BT Development Mentor Program Archives » SWBKRUN Mentor Group-"Off Season?" What is that?!! Rss Feed  
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2009-05-19 11:17 AM
in reply to: #2160709

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
TrevorC - 2009-05-19 11:05 AM Holly- Nice work. Like others have said, it took alot of guts to get back into that water and do it.  Regardless of time, you did it and that is by far the most important thing. Finishing!

I leave the office for a couple of hours and I miss the Spam? what spam I missed it. Was it some guy selling male enhancements??

Nope just this .... Canada    Instant mashed potatoes, who knew.

2009-05-19 11:22 AM
in reply to: #2160736

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
fattyfatfat - 2009-05-19 10:17 AM
TrevorC - 2009-05-19 11:05 AM Holly- Nice work. Like others have said, it took alot of guts to get back into that water and do it.  Regardless of time, you did it and that is by far the most important thing. Finishing!

I leave the office for a couple of hours and I miss the Spam? what spam I missed it. Was it some guy selling male enhancements??

Nope just this .... Canada    Instant mashed potatoes, who knew.

Mashed Potatoes,Zipper, and Jim Carrey.. Thats us. Off for a run.
2009-05-19 11:29 AM
in reply to: #2160709

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Frisco, TX
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!

TrevorC - 2009-05-19 11:05
I leave the office for a couple of hours and I miss the Spam? what spam I missed it. Was it some guy selling male enhancements??

You looking for a phone number or email address?

2009-05-19 11:48 AM
in reply to: #2071255

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Guelph, Ontario
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!

First half day on the new job and here I am again on BT. Actually lunch time and they have a facebook room for this kind of activity. I didn't get my bike ride in yesterday as felt crappy. Not sure if it was flu or nerves over having to work again   It's going to be weird getting my training set up now. It was so easy before I could go anytime. Now I leave at  6:00 am and don't get home till almost 7:00PM. Going to see if I can get an earlier shift and get home earlier.

Congrats to everyone who raced this past weekend. I trust everyone was happy with their results.

2009-05-19 12:20 PM
in reply to: #2160866

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
Way to go Holly, my first OWS I raised my hand to quit but they never saw me so I had to finish...

Can't believe I missed out on spam...
2009-05-19 12:38 PM
in reply to: #2160728

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
JHagerman - 2009-05-19 11:15 AM
TrevorC - 2009-05-19 12:05 PM
I leave the office for a couple of hours and I miss the Spam? what spam I missed it. Was it some guy selling male enhancements??

Taxi rides.  Tru, tru.

in Palos Verdes none the less.  Hysterical!!

2009-05-19 12:47 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Seymour, IN
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!

What an awesome bunch of races this weekend!  Much better than hanging out of my wife's family at an out of state wedding.

I need to get back on the wagon.  I would have yesterday, but had a tree issue.  Dead Pin Oak in the front yard.  Nursery called and our replacement was ready.  Neighbor agreed to bring his backhoe down so I couldn't pass on that - so training goes out the window.  BTW, before anyone gets on me about needing a backhoe, I plant big trees.  These two trees (the dead one and new one) are about 25 ft tall and have 6" trunks.

I do have to make one direct comment about Adam's 5k race report.  He said he would be happy with a 21-22 minute 5k.  The only hope I ever have of a 21 minute 5k is if he and I are doing a 5k relay and he runs both legs of it. 

Anyhow, sounds like everyone had an awesome weekend.

Edited by BigReub 2009-05-19 12:50 PM
2009-05-19 1:08 PM
in reply to: #2160774

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
ashort33 - 2009-05-19 10:29 AM

TrevorC - 2009-05-19 11:05
I leave the office for a couple of hours and I miss the Spam? what spam I missed it. Was it some guy selling male enhancements??

You looking for a phone number or email address?

Did you happen to notice if it ships to Canada?

Welcome back to the work world Rob. That does sound like a long day out there. driving the 401 to commmute I bet. Sounds like alot of fun to me!
2009-05-19 2:33 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Frisco, TX
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!

Hey Team Shi - any good news out there?  I am saving my 5K run for last so that I can post my PR!  I will hit the swimming and biking over the long weekend.


2009-05-19 2:36 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
Ok, ok removing the SP#M was my fault.  I sent a note to Marmadaddy.  And Trevor you can settle down, it was for steroids, not Viagra!

