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2014-01-29 12:42 PM
in reply to: juniperjen

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Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
I have a 310xt and really like it. I've been using it since the beginning of December. Previously I just used my phone and a standard Polar HRM. My only complaint is that sometimes it takes a very long time for the computer (or phone) to connect in order to transfer. Also, I wish it could monitor my indoor swimming as I'm awful at keeping track of my laps. I do use the lap feature for that, but still...I tend to forget to hit the button sometimes.

In other news, training has taken a back seat this week as the hot water heater has died. Trying to get it replaced but the type and size has made that more difficult. Hoping to have the new one in tomorrow. Not a pleasant week.

2014-01-29 12:44 PM
in reply to: sethjk

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN

Originally posted by sethjk Jen, You're a lot better than I am. I tried a post snowfall run yesterday morning and had to turn back after 1.7 miles (17 minutes). It was just soo cold, my hands and feet were losing feeling and the roads weren't plowed well which resulted in me turning my ankles several times. We only got 1-2 inches on Saturday so the plows didn't really do much. I got some time in on the trainer this morning, though not nearly long enough. Going to try to get another session in tonight. Tomorrow morning I might attempt a run, but the temperature is supposed to plummet, again! I'm a winter person, but enough is enough- not typical NJ weather here

It has been crazy!  Hey 17 mins is better than nothing! I know i wouldn't have gotten out if it wasn't for two things:

1. Agreeing to meet up with my running buddy.  It makes the time pass by so much more pleasantly

2. Signing up for the half marathon.  I am feeling pretty dumb for picking this winter to have such an early season race ... 

2014-01-29 3:25 PM
in reply to: Daffodil


Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
I would like to join this group if possible

NAME: Catherine

STORY: I am 35. I have been wanting to do a Tri for the last couple of years, and finally set a goal to accomplish it this year. I have done a few 5K and 10K's and completed a half over a year ago.

I swam in high school and every now and again for exercise since. I love to swim, it is just hard to find the time!

I started running regularly about two years ago. I am a very slow runner, but I am okay with that.

I work Monday - Thursday 40 hours and babysit my two baby nieces (15 months and 11 months) on Fridays.

FAMILY STATUS: Married for 14 years. 12 Year old daughter and 10 year old son.

CURRENT TRAINING: I have been swimming 2000 yards Saturday and Sunday morning. I go to an hour spinning class on Tuesdays and Thursdays (about 15 to 20 miles). Monday and Wednesday, I run 4 to 5 miles. Friday is my rest day. I just bought a road bike and when it gets warmer will start taking that out.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: 2013 I did a 5K and a 10K

2014 RACES: Sprints and hopefully and Olympic later in the year.

WEIGHTLOSS: This is a constant goal of mine. I have a good 40 pounds that would be great to lose. I am currently trying to track calories in

2014-01-30 7:26 AM
in reply to: chuhtala

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Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Originally posted by chuhtala

I would like to join this group if possible

NAME: Catherine

STORY: I am 35. I have been wanting to do a Tri for the last couple of years, and finally set a goal to accomplish it this year. I have done a few 5K and 10K's and completed a half over a year ago.

I swam in high school and every now and again for exercise since. I love to swim, it is just hard to find the time!

I started running regularly about two years ago. I am a very slow runner, but I am okay with that.

I work Monday - Thursday 40 hours and babysit my two baby nieces (15 months and 11 months) on Fridays.

FAMILY STATUS: Married for 14 years. 12 Year old daughter and 10 year old son.

