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2012-04-07 12:24 AM
in reply to: #4134916

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Highlands Ranch, CO
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED
CyborgQueen - 2012-04-06 8:02 PM

Robin - Nice shoes!  Enjoy 'em!  If you never had lower heel drop shoes before, take it from me and go slow in them, let your legs get used to them. It took me over a MONTH to finally not have any calf issues...drove me BONKERS, until Ken mentioned to me that it can take a while, and I should be going slow. If you are planning on LONG runs, use your old shoes for now, then work your way into the new shoes. I've done that and now I have no calf issues. 


Can I say this?!  Don't you *LOVE* it when you have a terrific training day totally unexpected?!  I was feeling slightly sluggish this AM, and overslept and missed my bike ride with a friend. I'm a chronic Insomnia sufferer and occasionally I have bad weeks, and this week was one of them.  Sluggish, and didn't feel like going out at all. Then by the time afternoon rolled around, I started to keep putting off my run. Finally I said, play video games until 4pm, and GET out.   I listened, and started my run fully expecting to be a little slowish. I told myself JUST do the 3.7 mi and get your chocolate milk and get home.   Well...3.7 miles went by. Looked at my watch and got really puzzled. Got in my car and said really loud, WTF?! Then I started questioning myself...did it feel like I was going too hard? No. Did I press Lap too many times? *checking laps* Nope. Did it include the short walking break? Yes. Did you run the entire time besides the 20 sec walking break? Yes (which is one of the GREATEST thing...I'm working on reducing my walking breaks).  WTF?! *evil laughter*

I love it! This is the motivation that I needed! For those who don't know, out of all three sports, I find the run to be the hardest thing and I've been struggling since I started running three years ago. Side stitches, lack of endurance, cannot seem to run without walking, took me a long time to finally be sub-12 pace - especially in longish runs, etc.

I think it's the shoes and the socks. I wore socks with flames on them. The cuff finally fits (damn you and fat ankles!).


Hope everyone had a good training day, and even if you didn't you still HTFU and got out there.   Hope everyone's weekend will be good. :-)

Great job and congrats on the run!  Finding running the hardest of the three myself, I totally get where you are coming from.

2012-04-07 12:57 AM
in reply to: #4132942

Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED
Hey I saw a thing about a few of us playing xbox/ps3, if you do feel free to add me on both. BurnRN717 for both of them. Haven't been on too much lately, just busy but I will check it in a day or two
2012-04-07 1:17 AM
in reply to: #4124117

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Highlands Ranch, CO
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED

Well, I was typing my bio and hit the wrong button and now it is all gone Frown

Name: Kathleen

I am 48 for a couple of more weeks and am heading into my fifth year of doing tris. My goal was to finish one tri but caught the bug shortly after crossing the finish line the first time and here I am. I completed my first Ironman last November and I can tell you that never, ever had I though that I would ever do something like that! Since getting into this tri thing, I have learned never to say never (though I have said "never again" to myself on more then one occasion during the run part of some races that I have done).Tongue out   I can say without a doubt that being a part of mentor groups has been one of the best things about doing tris. It was the people in a previous mentor group who encouraged me to take on an IM.  The triathlon community as a whole is fantastic and I have made many friends both in person and on line since becomming involved in this sport.

I live with my SO Brian and my dog Casey. While Brian is not into the tri scene, he has been very supportive and attended almost all of my races until last year when we brought a puppy into the family.  He deserved a brake anyway as I am a MOP racer at best so it can be a long day for those who are there to cheer me on. Wink

I am a case manager and work with people with disabilities. While it is a rewarding job, it is also full of challenges and I think I am a bit burned out at the moment. Maybe some "me" time will help.

I have struggled a bit to get back on the horse since IMAZ but need to get my act in gear as I think I forget where the pool is.  My  "A race" for this year is IMFL.  I am also doing Boulder 70.3 in August as well as a new sprint tri in July. I am going lighter this year on the races as I tend to race to much and burn myself out.  I am going to Wisconsin in September to volunteer for IM Wisconsin and then sign up for 2013. I have a few friends who will also be volunteering and signing up so that will be exciting.  Oh, I am also signed up for a half marathon next week.  I am not ready but I will do what I can. Running is a huge struggle for me and along with that I battle GI issues when I run so it always makes for an interesting time.

