BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group CLOSED! Rss Feed  
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2013-05-04 7:47 PM
in reply to: #4723777

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Edited by Fred D 2013-05-04 7:49 PM

2013-05-04 7:48 PM
in reply to: #4727519

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2013-05-04 8:12 PM
in reply to: #4727513

Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group

stevesflyshop - 2013-05-04 8:01 PM We just finished the 5 mile race. Miraculously, I won it. My time was 43:51 which was great for me but not what I thought would be a winning time. It turned out about 3 people ahead of me stopped after the first loop (2.5 miles) because of the heat. I was still happy with my time and know there is still room for improvement.

That's fantastic!  Many congrats, and if the heat was that bad, you won it fair and square IMO.  No apologies needed!

Great run, and I'm glad you did so well.


2013-05-04 8:51 PM
in reply to: #4723777

Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group
Hey everyone. Looks like some good training/racing this weekend. 1750 yards in the pool yesterday and 10 mile run in the light rain /drizzle this morning. 50 mile bike ride planned for tomorrow. Still feeling more unprepared for Florida 70.3 in two weeks than I did for the HITS Ocala HIM I did in March.
2013-05-05 7:55 AM
in reply to: #4727180

Andover, KS
Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group
tri808 - 2013-05-04 11:31 AM
Fred D - 2013-05-04 12:29 AM  

Ultimately I would set my power goals on rides that mimic the race, i.e.; if your HIM bike split is about 2:30 then see what you can sustain for 2:30. Preferably try to swim even before this to see what you can sustain after the swim and the 2:30.

Use % of FTP to estimate a number, then test it during your long rides.  See what power levels you can hold for 2.5 to 3 hours comfortably.  Once you have that number, test it with a brick to see how well you run after such an effort.

Thanks for the thoughts and advice. I'll make that part of my training plan for the next race.

2013-05-05 10:03 AM
in reply to: #4723777

Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group

I thrashed myself with TR last night (didn't feel like it, but thought about this group) and had a good 22 mile ride this morning. Perfect weather for cycling.

Happy Sunday training everyone!

2013-05-05 11:44 AM
in reply to: #4723777

Crab Cake City
Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group
I was finally able to get some alone time and get outside for a quick run today. Only 2.27 miles but it felt great. Long bike ride will have to wait until after work tomorrow.
2013-05-05 12:10 PM
in reply to: #4726681

Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group
tri808 - 2013-05-03 7:11 PM

jmholzman - 2013-05-03 11:57 AM Ok, so let's say I'm going to add a day to spread it out, my long run day will never get all that high, will it?  Let's say next week I go 4/2/4/2/6, then I work my way up to 6/3/6/3/9, then work to 7/3.5/7/3.5/10.5?  Is 10.5 a long enough long run?  That's 31.5 mpw.  When(/if) I make it to that point do I just keep that mileage but a few times before my race take the long run a little further?

Keep in mind that the 3-2-1 plan is a guideline.  I think it's an excellent plan to follow if you're a pure runner, or during the off season to do a run focus.  In regards to in season tri training for a specific event like a HIM, it does become more difficult to follow it to a T for the reasons you mentioned.  If you want to build up to a 14 mile long run for HIM training, then technically you would need to be running 40-45 mpw...which isn't realistic for most people.

I run 6x a week for the most part, and right now for HIM training my runs usually break down as 4, 4.5, 6, 4.5, 6, 13.5.  Doesn't exactly follow the 3-2-1 breakdown, but it would be too difficult for me to replace the 6 milers with 8-9 milers.

However, that doesn't take away from the part of the plan that indicates you don't need to, or shouldn't be increasing mileage each week.  And that you really don't need to incorporate speedwork until running your desired mileage becomes manageable for an extended period of time.

The reality is that 30-35 mpw is a lot for most people...especially those who split time swimming and biking.  The amount of time to safely work up to that distance is longer than most people think. 

I followed the Barry P 3-2-1 plan over a course of 3 months in 2011 starting with about 16mpw and ending around 28.  I was so happy about having run 100 miles in November - a little off season goal I had set for myself.  It was a great plan in that it was gradual and I didn't feel as though there was a chance of injury. 

2013-05-05 12:25 PM
in reply to: #4727292

Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group

Fred D - 2013-05-04 3:41 PM Anyone else out there training?

I'm procrastinating on an 8 mile run.  Hoping it'll get a little cooler.

I'm actually kind of in a funk today.  I signed up for my race before Christmas and my goal was to start training in February. Then my family got in to skiing and we were gone every weekend - hitting the hills etc so all I really did was run.  My bike suffered.  I decided to find a shorter plan and started it on April 1st.  My HIM is June 23rd.

My logs are accurate and I'm wondering if one of the mentors could have a look and give me an honest answer as to whether I'll be ready based on my current training.  I feel find on the swim and my volume is increasing on the run on track.  It's the bike that has me worried.  I have to be careful not to go too intense or increase my mileage too fast for risk of my piriformis flaring up.  And I'm slow - this has always been the case.  Last HIM was in 2011 and I'd done a century ride in June so I was well prepared in terms of volume for my Sept race but I feel really behind this time.  I just don't know that I'll be able to pull it all together in time without rushing the build.  Thoughts??

And for those out there learning (actually aren't we all?) - I'll share a little story.  So I made the decision before race day to REALLY hydrate and started drinking water at 1pm.  I drank quite a bit.  Race day morning I went for a pee and ya... I was hydrated - almost clear.  The bad thing was - I went a bit salt deficient on race day and had horrible cramping on the run. In hindsight I should have probably drank some Gatorade during the hydration process!

