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2010-04-15 9:10 AM
in reply to: #2769762

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Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED
Hey there!  I need a kick in the butt pleaseSmile.  Ever since my half last Sunday I've had zero motivation to work out.  I did go for a walk one night, did one bike workout at the gym and went swimming once, but had to force myself to do those.  I'm so behind this week I'll never catch up.  Guess I need to start concentrating on my next race to get me in the training mode! 

I really want to start concentrating on my bike workouts.  I'd like to up them to 3 times a week even though my plan only calls for 2.  It's definitely where I need the most work though.  I'm just not really sure what to do.  I don't have a trainer (bike or humanSmile), no bike computer, not even a cadence sensor - although I have been considering getting one to go with my 305.  So what types of workouts can I do on the bike without all the gadgets?  Do I just go out and ride?  Can I do things like hill repeats similar to what I would do for a run?  There's a park nearby that's a 1 mile hilly loop that might be good for something like that.  Any advice on simple, gadget-free bike workouts would be appreciated!

2010-04-15 11:24 AM
in reply to: #2769762

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Palm Bay
Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED
I just started doing some 1 leg workouts on the bike...  For about a minute, I take one foot out of my power grip and just have it on top of the pedal so it is only working 1/2 time and the other is working full.  My bicycle magazine says it can be done with clipped in pedals.  It gives a nice workout if you are out for 30 seconds to minute and then back in for a while and then switch legs.  I did it on my loops the other night, definite thigh burn.
2010-04-15 11:28 AM
in reply to: #2793532

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, Minnesota
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Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED

Leslie - sorry to hear about your episode of pain and the swelling!  I agree with the others - check with the doc.  Sorry I didn't see the message last night when you really needed it    Keep up with the diuretic and lots of fluids and I bet you'll feel better soon. Keep us posted!

2010-04-15 11:34 AM
in reply to: #2793532

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, Minnesota
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Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED

Janet!  Don't be hard on yourself.  A half marathon is a difficult feat and you will need a recovery week.  3 workouts is great and don't worry about "getting behind."  Just keep moving forward and pick up where you left off.

My secret to relative biking success has always been two things:  bike lots and push myself.  I haven't done any sort of interval or other special workout until this year, but I have been consistently looking for bike challenges.  I do seek hills on my rides, I look for new places.   I find people to pass or keep up with, I don't obsess over trying to stay very high cadence or "easy".   If I encounter a hill, I stand up and go for it.  Okay, sometimes I kick it into an easier gear too   I know this doesn't sound very scientific, but it seems to be the difference between me and those who haven't really gotten into biking. 

2010-04-15 11:38 AM
in reply to: #2793941

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, Minnesota
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Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED

Stuff like this definitely doesn't hurt, especially if you're on a boring stretch.

otter_sh - 2010-04-15 11:24 AM I just started doing some 1 leg workouts on the bike...  For about a minute, I take one foot out of my power grip and just have it on top of the pedal so it is only working 1/2 time and the other is working full.  My bicycle magazine says it can be done with clipped in pedals.  It gives a nice workout if you are out for 30 seconds to minute and then back in for a while and then switch legs.  I did it on my loops the other night, definite thigh burn.

Okay, here's an example of a workout I did a few weeks ago.  I shouldn't do this with items from my coach, probably, but it's a good example:

Warm Up:

10 minutes easy including 3 x :30 pick ups stronger

4 x :30 picking it up over threshold like a hard attack, 1:30 easy

3 minutes building to zone 3 (for me, this is fairly hard, like I could talk but not hold a long conversation)


15 minutes @ 70 – 75 rpms, resistance fatigue interval steady in zone 3

@ 4 minutes: stand for 1 minute, effort/power goes up (I had to drop gears to do this without falling over)
@ 8 minutes: drop 2 gears down & push for 1 minute, then return to normal gear
@ 12 minutes: drop 2 gears down & stand for 1 minute, then return to normal gear
@ 16 minutes: pick up cadence to 80 rpms in same gear, effort/power goes up

3 minute easy spin

4 x :30 picking it up over threshold like a hard attack, 1:30 easy

Cool Down:  3 minutes easy


2010-04-15 11:38 AM
in reply to: #2792864

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, Minnesota
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Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED

Sorry about the dog encounter!

otter_sh - 2010-04-14 9:00 PM These were 2 pit bulls running together...  Definitely caused me to put the hammer down.

