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2009-01-26 9:39 AM
in reply to: #1922486

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Las Vegas, NV
Subject: RE: NavyTRIChief's Mentor Group - NOW FULL
kdogtoo - 2009-01-22 9:18 AM

All right, I'm in. I'll take a look at my weeks totals on Saturday and redo next week acordingly with at least an 11.4% increase. ----- Dang it, where did I leave my calculator?????


Just get your "Abacus", the math is easier to calculate! The chinese eally had it down. If that is too challenging, then get the old faithfull sliderule, it is even more precise.

FYI! I am not that old, but just familiar with it from traveling overseas, and growing up in the South Pacific.

2009-01-26 9:47 AM
in reply to: #1856164

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Las Vegas, NV
Subject: RE: NavyTRIChief's Mentor Group - NOW FULL

I'm all good  and back into full swings. First race in less than a month.

Just got back from Washington DC, and got lots of rest over the weekend. My body was pretty beat up from all the walking around, up and down the stairs of the Convention Center, all that with a 40 lbs pack with lots of hardware in it. Trip was successfull, and my Team is very happy to be home after some slight delays. Our Government Jet broke down before take off on Thursday, so did not get home till late on Friday.

When I hit the sack on Friday night, I slept all the way through Sunday morning to heal my body, and the immune system that was pretty beat up. Just relaxed and got cought up on Honey do stuff on Sunday. Great training this morning.

Stop slacking team, and time to get moving with the winter off training. Improve on your weekness's. Cheers!!

2009-01-28 6:16 PM
in reply to: #1856164

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: NavyTRIChief's Mentor Group - NOW FULL
In my first full week of my coaches plan.
2009-01-29 10:16 AM
in reply to: #1856164

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Las Vegas, NV
Subject: RE: NavyTRIChief's Mentor Group - NOW FULL
How is everyone doing here? Seems to be a super quiet group we have! Any one got anything to say?
2009-01-30 12:15 PM
in reply to: #1856164

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Subject: RE: NavyTRIChief's Mentor Group - NOW FULL

very quiet...

finishing up a R&R week myself.  training going well, though I am READY for spring.


I want to ride otuside for a change.  I am now convinced riding on a trainer of rlonger than 30 minutes is 90% mental strength......

2009-01-30 6:59 PM
in reply to: #1856164

Subject: RE: NavyTRIChief's Mentor Group - NOW FULL
After a great Monday I woke up Tuesday with severe back pain. I have been to the chiropractor, MD, and today physical therapy. I can walk around for the first time this week. Next week I can get back to swimming. The good news is that I got my trainer back and almost got to ride on it.

I am focusing on diet and buillding a strong core. I am going to be doing all I can it just stinks that it is not alll that I want to do.

2009-01-31 5:19 PM
in reply to: #1856164

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A Husker stuck in VA
Subject: RE: NavyTRIChief's Mentor Group - NOW FULL
Went for a short run and didn't log it because it was slow and crappy.  There are alot of people in this group that haven't made any comments or updated their logs, what's up?  Good to hear Vegas is still on the map!
2009-01-31 7:49 PM
in reply to: #1856164

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Subject: RE: NavyTRIChief's Mentor Group - NOW FULL
Slow and crapy is still better than sitting on the couch. Log it and use it as motivation to make your next one better. ..... 
2009-02-03 10:44 AM
in reply to: #1856164

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A Husker stuck in VA
Subject: RE: NavyTRIChief's Mentor Group - NOW FULL

Alright, where's everyone at?  Some are keeping up their logs, others haven't touched them.  Let's get an update on everyone starting now.  Are you lacking motivation?  Are you just holding out until your 12, 16, or 20 week program starts?  What's going on?  How are your medical issues doing?  Let us know.


I am slated for minor shoulder surgery tomorrow.  Shaving like 8mm off my clavicle I think.  Nothing strenuaous for 2 weeks then ease back in.  Prepping to take the family to Disney middle of next month then will be in full swing for my program as soon as I get back.  Training has been hit and miss to this point but once my program starts it should be rare I miss a session.

2009-02-03 1:40 PM
in reply to: #1856164

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Extreme Veteran
Warwick, Rhode Island
Subject: RE: NavyTRIChief's Mentor Group - NOW FULL

Doing OK here. Having fun with my compression sleeves and wearing out my copys of IM dvds. Racing in one month (10 miler) and itching to get on the bike outdoors.


2009-02-03 8:04 PM
in reply to: #1943598

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The Ocean State
Subject: RE: NavyTRIChief's Mentor Group - NOW FULL

I've been running mostly and thowing in some spin classes. I've attended some Yoga classes and might check out Pilates tomorrow. I have surgery scheduled for Thursday to repair my thumb injury and then 4-6 weeks in a cast. No pool for a while, I'll have to make up for it in spades in April...

