BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Birkierunner's (Jim Kelley) General + Long Course Group (OPEN) Rss Feed  
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2014-01-08 10:39 PM
in reply to: holt1997

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Wisconsin near the Twin Cities metro
Subject: RE: Garmin 910XT and general

Originally posted by holt1997 On another note. I am signed up for Ironman Canada which is the end of July. I do not want to jeopardize my performance but I would like to do some other races. Any recommendation on what a good length is and how long I should allow for recovery before Canada. This is my first full. I have done one half before and a lot of sprints and Olympics. Thanks for the input. Scott

Scott, you should be able to get some racing in without jeopardizing your Ironman performance.  Recovery time for sprints and Olympics are not very long but you do give up some Ironman training time if you are doing a short taper for these lower priority races.  Plus, you lose the actual day of the race itself that could be spent doing longer Ironman prep workouts.  On the other hand, these shorter races are good intensity workouts and they are FUN and keep the interest up.  As July approaches you obviously are going to focus on the Ironman and you don't want to be doing any racing in the 3 weeks prior to the race.  A month out is do-able for a short race but even then, that is the time when you are likely going to be getting in your last long ride/runs in before tapering for your Ironman.  If you are thinking of doing a half ironman then things get a little more dicey.  I probably wouldn't recommend doing a half any closer than 6-8 weeks out from your race but that depends on your ability to recover from such races. 


2014-01-08 10:45 PM
in reply to: enders_shadow

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Wisconsin near the Twin Cities metro
Subject: RE: Birkierunner's (Jim Kelley) General + Long Course Group (OPEN)

Originally posted by enders_shadow And then question 2 - last year I rode the stock saddle that came with the tri bike. I'm thinking it is time to invest in a better saddle, because I don't really like the one on it...but how long do I need to ride it to decide whether it's the saddle or the change in position? The bike was professionally fit when I bought it. I know I've been riding it for a season, so I should know whether I like the saddle, but I'm considering this year as kind of starting over as far as cycling goes, since I'm putting more effort into it than I have previously. Anyway, so I'm wondering - a month? Two months? If I'm only riding it for 1 long ride/week...when should I start saddle shopping, if necessary?

Saddles are something that is totally dependent on the individual's preference.  If you don't like the saddle that is currently on the bike I wouldn't spend one more day on it.  A saddle that may be perfect for one person could be a disaster for someone else comfort-wise.  The saddle should be comfortable for all of your rides so don't just consider the long ride in your decision.  Not sure if that is really getting at your question?

2014-01-09 8:07 AM
in reply to: Birkierunner

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: Birkierunner's (Jim Kelley) General + Long Course Group (OPEN)
Originally posted by Birkierunner

Originally posted by enders_shadow And then question 2 - last year I rode the stock saddle that came with the tri bike. I'm thinking it is time to invest in a better saddle, because I don't really like the one on it...but how long do I need to ride it to decide whether it's the saddle or the change in position? The bike was professionally fit when I bought it. I know I've been riding it for a season, so I should know whether I like the saddle, but I'm considering this year as kind of starting over as far as cycling goes, since I'm putting more effort into it than I have previously. Anyway, so I'm wondering - a month? Two months? If I'm only riding it for 1 long ride/week...when should I start saddle shopping, if necessary?

Saddles are something that is totally dependent on the individual's preference.  If you don't like the saddle that is currently on the bike I wouldn't spend one more day on it.  A saddle that may be perfect for one person could be a disaster for someone else comfort-wise.  The saddle should be comfortable for all of your rides so don't just consider the long ride in your decision.  Not sure if that is really getting at your question?

No - that helps. I had just heard that transitioning from road to tri requires some getting used to and the discomfort could do with that, not the saddle itself. Last season I just chalked it up to getting used to the tri position - but it's probably time to get a decent saddle on my tribike.
2014-01-09 11:38 AM
in reply to: enders_shadow

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Wisconsin near the Twin Cities metro
Subject: RE: Birkierunner's (Jim Kelley) General + Long Course Group (OPEN)

The first full week of the New Year is often the week when many athletes "kick off" theire training for the year.  How many of you are treating this as your "kick off" week?

