BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Team Trisuppo - OPEN Rss Feed  
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2014-02-05 4:45 PM
in reply to: trisuppo

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
Sorry I was not aware about the 1 point a day. I thought it was 1 point as long as it was over 30mins. I have adjusted my total.

Matthew 4 5:53:15
Mitch 4 3:59:10
Jim 4 3:04:05
Kate 1 0:56:00
Gabe 4 4:59:53
Joe 2 2:53:27
Mark 3 4:32:00
Jennifer 3 4:35:00

2014-02-05 4:54 PM
in reply to: Moonrocket

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Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN

Hey Matthew, my lunch break usually is not that long either, but I had luck with traffic yesterday, swam for 55 min without breaks and then rushed back to work.

Today I did 70 min on the drainer.  I also just got delivery of my new trainer (Cycleops Fluid 2), so I might have to try it out later at night and see if there is a difference in the virtual watts I get from this one vs the old one.


Matthew 6 4:59:10 
Gabe 5 6:09:55 
Mitch 4 3:59:10 
Jim 4 3:04:05 
Kate 1 0:56:00 
Joe 2 2:53:27 
Mark 3 4:32:00 
Jennifer 3 4:35:00

2014-02-05 6:35 PM
in reply to: sirgab


Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
No workout for me today. Feeling a bit of a chest cold. 2 summers ago I was training for a triathalon and ended up with pneumonia. No interest in going down that road again. Really trying to listen to my body this go around! Does shoveling 4" snow with and 1/2" ice on top for 2 1/2 hrs count for a workout? Just kidding!
2014-02-06 4:20 AM
in reply to: sirgab

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Gold Coast Australia.
Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
45' run after work. 8.3km. Finally a bit cooler and this was quite pleasant.

Matthew 6 4:59:10
Gabe 5 6:09:55
Mitch 4 3:59:10
Jim 4 3:04:05
Kate 1 0:56:00
Joe 2 2:53:27
Mark 4 5:17:00
Jennifer 3 4:35:00
2014-02-06 7:03 AM
in reply to: markz

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Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
Matthew - NP at all. I knew you were just logging the challenge the old way.

This morning - 85 minutes on the drainer doing 4x10' intervals at 98% FTP

Matthew 4 5:53:15
Gabe 5 6:09:55
Mitch 5 5:14:16
Jim 4 3:04:05
Kate 1 0:56:00
Joe 2 2:53:27
Mark 4 5:17:00
Jennifer 3 4:35:00
2014-02-06 8:54 AM
in reply to: trisuppo

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Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
My trial period expired on the Cycleops VirtualTraining app. So I installed another app that was discussed in DCRainmaker's Wahoo Kickr review. Its called iMobileIntervals. It doesn't have the virtual ride capabilities, but where its better is that I can import ERG files into it on my desktop and then access them from my iPad. It also has audio cues that an interval is ending (the Cycleops did not do that). The cycleops app's other shortcoming was that you could not build a workout via FTP%. Therefore as your FTP changes (hopefully higher!!) you would have to go back in and edit the entire workout to reflect new absolute power #s. The new app I installed allows you to build workouts off of FTP%. I'm anxiously awaiting trainerroad to finish their iOS app. Also, this new app has an impressive libarary of workouts that users have made public as well as workouts that mirror sufferfest videos. Happy to answer any questions that folks may have. The cycleops app is $6 per mos after 30 day trial period. The iMobileIntervals app is $6 upfront and no more after that.

2014-02-06 9:45 AM
in reply to: trisuppo

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Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN

Originally posted by trisuppo My trial period expired on the Cycleops VirtualTraining app. So I installed another app that was discussed in DCRainmaker's Wahoo Kickr review. Its called iMobileIntervals. It doesn't have the virtual ride capabilities, but where its better is that I can import ERG files into it on my desktop and then access them from my iPad. It also has audio cues that an interval is ending (the Cycleops did not do that). The cycleops app's other shortcoming was that you could not build a workout via FTP%. Therefore as your FTP changes (hopefully higher!!) you would have to go back in and edit the entire workout to reflect new absolute power #s. The new app I installed allows you to build workouts off of FTP%. I'm anxiously awaiting trainerroad to finish their iOS app. Also, this new app has an impressive libarary of workouts that users have made public as well as workouts that mirror sufferfest videos. Happy to answer any questions that folks may have. The cycleops app is $6 per mos after 30 day trial period. The iMobileIntervals app is $6 upfront and no more after that.