I am excited to see people from the last mentor group and very excited about the new people who have joined.  It is always nice to welcome new people to the sport as well.




2012-04-07 2:16 AM
in reply to: #4135164

Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED

Wow I had seen a ton of posts that came through my email today and I knew I had a bunch to read. It looks like everything is getting settled. So here are my thoughts over the past posts.

1) Awesome shoes! I don't know if I can ever do shoes like that, I absolutely LOVE my Brooks. Looking at Brooks Trance 11 for my next pair.

2) I remember a friend of mine that was getting into running and she had LARGE breasts also, but she finally found a great bra to wear and loved running after that.

3) I have a 20 mile bike ride at the end of the month that I am doing as part of a duathlon team. My GF is doing the running and I am biking. I think I just need to go out and just ride a bunch more. Been doing great on spin bikes but it is not outside.

4) I am starting to feel like an athlete. I am my own worst enemy though. I need to realize that after years of abusing my body with food that I am not Lance Armstrong or Crowie. I want to be like them but it just takes time.

5) Work...Why can't I just win the lottery so I could train all the time. Working 12 hr shifts and then getting my running/biking/swim in sucks. If there are any sponsors for a guy that is getting healthier and wants to train please drop me a line. In all fairness I will not be one of the ones crossing the finish line in the top 10 YET, but I am giving you a crack at getting me early, well and cheap. LOL

6) Need to start putting my training on here. I write it all down now but really do not log it in.

7) I have to work nights all weekend so will not be doing easter w/ the family, in a way thank God for that, but my wonderful GF will bring me something home on Monday. HOMEMADE RAVIOLI!!!!!

Now these one are VERY random...

8) Why buy sauce out of a jar? Yuck! Homemade is where it is at.

9) I wonder if there is a study on stem cell research where say, I get injected with stem cell from like a panther, and if I will be faster with my running? I know this is totally weird, but it is 3am so give me a break.

10) Really looking forward to spin class in the am and then I am going running right after it.

Well, that's it for now, wait, I need to go get some tri shorts! Ok have fun and get out there and tri!

2012-04-07 6:04 AM
in reply to: #4134916

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Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED
CyborgQueen - 2012-04-06 9:02 PM

Robin - Nice shoes!  Enjoy 'em!  If you never had lower heel drop shoes before, take it from me and go slow in them, let your legs get used to them. It took me over a MONTH to finally not have any calf issues...drove me BONKERS, until Ken mentioned to me that it can take a while, and I should be going slow. If you are planning on LONG runs, use your old shoes for now, then work your way into the new shoes. I've done that and now I have no calf issues. 


Can I say this?!  Don't you *LOVE* it when you have a terrific training day totally unexpected?!  I was feeling slightly sluggish this AM, and overslept and missed my bike ride with a friend. I'm a chronic Insomnia sufferer and occasionally I have bad weeks, and this week was one of them.  Sluggish, and didn't feel like going out at all. Then by the time afternoon rolled around, I started to keep putting off my run. Finally I said, play video games until 4pm, and GET out.   I listened, and started my run fully expecting to be a little slowish. I told myself JUST do the 3.7 mi and get your chocolate milk and get home.   Well...3.7 miles went by. Looked at my watch and got really puzzled. Got in my car and said really loud, WTF?! Then I started questioning myself...did it feel like I was going too hard? No. Did I press Lap too many times? *checking laps* Nope. Did it include the short walking break? Yes. Did you run the entire time besides the 20 sec walking break? Yes (which is one of the GREATEST thing...I'm working on reducing my walking breaks).  WTF?! *evil laughter*

I love it! This is the motivation that I needed! For those who don't know, out of all three sports, I find the run to be the hardest thing and I've been struggling since I started running three years ago. Side stitches, lack of endurance, cannot seem to run without walking, took me a long time to finally be sub-12 pace - especially in longish runs, etc.