2014-01-09 12:41 PM
in reply to: Birkierunner

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Subject: RE: Birkierunner's (Jim Kelley) General + Long Course Group (OPEN)
Originally posted by Birkierunner

The first full week of the New Year is often the week when many athletes "kick off" theire training for the year.  How many of you are treating this as your "kick off" week?

I am, but not completely because of timing though. This fall and especially the last 2 weeks of December were a mess for me. Between personal commitments, kid stuff, and work, my run and bike miles were way down this fall. The unplanned week in California last week just blew the little bit I was holding things together to pieces.
I am supposed to run a 15 mile trail race next Saturday night, but I may let that go or readjust my goals. That will be a game day decision.

The short answer is yes.
2014-01-09 12:53 PM
in reply to: Birkierunner

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Subject: RE: Birkierunner's (Jim Kelley) General + Long Course Group (OPEN)
Originally posted by Birkierunner

Originally posted by TrevorC Jim -- been wanting to ask you this for a bit. Being from Calgary, I've done the Penticton course officially twice, but biked and ran most of it many more times. Can you talk to me about what you feel are the difference in the bike and run courses? Which do you deem 'harder?' Why? I liked your write up on all the IM tracks you've been a part of. Being from the West, we have alot of people that head down to IMAZ in the fall. Glad to see you share my sentiment about that course, and area!

Hmmmm...that's an interesting question.  I think for me the run course was harder psychologically because it is one big out and back so you know you have to "pay for" the same real estate twice.  Plus, there was a little out and back near the finish that ran along the lakeshore so it was quite the tease to know where the finish line was but you had to do another couple miles (forget the distance) before finishing.  As far as the difficulty of the run course I didn't think it was too bad.  There are some hills that you have to deal with but nothing outrageous.

As I mentioned in my IM course overview, I think the Penticton bike course is truly epic.  Heading out towards the mountains you know what is looming ahead of you.  Then you start the climbs into the mountain passes and it is just a matter of being patient and spinning up. Those are not just your run of the mill ironman course hill.   The descents on the return back to Penticton are just as epic.  The first year I did the race it was raining and cold.  I hadn't dressed for that kind of weather and my whole body was shivering on the descent to the point where I feared losing control of my steering.  Some of those wet curves were outright dangerous and I'm not kidding when I say I feared for my life for a split second a couple times.  It took me several miles on the run for my feet to warm up to where I could feel them again. 

I think the run and bike courses are so different (other than the obvious length difference) that its hard to compare them.  Not sure if that was what you are looking for?

Yes thanks for this.
Looking forward to getting out there in the early summer hopefully to ride the course.

2014-01-09 3:33 PM
in reply to: Birkierunner

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Extreme Veteran
North Brunswick, NJ
Silver member
Subject: RE: Birkierunner's (Jim Kelley) General + Long Course Group (OPEN)
Anyone use ?? I recently switched from the software that came with the computrainer and think this is significantly better.
2014-01-09 6:08 PM
in reply to: Birkierunner

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Greenville, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Birkierunner's (Jim Kelley) General + Long Course Group (OPEN)
Originally posted by Birkierunner

The first full week of the New Year is often the week when many athletes "kick off" theire training for the year.  How many of you are treating this as your "kick off" week?

That was my plan… and I stuck to it well for running (planning a marathon in March) but not so well for swimming. I just have no motivation to get in the pool when it's this cold. So now I'm planning to start 3 months of swim focus (=3x per week instead of only occasionally until close enough to a race that I have to). My A race is late September, so I won't start following a specific training plan for that until May.
2014-01-09 7:51 PM
in reply to: Birkierunner

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: Birkierunner's (Jim Kelley) General + Long Course Group (OPEN)

Originally posted by Birkierunner

The first full week of the New Year is often the week when many athletes "kick off" theire training for the year.  How many of you are treating this as your "kick off" week?