Thanks for the info Mitch, this is very relevant for me right now as I just got my new Cycleops Fluid 2 trainer yesterday and want to make sure I improve my utilization of it through the different tools available.

I tried the new trainer with the TrainerRoad software today morning with the intent to do an FTP test, but the trainer was kicking my butt.  For some reason, I felt I was getting way more resistance than my previous trainer even in the warm-up at 125 FTP, and I know I was expending good effort as my HR was already around 160bpm.  So either I'm doing something wrong, there is something wrong with my setup or I'm just way to wimpy for the trainer (which I refuse to believe).  Any thoughts on this?

2014-02-06 10:39 AM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
Originally posted by sirgab

Originally posted by trisuppo My trial period expired on the Cycleops VirtualTraining app. So I installed another app that was discussed in DCRainmaker's Wahoo Kickr review. Its called iMobileIntervals. It doesn't have the virtual ride capabilities, but where its better is that I can import ERG files into it on my desktop and then access them from my iPad. It also has audio cues that an interval is ending (the Cycleops did not do that). The cycleops app's other shortcoming was that you could not build a workout via FTP%. Therefore as your FTP changes (hopefully higher!!) you would have to go back in and edit the entire workout to reflect new absolute power #s. The new app I installed allows you to build workouts off of FTP%. I'm anxiously awaiting trainerroad to finish their iOS app. Also, this new app has an impressive libarary of workouts that users have made public as well as workouts that mirror sufferfest videos. Happy to answer any questions that folks may have. The cycleops app is $6 per mos after 30 day trial period. The iMobileIntervals app is $6 upfront and no more after that.

Thanks for the info Mitch, this is very relevant for me right now as I just got my new Cycleops Fluid 2 trainer yesterday and want to make sure I improve my utilization of it through the different tools available.

I tried the new trainer with the TrainerRoad software today morning with the intent to do an FTP test, but the trainer was kicking my butt.  For some reason, I felt I was getting way more resistance than my previous trainer even in the warm-up at 125 FTP, and I know I was expending good effort as my HR was already around 160bpm.  So either I'm doing something wrong, there is something wrong with my setup or I'm just way to wimpy for the trainer (which I refuse to believe).  Any thoughts on this?

Were you using virtual power on your last trainer? Could be the number is just different? Could just be how you feel today?

Does your new trainer allow for an ERG mode where the resistance is changed by a program? I think DCRainmaker reviewed the app (desktop version) last year.

Edited by trisuppo 2014-02-06 10:40 AM
2014-02-06 12:46 PM
in reply to: trisuppo

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Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
58:35 on the drainer Fight Club

Matthew 4 5:53:15
Gabe 5 6:09:55
Mitch 5 5:14:16
Jim 5 4:02:40
Kate 1 0:56:00
Joe 2 2:53:27
Mark 4 5:17:00
Jennifer 3 4:35:00
2014-02-06 2:16 PM
in reply to: trisuppo


Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
hey hope I could get an in!!!!
Currently I am 37 yrs old, a father of three and yes married as well. My wife does not really get my desire to get into tris, but oh well!!!Lol, My problem is that I need to stay focused and motivated, and I think a tri is right for me to do that. Im probably like 20 lbs overweight, and just want to live healthier, feel better and gave some fun in the process. Havent been on a bike in some time, I run but slowly, and I swim like a three pawed dog!!!
2014-02-06 2:50 PM
in reply to: Jansu

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Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
Originally posted by Jansu

hey hope I could get an in!!!!
Currently I am 37 yrs old, a father of three and yes married as well. My wife does not really get my desire to get into tris, but oh well!!!Lol, My problem is that I need to stay focused and motivated, and I think a tri is right for me to do that. Im probably like 20 lbs overweight, and just want to live healthier, feel better and gave some fun in the process. Havent been on a bike in some time, I run but slowly, and I swim like a three pawed dog!!!

Welcome aboard. Please post a bio and read through the posts so far so you are up tp speed on current group members and our February challenge.