CURRENT TRAINING: I have been swimming 2000 yards Saturday and Sunday morning. I go to an hour spinning class on Tuesdays and Thursdays (about 15 to 20 miles). Monday and Wednesday, I run 4 to 5 miles. Friday is my rest day. I just bought a road bike and when it gets warmer will start taking that out.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: 2013 I did a 5K and a 10K

2014 RACES: Sprints and hopefully and Olympic later in the year.

WEIGHTLOSS: This is a constant goal of mine. I have a good 40 pounds that would be great to lose. I am currently trying to track calories in

welcome Catherine!
2014-01-31 11:32 AM
in reply to: Daffodil

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN

Originally posted by Daffodil
Originally posted by chuhtala I would like to join this group if possible NAME: Catherine STORY: I am 35. I have been wanting to do a Tri for the last couple of years, and finally set a goal to accomplish it this year. I have done a few 5K and 10K's and completed a half over a year ago. I swam in high school and every now and again for exercise since. I love to swim, it is just hard to find the time! I started running regularly about two years ago. I am a very slow runner, but I am okay with that. I work Monday - Thursday 40 hours and babysit my two baby nieces (15 months and 11 months) on Fridays. FAMILY STATUS: Married for 14 years. 12 Year old daughter and 10 year old son. CURRENT TRAINING: I have been swimming 2000 yards Saturday and Sunday morning. I go to an hour spinning class on Tuesdays and Thursdays (about 15 to 20 miles). Monday and Wednesday, I run 4 to 5 miles. Friday is my rest day. I just bought a road bike and when it gets warmer will start taking that out. THIS YEAR'S RACES: 2013 I did a 5K and a 10K 2014 RACES: Sprints and hopefully and Olympic later in the year. WEIGHTLOSS: This is a constant goal of mine. I have a good 40 pounds that would be great to lose. I am currently trying to track calories in
welcome Catherine!

Agree, welcome! 

Are you stuck in the polar vortex with some of us? Are you managing okay with all the cold? 

2014-01-31 11:37 AM
in reply to: juniperjen

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN

Hey guys - it's actually a reasonable temperature out so Felicity and I went out for a couple of errands. So, hoping to get on my bike later today.  

I started my half iron plan this week but i am not strictly following it - i am going to try for the frequency but i don't think its smart to jump up in volume so quickly and with a half marathon on the plan i'll make running the focus. 

This week has been pretty good for training but my long run on the weekend really took it out of my legs and I could feel it swimming on Monday.  

2014-01-31 11:38 AM
in reply to: juniperjen

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Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
The polar vortex seems to be subsiding, maybe? Temperatures are back up around 30 today, and in fact I think they broke freezing at some point yesterday.
Between the cold and hot water heater issue this week, I shifted my entire training schedule down a week. Was going to get in a run this morning but figured I'd just jump on the trainer again- got in about 40 minutes. Back to normal schedule next week.

In other news, we finally have our new hot water heater. What a nightmare, though fortunately, it was caught before any leakage.

Will definitely try to get in a long run this weekend which should offset the Superbowl munching!
2014-01-31 5:39 PM
in reply to: #4934630

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
I've had a bit of a rough week. I'm on my 3rd illness/virus since Christmas, which has yet again completely flattened me. I also had to have another emergency scan at the beginning of the week. Fortunately everything is still ok, and apparently they've dated me further on, so nearly at 10 weeks! With getting ill yet again I decided that I had to tell work, as my shifts are definitely contributing to the problems. So now EVERYONE at work knows, and I'm restricted to "non-confrontational roles" for the next 7 months. That means I have to sit at a desk and try not to go insane from boredom. But it also means I won't be working night shifts, which is a good start.

I ran a 5k parkrun last Saturday (just before I started feeling ill) and with my HR at my target I did the slowest 5k I've ever run - just over 40min! I'm not a particularly fast runner, but I'd normally expect to be able to do that route in well under 30min. There were a few raised eyebrows from people I know as I plodded past. It's really frustrating not being able to tell people WHY I'm so slow! But I'm glad I kept the effort easy as I felt a little light headed when my HR got even slightly high. Had my BP taken on Sunday and it's really low, which explains it but means I should probably take it gently till it stabilises. No training since then as I've pretty much spent all the time I'm not a work in bed. Really hope this improves soon.

