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2009-12-16 11:43 AM
in reply to: #2562110

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Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - CLOSED!
The not enough air sounds to me a lot like nerves maybe? We tend to get very nervous/anxious before a race and the adrenaline takes over. If this is the case best advice I have is do a warmup swim before the race to help calm the nerves.

For sighting no drills that I know of besides practice. Best way to sight is by incorporating it into your breathing pattern either right after or right before it's really a personal preference which one.  For me, I sight after my breath and when I roll to where my body is flat slightly raise my eyes a couple inches off the water. I'll generally sight every 3-6 strokes and not every time do I see what I want but just continue on and try again on the next sighting attempt.  The other thing that can help with sighting is prior to the race (because you swim the course in warmup RIGHT?!?) pick landmarks (trees, buildings, etc) and sight off those rather than the buoys.

trying1 - 2009-12-16 10:23 AM In regards to swimming and breathing.  I used to compete in swimming in HS (only senior yr) and no matter what I practiced in terms of breathing it didn't hold true for me during races.  I found this to be true for me in tri races too.   The adrenalin alone changed my breathing and for tri's it's just the whole environment.  Currently during practice I only bi-lateral breath but during races I only breath on my right or left but on every stroke, if i don't I feel like I don't get enough air.

Eric can you recommend some sighting techniques or drills?

2009-12-16 11:48 AM
in reply to: #2562193

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Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - CLOSED!
Relax and slow down, it's counter intuitive but slow down your stroke and things become much easier.

I know I already said this but swim lessons are very recommended at your stage. Like Justin said one of the most common books is TI which is worth a shot but I know lots of triathletes that wish they got their swim lessons sooner rather than trying to figure it out on their own...

Emmanem - 2009-12-16 10:48 AM Well as I've said I can't swim until after Christmas break which will be January 5th or 6th depending on when I head back up to college, but I definitely could use some advice on swimming. Usually my swimming consists of alternating 5 laps (25m each) backstroke with one lap freestyle. I can't do anymore than 1 lap right now because I get so out of breath. Any suggestions for drills or how to improve my breathing is greatly appreciated!

Also I know there's a lot of books out there about swimming. Are there any that you think are really good and would be helpful for me right now?
2009-12-16 11:51 AM
in reply to: #2562275

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Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - CLOSED!
Yep, my college coach used to say there are 2 ways to get faster... better technique and getting beaten into shape our job was the technique and he'd take care of the beatings.

I KENOTT swim - 2009-12-16 11:20 AM
evondo - 2009-12-16 8:39 AM My background generally attracts quite a few swim questions so lets get to it... what questions do you have about swimming? Technique, training, problems whatever is on your mind...

Where would you start?  Technique is more important to me than distance or speed (I think).  I think if I start out aiming for technique the rest will come together with practice???

The winter pool hours at our 'Y' suck but I should be able to figure out a time to get a few laps in some weekends.  I do not plan on going to 288 until I can complete a few consecutive laps in the pool without dying.  At this time of year and this point in my training I don't see me purchasing a wet suit (I will have one for next winter if I don't drown first).  My guess is I will be at 288 in March.
2009-12-16 11:52 AM
in reply to: #2562331

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Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - CLOSED!
He beat me to it...


Trin2bfast - 2009-12-16 11:38 AM
NRG42 - 2009-12-16 11:13 AM Hi everyone,

I am really intimidated by the the experience!!!!  I can't wait to learn.  I am really passionate and ambitious and promise to give a 100%.  The next couple of weeks of my life are just i will be under the radar till the new year, I'll pop in when I can!  I have no clue what I am doing but can definitely provide you with some good banter and laughs!

I am still trying to figure out this whole site and will work on adding you all as friends this week!   

Don't be... We are all here to provide advice, support, and encouragement.  New to Tri's is only one element to the equation... your experience & strengths will be just as important, as we all will continue to learn and improve through each other and this forum.  

Oh and the good banter & laughs is always welcome... that is what builds a good coheasive group!   
2009-12-16 11:55 AM
in reply to: #2562364

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Triathlete Nation ~ Texas!
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - CLOSED!
The highlight of 2009!   I finally did it!  lol!

evondo - 2009-12-16 11:52 AM He beat me to it...


