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2008-05-15 11:44 AM
in reply to: #1354430

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Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!


I have been pretty quiet on here (which is surprising because I wasn't on the last forum I was in) but I think primarily because I was pretty intimidated by the quality and experience in this group.  I finally decided "screw it" I'm here to learn so I will try to be a more active participant in the group.

I have my first duathlon Sunday...GearWest Du in MN...5k/28k/4k.  As much as I thought I'd enjoy not having to swim (since that is my weakest event) I'm not finding it quite intimidating to have all three "legs" entirely lower body dependent.

I'm debating on pulling out of my tri on 6/1 that would be my first OWS.  The water is too cold to even attempt training in OW yet and considering I'm a weak swimmer to go with so little experience, water be frigid cold, and suck at swimming might be a recipe for disaster.   

2008-05-15 1:05 PM
in reply to: #1404581

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Washington Court House, Ohio
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
aber4 - 2008-05-15 12:44 PM


I have been pretty quiet on here (which is surprising because I wasn't on the last forum I was in) but I think primarily because I was pretty intimidated by the quality and experience in this group.  I finally decided "screw it" I'm here to learn so I will try to be a more active participant in the group.

I have my first duathlon Sunday...GearWest Du in MN...5k/28k/4k.  As much as I thought I'd enjoy not having to swim (since that is my weakest event) I'm not finding it quite intimidating to have all three "legs" entirely lower body dependent.

I'm debating on pulling out of my tri on 6/1 that would be my first OWS.  The water is too cold to even attempt training in OW yet and considering I'm a weak swimmer to go with so little experience, water be frigid cold, and suck at swimming might be a recipe for disaster.   

Best of luck.  I wish they had that race here because of the proportion of the race that is the bike.  I am most competitive in the bike.  And no critisism from me if you cancel the 6/1 tri.  As a rule I have canceled ALL Tris in favor of strickly Du competitions.

2008-05-15 1:29 PM
in reply to: #1404581

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Pasadena, MD
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
aber4 - 2008-05-15 12:44 PM


I have been pretty quiet on here (which is surprising because I wasn't on the last forum I was in) but I think primarily because I was pretty intimidated by the quality and experience in this group. I finally decided "screw it" I'm here to learn so I will try to be a more active participant in the group.

I have my first duathlon Sunday...GearWest Du in MN...5k/28k/4k. As much as I thought I'd enjoy not having to swim (since that is my weakest event) I'm not finding it quite intimidating to have all three "legs" entirely lower body dependent.

I'm debating on pulling out of my tri on 6/1 that would be my first OWS. The water is too cold to even attempt training in OW yet and considering I'm a weak swimmer to go with so little experience, water be frigid cold, and suck at swimming might be a recipe for disaster.

Aber4 - Good luck with your DU this weekend.     

The OWS is intimidating for almost everyone their first time (and second, and third, and...). You'll get no criticism here either but I will offer some encouragement. My first OWS was last September. I've done two total now. My OWS form is pathetic at best and a guy without goggles beat me in on the last time. However intimidated I was and however poor I did, I did NOT feel that my life was in danger. If it's a feeling that you are not to the level of the other competitors well, someone on here has a great signature for that... "you're never as slow as you think you are, you're never as fast as you think you are." If you truly feel that you would be endangering your life then maybe waiting until the fall or going DU isn't a bad idea. Sometimes you gotta look out for No. 1!

If you do decide to tri it :-) here are a couple things I've learned from a beginners standpoint and others can probably tell you more:

- if the water is cold, acclimate yourself to the water before your wave start. this will help ward off the intial shock of hitting the cold water when you really start your swim.

- start slow and do your best to pace your self. you will feel more comfortable in the water and you will actually end up swimming faster if you relax.

- you're only out there for you... try not to "race" the other swimmers. do what you can how you can.


Edited by shaggy28 2008-05-15 1:47 PM
2008-05-15 6:47 PM
in reply to: #1354430

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Washington Court House, Ohio
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!

