BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN Rss Feed  
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2014-01-18 6:51 AM
in reply to: sethjk

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Cleveland OH
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Originally posted by sethjk

Also- I've recently discovered Chia seeds. I sprinkle a tablespoon into my yogurt or oatmeal. Do others use them? How do you incorporate them? I definitely believe they keep me full longer as I haven't had to rely on my morning snacks as much this week.

We have been putting them into our smoothies with our new Vitamix, I don't really notice a difference when I dont put them in it.

I will have to try and put them into my yogurt Great idea!

2014-01-18 7:00 AM
in reply to: sethjk

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Cleveland OH
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Originally posted by sethjk

Gave myself a birthday present of taking the morning off today. I definitely needed the sleep. Hoping to get in workouts this weekend, at least one. This turned out to be a pretty good week, especially because I was able to get back into running

Happy Birthday!
A day off is a much needed thing, Remember we are age groupers! we all have kids and we get much less sleep than the pros do in this sport.

2014-01-18 7:06 AM
in reply to: Daffodil

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Cleveland OH
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Originally posted by Daffodil

Have you guys seen this? What are your thoughts? do you know any age groupers using banned substance?

I know quite a few IMers and would have a hard time believing any were using banned substances.

I do not know off anyone who has used a banned substance, I guess I am not that deep into the local top end guys.

I read a article in outside magazine online that this guy was a avid cyclist and wanted to test how much the drugs would help so the experiment was over a year long. was amazing to see how much it helped

enjoy! its kinda a long read.
2014-01-18 7:13 AM
in reply to: smithat05

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Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Originally posted by smithat05

Originally posted by Daffodil

Originally posted by sethjk

got in about 35 minutes on the trainer this morning. Thought I had fixed my saddle but it still seems to be tilting up. I'm wondering if maybe I'm sitting too far back. I'm going to try and tighten it more tonight. Afterwards, I realized that one of the sensors must have shifted because my garmin didn't receive any speed or distance data- just cadence and HR which is annoying.

Tomorrow the plan is to run for the first time in almost 2 weeks. I fell down some stairs on new Years Eve (completely sober) and sprained my big toe- it was really bad and could barely walk for a few days. The pain seems to be completely gone now so I'll give tomorrow a try.

I never record the distance on the trainer, I don't find it terribly accurate.

Tonight I'll go swimming after J is in bed. he seems to be falling asleep around 7:30.

Why would it not be accurate? If you have your garmin hooked up to the back wheel to record cadence and speed, I cant see why it wouldnt be.

Unless you mean the trainer is harder than outdoor riiding so you think it should be scaled differently.

That is it, I think my trainer is harder than flat road (maybe flat road with a headwind? I can easily average 27Km/hr outside, but have diffuculty maintaining 24 km/hr on the trainer at the same effort level (based on Heart rate and perceived exertion). My "flat road gear" when I am outside is hard on the trainer. With my old trainer it was the opposite, it was easier than flat road.
2014-01-18 7:16 AM
in reply to: smithat05

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Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Originally posted by smithat05

Originally posted by Daffodil

Have you guys seen this? What are your thoughts? do you know any age groupers using banned substance?

I know quite a few IMers and would have a hard time believing any were using banned substances.

I do not know off anyone who has used a banned substance, I guess I am not that deep into the local top end guys.

I read a article in outside magazine online that this guy was a avid cyclist and wanted to test how much the drugs would help so the experiment was over a year long. was amazing to see how much it helped

enjoy! its kinda a long read.

I've read that article as well, it is is pretty amazing the difference that doping can make. Not just on performance but also on recovery.
2014-01-18 9:08 PM
in reply to: Daffodil

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Cleveland OH
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
had a wonderful day!! got absolutley nothing done around the house.
Played with DS and DW all day, went shopping for a gift. Got a cupcake from a local bakery that makes them from scratch and uses good ingredients.
My wife went running this morning for the first time in 2.5 weeks, her hip has been bothering her. She saw a chiro on Thurs, feels a lot better now. said this is her first non pain run since Oct.
We also found a sweet new restaurant near downtown cleveland Called Town House, has a lot of organic, local, type foods. I had the grassfed burger, with a green juice. They even had kombucha on the menu!!