I think it's the shoes and the socks. I wore socks with flames on them. The cuff finally fits (damn you and fat ankles!).


Hope everyone had a good training day, and even if you didn't you still HTFU and got out there.   Hope everyone's weekend will be good. :-)

DJ, that is awesome! I need to get some of those flame socks.

2012-04-07 6:06 AM
in reply to: #4134793

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Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED
robingray_260 - 2012-04-06 6:48 PM

my new running shoes (New Balance Minimus)!!!!

I will let everyone know how I like them since they are a complete change from the stability shoes I have been wearing.  marginal heal drop, no insole and 4.6 oz. 


Very cool, Robin. The Minimus seems to be growing in popularity around here, our local running store, which has been quite slow to carry the minimalist type shoes, does carry these and I have been seeing quite a few people running in them. I run in Nike Frees, which have more of a heel, and have been contemplating switching to the NB Minimus. I will be interested to hear about your experience with this shoe.

2012-04-07 6:45 AM
in reply to: #4124117

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED

Good to see the rest of the gang finding their way over to the new group!  We missed the daily smack down that Carla started, nice to have it back!  Great work!

Since we have 3 members of our group, or is it 4? doing IMFL we need to keep things going all the way to November!! (Unless someone is racing later in the year!

Flying home this afternoon, so hopefully by sometime tomorrow I will have a chart put together and be able to stay caught up with everything going on here!  Although it may take a bit longer to catch up!

2012-04-07 2:06 PM
in reply to: #4124117

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Extreme Veteran
Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED
Is this the new one?  I'm so confused. :D
2012-04-07 2:08 PM
in reply to: #4135636

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Highlands Ranch, CO
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED
IceManScott - 2012-04-07 1:06 PMIs this the new one?  I'm so confused. :D
Yes. You must join us!
2012-04-07 2:11 PM
in reply to: #4135638

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Sin City
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED

Kath2163 - 2012-04-07 12:08 PM
IceManScott - 2012-04-07 1:06 PMIs this the new one?  I'm so confused. :D
Yes. You must join us!


Yes. Join us. Resistance is futile. Because I say so.

2012-04-07 2:45 PM
in reply to: #4124117

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Extreme Veteran
Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED


OK, then, great.  Ken sent me a message to join the new group so here I am. 

Scott Richardson.  They call me The IceMan.  

Age: 60.  But don't let that scare you and don't plan to take it easy on me.  I do kettlebells :D  I have the guns to prove it.

Normal, Il.  It is the only thing normal about me.  Central part of the state.

Married to a girl who went to high school with me, but we didn't meet until she emailed me at the newspaper about 6 years ago asking for help buying a bike.  I was a writer then, for 32 years, and wrote about bicycling, outdoor sports and other things including triathlon. We were married in May 2008.   Best decision of my life.  Took a buyout from the newspaper at the end of February.  We were bought by a badly managed corporation about 6 years ago that tanked the company and forced layoffs, etc while the CEO took a BONUS of $500,000 a year.  Time to get out.

Athletic history: Baseball was very very good to me as a kid. Swim team in high school. Ran as a result.  But fought weight, up down, up more, own, up more until finally at 54 I had a 50 inch waist and weighed somewhere around 400.  Started riding a bike in 2005, lost lots of weight, then diagnosed with cancer in 2006, beat it, rode relay triathlon for LiveStrong in 2007, 2008, then switched to solo in 2009.  Completed Ironman Wisconsin in the upper third of my age group in 2011.I am coached by Vision Quest, Robbie Ventura's group based in Chicago.  My coach lives here in Bloomington- Normal.  Stan Watkins.  In my 4th year with him.  He is awesome.  I think he is retiring from the coaching biz soon so I am taking a coaching certification course now through ITCA. Eventually I'll get USAT too.  A matter of when and where.

I love the bike. I use power to train with a Computrainer.    I have learned to love the run.  The swim and I are making peace.  I did well at the IM in the water, but now I am swimming so much better. I am in the Masters program here in town, which has been a great help and I started doing semi private lessons with a coach recently that have really helped. 