I FINALLY have my first midwife appointment on Tuesday so I'm going to get her to check I'm not anaemic etc just in case that's contributing.
2014-01-31 5:44 PM
in reply to: #4942243

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
On the garmin topic, I have the 910XT and I really like it. I use it for pool swimming a lot and I have the speed/cadence monitor for the bike as well. I had a 305 and upgraded as a birthday present (I'm a complete data junkie and wanted the swim function). I like the extra stuff it does over the 305, although you have to really want it to justify the significant price difference between the two.

For OW swimming it's not great for accuracy if you really want to know where you've been (at the lake we train at it regularly shows me swimming over the land at the edge) but it seems pretty good at judging the distance over longer swims.
2014-01-31 6:44 PM
in reply to: chapfallen

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Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Originally posted by chapfallen

I've had a bit of a rough week. I'm on my 3rd illness/virus since Christmas, which has yet again completely flattened me. I also had to have another emergency scan at the beginning of the week. Fortunately everything is still ok, and apparently they've dated me further on, so nearly at 10 weeks! With getting ill yet again I decided that I had to tell work, as my shifts are definitely contributing to the problems. So now EVERYONE at work knows, and I'm restricted to "non-confrontational roles" for the next 7 months. That means I have to sit at a desk and try not to go insane from boredom. But it also means I won't be working night shifts, which is a good start.

I ran a 5k parkrun last Saturday (just before I started feeling ill) and with my HR at my target I did the slowest 5k I've ever run - just over 40min! I'm not a particularly fast runner, but I'd normally expect to be able to do that route in well under 30min. There were a few raised eyebrows from people I know as I plodded past. It's really frustrating not being able to tell people WHY I'm so slow! But I'm glad I kept the effort easy as I felt a little light headed when my HR got even slightly high. Had my BP taken on Sunday and it's really low, which explains it but means I should probably take it gently till it stabilises. No training since then as I've pretty much spent all the time I'm not a work in bed. Really hope this improves soon.

I FINALLY have my first midwife appointment on Tuesday so I'm going to get her to check I'm not anaemic etc just in case that's contributing.

there is nothing worse than a cold when you are pregnant. I was sick all last January as well and I was still in my first trimester so I wasn't telling anyone. It dragged on and on and on and I couldn't take a damn thing. I guess Halls are okay, but nothing more serious in the cough drop department. I also found that nasal strips helped a tonne with sleeping at night. it would open my nasal passages (along with a neti-pot rinse before bed) so that I could get a decent night sleep. Hope you are feeling better soon. It will get better after the first trimester is over.

Also, on the garmin front, I should also mention that I got my 310 just at the 910 was announced. they were still VERY expensive at the time and out of my price range. The prices of both the 310 and 910 have come down quite a bit in the last 2 years.
2014-01-31 7:19 PM
in reply to: chapfallen

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Calgary, Alberta
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Originally posted by chapfallen

I've had a bit of a rough week. I'm on my 3rd illness/virus since Christmas, which has yet again completely flattened me. I also had to have another emergency scan at the beginning of the week. Fortunately everything is still ok, and apparently they've dated me further on, so nearly at 10 weeks! With getting ill yet again I decided that I had to tell work, as my shifts are definitely contributing to the problems. So now EVERYONE at work knows, and I'm restricted to "non-confrontational roles" for the next 7 months. That means I have to sit at a desk and try not to go insane from boredom. But it also means I won't be working night shifts, which is a good start.

I ran a 5k parkrun last Saturday (just before I started feeling ill) and with my HR at my target I did the slowest 5k I've ever run - just over 40min! I'm not a particularly fast runner, but I'd normally expect to be able to do that route in well under 30min. There were a few raised eyebrows from people I know as I plodded past. It's really frustrating not being able to tell people WHY I'm so slow! But I'm glad I kept the effort easy as I felt a little light headed when my HR got even slightly high. Had my BP taken on Sunday and it's really low, which explains it but means I should probably take it gently till it stabilises. No training since then as I've pretty much spent all the time I'm not a work in bed. Really hope this improves soon.