2014-02-06 3:13 PM
in reply to: trisuppo

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Somewhere in the Swamps of Philly
Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
I'm slowly emerging from the land of the ill. I did those last two sufferfest stages knowing that I was sick and you know what - I was. Paid the price big time with a nasty chest cold this entire week. A snowstorm + ice storm just added to the fun.

That's it - time to HTFU!!!
2014-02-06 5:36 PM
in reply to: JoePetto

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Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN

Joe, hope you recover soon and even more points in my book for finishing the Tour of Sufferlandria!  How is your wife doing and how is the whole ordeal going?

Today I did a mini triathlon: 1hr bike trainer in the morning + 50 min run on the treadmill at the gym (my knee felt better today) + 2000m swim

Matthew 4 5:53:15 
Gabe 6 8:39:22 
Mitch 5 5:14:16 
Jim 5 4:02:40 
Kate 1 0:56:00 
Joe 2 2:53:27 
Mark 4 5:17:00 
Jennifer 3 4:35:00

2014-02-07 1:58 AM
in reply to: 0

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Gold Coast Australia.
Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
Hope you recover quickly Joe. I kind of feel bad doing lake swims while you guys up there are snowed under, but it has to be done.
Did 34min 1500m OWS today.

Matthew 4 5:53:15
Gabe 6 8:39:22
Mitch 5 5:14:16
Jim 5 4:02:40
Kate 1 0:56:00
Joe 2 2:53:27
Mark 5 5:51:00
Jennifer 3 4:35:00

Edited by markz 2014-02-07 2:01 AM
2014-02-07 7:22 AM
in reply to: markz


Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
Little swim/run combo yesterday. I posted my day yesterday, but for some reason it dissappeared.

I did have a question: I am signed up for many 1/2 marathons, relays and fun runs this summer, however, I am not signed up for any Tri's even though I am training for one. I will get signed up for some Sprints and probably a Oly, however, I am toying with a half Tri, but don't want to embarass myself. I see You Tube video's of HIM and IM's and see super athlete's and this freaks me out. I don't have a Tri bike, but a very good road bike and I am not a "super athlete". Is there all variety of athlete that does a HIM and at what point will I know I'm ready to give it a try?

Matthew 4 5:53:15
Gabe 6 8:39:22
Mitch 5 5:14:16
Jim 5 4:02:40
Kate 1 0:56:00
Joe 2 2:53:27
Mark 5 5:51:00
Jennifer 4 5:37:00
2014-02-07 8:16 AM
in reply to: jklosterman

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Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
Originally posted by jklosterman

Little swim/run combo yesterday. I posted my day yesterday, but for some reason it dissappeared.

I did have a question: I am signed up for many 1/2 marathons, relays and fun runs this summer, however, I am not signed up for any Tri's even though I am training for one. I will get signed up for some Sprints and probably a Oly, however, I am toying with a half Tri, but don't want to embarass myself. I see You Tube video's of HIM and IM's and see super athlete's and this freaks me out. I don't have a Tri bike, but a very good road bike and I am not a "super athlete". Is there all variety of athlete that does a HIM and at what point will I know I'm ready to give it a try?

You don't have to be a super athlete to complete a HIM, but you do have to put in the work. I would not worry about being embarrassed. Its like any other race, you are out to beat yourself, and meet the challenge. If you race faster than the other people great, but the first objective is always the accomplishment. Worry about putting in the time and training, so you don't hurt yourself on the longer distances. One of the great things about this sport is the people involved and the people who come out to watch are very supportive.
I have seen a lot of sizes, shapes, ages and backgrounds of people doing an HIM. Everything from the super fit I want to go pro 20 year old to the 70 year to the mid life crisis man or woman to the I'm 30 years old and 50 lbs overweight. Those external excuses are just that and have nothing to do with ability to complete the race. It is all desire, and focus on the work to get you to the race, so you can compete safely.
I would say you have taken the right first

2014-02-07 9:24 AM
in reply to: jklosterman

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Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
~30' Run this morning on the dreadmill. Might try to sneak to the pool tonight. Tough bike workout tomorrow morning on the drainer to look forward to...

