BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Team Trisuppo - OPEN Rss Feed  
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2014-02-02 11:05 PM
in reply to: JBacarella

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Gold Coast Australia.
Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
1 hr on the bike this morning at 5am. I was thinking about all the Sufferlandia finishers and thanked the gods I could ride the bike outside.

Matthew 2 2:39:48
Mitch 1 1:35:32
Jim 1 0:30:00
Kate 0 0:00:00
Gabe 2 3:00:29
Joe 2 2:53:27
Mark 2 3:32:00

2014-02-02 11:19 PM
in reply to: markz

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
Well, I'd like to update the chart, but we had like three feet of fresh powder and SBR just didn't make the list this weekend. Sat I had a great day alpine skiing and today I got in about an hour of Nordic and an hour or so of pretty serious tubing with my daughter. It was actually a pretty good workout post holing through three feet of fresh to get back to the hill each time.

I promise to start on the bike this week!
2014-02-03 2:05 AM
in reply to: Moonrocket

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Gold Coast Australia.
Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
Originally posted by Moonrocket

Well, I'd like to update the chart, but we had like three feet of fresh powder and SBR just didn't make the list this weekend. Sat I had a great day alpine skiing and today I got in about an hour of Nordic and an hour or so of pretty serious tubing with my daughter. It was actually a pretty good workout post holing through three feet of fresh to get back to the hill each time.

I promise to start on the bike this week!

This sounds just awesome!
2014-02-03 8:26 AM
in reply to: CorinaCis

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Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
Originally posted by CorinaCis

Can I join this group? I am beginning training for my first Sprint .....

Welcome aboard. Please post a bio in the format that the others did. Lots of great knowledge in this group. The best way to take advantage of it is to ask questions. Make sure you log you workouts in the Training Log that is part of
2014-02-03 8:27 AM
in reply to: jklosterman

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Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
Originally posted by jklosterman

I would like to join your group!

I am new to triathalons and have not done one yet, but have plenty of sprints and olys on my calendar for this year!
I consider myself a runner and have completed 3 marathons (Columbus, Flying Pig-Cincinnati and Chicago). I have also ran dozens of 1/2 marathons and did the KY Tough Mudder last year as well as a Century ride.
Swimming is not my favorite but I am trying to get in the water(pool) 1 or 2 times a week. I have a bike trainer and love to ride outside (I live in OH so not yet).
I am a very disiplined trainee and am working my plan like a champ, but.....really don't know what I am doing overall as it applies to a triathalon. I would love to have a place to get advice from others and to have people to share my journey. My husband thinks I'm a bit nuts and just nods his head.
My true goal is to figure this out and to do the HIM in Boise 2015!

Welcome aboard as well. please see the post above. Also, make sure you read through the 1st 5 pages of posts. That will get you up to speed on who the group members are, etc.
2014-02-03 8:30 AM
in reply to: markz

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Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
Yesterday - got my swim on for a short bit and closed out the day with a virtual climb of Mt. Diablo in the Bay Area (on my trainer in the basement). Actually ran for the first time in about a month this morning. Felt good. Wouldn't have forced myself to run after a hard effort on the bike last night if it weren't for this challenge.

Matthew 2 2:39:48
Mitch 3 2:48:32
Jim 1 0:30:00
Kate 0 0:00:00
Gabe 2 3:00:29
Joe 2 2:53:27
Mark 2 3:32:00

2014-02-03 4:27 PM
in reply to: trisuppo

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
Swim and run yesterday.

Matthew 4 3:49:10
Mitch 3 2:48:32
Jim 1 0:30:00
Kate 0 0:00:00
Gabe 2 3:00:29
Joe 2 2:53:27
Mark 2 3:32:00
2014-02-03 5:18 PM
in reply to: Matthews


Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
Did a small tri, or at least what my schedule would allow today. Swimming, Running on dreadmill and a Spin class all in a row! Not quite in order, but close enough. I also have no idea how to update your February competition stats. How do I do this?
2014-02-03 5:43 PM
in reply to: Matthews

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Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
50 minute MAF runch on the dreadmill

Matthew 4 3:49:10
Mitch 3 2:48:32
Jim 2 1:20:00
Kate 0 0:00:00
Gabe 2 3:00:29
Joe 2 2:53:27
Mark 2 3:32:00
2014-02-03 10:17 PM
in reply to: markz

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Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN

Originally posted by markz
Originally posted by Moonrocket Well, I'd like to update the chart, but we had like three feet of fresh powder and SBR just didn't make the list this weekend. Sat I had a great day alpine skiing and today I got in about an hour of Nordic and an hour or so of pretty serious tubing with my daughter. It was actually a pretty good workout post holing through three feet of fresh to get back to the hill each time. I promise to start on the bike this week!
This sounds just awesome!

