BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Beer Drinkers' Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2020 Version - ALWAYS OPEN Rss Feed  
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2020-01-15 10:54 AM
in reply to: nicole14e

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brummie land
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers' Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2020 Version - ALWAYS OPEN

Managed my ride, but the route was blocked off and ended up doing a detour. Accidentally did 9.5 miles of an 8 mile route - lol! I do not have a bike computer on my hybrid so had to do a detour then finish off the planned part to ensure I hit the eight miles. Aside from some idiot dog owners not using leads on their pooches it went ok. 

How is everyone else getting on?


@gretchen - good thinking on keeping the missus happy!

@nicole - sensible setting a more realistic yoga target. I initially wanted to do arms 3 x a week but with bringing the commuting back in I am easing in slower. I'd rather feel successful! 

2020-01-15 11:43 AM
in reply to: jmhpsu93

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers' Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2020 Version - ALWAYS OPEN
Hey Everyone! I have never been in a mentor program before, so I am hoping to join to get some advice and tips

NAME: Ally (FishinPA)

LOCATION: outside of Harrisburg, PA

EXPERIENCE: I played field hockey, swam and ran track in high school, continued swimming and playing field hockey in college and currently I play on an adult field hockey team and do triathlons. I did my first Oly in 2012, but then life happened- now a marriage and 2 kids later, I am getting back into triathlons. I started training last February and did 3 sprint tri's in 2019.

FAMILY: Husband and 2 kids (3 and 5)

TRAINING: Last year I did a lot of cycling, some running and a very small amount of swimming from February through September. I then started training for a half marathon in December, so really upped my running after September. The run is my weakest sport of the three so I am hoping that the extra running for the half marathon will help me in 2020.

Since last year was my first year getting back in the swing of things, I focused most of my efforts on the bike/run and did not focus at all on swimming, as that is my strong sport (I probably swam less than 10k yards all year). Also, growing up as a competitive swimmer from the time I was 8 until I was done with college, I still feel semi burnt out (over 10 years later- geez) and it is really hard for me to get motivated to swim.

Overall, I had a great season in 2019 and met my goals, but I feel like I am missing something...I make up my own workouts/training, no fancy watch, no indoor trainer, no other equipment (power meter, HRM, etc). The only app that I use is Strava and I still have to run with my phone in my hand. lol. I feel like am biking and running with no real focus, so I am hoping to get some advice to move forward and meet mt 2020 goals.

RACES for 2020:
- Half Marathon- OCMD Island to Island in May
- 2 sprint tri's- June and July
- My Goal is to do an Oly in Aug/Sept of this year (still looking for one that works) and then depending on how that goes a HIM in 2021 or 2022.


FAVORITE BEER (BONUS SECTION): Burley Oak- anything from their J.R.E.A.M Series

2020-01-15 12:23 PM
in reply to: FishinPA

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, Kronobergs lan
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers' Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2020 Version - ALWAYS OPEN
Welcome Ally
2020-01-15 1:10 PM
in reply to: Rollergirl

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers' Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2020 Version - ALWAYS OPEN
Welcome Ally!

I'm going to ask you a question that might seem weird. Did you go to Cumberland Valley HS? All your details (and even the way you spell your name) sound like someone who was on my 4x800 team in HS (with Jen and Melissa). Which would be crazy. If it's you, omg HIIII!

As for holding your phone while you run, you should buy a little belt or arm strap! I have something kind of like this (¤cy=USD&gclid=Cj0KCQiAjfvwBRCkARIsAIqSWlOKRZDuHKENcykRAJtaYt4IRWmMY8oAlXEI7cM7QnINz_R6IYOUQLUaAj5OEALw_wcB) that I found at Marshall's and it works great! That's about as high tech as I get with my running these days.

2020-01-15 1:37 PM
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Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers' Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2020 Version - ALWAYS OPEN
Yes! It's me- Hi!! How are you? It has been forever!!!

I will need to look into that. I either hold my phone or put it in the waistband of my shorts, which is not usually a good spot and I probably look a little strange. lol

Edited by FishinPA 2020-01-15 1:38 PM
2020-01-15 2:09 PM
in reply to: #5264507

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers' Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2020 Version - ALWAYS OPEN
Welcome Ally!!

