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2007-02-08 9:44 PM
in reply to: #682080

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Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
How did you do on your January training goals?

I did very well. I was a couple of weeks ahead for marathon training which allowed me to go to OBC without too much worry about training.
My swimming has improved thanks to having a gym with a lap pool now.
My APFT is still sub-par to me.

What are your goals for February?
Knock 30 seconds off my 2 mile run
Start cycling at least once a week
Maintain lifting routine of 3 days a week

When do you start your training plan for your race season? What plan are you using?
Marathon training is on hold for now. It happens that the day of the marathon is the one day I won't be covered by insurance, so I've officically canceled. So, now my next scheduled event is the Army 10 miler in Oct which will fit in well for a training run for the Marine Corp Marathon at the end of the month. I'm going to look for a couple of Tri's earlier in the season, then schedule training.

2007-02-09 8:58 AM
in reply to: #635251

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Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!

Good morning whizzz!!

Thank you for the invite to join you guys so late in the game.  A little about me:

I was not active in sports in HS because I was a band geek.  Hubby started training for some high adventure mountain hiking in 2004.  After he got back from Philmont he decided that he needed something else to motivate him to train so tri's were it.  I was his personal cheerleader.  Last year I signed up the family to train for a 4 mile run.  I figured the boys and McFuzz were allr eady in ggod shape and I wasn't that far off.  Little did I know how far off I was.  I couldn't even run a 1/4 mile without gasping for air!  I worked hard at overcoming this little problem and ran my first 5k in May of 2006.  I did complete the race that we originally trained for (4miles) and kept going.  I raced the rest of the year while McFuzz ramped up his competitions.  About August I decided that I should really try to do something else.

I wanted to lose weight and it just wasn't coming off as fast as I would have liked it to.  Joined BT and thought I was good to go  It wasn't until January of this year that I got a training plan and have stuck to it. 

I have signed up for a indoor tri in late March just to see how my training is going. I plan on still running 5K's (already did one in late Jan--with a PR and a medal in AG).  My committed to tri is in late July.  I am signed up to be a volunteer at Steelhead and NcFuzz is leaning towards competing again.

I have 4 children (5 if you include McFuzz).  One is away in college and I am a full-time student at the local university working on my secondary ed/English degree with a projected grad date of Dec., 2008. 

2007-02-09 12:01 PM
in reply to: #635251

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Silver member
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!

Hey guys!

BAMBAM66 was displaced as her Mentor had to give up Mentoring. I've invited her to join us because I really think she could benefit from all of our collective motivation, insight and support.

Please add her to your "Friends" list in your log and check in on her often. Stop by her log to say hello, too.

I will add her as a link in my log as well, as soon as I'm out of my work meeting.

Hooray for Beth!

2007-02-09 4:48 PM
in reply to: #684993

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Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
Welcome to the group BamBam
2007-02-10 10:54 AM
in reply to: #635251

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McFarland, WI
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
Good Morning Everyone!

How is your training weekend shaping up? What do you have planned?

Tribadger is biking and swimming and so am I. I will have to double up again tomorrow with a run and a swim. I may just be able to run outside tomorrow, temps may get into the low 20s--a heat wave.

Whizzzzz--update us on your gait analysis when you have the time.

I do have a question. Has anyone used Tissue Rejuvenator from Hammer nutrition? I have had two older triathletes suggest supplementing with GC/MSM which are the main ingredients in the tissue rejuvenator caps. They both claim I will notice the difference in my joints in a couple of months. Hammer Nutrition products also seem to have a great reputation in the triathlon world.

Have a great weekend everyone!
2007-02-10 1:58 PM
in reply to: #635251

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Silver member
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!

Hi guys,


Had the gait analysis done... mostly on the treadmill, a little running outside. He took video of me and will need to look at it and do something with it on the computer. Then I go back in 2 weeks and get the CD rom with all the suggestions. He will also recommend drills based on whatever he finds when he does the computer thing.

So right now, I don't have alot of updates...he did say I need to work on picking up my cadence and to stop running with heavy feet... fastfeet, fastfeet... Cadence should be considerably faster than what I'm currently doing.

Also showed me some foot strengthening exercises because my arch is low. Am hoping to get out of my motion control shoes at some point and into something a little less cumbersome.

