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2008-08-26 8:12 PM
in reply to: #1629164

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Olney, MD
Subject: RE: LaurenSU02's group - CLOSED!

owl_girl - 2008-08-26 1:34 PM Hi guys!  I've been in my own little world for awile.  Sorry about being AWOL.  I've got a good reason though.  I'm PREGNANT!!!!!!  Yippee!!!!  Eight weeks along!!!!  My little bonk a month ago was due to the fact that I was pregnant and didn't even know it yet.  Now it all makes sense.  My husband and I are still going to Mount Shasta this weekend.  He is still going to do the triathlon.  I'm going to keep tabs on the heat factor and make a decision on whether I'm going to do the race.  I'm still going to be running as much as possible and teaching my Spinning class.  I'm riding my bike outside until I'm forced to spin on the trainer.  I guess the pool is going to become my new best friend.  It's a day-by-day thing now.  Ta-ta for now!

YAAAYY!!   Congrats to you and your husband  


2008-08-27 7:34 AM
in reply to: #1629164

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Austin, Texas or Jupiter, Florida
Subject: RE: LaurenSU02's group - CLOSED!

owl_girl - 2008-08-26 1:34 PM Hi guys!  I've been in my own little world for awile.  Sorry about being AWOL.  I've got a good reason though.  I'm PREGNANT!!!!!!  Yippee!!!!  Eight weeks along!!!!  My little bonk a month ago was due to the fact that I was pregnant and didn't even know it yet.  Now it all makes sense.  My husband and I are still going to Mount Shasta this weekend.  He is still going to do the triathlon.  I'm going to keep tabs on the heat factor and make a decision on whether I'm going to do the race.  I'm still going to be running as much as possible and teaching my Spinning class.  I'm riding my bike outside until I'm forced to spin on the trainer.  I guess the pool is going to become my new best friend.  It's a day-by-day thing now.  Ta-ta for now!

Say goodbye to sleep!!! Congratulations! When I worked at the Raquetball and Nautilus Club near Traci's house in MD, I worked with a lady who taught water aerobics up-to the day before the baby was born.  She recovered so quickly too. 

8 weeks, So we'll find-out what you're having around Thanksgiving unless you decide not to find out.  How exciting.  Congratulations again!

2008-08-27 4:03 PM
in reply to: #1631451

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: LaurenSU02's group - CLOSED!
GomesBolt - 2008-08-27 5:34 AM

owl_girl - 2008-08-26 1:34 PM Hi guys!  I've been in my own little world for awile.  Sorry about being AWOL.  I've got a good reason though.  I'm PREGNANT!!!!!!  Yippee!!!!  Eight weeks along!!!!  My little bonk a month ago was due to the fact that I was pregnant and didn't even know it yet.  Now it all makes sense.  My husband and I are still going to Mount Shasta this weekend.  He is still going to do the triathlon.  I'm going to keep tabs on the heat factor and make a decision on whether I'm going to do the race.  I'm still going to be running as much as possible and teaching my Spinning class.  I'm riding my bike outside until I'm forced to spin on the trainer.  I guess the pool is going to become my new best friend.  It's a day-by-day thing now.  Ta-ta for now!

Say goodbye to sleep!!! Congratulations! When I worked at the Raquetball and Nautilus Club near Traci's house in MD, I worked with a lady who taught water aerobics up-to the day before the baby was born.  She recovered so quickly too. 

8 weeks, So we'll find-out what you're having around Thanksgiving unless you decide not to find out.  How exciting.  Congratulations again!

I'm sleeping so much right now.  I guess I better appreciate it while I can!   I had an early ultrasound yesterday to confirm the due date.  I'm just over 7 weeks along.  We have to have a test done at 11 weeks so we will probably find out the sex at that time if we decide we want to know.

2008-08-27 4:05 PM
in reply to: #1629229

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: LaurenSU02's group - CLOSED!

Boston Beginner - 2008-08-26 10:56 AM Congrats.  That's very exiting.  Try not to throw up in the pool, they may get mad at you!

Thank you.  No throwing up yet.  Food sure isn't my friend right now, though.

2008-08-28 9:27 AM
in reply to: #1354013

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Extreme Veteran
Toledo, Ohio
Subject: RE: LaurenSU02's group - CLOSED!