I should have also added, we (BT'ers and good sports in general) are fans of competitors that sense some adversity about something and try anyway.  So. if you do try, I'll be one to congratulate you!


2008-05-15 7:32 PM
in reply to: #1404581

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Fishers, IN
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
Glad to hear from you. I don't think there are many of us here making a living at this, but we can make a lot of friends through it. I think it's all about giving it your best, not where you place. I can much relate to the OWS intimidation. I know sometime I will have to take the plunge, but I keep looking for races with a lower ratio of swim to bike and run.

In open water swimming, are there usually "wave starts" and how does that work? The only tris I have seen have been televised and I have no clue about much of the mechanics of the race - wave starts, setting up for transitions etc.
2008-05-15 10:04 PM
in reply to: #1404581

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Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
glad to hear from you!

If you are uncomfortable with the idea of open water swimming, scrap it till you feel ok with it. in anything else i would say go for it, but in swimming there is the risk of something going wrong. wait till you feel good doing it (not fast, just comfortable).

good luck with the du! dont worry about peoples levels, we all start somewhere, and to some this is a way of life, to others just another sort of exersice, enjoy it regardless!

2008-05-16 7:10 AM
in reply to: #1354430

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Columbus, Ohio
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
Welcome back... You have gotten some really good advice so far. So keep us informed with what you decide to do.

Staying relaxed is the biggest key. You will already have the adreniline pumping through your system and will push a lot harder than you normally would in a training situation. Pushing harder will change your normal breathing and stroke rhythm which can lead to you panicing because your not getting enough air using your normal stroke. Or like me... causes your form to suck and you end up swimming a heck of a lot slower than you do in normal training.

The other obvious thing... There are no walls to push off of in OWS. Make sure you are very comfortable swimming the distance. You can't stop and hold onto the wall to catch your breath but you are able to hold on to a kyack or jet ski if you feel like you need to stop. You just can't move forward assisted.

As for the question of wave starts... It is usually grouped by age groups. Dependind on the size of the race the RD will group some together while others are separate. Usually us young bucks, like David and I, or Elite and < 29yo AGers go first. Sometimes they break it up by male and female. That is usually why it is key when you pick up your race packet you check to make sure they have you in the correct AG and that they gave you the correct color swim cap.

2008-05-18 9:01 PM
in reply to: #1406235

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Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
alright guys, i was thinking we should get a chalenge started within our group and liven things up a bit, and get some people out there and training well!

We'll have one for swim, bike, and run (you can do one, two, or all three).
it would work something like this. Over the next week i'll take total amounts, distance for swimming, time or distance for running/biking (whichever you train by), and then we'll see if we can all meet our time/distance goals. nothing is too little, but i would lke to see people step outside of their norm a bit.

if your goal is to hit 40 miles by the end of the time period (lets plan on a few days to get goals from people, and then say 2 or 3 weeks total for the training time), you should try and get the 40 miles in within those 2-3 weeks.

So lets give it till wed night, and then i'll put together a post with everyones goals, and then we can go back and see how people faired after those 3 weeks.

I would love to see peoples logs of this, and how it is going for everyone throughout.

dont be shy about your numbers, remember we are from all different backgrounds and training levels, some of us do this full ime, some just for fun, others are just getting into it or have limits due to injury or family life. lets make it fun and we'll see how much we can all improve over the next month!

So lets plan on this starting thursday and running till the thur three weeks from then (will get an exact date later on. if you join late thats great, just using that as a starter. so lets see if we can fill those logs up.

I'll get mine out for starters. I have been mising a lot of pool/run time, and a lot of quality bike got dropped in the past few weeks, so i would like to see in those three weeks:

30,000yrds swimming
26 hours on the bike
80 miles running

I am going to start up a word doc with everyones info, and we'll check it out again at the end with the starting goals and final totals.

good luck guys and lets see some goals (this can include races in the total amounts).
2008-05-19 7:23 AM
in reply to: #1354430

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
Sounds like are my expected numbers for three weeks starting this Thursday:

Swim - 22,500 yards
Run - 60 miles
Bike 16 hours (~260 miles)

Aside from the run, those bike and swim number are more in three weeks than I did in the whole month of April! The run is down a bit but now that my mary is behind me I'm trying to keep that number a bit more realistic. Thanks for throwing this together!