I had planned to train through the "off-season," however, in early November we had a family crisis when a drunk driver hit our youngest son and family, causing serious injuries to mommy and daddy.  Grand-kids, thank goodness, had only minor injuries.  Moved the little ones in with us and then mommy when she got out of the hospital.  Our son was in hospital for nearly 6 weeks.  Everyone is home now, on the road to recovery.  Then, as if that wasn't enough of training obstacle, I got a really bad cold that dropped in to my chest - another two weeks off.  My goal for January is to get back to some form of consistency.

2014-01-10 8:06 AM
in reply to: k9car363

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Wisconsin near the Twin Cities metro
Subject: RE: Birkierunner's (Jim Kelley) General + Long Course Group (OPEN)

Originally posted by k9car363

Originally posted by Birkierunner

The first full week of the New Year is often the week when many athletes "kick off" theire training for the year.  How many of you are treating this as your "kick off" week?

I had planned to train through the "off-season," however, in early November we had a family crisis when a drunk driver hit our youngest son and family, causing serious injuries to mommy and daddy.  Grand-kids, thank goodness, had only minor injuries.  Moved the little ones in with us and then mommy when she got out of the hospital.  Our son was in hospital for nearly 6 weeks.  Everyone is home now, on the road to recovery.  Then, as if that wasn't enough of training obstacle, I got a really bad cold that dropped in to my chest - another two weeks off.  My goal for January is to get back to some form of consistency.

Scott, so very sorry to hear about your family...thank goodness everyone is OK now.  BTW....I didn't realize you had move do the west coast since last year's mentor group.   All you can ask is to be able to get back to some consistency as you said and ease back into training. 

2014-01-10 9:52 AM
in reply to: Birkierunner

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: Birkierunner's (Jim Kelley) General + Long Course Group (OPEN)
Originally posted by Birkierunner

The first full week of the New Year is often the week when many athletes "kick off" theire training for the year.  How many of you are treating this as your "kick off" week?

Yep, the BT 20-week HIM plan started this week for me (with a week pulled out for vacation) - so it's kick-off time!

2014-01-10 9:52 AM
in reply to: stevepiv

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: Birkierunner's (Jim Kelley) General + Long Course Group (OPEN)
Originally posted by stevepiv

Anyone use ?? I recently switched from the software that came with the computrainer and think this is significantly better.

Just started using it at Xmas when I got my speed/cadence sensor. Best part of it for me is that it keeps me on the trainer longer.
2014-01-10 11:29 AM
in reply to: enders_shadow

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Wisconsin near the Twin Cities metro
Subject: RE: Birkierunner's (Jim Kelley) General + Long Course Group (OPEN)

What are folks weekend training plans?????

2014-01-10 12:48 PM
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Subject: RE: Birkierunner's (Jim Kelley) General + Long Course Group (OPEN)
The trainer (The Sufferfest Fight Club) tomorrow morning, and indoor soccer tomorrow night. Sunday is my rest day.

Edited by JBacarella 2014-01-10 12:49 PM
2014-01-10 1:52 PM
in reply to: Birkierunner

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Extreme Veteran
North Brunswick, NJ
Silver member
Subject: RE: Birkierunner's (Jim Kelley) General + Long Course Group (OPEN)
2hr bike + 1 hr brick run tomorrow. Will try to get out of the pain cave and run 10 outside on Sunday. We're finally out of the single digits in NJ :-)
2014-01-10 4:25 PM
in reply to: Birkierunner

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Birkierunner's (Jim Kelley) General + Long Course Group (OPEN)
Originally posted by Birkierunner

The first full week of the New Year is often the week when many athletes "kick off" theire training for the year.  How many of you are treating this as your "kick off" week?