So that's that. And that was my workout for today. About 1.25 miles on the treadmill. Some of it walking, and some of it running faster than I've ever gone on a treadmill before... I think the setting was 7.8. And the grade was 2. I thought I might die... or at least fly off the back.


Tomorrow I will probably spin and swim. Maybe spin and lift. I don't know. Then Monday I start with my prescribed workouts. I can't wait. I'm craving structure. I feel willy nilly.

Lori: I've never used that Hammer stuff you are talking about. I have been told by several people to try Glucosamine/Chondroitin for my joints. I'm just really bad at taking vitamins. I am sporadic at best, and you have to get a steady stream of that stuff in your system before it really starts to take effect.  Couldn't hurt, might help! If you decide to use it, I'd be VERY interested to see how you think it works for you...

What's up with the rest of you this weekend? What have you got planned for workouts?  

Is anyone racing anytime soon? 5K? 10K? Indoor Triathlons?  Anything?

Have a great weekend!


2007-02-10 3:23 PM
in reply to: #635251

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Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!


January was good for me - had a serious month off the couch and increasing training duration and intensity steadily.  No serious weight loss but all my clothes fit better.

Feb is starting off poorly.    Neck/back clamped up for 4 days.  still a bit off but another trip to the chiro will set me better.   Then I travel again - to Fairbanks, AK.   Will push to work out - I have 10 full days there, so if I can get a serious work out 8 for those days, I will be happy.  the hotel appears to have more of a fitness center than the one in vancouver.

 this weekend - 2 good days at the gym is planned.   

Now, more to support me, my husband goes to the gym with me.  he does some jogging and then lifts weights.   He has visibly gained muscle and definition, has a 2-pack already....    how does it go so much faster for some!!??


2007-02-12 10:52 PM
in reply to: #635251

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McFarland, WI
Subject: Whizzzzz's Group -- Plan for the week?
What does everyone have planned this week?

We have a swim session with our coach on Friday. We haven't seen him since November--he was sick, we were sick, work conflicts, you name it. He did send us a DVD with video footage of our last lesson. Yikes, the truth hurts. You just don't look how you think you look! He also had us working with a tempo trainer. I really think it has helped with my stroke cadence but I have to be careful about getting sloppy with technique. The most laughable thing we did in our last lesson was trying to learn flip turns--I can't do a sommersault in the water without getting dizzy!

My week is shaping up with:
F-Swim lesson/run/weights

Quick update on the tissue rejuvenator--my local fleet feet gave me a free 120 capsule bottle to try and then report back on if it works. Pretty cool. I will start with a maintenance dose of 1-2 caps per day since I don't currently have joint pain.

Have a great week!
2007-02-12 11:52 PM
in reply to: #688854

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Walworth, WI
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Plan for the week?
My week lookis like this:

Mon - rest
Tue - run/swim
Wed - run
Thur - run/swim
Fri - run
Sat - run/swim
Sun - long run (10 mi)

This week (Mon-Sun) has a target of 30 mi run, 6 mi swim. Potential sacrifice is a 5 mile run on Saturday, depending on time availabilty. I've got 6 more weeks in the swim challenge target of 6 mi per week, then I will back off on some of the swim mileage. Most of the runs can be done on the tready (3-5 miles), but I really want to get outside for the longer runs. We'll see how the weather and road conditions hold up.

Hey Lori, is your local Fleet Feet on Old Sauk Rd? The Andersons are a great group to get involved with. If so, say hi to Matt A, Jessica A, and Ryan G for me (Todd Watters) next time you are in!
2007-02-13 8:53 PM
in reply to: #635251

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Walworth, WI
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
Hey all! I buddy of mine just lent me a trainer that he has not used for a while. Its a fan trainer that sounds like a turbo prop plane, and just as loud, but hey - free is free.

Got any workout suggestions? I'm not terribly creative (as evidenced by my swim sessions )
2007-02-13 9:06 PM
in reply to: #635251

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Silver member
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!

Hopefully one day my trainer will come back from the shop and I will be in the same boat as you!

Spinervals are supposed to be great training DVDs. I'm open to other suggestions too, because I'm going to be needing trainer workouts as well!  

You could browse through different people's logs and see what they've done, and lift a workout that works for what you're trying to accomplish in that particular session...