Trin2bfast - 2009-12-16 11:38 AM
NRG42 - 2009-12-16 11:13 AM Hi everyone,

I am really intimidated by the the experience!!!!  I can't wait to learn.  I am really passionate and ambitious and promise to give a 100%.  The next couple of weeks of my life are just i will be under the radar till the new year, I'll pop in when I can!  I have no clue what I am doing but can definitely provide you with some good banter and laughs!

I am still trying to figure out this whole site and will work on adding you all as friends this week!   

Don't be... We are all here to provide advice, support, and encouragement.  New to Tri's is only one element to the equation... your experience & strengths will be just as important, as we all will continue to learn and improve through each other and this forum.  

Oh and the good banter & laughs is always welcome... that is what builds a good coheasive group!   
2009-12-16 12:14 PM
in reply to: #2558074

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Subject: bio
Okay, here's the BIO:

I've been a climber, skier/snowboarder, cyclist, soccer and tennis player for many years, and somewhere in my early 40s I started realizing that it wasn't enough just to participate in these activities; when you get old you have to train as well! So I started hitting the bike harder and running more regularly. My next realization was that if I was going to train regularly to stay in shape, with a bit more planning I could actually train for triathlon. I did two sprints and an olympic length last summer, and now I think I'm pretty well hooked.

I had planned to run the Chicago marathon in October, but problems with my calf muscle thwarted that plan. I took some time off to heal (as much as “time off” was possible for a person who has a hard time sitting still), and now I'm ready to get back to regular, systematic, logged workouts. I'm signed up for Ironman 70.3 Lawrence in June, and the 70.3 in Branson, MO in September. Will definitely sign up for the Rattlesnake Olympic again in August, and probably a couple of sprints during the mid-summer months. I'm very interested in doing at least one winter tri this year--I'm a decent skier and foul-weather mountain biker, but I know almost nothing about it. If anyone has info on winter tri to share, I'd really appreciate it (starting with: when do they announce races? Do they wait until the last minute? I’m not having much luck finding them).

Goals: I just want to survive my first HI! A few minutes under 6 hours would make me happy. I’d like to get my swim splits down around 1:40, and I feel like it’s possible. I made good strides at the end of last summer working with a local swim coach, and I’m going to do some more sessions with him this spring. I was also making what I felt was significant improvement in the run right before injuring my calf, and I’d like to at least get back to where I was by April-May. Running is probably my weakest area, and I want that to change.

Evondo, if you swam at UF, here's the bad news: I went to grad school at UGA, stayed in a job there for a number of years, and one of my favorite friends there was the legendary swim coach, Jack Bauerle. The good news is I’m always willing to at least *pretend* to overlook Gator fandom.

I'm married, but no kids. My wife is tentatively planning to do Lawrence with me, but she had back surgery a few weeks ago and we're not yet sure if it worked.

I guess that's about it. I'll add bits and pieces as we go. I'm very excited to be a part of this group, and I look forward to reading posts over the coming months!

2009-12-16 12:26 PM
in reply to: #2562246

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New York, NY
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - CLOSED!
This is a total shot in the dark, but it wouldn't happen to be a power tap, by chance....would it

evondo - 2009-12-16 12:07 PM A friend just sent me this, a little long but worth it.

In the spirit of this video and xmas right around the corner are there any fun tri purchases coming up? I'll let my previous mentor group give you my suggestions
2009-12-16 12:29 PM
in reply to: #2562241

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New York, NY
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - OPEN!
Haha!  I remember the story.  Crazy!

Kelli - Don't let Justin Case fool you.  He can ride me off the road with a puppy in his jersey for 20 miles.  I am not sure if you have ever tried to draft off a bike with a puppy passenger at 24 MPH through the hills - too much fun!  It was a ride I will never forget.
2009-12-16 12:37 PM
in reply to: #2562233

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Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - CLOSED!
Trin2bfast - 2009-12-16 12:02 PM I have a copy of Total Immersion (video), and would be willing to copy it and send it out to whom ever would like one.  Since many do not have direct access to our uber swim mentor... this may provide some good insight and help with learning good techniques to work on.  I will copy it & mail it at no charge, I would just need a mailing address.  I did this in the last mentor group I was in (Dangremond's) and it seem to help some of the folks there.