Matthew 4 5:53:15
Gabe 6 8:39:22
Mitch 6 5:44:48
Jim 5 4:02:40
Kate 1 0:56:00
Joe 2 2:53:27
Mark 5 5:51:00
Jennifer 4 5:37:00
2014-02-07 10:22 AM
in reply to: JBacarella

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Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN

Originally posted by JBacarella
Originally posted by jklosterman Little swim/run combo yesterday. I posted my day yesterday, but for some reason it dissappeared. I did have a question: I am signed up for many 1/2 marathons, relays and fun runs this summer, however, I am not signed up for any Tri's even though I am training for one. I will get signed up for some Sprints and probably a Oly, however, I am toying with a half Tri, but don't want to embarass myself. I see You Tube video's of HIM and IM's and see super athlete's and this freaks me out. I don't have a Tri bike, but a very good road bike and I am not a "super athlete". Is there all variety of athlete that does a HIM and at what point will I know I'm ready to give it a try?
You don't have to be a super athlete to complete a HIM, but you do have to put in the work. I would not worry about being embarrassed. Its like any other race, you are out to beat yourself, and meet the challenge. If you race faster than the other people great, but the first objective is always the accomplishment. Worry about putting in the time and training, so you don't hurt yourself on the longer distances. One of the great things about this sport is the people involved and the people who come out to watch are very supportive. I have seen a lot of sizes, shapes, ages and backgrounds of people doing an HIM. Everything from the super fit I want to go pro 20 year old to the 70 year to the mid life crisis man or woman to the I'm 30 years old and 50 lbs overweight. Those external excuses are just that and have nothing to do with ability to complete the race. It is all desire, and focus on the work to get you to the race, so you can compete safely. I would say you have taken the right first

X2, well put Jim. I did my first HIM the same year I did my first sprint and knew nothing about nutrition or dealing with extreme heat, but it was an incredible learning experience and validation that you can achieve your goals, as long as you are willing to work hard for them. I also did my first Ironman in 2012 in Texas on a road bike, and it was kind of fun passing people on really expensive tri-bikes.  I finally got a tri-bike last year, 2 months before my 2nd Ironman in Cozumel.  So I would just sign-up for a HIM and then stick to a plan and have fun in the process.

2014-02-07 11:55 AM
in reply to: sirgab


Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
WOW! Thanks for the great advice! As I am training, I am feeling more confident in my abilities and getting closer to signing up for HIM. Besides, who trains for a HIM and doesn't actually do one?

86 minutes on trainer doing first video of Spinnervals Century Ride. BLAH!! 10 mile run scheduled for tomorrow morning, so need some legs left!

Matthew 4 5:53:15
Gabe 6 8:39:22
Mitch 6 5:44:48
Jim 5 4:02:40
Kate 1 0:56:00
Joe 2 2:53:27
Mark 5 5:51:00
Jennifer 5 7:04:00
2014-02-07 12:16 PM
in reply to: jklosterman

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Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN

I figured out what was wrong with TrainerRoad and my new trainer, I was using the wrong trainer option since they have mine listed as "Beta" since it is the newer model of the Cycleops Fluid 2.  There is around a 50 watt difference in the curve of the new model vs. the other option I was using and it was really funny seeing my frustration yesterday as I could not keep up with the workout on my computer. Fortunately it wasn't that I was turning into a wimp on the trainer, especially after just surviving the 9 day Tour of Sufferlandria

Today a 1hr drainer workout with the 20 min FTP test on TrainerRoad

Matthew 4 5:53:15 
Gabe 7 9:40:20 
Mitch 6 5:44:48 
Jim 5 4:02:40 
Kate 1 0:56:00 
Joe 2 2:53:27 
Mark 5 5:51:00 
Jennifer 5 7:04:00 i

2014-02-07 1:24 PM
in reply to: trisuppo

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Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
I hail from the small city of Beverly Hills. Yep. Michigan has a Bev. Hills - much less glamorous than CA. The city is near Royal Oak in the North burbs.
Man it's cold here! It was 1 degree when I got in my car after my 45 min swim this morning!

2014-02-07 1:28 PM
in reply to: sirgab

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Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
50 minute runch on the dreadmill

Matthew 4 5:53:15
Gabe 7 9:40:20
Mitch 6 5:44:48
Jim 6 4:52:40
Kate 1 0:56:00
Joe 2 2:53:27
Mark 5 5:51:00
Jennifer 5 7:04:00
2014-02-07 1:32 PM
in reply to: JBacarella

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Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN

Thanks for the welcome! My name is Matt Bruno. Feel free to call me Bruno. I live and train in the Metro Detroit area of cold Michigan. Today I swam for 45 minutes, I am working on my front crawl, breathing every 3 strokes so when I hit the open water - I won't veer too much.