I focused on strength training with kettlebells this winter and am continuing 2X to 3X a week for 1.5 to 2 hours weekly.  It really is paying off.  I also started the Paleo Diet on Jan1 and have lost about 18 pounds.   I wear 32-33 pants now. My run times have dropped significantly as a result of the strength training and weight loss.  

A race so far is Branson half IM in September with some shorter races before that.  I may add another half IM in Racine where the VQ folks like to go in July or the new Rev3 Wisconsin Dells where a lot of my tri club is going.

I'm also looking for some work.


2012-04-07 2:53 PM
in reply to: #4124117

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Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED
DAILY SMACKDOWN - Snuck out of the house and got a 25 mile ride in. One of those "swirling headwind" kind of days, felt great once I turned north
2012-04-07 2:53 PM
in reply to: #4135660

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED
IceManScott - 2012-04-07 3:45 PM


OK, then, great.  Ken sent me a message to join the new group so here I am. 

Scott Richardson.  They call me The IceMan.  

Age: 60.  But don't let that scare you and don't plan to take it easy on me.  I do kettlebells :D  I have the guns to prove it.

Normal, Il.  It is the only thing normal about me.  Central part of the state.

Married to a girl who went to high school with me, but we didn't meet until she emailed me at the newspaper about 6 years ago asking for help buying a bike.  I was a writer then, for 32 years, and wrote about bicycling, outdoor sports and other things including triathlon. We were married in May 2008.   Best decision of my life.  Took a buyout from the newspaper at the end of February.  We were bought by a badly managed corporation about 6 years ago that tanked the company and forced layoffs, etc while the CEO took a BONUS of $500,000 a year.  Time to get out.

Athletic history: Baseball was very very good to me as a kid. Swim team in high school. Ran as a result.  But fought weight, up down, up more, own, up more until finally at 54 I had a 50 inch waist and weighed somewhere around 400.  Started riding a bike in 2005, lost lots of weight, then diagnosed with cancer in 2006, beat it, rode relay triathlon for LiveStrong in 2007, 2008, then switched to solo in 2009.  Completed Ironman Wisconsin in the upper third of my age group in 2011.I am coached by Vision Quest, Robbie Ventura's group based in Chicago.  My coach lives here in Bloomington- Normal.  Stan Watkins.  In my 4th year with him.  He is awesome.  I think he is retiring from the coaching biz soon so I am taking a coaching certification course now through ITCA. Eventually I'll get USAT too.  A matter of when and where.

I love the bike. I use power to train with a Computrainer.    I have learned to love the run.  The swim and I are making peace.  I did well at the IM in the water, but now I am swimming so much better. I am in the Masters program here in town, which has been a great help and I started doing semi private lessons with a coach recently that have really helped. 

I focused on strength training with kettlebells this winter and am continuing 2X to 3X a week for 1.5 to 2 hours weekly.  It really is paying off.  I also started the Paleo Diet on Jan1 and have lost about 18 pounds.   I wear 32-33 pants now. My run times have dropped significantly as a result of the strength training and weight loss.  

A race so far is Branson half IM in September with some shorter races before that.  I may add another half IM in Racine where the VQ folks like to go in July or the new Rev3 Wisconsin Dells where a lot of my tri club is going.

I'm also looking for some work.


Great to have you back for another round Ice! I am impressed by your paleo and kettlebell results!
2012-04-07 2:57 PM
in reply to: #4124117

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED
I still have a few more to track down from the winter group, but we are getting there! Finished off my run focus week before heading to the airport. Taking advantage of the on board Internet to catch up with some BT things as well as sme work. I only brought my iPad with me in my carry on so I won't attempt the group matrix!
2012-04-07 2:58 PM
in reply to: #4135669

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED
abake - 2012-04-07 3:53 PMDAILY SMACKDOWN - Snuck out of the house and got a 25 mile ride in. One of those "swirling headwind" kind of days, felt great once I turned north
2012-04-07 2:58 PM
in reply to: #4135669

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Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED

abake - 2012-04-07 2:53 PM DAILY SMACKDOWN - Snuck out of the house and got a 25 mile ride in. One of those "swirling headwind" kind of days, felt great once I turned north

:::: High Fives :::: Way to do your DAILY SMACK DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2012-04-07 6:14 PM
in reply to: #4135174

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Chugiak, Alaska
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED
peterflagg - 2012-04-07 2:16 AM

Wow I had seen a ton of posts that came through my email today and I knew I had a bunch to read. It looks like everything is getting settled. So here are my thoughts over the past posts.