Looks like my planning for the season is starting to gel. My first race will be a 1/2 Mary in May then a sprint in June,July and Aug. My "A" race will be an Oly late Aug and then another sprint in Sept.

2009-02-03 8:21 PM
in reply to: #1944337

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Subject: RE: NavyTRIChief's Mentor Group - NOW FULL

whats up everyone?

 so, I'mn getting a cold, been coming on since through it.  whats everyones take?  train through it, or get better?


I'm going to train through it, but play it by ear at the same time....I think you just have to listen to your body and dont force too much.


my training is going well, and I dont want to miss a week because of a cold....


hope all are well!!



2009-02-05 10:25 AM
in reply to: #1856164

Subject: RE: NavyTRIChief's Mentor Group - NOW FULL
No excusses here.

Can some one tell me how to but my goals on my page. I know if I saw them every time I logged I would stay more focused.

I am getting serious and going to stay focused on several things starting today. I will Swim and bike atleast 3 times/week starting today. After next weekend I will go back to running 3/week.

Current plan

Sleep regularly
1. tv off at 10:00 unless on trainer
2. if I set an alarm I get out of bed

Eat right
1. nothing to drink that I would not take in prior to or during a race
2. breakfeast everyday
3. reasonable poriton sizes
4. nothing after 8:00 without good reason

1. TI drills atleast once a week
2. record 400M time each week with goal being to be <7:00 by June
3. one swim session each week of 60 min or more

1. one spin of 60min per week untill outside
2. interval and hill session per week

1. one day at track working speed
2. 45 min run each week
3. one run of over an hour each weekend
2009-02-05 5:04 PM
in reply to: #1856164

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Las Vegas, NV
Subject: RE: NavyTRIChief's Mentor Group - NOW FULL

All right, I'm starting to see some stuff coming in here. I can start bringing my smile back out.

Just remember one thing, that it be a 10min run vs none is still something. When I started getting back into shape 2 years ago, and was over 300 lbs, my running was around 15-17min miles, and was I ashamed, yes, but it kept me into accountability and logged it anyway. We are all at some different levels of fitness, some injury healing, etc ... So just start logging, that it be underwater basket weaving or tri training, its better than nothing.

We are not here looking for blue, yellow, purple and green. The red for misc. is just fine also. Time in the saddle  (any type of training) is still time burning calories. So lets get back out there, and start doing something.

Sorry Chief, didn't mean to steal your thunder!


PS. I usually don;t do this, but 2009 is upon us, and I'm again working toward Operation Rebound fund-raising this year. If you are interested, please do not hesitate to click on the link and make some pledges. USAT has endorsed this and is very much behind it. Let's support our fellow soldiers who come back from the Middle East and who have lost a leg, an arm or somthing else. Let's show our support toward them. Our Operation Rebound California Team last year raised over $180,000.00 and this was enough to provide new prostetics for over 14 military soldiers, in which 4 of them are racing in California with us this year.

If you need motivation, just come and see those guys, then you will wonder who are we to think we can't do what we do, and that is the sport of Triathlon. Also, two para-olympians will be there racing relays, in which OZ who won the Gold medal in hand-cycling is racing. They are an amazing group of people, and great friends you make.


2009-02-05 8:02 PM
in reply to: #1856164

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A Husker stuck in VA
Subject: RE: NavyTRIChief's Mentor Group - NOW FULL

Trying to get photos of post surgery and tattoo uploaded right now.  Check my albums in a few minutes and I should have it in there.



2009-02-09 11:05 AM
in reply to: #1948184

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Las Vegas, NV
Subject: RE: NavyTRIChief's Mentor Group - NOW FULL
NavyTRIChief - 2009-02-05 6:02 PM

Trying to get photos of post surgery and tattoo uploaded right now.  Check my albums in a few minutes and I should have it in there.

Nice tatoo bro! Backbone of the US Navy. Like that.  With that in mind, to be the backbone of the Navy, one needs to be back in full shape, so time to start training something!

2009-02-11 11:44 AM
in reply to: #1856164

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Subject: RE: NavyTRIChief's Mentor Group - NOW FULL
7 miles, outdoors yestereday....Bring on spring time.
2009-02-12 2:52 PM
in reply to: #1856164


Subject: RE: NavyTRIChief's Mentor Group - NOW FULL

Hi All, 

After being released from the physio and starting training................I had to go back to the doc's !

I've got shin splints in 1 leg! the doc thinks it because I've been favouring my healthly leg. So no running for 2 weeks.

So today I did some turbo work and 30 mins on a cross trainer.

Anyway, does anyone know of a good bike / Tri shop in the Orlando area?

I'm off next week for 2 weeks in the sun, need to get away from the snow and crappy weather. I'll be staying on I drive.