And...are you two kidding?!? Small world.

2020-01-15 4:16 PM
in reply to: #5265828

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers' Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2020 Version - ALWAYS OPEN
Hi all, welcome to a new year! I’m back and will get a bio up soon. Ran 4 yesterday and spin bike for an hour the day before.
2020-01-15 8:22 PM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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Auckland, North Island
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers' Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2020 Version - ALWAYS OPEN
Disaster last night.

On my evening run, about half a km till done, I stepped off the edge of the sidewalk, and managed to roll my left ankle (fortunately the other ankle to my usual injury, but still). It's not swollen up like a balloon, but there is definite bruising and swelling. And despite lots of RICE last night, noticeable (but not crippling) pain when walking the next day.

So it's 50 days till Ironman, and I've given myself an injury that could take up to 6 weeks to properly recover from.


I do have the option to defer till 2021, but I have to make that decision by Wednesday next week. Which unless my ankle is magically all good to go in 1 or 2 days, is not enough time to let it rest before making an informed decision.

So on one hand, I have had 6 months of good training, better than I had for my previous Ironman. But on the other, my diet has been crap and my weight is higher than it should be, and although 6 months is good... 18 would be better. I'm 50:50 between deferring, and pretending I'm not injured and trying to push on. I know I need to keep ramping up my training if I have any hope of finishing Ironman... Although I'm following the plan, I know my fitness today is not enough, I need those 4-5 big weeks coming up. So If I can't run for 6 weeks, I am likely stuffed.

So other than having a beer and feeling sorry for myself, anyone got any ideas?
2020-01-15 8:50 PM
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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers' Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2020 Version - ALWAYS OPEN
Welcome Ally- did your ears burn or something from the weird aligned energy in the universe that brought you here? BTW I swam in college in the mid 90s and still feel a little burned out.

Andrew- I would wait alternate heat and cold. I think after 24 hours you're supposed to mostly heat to improve blood flow- or that's what my PT told me.

But you're taking medical advice from and economist if you listen to this - I think you still have hope- I never give in til after 72 hours.

I will send some healing energy your way.

Edited by Moonrocket 2020-01-15 8:52 PM
2020-01-16 12:43 AM
in reply to: Moonrocket

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, Kronobergs lan
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers' Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2020 Version - ALWAYS OPEN
Sorry to hear about your ankle Andrew. I am twisting mine quite regularly but never bad enough that I can’t run. Hope this is the case for you.
One time I stepped in a pot hole while playing golf and could NOT put my foot on the floor the following night (got up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom and had to crawl there). Next morning, still painful but I could walk. Next day, nothing....

Wish you the same kind of recovery....
2020-01-16 12:16 PM
in reply to: FishinPA

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers' Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2020 Version - ALWAYS OPEN
Originally posted by FishinPA

Yes! It's me- Hi!! How are you? It has been forever!!!

I will need to look into that. I either hold my phone or put it in the waistband of my shorts, which is not usually a good spot and I probably look a little strange. lol

I'm well! How are you?! It really has been forever! Good to know you are back in the Harrisburg area. Maybe some weekend when I'm up there we can meet for a run

A little background for the rest of you, other than running track together in HS, we've actually known each other since Elementary School swim team. The not surprising part is that obviously we are both pretty athletic, and both swam and ran back in the day, so kind of makes sense that both of us have fallen into the tri-world.

2020-01-16 12:30 PM
in reply to: nicole14e

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers' Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2020 Version - ALWAYS OPEN
Andrew noooooo!

Definitely keep icing. You can do some heat too, but the icing will help with any swelling and inflammation.

As for this decision, it's definitely a big one. I personally would reach out to the IM people and see if you can get a little more time to make the decision. I know they say that's the last day, but they might make exceptions for something like that (I've also never done an IM so could be totally wrong).
If that doesn't work, just see how much better you feel by next Wednesday. I've definitely had sprains that took longer to heal, but those I could not walk on at all. If you're able to walk, it may just be ~two weeks of recovery until you can get back out there.