I FINALLY have my first midwife appointment on Tuesday so I'm going to get her to check I'm not anaemic etc just in case that's contributing.

Thanks for all the info on the garmin's!!! I'm really leaning toward the 910 but i'll do some shopping around to see who has the best deal and if I get any gift cards!

Glad to hear things are good for the pregnancy and you are further along then you thought!! getting sick definitely sucks but it will be over before you know it! get lots of rest & fluids!

I'm so jealous your work will put you on a 'no confrontational role' my work doesn't do that and it's only a matter of time until something prego women try to fight it but we are still a minority and labor laws here say we can't refuse where they put first pregnancy I was in a confrontational role but with my second I lucked out and got a decent different position and straight days...however I can't say the same for friends of mine....we basically have to get doctors notes that we are stressed from safety concern to get placed in a no confrontational position.....but even then that doesn't always work!!! We are planning to have a 3rd and we plan that I will get prego pretty much as soon as I go back to work so I don't have to get placed in a spot only to have to get placed in a prego accommodation again only a few months later. It really sucks as we pretty much have to put our career on hold when we are prego as we usually get stuck in positions that do nothing to help it.....

2014-02-01 9:45 AM
in reply to: #4942247

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
We're quite lucky in the uk as there is a lot of legislation that protects pregnant women. Basically as soon as you inform your employer that you are pregnant they are legally required to carry out a risk assessment of your role and make any adjustments considered necessary. I guess I'm a bit frustrated because in most jobs they can make small adjustments but my role is basically considered to be entirely inappropriate when pregnant (there's an aspect of paternal protectionism to it - apparently MY safety isn't important, but that of a ball of cells less than a cm in diameter is paramount...). There's not that much in my job that isn't confrontational, and we don't have any kind of consistent work flow, so I'm pretty much stuck with making phone calls and finding things for myself to do.

One good thing about the guys I work with is that although my job is male-dominated, most of them have kids, and several have had to take time off when the babies were young due to problems (all of which fortunately seen to have resolved), so I think they'll be more understanding than a lot of blokes about my restrictions. It's very easy to be perceived as being lazy when you're restricted in my job.
2014-02-01 6:39 PM
in reply to: chapfallen

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Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
THe weather's finally cleared up in the Northeast and I was able to get my longest run in almost 3 years. Right around 6.5 miles. Feeling good, but definitely hurting a little. It's pretty amazing because this distance used to be my standard pre-work run- my, how times have changed.
I have a gift card to my bike shop and they're having a small sale so I think I'mg going to pick up clip-on aero bars tomorrow. I'm thinking Profile Design T3 Plus bars. Does anybody have any thoughts? This will be my first pair.
2014-02-02 5:59 AM
in reply to: sethjk

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Cleveland OH
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Originally posted by sethjk

THe weather's finally cleared up in the Northeast and I was able to get my longest run in almost 3 years. Right around 6.5 miles. Feeling good, but definitely hurting a little. It's pretty amazing because this distance used to be my standard pre-work run- my, how times have changed.
I have a gift card to my bike shop and they're having a small sale so I think I'mg going to pick up clip-on aero bars tomorrow. I'm thinking Profile Design T3 Plus bars. Does anybody have any thoughts? This will be my first pair.

I have the Profile Design clip on Jammers, I wish I would have gotten the longer straight ones, I think they would allow me to get into a better aero position. But they do the job.
2014-02-02 6:04 AM
in reply to: rydergal

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Cleveland OH
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Originally posted by rydergal

Wondering, What kind of garmin does everyone use? If u use one? I have the Garmin 405cx and have hated it from day one....the bezel is so finicky and the battery does not last for anything over 2 hrs or more then a day not being used and the wireless download only works on occasion. I like that I can use it with my bike to show cadence/speed but that's about my bday is this weekend and hoping to get some $$ for a gift and plan to buy a new one....I like the one that you can swim/bike /run with it but heard the swimming gps is not very accurate......I bought my hubby the forerunner 10 which is great for it's value and simple easy to use but can't use it with the bike or swim.....

