BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2022 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN Rss Feed  
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2022-03-18 8:24 AM
in reply to: nicole14e

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2022 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN

Hey, everyone.  Back in Baltimore for a couple of days before driving to Richmond for a wedding, then we're flying back down to Florida. 

We were in Hilton Head SC the last couple of weeks...the weather was terrible (cloudy, foggy) so no outdoor rides for me - hopefully Orlando will cooperate better. 

Good conversations on the evolution (demise?) of the forum communities, though I'm still on another one for a totally different subject and it's really active.  I think for BT the redesign in 2013 and the ban hammer that was being brought down on anyone who posted something that could have been considered "mean" (when in reality it was often what people needed to hear) is what killed the traffic.  One of the most active posters here on BT got banned so started a Facebook group and lots of BT users migrated there.  I can't stand FB groups - just too hard to navigate the site and the way threads are organized creates so many sub-discussions it's hard to keep up.  I'm old, though, so what do I know. 

Going to get in a treadmill session this morning before we fight Friday afternoon traffic. 

Hope everyone has a great weekend!

2022-03-20 12:06 PM
in reply to: nicole14e

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, Kronobergs lan
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2022 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Yeah, might be a bit too much Nicole, 2 races in 2 days, I know it would be for me anyway

I am afraid this week goes to Fat Nat. Started well with long mtb ride on Monday and intervals with my running group on Wednesday but I didn’t have time to train on Thursday evening and was too tired to do a morning workout and too lazy to do anything on Friday and today. Just did my slow 10k yesterday.

Oh well, better luck next week! I have a race actually on Sunday, a 10k. Time goal: 56 minutes (to beat last year’s best) but anything under 60 will be good enough.
2022-03-21 9:31 AM
in reply to: Rollergirl

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2022 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Originally posted by Rollergirl

Yeah, might be a bit too much Nicole, 2 races in 2 days, I know it would be for me anyway

I am afraid this week goes to Fat Nat. Started well with long mtb ride on Monday and intervals with my running group on Wednesday but I didn’t have time to train on Thursday evening and was too tired to do a morning workout and too lazy to do anything on Friday and today. Just did my slow 10k yesterday.

Oh well, better luck next week! I have a race actually on Sunday, a 10k. Time goal: 56 minutes (to beat last year’s best) but anything under 60 will be good enough.

Yeah I think with the right training I could make 2 races in 2 days work, but am also planning on playing a lot of volleyball and have some axe tournaments so don't want to spread myself thinner than I already have.

Don't stress about Fat Nat! Fit Nat will crush this week! Can't wait to hear how your 10k goes!
2022-03-21 9:33 AM
in reply to: nicole14e

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2022 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Mike, hope all the travel went okay and you had fun at the wedding!
2022-03-21 1:18 PM
in reply to: nicole14e

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2022 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
I had a pretty active and productive week or so since I last posted. Got in a few PZ rides, including an hour long one. Did a bike boot camp, some Tunde arms, another run (2 for the week), and played a bunch of volleyball Saturday and Sunday. It was a really nice weekend. I'm a bit worn out, but hoping to get to bed early tonight. I'm definitely a bit slow right now, but hoping to start running at least a little each day to get my legs ready for the ragnar-type race I have coming up in just a month. Wow. Just realized how soon it is so now I'm a little nervous haha.
2022-03-23 9:35 PM
in reply to: nicole14e

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Auckland, North Island
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2022 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Well last week was a disaster for me. I think a bit of fatuige has caught up with me. I ended up with only 1 short zwift rides, and 2 runs. Less than 2 1/2 hours for the week. Blah.

A more productive start to this week however, 3 evening spins on zwift, and although I struggle with the getting out of bed part, 1 early morning run. I'm very much looking forward to daylight savings time ending in 10 days, not only will it mean that the entire run isn't in darkness but the extra hour sleep in makes getting up early a lot easier. It's a good opportunity to re-kick start the pre work workouts.

Also, we have finally had some good news for covid. Although cases/hospitalizations/deaths, are all at all time highs for us. Dear leader has decreed that the rules can relax (the science have changed, nothing to do with 2 bad polls in a row). Specifically for me, from midnight tomorrow no crowd limits for out door events. So Sundays half Marathon is back to a mass start. Yay. Finally a race with some atmosphere.