Long swim work out tonight...  Coach said going for just 2000 yrds ... actually did 2300...  He does not count well when he makes up what I do next as we go along...  Oh and everything was on 8 second rests....

2010-04-15 8:11 PM
in reply to: #2769762

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Palm Bay
Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED
Mentally out of the game today...  A few sprinkles and I called off my run to stretch...  Still trying to decide when tomorrow I will get in my run since I did rest day today instead....  Dr. visit, Low HDL High Triglicerides, at least vitamin counts are up.
Add 1 more med and blood work again in 6 wks....
2010-04-15 8:48 PM
in reply to: #2769762

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Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED

Okay...the swelling went down today. Not all the way but it doesn't hurt today and it's progress. Called the nurse at the Dr's office and she said something happened to my blood sample and they needed more but they could tell a few things: I'm anemic and my electolytes are unbalanced. That makes a lot of sense. She cautioned me against working out too hard until they know for sure, but I came in and gave her blood they could know by tomorrow. So I did. I'll know more tomorrow.

Meanwhile: I went to a massage therapist to see if there was anything I could do. He showed me how to massage the lymph nodes and then told me to "pedal" or walk to help the legs shed the water now that the swelling is going down and it's not painful.  I asked, "You want me to ride a bike?" and he replied, "Yes."  So, I went on a VERY easy ride just around the neighborhood. I didn't break a sweat (don't want to mess up my blood more), but moved my legs with that "pedaling" motion he suggested.

I'm feeling much better.  When I know more I'll be relieved. So, I basically need to work on my nutrition which is what my husband has said all along.  I'll be asking questions and reading about that soon. :D Thanks for all the replies.

2010-04-15 10:26 PM
in reply to: #2795195

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Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED
lesliericheytoo - 2010-04-15 8:48 PM

Okay...the swelling went down today. Not all the way but it doesn't hurt today and it's progress. Called the nurse at the Dr's office and she said something happened to my blood sample and they needed more but they could tell a few things: I'm anemic and my electolytes are unbalanced. That makes a lot of sense. She cautioned me against working out too hard until they know for sure, but I came in and gave her blood they could know by tomorrow. So I did. I'll know more tomorrow.

Meanwhile: I went to a massage therapist to see if there was anything I could do. He showed me how to massage the lymph nodes and then told me to "pedal" or walk to help the legs shed the water now that the swelling is going down and it's not painful.  I asked, "You want me to ride a bike?" and he replied, "Yes."  So, I went on a VERY easy ride just around the neighborhood. I didn't break a sweat (don't want to mess up my blood more), but moved my legs with that "pedaling" motion he suggested.

I'm feeling much better.  When I know more I'll be relieved. So, I basically need to work on my nutrition which is what my husband has said all along.  I'll be asking questions and reading about that soon. :D Thanks for all the replies.

So glad to hear you are feeling better, both physically and mentally!  Hang in there, you'll be doing that first tri in no time (and wondering why you wanted toWink).
2010-04-15 10:31 PM
in reply to: #2793532

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Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED
soccermom15 - 2010-04-15 9:10 AM Hey there!  I need a kick in the butt pleaseSmile.  Ever since my half last Sunday I've had zero motivation to work out.  I did go for a walk one night, did one bike workout at the gym and went swimming once, but had to force myself to do those.  I'm so behind this week I'll never catch up.  Guess I need to start concentrating on my next race to get me in the training mode! 

I really want to start concentrating on my bike workouts.  I'd like to up them to 3 times a week even though my plan only calls for 2.  It's definitely where I need the most work though.  I'm just not really sure what to do.  I don't have a trainer (bike or humanSmile), no bike computer, not even a cadence sensor - although I have been considering getting one to go with my 305.  So what types of workouts can I do on the bike without all the gadgets?  Do I just go out and ride?  Can I do things like hill repeats similar to what I would do for a run?  There's a park nearby that's a 1 mile hilly loop that might be good for something like that.  Any advice on simple, gadget-free bike workouts would be appreciated!

You SO deserve a little break!  But, you are right, focusing on the next race always helps get me back on track.

And thanks for asking about the bike training.  It is something I never really thought to ask, but certainly prompted some helpful replies!
2010-04-16 8:33 AM
in reply to: #2795195

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, Minnesota
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Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED

That all sounds promising!  It would be great if this simply boiled down to something you can easily fix - nutrition.  I hope you can find some good new things to add to your diet.  Let us know if you need ideas!

lesliericheytoo - 2010-04-15 8:48 PM

Okay...the swelling went down today. ...