I have the Garmin FR60 with Heart Rate Strap, I also bought the sensor for my bike, So I can track the bike and run pretty accurately. It uses the Footpod thing for the run portion so It is not GPS. I am usually wiithin 1/10th of a mile on long runs. It does not switch between sports automatically, but just takes 5-7 seconds to do. I would reccommend it if you do not wish to spend $350-$400 on the 910 which I hear wonderful things about.

2014-02-02 6:12 AM
in reply to: smithat05

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Cleveland OH
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Alrighty, My DW is out of the house so I actually get to use the computer, DS is over playing with something, Uhhggg someone asked about sleep? The lack of sleep just keeps getting worse, He will sleep 3-5 hrs in crib then its into bed with us. Just looked at my training plan as it starts tomorrow and it says "just keep up on your sleep this week" Yeah sure.

I have been running a lot as its still the easiest to get in. Did 2- 3 mile runs on the treadmill and a 6 miler. Yesterday I got a 14 mile run in outside with group we run with. It felt great to go long like that. I only swam once this week, Hopefully will go today. My plan starts tomorrow on MOnday,

I am doing the beginner Triathlete's free HIM plan, I know I am in good enough shape to do that, but my question is, My run is definatly more advanced so, would you think its ok to step up the running on days that I only have runs scheduled?

140 days till my first Half Ironman, Getting Nervous a little.

2014-02-02 8:46 PM
in reply to: Daffodil

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Plaistow, New Hampshire
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
NAME: Jill

STORY: I'm 31 years old and I'm brand new to triathlons. I've fallen in love with endurance training over the past 2 years. I used to hate running. In fact, I swore I never would have anything to do with it, and then I made a deal with a friend that resulted in me training for a half marathon. Since 2011, I've run 5 half marathons and a full marathon. I gave thought to training for an ultramarathon, but my I don't think my knees would take it. I have a friend who trains regularly for half and full-length triathlons and I decided that triathlons would be better for me all around. I've always wanted to do one but been too nervous about the running. Now that I have the running part under control, I'm excited to enter into the world of multisport.

I rowed crew in college and then again as a masters rower for several years after college. Rowing taught me a lot about mental and physical toughness, and although I was never the best at it (I'm far too short), my competitive personality meshed well with the "go hard or go home" attitude that most rowers bring to the sport. I think that it what draws me to endurance sports. There is a mental toughness there that appeals to me.

The biggest reason that I'm looking for a mentor is that I am struggling to find a supportive group that understands the difficulties of training while being a parent. I became a single parent 3 years ago, and after relocating to the East Coast in 2012, I became a 100% full-time single parent. My parents are able to help me once every couple of weekends, but for the most part, I have to fit my training in either first thing in the morning, on my lunch break, or after my daughter gets to bed. Single parenting definitely comes with its challenges, but I refuse to believe that this is impossible to handle. Some people try to convince me to just give up the training and the competitions, but I'm a better parent and a better person when I'm training and exercising.

FAMILY STATUS: Divorced, single parent. One daughter (3 years old).

CURRENT TRAINING: For the next 12 weeks or so, I'm doing 3 bikes (indoors for now - it's cold and icy in the Northeast right now), 2 runs, 2 swims, and 3 weight lifting sessions per week. I can run 12-15 miles without much issue right now and I can swim 3000 yds without a problem. I can ride for at least 2 hours without much concern. I haven't pushed my limits on my bike yet to see where I max out. My goal is to build biking endurance, since that is what I will really need the most to do the longer tri distances.

