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2009-01-13 1:39 PM
in reply to: #1904898

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Las Vegas, NV
Subject: RE: NavyTRIChief's Mentor Group - NOW FULL

sma777 - 2009-01-13 11:32 AM I'm still alive. After meeting with my ortho doc he informed me that i have a Skier's Thumb injury which means I tore a ligament that will most likely require surgery to repair. I have a MRI scheduled for tomorrow to confirm the diagnosis and based on that I'll know my options. Regardless I'm currently in a cast so I'm limited as to what I can do training wise. This hoses my current training plan and potentially the beginning of tri season. I'll be rethinking my goals and will make the necessary adjustments.

Never assume the worst, always assume of what you can make and take out of this. If that was the only injury I had, this would be when I concentrate on running and doing some aero-time on the bike on a trainer. A little challenge to shift, but do-able.

A few years ago, I did a very hard crash before an 86 mile inline skate marathon in GA. It was from Athens to Atlanta, GA.  My thumb was flipped from normal all the way back against my arm/wrist, and had to place a cast on. I did not allow that injury to stop me in from competing after spending months getting ready. The doctor ask me what my team colors where, and placed a water proof blue cast on my hand/wrist. And went on to compete two weeks later in that race. Sure it was challenging, but I did it.

Just think about, but this is perfect for you to start running 3-5 days a week and make it your strongest point for this year! Good luck.

2009-01-13 4:49 PM
in reply to: #1856164

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: NavyTRIChief's Mentor Group - NOW FULL

Great workout yesterday.  Ran in the morning for about 4 miles and then at night had a great workout

 Ran to the track, Ran a medium fast 5k at 6:55 mile pace.  Then a hard mile at 6:00min.  It was fun.

2009-01-13 8:44 PM
in reply to: #1856164

Subject: RE: NavyTRIChief's Mentor Group - NOW FULL
I just got word that we are vacationing in Florida Aug 3-??? That is great news. I thought it was going to be the last week of July. This means I just got the grenlight to register for Steelhead 70.3. It will be my first HIM I am so excited. I will be searcing for a good deal on an wetsuit now. It also means that I need to stick to a regular training schedule to make sure I have a solid base.

I also want to place in my age group at our local sprint on June 14th. That will force me to get in some speed work and tempo runs. With those two races as my focus I am just psyched.

I have MLK day off and my wife doesn't work until 2:00 so I am planning on a serious morning in the pool. If it is nice I would love to get the bike out.

If anyone has any tips for my first HIM let me know. I am planning on using the 20week plan from BT and starting it on March 15. Any sugestions on what to do between now and then would be more than welcome.
2009-01-14 7:13 AM
in reply to: #1856164

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A Husker stuck in VA
Subject: RE: NavyTRIChief's Mentor Group - NOW FULL

Let me start by apologizing to everyone for slacking off.  Had an issue at work that was imperative to resolve, now it's taken care of.  My BIG boss (Master Chief Petty Officer Of The Navy) comes this morning and all should be back to normal afterwards.  I also moved to my old office which will allow me to do alot more PT!! 

So,  I am back and prepared to drive the wagon again.  Thanks to our Las Vegas brother for continuing the push while I slacked.  This evening I plan to start putting the proverbial boot in various @$$'s if logs are not updated.  Working on our next challenge and still waiting for input on challenges outside our thread.  Let me know if you have any ideas.


2009-01-14 8:32 AM
in reply to: #1856164

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Subject: RE: NavyTRIChief's Mentor Group - NOW FULL

How's everyone doing?

trainig going well for me.  Had a group swim lesson at the YMCA, was free, so that's always nice.


fond out I am over-rotating while breathing, pretty much going to my back.  Not reaching out far enough and my pull was going back far enough.


great advice.  noticed immediate improvement just on reaching out further and pulling back to my "pockets"  Still having trouble with rotation, just rotating too much.  anyone got some good drills for this?  worked on one arm pulls, leaving one arm entended kin dof forces you not to over-rotate...any other ideas?




2009-01-14 9:45 AM
in reply to: #1906040

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Las Vegas, NV
Subject: RE: NavyTRIChief's Mentor Group - NOW FULL

klauser - 2009-01-13 6:44 PM I just got word that we are vacationing in Florida Aug 3-??? That is great news. I thought it was going to be the last week of July. This means I just got the grenlight to register for Steelhead 70.3. It will be my first HIM I am so excited. I will be searcing for a good deal on an wetsuit now. It also means that I need to stick to a regular training schedule to make sure I have a solid base. I also want to place in my age group at our local sprint on June 14th. That will force me to get in some speed work and tempo runs. With those two races as my focus I am just psyched. I have MLK day off and my wife doesn't work until 2:00 so I am planning on a serious morning in the pool. If it is nice I would love to get the bike out. If anyone has any tips for my first HIM let me know. I am planning on using the 20week plan from BT and starting it on March 15. Any sugestions on what to do between now and then would be more than welcome.

Pick a 8week Olympic program which will end right about the 15th if you start today. If you have a weekness, which I know we all do, pick a 8 week focus program with that in mind and go for it. You will be that much more balanced and ready when the HIM program starts. Good luck!