Nicole, Nice job on a productive week. And signing up to a race. It's good to have goal races again.

Nathalie, sorry fit Nat didn't win last week... As I said above fit bullfrog didn't either. Hopefully they both do this week.

Mike, I agree totally about the ban hammer. Over moderation, and banning users who cause the slightest offence has killed many forums. Just look at the loosely moderated slow twitch for a comparison, far far more active. I've also seen the same thing in other sports, sailing for me (a sport that makes triathlon look affordable, but one I was much more competitive at in my younger days) Hope you're enjoying Florida.

2022-03-26 4:53 AM
in reply to: bulfrog

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, Kronobergs lan
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2022 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Good luck this weekend Andrew! It will be fun to have some atmosphere at a race!

Fit Nat is back this week, I am pleased to say.
3 rides
2 runs (one being a 10k race tomorrow)
1 strength

No swimming sadly as we are moving the clocks forward tonight and I an not getting up at 7 am for my Masters when 7am will feel like 6 am. I’ll try to go on my own on Monday afternoon instead.

Have a great weekend all!
2022-03-27 3:57 PM
in reply to: Rollergirl

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Auckland, North Island
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2022 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Good Job Fit Nat. Looks like a solid week.

My week was 4 zwift rides, 3 runs including the HM.

The race was much, much better. Mass starts are way better, and there were people around the whole race. Far less lonely than the last one. For the race, I changed my strategy. So far this summer I've been starting with a slow, easy run/walk strategy. To try and avoid the wheels falling off and becoming a death march. Better to start a bit slow and easy and maintain it, than go out to fast and crash ad burn. Unfortunately, lack of fitness combined with poor execution have lead to the wheels falling off and becoming a death march anyway.

This time, I decided to run as long as I could. Other than walking the aid stations, and up the few little climbs through the sand dunes. My target pace for the first 1/3rd was 8 min/km, and see how long I could hold on. Hopefully dropping to around 9/km towards the end.

Over all it went pretty well. Made it through the first 7km at 8:08/km pace. Kept negotiation with myself, lets just get 1 more km, then I can ease up. Km's 7-14 were at 8:11/km. So the internal negotiations had worked. From about km 16, fatuige was setting in. And I was slowing to around 9min/km. The self negotiations had changed to keep running till there's 5k to go, 4k to go etc. Then keep running till I can average 10min/km and stay under 3 hours.

At km 19, 3k to go, 2:29 on the clock, and going up hill then back into the sand dunes. Self negation broke down, and I walked for around a k and a half. Back on the road for the last few km, I run walked from one lamp post to the next, which got be back down to 9min/km. And to the finish in 2:58:40.

Comfortably by best race of the year. And first time under 3 hours since 2019. So although 3 hours is embarassingly slow, quite happy with my mornings work.

Last race of the summer, on the fastest course coming in in a fortnight.

(Omaha LR.jpg)

Omaha LR.jpg (241KB - 11 downloads)
2022-03-28 5:38 AM
in reply to: bulfrog

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2022 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN

What a beautiful race course, Andrew.  Wow.  Nice work on the race - pacing a half marathon is really difficult and it looks like you're figuring it out.  My last HM in 2014 I had a great first 10 miles then just crashed

Florida's been great so far...not a ton of training the past week because my daughter's been here on spring break, so we went to Universal a couple of times and we also had a couple days of rain.  I'll get back at it a little more this week and try to get in a 30-40 mile ride on Saturday if no rain.

Hope you all have a great week.

2022-03-28 8:46 AM
in reply to: jmhpsu93

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2022 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Had a pretty good week in terms of cycling. Got in 3 PZ rides (2 45 min, 1 60), and did a 30 minute bike boot camp. Didn't run at all. I kept planning on it, but then either work would get in the way or it would be raining. Need to get some in this week for sure.

Also did week 2 of the Tunde arm challenge and started week 3 yesterday.

Finally, I ordered some meals from a company called FitPrep Meals. They basically meal prep for you, so the food is fresh, without preservatives, and allegedly delicious. My friends have been using it. I know that's going to be what I need in order to lose some weight, but don't have time or motivation to meal prep myself, so I'm hoping this helps! I've been hovering around my heaviest weight ever for the last few months so need to get my diet in order.