Hey guys, Very good news to report here. My knee is doing MUCH better now and I'm very slowly starting to log some running miles again. Building up very gradually I may even be able to think about adding in some short distance road races this fall.

This weekend will be very exciting. I'm heading down to IMKY with some friends, we are volunteers at T2. Not sure what I'll be doing, but I can't wait to get involved there and witness the IM. Although my original plan was to sign up for '09, I just feel that my biking is not strong enough yet and that I'd end up with the same knee issues if I push too hard too soon. So, I will keep the IM as a future goal, but not for '09.

Anyhow, hope you all have great weekends!

2008-08-28 10:19 AM
in reply to: #1634432

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Sin City
Subject: RE: LaurenSU02's group - CLOSED!


That is good news!  Take it easy on that knee for sure adn no need to push it...  Have fun at IMKY! 

2008-08-28 11:14 AM
in reply to: #1634646

South Jersey
Subject: RE: LaurenSU02's group - CLOSED!

Great news, Shiggy. Now, you can start getting shiggy with it. Yeah, I'm lame.

Good idea about the IM. Having trained through an IM injured and missing out on like 60% of the run training I should have done, I can tell you that going through the process with an injury is not fun and won't make the race as great as you would like. I plan on waiting until 2010 to do the next, so I can go "easy" on my body for another year. Although, part of me is thinking the odds are more likely that I'll get injured in 2010 than 2009. I seem to have to sit the bench every other season. Hmmm...

Just thinking out loud.

Have a safe trip !

2008-08-28 3:53 PM
in reply to: #1634832

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Sin City
Subject: RE: LaurenSU02's group - CLOSED!


What was your longest ride and run before the IM?  (Distance wise)....

I just wonder becaused based on my pace and the time in my plan, I will be maxing out at about a 90-95 mile ride and a 16-17 mile run....

Maybe I should add more time to go further?

2008-08-29 9:25 AM
in reply to: #1635835

South Jersey
Subject: RE: LaurenSU02's group - CLOSED!
Aikidoman - 2008-08-28 4:53 PM


What was your longest ride and run before the IM?  (Distance wise)....

I just wonder becaused based on my pace and the time in my plan, I will be maxing out at about a 90-95 mile ride and a 16-17 mile run....

Maybe I should add more time to go further?

My longest ride was 110 miles when I went up and rode the course. I think I had a 106 miler in there somewhere (I did all my training my time, except for when I went up to ride the course). And, yes, LP is a full 112 miles, I just took a short cut coming back through town at the end of the first loop to avoid traffic & lights, and stopped short after the second loop, because there was too much pedestrian traffic.

My longest run was 12.93 miles.

2008-09-01 2:55 PM
in reply to: #1354013

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Extreme Veteran
Toledo, Ohio
Subject: RE: LaurenSU02's group - CLOSED!

Hey guys, hope you all had good long weekends. I had a really fun time at IMKY. Got to see the time trail swim start. It was really interesting because the line went on and on and the althletes were mixed right in with family and friends. They started against the current and it looked like slow motion swimming! Later when we saw them swim with the current of course it looked crazy fast.

Also got to see the leaders and others through the T1 and off to the bike course. It was really hot as expected. My friends and I worked at the end of the bike course, telling them to slow down for a big curb. I got to yell "slow down" to the leader... it was really funny We also had a friend in the race so it was cool to see him while working there.

Once we were done with the shift, we caught the runners for a while and then checked out the finish line. Got there just in time to see the lead female finish, and I even got a high five from her! Unfortunately we had to drive back that night so we couldn't stay until midnight, but I feel like I really got to see a lot. A friend of mine is signing up for next year so I'm sure I'll volunteer down there again.

It was so motivating to watch them. Amazing how they pushed through the heat like that. I saw some that looked so tired at mile 1 of the marathon but that didn't stop them. Others started the marathon like they were well rested. It was great to be there, I'm so glad I went.   

2008-09-02 11:02 AM
in reply to: #1641804

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Sin City
Subject: RE: LaurenSU02's group - CLOSED!

Eveyone come out of the long weekend safe and sound?  I had (and still have a little cold).

I ended up doing what you said, Lauren!  I did the Oly and hammered it - it's a race afterall!