Today it is a beautiful 75F, but windy as hell again.  Guess who has another OWS class tonight?  I swear someone is trying to toughen me up or give me a nervous breakdown.

Tony--I have a contest question. Can we use 3.1m of a longer run or 12m of a longer bike and have it count?  I am not allowed to add any additional "CRAP"* into the carefully crafted plan.  If not, I am going to sideline myself as a cheerleader.  I'm fine either way. I can serve both roles admirably. 

* Note not my word.
2009-05-19 2:50 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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san francisco
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!

Hope everyone is hard at work

I am sitting at an open air internet cafe sipping on a pineapple iced tea reading about all of your awesome weekends...and trying to figure out the spam thing but oh well, it's slipped by me somehow.  Personally had a great weekend before leaving on vacation with a 9 mile run Sat morning and a 40 mile bike on Sunday.  Ran today along the beach and up to Diamond Head, omg it's beautiful, warm and breezy at 6 am!  Ran the last 3.1m of my run in 25 minutes, but I don't think I want to post that!  I'm going to wait til  later in the week, when I've acclimated to the heat here!

Holly, you did so great to stick with it and finish the swim.  I had a similar experience and it really was hard to get settled down for the bike, let alone the run!  Way to go and it only gets better with experience  

Have a great day, all!

Edited by kt65 2009-05-19 2:52 PM

2009-05-19 3:42 PM
in reply to: #2160438

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
HollyW - 2009-05-19 10:34 AM

I want to give a huge congrats to everyone who raced this weekend, way to go!!!!!

I finished my first oly distance race on Sunday and it was quite an experience.  I managed to get through the swim...just barely.  About 100 yards into the swim I had an all out panic attack & got fished out of the water by one of the boats. I sat there for a couple of minutes until I could catch my breath and went back in and finished my swim. I'm not sure what happened, I think I might have taken in a little bit of water & then freaked when I didn't have anything to grab a hold of.  I really had to talk myself back into the water.  Definately need to spend more time doing OWS!!!!!!!!!


The bike was tough for me. I was totally spent from suffering through my swim that I ended up having a really hard time with the hills on the bike. I'm very disappointed in my bike time.


Not my best run ever, but considering how tired I was I'll take it.  I did a few transition runs during my training but I need to do more.  During my run though, volunteers kept asking me if I was okay.  Which made me think to myself.....good god, do I look that bad????  After the race my husband told me that he overheard the official he was standing next to get on the radio and say watch out for #44 (which was me) because she looks like her calves are getting ready to lock up.  I had to laugh at that......and here I thought the run was the easiest part of the whole race.  Tongue out 

Overall I had a really great time.  The weather was perfect, the volunteers were fantastic and the other racers were really supportive.  This was a great learning experience for me.  Now I know what I need to work on.

Great job Holly!  Getting back in the water and finishing the whole race takes guts and a lot of mental strength.  Awesome..    
2009-05-19 3:57 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Pittsford, NY
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
Holly - Great job on the swim.  I've got my first tri coming up and I will keep you in mind for motivation in case things get tough out there.
2009-05-19 4:53 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
Suzy.... Just incorparate you 3.1miles from another like yesterdays puke fest (or was that today?).... I totally plan on just throwing speed work into my longer workouts (logged my swim from today as a matter of fact).... I also contacted Admin about that SP#M junk!!! ANNOYING!!

BigReub-- Weclome back!!
2009-05-19 9:42 PM
in reply to: #2161769

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
Yeah Suzy you can do whatever you want, if you run a long run and want to count the first 3.1 go for it.

Just back from a 30ish mile ride then my OWS lesson then Pizza and Beer with the VAMDDCBTTC (Virginia, Marlyand, DC, Beginner Triathlete Tri Club)  It's pretty cool to have so many from this area in the forums, we get together regularly.

1/2 price pitchers = Tony had a bit too much tonight...
2009-05-20 6:22 AM
in reply to: #2160309

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Pittsford, NY
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
dalessit - 2009-05-19 9:00 AM It's a few years old, I bought it used from ST,  Still in good condition, I should be getting my rental suit before May 30th since I wanted some time in it also, if I don't have any issues with the rental suit I could send mine up to you to use for the race, if it fits and you like it, great , if not no biggie just ship it back, if you just want to borrow it for the race and send it back to me that's ok also.