Yep kicked off training and man am I sore. I like working out but I have to be careful about too much too soon and avoid injuries. Honestly its an issue I have. I start working out and feeling good, then go too far and whammo, something tweaks.

2014-01-10 5:52 PM
in reply to: Birkierunner

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Subject: RE: Birkierunner's (Jim Kelley) General + Long Course Group (OPEN)
Jim, Thanks for the write ups on the different IM courses you've done and the pictures of Mont Treblant. It looks very cool!
2014-01-10 6:10 PM
in reply to: Birkierunner

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Greenville, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Birkierunner's (Jim Kelley) General + Long Course Group (OPEN)
Swam a little tonight, trying to practice some of what Scott talked about in his earlier post... tomorrow is rain, rain, rain, but I might get on the trainer. 13 mi run for Sunday.
2014-01-10 6:18 PM
in reply to: Birkierunner

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Subject: RE: Birkierunner's (Jim Kelley) General + Long Course Group (OPEN)
My official training plan will begin Feb 17th, so for this weekend it is still my maintenance long bike (2.5hrs) on Saturday and long run (1.5 hrs) on Sunday. I do these at a pretty slow pace.

I know I've only been doing this for a couple of years, but I agree that bricks are a good idea. I did more bricks last year in my training for IMWI than I did the year prior and I think it really helped. At least it wasn't such a shock to the system coming off the bike and starting the run. I knew what to expect and how my body would feel and that in itself made it worth it.

Jim, a little off topic, but have you ever done the "birkie tour" . Its coming up in a couple weeks. I was wondering how "competitive" it is. It says it is family friendly, but when I watched the video on the website those guys were way out of my league. I'm pretty much a beginner and only do it as another way to get outside in the winter. It sounded like fun, but I don't want get in the way if you know what I mean.

2014-01-10 6:28 PM
in reply to: Birkierunner

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: Birkierunner's (Jim Kelley) General + Long Course Group (OPEN)

Originally posted by Birkierunner

Scott, so very sorry to hear about your family...thank goodness everyone is OK now.  BTW....I didn't realize you had move do the west coast since last year's mentor group.   All you can ask is to be able to get back to some consistency as you said and ease back into training. 


I was born in Indiana, grew up and lived most of my adult life in Southern California.  We moved back to Indiana a couple years ago once all the kids were grown.  Last January ('13) I had to do an installation for a client in San Diego, CA.  I was there for two weeks and during that time, signed 5 new clients.  Then, two days after I got back home, my wife was layed off.  That pretty well put the writing on the wall - move back to California.  Hate it here but until we can retire, this is where I/we get to be.  I guess the good news is even on the terrible weather days, I can still get outside and train, plus the ocean is only an hour away.  California = Triathlon Training Meca

2014-01-11 7:19 AM
in reply to: trei

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Wisconsin near the Twin Cities metro
Subject: RE: Birkierunner's (Jim Kelley) General + Long Course Group (OPEN)

Originally posted by trei  Jim, a little off topic, but have you ever done the "birkie tour" . Its coming up in a couple weeks. I was wondering how "competitive" it is. It says it is family friendly, but when I watched the video on the website those guys were way out of my league. I'm pretty much a beginner and only do it as another way to get outside in the winter. It sounded like fun, but I don't want get in the way if you know what I mean. Todd

I've done 17 of the American Birkebeiners but have never done one of the Birkie Tours in January...its a fairly new event designed to be family friendly as you say.  Yeah, there may be guys using it as a training ski and hit it hard but I'm sure the majority of people treat it just like it was intended - a low key tour.  I would highly encourage you to do it - the Birkie Trail is simply beautiful.