I missed a podium spot by one person.  (I also tried to calc my times that I would have gotten for the sprint, and most likely, would have won my AG - but I shouldn't do that to myself!).

Then I finished the second longest bike ride in my life on Sun.  It was rough, but I enjoyed it a lot.  Starting to actaully feel I can complete my race in Nov!

2008-09-02 12:32 PM
in reply to: #1643261

South Jersey
Subject: RE: LaurenSU02's group - CLOSED!
Good job at the race. Congrats on a great finish. Nice work with the ride on Sunday. You'll be more ready than you think you are.
2008-09-02 2:09 PM
in reply to: #1354013

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: LaurenSU02's group - CLOSED!

Wow Jim!  You are doing fantastic!!!

I ended up doing the run portion of the triathlon this weekend.  I was going to do the swim only but we woke up to 40 degree temps and a howling wind!  I was in no mood to stand around in the cold and wait for Brett to finish the race!  The run went great.  It was just shy of 4.5 miles and I did it in 42:??.  Pretty good for a pregnant chick!

2008-09-03 10:09 AM
in reply to: #1354013

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Hingham, Ma
Subject: RE: LaurenSU02's group - CLOSED!
Hey all.  I hope everyone had a good extended weekend.  We had a wedding in Detriot for a college buddy of mine.  I ate 4x as much as I should of, but it was good.  I have taken the last week and half off between recovery from my race and traveling but I am ready to get back into it.  I am kind of sad that the racing season is almost over for me.  1 more sprint and 1 half marathon.  I will be asking for people's opinion on off season training soon, so get your thinking caps on.  Have a good rest of the shortened work week.
2008-09-03 11:46 AM
in reply to: #1354013

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Subject: RE: LaurenSU02's group - CLOSED!

hello group!!!!!  i have missed you all.

CONGRATS to owl_girl!!!!  that's awesome , best of luck to you.

shiggy - so glad your knee is feeling better, yay!

Boston, congrats on your race, i'll try to get to your RR, i have soooo much BT to catch up on!

Jim, you too - only 1 spot away from podium, that's amazing!

and everyone else, hope you had great Labor Day weekends!

in the entire month of august, there were only 4 days were i spent the entire 12am to 11:59pm period in connecticut where i live.  there were probably 5-6 days where i was partially in CT but traveled away or returned that day.  and all the rest of the days - i was not here.  totally totally insane, but i don't think i'll be traveling again any time soon, and i'm glad!  i'm goign to try to get back into the swing of things as i catch up all aspects of life (groceries, bills, cleaning, laundry, and of course, BT!!!!) since i can tell i have gotten weak and gained pudge!  ack!

hope everyone is well. 

2008-09-03 12:40 PM
in reply to: #1354013

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Hingham, Ma
Subject: RE: LaurenSU02's group - CLOSED!
Glad to have you back.

2008-09-03 5:26 PM
in reply to: #1646192

South Jersey
Subject: RE: LaurenSU02's group - CLOSED!
Great to have you back, Lisa. I hope everything went well.
2008-09-03 5:29 PM
in reply to: #1645921

South Jersey
Subject: RE: LaurenSU02's group - CLOSED!

Boston Beginner - 2008-09-03 11:09 AM Hey all.  I hope everyone had a good extended weekend.  We had a wedding in Detriot for a college buddy of mine.  I ate 4x as much as I should of, but it was good.  I have taken the last week and half off between recovery from my race and traveling but I am ready to get back into it.  I am kind of sad that the racing season is almost over for me.  1 more sprint and 1 half marathon.  I will be asking for people's opinion on off season training soon, so get your thinking caps on.  Have a good rest of the shortened work week.

At least you've been having lots of fun. That's all that matters. Enjoy the spring and half mary.

I am sad the racing season is almost over too. I am basically recovered from IM, but have this nagging foot pain that no one can figure out when I bike. Grr. It doesn't affect while riding, except for some discomfort, but I'm afraid to push it too hard. So, it's looking like none of my September sprints will pan out. I am taking a week off from biking to see if it helps, so you never know, I might be able to do one the last weekend of September. (The discomfort hasn't gotten any worse over the past few weeks, just hurts a little into my ride and for about 30 mins afterwards. Within an hour of finishing my ride, I am usually back to 100%.)  I can't believe I've only raced once this year! Grrr!