1) Awesome shoes! I don't know if I can ever do shoes like that, I absolutely LOVE my Brooks. Looking at Brooks Trance 11 for my next pair.

2) I remember a friend of mine that was getting into running and she had LARGE breasts also, but she finally found a great bra to wear and loved running after that.

3) I have a 20 mile bike ride at the end of the month that I am doing as part of a duathlon team. My GF is doing the running and I am biking. I think I just need to go out and just ride a bunch more. Been doing great on spin bikes but it is not outside.

4) I am starting to feel like an athlete. I am my own worst enemy though. I need to realize that after years of abusing my body with food that I am not Lance Armstrong or Crowie. I want to be like them but it just takes time.

5) Work...Why can't I just win the lottery so I could train all the time. Working 12 hr shifts and then getting my running/biking/swim in sucks. If there are any sponsors for a guy that is getting healthier and wants to train please drop me a line. In all fairness I will not be one of the ones crossing the finish line in the top 10 YET, but I am giving you a crack at getting me early, well and cheap. LOL

6) Need to start putting my training on here. I write it all down now but really do not log it in.

7) I have to work nights all weekend so will not be doing easter w/ the family, in a way thank God for that, but my wonderful GF will bring me something home on Monday. HOMEMADE RAVIOLI!!!!!

Now these one are VERY random...

8) Why buy sauce out of a jar? Yuck! Homemade is where it is at.

9) I wonder if there is a study on stem cell research where say, I get injected with stem cell from like a panther, and if I will be faster with my running? I know this is totally weird, but it is 3am so give me a break.

10) Really looking forward to spin class in the am and then I am going running right after it.

Well, that's it for now, wait, I need to go get some tri shorts! Ok have fun and get out there and tri!

awesome!!!!  keep it up and you will rock this season!

2012-04-07 6:32 PM
in reply to: #4124117

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED
Wow!! the smackdowns are back!! AWESOME!! I missed that highlighter too! LOL

Welcome back Ice!

It was a really nice day here. I wanted to go mountain biking today. But, I've got family coming for Easter tomorrow. My wife has been working tirelessly trying to get a new business off the ground. I didn't feel right going out having fun all day and letting here clean the house to get ready for Easter. Sooooo, I stayed home and got the house ready while she was at work. I got a nice 10 mile run in too. If the weather holds I'm going for a bike ride in the tomorrow morning before people come over. Not sure how far yet. It'll be at least 35, and depending on who else comes out and how fast we can go, up to 56.

Hope you all are having a GREAT weekend!
2012-04-07 6:33 PM
in reply to: #4135174

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED
peterflagg - 2012-04-07 2:16 AM

Wow I had seen a ton of posts that came through my email today and I knew I had a bunch to read. It looks like everything is getting settled. So here are my thoughts over the past posts.

1) Awesome shoes! I don't know if I can ever do shoes like that, I absolutely LOVE my Brooks. Looking at Brooks Trance 11 for my next pair.

2) I remember a friend of mine that was getting into running and she had LARGE breasts also, but she finally found a great bra to wear and loved running after that.

3) I have a 20 mile bike ride at the end of the month that I am doing as part of a duathlon team. My GF is doing the running and I am biking. I think I just need to go out and just ride a bunch more. Been doing great on spin bikes but it is not outside.

4) I am starting to feel like an athlete. I am my own worst enemy though. I need to realize that after years of abusing my body with food that I am not Lance Armstrong or Crowie. I want to be like them but it just takes time.