If you are going to do it but are worried about taking that much time off, you could try aqua jogging if it doesn't cause pain to your ankle. It's hella boring (maybe get waterproof headphones and play a podcast or audiobook? These were not options when I was in college), but shockingly close to running, just without the impact. Here's a little how to vid ( It can be done without equipment. The belt is definitely helpful, and then you just go back and forth in the deep end. If no belt, just make sure you stay as upright as possible.

If you decide to defer, that's okay too! Either way, you have plenty of time to get your diet/weight under control if you buckle down. Let us know what you decide!
2020-01-16 12:33 PM
in reply to: nicole14e

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers' Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2020 Version - ALWAYS OPEN
Slept in this morning, so am planning on hitting the gym after work to get a run on the dreadmill in. Actually it's pretty mild here, so I may also run outside. The only drawback is it's going to be dark when I get home, and as I'm sure you all know, Baltimore is not known for it's safe streets. I live in a pretty good area, and it should be pretty busy with foot traffic at that time so I may risk it.
2020-01-16 2:25 PM
in reply to: nicole14e

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers' Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2020 Version - ALWAYS OPEN
Andrew! That sucks. Sorry to hear about the ankle. Fingers crossed it feels better really soon!

Short run only for me today. I'm happy with the "rest" day. I was starting to feel a little worn down. Turns out well though, since I need the extra time for work. My email got compromised somehow and now I have spent hours on the phone with IT trying to get it figured out. Currently I'm locked out of both my email and the university network, which means I can't do anything!
2020-01-16 5:53 PM
in reply to: bulfrog

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brummie land
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers' Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2020 Version - ALWAYS OPEN

Good luck Andrew! Get well soon and hope the decision is as ok as possible.

2020-01-16 8:08 PM
in reply to: sappho96

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers' Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2020 Version - ALWAYS OPEN
Welcome Ally!

Andrew, that sucks! =( Hope it's not as bad as it feels.

I've got a big running weekend lined up, Saturday my wife and I are doing a 5k, then Sunday my tri club is doing a 10 mi run. I'm debating trying to get in a bike Saturday too. Anyone else have plans this weekend? (Doesn't have to be tri related)

2020-01-16 9:05 PM
in reply to: riles32807

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Auckland, North Island
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers' Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2020 Version - ALWAYS OPEN
Hi All,

Bad news, 3 days in, Ankle is still letting me know very clearly that something is not right.

Good news, I did my first open water swim in 3 years Thursday night at the local summer swim series. Was a real struggle to start with, the waves, the other swimmers, not having a wall to kick off every 25m... it was all a shock to the system. But, about 3-400m into the swim things started coming right, I found some sort of rhythm and started enjoying things. End result was 1000m in 21:35 (theoretical 1000m, 1045m on the garmin, so sighting was not brilliant), around 5-10sec/100m slower than I wanted, but happy with my fist time back in the ocean and was good for 42nd out of 80 on the night.

No matter what decision is made regarding deferral, I'm hoping to get back for a few more swims before the end of summer, I need the practice, and it is way more fun than the pool.

Have a good weekend everyone.
2020-01-17 8:17 AM
in reply to: bulfrog

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers' Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2020 Version - ALWAYS OPEN
That first OWS of the year is always kind of a stinker in my experience. Keep at it!

Morning workout with swim team. My stamina is coming back pretty quickly. Last week I thought I was going to die after 500yds and today I did 1900m pretty easily, if painfully s.l.o.w. Later today is a medium run, but I'm not sure when I'm going to fit that in. Scheduled for some "winter weather" this afternoon, so I'd like to not do it in the snow, but that means 10am at the absolute latest and I'm still drinking coffee over here (can't drink coffee or eat at least 2 hours before a run, lest I revisit the meal during the run!).
2020-01-17 2:46 PM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers' Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2020 Version - ALWAYS OPEN
Thanks for the warm welcome everyone!

I was down and out yesterday with a migraine and spent most of the day in bed...ugh!, but was able to get in a run Wednesday and today. I am headed to the beach this weekend and I am planning to run there at least once. I don't really have any exercise "goals" for January, just basically getting back in the swing of things after taking the end of November and all of December off. So i guess I guess if I had to make a goal currently it would be run 3x a week and start going to spin class towards the end of January (1x a week).