X2, sounds way better than tri training, enjoy!

2014-02-03 10:25 PM
in reply to: JBacarella

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Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN

Today I did my first run (7 Mi) in 2 weeks after getting treated for my ITB knee injury and it was just slightly better.  So it seems like I will have to pick up running very slowly to try to get better.

Joe, thanks for the heads up with the Lehigh-Lafayette game and I need to be in NY in November for the NY Marathon, so I will see how long can I push a trip to see if I can make it to the game.

Mitch, I remember climbing Mt Diablo when I was living in SF long time ago.  How was it on the trainer? 

Matthew 4 3:49:10 
Mitch 3 2:48:32 
Jim 2 1:20:00 
Kate 0 0:00:00 
Gabe 3 4:04:30
Joe 2 2:53:27 
Mark 2 3:32:00

2014-02-04 7:56 AM
in reply to: jklosterman

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Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
Originally posted by jklosterman

Did a small tri, or at least what my schedule would allow today. Swimming, Running on dreadmill and a Spin class all in a row! Not quite in order, but close enough. I also have no idea how to update your February competition stats. How do I do this?

February challenge is as follows:

1 point maximum per day achieved from at least 30 minutes of Swim, Bike, or Run. We are also allowing cross country skiing (for our friends stuck with all the snow). Tie breaker is total minutes of Swim, Bike, or Run achieved through the month. The tally board consists of a name, points, and minutes. Add your name if you want to play. Tally up the # of points you have achieved so far and your total minutes (formatted as hours:minutes:seconds).
2014-02-04 8:30 AM
in reply to: sirgab

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Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
70 Minutes on drainer during FTP intervals.

Gabe: The Mt. Diablo experience was interesting. The ride didn't have a video so I felt a bit disconnected from the actual events. My garmin was showing actual speed from my wheel sensor. Then on my iPad it was showing virtual speed based on my power output. The app consistently showed me the upcoming grade so I knew if it was going to result in faster or slower speed. I basically did a 30 minute TT and pedaled at a consistent-ish power level. I think the experience would be better if I had a Kickr or similar trainer where the ap would control the resistance level. Then I think I would really feel the climb. Instead, I ended up seeing how I virtually compared against people who have actually climbed the mountain.

Matthew 4 3:49:10
Mitch 4 3:59:10
Jim 2 1:20:00
Kate 0 0:00:00
Gabe 3 4:04:30
Joe 2 2:53:27
Mark 2 3:32:00
2014-02-04 1:11 PM
in reply to: trisuppo

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Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
54:05 on the drainer "There is no Try"

Matthew 4 3:49:10
Mitch 4 3:59:10
Jim 3 2:14:05
Kate 0 0:00:00
Gabe 3 4:04:30
Joe 2 2:53:27
Mark 2 3:32:00
2014-02-04 2:16 PM
in reply to: trisuppo


Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
Hi - I'd like to join the group, if possible.

Name: Mike

Story: Originally from Philadelphia, I live/work in the metro DC area. . I'm coming off a 15-20 self-imposed hiatus from exerise and bad eating. I'm looking to lose 60 lbs (currently 5'7, 220lb, looking to drop to 160 lbs). Have a bad habit of starting/stopping with exercise. I've declared 2014 the year that I will become a new me. I completed 2 5Ks last year following Jeff Galloway's run/walk method. I bought a bike and rode several areas trails with the family. Looking to continue to build and grow! I just turned 45 in January and set a goal to complete at least 1 Sprint triathlon.

Family: Married for 21 years. We have 3 children (19, 17, 12) - 2 girls and boy. All are active in sports - volleyball, Kung Fu, and basketball. Looking to be an example for my family.

Training: I bought a book from Joe Friel (Your First Triathlon) and plan to follow his 12 week training plan. I purchased a pool membership at the local community college where I can swim. Will run on alternate days and plan to lift weights and maybe do yoga once a week. I also bought a jump rope to build cardio endurance. I also have a bike as I mentioned above.

Races: Last year I did a couple of 5 Ks. My wife and I did a Valentine's Day 5K called "Love the Run Your With". We enjoyed it. My goals for races this year include 5Ks, 10Ks, Half Marathon, and a couple of Sprint Marathons.

Why I make a good mentee: I am willing to put in the necessary work to meet my goals. I've put excuses behind me and want to learn as much as possible. I'm hoping that my successful efforts would be encouraging to others who, like me, have daydreamed about racing and training and spent money buying equipment that never really got used because we allowed excuses, schedules, weather, and fear to keep us from being and doing our best.
2014-02-04 2:50 PM
in reply to: 0

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Gold Coast Australia.
Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
1 hr run yesterday after work. This was no fun, 30 c made it hard. I always run 'out and back', this way I can't cut it short. Yesterday I wished I had a helicopter to bring me back.