5) Work...Why can't I just win the lottery so I could train all the time. Working 12 hr shifts and then getting my running/biking/swim in sucks. If there are any sponsors for a guy that is getting healthier and wants to train please drop me a line. In all fairness I will not be one of the ones crossing the finish line in the top 10 YET, but I am giving you a crack at getting me early, well and cheap. LOL

6) Need to start putting my training on here. I write it all down now but really do not log it in.

7) I have to work nights all weekend so will not be doing easter w/ the family, in a way thank God for that, but my wonderful GF will bring me something home on Monday. HOMEMADE RAVIOLI!!!!!

Now these one are VERY random...

8) Why buy sauce out of a jar? Yuck! Homemade is where it is at.

9) I wonder if there is a study on stem cell research where say, I get injected with stem cell from like a panther, and if I will be faster with my running? I know this is totally weird, but it is 3am so give me a break.

10) Really looking forward to spin class in the am and then I am going running right after it.

Well, that's it for now, wait, I need to go get some tri shorts! Ok have fun and get out there and tri!

Way to go Peter! Keep it up, you'll crack the top 10 in no time!
2012-04-07 6:37 PM
in reply to: #4135155

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED
peterflagg - 2012-04-07 12:57 AM

Hey I saw a thing about a few of us playing xbox/ps3, if you do feel free to add me on both. BurnRN717 for both of them. Haven't been on too much lately, just busy but I will check it in a day or two

I'm not on much either this time of year. Too much training to do! I'll add you to my friends list next time I'm on. I just added DJ the other day, but it doesn't look like we play any of the same games.


What are you playing that I would like? I'm a big fan of FPS games like COD. I've also played the Forza series and Rainbow 6. LMK, next time I'm out I can pick up a new game!
2012-04-07 7:30 PM
in reply to: #4135871

Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED

Meulen - 2012-04-07 7:37 PM
peterflagg - 2012-04-07 12:57 AM Hey I saw a thing about a few of us playing xbox/ps3, if you do feel free to add me on both. BurnRN717 for both of them. Haven't been on too much lately, just busy but I will check it in a day or two
I'm not on much either this time of year. Too much training to do! I'll add you to my friends list next time I'm on. I just added DJ the other day, but it doesn't look like we play any of the same games. DJ.... What are you playing that I would like? I'm a big fan of FPS games like COD. I've also played the Forza series and Rainbow 6. LMK, next time I'm out I can pick up a new game!


I am open to something...I have been living in the world of Skyrim for the past few months when I play. I do love COD but don't have the newest one yet. Rainbow 6? Did they come out with a new one? I know there is a new one coming out soo but cannot remember if it was R6 or Ghost recon.


2012-04-07 7:50 PM
in reply to: #4124117

Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED

Ok so I took two steps forward and then 3 back I think. I have been taking a local tri class at the YMCA for the past few weeks. The teacher has done a ton of IM and HIM events. Ladies I am going to be a bit piggish here so turn away, she is HOT also so I never mind the runs when she is ahead of me. Ok back to the otheer stuff now. Today we were doing a brick session, we did spin for 45 min and then a 15 minute run. She wanted us to really look at the transition times. Our spin class was on the second floor on the other end of the building and she timed us getting downstairs, ready, and outside for our run. I was proud, I had a 1:48 time and I know I could do better then that with a little more organization. The problem I encountered though was my legs just did not want to work. She knows I am frustrated at this and we talked for a bit. Here are the problems I can be having:

1) Just tired, I did this after a working nights

2) The gray smushy thing between my ears (I'd like to say a brain but if you ask my ex-wife she doubts I have one)

3) My diet. I really think it is this.

4) No real rest day this week.

5) Just frustration of the 3 sports not coming together well.

I tend to look at the glass half empty and REALLY need to look at how far I have come since October. I am a little frustrated that the last 30 pounds are not coming off like the previous 70+. I need to look at what I am eating so I think this will force me to plan better and also for a week. I kind of do a modified Paleo/Wheat Free/Sugar free/Low carb when it comes to food.

I am also thinking of changing my workouts to when I wake up, which is somewhere around 4-5pm with working nights, I would get up sooner if I am going to work out before work. Of course I worry about breakfast though then.
Anyone with thoughts on my food or workouts from my ramblings?