2022-03-28 8:48 AM
in reply to: nicole14e

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2022 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Great pic, Andrew! And awesome work on the HM! Getting under 3 hours is great, even if you didn't feel great during the whole thing. Just two more weeks and you're going to crush your last race!

Nathalie, great job! Glad Fit Nat won the week! It's definitely an amazing feeling to come out of a week knowing you did what you needed to do.

2022-03-28 8:51 AM
in reply to: nicole14e

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2022 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Mike, at least you were probably walking a lot through Universal
2022-03-28 10:41 AM
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, Kronobergs lan
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2022 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Nice you had some nice family time Mike

Yeah Andrew, looking good and a solid race by the sound of it! Well done!

Let us know about those meals Nicole, sounds like a great way to eat well without spending too much time in the kitchen.

Yes, Fit Nat won last week and I even managed a swim today which was not a given. Not a big fan of the pool so dragging my arse there on my afternoon off was a challenge.

Did my 10k yesterday. Started well, the 1st 3km were at 5:40 pace, which is what I need to keep to reach my goal of 56min but it didn’t happen. Next 5 were at snail pace (between 6 and 6:20). Got myself together and managed the last 2 at 5:50min/km to reach plan B goal (under 60 min)

Have a great week all!

Edited by Rollergirl 2022-03-28 11:41 AM
2022-03-28 11:31 AM
in reply to: Rollergirl

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2022 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Good job, Nat! You might not have reached your main goal, but way to stay focused and still finish strong!
Your swim comment made me wonder, are you still doing the cold water dips, or did that go on hold after a certain temp was reached?

It is currently furiously snowing outside...doubt it will lay, but just gotta love the typical Maryland weather, where you never really know what season it actually is...
2022-03-28 11:47 AM
in reply to: 0

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, Kronobergs lan
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2022 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
thanks! 56 min was maybe a little ambitious so early in the season. Glad I managed B goal!

Oh yes, still dipping myself at least once a week. Had to break the ice a few times but now the temperature is going up (was about 0,5-1 celcius, now up to 6 or 7)

Tried swimming the other day with my wetsuit on but it was too cold on my neck and head so I ordered a balaclava type of neoprene hat and I'll try again.

The sooner I can do my swim workouts in the lake the better!

Edited by Rollergirl 2022-03-28 11:53 AM
2022-03-28 4:06 PM
in reply to: Rollergirl

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Auckland, North Island
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2022 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Thanks guys. Yes it is a beautiful course. If a bit slow with several kms on grass, and some more on sand. Apparently runners world USA magazine named this course as one of their bucket list races recently. So I guess you all need to stick it on your bucket list and come for a visit at some point...

Nathalie, congratulations on your race. Staying under 60 minutes is still an awesome achievement.

I've started my post race week well. Lunchtime swim (first time in the pool since HIM in January) and evening zwift Monday. And a short easy run with the dog this morning.

I'm already thinking ahead to next summers Tri season, and don't want to repeat the same mistakes as last time. So, I'm going to be making more of an effort to get to the pool at least once a week. Just to maintain some sort of limited fitness/feel for the water so I'm not starting at zero when it's time to ramp up in 6 months or so.

2022-03-30 6:55 AM
in reply to: bulfrog

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, Kronobergs lan
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2022 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Originally posted by bulfrog

Thanks guys. Yes it is a beautiful course. If a bit slow with several kms on grass, and some more on sand. Apparently runners world USA magazine named this course as one of their bucket list races recently. So I guess you all need to stick it on your bucket list and come for a visit at some point...

Nathalie, congratulations on your race. Staying under 60 minutes is still an awesome achievement.

I've started my post race week well. Lunchtime swim (first time in the pool since HIM in January) and evening zwift Monday. And a short easy run with the dog this morning.

I'm already thinking ahead to next summers Tri season, and don't want to repeat the same mistakes as last time. So, I'm going to be making more of an effort to get to the pool at least once a week. Just to maintain some sort of limited fitness/feel for the water so I'm not starting at zero when it's time to ramp up in 6 months or so.

Can we say with you when we all come and run this race?

Yes, I agree about the swim fitness, that's why I drag myself to the pool on my afternoon of work or on Sunday mornings.

