him as I have no idea when it happened. Bike fitting tonight, so that should be interesting.

Kim - That's not too bad. My first Tri was last season and the water was 60 degrees, in August! I thought this was normal, apparently I was wrong. The swim started in a protected bay that was fed by a stream so the swim actually warmed up the farther we got from shore. Your lake sounds like an amazing place to swim!

Chris - I keep suggesting to my stay at home mom/wife that I should be a stay at home dad as well. I love the idea! I just need someone willing to sponsor a fat triathlete who isn't very good at triathlons.

2015-01-28 11:55 AM
in reply to: Toefuzz

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Subject: RE: Ben's Mentor Group w/ Google Hangouts! ***CLOSED***

John, I just checked out your blog--hilarious!  You are a very funny writer :-)


2015-01-28 2:11 PM
in reply to: PsyTri

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Houston, Texas
Subject: RE: Ben's Mentor Group w/ Google Hangouts! ***CLOSED***

Originally posted by PsyTriI've thought about getting a trainer. Could have used one this morning. Temps hovering around 50 here in SoFL, but I have no warm gear, so I froze my tootsies off for an hour in the dark! (Then I froze them off for the 6 mile run afterward, too!).

I live in Houston, where it's almost always warm enough to ride outside....but I do a lot of my bike training on my trainer.  Honestly, I recommend a trainer (plus TrainerRoad) highly.  It may not be an issue for others, but my work day basically takes up all of the daylight hours, so if I only rode when I could do so outside, it would only be on the weekends.  Plus, having a very controlled environment (read: no traffic to fight, no stoplights, etc) really provides a great opportunity to push up to (and maybe past) your limits without risking your safety. 

My biggest improvements have come from riding on the trainer and having a way to really measure improvement over time (power or virtual power).  Of course, getting outside is essential as well -- it is more fun and if you're doing longer races, riding on the trainer for 3-5 hours at a time is grueling and mind numbing.

2015-01-29 6:56 AM
in reply to: #5086945

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Subject: RE: Ben's Mentor Group w/ Google Hangouts! ***CLOSED***
Kim - Thanks!

I agree on the trainer discussion. It's so much easier to get in a structured workout indoors. You don't have to worry about car, darkness, pedestrians, stop lights, etc. I plan on doing some of my weekday rides on the trainer this summer. Trainer Road and Sufferfest make it an enjoyable experience. Maybe not enjoyable, but tolerable? That might be a better word as it's a lot of work and there is no coasting.

2015-01-29 7:36 AM
in reply to: Toefuzz

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Subject: RE: Ben's Mentor Group w/ Google Hangouts! ***CLOSED***

I'm one of those rare birds that loves the trainer!  I look forward to long sessions. In fact, I'd say 98% of my bike training is done indoors.  Where I live there is only one route I can take that feels safe--and I'll do that in the warm weather months.  The one other option is a two lane county highway that is heavily traveled by semi trucks with a very small shoulder.  It's just  not worth the risk to me.  I get my fan going, get Netflix going and I can be happy for hours in my workout room!

2015-01-31 8:49 PM
in reply to: ingleshteechur

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Subject: RE: Ben's Mentor Group w/ Google Hangouts! ***CLOSED***
Hello everyone. Its been a long time since I been in but still fallow the group and read postings. So been still keeping up with my training but need to really get in a pool. Its been almost 2 weeks since I was in the water. Monday morning I will be in the pool and than sold my bike this past Friday and it seems that my LBS will not have my new ride in for a couple weeks. I have been thinking about almost getting out of this group just cause I feel like I dont put enough in to the group for the info I get out. Started a new unit and times have been some what crazy for me but trying to get in a set schedule so that I could get in here better and in my training better. So I have decided to stick it out here as long as the group dosnt boot me out and continue to out time in and check in when I can. The unit I am with has a strength training day so going to start a weight lifting day for that.
2015-02-03 5:00 PM
in reply to: kt2007

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ann arbor, michigan
Subject: RE: Ben's Mentor Group w/ Google Hangouts! ***CLOSED***
Originally posted by kt2007

Hello everyone. Its been a long time since I been in but still fallow the group and read postings. So been still keeping up with my training but need to really get in a pool. Its been almost 2 weeks since I was in the water. Monday morning I will be in the pool and than sold my bike this past Friday and it seems that my LBS will not have my new ride in for a couple weeks. I have been thinking about almost getting out of this group just cause I feel like I dont put enough in to the group for the info I get out. Started a new unit and times have been some what crazy for me but trying to get in a set schedule so that I could get in here better and in my training better. So I have decided to stick it out here as long as the group dosnt boot me out and continue to out time in and check in when I can. The unit I am with has a strength training day so going to start a weight lifting day for that.

How was your swim? I find that at my skill level any time off from swimming really sets me back significantly. Former competitive swimmers can take months off from swimming, hop in the water, and still turn in some great times because their technique is so much better than mine even if their fitness has suffered.

Speaking of swimming, I had a really nice 3,750 yard swim today. I had a workout planned but when I got to the pool their was a "masters-type" workout written on an easel. It looked suitably tough and about my level so I changed plans. It was hard but very doable and it is always nice to do something a little different. Variety in swim workouts is only limited by your imagination but I tend to do the same four or five workouts week after week.

I am still nursing my knee injury and logging time on the elliptical as running. The original plan was to start back doing real running on February first. I have improved significantly but I think the better course of valor would be to put it off a little longer and heal all of the way. It is putting my March 30 Marathon in jeopardy. My fitness is progressing really well but I may just not have the running miles in my legs. I'm not counting it out yet. This is my first real injury that has really affected my training for any length of time since I started triathlons in 2006 and it has been eye opening. Very hard to not run but I've been taking the remedy I have recommended to others in the past and running and swimming as much as possible.