Warning - it is not the most exciting video to watch... lol!

You can PM or email me your address and I'll get working on that. (however, I am experiencing some computer issues at home right now, but I am hoping to have this resolved asap, so I apologize in any delay initially). 

I take this to mean you are a fan of TI.  The BT crowd seems to be split on this. I did a TI weekend workshop to learn to swim initially 3 years ago and loved it.  Last year for my birthday I had a day long clinic with Terry L in the endless pool at his swim studio in New Paltz.  I am a big fan but have to admit it hasn't made me a very fast swimmer.  Attached are links to the TI website and Terry's blog.  I've found them both to be useful.
2009-12-16 12:44 PM
in reply to: #2558074

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Triathlete Nation ~ Texas!
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - CLOSED!
I wouldn't say that I am a fan... I think the techniques for beginners are invaluable confidence building methods.  Once you get that good base established, then build speed from there.

Like Eric (et al) A 'good' personal swim coach is what I would be a fan of.  All the athletes I know that have used one have done much better than just using the TI video.  Some people cannot afford the added cost of personal lessons, so the next best thing is a free video.

If an athlete can afford it... personal swim lessons & a power tap for the bike... seem to be the best bang for your speed buck.
2009-12-16 12:49 PM
in reply to: #2558074

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Triathlete Nation ~ Texas!
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - CLOSED!

Another helpful visual...

2009-12-16 1:19 PM
in reply to: #2562246

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New York, NY
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - CLOSED!
Does a race entry fee count?   Just registered for Mooseman Oly in June!

I was planning to get a tri bike next year, I'm going to hold off one more year.  In the meantime.....I know I'm going to get some flack for this from a certain individual, but I'm planning to get some new wheels in the next couple months.  Getting a new saddle as well, which is long overdue.

I'm also looking to upgrade some of the components on my bike (currently Shimano Tiagra).  QUESTION: Which components are most worth-while to upgrade?

evondo - 2009-12-16 12:07 PM A friend just sent me this, a little long but worth it.

In the spirit of this video and xmas right around the corner are there any fun tri purchases coming up? I'll let my previous mentor group give you my suggestions
2009-12-16 1:20 PM
in reply to: #2561852

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Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - CLOSED!
Trin2bfast - 2009-12-16 10:01 AM KimC & Neil... running injuries suck to n'th degree.  I have been fortunate enough to have not suffered the major ones like PF or ITBS, but even the minor ones are extremely frustrating when running is your strength.  Is there any one event (speed session, hill work, long run, or cumulative - ie over use) that you know or believe caused the injury?

For me it was the 1/2 Ironman where I got injured.  Up until then I didn't really have any injuries except for the occasional pain here and there once in a while.  But Muskoka was a really hilly bike, and then quite a challenging and hilly run.  I think my form started to break down on the run and it just brought to the forefront that my gait is off a bit, and the constant up and down of the hills caused me to limp to the finish - and for the next three days.

Since then I've been seenig a sports chiro and getting ART, as well as some exercises, but to date it hasn't resolved the issue.  I've been reading about foam rollers, so that may be my next step.
2009-12-16 1:27 PM
in reply to: #2562420

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Extreme Veteran
Houston, TX
Subject: RE: bio
A Georgia alum!  I guess I will have to let that slide since it's at least SEC   Geaux Tigers!

gavisk - 2009-12-16 12:14 PM Okay, here's the BIO:

I've been a climber, skier/snowboarder, cyclist, soccer and tennis player for many years, and somewhere in my early 40s I started realizing that it wasn't enough just to participate in these activities; when you get old you have to train as well! So I started hitting the bike harder and running more regularly. My next realization was that if I was going to train regularly to stay in shape, with a bit more planning I could actually train for triathlon. I did two sprints and an olympic length last summer, and now I think I'm pretty well hooked.

I had planned to run the Chicago marathon in October, but problems with my calf muscle thwarted that plan. I took some time off to heal (as much as “time off” was possible for a person who has a hard time sitting still), and now I'm ready to get back to regular, systematic, logged workouts. I'm signed up for Ironman 70.3 Lawrence in June, and the 70.3 in Branson, MO in September. Will definitely sign up for the Rattlesnake Olympic again in August, and probably a couple of sprints during the mid-summer months. I'm very interested in doing at least one winter tri this year--I'm a decent skier and foul-weather mountain biker, but I know almost nothing about it. If anyone has info on winter tri to share, I'd really appreciate it (starting with: when do they announce races? Do they wait until the last minute? I’m not having much luck finding them).