I’m 31, typically a runner – but signed up for my first Tri this June. Detroit Olympic Tri with 3 Disciplines. I have some general questions and it sounds like there is a ton of experience here in this forum. I look forward to continuing to train and push myself. After adding Cycle and Swim - I am hungry all the time! ha

- When do you typically start a ‘plan’? If the race is June 15th – what would you suggest? Currently I swim 3 times a week, Cycle 3 and run 2 (I’m most concerned with building up the Swim and Cycle)

- Will I always smell like chlorine? Any tips on getting the smell off?

- I have an old Wakeboarding wetsuit that I might wear – other then that… I’m just starting. What brands have you found to be good quality for Cycle shorts? Or do you wear the Tri shorts? Do you wear soxs while you cycle and run?

2014-02-07 1:40 PM
in reply to: JBacarella

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Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
Jennifer, I forgot one thing that Gabe reminded me of. I did my first tri on a $15.00 1970's road bike I bought at a garage sale. I did my second on a 1987 Raleigh Technium, The pride of the 1987 Tour de France. It was given to me by a client who had it hanging in his barn. On both of those bikes nothing brought me greater joy than passing people with brand new $2,000.00 carbon bikes. Its not about the equipment, its about the rider.
This sport can be like a jealous lover. It will demand your time and your treasure and it does not matter how much you give, it will always demand more. Don't worry about the things you don't have, worry about the training you put in. If you focus on quality training, the rest will take care of itself. Although I am the first to admit I like to get shiny new toys too.
2014-02-07 2:02 PM
in reply to: sisu13

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Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
Originally posted by sisu13

Thanks for the welcome! My name is Matt Bruno. Feel free to call me Bruno. I live and train in the Metro Detroit area of cold Michigan. Today I swam for 45 minutes, I am working on my front crawl, breathing every 3 strokes so when I hit the open water - I won't veer too much.

I’m 31, typically a runner – but signed up for my first Tri this June. Detroit Olympic Tri with 3 Disciplines. I have some general questions and it sounds like there is a ton of experience here in this forum. I look forward to continuing to train and push myself. After adding Cycle and Swim - I am hungry all the time! ha

- When do you typically start a ‘plan’? If the race is June 15th – what would you suggest? Currently I swim 3 times a week, Cycle 3 and run 2 (I’m most concerned with building up the Swim and Cycle)

- Will I always smell like chlorine? Any tips on getting the smell off?

- I have an old Wakeboarding wetsuit that I might wear – other then that… I’m just starting. What brands have you found to be good quality for Cycle shorts? Or do you wear the Tri shorts? Do you wear soxs while you cycle and run?


Hi Bruno, welcome aboard! Its nice to have another Michigander. I live in the Tawas area and Mitch is in Detroit metro area.
Most training plans have a specific number of weeks set out in them, so all you have to do is subtract back from your event date. They are generally designed so that you peak on race week and will include a training taper. I've never used a plan myself, I have base miles I try to hit and then start building from there and then a couple of weeks out start to taper.
During my heaviest training periods I am hungry all of the time too. My problem is I forget to stop eating at the end of the season.
I can't tell you about chlorine, I do 90% of my swimming in Lake Huron ( I don't get to swim much in the winter) Every solution I have heard of sounds a lot like a concoction you would use to take skunk odor off of a dog.
I like Zoot, for both tri shorts and running shoes. I don't like the cycling only shorts, I think they feel too much like a diaper. The tri shorts have a thinner chamois. I like the Zoot running shoes, because I don't like socks and don't wear them in training or races. This is all personal preference stuff though. Several other people wear socks for both.
I did my first sprint tri in a shorty wetsuit that was designed for water skiing. It was ok, because it was only a spring distance. The problem you might have is with the wakeboarding wetsuit it will be thicker in the arms and shoulders and swimming the distance for an Oly could lead to a serious chaffing issue. You can find some cheaper tri wetsuits on ebay. Or make sure you use a lot of body glide.
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BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Team Trisuppo - OPEN Rss Feed  
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