2008-05-19 8:21 AM
in reply to: #1354430

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Washington Court House, Ohio
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!

This note regards another topic not related the David's challenge.  Which I will address shortly.

JChristoff (Justin), ran a 8 mile run on Saturday, a length he does fairly regularly.  He made comments about cramping, hydration, and taking Gels during the run.  That got me thinking.  When I did my first 8 mile run, I just drank a bunch of water before the run and took off.  For my most recent run a bit longer than 8 miles, I did bring two water bottles and placed them along the 1.025 miles loop.  I drank at least 30 ounces.  Finally, when I cycle, I ususally use only water.

My comments/questions:  It is fairly obvious hydration is important.  I have not always done this well, but I do think I understand it and know how to properly hydrate.  But, what about the Gels, or other additives to the water?  Can some general comments be made about how useful those things are at generally stated distances (ie, most people would benefit from taking a Gel every X mintes for efforts lasting longer than Y minutes, or whatever)?

Thank you.  And thank you Justin.



2008-05-19 8:44 AM
in reply to: #1410316

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
DieuEtMonDroit - 2008-05-19 9:21 AM

This note regards another topic not related the David's challenge. Which I will address shortly.

JChristoff (Justin), ran a 8 mile run on Saturday, a length he does fairly regularly. He made comments about cramping, hydration, and taking Gels during the run. That got me thinking. When I did my first 8 mile run, I just drank a bunch of water before the run and took off. For my most recent run a bit longer than 8 miles, I did bring two water bottles and placed them along the 1.025 miles loop. I drank at least 30 ounces. Finally, when I cycle, I ususally use only water.

My comments/questions: It is fairly obvious hydration is important. I have not always done this well, but I do think I understand it and know how to properly hydrate. But, what about the Gels, or other additives to the water? Can some general comments be made about how useful those things are at generally stated distances (ie, most people would benefit from taking a Gel every X mintes for efforts lasting longer than Y minutes, or whatever)?

Thank you. And thank you Justin.

Hmmm, good question. And the consensus I've found through these forums is that it is very individual based on how well your stomach handles food/water intake, the duration/intensity of the workout, etc. As I trained for my marathon I reviewed a number of posts about calories/hydration/salt intake for workouts over two hours and pretty much everyone had their own little system that they had developed over time through trial and error. However, if there are any guidelines I'd love to read them as well. Personally, I don't take anything other than water on workouts under an hour, over an hour I take a gel every 30-45 minutes and hydrate throughout (how much is dependent on length and intensity). On workouts over two hours I add in Gatorade to add in some calories and to help keep my electrolytes in check. I haven't toyed with eating on the bike (my rides haven't exceeded 1:30 yet) but I imagine I'll use the same general rules but with some more calories and some sources other than gels...

That is what works for me so far and I've come to it purely through trial and error and adopting what works for others on here. Unfortunately, I haven't found any guidelines that are steadfast and absolute. Sorry that I can't be more helpful. Anyone else have feedback?


2008-05-19 12:53 PM
in reply to: #1410316

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Columbus, Ohio
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
DieuEtMonDroit - 2008-05-19 9:21 AM

This note regards another topic not related the David's challenge.  Which I will address shortly.

I will as well... but I got to look at my plan.

JChristoff (Justin), ran a 8 mile run on Saturday,...Thank you.  And thank you Justin.

Ooohh... I feel like a lab rat a little bit. Kinda freaky. But here is the back story and my apologies on the long post.