It'll be all guns blazing when I get back, 1st race is in the end of April.........and I'll start filling out my plans   Innocent

2009-02-15 8:44 PM
in reply to: #1856164

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A Husker stuck in VA
Subject: RE: NavyTRIChief's Mentor Group - NOW FULL

Alright all, I am back.  I will be back to execising Wednesday hopefully, albeit it light and easy.  Shoulder is healing well and been enjoying the family with a couple weeks off.  Sorry I have been slacking on you all but should be back on the ball now.

 If you are not keeping up your logs, now is the time to restart!  The Tri season is upon us and most should be training like crazy.  Log it!  If you are not in your training program yet, build a base, it will pay off in the long run.  

 I will be back to working out and going to work Wednesday then next month taking the family to Disney.  I will be at the beginning of my program then, need to stay on it.  

 Anyways, not much action coming on from the group, now is the time to restart.  Let's go team, motivation wil help you percivere!(sp?)

2009-02-19 8:12 AM
in reply to: #1856164

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A Husker stuck in VA
Subject: RE: NavyTRIChief's Mentor Group - NOW FULL

Umm... Hellooooo, is this thing on? 

Got out yesterday for a short "feeling out" run.  Didn't use my Garmin or anything other than a watch, just trying to see how it would go with my shoulder.  Coming up on time to start up my training plan for my HIM in July. 

Bad news, they shut down the pool on base.  Not sure how long or whether they are going to let us use the new pool they built for Officer Training Command.  Going to call and find out.  If they are going to be closed down for a while I may end up getting a membership to the YMCA again.

How is everyone doing?  I know I dropped the ball the last month or so but don't lose interest.  I am back and ready to smack people around.  Main reason I wasn't yelling at people is I hated being an a$$hole when I wasn't doing anything myself.  But, I am back, still recovering from surgery.  If I can get my on the road, so can you.  Update your logs, keep the group in the loop, and keep training.  Let us know how you are doing and what we can do to move you along again. 

We all signed up for this for motivation, some have given more than others but now is the time to clamp down and not just motivate yourself, but put that motivation to use.  You committed to training, you paid the money to prepare, you originally devoted the time, get back to it.  Do yourself a favor and down let everything you promised yourself fall apart.  Get on the bike, put on your shoes, and get wet, you owe it to yourself!


2009-02-19 9:27 AM
in reply to: #1856164

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Las Vegas, NV
Subject: RE: NavyTRIChief's Mentor Group - NOW FULL

Welcome back Scott, and glad to hear surgery recovery is slowly coming together. Keep it up one day at a time?

Let's all try to keep this blog on the first page instead of falling into the second page. I know it's winter, but some of the best base training is done in the winter. The cold is your friend, and we can all do it.

Get back in the wagon, and keep up the good work. Triathlon is a lifestyle that we pursue for the better half of ourselves. I know that getting back into triathlon saved my life for me. In a nut shell, if I don't train in some form, my body falls apart, and so those all the illness's that come with it.

So please keep it up, you can all do it! Happy training, and I'll be back in San Diego racing this weekend!

Oh my, is it this weekend already? I better start training?

2009-02-24 12:21 PM
in reply to: #1856164

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Las Vegas, NV
Subject: RE: NavyTRIChief's Mentor Group - NOW FULL

WOW folks, we almost made it to the bottom of the second page!

How is everyone doing, I know that my training paid off on my race last weekend, and now ready to really start training again.

How is everyone elses training going?

Edited by devouahy 2009-02-24 12:22 PM
2009-02-25 8:09 AM
in reply to: #1856164

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A Husker stuck in VA
Subject: RE: NavyTRIChief's Mentor Group - NOW FULL

Currently fighting off an infection.  Probably out for another week but about to roll into my HIM plan. 

Hope everyone's training is going well, would like to see some updates on here.  Let us know what's going on.

2009-02-25 9:28 AM
in reply to: #1856164

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Extreme Veteran
Warwick, Rhode Island
Subject: RE: NavyTRIChief's Mentor Group - NOW FULL

Sorry I have not been checking in at all.

Last couple of weeks have been tiring as the bump in mileage has been catching up with me a bit. Throttled back last week a little bit and going to have a mini taper into this weekend's 10 miler. I am looking forward to this race and take a little revenge on the course. Last year they had to time me with a calendar.

Come to think of it...this entire year is going to be taking revenge on the courses that I ran/bike/swam last year.

I am interested to see how my race paces turn out this year as I have been doing a lot of running with the baby jogger. Should be interesting.

FOR ALL OF THE RHODE ISLAND FOLKS: We need to figure out a few group rides ahead of the 70.3 in July. I have a small group that will be riding together come April. I will let you know what we plan...the more, the merrier.

2009-02-25 9:56 AM
in reply to: #1856164

Subject: RE: NavyTRIChief's Mentor Group - NOW FULL
I'm using lent as a motivation to do more. Last night I came up with my plan. I'll be loging in workouts every day. I will also try to post more and inspire when I can.
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