After Lunch I got a pretty good swim in. about an hour long.

Then after our DS went to bed I pulled the Trainer to the Living room and watched a new Documentary we picked up from the library today.

2014-01-19 1:55 PM
in reply to: #4915239

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Hey guys, been. A busy few days for me. Nothing in particular or exciting going on. I have been getting some great workouts in!
Today, i had a great 10 mile run in pretty chilly conditions. And i have a half iron training plan that starts tomorrow.
We are on the road to visit my brother in law and family so I'll check in again later.
2014-01-19 8:07 PM
in reply to: juniperjen

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Cleveland OH
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Got in a 8 mile run this morning with the pup. She has done nothing but sleep all day since we ran. I sped up on the last mile, ran a 7:30 mile and my route finishes with a 120ft gain in the last .8 mile

2014-01-20 9:48 AM
in reply to: smithat05

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN

Some excellent stuff going on! Nice run, Todd.  Happy Birthday Seth!

My training plan actually doesn't start until next week which is actually good and will give me time to get more organized.  I need to do a HR test to reset my zones on both the run and the bike.  I am not looking forward to that ... blech.  I should probably start with finding my Garmin HR strap ... 

It's also getting super cold again this week.  Another blech. But what can we do? We live in the frigid north.  And this is exactly why we bought a treadmill. I can't help but think I am being a weenie - in 2008 I trained for the Ottawa marathon - running 4 days a week and not a single one was indoors.  It was a tough slog some days. But really with a baby? I don't need to drag her out in some of these windchills!

Laura, I looked over the doping article and maybe I already biased thinking that the numbers have to be fewer than that! 1 in 7 is pretty high - and when i looked at some of the info they included as doping - antidepressants, caffeine ... i wonder about the wording and some of that grey area for doping.  Honestly, if i was on a prescription from a doctor for antidepressants I wouldn't just stop because its a banned substance. I am not competing for awards and the risk of stopping and the difficulties of stopping don't make it worthwhile. I might report myself but I also might not even realize it was a banned drug.   It also said they have English responses as well as German so i wonder if there is a translation issue as well.  Because it seems caffeine tabs were considered doping but caffeine use is pretty widespread - and much of it quite legal - coffee, even some gels contain it and depending on how one read the questions they may have said they do in fact take caffeine. I know i do - but not tablets! 

I am sure there are those guys (and girls) who are boosting their performance - especially in those more competitive european IM (faster cut-off times, fewer females) but i would be really surprised if it was more than 10%. 

2014-01-20 10:06 AM
in reply to: juniperjen

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Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN

Got in 45 minutes on the trainer on Saturday. Planned on a 60 minute run yesterday morning, but on the condition that I woke up on my own earlier than I needed to. We all ended up sleeping until 7:15 (that's almost 15 minutes late for the almost 14 month old, and probably because we kept him out almost an hour later than normal). In the end there was no workout for me yesterday because we had my family and DW's family over at different times to celebrate the birthday. Very exhausting day.

Had trouble falling asleep last night so I skipped the run that was planned. Definitely going to get one in tomorrow morning before the snow comes in. Also, broached the idea with DW of getting on the trainer while we're watching tv. I want her to tell me if it's too distracting, that way I have options as to when I workout and even getting in double workouts.
2014-01-20 10:45 AM
in reply to: juniperjen

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Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Good weekend here. the naps are finally starting to come together, nights are still a work in progress. he sometimes has trouble falling back asleep after nursing in the night. I don't want to, but I think we might have to start night weening so that he doesn't have as interupted sleep.

On saturday we went out for a hike and I think the windchill was a little too cold for J. He cried the last 15 minutes because his face was too cold. we went for 1:45. I think we'll have to limit our hikes to 1 hour until the weather gets better.