Matthew 4 3:49:10
Mitch 4 3:59:10
Jim 2 1:20:00
Kate 0 0:00:00
Gabe 3 4:04:30
Joe 2 2:53:27
Mark 3 4:32:00

Hey Mike, start logging your workouts here, it's a great help. Welcome to the group!

Edited by markz 2014-02-04 2:55 PM

2014-02-04 4:33 PM
in reply to: trisuppo

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
Swim and ride yesterday. Magic day to swim Max of 37c so nice and warm. As Mark said a challenge to try and run. Still 32c at 5pm when i went out the door so only a 35min run.

Matthew 6 4:59:10
Mitch 4 3:59:10
Jim 2 1:20:00
Kate 0 0:00:00
Gabe 3 4:04:30
Joe 2 2:53:27
Mark 3 4:32:00
2014-02-04 7:24 PM
in reply to: Matthews


Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
7 miles of speed work on the TM. Very proud of my pace and really trying to mentally toughen up! All signed up for the Bluegrass 1/2 in Louisville and Martian 1/2 in MI. I think someone else said they were doing that race?
I have a history of PF, so tri training is very good for me to back off some of the running. Not having any serious issues so far this training cycle.
Ice storm this evening, so trainer tomorrow, BLAH!

Matthew 6 4:59:10
Mitch 4 3:59:10
Jim 2 1:20:00
Kate 0 0:00:00
Gabe 3 4:04:30
Joe 2 2:53:27
Mark 3 4:32:00
Jennifer 3 4:35:00
2014-02-04 9:13 PM
in reply to: jklosterman

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Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
I got dropped.

Matthew 6 4:59:10
Mitch 4 3:59:10
Jim 3 2:14:05
Kate 0 0:00:00
Gabe 3 4:04:30
Joe 2 2:53:27
Mark 3 4:32:00
Jennifer 3 4:35:00
2014-02-04 9:57 PM
in reply to: JBacarella

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Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN

Welcome to the new members!

Today a 3000m swim at lunch

Matthew 6 4:59:10 
Mitch 4 3:59:10 
Jim 3 2:14:05 
Kate 0 0:00:00 
Gabe 4 4:59:53 
Joe 2 2:53:27 
Mark 3 4:32:00 
Jennifer 3 4:35:00

2014-02-05 1:44 AM
in reply to: sirgab

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
Good Job Gabe. My lunch breaks aren't long enough to do much over 2000m. Either i need to start having longer lunch or swim faster.

2014-02-05 8:06 AM
in reply to: jklosterman

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Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
Originally posted by jklosterman

7 miles of speed work on the TM. Very proud of my pace and really trying to mentally toughen up! All signed up for the Bluegrass 1/2 in Louisville and Martian 1/2 in MI. I think someone else said they were doing that race?
I have a history of PF, so tri training is very good for me to back off some of the running. Not having any serious issues so far this training cycle.
Ice storm this evening, so trainer tomorrow, BLAH!

Matthew 6 4:59:10
Mitch 4 3:59:10
Jim 2 1:20:00
Kate 0 0:00:00
Gabe 3 4:04:30
Joe 2 2:53:27
Mark 3 4:32:00
Jennifer 3 4:35:00

I've done the Martian half the last 2 years. Probably not this year. Been bike focused and just starting to run again and the weather here really sucks this winter.
2014-02-05 8:08 AM
in reply to: trisuppo

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Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
FEBRUARY CHALLENGE REMINDER - Max points per day is 1. A swim followed by a bike is still one point. Thanks!
2014-02-05 12:41 PM
in reply to: sirgab

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Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
5.37 mile runch 50 minutes

Matthew 6 4:59:10
Mitch 4 3:59:10
Jim 4 3:04:05
Kate 0 0:00:00
Gabe 4 4:59:53
Joe 2 2:53:27
Mark 3 4:32:00
Jennifer 3 4:35:00
2014-02-05 2:25 PM
in reply to: 0

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
Ooh- I just saw where I can count my cross country skiing!!! I have a point. I even got on the bike yesterday- but didn't make it 30 minutes as I have a really sore hip flexor that needs a slow start every season. I also saw a PT about it and got a program to help it out this year- which is already making me feel better. I guess my hips were really misaligned - too much carrying around a pre-schooler on one hip.

Matthew 6 4:59:10
Mitch 4 3:59:10
Jim 4 3:04:05
Kate 1 0:56:00
Gabe 4 4:59:53
Joe 2 2:53:27
Mark 3 4:32:00
Jennifer 3 4:35:00

Edited by Moonrocket 2014-02-05 2:26 PM
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BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Team Trisuppo - OPEN Rss Feed  
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