Goals: I just want to survive my first HI! A few minutes under 6 hours would make me happy. I’d like to get my swim splits down around 1:40, and I feel like it’s possible. I made good strides at the end of last summer working with a local swim coach, and I’m going to do some more sessions with him this spring. I was also making what I felt was significant improvement in the run right before injuring my calf, and I’d like to at least get back to where I was by April-May. Running is probably my weakest area, and I want that to change.

Evondo, if you swam at UF, here's the bad news: I went to grad school at UGA, stayed in a job there for a number of years, and one of my favorite friends there was the legendary swim coach, Jack Bauerle. The good news is I’m always willing to at least *pretend* to overlook Gator fandom.

I'm married, but no kids. My wife is tentatively planning to do Lawrence with me, but she had back surgery a few weeks ago and we're not yet sure if it worked.

I guess that's about it. I'll add bits and pieces as we go. I'm very excited to be a part of this group, and I look forward to reading posts over the coming months!
2009-12-16 1:30 PM
in reply to: #2562608

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Extreme Veteran
Houston, TX
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - CLOSED!
I think Kelli is a good advocate for the foam roller.  It helps ...right?  It's just painful from what I hear.

Injuries just plain stink!  Hopefully your better soon!

GoFaster - 2009-12-16 1:20 PM
Trin2bfast - 2009-12-16 10:01 AM KimC & Neil... running injuries suck to n'th degree.  I have been fortunate enough to have not suffered the major ones like PF or ITBS, but even the minor ones are extremely frustrating when running is your strength.  Is there any one event (speed session, hill work, long run, or cumulative - ie over use) that you know or believe caused the injury?

For me it was the 1/2 Ironman where I got injured.  Up until then I didn't really have any injuries except for the occasional pain here and there once in a while.  But Muskoka was a really hilly bike, and then quite a challenging and hilly run.  I think my form started to break down on the run and it just brought to the forefront that my gait is off a bit, and the constant up and down of the hills caused me to limp to the finish - and for the next three days.

Since then I've been seenig a sports chiro and getting ART, as well as some exercises, but to date it hasn't resolved the issue.  I've been reading about foam rollers, so that may be my next step.
2009-12-16 1:33 PM
in reply to: #2561792

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Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - CLOSED!

evondo - 2009-12-16 9:46 AM In addition to asking for questions... Please post what a normal swim workout is like for you including sets if you do them and speeds if you know them. I tried to look for workouts on some of your TLs but some of you haven't been in the water in a while

Like I put in my bio, swimming is my weak sport.  I typically try to get to the pool 2-3 times a week, and can occasionally push that to 4.  Because of familty commitments I have to swim at lunch, which really limits the workout to about 35 minutes max.  I've taught myself to breath bilaterally and don't deviate from it because I find I become really unbalanced if I'm trying to breath on only one side.  I race the same way that I train in the pool (Slowly Laughing)

For me, bouyancy is my single biggest issue - I don't float, so I'm constantly focusing on trying to keep my hips elevated, but once a little fatigue sets in (after about 2-300 yards then I notice I begin sinking again).

I've been doing a lot of short sets over the past few weeks, focusing on speed in 50's and 100's, and have found that my swim times have dropped a few seconds (or the battery in the competition clock is getting low).  I did a 1000TT a week ago and managed 17:25, and was pretty thrilled about that.  The goal would be able to swim a Sprint race at about a 1:40/100yd pace and be fresh for the bike this year (even faster would be better).

I'm typically using the swimplan website for my workouts - here's what they typically look like:

200 Warmup - mix of 100's and 50's
200 Drills
1000-1200 Core (Usually split into 50's, 100's or 200's - occasionally longer, but normally with set times, i.e 5x100 - leave on 1:55)
200 Warmdown - mix of 100's and 50's

2009-12-16 1:33 PM
in reply to: #2562605

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Triathlete Nation ~ Texas!
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - CLOSED!
KelliD - 2009-12-16 1:19 PM
I'm also looking to upgrade some of the components on my bike (currently Shimano Tiagra).  QUESTION: Which components are most worth-while to upgrade?