I'll let you know ASAP, I am renting my suit today from

Tracy, I looked at the place you said also, I was really looking to rent specifically a Desoto 2 piece wetsuit so thats why I went with

That would be great. 

2009-05-20 8:02 AM
in reply to: #2162494

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
I need to go through and fix the spreadsheets as they all seem to be formatting the times people are putting in as time i.e. 9:30am instead of 9 minutes 30 seconds.

I guess we need to maybe do the swim either in seconds or write in times such as 9.5 = 9:30,  Bike probably in Minutes and run also in minutes with the fraction being seconds.

Does that make sense, lol I am a bit foggy this am... Just can't handle my alcohol anymore and only had 3 or so beers last night, this healthy living is really hampering my infrequent ability to party...
2009-05-20 8:47 AM
in reply to: #2071255

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Small Town
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
Tony don't cut yourself because you got wasted off three beers... just say that they were 3 large micro brews that snuck up on you.

However, I did go for a local beer a few days ago (Oberon - Bells Brewery in Kalamazoo, MI - Highly recommended).  I haven't drank a real beer in months, I couldn't finish it.  Healthy living is sad.  Wine has been good and so has Disaronno.
2009-05-20 9:36 AM
in reply to: #2161470

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
kt65 - 2009-05-19 1:50 PM

Hope everyone is hard at work

I am sitting at an open air internet cafe sipping on a pineapple iced tea reading about all of your awesome weekends...and trying to figure out the spam thing but oh well, it's slipped by me somehow.  Personally had a great weekend before leaving on vacation with a 9 mile run Sat morning and a 40 mile bike on Sunday.  Ran today along the beach and up to Diamond Head, omg it's beautiful, warm and breezy at 6 am!  Ran the last 3.1m of my run in 25 minutes, but I don't think I want to post that!  I'm going to wait til  later in the week, when I've acclimated to the heat here!

Holly, you did so great to stick with it and finish the swim.  I had a similar experience and it really was hard to get settled down for the bike, let alone the run!  Way to go and it only gets better with experience  

Have a great day, all!

Hey Kim, if you don't want the 3.1 miles in 25 minutes I'd take it in a heartbeat!!
I'm amazed at the fact that you can run up Diamond Head....when we were there, it was psycho busy. You staying right in Waikiki? Enjoy the trip.
2009-05-20 9:41 AM
in reply to: #2162970

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
TrevorC - 2009-05-20 9:36 AM
kt65 - 2009-05-19 1:50 PM

Hope everyone is hard at work

I am sitting at an open air internet cafe sipping on a pineapple iced tea reading about all of your awesome weekends...and trying to figure out the spam thing but oh well, it's slipped by me somehow.  Personally had a great weekend before leaving on vacation with a 9 mile run Sat morning and a 40 mile bike on Sunday.  Ran today along the beach and up to Diamond Head, omg it's beautiful, warm and breezy at 6 am!  Ran the last 3.1m of my run in 25 minutes, but I don't think I want to post that!  I'm going to wait til  later in the week, when I've acclimated to the heat here!

Holly, you did so great to stick with it and finish the swim.  I had a similar experience and it really was hard to get settled down for the bike, let alone the run!  Way to go and it only gets better with experience  

Have a great day, all!

Hey Kim, if you don't want the 3.1 miles in 25 minutes I'd take it in a heartbeat!!
I'm amazed at the fact that you can run up Diamond Head....when we were there, it was psycho busy. You staying right in Waikiki? Enjoy the trip.

Hey Trevor

Diamond Head is on the Big Island.  Maybe you need to take a trip there to see it for yourself????
2009-05-20 9:45 AM
in reply to: #2162994

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
SSMinnow - 2009-05-20 8:41 AM
TrevorC - 2009-05-20 9:36 AM
kt65 - 2009-05-19 1:50 PM

Hope everyone is hard at work

I am sitting at an open air internet cafe sipping on a pineapple iced tea reading about all of your awesome weekends...and trying to figure out the spam thing but oh well, it's slipped by me somehow.  Personally had a great weekend before leaving on vacation with a 9 mile run Sat morning and a 40 mile bike on Sunday.  Ran today along the beach and up to Diamond Head, omg it's beautiful, warm and breezy at 6 am!  Ran the last 3.1m of my run in 25 minutes, but I don't think I want to post that!  I'm going to wait til  later in the week, when I've acclimated to the heat here!