2014 RACES: This sounds crazy, but I'm signed up to do Vineman in July. Yes, it's a stretch to try to come out of the gates with a full tri, but I'm not really interested in racing the shorter sprint or Olympic distances. I'm also hoping to do the Rev3 in CT in June as preparation for Vineman.

WEIGHTLOSS: This is the biggest thing I need to work on. I know I can build the endurance if I train consistently. But the stress of the last few years has pulled my focus from good eating habits and I need to lose about 40 pounds. Weight loss is the highest priority for me. I think I will get more out of losing a significant amount of weight than out of any attempts to gain power or speed.
2014-02-03 7:16 AM
in reply to: JMart

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN

Welcome Jill! Vineman is a big goal but you sound confident and committed! It's always good to have 'tune-up' races in advance and doing rev3 will be a good way to test things out. 

2014-02-03 7:24 AM
in reply to: juniperjen

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN

Good morning everyone! 

I think i had a good week of training - it falls short of what the plan called for but I think is appropriate to my current fitness and what actually happened.  That 18k i did last sunday took quite a bit out of my legs and then at swimming on Monday she had us do kicking time trials for which I had absolutely no power! And then on Wednesday we did a 400m TT.  I think i am actually the slowest person in our group but I am improving - i did it in 8:07 and I am really happy with that. I did shorter bikes but my legs felt those as well. I am just going to have to cut myself a break and not worry - i  know I can get through a half iron whether or not I pile on all the bike volume now or not. 

I also have to admit how much i am tiring out my body.  With training and breast feeding it is quite a load on my body so i need to be kind to myself. I've been sleeping HARD!  Lucky Felicity has too! 

Yesterday I got out for another long run - but this time as a cut back week and we did just shy of 14k but it had snowed all day on Saturday so it was not an easy run in the park. (Though the big park near us was really beautiful - all covered in new snow. I love running outdoors).  

My hubby has a couple of work trips planned over the next few months so we were talking a trip for me.  So that's fun to think about.  Of course I don't want to leave the baby for too long but a long weekend is possible and not until later in the spring.  I probably wouldn't trek too far but we have some points.  Any suggestions on a fun destination for a long weekend trip? 

2014-02-03 7:28 AM
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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN

Originally posted by smithat05 Alrighty, My DW is out of the house so I actually get to use the computer, DS is over playing with something, Uhhggg someone asked about sleep? The lack of sleep just keeps getting worse, He will sleep 3-5 hrs in crib then its into bed with us. Just looked at my training plan as it starts tomorrow and it says "just keep up on your sleep this week" Yeah sure. I have been running a lot as its still the easiest to get in. Did 2- 3 mile runs on the treadmill and a 6 miler. Yesterday I got a 14 mile run in outside with group we run with. It felt great to go long like that. I only swam once this week, Hopefully will go today. My plan starts tomorrow on MOnday, I am doing the beginner Triathlete's free HIM plan, I know I am in good enough shape to do that, but my question is, My run is definatly more advanced so, would you think its ok to step up the running on days that I only have runs scheduled? 140 days till my first Half Ironman, Getting Nervous a little.

I don't see why you couldn't add running to the plan - just remember not to sacrifice the bike time.  I know i find running the most comforting but being strong on the bike will give you the most gains on race day. (Fresher legs for the run)  That said, i know lots of plans are easy on the run and it can be pretty easy to add in tempo work or extra distance on the weekends to keep up more volume and that will help you!  I've done it plenty of times - especially with race season in the early spring.  

Edited by juniperjen 2014-02-03 7:30 AM
2014-02-03 7:33 AM
in reply to: sethjk

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Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Originally posted by sethjk

THe weather's finally cleared up in the Northeast and I was able to get my longest run in almost 3 years. Right around 6.5 miles. Feeling good, but definitely hurting a little. It's pretty amazing because this distance used to be my standard pre-work run- my, how times have changed.
I have a gift card to my bike shop and they're having a small sale so I think I'mg going to pick up clip-on aero bars tomorrow. I'm thinking Profile Design T3 Plus bars. Does anybody have any thoughts? This will be my first pair.