I think my cramping was due to not being properly hydrated for the run. The day before I had completed my longest ride (distance and duration) ever. It was hell'a windy and I was definately not fully prepared for the ride. I should have stopped and picked up more water at some point. Fuel on board was a bottle of water, bottle of gatorade (each about 1/2liter) a hammer gel and a package of shot blocks. I was lacking on hydration but fueling I felt great... No drop in energy level. For the last few miles of the ride I was definately thirsty... which would not bode well for me during my HIM. I need more than just two bottles.

The morning of my run I only had a couple of cups of coffee. I knew it was going to be a bit of a struggle knowing that I was walking into the run dehydrated. Because I also had a drink or two the night before which always contributes to dehydration. I had about 0.25 liters of water before the run and about 0.25 liters at mile 4. I did not stop sweating but it did decrease dramatically from the first lap... One of the first signs I am dehydrating... then cramps hit. It was the classic abdominal/intercostal muscle cramp. I just pushed through it...

Hydration and fueling are a very personal thing and should always be experimented with before using in a race situation. On a sprint race... I just take gatorade for the bike and nothing on the run. Olympic... I was sucessful with a bottle of gatorade, bottle of water and a gel on the bike and nothing on the run. My HIM plan is still a work in progress. I am thinking 2-4 gels, 2 bottles of water and 2 bottles of gatorade on the bike and taking in somemore water and another gel on the run.

A lot of people go by the 1 gel every 30 min rule and 1 bottle every 45min-hour... but it just seems like a lot to have in your stomach. For my HIM ride (~3hrs) that would be 6 gels and 3-4 bottles. To have that in your stomach then go run a half-mary does not sound comfortable and it just sounds gross period. I am just going to have to experiment and see what works... especially during some long'ish bricks.

Edited by JChristoff 2008-05-19 12:56 PM
2008-05-19 1:34 PM
in reply to: #1354430

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Washington Court House, Ohio
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!

No-no; no lab rats here. 

I used your example becuase it was already public and hoped to get others involved as well.  Your comments just got me thinking what all of us are always thinking.  That is, "is there something more I can do (besides train harder longer) that will help my performance".  Specifically, can better nutrition during exercise benefit me since I generally use only water?  I was hoping for a magic answer like: "for most humans chemical X is depleted within about T minutes and here is a list of products that replentish it.  Use them and expect a measurable improvement in performance!"  That is stated simplistically, but you've got me thinking nontheless.

Hopefully David will share a generalized but scientific opinion.

Edit to talk about my sweating.

You talk about everything in the stomach, I sweat like a mammy-jammer.  If I ride 70.3 miles (long race pace) I sweat a bunch of that water off.  I suppose one of the things that our bodies does when training for long distances is better our efficiency with taking the water from the stomach to the tissues.  But that is just speculation.



Edited by DieuEtMonDroit 2008-05-19 1:39 PM
2008-05-19 1:57 PM
in reply to: #1411317

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Columbus, Ohio
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
DieuEtMonDroit - 2008-05-19 2:34 PM

You talk about everything in the stomach, I sweat like a mammy-jammer.  If I ride 70.3 miles (long race pace) I sweat a bunch of that water off.  I suppose one of the things that our bodies does when training for long distances is better our efficiency with taking the water from the stomach to the tissues.  But that is just speculation.

I completely understand that your body still works and digests when working out. I also know that a lot of resources (here and elsewhere) suggest ~250-300 calories per hour. My comments were mostly based on not know how your body would feel after processing that much gel based crap. I am sure it would be fine... and maybe I experiment at that level as well to see what happens... but right off the bat looking at it it sounds like a lot.

How much does a "mammy-jammer" sweat? Have you ever done a sweat test to see how much weight you loose during normal activity?
2008-05-19 1:59 PM
in reply to: #1354430

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Washington Court House, Ohio
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!

Movin on to David's challenge.

I also expressed my goal in terms of "Total Olympic Distant Duathlons".  Just for fun.

I fist list what I did my previous three weeks beginning on Thursday (already three good weeks for me):

Swim: Last 3 = 0 yards, Goal = 100 yards.

Bike:  Last 3 = 9 hours, Goal = 10 hours (200 miles).