Holly, you did so great to stick with it and finish the swim.  I had a similar experience and it really was hard to get settled down for the bike, let alone the run!  Way to go and it only gets better with experience  

Have a great day, all!

Hey Kim, if you don't want the 3.1 miles in 25 minutes I'd take it in a heartbeat!!
I'm amazed at the fact that you can run up Diamond Head....when we were there, it was psycho busy. You staying right in Waikiki? Enjoy the trip.

Hey Trevor

Diamond Head is on the Big Island.  Maybe you need to take a trip there to see it for yourself????

huh? Suzy...Diamond Head is on Oahu right just outside of Waikiki...Don't make me google it!!!

Edited by TrevorC 2009-05-20 9:46 AM

2009-05-20 9:47 AM
in reply to: #2163003

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
TrevorC - 2009-05-20 10:45 AM
SSMinnow - 2009-05-20 8:41 AM
TrevorC - 2009-05-20 9:36 AM
kt65 - 2009-05-19 1:50 PM

Hope everyone is hard at work

I am sitting at an open air internet cafe sipping on a pineapple iced tea reading about all of your awesome weekends...and trying to figure out the spam thing but oh well, it's slipped by me somehow.  Personally had a great weekend before leaving on vacation with a 9 mile run Sat morning and a 40 mile bike on Sunday.  Ran today along the beach and up to Diamond Head, omg it's beautiful, warm and breezy at 6 am!  Ran the last 3.1m of my run in 25 minutes, but I don't think I want to post that!  I'm going to wait til  later in the week, when I've acclimated to the heat here!

Holly, you did so great to stick with it and finish the swim.  I had a similar experience and it really was hard to get settled down for the bike, let alone the run!  Way to go and it only gets better with experience  

Have a great day, all!

Hey Kim, if you don't want the 3.1 miles in 25 minutes I'd take it in a heartbeat!!
I'm amazed at the fact that you can run up Diamond Head....when we were there, it was psycho busy. You staying right in Waikiki? Enjoy the trip.

Hey Trevor

Diamond Head is on the Big Island.  Maybe you need to take a trip there to see it for yourself????

huh? Suzy...Diamond Head is on Oahu right just outside of Waikiki...Don't make me google it!!!

Yep, that is where it was when I was last in HI, did they move id?
2009-05-20 9:58 AM
in reply to: #2071255

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Seymour, IN
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!

Kim, thanks for thinking of us little people while you're out there living the good lifeSmile

Tony, could you make the spreadsheets so that one column holds minutes and one holds seconds.  It would probably make the resulting math much easier in the end.

Jeremy, have you ever had a "Dirty Bastard" beer (it's a real beer)?  Good stuff, but will kick you in the teeth.

Steve, good to be back.  Had a great run last night.  I knew I had to run, but my daughter's softball game was going to interfere.  So I wore my running stuff to her game to run back.  Then her coach announces he is buying Dairy Queen for kids and parents.  I really had a dilemma now...  I met my wife and kids at home 40 minutes later - me sweaty and drinking a gatorade.  Them finishing their cones dipped in chocolate.  Made the run that much better knowing what I gave up for the sake of fitness.

2009-05-20 10:02 AM
in reply to: #2161105

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Guelph, Ontario
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!

TrevorC - 2009-05-19 2:08 PM
ashort33 - 2009-05-19 10:29 AM

TrevorC - 2009-05-19 11:05
I leave the office for a couple of hours and I miss the Spam? what spam I missed it. Was it some guy selling male enhancements??

You looking for a phone number or email address?

Did you happen to notice if it ships to Canada?

Welcome back to the work world Rob. That does sound like a long day out there. driving the 401 to commmute I bet. Sounds like alot of fun to me!

Actually driving part way and taking a train the balance. Not too bad. I wouldn't drive all the way into Toronto during rush hour. I might do some harm to somebody.

2009-05-20 10:03 AM
in reply to: #2071255

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
For those of you who love satire...this article had me in tears.
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BT Development Mentor Program Archives » SWBKRUN Mentor Group-"Off Season?" What is that?!! Rss Feed  
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