Same with swim workouts. If you need variety in your swim workouts, feel free to lift ANY or ALL of mine. I record each workout's sets in my log! FWIW. Laughing

How's the snow by you, Todd? 


2007-02-13 10:06 PM
in reply to: #635251

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McFarland, WI
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
Hi Todd,

I will second the Spinervals recommendation.

I started out with the Fitness Series (Ride Strong, Sweating Buckets) and have moved on to the Competition Series (aero base builders). The difficulty rating is pretty accurate. I also have Hillacious and the new Virtual Ride.

I used to watch Ironman DVDs and TV while doing some intervals--I get a much better workout using the Spinervals.

The Workouts in a Binder for Indoor Cyclists also has a lot of workout ideas. I have used a couple of those while watching TV.
2007-02-14 12:27 AM
in reply to: #689926

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Walworth, WI
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
We got about 3-4 inches and it is blowing like crazy. I'm craving an outdoor run, but every time it warms up, it snows. The roads should be clear by July at this pace. Oh well. Now I'm geared up for indoors in all three disciplines, so I can focus on playing outside with the kids instead of fighting the elements for a workout
2007-02-14 7:40 AM
in reply to: #635251

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Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
Not sure what my workout for today is supposed to be but with the kids home again it may be not much!!!  We got about 8 inches of the white stuff and lots of blowing and drifting.  McFuzz took the 16 y/o to drive in the gunk with MY van only to have it break down AGAIN (it was just in for repair 2 weeks ago--for the same thing).  Sooo---here it is V-Day and I don't have a card for hubby (I was going to do that yesterday) and no van to go anywhere to do anything anyway
2007-02-14 8:00 AM
in reply to: #635251

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Silver member
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!

You have no card, but a sweetie....I have no sweetie, but 2 cards! Dumpster is stuck in Washington DC. All flights out were canceled yesterday. May get home today, may not. He's trying to book himself on another flight. He was going to drive home, but decided against it.

Tricky one, that Mother Nature is....  


2007-02-16 9:19 AM
in reply to: #635251

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McFarland, WI
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
Update time.

What does everyone have planned for this weekend? Me:

Friday-Swim lesson, Biking, maybe some weights

Eric and I may go up to Sauk City this weekend to spot some Eagles. I don't know if they are still hanging out on the Wisconsin River by the power plant dam or not.

Another high priority will be selecting A, B, and C races for the season along with a Plan B. I won't be racing a lot--I much prefer training and the simple act of swimming, biking, and running over the anxiety and stress of racing.

Todd-Matt and Jessica Anderson own the Fleet Feet store. Absolutely great service and they remember you when you come in. I pay a little more for everything but I believe in supporting local businesses over shopping on the net. I will mention your name to them the next time I stop in.

Have a great weekend everyone!

2007-02-16 9:56 AM
in reply to: #635251

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Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!

I'm getting ready to go for a run on the dreadmill.  I'm going to try to get in some consistent workouts this weekend. This is the first time I have not made my planned goals  

Next week is full of tests and projects that are due so I know that I will need to make time for my workouts.  I find those are the times that I need them the most. 

2007-02-16 10:27 AM
in reply to: #635251

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Silver member
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!

Hi Everyone! Laughing

Got a long run tomorrow followed by some lifting.

Sunday will  be a trainer ride or spin class.

Since it's mid February already... how is everyone doing on their February goals so far? Any adjustments that need to be made? Any questions, comments?  

2007-02-16 1:08 PM
in reply to: #692735

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Walworth, WI
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
February is proceeding as planned. On target

Friday - 3 mile easy run
Saturday - 5 mile pace run, 2+ miles in the pool
Sunday - 10 mile easy run.

When they say 5 mile pace run - 10 minute warm up, does that mean that the "at pace" distance is actually 4 miles (assuming warmup is at 10:00 pace)? I may run a fair bit, I am still new to some of the terminology.
2007-02-16 7:38 PM
in reply to: #635251

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McFarland, WI
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
February started off a little rough with a couple of missed swim sessions--I can't afford to let that happen again.

Things are on target otherwise and I have been happy with the rest of my month. I will be ramping up the biking soon and modifying my weight training--substituting some new exercises to keep things fresh.