Run: Last 3 = 61.4 miles, Goal = 75 miles.

By the way, this would be about 8 Olympic Duathlons.


2008-05-19 3:48 PM
in reply to: #1411432

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
DieuEtMonDroit - 2008-05-19 2:59 PM

Movin on to David's challenge.

I also expressed my goal in terms of "Total Olympic Distant Duathlons". Just for fun.

I fist list what I did my previous three weeks beginning on Thursday (already three good weeks for me):

Swim: Last 3 = 0 yards, Goal = 100 yards.

Bike: Last 3 = 9 hours, Goal = 10 hours (200 miles).

Run: Last 3 = 61.4 miles, Goal = 75 miles.

By the way, this would be about 8 Olympic Duathlons.

Nice way of putting it. My numbers would then equal out to about 10 Olympic Distance Tri's if I did the math correctly...


2008-05-19 3:48 PM
in reply to: #1411432

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Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
first off, thanks for all the goals so far, and lets keep them coming!

on the hydration/nutrition front:

keep in mind everyone is diff, and this will vary from training, racing, heat, etc.
we;ll talk about normal temps (60-75 range).

For training and racing, the goal is not to replace all calories burned, but rather to keep your body functioning well, and minimize tissue damage. same goes for fluid, but to a greater extent, you want to replace and hydrate, however, here yo uwill take in closer to what you are losing, but not all. it has been shown people that are slightly dehydtrated will preform better/go faster than those that are slightly over hydrated.

In shorter races/training, say sprints up to just over an hour, and rides in the 1 hour, runs in the 40min-1 hour range, drinking anything is almost not needed, and may only be needed for comfort. calorie intake at these times/distances is a wasted effort.
at these distances, say in a sprint race, using something like gatorade is even pretty much useless (it will however help if you are out there longer, and will aid in a quicker recovery).

once you start racing over an hour and a half, or training rides over 2 hours/runs over 1:30, taking in calories starts to be important to aid in a constand energy source and to prevent muscle damage.

your body has enough carbs stored up for around 90min of moderate to hard activity, so anything under that, eating only helps in keeping the bodied stores up and aiding in a quick recovery (this is more needed if you are traiing a lot/multiple times a day, for example, i will eat some during shorter rides, not because i need it to preform well, but i know i may have another ride and a run or swim later, so i need to come off the first one not depleated.

same goes for hydration, in runs over an hour or hour and 30 min, you need to be taking stuff in, on the bike, anything up to 2 hours unless it is really hot you can be fine with just water, after that a sports drink is a good idea.

for those longer training days/races, a good base point to start at is 250-350 calories an hour on the bike, the run is useally about 2/3 of that or less. one bottle of liquid an hour as well. again, this varies from person to person and race intinsity, the harder you are going, the less your body can process.

as far as cramping goes, (muscle cramps), it is due to one of two things 99% of the time; either dehydration, or simply working too hard. the latter is often the case in cycling, where someone will push too hard, get off to run, and their legs cramp up.
on the hydration front, it is often due to an unbalance of elyctrolytes rather than not enough liquid. simply drinking water will create this unbalnce, so its a good idea to be replacing them somehow (more so the longer you go/the hotter it is).

there is a phenominal product out right now, called NUUN (pronounced noon). it is a tab you drop in water, and comes in four flavors. it is a perfect mix of electrolyts for racing and training, and has a very mild flavor. i use this stuff in most of my training, and it has done wonders to help stop any cramping.

check it out at

in training my calorie intake is slower than longer races, as i am not trying to keep preforming at quite the high level. so i shoot for 200 an hour or so during rides over 2:30 or runs over 1:30.

let me know if you guys have more questions, that kind of touched on stuff from a few of you
2008-05-19 4:21 PM
in reply to: #1404862

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Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
tri for joe RR is up
2008-05-19 4:45 PM
in reply to: #1411317

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Fishers, IN
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
I'm right there with Justin and David. I don't do a whole lot unless I am going over one and a half hours. If I am training hard, I make certain to get the glycogen levels back up quickly after a work out by getting some calories in me very soon afterwards. I sweat a lot also, I have heard that some will even measure their weight before and after workouts to get an understanding of how much lost per unit time (of course that will be temp dependent). Replacing sweat with water is surely a way to throw your electrolyte balance off, so I prefer sports drink for a good portion of my rehydration.