Sunday I ran 8 km. longest run since last march. next weekend I'll be up to 10 km which will be the longest since fall 2011. Yesterday afternoon we went to a few open houses. We are considering a big move before I go back to work. we will be moving, but the question is whether we stay in our current city (DH and I both have a 40ish minute commute) or moving to the city DH works in (would mean I would have to transfer offices). We could each have a 15 minute commute which would give us both almost another hour with J a day when I go back to work. We have to do the cost analysis. The other city is considerably more expensive.

2014-01-20 7:44 PM
in reply to: Daffodil

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Calgary, Alberta
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Originally posted by Daffodil

Good weekend here. the naps are finally starting to come together, nights are still a work in progress. he sometimes has trouble falling back asleep after nursing in the night. I don't want to, but I think we might have to start night weening so that he doesn't have as interupted sleep.

On saturday we went out for a hike and I think the windchill was a little too cold for J. He cried the last 15 minutes because his face was too cold. we went for 1:45. I think we'll have to limit our hikes to 1 hour until the weather gets better.

Sunday I ran 8 km. longest run since last march. next weekend I'll be up to 10 km which will be the longest since fall 2011. Yesterday afternoon we went to a few open houses. We are considering a big move before I go back to work. we will be moving, but the question is whether we stay in our current city (DH and I both have a 40ish minute commute) or moving to the city DH works in (would mean I would have to transfer offices). We could each have a 15 minute commute which would give us both almost another hour with J a day when I go back to work. We have to do the cost analysis. The other city is considerably more expensive.

Good job on the 8km!

we moved from a small town into Calgary when I was prego with my son....I'm so glad we did!!! we cut out about 1hr of commuting a day, we save so much in gas and wear and tear on the cars now....We did move into a more expensive community but we have so much around us now, the lake , a provincial park, so close to activities for the kids and closer to friends....Quality of life is so much better too, we don't have to stress driving the hiway during the winter ....our taxes are lower in the city too so I think the monthly costs balance out....we will just pay a few more years on the mortgage as our house was more expensive...but again worth it!
2014-01-21 6:25 PM
in reply to: rydergal

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Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
We used to live/work in NYC, then moved to the Jersey suburbs. For more than a year I commuted- it was brutal (95 minutes each way on a good day). Luckily I found work closer to home before DS was born. Definitely take into account commuting time as its own cost when deciding when to move.

Speaking of Calgary, we are in the midsts of yet another snow storm here in NJ. Fortunately, I got in about 4 miles this morning with some interval work, before the weather moved in. It may be a few days before I can run outside again due to the snow piles and the cold. At the moment we have more than 9 inches on the ground. IN fact, it seems that my small town may be the hardest hit area so far. Back on the trainer tomorrow morning.
2014-01-22 2:26 PM
in reply to: sethjk

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
I'm so impressed with you guys training through all kinds of weather. All we've got is chilly and wet. It was foggy today, but while it's not the most pleasant weather to train in, it's not actually a barrier.

Commuting is an interesting challenge. My hubby used to work from home, and then his company changed his contract about 2 years ago so he became office-based. He worked about 20 miles away from home, but had a huge fight with traffic in both directions which made his commute pretty arduous. He has just started a new job with much more flexible working conditions. He's now working slightly further away from home (directly across a river from his previous office, but getting across the river adds quite a lot), but can head in late and leave early to miss traffic (he can work remotely, so can start/finish his working day at home) and he is already much happier, 3 weeks in! I actually work slightly further away than him, but because I work shifts I very rarely hit rush hour traffic and don't find the 30min commute arduous at all (in my job living in a different area to where I work has it's own advantages).

Hubby and I went away for a couple of days this weekend. It was lovely to have some time off work together (first time this year!) and just chill out. I managed a VERY short swim in the hotel pool, and then an easy turbo session on Monday evening. That's counting as a good week of training for me at the moment... In other news, I had an early scan on Monday, which showed my very own little grain of rice with a tiny fluttering heart beat. Everything is as it should be at this stage, so fingers crossed it'll stay that way.
2014-01-23 9:45 AM
in reply to: juniperjen

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Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
did my first run at anything over zone 1 since before IMWI 2012 6 km tempo run on the treadmill as J napped. He woke up just as I was cooling down.

1 mile warm up
2 miles tempo
0.75 miles cool down.