Congrats on the Mooseman entry!
Ohhhh new wheels... totally jealous! Yeah, yeah Eric...we know!

That is not a real cheap thing to do... with minimal gains n reality.  But if you feel you must...
I would begin with the cranks,  a 10 spd crank is compatible with 9 spd cog... but you can't swap out a triple to a double ring crank. 

Are you keeping up?  The cranks... if it's an older set up, you can have them changed out to the external bearings and drop about a pound of weight plus get better cranks.

Next in line would be the rear cog (since you're gonna get new wheels anyways)... then the rear derailluer, then the front.  If you are currently running on 9 speed gear... and you wanna up grade to 10 spd... gotta do the whole kit-n-kaboodle.  For a full build kit Ultegra... at or around $750-1000. 

EvD is gonna tell ya (lol!) Power Tap is about $1000!

Edited by Trin2bfast 2009-12-16 1:38 PM
2009-12-16 1:36 PM
in reply to: #2562298

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Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - CLOSED!
Trin2bfast - 2009-12-16 12:28 PM

POWER TAP, POWER TAP, POWER TAP....   No you can't make me! ha ha!

I am looking to pick up a new front wheel...  but EvD keeps pressuring me (et. al.) to spend the money on a power meter instead.  We'll see!


This is on the wishlist at the moment.  I train with power in the winter because the Tacx I-Magic gives me power numbers, but for $689 I'm ready to bite the bullet and buy a new Powertap Comp complete wheel.  I can live with the wires, and I'm not fast enough to wory about a few hundred grams of weight in an everyday wheel.
2009-12-16 2:10 PM
in reply to: #2562647

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New York, NY
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - CLOSED!
I know, I know, I know.  I was a little hesitant about posting about the wheels for this reason   Well, maybe Santa will leave a powertap under the tree....probably wishful thinking, but you never know.

Amazing...I was actually able to follow that.  Thanks Justin! 

Trin2bfast - 2009-12-16 2:33 PM
Congrats on the Mooseman entry!
Ohhhh new wheels... totally jealous! Yeah, yeah Eric...we know!

That is not a real cheap thing to do... with minimal gains n reality.  But if you feel you must...
I would begin with the cranks,  a 10 spd crank is compatible with 9 spd cog... but you can't swap out a triple to a double ring crank. 

Are you keeping up?  The cranks... if it's an older set up, you can have them changed out to the external bearings and drop about a pound of weight plus get better cranks.

Next in line would be the rear cog (since you're gonna get new wheels anyways)... then the rear derailluer, then the front.  If you are currently running on 9 speed gear... and you wanna up grade to 10 spd... gotta do the whole kit-n-kaboodle.  For a full build kit Ultegra... at or around $750-1000. 

EvD is gonna tell ya (lol!) Power Tap is about $1000!
2009-12-16 2:22 PM
in reply to: #2562647

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Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - CLOSED!
You know me all to well, I'm going to fight not to say it...

Ultegra is the best bang for buck & quality compromise. If you do plan on buying a tri bike later I would hold off on components and even say you'll get more speed from race wheels than components although not as much as training with that other thing PPPP....

Trin2bfast - 2009-12-16 1:33 PM
KelliD - 2009-12-16 1:19 PM
I'm also looking to upgrade some of the components on my bike (currently Shimano Tiagra).  QUESTION: Which components are most worth-while to upgrade?

Congrats on the Mooseman entry!
Ohhhh new wheels... totally jealous! Yeah, yeah Eric...we know!

That is not a real cheap thing to do... with minimal gains n reality.  But if you feel you must...
I would begin with the cranks,  a 10 spd crank is compatible with 9 spd cog... but you can't swap out a triple to a double ring crank. 

Are you keeping up?  The cranks... if it's an older set up, you can have them changed out to the external bearings and drop about a pound of weight plus get better cranks.

Next in line would be the rear cog (since you're gonna get new wheels anyways)... then the rear derailluer, then the front.  If you are currently running on 9 speed gear... and you wanna up grade to 10 spd... gotta do the whole kit-n-kaboodle.  For a full build kit Ultegra... at or around $750-1000. 