As for cramping, for some reason swimming gets me the worst in my calves. I think I will look into the Nuun product that David recommends, at minimum it will save space in my pantry and my kids will leave it alone.

My goal for the next three weeks will be
Swim 20,000 meters
Bike 250 miles
Run 150 miles
2008-05-19 5:20 PM
in reply to: #1354430

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Columbus, Ohio
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
Here's my goals... The stretch is just that... A stretch. I don't know if I will get there... but I will try. The struggle will be the swim... I just can't seem to get my azz to the pool.

Swim: 270 min, stretch 330
Bike: 885 min, stretch 945
Run: 365 min, stretch 410
2008-05-19 9:54 PM
in reply to: #1412034

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Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
i am right there with you, i should be putting in 3-5 3000yrd workouts a week and i am hitting like 2 or 3 of them around 1500. not good. deff showed this weekend.

2008-05-20 6:30 AM
in reply to: #1354430

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South eastern Ohio
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!

Good morning Guys,

I'll post my goals but I don't have a schedule until after the TTT this weekend so I don't know what I'm doing. Well....even after the schedule I don't know what I'm doing Well gotta go get some work done.

 I am having weird race dreams.....prob. due to TTT this weekend. Does this happen to you speedy folks???


2008-05-20 10:00 AM
in reply to: #1412859

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Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
yeah it sure does, i am freaking out.

i thinki am cruising through the first three races, if i am in decent spot i'll push the half on sun, if not, just survive to race rockman half two weeks later
2008-05-20 10:33 AM
in reply to: #1412859

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Columbus, Ohio
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
chrisrunzs26 - 2008-05-20 7:30 AM

Good morning Guys,

I'll post my goals but I don't have a schedule until after the TTT this weekend so I don't know what I'm doing. Well....even after the schedule I don't know what I'm doing Well gotta go get some work done.

 I am having weird race dreams.....prob. due to TTT this weekend. Does this happen to you speedy folks???


I don't really consider myself speedy but I will answer your question.

Yep... I keep on having dreams about my HIM actually.

Somedays I know that I can do it and will be able to beat my goal of 5:30... Other days... I wonder what the he!! I am doing and really doubt that I can even do it. The dreams also follow those emotions... I'll kick the crap out of the course in one... in another I flat 3 times on the bike and fall apart on the run and just walk. I have only completed 1 distance of the HIM so far... and that is the swim. Bike I was close this weekend with a 50 mile ride. My longest run was 10.2. 70.3 still freaks me out something fierce... but I still have 3 months of training to get there.

Edited by JChristoff 2008-05-20 10:33 AM
2008-05-20 11:46 AM
in reply to: #1354430

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Pasadena, MD
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!

3-week goals:

Swim: 5700m

Bike: 176 miles

Run: 31.2 miles

Disclosure: I have another sprint on 6/1 and since this is only my third race I am taking into account a little bit of taper for that event during Wk1 of the challenge.  I'm feeling pretty fast (for me) for this race so I want to make sure I can perform to my full ability at this point.  These are fairly exact based on the training plan I've built for myself.  Pretty small numbers but I don't have anything longer than a sprint until September.  This also includes the first week of ramped up running mileage in order to prepare for my marathon training this summer.

I have a couple questions for you guys though. 

1) Is it preferred to log workouts by time and then distance or distance and then time?  Example: Should I swim 1500m and see what my time is or should I swim for 1/2 hour and count my laps?

2) How long (distance or time) should my training swims, bikes, and runs be in order for Olympic success?  I am training for the Marine Corp Marathon w/ a running group starting in late June so that will dictate my run training but what about the other two?


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