2014-01-12 1:56 PM
in reply to: Birkierunner

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Subject: RE: Birkierunner's (Jim Kelley) General + Long Course Group (OPEN)
Here is a listing of current group members. I made this for my own use (so I know who is posting etc) because I sometimes have a hard time of keep in track of everyone. I thought maybe some others would benefit also (for inspires etc.)

Jim Birkierunner WI
Todd Trei WI
Roy tri/bay FL
Kristen enders shadow
Scott K k9car363 CA
Scott H holt1997 WA
Caje elppaym
Anthony Antwonathon IL
Aaron Aapter IL
Elizabeth hotalinge SC
Beth Hubbie
Nat nskwilson WA
Erika goricky ID
Jeanne JeanneBean
Brian Larchmonttri
Tsitsi Tsitsi
Jaime JaimeS
Thom tfig MI
Mark jmweis NB
Melissa Doxie IL
Trevor TrevorC AB
Matt dmbfan4life20
Alex e powered OH
Steve StevenC
Anthony amschrod
Kurt Kweezen KY
Jim JBacarella MI
Steven Stevepic NJ
Carl CarlG CT

If I made any errors please let me know as I will correct them and add more to a future post as needed. Hope everyone had a good weekend training!
2014-01-12 2:12 PM
in reply to: trei

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Subject: RE: Birkierunner's (Jim Kelley) General + Long Course Group (OPEN)
Originally posted by trei

Here is a listing of current group members. I made this for my own use (so I know who is posting etc) because I sometimes have a hard time of keep in track of everyone. I thought maybe some others would benefit also (for inspires etc.)

Jim Birkierunner WI
Todd Trei WI
Roy tri/bay FL
Kristen enders shadow
Scott K k9car363 CA
Scott H holt1997 WA
Caje elppaym
Anthony Antwonathon IL
Aaron Aapter IL
Elizabeth hotalinge SC
Beth Hubbie
Nat nskwilson WA
Erika goricky ID
Jeanne JeanneBean
Brian Larchmonttri
Tsitsi Tsitsi
Jaime JaimeS
Thom tfig MI
Mark jmweis NB
Melissa Doxie IL
Trevor TrevorC AB
Matt dmbfan4life20
Alex e powered OH
Steve StevenC
Anthony amschrod
Kurt Kweezen KY
Jim JBacarella MI
Steven Stevepic NJ
Carl CarlG CT

If I made any errors please let me know as I will correct them and add more to a future post as needed. Hope everyone had a good weekend training!

Todd- Thanks for making this list I'm new to the group and had trouble keeping everyone straight. Also, I'm open to any of you checking my logs and critiquing, criticizing, offering suggestions or asking why I am doing something. I'm here to learn and to keep motivated.
2014-01-12 4:15 PM
in reply to: trei

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Wisconsin near the Twin Cities metro
Subject: RE: Birkierunner's (Jim Kelley) General + Long Course Group (OPEN)

Originally posted by trei Here is a listing of current group members.

Ha!  You beat me to it...thanks Todd.  I usually make a table of group members and have a link to their blog to make it easier to check in and say hello to other members.  I started a file a while back to do this and  I may still do it and use Todd's list .

2014-01-12 8:20 PM
in reply to: Birkierunner

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Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: Birkierunner's (Jim Kelley) General + Long Course Group (OPEN)
Melissa - I decided to just go for it so i signed up for the Level 2 swim classes. Classes start Feb 18th so I have a little time to get ready. Hope to see you there afterwards.

Jim - I started training again pre-holidays, but my consistency was well...not consistent. I have been focusing at just trying to get all of my training done. My hope is to have a good base for when the good weather is here so I can really enjoy being outside.

Scott - I went to the zoo with my wife and parents today and watched the seals and sea lions swimming around. It's amazing how effortless they make swimming look. Im starting feel less awkward in the water and like Im gliding at times through the water rather than pushing through. The good thing is im at the stage where small tweeks can have large results. Thanks again for the swim advice! Also, glad to hear the fam is recovering.
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