My motivation for doing this race was to learn from my mistakes and see if I enjoyed the distance.  But I guess now I'm wondering if I'll be ready and if not - I definitely won't enjoy it so it sort of defeats the purpose of why I signed up.  I can get a partial refund if I decide by May 9th. 

Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

2013-05-05 12:27 PM
in reply to: #4723777

New user

Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group

I got my 28.5 miles in this morning. I decided due to the hamstring I wasn't going to push it and just took a 'sunday stroll' pace. The goal was to keep my HR in zone 2-3. It was cold for Texas in May and the north wind @ 15-20 mph didn't do me any favors but I manage 16 mph pace and I wasn't really sore or dying.  The hamstring was getting tight so I didn't push it any further.  I am stretching (Performance Stretching for Multisport DVD) every night to try to get this to heal.  (I have a feeling I am still going to have to take it easy this week and maybe even for the race next weekend.  

I have my first OWS practice tuesday with another person from the local tri club, then my first OWS race on Sunday (no wetsuit). Running is weak for me because of the injury but my weakest is probably swimming. I want to get better and I am taking lessons but I am still over 2 min/100 yd.  I can't imagine 1.2 miles right now but I am trying.  My problem is as soon as I get tired even a little my form goes back to the old style (arms to far away from body and not efficient.) Any suggestions?

2013-05-05 12:38 PM
in reply to: #4723777

Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group

Got in a 2.5 hour ride this morning and then a quick 15 minute run. I had bought a tri bike back in January and had had it on the trainer for these past months, doing my outside riding on my road bike. The bike felt fast and I felt slow. Not quite used to the more aggressive position yet and I spent a lot of time on the pursuit bars. But overall a good ride and nice to be out in the sunshine.

Steve - awesome job on the race win, congrats!

Stacie - Nice job pushing yourself to the 28  miles. Even if it was "Sunday stroll" you biked farther than you ever have before, and you played it smart with the hamstring.

2013-05-05 1:32 PM
in reply to: #4723777

Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group

I've a kind of sore throat today so laying here on the couch now trying to rest. I typed up a list of group members and the links to their profiles. I have it in my blog. You can copy and paste it in yours too if you'd like. I'll update it in a few days if there are more new members.

Fred D and Jason's HIM Mentor Group
FredFred DJasontri808Brianbgeyeguy
JoejmholzmanLeonLeon 32StaciePhilothea0806


2013-05-05 1:35 PM
in reply to: #4723777

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2013-05-05 1:37 PM
in reply to: #4727961

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Edited by Fred D 2013-05-05 1:39 PM
2013-05-05 1:52 PM
in reply to: #4728000

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2013-05-05 1:55 PM
in reply to: #4723777

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Edited by Fred D 2013-05-05 2:03 PM

2013-05-05 2:03 PM
in reply to: #4727513

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2013-05-05 4:10 PM
in reply to: #4723777

Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group
Nice 32 mile ride today - would like to be a little faster, but it is my longest ride yet on the tri bike...probably not even in aero 1/2 the time, but it is coming. I can see that it is getting easier to stay there and feel comfortable there, especially on a flatter route. (It was still windy - I think it's ALWAYS windy this spring.)

Making a big decision to spring for some private swim lessons. I had thought that Masters would be enough help (free at my Y) but although I am more confident in the water and I am increasing my volume, I am not progressing enough with respect to technique (or to be honest, speed). I need to be faster in the water and I know that is all about technique. So I'm shopping around for a local swim coach - there are a bunch that do it, just want to find the right one for me.
2013-05-05 4:26 PM
in reply to: #4723777

Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group
58:14 for my unofficial 40k. Really happy with the result and how I paced it.
2013-05-05 5:12 PM
in reply to: #4728122

Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group

enders_shadow - 2013-05-05 5:10 PM Nice 32 mile ride today - would like to be a little faster, but it is my longest ride yet on the tri bike...probably not even in aero 1/2 the time, but it is coming. I can see that it is getting easier to stay there and feel comfortable there, especially on a flatter route.


I feel really comfy in aero on shorties with my road bike, but not on my tri-bike. It's a bit more aggressive positioning. 


Jason: Great job!

Edited by KateTri1 2013-05-05 5:14 PM
2013-05-05 5:25 PM
in reply to: #4723777

Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group

First race of the season today!  PR for sprint time 1:26, bike avg 21.9, and first sub 8 5k! Super excited cause swim/ bike conditions were really rough (first time since my first race ever (which was at the same race in 2010) that I had to flip on my back twice to get a grip on things     #Flashbacks



2013-05-05 5:29 PM
in reply to: #4728176

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2013-05-05 5:29 PM
in reply to: #4728130

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2013-05-05 5:36 PM
in reply to: #4728176

Crab Cake City
Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group
bgeyeguy - 2013-05-05 6:25 PM

First race of the season today!  PR for sprint time 1:26, bike avg 21.9, and first sub 8 5k! Super excited cause swim/ bike conditions were really rough (first time since my first race ever (which was at the same race in 2010) that I had to flip on my back twice to get a grip on things     #Flashbacks



Great job! I am also in Maryland, which race did you do?

2013-05-05 6:07 PM
in reply to: #4728190

Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group
dmbfan4life20 - 2013-05-05 5:36 PM
bgeyeguy - 2013-05-05 6:25 PM

First race of the season today!  PR for sprint time 1:26, bike avg 21.9, and first sub 8 5k! Super excited cause swim/ bike conditions were really rough (first time since my first race ever (which was at the same race in 2010) that I had to flip on my back twice to get a grip on things     #Flashbacks



Great job! I am also in Maryland, which race did you do?

Nanticoke in Bivalve, MD.  south of salisbury.  Fun race, small, less than 300 but very family friendly too.

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BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group CLOSED! Rss Feed  
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