I decided running on the treadmill is better than no running at all. The heat wave comes next week--I can't wait to get outside and run.

Happy Training!

2007-02-17 2:59 PM
in reply to: #635251

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Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
Work has decided this site isn't work friendly - grr. Granted, I've never been at a place that is so liberal with internet access. I'm not suprized they are cracking down, but it's annoying since I'm use to mindless surfing during slow times.

I'm off to the Smokies tonight for a break in the mountains.
[edit: postponed to tommorow morning because I live in Tennessee where people think a dusting of snow is enough reason to shut down towns]

Edited by Episcopit 2007-02-17 4:08 PM

2007-02-17 3:59 PM
in reply to: #635251

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Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
I don't really set goals for each month other than to complete what is set in my training plan or to even surpass it.  This is the first time that I haven't even come close to the minutes planned.  Life certainly has a way of getting in the way.  I have an indoor tri the end of March that is sponsored by our tri club as a way to introduce people to the sport.  I'm signed up to compete in it just to see how my training is going in terms of a race.  I think I'm going to sign up for a 5K that is the day before that we ran last year (well, everybody else ran--our youngest had  had a fainting spell at school and they thoought it was heart related so I "ran" it puching him in a wheelchair).  I think the boys are wanting to signup for it as well.
2007-02-18 11:28 AM
in reply to: #635251

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McFarland, WI
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
Okay group, we need your help.

We are still trying to decide which HIM race to do--Lake Geneva in early September or Pigman in mid-August. I know some of you have done the LG HIM and I have also heard some good and some bad about the race logistics. I have only heard good things about Pigman's race organization but I am not sure I want to drive that far and stay overnight before the race.

Pigman has a very tough bike course and a run course without shade. If it is sunny and hot, it can be a miserable run.

Is the LG HIM course tough? I have heard about the killer hill on the run but what about the bike course?

We are working on our race schedule this weekend. Help us decide, your input will be very valuable!

2007-02-18 2:07 PM
in reply to: #694477

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Silver member
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!

I thought the bike course was nice... sort of rolling hills... nothing too steep... nothing too terrible... I train out there on those roads and I'm used to riding them.

The run does feature Frank's Killer Hill... which is pretty darn steep. There's also a rather awful incline toward the back end of the run... by George Williams College... you go back thru there... and wind up a hill... no one talks about that one... rough. You will do the run course twice, so if you hated it the first time, you will really hate it the second time!

Lake Geneva is usually pretty calm in the early AMs. However this past year it was REALLY choppy. Not sure why. Winds, probably.

The run course had plenty of shade, but it did have hills. The bike course has the opportunity for some shade too, I suppose... it has some minor rolling hills. The swim is usually quite nice, but last year it was choppy.

Now, about the RD... he's notoriously disorganized. Nothing starts on time and it's anyone's guess if the swim course is going to me measured correctly or not. 2 years ago, the swim was about HALF what it should have been... This past year, I think it might have been a bit long.

You do get a sweatshirt. I'm wearing mine right now, from 2003. I've done this race 3 times, all varying distances... It's a great venue... the RD leaves alot to be desired, and it's a little expensive.

I don't know anything about Pigman... Except that I've heard your shoes can melt to the asphalt there. Seriously. (!!)  



2007-02-18 11:36 PM
in reply to: #694477

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Walworth, WI
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
I've never done the Pigman, but I heard the same sort of things you listed.

I concur with Whizzzzz on LG. If you can get past the delayed starts and the guessing game on the distances, it is a nice course. The swim, regardless of the distance, is in nice clear water. Last year was my first year (Oly) and the water was a bit choppy (they pulled something like 50 people out of the lake with the safety patrol), but I didn't really have any problems. It was rough going out (eastbound), but the return trip was with the waves. The bike course does not have any killer climbs and is generally rolling hills. Last year it was a bit longer because of the road construction in Fontana, but that is complete now. The run leg is the bear. It is shady and pretty, just be sure that you have a fair amount of training on hills - both uphill and downhill. I think this is the HIM that I will do this year.

As I mentioned before, I live about 2 miles from the transition area. I haven't run on the run course much (I will this year!) but I do ride my bike on the steepest of the hills all the way around the lake. If you decide to do the LG tri, come on down a time or 2 and I will be glad to show you around!
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