I switched the aerobars on my bike to the T2 Plus bars. My original bars were too agressive and hurt my wrists. I love the T2 plus bars, my only complaint (and I guess it is pretty common) is that the pads on the aero bars are kind of cheap. They wore out pretty quickly and slipped off a lot. My LBS, made me customized pads after the other ones wore out, and they are awesome. I am very comfortable in my aerobars for very long periods. It is pretty flat where I live, so I'd be spending the majority of my long IM training rides in the aero position.

2014-02-03 7:38 AM
in reply to: smithat05

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Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Originally posted by smithat05

Alrighty, My DW is out of the house so I actually get to use the computer, DS is over playing with something, Uhhggg someone asked about sleep? The lack of sleep just keeps getting worse, He will sleep 3-5 hrs in crib then its into bed with us. Just looked at my training plan as it starts tomorrow and it says "just keep up on your sleep this week" Yeah sure.

I have been running a lot as its still the easiest to get in. Did 2- 3 mile runs on the treadmill and a 6 miler. Yesterday I got a 14 mile run in outside with group we run with. It felt great to go long like that. I only swam once this week, Hopefully will go today. My plan starts tomorrow on MOnday,

I am doing the beginner Triathlete's free HIM plan, I know I am in good enough shape to do that, but my question is, My run is definatly more advanced so, would you think its ok to step up the running on days that I only have runs scheduled?

140 days till my first Half Ironman, Getting Nervous a little.

I've seriously been considering going to sleep at 7:30 when DS goes to sleep so that I can get in a stretch longer than 2 hours in a night, so I definitely feel your pain. hopefully both of our sons will start sleeping better soon.

As for the runs, I think that increasing the run distance on run days will be okay, if you are already beyond where the plan is, but I wouldn't ADD runs to the week. you'll need time to recover.
2014-02-03 7:46 AM
in reply to: JMart

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Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Originally posted by JMart

NAME: Jill

STORY: I'm 31 years old and I'm brand new to triathlons. I've fallen in love with endurance training over the past 2 years. I used to hate running. In fact, I swore I never would have anything to do with it, and then I made a deal with a friend that resulted in me training for a half marathon. Since 2011, I've run 5 half marathons and a full marathon. I gave thought to training for an ultramarathon, but my I don't think my knees would take it. I have a friend who trains regularly for half and full-length triathlons and I decided that triathlons would be better for me all around. I've always wanted to do one but been too nervous about the running. Now that I have the running part under control, I'm excited to enter into the world of multisport.

I rowed crew in college and then again as a masters rower for several years after college. Rowing taught me a lot about mental and physical toughness, and although I was never the best at it (I'm far too short), my competitive personality meshed well with the "go hard or go home" attitude that most rowers bring to the sport. I think that it what draws me to endurance sports. There is a mental toughness there that appeals to me.

The biggest reason that I'm looking for a mentor is that I am struggling to find a supportive group that understands the difficulties of training while being a parent. I became a single parent 3 years ago, and after relocating to the East Coast in 2012, I became a 100% full-time single parent. My parents are able to help me once every couple of weekends, but for the most part, I have to fit my training in either first thing in the morning, on my lunch break, or after my daughter gets to bed. Single parenting definitely comes with its challenges, but I refuse to believe that this is impossible to handle. Some people try to convince me to just give up the training and the competitions, but I'm a better parent and a better person when I'm training and exercising.

FAMILY STATUS: Divorced, single parent. One daughter (3 years old).

CURRENT TRAINING: For the next 12 weeks or so, I'm doing 3 bikes (indoors for now - it's cold and icy in the Northeast right now), 2 runs, 2 swims, and 3 weight lifting sessions per week. I can run 12-15 miles without much issue right now and I can swim 3000 yds without a problem. I can ride for at least 2 hours without much concern. I haven't pushed my limits on my bike yet to see where I max out. My goal is to build biking endurance, since that is what I will really need the most to do the longer tri distances.