2012-04-07 8:18 PM
in reply to: #4124117

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED
Peter. You're spending too much time bullet pointing excuses! Lol


Seriously, part of the reason they call them "bricks" is that's what your legs feel like when you do them. You just need to do some more of them. You'll get used to the feeling after a while. Just keep putting one foot in front of the other.

I know how frustrating the diet gets. The more you lose the harder it gets. Doing tris doesn't help either. If I didn't do do tris I wouldn't feel the need to be as skinny as I am let alone lose more weight! After a certain point your body fights it.

Try re evaluating what your eating. At your new weight you may need less calories than you think. Make sure your counting calories properly for workouts. Most people over estimate what they burn in workouts. When you start running in the mornings do short runs under an hour and don't eat before you run. Eat breakfast after.
2012-04-07 8:31 PM
in reply to: #4135871

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Sin City
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED

Meulen - 2012-04-07 4:37 PM
peterflagg - 2012-04-07 12:57 AM Hey I saw a thing about a few of us playing xbox/ps3, if you do feel free to add me on both. BurnRN717 for both of them. Haven't been on too much lately, just busy but I will check it in a day or two
I'm not on much either this time of year. Too much training to do! I'll add you to my friends list next time I'm on. I just added DJ the other day, but it doesn't look like we play any of the same games. DJ.... What are you playing that I would like? I'm a big fan of FPS games like COD. I've also played the Forza series and Rainbow 6. LMK, next time I'm out I can pick up a new game!

I'll add you Peter soon. :-)

Funny because I don't really like FPS games that much. I used to DESPISE them, until I played Half Life 2.   I'm still not crazy about certain FPS games because my aim sucks. I do like TPS (Third Person Shooters) a little bit better.   I do want to play COD sometime though!  I can't play Rainbow 6 Las Vegas because of all the talking that the other squad members say (I'm deaf), so it's really annoying. 

Depends on what TYPE of games you want to play.  If you like shoot 'ems w/ a storyline - I recommend Half Life 2, Bioshock (totally awesome), Fallout 2 (warning - the game is massive, and really need a guide. It's more of a RPG and Shooter's), Far Cry (although, I never gotten far, but I like it), Resident Evil 5.   I'm really not up to date on current games due to school. 

If you want a quick game to play just to relax for a short time: Left 4 Dead, Left 4 Dead 2, SSX (Xbox version is AMAZING!). 

I like Survival Horror games as well. I like blood and gore and scaring myself! LOL.

Hope it gave you some ideas!

2012-04-07 8:39 PM
in reply to: #4136023

Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED
CyborgQueen - 2012-04-07 9:31 PM

Funny because I don't really like FPS games that much. I used to DESPISE them, until I played Half Life 2.   I'm still not crazy about certain FPS games because my aim sucks. I do like TPS (Third Person Shooters) a little bit better.   I do want to play COD sometime though!  I can't play Rainbow 6 Las Vegas because of all the talking that the other squad members say (I'm deaf), so it's really annoying. 

Depends on what TYPE of games you want to play.  If you like shoot 'ems w/ a storyline - I recommend Half Life 2, Bioshock (totally awesome), Fallout 2 (warning - the game is massive, and really need a guide. It's more of a RPG and Shooter's), Far Cry (although, I never gotten far, but I like it), Resident Evil 5.   I'm really not up to date on current games due to school. 

If you want a quick game to play just to relax for a short time: Left 4 Dead, Left 4 Dead 2, SSX (Xbox version is AMAZING!). 

I like Survival Horror games as well. I like blood and gore and scaring myself! LOL.

Hope it gave you some ideas!

I LOVE BIOSHOCK! I do not know about the new one coming out if it will be as good. We will see. Didn't like the L4D series. Fallout 2+3 are awesome. Love the maker of them, they also did the Elder Scroll series that is even BETTER then Fallout.

As far as being deaf and playing multiplayer, there are times that I wish I can unhear what people are saying. Some of the language that is on there is HORRIBLE and I am not a prude at all.

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