2022-03-30 7:54 AM
in reply to: Rollergirl

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2022 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Originally posted by Rollergirl

Originally posted by bulfrog

Thanks guys. Yes it is a beautiful course. If a bit slow with several kms on grass, and some more on sand. Apparently runners world USA magazine named this course as one of their bucket list races recently. So I guess you all need to stick it on your bucket list and come for a visit at some point...

Nathalie, congratulations on your race. Staying under 60 minutes is still an awesome achievement.

I've started my post race week well. Lunchtime swim (first time in the pool since HIM in January) and evening zwift Monday. And a short easy run with the dog this morning.

I'm already thinking ahead to next summers Tri season, and don't want to repeat the same mistakes as last time. So, I'm going to be making more of an effort to get to the pool at least once a week. Just to maintain some sort of limited fitness/feel for the water so I'm not starting at zero when it's time to ramp up in 6 months or so.

Can we say with you when we all come and run this race?

Yes, I agree about the swim fitness, that's why I drag myself to the pool on my afternoon of work or on Sunday mornings.

It's officially added Nathalie, maybe we meet in NZ in the next year or two?!
2022-03-30 7:58 AM
in reply to: Rollergirl

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2022 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Originally posted by Rollergirl

Oh yes, still dipping myself at least once a week. Had to break the ice a few times but now the temperature is going up (was about 0,5-1 celcius, now up to 6 or 7)

I literally shivered just thinking about that haha but glad you are keeping up with them and still feeling good!
2022-03-30 8:01 AM
in reply to: nicole14e

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2022 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Got 2 45 minute PZ rides in so far this week, Monday and this morning. Mondays was mostly zones 4 and 5 and today was 3 and 4. Felt good on both. Did some strength work after, and I've done week 3 of the arm challenge I'm doing, but might do a 4th session of it on Friday.

It's been pretty frigid and windy so I still haven't run, but it's supposed to warm up a little later in the week.
2022-03-30 7:36 PM
in reply to: nicole14e

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Auckland, North Island
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2022 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Nathalie/Nicole, I'll probably have to run it past Mrs Bullfrog before I commit to 2 foreign ladies coming to stay. lol.

2022-03-31 9:36 AM
in reply to: bulfrog

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2022 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Originally posted by bulfrog

Nathalie/Nicole, I'll probably have to run it past Mrs Bullfrog before I commit to 2 foreign ladies coming to stay. lol.

Haha! We can get an airbnb
2022-04-04 5:11 AM
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, Kronobergs lan
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2022 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Happy new week!

I think I'll count last week as a draw in the Fat Nat vs fit Nat battle.

Managed 6 workouts but they were not exactly hard or challenging and I ate and drank far too much:

Work thing on Wednesday
Dinner party on Saturday
Went to hockey brunch yesterday. I should almost count this as a workout. It's the quarter finals in the Swedish Hockey League playoffs. The game lasted 90 minutes. 90 minutes of shouting and jumping with a high pulse (and drinking and eating). (Sadly my team lost and are now trailing 2 games to 0.)

1 x swim (2500m of 100s)
1 x ride (15k mtb work commute)
3 x runs slow 10k, slower 5k and half arsed intervalls on my own
1 x strength

Will try to get back on track this week.

how you're all doing?

Edited by Rollergirl 2022-04-04 5:12 AM
2022-04-04 7:58 AM
in reply to: Rollergirl

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2022 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Nathalie I had a similar week. I started off the week strong, but Thursday and Friday were a waste. Saturday I played football. Got a 75 minute PZ ride in yesterday morning, and did some Tunde arms. Got another 45 min PZ ride in this morning as well.

Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend and a great start to their week!
2022-04-04 4:43 PM
in reply to: nicole14e

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Auckland, North Island
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2022 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Nathalie and Nicole, good job on getting some work in.

I'm also going to say I had a mixed week.

1 x swim (first since my 70.3 in January)
5 x Zwift rides in the evenings
2 x Run (should have been more, but daylight savings changes mean Miss 1 is waking up what is now an hour earlier, right in run time)

So 8 workouts over 7 days, nice frequency. But all short and easyish. Only 3 1/2 hours total.

This week is the final race of the Half Marathon series. So I won't be pushing too hard during the week to avoid having trashed legs on race day. Looking forward to getting past this race, and doing a more sensible training block where I can focus on improvement rather than surviving Half Marathons.

Have a good week team
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