2014 RACES: This sounds crazy, but I'm signed up to do Vineman in July. Yes, it's a stretch to try to come out of the gates with a full tri, but I'm not really interested in racing the shorter sprint or Olympic distances. I'm also hoping to do the Rev3 in CT in June as preparation for Vineman.

WEIGHTLOSS: This is the biggest thing I need to work on. I know I can build the endurance if I train consistently. But the stress of the last few years has pulled my focus from good eating habits and I need to lose about 40 pounds. Weight loss is the highest priority for me. I think I will get more out of losing a significant amount of weight than out of any attempts to gain power or speed.

Welcome to BT and triathlon Jill!

I think from the sounds of it, you are well on your way with training for your first full. For the two ironmans I have done, I never went more than 2 hours on the trainer during the winter (mind you, they were later in the year (Mid september and early November). I think you would be fine to keep the bike under 3 hours through the Winter, but try to get outside as early as possible in the spring. Maybe on a weekend when your parents can take your daughter on a Saturday?

I would also definitely recommend doing at least one tri before Vineman, to get an idea how it works, but the truth is transitions in Ironmans are generally completely different than regular tris.

After becoming a parent, I am pretty sure my outdoor rides for a few years are going to be limited to saturday or sunday mornings, I'll probably be doing the bulk of my bike training on the trainer. Not ideal, but you do what you gotta do

2014-02-03 7:54 AM
in reply to: juniperjen

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Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Originally posted by juniperjen

Good morning everyone! 

I think i had a good week of training - it falls short of what the plan called for but I think is appropriate to my current fitness and what actually happened.  That 18k i did last sunday took quite a bit out of my legs and then at swimming on Monday she had us do kicking time trials for which I had absolutely no power! And then on Wednesday we did a 400m TT.  I think i am actually the slowest person in our group but I am improving - i did it in 8:07 and I am really happy with that. I did shorter bikes but my legs felt those as well. I am just going to have to cut myself a break and not worry - i  know I can get through a half iron whether or not I pile on all the bike volume now or not. 

I also have to admit how much i am tiring out my body.  With training and breast feeding it is quite a load on my body so i need to be kind to myself. I've been sleeping HARD!  Lucky Felicity has too! 

Yesterday I got out for another long run - but this time as a cut back week and we did just shy of 14k but it had snowed all day on Saturday so it was not an easy run in the park. (Though the big park near us was really beautiful - all covered in new snow. I love running outdoors).  

My hubby has a couple of work trips planned over the next few months so we were talking a trip for me.  So that's fun to think about.  Of course I don't want to leave the baby for too long but a long weekend is possible and not until later in the spring.  I probably wouldn't trek too far but we have some points.  Any suggestions on a fun destination for a long weekend trip? 

Niagara or muskoka? you should be able to find deals for april or may. are you signed up for Travelzoo emails? they have good deals for niagara on the lake almost every week.
2014-02-03 8:03 AM
in reply to: juniperjen

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Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
I had a few good days in a row there got my runs in on thursday and friday and my bike on saturday. Ended up taking yesterday off, but for good reason. We spent the entire afternoon and evening with our realestate agent. we have decided to stay in Woodstock and will be building our dream house. I'm so excited. I will have two stop signs and about 200 metres to ride before I am on quiet country roads. about 200 metres to run to be on our trail system by the lake. We will have a large lot and a lakeview. I've run through this subdivision since we moved here 6.5 years ago. I'm excited that we will finally live there. It will add a few minutes to my commute, but other than that it is the lifestyle we want.

slept okay last ight, J fell back asleep at 5:30 to 7:40 so I got to sleep in a bit and get a full 8 hours of broken up sleep. I will go swimming tonight after J goes to sleep.
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