EvD is gonna tell ya (lol!) Power Tap is about $1000!
2009-12-16 2:24 PM
in reply to: #2562639

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New York, NY
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - CLOSED!
I've had ITB issues off & on for a few years, so I feel you pain!  I've found that as long as I'm proactive I can keep any problems at bay.  My muscles have a tendency to get really tight, so I think I stretch more than anyone I know.  Like Betsy mentioned, I'm a HUGE advocate for the foam roller!!!!  This has helped me more than anything else.  I'm not gonna's going to hurt, especially if your ITB's are tight.  BUT, stick with it bc it does really help in the long run!

I just got far it's fantastic!  Definitely recommend it!

Betsy0706 - 2009-12-16 2:30 PM I think Kelli is a good advocate for the foam roller.  It helps ...right?  It's just painful from what I hear.

Injuries just plain stink!  Hopefully your better soon!

GoFaster - 2009-12-16 1:20 PM
Trin2bfast - 2009-12-16 10:01 AM KimC & Neil... running injuries suck to n'th degree.  I have been fortunate enough to have not suffered the major ones like PF or ITBS, but even the minor ones are extremely frustrating when running is your strength.  Is there any one event (speed session, hill work, long run, or cumulative - ie over use) that you know or believe caused the injury?

For me it was the 1/2 Ironman where I got injured.  Up until then I didn't really have any injuries except for the occasional pain here and there once in a while.  But Muskoka was a really hilly bike, and then quite a challenging and hilly run.  I think my form started to break down on the run and it just brought to the forefront that my gait is off a bit, and the constant up and down of the hills caused me to limp to the finish - and for the next three days.

Since then I've been seenig a sports chiro and getting ART, as well as some exercises, but to date it hasn't resolved the issue.  I've been reading about foam rollers, so that may be my next step.

2009-12-16 2:25 PM
in reply to: #2562653

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Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - CLOSED!
Sweet another power user! It's hard to get others bought into it but I have yet to find someone that didn't love it more than their Garmin once they used it...

GoFaster - 2009-12-16 1:36 PM
Trin2bfast - 2009-12-16 12:28 PM

POWER TAP, POWER TAP, POWER TAP....   No you can't make me! ha ha!

I am looking to pick up a new front wheel...  but EvD keeps pressuring me (et. al.) to spend the money on a power meter instead.  We'll see!


This is on the wishlist at the moment.  I train with power in the winter because the Tacx I-Magic gives me power numbers, but for $689 I'm ready to bite the bullet and buy a new Powertap Comp complete wheel.  I can live with the wires, and I'm not fast enough to wory about a few hundred grams of weight in an everyday wheel.
2009-12-16 2:29 PM
in reply to: #2562628

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Subject: RE: bio
It's alright, Betsy's gotten me used to it The LSU/UF game is always a fun weekend in our house!

Betsy0706 - 2009-12-16 1:27 PM A Georgia alum!  I guess I will have to let that slide since it's at least SEC   Geaux Tigers!

gavisk - 2009-12-16 12:14 PM Okay, here's the BIO:

Evondo, if you swam at UF, here's the bad news: I went to grad school at UGA, stayed in a job there for a number of years, and one of my favorite friends there was the legendary swim coach, Jack Bauerle. The good news is I’m always willing to at least *pretend* to overlook Gator fandom.
2009-12-16 2:32 PM
in reply to: #2562849

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Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - CLOSED!
That thing looks like a torture device!

KelliD - 2009-12-16 2:24 PM I've had ITB issues off & on for a few years, so I feel you pain!  I've found that as long as I'm proactive I can keep any problems at bay.  My muscles have a tendency to get really tight, so I think I stretch more than anyone I know.  Like Betsy mentioned, I'm a HUGE advocate for the foam roller!!!!  This has helped me more than anything else.  I'm not gonna's going to hurt, especially if your ITB's are tight.  BUT, stick with it bc it does really help in the long run!

I just got far it's fantastic!  Definitely recommend it!
2009-12-16 2:45 PM
in reply to: #2562331

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Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - CLOSED!
I agree!! Don't worry I am completely new to tris so I have very little experience and I have a lot to learn, but I can already tell this group is going to help me a lot!
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