2009-01-14 9:50 AM
in reply to: #1906441

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Las Vegas, NV
Subject: RE: NavyTRIChief's Mentor Group - NOW FULL
NavyTRIChief - 2009-01-14 5:13 AM

Let me start by apologizing to everyone for slacking off.  Had an issue at work that was imperative to resolve, now it's taken care of.  My BIG boss (Master Chief Petty Officer Of The Navy) comes this morning and all should be back to normal afterwards.  I also moved to my old office which will allow me to do alot more PT!! 

So,  I am back and prepared to drive the wagon again.  Thanks to our Las Vegas brother for continuing the push while I slacked.  This evening I plan to start putting the proverbial boot in various @$$'s if logs are not updated.  Working on our next challenge and still waiting for input on challenges outside our thread.  Let me know if you have any ideas.


Welcome back Chief, and just in time. I'm leaving Saturday morning for Washington DC and will be there for 1 week, then when all the nightmares are over, we come home next Thursday praying that everything goes smooth as ice next week.

Keep it up team, time to log your logs, and walk the tri life. We are here to have fun together, and yes indeed, as every workouts come through, I have more and more fun doing them since I know that I am getting better, in better health, and someday going to Clearwater and who knows, 2012 in London! Only God knows.

I think I better get my running a hell lot faster for any of this to happen. Cheers, and Happy hump day!!

2009-01-15 5:15 AM
in reply to: #1856164

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A Husker stuck in VA
Subject: RE: NavyTRIChief's Mentor Group - NOW FULL

Got my swim in yesterday, 2100 and change in about like 45 minutes.  Not too fast but at least I got in the pool.

Notice alot of people are not logging or blogging that signed up.  What's going on?  You asked for our help, we agreed, hard for us to help if we don't know what is happening in your life!

2009-01-15 9:49 AM
in reply to: #1856164

Subject: RE: NavyTRIChief's Mentor Group - NOW FULL
School was cancelled today because of cold. It was -9 this morning. Not safe to be out. I told the boys that they cannot leave the house. My wife chimmed in that I think I need to go swim. Is it wrong to take advantage of the extra time and get a long swim in. The only thing I am debating is buying a ne suit on the way to the pool. My priorities may be out of order. (I really need to bike.)
2009-01-15 9:55 AM
in reply to: #1856164

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A Husker stuck in VA
Subject: RE: NavyTRIChief's Mentor Group - NOW FULL
Get the long swim in while you can.  Kids will be home when you get back.
2009-01-15 11:02 AM
in reply to: #1856164

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Las Vegas, NV
Subject: RE: NavyTRIChief's Mentor Group - NOW FULL

Dito! Get that bike session at the gym until you get yours. Not as much fun, but at least something.

Please forgive me over the next week, I will be working long hours with trying to get some training in. Working 12 days straight non-stop, and will be able to relax next week after Friday. I will be traveling to DC Saturday, and working, working ... can't wait till all the DC fiasco is over, and we can all relax.

As for you all, you don't have an excuse, so start logging. I will catch up on Bloging when I get back.

Happy training, and keep it up.

2009-01-15 11:08 AM
in reply to: #1856164

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Subject: RE: NavyTRIChief's Mentor Group - NOW FULL
Better you than me in DC next week, take care.
2009-01-15 2:37 PM
in reply to: #1856164

Subject: RE: NavyTRIChief's Mentor Group - NOW FULL
Pool as full so I soaked in the hot tub while waiting. Even though I had to wait for half an hour I still got my long swim. The heater at the pool was left on all night. The water was 90 degees. It was nice for the first 5 seconds and then annoying. Reminded me of swimming in a lake in July.
2009-01-16 8:36 PM
in reply to: #1856164

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Subject: RE: NavyTRIChief's Mentor Group - NOW FULL


Sorry I have been a little slack on the postings lately. I have been persistently sick since returning from my Christmas vacation. First it was a G.I. bug which only lasted 24 hours but the recovery from the dehydration lasted another 24 on top of that. The left me week and I pushed it and ran anyway. Next I developed laryngitis which luckily was viral but still took the better part of 3 days to improve. I went to the doctor hoping for more than "use a humidifier" and got nothing except a pat on the back for realizing it was indeed viral and not bacterial or otherwise. I asked for an antibiotic because it hurt to swallow and was told it was because I was coughing and not to worry. 7 days after that, I was right back at the doctors with clogged ears, swollen tonsils, and a cough that was luckily producing green/yellow sputum. After a quick, "I told ya so" and an "I guess this paramedic might know more than you think" I got some antibiotics, narcotic cough syrup, enough guaifenesin to kill a horse, and some awesome eye drops for pink eye here I am in bed completely zapped of energy. I have completely stopped ALL training until I have kicked this crud. If I have to leave the group I guess I have to leave, I'll let Scott and everybody else decide. Hopefully this will be gone within the week and I can get back to it. It's been cold here in the south but sunny and I wish I could get out an run.