Sleeping is slowly getting better although J has figured out how to roll from back to belly but can't get back, so I have to go in to his room to roll him back onto his back. We will be doing a lot of tummy time over the next few days to help him figure it out. He has decided that he like sleeping on his side and then accidentally rolls onto his front. He doesn't like being on his tummy so it wakes him up.

I'm heading into the City today to have lunch with my mentor. We'll be chatting about ways to make returning to work work for our family. we'll be talking about potentially moving, but also working from home and part time work. I'm an Environmental Engineer at a consulting company, so work can be pretty demanding at times.
2014-01-23 10:37 AM
in reply to: Daffodil

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Cleveland OH
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
No Workouts since Sunday, Going out of town today for work till saturday, so going to be a run fest these next few days, Running tonight with a couple guys I work with but are in different regions. Then will run Fri Morn before the meetings start. Maybe Sat too before I head home.

Mon-Wed no time to work out at all. I could have gotten up earlier but I need sleep too. since I drive for work I feel I need to stay alive.


2014-01-24 9:21 AM
in reply to: smithat05

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Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Good morning,
Took yesterday off and got in about 1200 yards swimming this morning. I was really hoping to get at least a run in this weekend (maybe even a brick) but the outside temperature is just too cold. I think the highs have been under 15 degrees (f) not including the wind. Plus, everything is snow covered which is making things even more difficult.
In addition to standard tri-training, I want to run a 1/2 marathon in April and I've been missing out on the weekend long runs. It's a combination of child care responsibilities (DW and I split who gets DS at 7am on weekends) and the weather. I REALLY want to run a sub-2 hour 1/2 marathon this year.
2014-01-27 12:21 PM
in reply to: sethjk

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN

Hey guys, sorry i was MIA all week. I did have a good training week (because I have indoor equipment) and managed a slightly insane due to the cold long run yesterday. 

I hope everyone is well and keeping as warm as possible. 

So what's going on? What's on peoples' minds? Anything for discussion?


2014-01-27 12:30 PM
in reply to: juniperjen

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Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
You're a lot better than I am. I tried a post snowfall run yesterday morning and had to turn back after 1.7 miles (17 minutes). It was just soo cold, my hands and feet were losing feeling and the roads weren't plowed well which resulted in me turning my ankles several times. We only got 1-2 inches on Saturday so the plows didn't really do much.
I got some time in on the trainer this morning, though not nearly long enough. Going to try to get another session in tonight. Tomorrow morning I might attempt a run, but the temperature is supposed to plummet, again! I'm a winter person, but enough is enough- not typical NJ weather here

2014-01-28 2:20 PM
in reply to: juniperjen

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Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
I'm having a hard time getting in my training. So tired. So much snow. J still not sleeping or napping well. I could go do my workouts before going to bed but that makes it hard to me to fall asleep at night which doesn't help when I am getting up every 2-3 hours at night to nurse the little guy.
2014-01-28 5:47 PM
in reply to: juniperjen

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Calgary, Alberta
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Training is going pretty well for me- starting to feel like my self again and the pain from injury is subsiding.....finished my last paper so hoping add another double workout to the week. A new spin studio opened up not far away and it's pretty cool- has flashing lights to the music and stuff so it's pretty hopping! hahaha

Wondering, What kind of garmin does everyone use? If u use one? I have the Garmin 405cx and have hated it from day one....the bezel is so finicky and the battery does not last for anything over 2 hrs or more then a day not being used and the wireless download only works on occasion. I like that I can use it with my bike to show cadence/speed but that's about my bday is this weekend and hoping to get some $$ for a gift and plan to buy a new one....I like the one that you can swim/bike /run with it but heard the swimming gps is not very accurate......I bought my hubby the forerunner 10 which is great for it's value and simple easy to use but can't use it with the bike or swim.....

