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2012-05-09 10:27 PM
in reply to: #4126038

Subject: RE: Body Composition Challenge: Swimsuit Edition

Argh - heading in the wrong direction.  I hung my favorite pair of pants that I want to take on vacation this summer so I see them every time I open my closet - time to re-group and re-motivate!


2012-05-10 1:15 AM
in reply to: #4126038

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Subject: RE: Body Composition Challenge: Swimsuit Edition
Every time I come on BT to up date here I get distracted!! I'm still here. I'm up to 139.8 this morning. I keep forgetting to weigh myself. ARRRGH! Up, up, up again. BOOOO!

Last week I was sick with allergy issues and didn't do a whole lot. That didn't help. I didn't slow down eating at all, so of course it caught up to me.

Back at it this week. Got some good runs in and P90X is going well.

2012-05-11 9:19 AM
in reply to: #4126038

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Subject: RE: Body Composition Challenge: Swimsuit Edition

Thanks for the words of encouragement, guys!  I weighed in today, and the number hasn't changed.  But!  My body fat % went down (according to the handheld device I own), and like I said before, I was able to fit into a couple of pants I wore when I was 10-15 lbs lighter!

I guess it's good to have multiple measures of progress, since one number doesn't tell the whole story!

I'll keep on doing what I'm doing since it seems to work, more or less.  Maybe I should add in a goal to try to fit my old pants better (ie have more breathing room!) regardless of what the scale says.  Though of course I'll still shoot to lose the extra weight as well.

2012-05-11 11:51 AM
in reply to: #4180852

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Extreme Veteran
Not Quite DFL
Subject: RE: Body Composition Challenge: Swimsuit Edition
lalvey - 2012-04-30 9:50 AM
crimefighter2 - 2012-04-27 8:24 AM

Ok, how dumb am I?  I just realized I am one of two men in this challenge.  Well, at least the scale dipped down all week long.  Half-marathon tomorrow.  Best wishes to all for a great weekend.

Actually there are three men. Even though my name is more often a women's name (Lynn) I am in fact a man. I hope your HM went well.


Oh no!  Sorry!  I didn't mean to miscount....I am a lawyer, so forgive me!  (If I could do math, I woulda went to med school --> law school joke)

2012-05-11 11:52 AM
in reply to: #4126038

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Extreme Veteran
Not Quite DFL
Subject: RE: Body Composition Challenge: Swimsuit Edition
pretty awful week for me - I've laid low since the half.  (not my best time, but I'll take it)  I need to hit the reset button and come out swinging.  Sorry I'm ruining the group average.
2012-05-12 8:07 AM
in reply to: #4204714

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Body Composition Challenge: Swimsuit Edition

crimefighter2 - 2012-05-11 12:52 PM pretty awful week for me - I've laid low since the half.  (not my best time, but I'll take it)  I need to hit the reset button and come out swinging.  Sorry I'm ruining the group average.

There is no ruining the group average, we are all in this together! STOP hitting yourself, today is a new day. Upward and onward.

Take THAT!

2012-05-12 8:09 AM
in reply to: #4126038

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Body Composition Challenge: Swimsuit Edition

I THINK I am the same, I'll double check tomorrow. That is actually a win. I was on the road for a week and I tend to increase when that happens. To stay the same is fine by me. This week is going to be crazy with things I need to get done, with goals I tend to do better so hopefully I can make some headway.... going downward.

2012-05-13 1:41 PM
in reply to: #4126038

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Lansing, Michigan
Subject: RE: Body Composition Challenge: Swimsuit Edition

After working on a seminar presentation for my fellowship for the last week, I took a birding/biking trip with one of my friends Thursday (~62 miles and 120-130 species of birds).  Then I went out with another buddy this morning for a 30-mile ride with some hills (well, by Missouri standards).  It feels great to get back to an active lifestyle after letting things slip while I obsessed over my presentation.  Next week, I'll be getting a ton of fieldwork exercise (pulling heavy things through mud and water), so everything is getting back to normal.

Weight this morning after eating breakfast, dumping ballast, and a shower: 200lbs (1.5 less than last week!).  I probably could do a bit more weight shopping to get a better number, but I'll take it and work towards a weigh in in two weeks (next Friday will be spent away from any scales).

It is always nice to come on here and see how everyone is doing.  Trials, tribulations, success, and setbacks... we experience them all and sharing that experience makes me feel more human.  Thanks for sharing your experiences be they a boost or a hurdle.

2012-05-13 9:07 PM
in reply to: #4126038

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Subject: RE: Body Composition Challenge: Swimsuit Edition
I've had friends in town all week and we've had an amazing time!  Lots of nights out and drinking and eating horribly.  Somehow I didn't gain any weight at all  Tomorrow after I take the puppy to the vet I'm back to training.  
2012-05-13 9:33 PM
in reply to: #4126038

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: Body Composition Challenge: Swimsuit Edition
I am holding steady, as far as I know.  A little bit too lax on some food choices/ quantities but not doing serious damage.  Life is getting crazy with the girls.  They had prom a couple weeks ago, and the older one turned 18 a couple days after that.  Younger one had a show this past weekend and has a concert this week plus has strep throat so I'm running around getting her to the doctor in between things like half century rides, training and my upcoming sprint next week.....Good to see that the group is still focusing on long term changes and not instant gratification with quackery.
2012-05-14 9:13 AM
in reply to: #4190644