Not much else to report. FWIW, I think you should stick with the group. We need more people posting, not less.
2015-02-03 9:00 PM
in reply to: wannabefaster

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Subject: RE: Ben's Mentor Group w/ Google Hangouts! ***CLOSED***
Great work you guys! That injury thing can get you down. Heal up and hopefully you'll recover in time to compete in that marathon. Curious what type of Masters Type workout they had you doing. Always looking for fresh ideas.

Just registered for a few more races tonight. In the next few months, I'll do a 10-miler, 16k, and my first oly (April 19). Feel that the training is progressing nicely. Just want to get into that OWS soon.
2015-02-03 9:41 PM
in reply to: PsyTri

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ann arbor, michigan
Subject: RE: Ben's Mentor Group w/ Google Hangouts! ***CLOSED***
Originally posted by PsyTri

Curious what type of Masters Type workout they had you doing. Always looking for fresh ideas.

Board said:

20 minute warm up (I have a standard warm up of 200 swim, 200 pull, 6 x 50 as 25 drill 25 swim, 4 x 50 hard, 100 easy)

6 x 75, 1, 3 and 5 hard (I did these on 1:30 send off, coming around 1:05)

2 x (4 x 200, descend on 3:30 + 4 x 50 descend on 1:00)

Optional 5 x 100

Optional 500 steady

I skipped the optional parts and just swam 200 super easy cool down.

My workouts usually need to be simple enough that I can do them without writing them down. If I need to write it down then it is too complicated.

2015-02-04 10:44 AM
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ann arbor, michigan
Subject: RE: Ben's Mentor Group w/ Google Hangouts! ***CLOSED***
2,200 in the pool this morning. I was definitely tired from the swim workout yesterday and today made me work. I "feel" better in the water, like I am on the edge of a breakthrough. Of course I have said that before and the bolt of lightning never seems to come.

I was looking at totals from 2014 and realized that I only averaged around 8,800 yards per week. If I could get two extra 3,000 yard swims per week in and get to 15,000 yards it might make a difference. I need a 25th hour in every day...... Or I just need to sleep less.

I am stuck at work for the next 24 hours. At around 5:00 things should pretty much stop. I brough my bike and trainer and will try to get in some time in the saddle while here at the hospital. I love getting paid to train. This is the closest I will ever come to being a professional triathlete. I have got to take advantage of that.

Edited by wannabefaster 2015-02-04 10:44 AM
2015-02-04 12:15 PM
in reply to: wannabefaster

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Houston, Texas
Subject: RE: Ben's Mentor Group w/ Google Hangouts! ***CLOSED***

3450m in the pool this morning.  I took almost two months off swimming due to a broken pool heater and have now been back at it for a couple weeks.  Coach had us do fast 100/200/300/400/500 with an easy 100 between each this morning as our main set.  I'm a solid 5s/100 slower than I was before my break, but I'm (more or less okay with it for two reasons): 1. I was starting to feel burned out, so the break was good for me mentally, and 2. I used to do those 5s/100 faster paces when I was in the lane with other people who were faster than I had external motivation to chase them down and also got some benefit from a draft effect.

I'm hoping the swimming and biking will come back fairly soon....before Galveston hopefully!  I'll start running a bit more this week, after having taken two easy weeks.  Here's to hoping I remember how to balance SBR training

2015-02-04 2:41 PM
in reply to: PsyTri

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Durham, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Ben's Mentor Group w/ Google Hangouts! ***CLOSED***
Originally posted by PsyTri

Great work you guys! That injury thing can get you down. Heal up and hopefully you'll recover in time to compete in that marathon. Curious what type of Masters Type workout they had you doing. Always looking for fresh ideas.

Just registered for a few more races tonight. In the next few months, I'll do a 10-miler, 16k, and my first oly (April 19). Feel that the training is progressing nicely. Just want to get into that OWS soon.

Let me know if you are going to do any OWS at tri beach on Key Biscayne and I might join you. The local tri team down here meets there at 7 am on saturdays. I'm going to join them soon, but for now I'm spending that time on my bike. I'm going to try to get down there on Tuesdays and Thursdays to join them, but I doubt you would make those.

After 5 hard weeks and pushing too hard last week I decided to move my rest week up one week early :D. It is soooo hard to make myself rest and when I do workout to make sure it stays active recovery. I still think I'm pushing too hard, but its hard to stop once you get addicted :D.
2015-02-05 9:21 AM
in reply to: Lupy

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Subject: RE: Ben's Mentor Group w/ Google Hangouts! ***CLOSED***
Originally posted by Lupy

Let me know if you are going to do any OWS at tri beach on Key Biscayne and I might join you. The local tri team down here meets there at 7 am on saturdays. I'm going to join them soon, but for now I'm spending that time on my bike. I'm going to try to get down there on Tuesdays and Thursdays to join them, but I doubt you would make those.

Definitely a possibility to come to Miami for an OWS. How are the water conditions in the Bay these days? Jellies on the coast, so I'm staying out until the situation improves.
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2006-12-20 4:55 PM Ron
date : February 6, 2010
author : EndurancePlanet
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Coming off of a tibial stress fracture in 2000, stevebradley made his way into triathlon. Now he has over 60 triathlons completed and is one of the most active mentor groups on BT.
date : July 15, 2009
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Not only is he a great athlete, he is a great mentor. I have been in his mentor group for the last two rounds and he inspires and encourages our entire group daily.
date : February 19, 2007
author : Terese Luikens
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Find a mentor. Make a list of at least three people that you could approach for help, list your specific needs and then be courageous enough to begin asking.