2014-01-28 6:03 PM
in reply to: rydergal

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Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Originally posted by rydergal

Training is going pretty well for me- starting to feel like my self again and the pain from injury is subsiding.....finished my last paper so hoping add another double workout to the week. A new spin studio opened up not far away and it's pretty cool- has flashing lights to the music and stuff so it's pretty hopping! hahaha

Wondering, What kind of garmin does everyone use? If u use one? I have the Garmin 405cx and have hated it from day one....the bezel is so finicky and the battery does not last for anything over 2 hrs or more then a day not being used and the wireless download only works on occasion. I like that I can use it with my bike to show cadence/speed but that's about my bday is this weekend and hoping to get some $$ for a gift and plan to buy a new one....I like the one that you can swim/bike /run with it but heard the swimming gps is not very accurate......I bought my hubby the forerunner 10 which is great for it's value and simple easy to use but can't use it with the bike or swim.....

I have a 310XT. I have mixed feelings about it. I'm not sure it is the most reliable, sometimes it doesn't turn on (freezes on the garmin start screen, will take up to 15 minutes and several restarts to get going. The first time it did this was half an hour before the start of IMWI.
2014-01-28 10:59 PM
in reply to: Daffodil

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Calgary, Alberta
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Originally posted by Daffodil

I'm having a hard time getting in my training. So tired. So much snow. J still not sleeping or napping well. I could go do my workouts before going to bed but that makes it hard to me to fall asleep at night which doesn't help when I am getting up every 2-3 hours at night to nurse the little guy.

ahhh sorry to hear the sleep still not going well....hopefully it will still get better...hoping you can start dropping some feeds at night too ....our weather is the pits too, just glad the days are getting longer. Take care of your self- lots of time to train!!!
2014-01-29 12:32 PM
in reply to: rydergal

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN

Originally posted by rydergal
Originally posted by Daffodil I'm having a hard time getting in my training. So tired. So much snow. J still not sleeping or napping well. I could go do my workouts before going to bed but that makes it hard to me to fall asleep at night which doesn't help when I am getting up every 2-3 hours at night to nurse the little guy.
ahhh sorry to hear the sleep still not going well....hopefully it will still get better...hoping you can start dropping some feeds at night too ....our weather is the pits too, just glad the days are getting longer. Take care of your self- lots of time to train!!!

x2 - it sucks but training isn't as important as getting rest.  It should get better with time but there's no predicting it with little ones ... 

and the weather really does suck.  Bleh.  Can winter be over yet.  

I keep joking that we're getting Winnipeg weather here in Toronto and i am quite happy to be a Toronto weenie.  Winnipeg can have it back! hahahaha!

2014-01-29 12:36 PM
in reply to: Daffodil

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN

Originally posted by Daffodil
Originally posted by rydergal Training is going pretty well for me- starting to feel like my self again and the pain from injury is subsiding.....finished my last paper so hoping add another double workout to the week. A new spin studio opened up not far away and it's pretty cool- has flashing lights to the music and stuff so it's pretty hopping! hahaha Wondering, What kind of garmin does everyone use? If u use one? I have the Garmin 405cx and have hated it from day one....the bezel is so finicky and the battery does not last for anything over 2 hrs or more then a day not being used and the wireless download only works on occasion. I like that I can use it with my bike to show cadence/speed but that's about my bday is this weekend and hoping to get some $$ for a gift and plan to buy a new one....I like the one that you can swim/bike /run with it but heard the swimming gps is not very accurate......I bought my hubby the forerunner 10 which is great for it's value and simple easy to use but can't use it with the bike or swim.....
I have a 310XT. I have mixed feelings about it. I'm not sure it is the most reliable, sometimes it doesn't turn on (freezes on the garmin start screen, will take up to 15 minutes and several restarts to get going. The first time it did this was half an hour before the start of IMWI.

I have the 310 as well - i don't have those issues.  The signal picks up pretty quick - much quicker than my old 305 and i use it as my bike computer too.  I love it. It lasted no problem all through the Ironman.  I did get the Garmin Swim for christmas so i can use it for my indoor swims.  Though if i were buying new and had the budget i would get the 910 because you can use it for indoor swimming and use the one device. 

That said, this is my second 310 - the first broke in the first (it just stopped picking up satellite signals) year and Garmin replaced it under warranty and it's been awesome since.

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