2010-04-16 8:34 AM
in reply to: #2795137

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, Minnesota
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Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED

Hey Steve.  That's a bummer about the cholesterol news.  You can really change your cholesterol profile through exercise, so hopefully that will help inspire you when you don't feel like completing a workout.

otter_sh - 2010-04-15 8:11 PM Mentally out of the game today...  A few sprinkles and I called off my run to stretch...  Still trying to decide when tomorrow I will get in my run since I did rest day today instead....  Dr. visit, Low HDL High Triglicerides, at least vitamin counts are up.
Add 1 more med and blood work again in 6 wks....

2010-04-16 8:38 AM
in reply to: #2795899

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, Minnesota
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Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED

So remind me - anyone racing this weekend?  What's on the agenda in general?

I am on a rest/recovery week.  Love those!  Small volume and all "easy" stuff.  I rarely have Friday night plans, but I am seeing the movie My Run tonight so I am taking a rest day to have dinner with a friend and see the movie.    It's kind of related to training, in that it's the story of a man who ran from Atlanta to St. Paul to raise awareness about being a single parent (as in "everyday heroes").  Should be inspiring!  I have a few bike rides and a swim planned otherwise.

Edited by BikerGrrrl 2010-04-16 8:38 AM
2010-04-16 9:21 AM
in reply to: #2769762

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Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED
No racing for me this weekend.  I've got a long run (maybe 6 miles) planned for Saturday and Sunday I'm going to try something new.  Since my gym is only about 4-1/2 miles from home, I'm going to ride my bike over, do a swim workout, and then ride back home.  Not sure how I'll feel riding with a backpack (never tried that before), so I'll take it slow this time.  I just want to get there and back in one piece!

Have a great weekend!
2010-04-16 10:15 AM
in reply to: #2796047

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, Minnesota
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Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED

Great idea!  Riding with the backpack will be a cinch.  I do this when I commute by bike to work  - 14 miles.  My only suggestion is strap it down well.  Cinch the straps so it's on you as tight as possible.  Sucks to have it swing over to your side when you're not expecting it

I actually ran from the gym once after a swim.  It's also about 4.5 miles from home.  My husband dropped me off and I was wearing my running clothes and had swim basics in a fanny pack!  It was okay, but I couldn't tolerate the fanny pack bouncing on the way home.  I eventually carried it like a purse, which was surprisingly easy.  I do have a running backpack that I've run more than 6 miles with without a problem.

soccermom15 - 2010-04-16 9:21 AM No racing for me this weekend.  I've got a long run (maybe 6 miles) planned for Saturday and Sunday I'm going to try something new.  Since my gym is only about 4-1/2 miles from home, I'm going to ride my bike over, do a swim workout, and then ride back home.  Not sure how I'll feel riding with a backpack (never tried that before), so I'll take it slow this time.  I just want to get there and back in one piece!

Have a great weekend!

2010-04-16 12:02 PM
in reply to: #2796225

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Palm Bay
Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED
BikerGrrrl - 2010-04-16 11:15 AM

Great idea!  Riding with the backpack will be a cinch.  I do this when I commute by bike to work  - 14 miles.  My only suggestion is strap it down well.  Cinch the straps so it's on you as tight as possible.  Sucks to have it swing over to your side when you're not expecting it

I actually ran from the gym once after a swim.  It's also about 4.5 miles from home.  My husband dropped me off and I was wearing my running clothes and had swim basics in a fanny pack!  It was okay, but I couldn't tolerate the fanny pack bouncing on the way home.  I eventually carried it like a purse, which was surprisingly easy.  I do have a running backpack that I've run more than 6 miles with without a problem.

soccermom15 - 2010-04-16 9:21 AM No racing for me this weekend.  I've got a long run (maybe 6 miles) planned for Saturday and Sunday I'm going to try something new.  Since my gym is only about 4-1/2 miles from home, I'm going to ride my bike over, do a swim workout, and then ride back home.  Not sure how I'll feel riding with a backpack (never tried that before), so I'll take it slow this time.  I just want to get there and back in one piece!

Have a great weekend!

I totally agree with backpack no big deal...  Only thing is if it is dark at all since you can not see your shirt, consider a light or reflective straps on it.  My Sat workout is Bike, Swim, Bike..  My lock fits in my backpack, and I usually fill the space inside with McD breakfast for my family on my ride home.  Nice thing for me is I bike in my running shoes, so I only carry 1 pair, not a bike shoe and sandels for walking on pool deck or shopping as I do...