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Lansing, Michigan
Subject: RE: Body Composition Challenge: Swimsuit Edition
tluhring - 2012-05-04 11:44 AM
tluhring - 2012-04-29 9:53 AM
tluhring - 2012-04-20 3:45 PM
tluhring - 2012-04-16 7:02 PM
QueenZipp - 2012-04-02 9:01 PM

Go here to sign up.  We will just track weights in the spreadsheet but you still need to track your other stats and photos in your blog.

username:  btchallenge

password:  challengeforum2


here is the link if you need it



Don't forget to update the last day of your weigh-in when you plug your weight into the spreadsheet... I have copied the info that you need to access the spreadsheet above.  If the date shows up in black and red, that means that the last date in there is two weeks old.

2012-05-15 8:13 AM
in reply to: #4126038

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Subject: RE: Body Composition Challenge: Swimsuit Edition

Waaaahhhh!!! 139.8 as of 5/11. Cry

Alright, alright. Another week, another chance.

2012-05-15 4:20 PM
in reply to: #4126038

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Body Composition Challenge: Swimsuit Edition
I ordered a new scale. I have had to use random scales at friends houses or at the hotel weight room. This one does body fat and other fun measures that I am sure I really don't want to know for sure. I am going to have to suck it up, Buttercup!
2012-05-17 11:13 AM
in reply to: #4126038

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Southwest Chicago 'burbs
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Body Composition Challenge: Swimsuit Edition

I'm still here.  Just practicing some good ol' avoidance skills.

Things have been a little rough lately -- nothing too specific, just a mental/mood thing, mostly.  For whatever it's worth, binge eating + not working out = nothing good.

I'm trying to get back on track, and it seems like I might be making a small bit of progress.  But, I think I'm going to stay away from the scale for awhile because it's a little traumatizing at the moment.

2012-05-17 9:51 PM
in reply to: #4126038

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Subject: RE: Body Composition Challenge: Swimsuit Edition

Been fighting off a bad headache/migraine since Monday  But in some good news I got promoted to management at work  


Tomorrow I should be getting a workout in as long as this headache stays at just a slight headache or better yet just decides to go away!

2012-05-18 4:13 PM
in reply to: #4126038

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Subject: RE: Body Composition Challenge: Swimsuit Edition

Shoot, forgot to weigh in today.  Will do next week.

Since this is the "swimsuit edition" of the body composition challenge, maybe I should report that I bought a new swimsuit.  Just a Speedo, no nothing too fancy or exciting.  A few sizes smaller than the one I bought last year!  I've already worn it to a few swim practices and it hasn't split on me yet Wink  So.... progress!

2012-05-22 8:21 AM
in reply to: #4126038

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: Body Composition Challenge: Swimsuit Edition
138.6 this morning.  About where I need to stay so okay with that
2012-05-25 5:56 AM
in reply to: #4126038

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Body Composition Challenge: Swimsuit Edition

I am down a pound! It was two but the salt in the popcorn last night is doing its thing. The new scale came in but dang, there is a multiple page instruction manual. I'll have to get that all figured out.

Hope everyone had a good week.

2012-05-25 6:15 AM
in reply to: #4126038

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Subject: RE: Body Composition Challenge: Swimsuit Edition
I'm here, I'm here!! Get my running back on and feeling good again. Only down 8 ounces, but better down than up, eh?

2012-05-25 7:19 AM
in reply to: #4228447

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Body Composition Challenge: Swimsuit Edition

Blanda - 2012-05-25 7:15 AM I'm here, I'm here!! Get my running back on and feeling good again. Only down 8 ounces, but better down than up, eh?

Any downward trend is a good one! Glad you are feeling good and running, too!

2012-05-26 10:10 AM
in reply to: #4126038

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Silverton, Oregon
Subject: RE: Body Composition Challenge: Swimsuit Edition

Sorry I haven't checked in in awhile. Life has been busy, and I have been lazy. Finally weighed in today and it wasn't as bad as I had feared. I'm up 1.4 lbs, but it certainly could have been worse. Next week will be very tough, as I am driving my daughter and grandson (oh, and cat and 4 kittens) from Louisiana to Montana over 4 days. Should be an adventure, but i doubt it will do any favors to my body composition.

I'm racing Onion Man Olympic tomorrow. It'll be the first tri I've done, since 2009. I'm really excited!

2012-05-26 10:11 AM
in reply to: #4126038

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Silverton, Oregon
Subject: RE: Body Composition Challenge: Swimsuit Edition

Congrats on the downward trends!

Salt is just plain evil for weigh ins.

2012-05-29 9:31 PM
in reply to: #4126038

Subject: RE: Body Composition Challenge: Swimsuit Edition
At least I am headed in the right direction for a change....
2012-06-01 8:50 AM
in reply to: #4126038

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Body Composition Challenge: Swimsuit Edition
Down 1 pound. Yippee skippy,  a move in the right direction.
2012-06-07 8:28 PM
in reply to: #4126038

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: Body Composition Challenge: Swimsuit Edition
I have not weighed in this week.  Maybe I can convince myself to get up early tomorrow to workout at the gym and weigh in.
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