Nicole- I would love to go for a run sometime when you are home! I typically run alone, so it would be nice to have some company for once!


2020-01-18 7:35 AM
in reply to: FishinPA

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers' Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2020 Version - ALWAYS OPEN

Welcome, Ally.  You and Nicole win the "small world" award for this week.  That's just too funny.  Glad to have you - sorry about the migraines...those suck.

@Jen - welcome back!

@Andrew - OMG another ankle?  Hopefully will heal in a few days.  You could always plan on walking a bunch of the marathon, but if you were planning on running then maybe postponing until next year might not be a bad idea.  We won't hold it against you.    As for your first OWS, you seem to have the same reaction I have:  400 yards of WTF is going on and then remembering "hey, I've swam like a million yards over the past 7-8 years, this isn't that hard" and being fine after that.

As for me, I've harmmered out two really good weeks (will post stats once I'm on a real computer) and I'm seeing some real gains cycling.  I also had one good swim workout this week - like actually swimming hard - and it went really well considering my low volume over the last couple of weeks.  Another uptick in training stress this week with three long (90' +) rides plus more #&#^!! strengh training.


2020-01-18 11:36 AM
in reply to: #5264507

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers' Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2020 Version - ALWAYS OPEN
Short run today on what is a beautiful morning. We had cold and rain all day yesterday, but this morning the sun is out, the rain stopped, there was a gentle breeze, and the temp was 50F. It just felt so clean and new. I was so happy to be running this morning.

2020-01-18 1:47 PM
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brummie land
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers' Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2020 Version - ALWAYS OPEN

Originally posted by FishinPA Thanks for the warm welcome everyone! I was down and out yesterday with a migraine and spent most of the day in bed...ugh!, 


Having had a double whammy recently, I sympathise a LOT! Hope you continue to feel better! Also can you or Nicole explain - what is the 4 x 800 about? I thought relays were only ever 4 x 100 or 400: I confused!

Edited by sappho96 2020-01-18 1:48 PM
2020-01-18 7:47 PM
in reply to: sappho96

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers' Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2020 Version - ALWAYS OPEN

Originally posted by sappho96

Originally posted by FishinPA Thanks for the warm welcome everyone! I was down and out yesterday with a migraine and spent most of the day in bed...ugh!, 


Having had a double whammy recently, I sympathise a LOT! Hope you continue to feel better! Also can you or Nicole explain - what is the 4 x 800 about? I thought relays were only ever 4 x 100 or 400: I confused!

Yep.  Americans created relays for sprinters so we could win Olympic medals.  So the 4 x 800 exists (though I'm not sure that one is in the Olympics).  I once ran a 4 x 1600 in high school.  We took like 26 minutes.  We also had a triple jump relay too, which is absurd (and actually isn't as ridiculous as it sounds, you just add two jumpers' distances together).

Let's not even talk about all the crazy swim relays that exist now. 

2020-01-19 7:38 AM
in reply to: jmhpsu93

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brummie land
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers' Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2020 Version - ALWAYS OPEN

Originally posted by jmhpsu93

Yep.  Americans created relays for sprinters so we could win Olympic medals.  So the 4 x 800 exists (though I'm not sure that one is in the Olympics).  I once ran a 4 x 1600 in high school.  We took like 26 minutes.  We also had a triple jump relay too, which is absurd (and actually isn't as ridiculous as it sounds, you just add two jumpers' distances together).

Let's not even talk about all the crazy swim relays that exist now. 


They sound crazy! I do love a good mixed swim relay though. 


Btw @ andrew - could you maybe do an iron distance aquabike to get a feel for race day but protect your ankle?

2020-01-19 3:17 PM
in reply to: #5264507

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers' Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2020 Version - ALWAYS OPEN
Lovely 1:10 run around the seven lap per mile track. A little too cold outside for my blood! Sunday afternoon is my LEAST favorite time to go to my gym. It seems like everyone is completely oblivious to the fact that there are other people in the world. My favorite was the guy during his core work (i.e. laying on the ground) on the three lane track. People we having to detour around him and he was completely unaware of the hazard he was being (note: there are entire rooms at this gym where you can do floor based core work).
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