2010-04-16 3:24 PM
in reply to: #2769762

Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED
not sure you would call my weekend plans a race, but i'm participating in the Mountain Man Memorial March tomorrow.   26.2 mile group walk in honor of a friend/our team leader's husband who's currently serving in Iraq.  The team is of various fitness levels, so I doubt we'll get above 3MPH or so - we'll be in no danger of competing with other teams.  we're hoping to finish in around 8 hours.
2010-04-16 4:08 PM
in reply to: #2797090

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, Minnesota
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Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED

Wow!  That will be quite the walk.  Ouch.

smartstrongsexy - 2010-04-16 3:24 PM not sure you would call my weekend plans a race, but i'm participating in the Mountain Man Memorial March tomorrow.   26.2 mile group walk in honor of a friend/our team leader's husband who's currently serving in Iraq.  The team is of various fitness levels, so I doubt we'll get above 3MPH or so - we'll be in no danger of competing with other teams.  we're hoping to finish in around 8 hours.

2010-04-16 8:28 PM
in reply to: #2769762

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Palm Bay
Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED
OK...  Question...  When did exercise pass from a chore/task on your schedule to something you enjoy and look forward to doing?  I am feeling all stressed out about missing workouts and having to get them in.  I feel pressure to rise early even if I go to sleep late, feel stressed all the way home trying to decide if I should workout or eat and then work out, but then I eat and do not feel like working out.

I am not feeling all that well, think a kidney stone is about to launch and try to escape the system.  Yes, if I did not say it before I have 1 stone in my right and 2 in my left kidney.  All 3 were about 3 mm about a month ago when I passed the 4th one.

Oh well, no need to add trouble to today, I will wait and see if it really does start moving.
2010-04-16 9:30 PM
in reply to: #2797090

Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED
smartstrongsexy - 2010-04-17 2:24 PM not sure you would call my weekend plans a race, but i'm participating in the Mountain Man Memorial March tomorrow.   26.2 mile group walk in honor of a friend/our team leader's husband who's currently serving in Iraq.  The team is of various fitness levels, so I doubt we'll get above 3MPH or so - we'll be in no danger of competing with other teams.  we're hoping to finish in around 8 hours.

Wow, have fun! Sounds awesome.
2010-04-17 2:38 PM
in reply to: #2797578

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, Minnesota
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Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED

Hey Steve.  Boy, kidney stones are very painful from what I hear.  I hope that if it does go, it's as mild as possible.

That's a good question.  For me, the workout plan still feels a bit like a task leading right up to when I do it.  I would like nothing more than to just go home from work and chill most days.  But from experience, I have learned that when I am actually doing it AND right afterwards, I feel 10 times better.  Keeping my eye on the prize is what does it for me.  I also know that on the pain scale, for me, guilt for missing a workout is more painful that just sucking it up and doing it.

Some good advice I hear often is that if you don't feel like a workout, just promise yourself you'll do it for 10-15 minutes.  Usually by then you're into it and it's no big deal.  Occasionally, you really are NOT into it and you quit after 15.  I would say that rarely is the case, though, once you get started.

I try hard to find joy in my workouts.  I love the feeling of the cool pool water, so I focus on that.  I love finding a path to run that is shady and flat, so if I am feeling down about my run I use my favorite path.  I love seeing the sights on my bike, so I go for that ride and focus on how lucky I am to be in nature.  Sometimes the fancy interval doesn't get done, but 45 mins in the saddle is better than nothing.

I know that quandary very well about timing the evening workout, food, etc.  For me, I just have to workout first.  There would be NO working out if I waited until after a meal.  Because of this, I make sure to eat and drink well on workout days and have good snack about an hour before my workout.  If I don't, I can easily psych myself out and just go home.  I have actually worked out a few times after happy hour and I cannot recommend that either

otter_sh - 2010-04-16 8:28 PM OK...  Question...  When did exercise pass from a chore/task on your schedule to something you enjoy and look forward to doing?  I am feeling all stressed out about missing workouts and having to get them in.  I feel pressure to rise early even if I go to sleep late, feel stressed all the way home trying to decide if I should workout or eat and then work out, but then I eat and do not feel like working out.

I am not feeling all that well, think a kidney stone is about to launch and try to escape the system.  Yes, if I did not say it before I have 1 stone in my right and 2 in my left kidney.  All 3 were about 3 mm about a month ago when I passed the 4th one.

Oh well, no need to add trouble to today, I will wait and see if it really does start moving.