2008-09-03 8:36 PM
in reply to: #1647400

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Subject: RE: LaurenSU02's group - CLOSED!

LaurenSU02 - 2008-09-03 6:29 PM

 I can't believe I've only raced once this year! Grrr!

Haha, your one race was QUITE a race though!

2008-09-03 10:06 PM
in reply to: #1354013

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: LaurenSU02's group - CLOSED!
I'm really cranky!!!!  My doctor told me to keep my HR below 140!!!  WTF!!!!  There are no complications with my pregnancy.  He didn't ask what I do for exercise.  I told him that I'm a runner.  He basically said that is bad and I better find a low impact exercise.  Any opinions?  I'm in a bad mood because of this!  GRRRRR!!!!
2008-09-04 8:39 AM
in reply to: #1648119

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Subject: RE: LaurenSU02's group - CLOSED!

owl_girl - 2008-09-03 11:06 PM I'm really cranky!!!!  My doctor told me to keep my HR below 140!!!  WTF!!!!  There are no complications with my pregnancy.  He didn't ask what I do for exercise.  I told him that I'm a runner.  He basically said that is bad and I better find a low impact exercise.  Any opinions?  I'm in a bad mood because of this!  GRRRRR!!!!

 yikes!!  well, there is a lot of stuff out there about pregnant running now.  i think some docs are still uncomfortable with it, and make recommendations such as that, but i think according to the scientific literature, you can do moderate exercise and it's good.  it seems the general consensus, amongst doctors who condone running, is to just dial it back in intensity, nothing intense.  so no intervals or speedwork anymore, just regular running.

PM DB8, she just had her first child a few months ago and she ran through her pregnancy, i'm sure she will have lots of insight.  she also had a link in her blog to a runners world writer who kept a blog about running through pregnancy on the runner's world website.    

i'm no doctor, but i would get a 2nd opinion if i ever get a doctor who tells me the best thing for my baby is to sit on my butt for 9 months!!!  i just don't believe that.  good luck!  here's to owl_baby!

2008-09-04 9:14 AM
in reply to: #1647865

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Sin City
Subject: RE: LaurenSU02's group - CLOSED!
lisazapato - 2008-09-03 6:36 PM

LaurenSU02 - 2008-09-03 6:29 PM

 I can't believe I've only raced once this year! Grrr!

Haha, your one race was QUITE a race though!

There is plenty more here!  A couple in Oct and a big one in Nov!

2008-09-04 9:14 AM
in reply to: #1354013

South Jersey
Subject: RE: LaurenSU02's group - CLOSED!

I agree with Lisa. Not sure how your insurance works, etc., but if you can find a doc who's familiar with athletes, that would be great. Plus, we all know that HR varies from one person to another. For one person, 140 is barely zone 1; for another it's zone 2-3. It's weird that an arbitrary number is assigned, esp because the people who will workout through pregnancy and use a HRM are generally people who are athletes/ constantly active. But I know nothing...

For low impact, I would suggest elliptical, swimming, aquajogging, and cycling (maybe more on the trainer than road for now). hang in there!!!

I think the thing about exercise and pregnancy is that there isn't  much research as no one is willing to "take the risk" and train hard through pregnancy. I know some elite runners, triathletes, etc. have raced through pregnancy, but everyone's genetics are different.

2008-09-04 9:26 AM
in reply to: #1354013

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Extreme Veteran
Toledo, Ohio
Subject: RE: LaurenSU02's group - CLOSED!

I agree. I have read that the most important thing is to not overheat. As long as you have a fan on you can do whatever you want. Also don't go to the point of exhaustion.

Lauren, sorry to hear about your foot. That is annoying. I too only did one full tri this year and I feel like I really missed out. I'm already looking forward to my next tri season.

I have a busy day today, and then tomorrow I'm off to Chicago for th 5K swim saturday. What have I gotten myself into???? I'm going to wear a wetsuit because I expect the water to be very cold. This means I'm DSQ for an age group slot, but I expect to be last or close to it so I guess it doesn't matter! I just want to finish this thing.


2008-09-04 9:31 AM
in reply to: #1648820

South Jersey
Subject: RE: LaurenSU02's group - CLOSED!
Have a great time with the swim!!!!!!! GOOD LUCK!!! Stay warm!
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