2009-01-20 8:22 AM
in reply to: #1856164

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A Husker stuck in VA
Subject: RE: NavyTRIChief's Mentor Group - NOW FULL
I have to lay off the workouts for a while, got a new tattoo on my back.  Covers from just below my shoulder blades to my butt.  Go back in two weeks to get it finished.  Thinking of getting my shoulder fixed while I have mandatory down time.  Will be digging through everyones logs today and tomorrow.  I know it is the slack part of the season but if you have a plan, hopefully you are sticking to it.
Hope all that are broke are healing well and all that are dieting are sticking to their plan too.
2009-01-20 8:25 AM
in reply to: #1856164

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Subject: RE: NavyTRIChief's Mentor Group - NOW FULL
Wheres a pic of the ink?

2009-01-20 11:33 AM
in reply to: #1917685

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Extreme Veteran
Mercer Island, WA
Subject: RE: NavyTRIChief's Mentor Group - NOW FULL
NavyTRIChief - 2009-01-20 8:22 AM

I have to lay off the workouts for a while, got a new tattoo on my back.  Covers from just below my shoulder blades to my butt.  Go back in two weeks to get it finished.  Thinking of getting my shoulder fixed while I have mandatory down time.  Will be digging through everyones logs today and tomorrow.  I know it is the slack part of the season but if you have a plan, hopefully you are sticking to it.
Hope all that are broke are healing well and all that are dieting are sticking to their plan too.

I've been pretty lazy...but I am trying to motivate myself. I don't have any more weekend getaways for the next few weeks, so should be able to get some nice long workouts in.
2009-01-21 12:28 PM
in reply to: #1856164

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Extreme Veteran
Warwick, Rhode Island
Subject: RE: NavyTRIChief's Mentor Group - NOW FULL

Hey Chief...I think we need another challenge again. I am still off of soft drinks. Lets get something new going!

2009-01-21 10:22 PM
in reply to: #1856164

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A Husker stuck in VA
Subject: RE: NavyTRIChief's Mentor Group - NOW FULL

Okay, we started fairly easy with diet so why not the same for workouts?  This will be simple for those already working out and easy to attain for those needing startup motivation:

 Beginning Friday the 23rd and ending Friday Morning the 30th, make, at least, a 11.4% improvement in your total workouts.

 Can we do it???!!  Yes we can!!!!


2009-01-22 7:49 AM
in reply to: #1856164

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Extreme Veteran
Warwick, Rhode Island
Subject: RE: NavyTRIChief's Mentor Group - NOW FULL

Hey...uh....liberal arts guy here. What the hell does that mean?

You navy guys are too smart. I mean, come on, I went to Norwich U my freshman year before taking a job as a LEO. We are not exactly talking rocket scientist material.

I was hoping we could take a month off from beer since the small keg I drank last night made training this morning JUST WONDERFUL! 

2009-01-22 8:10 AM
in reply to: #1856164

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Subject: RE: NavyTRIChief's Mentor Group - NOW FULL
Where the heck did 11.4% come from? Is that some random navy number? Laughing

2009-01-22 10:28 AM
in reply to: #1856164

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A Husker stuck in VA
Subject: RE: NavyTRIChief's Mentor Group - NOW FULL

I learned a little trick a long time ago working as a leader.  If you want higher attendance at meetings, make them at a specific odd time.  Instead of 3:30, make it 3:26.  People will show up for the meeting you want to start at 3:30 NLT 3:26 just to see why the time is odd.  I equate it to training in the following:

If I tell you to increase your training time by 10% you do the quick math in your head and realize you only need to increase a run by xx amount or do a little more in each field by xx minutes.

If I tell you to increase you workout time by 11.4% you have to sit down and figure the math, and then refigure it for each area, equating to more time invested to figure it out= more likely to put the numbers you come up with to use.

BTW, I am enlisted and a degree is not required, although I plan to have my Technology Leadership and Management BGS by December.

Edited by NavyTRIChief 2009-01-22 10:30 AM
2009-01-22 11:18 AM
in reply to: #1856164

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Subject: RE: NavyTRIChief's Mentor Group - NOW FULL

All right, I'm in. I'll take a look at my weeks totals on Saturday and redo next week acordingly with at least an 11.4% increase. ----- Dang it, where did I leave my calculator?????


2009-01-24 3:59 PM
in reply to: #1856164


Subject: RE: NavyTRIChief's Mentor Group - NOW FULL

Hi guys,

Not been on for a while due to being ill and work, but it's all good now.

Finally got over the cough and flu that's been doing the rounds and started training  properly Smile, 1st sprint is in 93 days !!!!!  Done 2 circuit training sessions, 2 run sessions and a swim this week. Just got a new adamo saddle so I'll be trying that out on the turbo tomorrow before I have to go to London for an I.T. course next week. (I'll be using the crappy treadmill and x-trainer in the hotel gym)

Hope you're all fit and well..........keep Tri - ing.......Laughing

2009-01-24 7:00 PM
in reply to: #1856164

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Subject: RE: NavyTRIChief's Mentor Group - NOW FULL
Ok 11.4% increase for next week. Or there abouts. Going for 60 min swim. 56 miles or 3:20 on the bike and 14 miles or 2:15..... Game on !! Who's in?
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