2010-04-18 9:37 AM
in reply to: #2769762

Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED
Just a quick report in before my husband snags the compuer.  We finished in 8 hours 18 minutes and 38 seconds.  Part of our team went ahead, just to see how fast they could have completed it without the slower members, but since it was a team event and we had to cross within 20 seconds of one another I didn't see the point.  One girl started with blisters so she struggled the entire walk.  I could have went faster, and had hoped to at least jog down the hills, but I didn't feel right seperating from the team.  We had grades as high as 5% and 9% both lasting well over a 1/2 mile.  Part  of the terrain was pretty rough to - no way my car could have made it up the 9% grade.  More of an atv/4wheeler trail.

I thought I would be sore today, but after a great night sleep (and a footrub from the hubby last night) I'm surprisingly not that bad.
2010-04-18 12:10 PM
in reply to: #2769762

Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED
steve - i'd have to agree.  sometimes i hate the workout through the first part, then i can push through and not care.  when i run its always the first mile.  and i promise myself if i still feel that wa on mile 2 i can quit.  only once have i actually done so.

its hard to know when your body needs rest, and your mind just doesn't want the hassle.  i think 10 minutes is a good rule to tell which is is.

has anyone here done a tri swim in a pool?  i keep hearing these horror stories about how i'll get hit a million times.  both people who've personally done the tri i'm doing have said that they'll consider a duathlon in the future - but never again a pool tri.
2010-04-18 1:42 PM
in reply to: #2799506

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, Minnesota
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Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED

Brooke - nice job on the walk!  Sounds challenging.  I am impressed that you aren't sore.

I haven't ever done a standard pool tri, just the kind with my own lane.  I've heard they can be rough, but I also know a ton of people who've done them so they can't be that bad.   I've said that about race ("I'm never doing that again!") and other people loved the experience.  Go figure.

2010-04-18 4:11 PM
in reply to: #2798419

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Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED
BikerGrrrl - 2010-04-17 2:38 PM

Hey Steve.  Boy, kidney stones are very painful from what I hear.  I hope that if it does go, it's as mild as possible.

That's a good question.  For me, the workout plan still feels a bit like a task leading right up to when I do it.  I would like nothing more than to just go home from work and chill most days.  But from experience, I have learned that when I am actually doing it AND right afterwards, I feel 10 times better.  Keeping my eye on the prize is what does it for me.  I also know that on the pain scale, for me, guilt for missing a workout is more painful that just sucking it up and doing it.

Some good advice I hear often is that if you don't feel like a workout, just promise yourself you'll do it for 10-15 minutes.  Usually by then you're into it and it's no big deal.  Occasionally, you really are NOT into it and you quit after 15.  I would say that rarely is the case, though, once you get started.

I try hard to find joy in my workouts.  I love the feeling of the cool pool water, so I focus on that.  I love finding a path to run that is shady and flat, so if I am feeling down about my run I use my favorite path.  I love seeing the sights on my bike, so I go for that ride and focus on how lucky I am to be in nature.  Sometimes the fancy interval doesn't get done, but 45 mins in the saddle is better than nothing.

I know that quandary very well about timing the evening workout, food, etc.  For me, I just have to workout first.  There would be NO working out if I waited until after a meal.  Because of this, I make sure to eat and drink well on workout days and have good snack about an hour before my workout.  If I don't, I can easily psych myself out and just go home.  I have actually worked out a few times after happy hour and I cannot recommend that either

otter_sh - 2010-04-16 8:28 PM OK...  Question...  When did exercise pass from a chore/task on your schedule to something you enjoy and look forward to doing?  I am feeling all stressed out about missing workouts and having to get them in.  I feel pressure to rise early even if I go to sleep late, feel stressed all the way home trying to decide if I should workout or eat and then work out, but then I eat and do not feel like working out.

I am not feeling all that well, think a kidney stone is about to launch and try to escape the system.  Yes, if I did not say it before I have 1 stone in my right and 2 in my left kidney.  All 3 were about 3 mm about a month ago when I passed the 4th one.

Oh well, no need to add trouble to today, I will wait and see if it really does start moving.

This usually works for me too, especially with early morning pool workouts.  I'm not a morning person so there's usually an internal debate with myself when the alarm goes off about getting my butt up.  About 75-80% of the time, I do go, and am glad I did.  The other days when I skip, I try not to beat myself up about it - I'll make it up later in the week if possible. 

I hope you're feeling better soon.
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